(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

Shook, thanks for sharing the recipe.

Emily, how you make your pancakes? is it buy those in boxes from supermarket then mix and fry?

Priviledged, i like pesto have been wanting to make but no chance. How to get browning garlic? If make a small bottle, do you think can keep for a few months in the fridge?

Absolute, Ally is currently attending GUG on which day?

U asked me re delivery via natural.. gynae non-commital, she just said it's still early.

Orange juice - I drink off and on...
At home this week, I try to drink more water, put a bottle of water next to me...

Me munching on cheese balls now... all the food finished by me, no more food at home... hiaz... so hungry. Have HD strawberry cheesecake ice-cream tho.

Prick 6 TIMES! Aiyoh... did not know got so much complications for pregnancy... hiaz... u beta watch ur diet then.... U know, I was munching muffins a week back and kept reminding myself I had beta stop cos the Glucose test is coming...

Space - I did not think of it tat way...hehe... one down, one up...
Seems if first one is down, there is poss for gynae to 'turn' the other...sheesh.. but I can't imagine how she gonna do it.

Work - can u hand over ur work to ur colleagues?? My side ah, collegues scared to work for my boss leh...

I still pay for the pills, not for scan tho. $500, gynae says pay in Dec, not now...

The gals are also active, kick me at all times..
tks! for my case, seems like this round bb not as active ..din feel alot of movement n kicking but yesterday during the scan, the lady who did the scan said bb was active and we could see her constantly moving abt and she likes to put her hand on the nose! dun worry too much now ... actually active kids are better mah ...my mum always remind me that cos she say that we'll be more worried if our kids just sit around whole day, stare into the air and gong gong do nothing...

i'm also v tempted to make french/bombay toast this weekend!

same same ...my package dun comes with the vit too and i also dun take internal organs, told my mum/mil no kidney, liver etc. But i tried some stomach though ...

oh no! i take orange almost everyday leh! think i better stop...

its okie lah...got 10 fingers mah, but usually dun prick the thumb n last finger cos they r more sensitive ..so still hv 6 fingers to prick, each finger can prick twice, once on each side, so actually can prick total of 12 times! hee hee ... i'm taking it in stride ...no problem! mummies who wanna test ur glucose level ..i can test for you all!

seems like both my pregnancy r complicated, going for another scan 4 weeks later to check on the cervic length to see if there is any risk of pre-term labour.
U mean internal organs as in kway chap? I never tasted that in my life cos hate the smell.

I like the pig's stomach that my mum makes tho, cos it's full of peppery taste...v shiok.
haha, it's just my believe since my friend's wife try it and tell me abt it. Cos i also not sure how true it is. But just feel that no harm stopping orange for the 10 months.

You can still take lah, maybe lesser lor.

haha, I don't take any internal organs in any form at all. haha, I'm not advanturous type.
pigletz re

really?? I drank OJ( florida brand) and ate Os( the big big ones)while having Matt cos the sour\sweet taste was what i could tahan and also it kept the MS at bay. Besides it had folic acid too accord to e "what to expect..."book. Another reason I just LOve peeling them!!

Matt no phelgm n coughs ah..

I've done the same for Max..
hmm maybe different oranges or???


You are welcome to them.. I'll get more after delivery too!! not cheapo la...better than sitting on my kitchen top!! The "pink" box don't match my decor!! lol

Another Day

Gosh.. I'm so BORED!! another day going by soon!!
I've been internet shopping on auctions!! still no SERIOUS contractions....
Absolut, any day is fine with me. But I thought that since we are anyway going to wait for the saturday class, we will wait for the trial too. Just book a sunday and let me know, okay? Thanks.

QSG, yeah I buy the pancake mix, add water and fry. I put the mixture on the pan, then add cheese to it and then after a while. Flip. You cab add ham too. Or onions etc etc... for more flavour. But Ethan likes the cheese ones. After frying them, I coat alittle butter so that it's not too dry and cut into pieces for him.

