(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

Oi Val
wat Dana n Jana???? Its ONLY Jana okie... Randall already stole Jana's first kiss..got witness to testify somemore...must fu zhe ren one hor! hahaha..
QSG, my D&D is at Pan Pac this yr. How abt yours? Think we got no time to change also cos we knock off at 6pm but dinner starts at 7pm.

absolut, is it true that tummy expand faster this time round? Seems like some of you have a more difficult time for your second preg hor?

pigletz, hahaha... I also dun bother abt the percentile thing liao. Worse, I always forgot to bring the health book when I brought Vane for immunisation. Got to bring her for her 18th mth booster soon, this time round must make an effort to bring her health book to the PD.

Val, I also agree that Tyra getting prettier and prettier liao leh. Hahaha.... ya, think the kid doesnt feel any stress now lah, it's the mummy who feel it.

hazey, Vane also very chor lor leh. The way she sayang kids so chor lor like she's slapping them.
I always bring the health book, but only do the homework when I'm at the clinic. hahaha, last min type.

I suppose to bring Gareth for his 18th booster liao, but I keep on pushing back. Lazy to do so. hahahah

No matter how chor lor Vane is, Gareth is always there for her. hahahhaa
Giggler, Absolut,
don't think Pok Pok delivered early.
Her daughter was 3.29kg, name is Eowyn.
Think she might come in if she's free? Hehehe...
She was discharged one day after delivery... so fast.
More open ley. One kiss planted on the cheek then gotta yi shen xiang qu? Haha....

Randall development hitting/biting when he is angry. What is the best way to deal with it? Any advise? 3 or qi on me now from his bitting. Tried giving him a real BIG scolding the other day. He cried like hell. I really "no heart" to do it again n I felt v tramutising to him. Anyway, after the scolding he dare not. Following day forgotten abt it liao.
Yup think tummy expanded a bit faster this time round. Partly also tummy expanded in front for this round. Previously i lost my waist and my front tummy was quite small so maybe easier to move around.

Suspect that I feel more tired this time coz must look after Ally in the nite etc and I still carry Ally quite a bit. V scared that I'll lose my bonding with her. Was telling her you better let mommy carry you now otherwise I may not have time for you when your brother is out.

Wah... she was discharged so fast? Given a choice, I dun mind staying in hospital a bit longer so my confinement period at home is shorter. haha! Hospital quite comfy with aircon.

Stylo, me still carrying Ally up the stairs in church to worship hall but at snail pace. haha! Quite amazed I can still do it. Try to avoid but maid usu joins us only in service and she gets sticky if she's sleepy or she's already sleeping. Think I'll try and stop now though.
I oso havent bring Randall for the MMR yet. Wanted to but he teething a bit ee ee ah ah liao so scare after the jab lagi jia lat. All bbs went for MMR already?

Tyra really v sweet & pretty. I think I fell in love with her liao. My hb oso agree with that. Except that Tyra a bit unfriendly towards Randall. Haha... Btw, hv u gotten over Jade?
bought at suntec clarks shop. definitely got more n nicer design 4 girls shoes. my hubby's co got 'ltd' zoo passes, so mus apply in advance. rain then bo pian loh.

ya lor, is d mummy who is stressful. my frd's son 1 mth older than ash can say so many thgs like gd morning mummy. ash still bb talk. like wat pigletz said, dun compare, as long as he eat n slp well, b happy n most impt Healthy, i hapi liao.

oh oh, ash havnt taken mmr, hep a or chicken pox. may not let him take d last 2.
havnt been to d new national library. okie next rd we can mt at d kids section. d librarian wil b v bo eng af we leave..
pigletz, we need to do any homework on the health book meh? You better see Vane first before you cfm that Gareth still want her hor. Brought her to Daiso at IMM yday, she took out books to 'read' from the book shelf and throw them on the floor. When I asked her to put the books back to the book shelf, she took out more books to throw on the floor. I nearly screamed at her on the spot. Controlled myself and kept telling her to put the books back on the shelf but she just laughed at me. I nearly 'strangled' her there. Sigh....

jul, how to spell the name? That's fast leh. That also means everything went smoothly for her.

absolut, Ally understands what you told her abt her little bro? You better stop carrying Ally for long since it's not advisable to carry heavy stuff with your condition.

Val, yup went for MMR jab few mths ago. Now gg for the 18mth booster.
Aiyoh...Val, stop praising Tyra liao... Jade is still my idol! Yah, as long as she is healthy and happy, I am thankful liao!

Just brought her for her MMR and chickie pox last friday. Was asking the PD about Hep A shot. She mentioned that when it is taken at an older age, the dosage needed or rather, the number of times for the Hep A shots will be less? Got me a bit confused.....
shook, we didnt really stop at the park, just happend to drive pass as we missed one of the exits on the express way...more like "wu da wu zhuang"
shoo shoo: the sole sort like crumple together, no longer the soft/smooth original sole. if i dun say, the shoo looks just like new.

giggler, i think i must crop myself up too long at hme to hv funny tots!!!
i know bata in SG hv less than $30 shoes, but the design all disney characters!!! i prefer plain cut, plain design.

sanrio, when is clark sale ending?? thinking of getting him a "big" pair for CNY.
there's a shop (club 21???) at paragon kids level, always eyeing on the children shoes every time i'm there.....hubby just say not necessary to buy such expensive stuff. *sign* but nice right!!!

pigletz, thks....hubby surprise at space you hv compare to others in the same area. He's still considering.
Dunno if she really understands but she'll know how to kiss my tummy when I ask her to kiss her little bro. think she kinda knows lah.

Does Vanessa understand when you ask her to put things back at home? Maybe she was testing and teasing you then.

Ally also went for MMR sometime back.
Costumes - haha... I dun have leh... only wore like bond girl once and another time like indiana jones... haha.... I think it's fun if ppl dress up however in my co, only a handful of us bothered.... I won't be attending my co's party this year though....

Haha..that day hb took a pic of my tummy.... gosh! looks so ugly !!!!
Some of the mummies from the other thread have seen me... today I was in office and my colleague who just came back from leave was so shocked! She was stunned by its size.... now my tummy has a bit of stretchmarks liao.... aiyah, think can't be helped.... stretched so much.....

Yah, considered pretty good... I went home at 3pm yesterday....

Am at work... woke up all alert plus the weather was so cool.. If really tired then gotta rest, but stimes sleep too much feel so groggy and have headache... the feeling's not nice. Went for bkfast w/ hb before going to work.... later go and collect my XL top from Thyme..... shud be leaving early once my work is done for the day.

I can't carry jesse! Lately he manja, wants me to carry, stretches out his arms and says 'Mummy, carry....' see him so poor thing, I carry him and then sit on my bed.... that nite 'negotiated' with him, I said 'Mummy can't carry u, hold hand can or not?' He said, 'Can.'.
I perspire a lot lately, stimes talking to ppl outside, my perspiration wlbe dripping down my forehead... so embarrassing....
Actually I look fwd to carrying jesse again once the gals are out.

I can never rembr the shoe size... always go and let jesse try and see if it fits... but the two pairs that he currently has were bot from KL... cheap and nice... me still eyeing the girls' shoes from Clarks... hehe.... wonder if can get disc if I buy from MC????

Think tummy is 'looser' second time round, thus shows up earlier. And mummies also older liao... so maybe less energy than before..... last time I was shopping like nobody's biz, now no interest cos no strength.... hb asks whether game for go for nbr 4... I told him the energy level is going down liao... think cannot.

Me going to collect my XL blouse from Thyme afterwards...
<font color="aa00aa">THANKS FOR ALL THE WELL WISHES!!!</font>

HIya All

<font color="ff0000">yesterday.. almost PND</font>

WORST day.. firstly the power went out at about 11 plus..I had late breakfast etc etc.. Cos Gal wouldn't zz for the whole of MONDAY morn 2AM-5.30Am.. woke every hour...FOR MILK!! 60ml-80ml..

I think over fed her..and she drove hubby crazy! My son Matt was also awakened by her crying..and crawled from his bed to ours and offered his paci to us!

The wires in the elctrical meter unit of my neighbour's place melted..affecting us as well. While waiting I manual pumped.

By the time everything fixed and power back, 3pm I had lunch..

Then Maxene didn't zz from 3.30pm till 8pm!! Put down cry.. carry sleep!! I was so engorged and waiting for hubby to get back from MIL's place..cos she insisted for him to have dinner..