6 times only?? I had 7 times lo!! I usually start with index finger...

U use what strength on the stapler? 1/ 1.5?? Mine 1.5.. heh heh

My hubby aslo "kena" tested by me.. his skin thick so have to use strength 2.5..lol

speaking of piles...it's really no fun..
Since I have not had a shred of green for the last 2 days.. Everyday is an ordeal!!

Did they give you any creams\ointments for it?
the nurse ask me to use 3 leh ... mabbe i hv thick skin??

so far haven't done started my own test yet cos only collected the kit yesterday. before meal must be less than 5.4, after meal must be less than 7.8. if reading is high for 2 consecutive meals than need to call clinic.

can mix ur own batter with flour, egg n sugar. its the more chinese style pancake which is flatter, not the ang mo aka macdonal's fluffy type.

you make me soooo hungry!! I make my pancakes with oatmeal and yougurt\ sometimes potato..
Once I made Matt fresh strawberry ones for breakfast in perth.

MIL dispproves saying that BBs ALL must eat rice\porridge!!

KK said like "harlo..this is ang mo country..where got porridge?? unless u mean oatmeal porridge??"

re: Banana

can I just check..anyone feeding Bbs bananas?? MIL keeps saying tha it brings up wind both for BBs\preggy women.. TRUE?

My sitter feeds Matt the delmonte ones and he eats about 3/4!!

If I eat it.. I feel I'm more flatulant (let off gas)
They say it's okay to feed BB eat those small small type of banana but not Del monte type.

But I don't really care. hahaha.
OJ....hahaha.....can choose to believe if you want to lah.

Just like those pple say cannot do painting, cannot sew, cannot do this cannot do that. All up to you whether u wanna believe it anot. *GRIN*

add milk, melted butter, pinch of salt= ang mo style liao heh heh.


3???!! OWW!! so u definitely draw blood everytime lo!! Hope you don't have to call clinic..not nice to have to meet dietician etc etc..

But the food available around alex not very healthy.. unless cook your own n microwave?

Did nurse tell you no soft drinks\sweet drinks\coffee tea?
Viv, Emily, if dun fry with cheese, do you fry using batter or oil?

Nat, Dana takes at 1 banana every week and also takes banana cereal and banana yoghurt. So far okay, never heard that it will bring wind. Only told if preggie cannot take teh del monte type of banana bec too "liang".

There's NOTHING to eat left in my place..I finished my last precious piece of Lim hee Guan Bak kwa last night!! was saving it for a rainy day!!

I can't even walk out to NTUC!!! My food police aka hubby refuses to let me have tid-bits at home!! Later BB too big!!

also says the salt content encourages my water retention..

Sianz..tonight I'm back at MILs place for dinner if I don't pop in the next 2-3hrs!!

..if her dinner is really miserable..I think I'm gonna cry from hunger!!

thanks for the reassurance..Matt eats the ones for kids from Cold storage...half the size of a normal del monte..

my thought was Heinz also got banana, and some cereals also ..so I thought why not..

My MILs idea for preggie woman is it'll cause convulsions\seizures in BBs..same as lamb!

Like pigletz you said.. I just eat\do only... don't care consequences...LOL.

However.."what to expect book.." says that bananas good..=folic acid..

I suppose ang mos only have ONE kind right?? not like us.. got the sugar ones..indian ones..green ones??
Nat, CS got sell bunch of bananas and state that they are specially for kids? Haven't seen before. What is the difference between these bananas and the normal bananas??
those kids banana are smaller size and easier for kid to hold. Ryan can hold and eat 3/4 of the banana himself.
made some alterations to ryan's blog.. change colour etc.. would welcome any feedback

So EVIL!!!! make me so envious!!!! I've comb the fridge.. NOTHING!!

The shelves cleaned out by cleaning ladies in prep for my EBM!!

Left only the white chocolate I brought back from Perth!!

Oyster sauce, jams, ChinChalok (shrimp mixture), dried musrooms, emperor chicken herbs, maple syrup, manuka honey and spices!!!

I think Matt's got more tidbits than I!!! I just pinched his "wan wan" biscuit!!

there you are!! How's you?? You still meet up pretty Jade for swimming??!!


Not all CS have right? I've got mine from UE square\great world city..

QSG.. I don't know if Taka got... but like Ruffy said it's half size of the normal ones.. then got cutesy cartoon on the wrapper..
It is normal for preggie to hv weak gum. I can't remember lack of wat. So u can't eat bbq pork n roast duck liao

Oh dat's call French toast too

U so poor thing prick 6 times a day. I bit blur blur over so many kinda tests u gal mentioned , u do tis test bcoz of high glucose level??

Viv, Pvl
Satsuma is tangerine
U gals hv your way of making diff variety for the toast. I hv not made the toast b4. Isn't it oily to fry the bread wif oil? Bread absorbs oil like sponge absorbs water rite. Can toast in toaster or not?

Choy choy choy, not necessary all bb hv jaundice. may Maxene be free fm jaundice
My mum not favor of essential oil leh. She insist I bring Chen CHen to consult PD. Brot him to consult PD yes'dy. Wk n I go body shop c c eucallptus essential oil buy n try back @ home. My colleague said put a bit on the clothes. She din mention lamp leh
U hv cravings when u r pregnant. Typical of drama preggie
U packed a lot of kar chan when u go holiday hor
My Mum gives Chen Chen small pang jio.

Viv, Nat, Pvl
Pls share wif me the recipe for home made pancake n pesto
U add maple syrup n jam for your own consumption or for your tod?

the oils are the ones when you came to my place for gathering then my sitter\her hubby did a demo on??


But do try the eucalyptus oil from Body shop though.. If they have a rub balm even better! Check also if suitable for direct skin application...


yah it's also the gestational diabetes test..


I hope so too.. but wanna be safer than sorry....

re:kah chan

no lah..just the essential oils..which is a small bottle nia.. like "feng yu"
yes, nurse is no sweet/sugary drinks. now i need to drink teh-c ko song...have been drinking that since pregnant lah..uncle in my canteen knows my order when he see my face

most of the time i prick sure got blood, i think with no.3 u dun hv to press the stapler too hard against the finger, just place it lightly against the finger n prick.

my mum n me usually fry pancake oil.

yalor...seems like i'm doing all the test that can be done! i did the test cos the doc detected high sugar in my urine test ..i took a cup of fresh orange juice for lunch before i went for my gynae appointment ...big mistake.

i go home n check wif my mum on the exact portion of the ingredients for the chinese pancake ...long time haven't make ...forgot liao.

think i dun hv to make the french toast this weekend ...hubby n i thinking of going to Conrad for breakfast to celebrate our wedding anniversay...usually they hv french toast at hotel breakfast buffet ...

anniversary??exactly when?? ours 18th!!
conrad got french toast?? cooked on the spot?

re: coffee\tea terms

i always get my order wrong! coffee shop got this old lady speaks only hokien!

pak kiu ping= milo ice
kopi ping= coffee ice
teh ping =tea ice
tea o =tea w sugar, no milk
kopi o= coffee w sugar no milk

so how do I order thicker iced coffee with more condensed milk??

or thicker iced tea with evaporated AND condensed milk??

I always get the SUA\SEET mixed up!! so my coffee\tea tastes horrible!!!

Hubby does not want sugar\condense milk in his coffee.. but when I see the lady I chicken out and order kopi for him..heh heh..

Sent your regards to Choon Tee just now. She said, still not yet ah?! Haha! When is your next check up?