4th aunt visiting from Penang. WORST.. both of them came over to see Max!!! I was almost bursting in pain and couldn't carry Max any longer. finally took pain killer!

Everyone finally left at 9pm.. and I took a hot long shower to relieve the engorgement!! massage Massage..then pumped..

Hubby finally got Pacifier for Max and she slept well last night..went on her usual 3 hr sleeping\waking times.. Phew! Hope it stays that way tonight too!!


Thanks for well wishes!!
once I learn how to work the cable from phone to PC I will!!


Thanks for dropping by.. ended up staying till FRIDAY!! All sorts of problems...engorement..high blood pressure(153\82), constipation(effect of codine), gastric(effect of ponstan when I changed pain killer for engorgement)... dizzy cos of the pain.

Max's J level peaked at 168 but not necessary to be admitted..


Pok was induced... long wait labour till next day approx 22hrs..

Her EDD was supposed to be late Nov.. she's 2 weeks later than me.

Will let her tell birth story when she finds time to come in ..

Anyway.. now Matt has choice of 2 sisters!! Heh Heh.

re:shower gel\shampoo

I find the shower gel smell pleasant.. not very warming so must rub the CF oil after towelling off. The Oil is not oily..

The shampoo is a dissappointment.. cos I don't have time to hair dry!! So I used their dry powder which works better!! My hair got the Salon look.. like moussed \hair sprayed.

VAl vs Hazey

Oh no... the fight about Jade n Tyra again?? Hmm I think Maxene looks like Matt when BB..will post phot for comparison.. heh heh..
Absolut, Giggler,
Pok's daughter's name is Eowyn. She made the delivery sound rather uneventful. I also don't mind staying in hospital longer... save the trouble of cleaning up at home... hehehe.. and so cheap. =p

I know how you feel!! Matt used to stand on coffee table just to get hug from me.. but he hugs my tummy instead and puts his ear to it..and pokes it saying "baby"

NOW!! I still can't carry Matt!! the pain from engorgement!! Today a lot better!! I took HOT HOT shower to relieve pain and massage out the lumps!! I told hubby they shoud make 2 days holiday for Mother's day for all the "pain" we go through!!
Anyone has recommendations for hotel in KL? Thinking of going for a few days in early Dec. Preferably stay in city centre... just in case need Ian falls ill, need to see doctor. =p *kiasu mummy*

Didn't realise it's so expensive to fly to KL... but don't think Ian can tahan a 4 hour car ride.
Ya I sms u yes'dy.
Aiyo my friend waited n waited n waited n watied for your call to discuss more on the safety gate leh. I thot u already sold the gate to her. U come into the forum to tell me lar since u loose my contact no
Congrats to Pok Pok

I dun put on socks for Chen Chen. Put on socks for him @ home when the weather is cold
I oso dun wear according to theme at D&amp;D
Your co D&amp;D no early release?
I record Chen Chen's wt on the same pc of paper whenever his wt is taken in the clinic
Chen Chen pushes books off the shelves in library

Your colleague v creative
Chen Chen took MMR on 15 mth

My hubby shoe size 6 n mine 5 so Chen Chen small feet. It's generic

Val, Hazey, Pigletz
Chen Chen is 25 percentile

Tyra chor lor meh. She looks so yu xiu to me. She is like a little barbie doll so sweet n pretty. How come mummy worship other idol leh

Shoe sole crumple as long can protect Jerald's feet than never mind

U express to feed Max?
Pain fm engorgement, dat's the painful thing abt bf
Nat, yesterday sounded like a very 'happening' day for you. Why don't you feed Maxene directly, esp if you're engorged, since the pump wasn't working? Ouch, engorgement is painful. Can remember my bouts of it. The worst was right after we landed from flying back from the States. It felt like some melons had invaded my breasts!
Who's helping you around the house? Is there someone with you all the time or just part timing?
Blackout at home???? Sheesh...wat a time to happen!!!
U take care yah... eek...engorgement is terrible. I only had it on the third day at engorgement. Twice in the six months I b/fed jesse, thank God. Twice he was the one who help 'dis-engorged' me.... pat...pat... good boy!!!

Can imagine how frustrated u felt with the guests coming by when u need to feed/take care of Max... plus u must be quite tired out. How come ur mil insist hb must go over for dinner???

Yah he also hugs my legs lately.... I always give him lotsa hugs and kisses... at nite he only still wants me, no matter how much hb had played w/ him, hb says he has 'broken heart'.

U have budget or not?
I think Le Meridien is having promo... u check the zuji website.
It's just next to Sentral station, v easy to go to Midvalley. We stayed at Hilton the last time.
Mandarin O is fantastic but ex... but v convenient cos next to KLCC.
Times Sq Berjaya shud be rather cheap but one of the mummies told me no cable tv...
Other reasonably priced hotels are Istana, Renaissance.

Flying is not easy.... plus if u add up the time to go airport, then from airport to city centre... can come to around 3 hours????
sanrio, your fren's kid is genius. Vane doesnt even know how to say gd morning also. But as long as she babbles alot now, I not worry she cant speak lah.

hazey, Vane didnt take chix pox and Hep A shots leh.

lyn, think it's very difficult to get plain design for kids leh. I've a hard time looking for plain white pants for Vane but till now still cant find.

absolut, Vane knows when I asked her to keep her toys at home. Really tiring with her 'testing' leh. I really doubt I can be a good mother. I very scared that Vane will become spoilt brat leh.

styloBB, wow you dressed like Bond Girl? It's fun if everyone bothers to dress up lah but my col dont really bother so I follow the majority lor. You reminded me of the days when I couldnt carry Vane after my op. Now I dreaded to carry her when outside cos my back is breaking. Very contradicting hor? Think MC got discount for DBS cardholders. Wow, your hubby very brave leh, your gals haven out, he dares to think of No.4 liao. Thumbs up to him!!!

Nat, you didnt have chance to latch Max on direct? How come your mil so funny to insist KK to have dinner at her place?

shook, it depends on my boss if he allows us to leave early at 5pm which I doubt so. Does Chen Chen put the books back to shelf in library?
haha, never dare to bring Gareth to the library, I scare he will tear all books apart. He also never like to keep things, only like to mess things up. That's why got a maid (referring to me) to clear up the mess for him.

Maybe in the end, you are the one who don't want him to be ur son-in-law. hahahha

Sorry that I didn't entertain u all much that day. Was actually sick and hor, didn't really keep the place clean. hahaha

Glad that your hubby like the space, but think you can always create more space once u get ur new place.

Btw, thanks for your puff, errr....but I'm not a puff person. *paiseh*

Chen Chen small build, so 25% is okay.

wow, eventful confinement thus far hor. Don't worry, everything will goes on smoothly as you get used to having Max and Matt around.
Shook, apologies... too many things on my mind... sometimes even coming to this forum, I just skim through the postings leh... losing handphone quite traumatic... long story, won't tell here...

Mummies who gave me suggestions : yah, I want some place central. Stylo, which Hilton you talking about? Heard there are 3 Hiltons! I was looking at Bintang area. Either Ritz Carlton or Dorsett. May also consider Swiss Garden cos they are having UOB card promo. Definitely gotta fly, cos evne though the travelling time may be the same, the amount of time Ian is "restrained" is shorter. Will take the train from airport to the city area... heard only about 30 minutes.

is any mummy keen 2 buy petpet (M,L,XL) at $12/pack and S-sized petpet at $42.60 for 6packs? collection is at pasir ris.

if i not wrong, for M,L,XL sized petpet, NTUC &amp; Carrefour sells for $12.90, Kiddy Palace &amp; Prime sells for $13.90 while Cold Storage sells for $14.90. not sure abt Giant.

u c, i hv lobang 2 buy petpet at the above price but need 2 c if there's gd response then i organise. i'm not profiteering from tis bulk purchase. will show mummies the receipt when u come by my plc 2 collect.
The thot of engorgement just gives me the chills. Really gonna pray that I won't have to go thru it again this time. Maxene doesn't want to latch on or she can't empty breasts?

Poor thing. Think I would have just insisted that my hubby returns immediately instead of staying for dinner. But Matt is such a cutie, he actually offered his pacifier to calm Maxene down? So loving.

I also can't wait til my boy is out so I can carry Ally as much as I want but I suspect that I won't be allowed to carry Ally much during confinement too coz believe my mom will insist that I rest my back otherwise next time can get backache.
Hi Kelly
Think Giant having promo for pet pet at $11.99 tis week but dunno whether promo end or not yet. Just thot you would like to know before organising this.
<font color="ff0000">Why no LATCH on</font>

ETC pt 2

After the birth on Monday 1154am just bef lunch..MAx was sent to ICU for 4hrs.. but not before they let me latch her on..