Saw your posting at another thread, BB dance works leh...according to my cousin. Wanna try? ;)
not the bell air lar. My colleague said apply on the corners of the pillow but chen chen doesn't 1 pillow so she said apply a little bit on his clothing
Hallow u still think of eating buffet wa man kowtow to u

aiyo juz a cup of orange juice brings so much pain to u. bo hua leh
When is your wedding anniversary?
talk to u must reply u fast fast cos anytime u'll pop n disapper!

wah !!! ur order too cheem already ...i only know:
less sweet = siew tai
sweeter = i think its ka tai but i think they add sugar not milk
thicker = gao

tat's all i know! think need to summon the hokkien teacher ...HAZEY!!! where r u????? help !!

nat, shook
rom is on 3 nov, tea ceremony was on 10 nov and banquet on 12 nov. so we just pick any of the 3 dates to celebrate

yalor, was having cold that week, so tot i'll hv some orange juice to top up on vit c
yah ..looking foward to the breakfast cos its breakfast with roast carving!! *drooling* hopefully get to go lah ...cos hubby said see how things goes cos we are brining the maid home tomorrow, hubby say not nice to park maid at mum's place if my mum still not used to the maid yet.

this issue of women's weekly got coupon for 1-for-1, so quite worth it to go, plus we had our banquet at Conrad, so all the more meaningful!
oh ya Jul ... u still hving MS? me n pigletz were shopping at this maternity shop at suntec called cloud-9, they hv a sweet that's suppose to help MS, but dunno if it really works or not lah ..
i read tat article you posted from babycenter. I read it b4 sometime ago, but reread again today. DUnno is Nat like tat leh. She is super sticky to me now, wan me ard all the time(pee oso cannnot). Dunno why. Then cries at every little thing that she wants or we dun give. Wants her way. Sometimes really makes us frustrated. Actually v tiring, I can hardly breathe... So I ask hb, isit bcos she knows I may go out to work liao, then wont be with her...

You still haven't popped?? I gave birth to little Nat, 40wks 6 days. Hope you dun have to wait so long.
I tot GBS affects 1 in 4 preg women? Tats what I read leh. IN fr, gotta test. Dunno why here dun test oso. IN fr I take blood test EVERY MONTH.
YOu v good, can crave and eat. That time I so poor thing. crave but dun get to eat, cos there dun have. Then gynae still say I gotta control my weight.
btw, how much have you put on??
My MS is much better now. Appetite good =) Put on about 3kg so far. Haven't had time to go shopping recently. Bought some maternity clothes online. But need to go to the shop in Suntec to get pants! Esp now that my new workplace doesn't provide scrubs for night calls. Can't even remember the name of the shop... next to Kids Mall. Single word name... aiyoh, me so forgetful.

Actually UOB credit cards have a lot of 1-for-1 deals but I can't fork out time to go. I really want to spend time with hubby alone but can't tear myself away from Ian. Sigh...

Mom2Nat, you got a job? Looking forward to it? Must be difficult to leave Nat.... I still miss Ian when I am at work.... =) Ian sticks to me when I get home and also follows me to the bathroom... he stands at the door and waits for me... so embarrassing right....
Happy wedding anniversary in advance

Let me try
thicker iced coffee with more condensed milk = kopi ping gao ni kao
thicker iced tea with evaporated AND condensed milk = teh pin kao ke gu ni chwee ka gu ni ko kao

I read dat article fm bbcentre nodding my head most of the time. Nat is normal. U frequent bbcentre?
Dun b surprised, Nat understands dat u r going to work so super clingy to u. B4 I went back to work, I prepared Chen Chen by telling him I wz going back to work. He wz coming to 3 mths then. Guess wat, he teared. Dat wz his 1st tear
How's your job hunting?

Same here. I can't go anywhere w/o Chen Chen other than work.
<font color="ff0000">QSG</font>,
, brown the garlic, not 'browining garlic'. Lightly fry the garlic but don't let it get burnt. I think it can keep in the fridge, but cold may not be so nice.

<font color="ff0000">Nat</font>, Sarah loves bananas. But I only buy the pisang mas ('pang jio') from the market - the smaller type which will develop tiny black dots on the skin when ripe. I use those cos they are guaranteed to be very sweet, and they are cheap too. She can also hold her own and eat the whole thing. She can sometimes eat 2-3 a day!
I was also told (by my MIL) not to eat the del Monte type when preg. But in the US, that's the only type. But different brand - Chiquita, etc etc. My MIL stressed that it was just the 'del Monte' one. I don't get the logic. So I just act blur and continued to eat bananas, cos they were impt for my bowel movements, and they are a very impt source of potassium (which prevents leg cramps).
What are the effects of eating this type of banana when pregnant? Anybody know?

<font color="ff0000">re: Jaundice</font>,
When Sarah was born, as soon as we got our room in the hospital, I put her by the window. As a result, she did not have jaundice at all. Even at home, I would place her bassinet by the window every day for a time. Not in direct sunlight, of course. I ate ginger and sesame oil and whatever was cooked for me during breastfeeding. But maybe my Aunty didn't cook with so much ginger.

<font color="ff0000">shook</font>, satsuma is FRESH tangerine? Or do you mean marmalade? The french toast is a little oily. Just don't fry in too much oil. Basically brown the bread in a little oil. I use a non stick pan to do it. No way to do it in a toaster unless you want your toaster to have a coating of egg on it. I give Sarah jam on her toast too. Sarah is eating all our food nowadays. I'm not restricting her much anymore, except for junk food like potato chips and fast food. It's easier to go out this way. Otherwise, I have to think of cooking her meals whenever we go out. Sian.
Pesto is made by just lightly frying crushed garlic in olive oil and some basil leaves. I use the dried basil leaves from the herbs and spices section (McCormick brand).
Pancake batter - I just usually mix flour, egg, melted butter and water and/or some milk until the desired consistency. Can add a pinch of salt or sugar. But my favourite is to buy the instant corn bread mix called "jiffy' from NTUC liberty. Makes yummy pancakes. Used to buy it in the US for just US $0.25 per box. Over here it's about S$0.80 or something like that.

<font color="ff0000">Nat</font>, where do you get maple syrup? I miss the stuff. Very hard to find in NTUC.

<font color="ff0000">nat, shook</font>, I use the 'cheap' eucalyptus oil from the chinese medicine shop. "Bosistos" brand I think. The box is red and green with a parrot on the front. About $4.00 a bottle. Don't use too much eucalyptus on a child. May cause seizures.
Are you referring to Spring in Suntec?
So have you been transferred out of A&amp;E? Hopefully your new place is not so hectic and has better working hours.

We face opposite probs. Ally has been closer to me for the past few weeks esp last week with all the PHs etc. But she's been acting up this week and keeps asking for my maid before bedtime and when she wakes in the nite and in the morning. The funny thing is those are the timings when hubby and I look after her ourselves. So upsetting! Really makes me want to quit my job and we are seriously considering downgrading our house etc and for me to leave my job but my mom is dissuading me from it coz hubby's career switch, we won't have savings and won't be able to provide Ally with the best and frills. Hubby, on the other hand, says that if i quit, then we are already providing her with the best coz mommy's with her. Headache! If he hadn't done a career switch, I think I would be a SAHM by now.

Coffee with no milk and sugar could be kopi O Kosong?

Are you gonna get a Malay massage lady? Visited the little dreamers website and quite tempted with the massage oil for post natal massage. Dun have a prob with my massage lady's oil coz smells more like chinese medicated oil and not super oily but the ingredients in the little dreamers oil sounds really nice ... grapefruit etc. Can't decide whether to get or not.

U got the confinement body wash and shampoo from there? Save a lot of trouble to boil the lemongrass water etc. But dunno if my mom will allow me to do that.

Hubby not scared of you... the longer you hang around waiting for Maxene... the more $$ you spend on auctions and stuff. haha!
Hi mummies... so much posts i can't follow already.

Hahhaha NAT !
I keep 'popping' in just to see if u have popped anot !

I just remembered I was rite to choose pink for ur no. 2 !!! U think it will be accurate for pigletz's one too??