Then Nausea came.. so they took her away while threw up in doggy bags like 5 times (lost count)

Still nauseous when they pushed me to ward...

So till 11.30am the next day.. max was in the iCU Neonatal ward.

y the time I tried to latch her for Meal.. she latched my nipple but refused to move mouth.. suck a few times then hold there.. (like hamster hold food in mouth)

Then she started crying and crying..fierce.. she kept turning head away each time I tried latch..

Finally gave her formula.. cos she so "kor lian"

Besides my nipple too spread out..each time like trying to stuff her mouth like that.

We tried and she took Colostrum.. Milk flow started to come...so lactation consultant was going to try again in evening..Failed..

By late evening I was so ill and dizzy from looking down.. they won't let her room-in with me. Scared I drop her..

Next day..engorged!!! Max wouldn't suckle... Nipple can't get into her mouth...

So pain that I developed high blood pressure and headache. kena got to go pumping station... hot compress!! And then while pumping.. I have to "ren" the L.C. rub the lumps!! Later asked KK to go by cabbage from 7-11.

my boobs so hot I think "cooked" the cabbage.. After 2 plus hrs... the cabbage is not firm but like limp...still no relief..So pumping station again and hard rubs.. Each time pump rub 1 plus hour!!

Finally gave up.. went hot shower and rub and rub!! felt betterand tried to zz a while..then woke with servere stomach cramps(thursday Afternoon)

Anyway, each time I tried carrying Max to breast is like my boobs kena get burnt feeling.. too pain to touch!! Even football hold.

My max.. is like "xiao jie" that's what the nurses said.. not like Matt.. no complains. Most of them remembered him.

Max when she take my nipple.. suck a bit.. complain a bit..suck complain.. suck complain...

She also sleeps long on EBM\FM.. nursery gals told me she's big drinker.. one sitting I pump like 30ml.. gave them..2-3mins later gone!! and sucking FM about 45ml!!

Till now she takes.. 100ml EBM every 2 plus hours..and I pump every 2plus hours.. try time before she wakes and feed the fresh EBM to her..
why MIL's place

cos she got alot of food!! in the end she got scolded by 4th auntie..

said "i struggling half day alone and then so late go back.." "..baby usually colicky in late evening" "shouldn't let me carry so much" "food from the CF is good stuff.. good for KK to share with me.." "poor thing.. should let me take shower early...not late late.."

thenh my hubby like shocked... "shower??!" the 4th aunt explained.. breast engorged best to shower!! anyway this not winter in china!! besides she also ok my herbal shower gel!! and my cf oil!

Meanwhile, mil quarrel with 4th aunt say touch water can't etc etc.. 4th aunt said.. then go toilet, feed bb din't wash hands.. you want your gdaughter fall sick issit???

i give 100+++ points to KK's 4th aunty!!
pigletz, in the end I cleared up the mess for Vane yday nite. Not sure if I spoilt her in this way or not. I really loss leh, dun know how to discipline Vane at all.

kelly, I'm using PetPet for my gal. Let me check with my mom if we need some more diaper.

Nat, it seems like Max is quite an impatient bb for milk hor?
on 1st kid

anyone's kid spitting food?? like when there is something else new offered.. the existing muthful gets spit out???? to make room for new stuff??
Giggler, Vane dun keep her toys? Dana also like that...i like to leave things all over the house and when i ask her to keep, she refused. I doubt she dun understand i asking her to keep cause she seems to be able to understand quite alot of things though she may not speak as much. Dunno what to do with her also, haiz. Does Vane help to keep the toys at GUG when its time for "toys away"?

Nat, must be kinda tiring for you to pump every 2 hours...last time i pump every 4 hours already very tiring. Anybody helping you with washing of the pump and bottles?

my gal spoilt already!! during stay in nursery.. the polytech student nurses very fond of feeding her.. cos she drinks well...

besides she 'loves" to be carried!! once while expressing..Heard loud crying!! peep over and it was Max!! cry till face red! her carry\kai kai time is 3pm-5pm!! sharp..