Jana growing up to look more like u hor..

Hmmm.. appetite getting bad again? U not subconciously controlling the weight of little mei-mei rite?

U started to let Ally eat fishballs? i still worry abt indigestion, do u hv any problem w that?

Sheesh... after reading QSG's concerns over her frens feeding Dana w hands, i remembered we gave raisins to Gareth n Tyra not thru the box too.. paiseh !

Wah Flu+cough for so long... heartpain

How's ur office reno? gotta be careful k... must rest rest

RE : COnfinement Food
hahha.. those having it soon, gotta remind u gals not to feed those ginger food to No. 1 too often hor... heaty!

RE: Preggie's tests
All the pricking for blood is making my toes curl... think i wanna change my mind for no. 2 liao...hahahhaha

RE: Cooking
Since u gals chating abt cooking, can help me w some queries anot? How to know which fish are meant for pan-fried, which for steaming har?
oh ya, cooking......

Can any mummies share the recipe for oneh oneh? Thinking of trying it out, if nice, then bring to a friend's gathering next week. hehe
you finally back in action ya? Hopefully it's not a post a day kind of action hor.

Miss tangoing with you. hahhahah

RE: Raisins
haha, you think i bother so much? unless it's by a stranger lah.
The dilemma of working mums.... I understand how u feel. U wanna be SAHM, later Nicholas comes along, not so easy.... time aside, finances too.

So far jesse still 'sticks' to us eg when me or hb goes to fetch him at my mum's place, he has no qualms about leaving. In fact my mum always jokes that no loyalty to her...haha... Heart sure suan if our bbs stick to maids instead of us (wonder how it'll be for me later on....)
Really not easy for u.

Last nite my mum brot him over cos hb went to church. jesse was ok, in fact more well behaved than if mil were around or two of us are around, I played and read with him and then come bedtime, he had his milk and went to bed, hb managed to rush back to be with him before he slept.
jul, I let Vane wear the Nepia diapers throughout the nite and it's ok for her.

styloBB, I not used to cold food too but didnt dare to make noise lah

shook, how's Chen Chen? Vane not feeling well too.

pigletz, my future son-in-law so brave! He dare to lie down on the dog! He's very tall hor? Huh so fast your bb engaged liao? Wow, Gareth really animal lover. Vane only dare to point to cats, dogs, birds to us but doesnt dare to go near them.

QSG, I find Vane more responsive after attending GUG.

Nat, you need 10 Nepia seals to exchange for $10 NTUC voucher. Think the deadline is end of this month.

Viv, you sound so poor thing doing all those tests. My wedding anniversary also this mth but I have to attend co's D&amp;D that day.

eureka, BJG has a branch at OCC too. So are we invited to your place this Sun?

sanrio, think it's one of the disadv of having SAHM? I find kids more sticky to mom if you're SAHM.

absolut, you want to have 4 kids??? That's very brave of you leh. You really in dilemma with your mom and hubby having diff views hor? To me, I feel that mother's love is the best and not those ex toys or enrichment class lor.

Mom2Nat, you found job liao?

brenda, what's your guess for Pigletz's No. 2?
Absolut, I am now in Changi where the pace is generally slower. Feel happier. On call last night. Not such a good night but still quite light compared to A&amp;E =)

Giggler, yay, we are both Nepia's loyal supporters.

Shook, if you have number 2, prob Chen Chen will be very jealous. Ian seems pretty jealous and upset when I carry my friend's kid. Argh....
hahaha, bb only head down. Not engage.

Not sure if will engage this time round anot, cos Gareth last time never engage at all.

Your son-in-law ah....very daring boy. tian bu pak, di bu pak one.
<font color="ff0000">MORNING ALL</font>

Nothing happened last nite!! Not even a nipple twtch!! LOL!!