I noticed she warns you with "eh eh eh" if ignore her she'll try a little louder.. so far..I've nevr let her cry like that day!

anyway..she zz on her own after milk from 7am-3pm.. then from 5/6pm to wee hours..

usually she'll stare at u or smile when carried for her tea break.. walk around house even better! I'm like tour guide!
How abt Westin KL, quite a new hotel in bukit bintang area. got promotion if u book 14 days in advance thru internet via the hotel website. i haven't stayed there b4 though.

There's also JW marriot, connected to Starhill shopping centre. Stayed there once, the twin room comes with 2 double beds!

any other maternity wear shop carry bigger cutting? wat did u buy at thyme? u going after work huh? can tahan or not? dun overtire urself leh ... mothercare having new promotion, think buy 4 pcs get 25% off.


I use sterlising tablets..so i'll rinse out the pumps and throw into sterilizing water..

bottles.. i just let them pile for washing by hubby or the part time helpers..

yah a bit tiring esp the night.. can pump w eyes closed.. but the memory of the pain!! i dare not "play play"
I help Gareth keep the things too. My observation from my cousin is, they will keep the things in future if they keep seeing u doing it now. Now they are too young to know, but they will pick it up as a habit if you keep doing it infront of them.

FYI, my cousins are all at least 15 years younger then me. So my auntie do it infront of them last time and i witness that when they old enough, they just follow automatically.

So i just follow lor.
Train 28 mins, M$34. Pretty efficient.
Yah, as wat viv said, can try Westin or Marriott, just next to Ritz.
I like MO best but hb's a convert to Hilton, it's the new one, next to Le Meridien and Sentral Station.

I work till 3pm only mah.. now already home... no more, I tell myself no more new clothes.. .make do with my recent purchases... I bot a striped white blouse from thyme. Tahan, after that, take cab home...
MC, I dun really see anything nice re their maternity wear.

So angry, first and last time me gonna eat eclair, one piece dropped onto my new top... grrr...

I did not like the svc at Marriott.

Yah, think u beta rest after giving birth for one month before carrying Ally. Anyway even before I was preggie, I cud not carry jesse for long, he macham rather heavy leh...

Wat happend to all your helpers ah???

B/feeding's tough, but if bb dun wanna suckle, lagi worse. Hope max will improve ah...

Wat 4th aunt says makes sense hah.

Thanx but my boi does not use PetPet...
Bond girl, cos the theme was Hollywood Glamour or sth... so did it for fun lor.

Kids - my hb loves kids but I dun think I can go thru it another time...
QSG, Vane keeps her toys at home if she in gd mood. She keeps toys once the teacher started singing "toys away" at GUG.

Nat, so fast Max used to carrying ard... maybe she just want to feel your warmth cos she not used to the new world yet.

pigletz, maybe I expect too much from Vane liao. She does keep her toys at home lah but not sure why she 'made fun' of me last nite.

styloBB, I cant carry Vane for long too. But sometimes got no choice but to 'ren'. You wait till your gals pop out first then you say lah. Maybe they so cute that make you want to have another newborn?
Giggler, Pigletz, QSG
Chen Chen is a destroyer. He doesn't put the books he swept off the shelves in library. My rm is messy wif his toys/books/my things/flash cards on the flr almost everyday. He enjoys dropping things thru the gap b/w the wall n my bed. I so tired picking them up. Chen Chen likes to explore things. He opens my drawers n cabinets n take out my things. Even torn my necklace. sigh......

All your co staff go direct fm office to D&amp;D of coz no time to dress up. Is spouse/partner invited to your co's D&amp;D?

Brenda, stlyobb
Chen Chen a destroyer tho, the X'mas tree is unexpectedly sound n safe since it wz put up on Sat. He touches the deco but din pull them dwn. But hor, he kept looking ard the X'mas tree to find the switch to switch on the deco light. We dun wanna let him know where the switch is. He will on n off, on n off if he knows where the switch is

U poor thing, max can't help to clear your milk. Engorgement is a nightmare. Think I had thrice. Got Chen Chen to clear. I always say he is the best pump in the universe. How abt asking Matt to help clear your engorgement

Chen Chen spit out food when he is full

shook, spouse/partner got to pay more. Think we'll go direct from office. This is the 1st time that we have our D&amp;D on Fri, usu we have it on Sat. Sounds like Vane is not behaving like spoilt brat? It's just like she likes to explore things?