Zach SS BB dance idea failed..got the idea... BUT.. CHICKEN out in the end!!Max squirming too much cos I ate custard puff last nite!! I was craving for bread papa!! But to go Taka just for that.. Forget it!! So I settled for Polar's! Besides failure was also due to watching "The Apprentice" at 10pm!!

so back to the drawing board again!! Maybe tonight!! Hahaha..

Choon Tee also waiting!!?? Ha Ha..
No check up!! Just check into labour ward on Monday!! 8am! I think Max waiting for Dr. Tan LK to come back from ICT la!! Actually was planning to see if waters low\placenta aged before deciding to induce.

How was your check up?? You going for the Movie event??


Then i suggest trying to find the rub then.. they have ones for kids...however not sure on Eucalptus=seizures.. so far Matt uses the bel'air thing.. No side effects.. but I think 100% essential oils may be too strong! How about the little dreamers webby?? I think they have the rubs.. Take a look?

Yah am always HUNGRY!!


RE: Coffee

thanks for replying so promptly!! Heh heh.

yah super cheem.. but I like my coffee thick and w condense milk and ICED!! end up i think go Starbucks hor?? But nothing beats the coffee shop coffee! Except the coffee shop we frequent in tiong bahru.. this old lady..sigh!!

Today I tried what shook said...

kopi ping gao..(pause) kei gu ni tee kai (add milk sweet one) ehhh 10c extra wo!

FINALLY after soooo many orders!!! I got it right!!! Don't know how long can enjoy this.. Maybe last cup??

hubby's..I ordered -kopi.. mai gu ni tee kai(dun wan sweet one)....mai teng(no sugar)

Ah Por didn't correct me Seet\Sua.. so I still don't what is what.. but she seem to have done it right!!! :D

Re:Anniv Dates

Wow so many Dates!!! We only one date..Rom\Tea\Dinner 18th Nov!! It's just merely adding his Birth day together..(9+9) and birth month (5+6)...we just lucky that the day was a Sat!!

Any significance to yours??


so no one's dating jade?? wonder how she looks like.. you still keep in touch with Poontang then? So Ryan's moved on to older Gals?? Older gals more matured..hahaha.. He's also very matured..can sing to her then?



EVERY MONTH blood test?? Gosh!! Now with my tummy so distended I find so hard to see\get collection of urine even!! Have to hold my breath!! Even when weighing I can't see the numbers on the *d scale!!!

Re: weight

Gained 14.8kg!! Maybe after all the inactivity.. I think more!! Then again I didn't get tid-bits like StyloBB...

Re: waiting..

hmm Matt was 39+6... Max tomorrow is 40+6!!.. TODAY 40+5!!!!! Still waiting..



Hmm..was at CS Holland Village last night!! The bananas are from Phillipines.. Aloha brand...

No idea what the difference.. but I just eat anyway for the potassium n folic acid.. Besides it appears to have helped my "Hammers" too.

My MIL also same same..she insists the del monte ones are the "jaing ah chew"( green ones used for goreng pisang)...

So that's why i deliberately hunt for the ones half sized with the cartoon picts just to "clam" her up!! Matt doesen't eat well when she's about..Mil insists feeding but yet lets Matt run about!! He hardly finishes his bowl of rice!! drives me n KK crazy!!!


Ermm the room we had.. no sunlight streams in.. blocked by the room extension\upgarding. I'll take note when Max is home with me.. my living room n house floods with sunlight!! MBed gets afternoon sun.. It's mornimg sun only right???

re:Maple syrup..

Liberty\market place.. The NTUC at Jln Bt Merah carries in the US produce section...


Re:pancakes\French-Bombay Toast

I agree with PVL..just get the box ones.ready mixed..add an egg, milk and MELTED butter.. about 2 table spoons!! My mum didn't like using oil\butter to fry.. so she melted some butter... poured into mixture..and then fry on non stick pan!

Can do the same for French Toast!! so you don't have to keep using Oil\Butter|margerine\planta what ever....

IMPT: Don't burn the butter!! Don't heat the pan till smoking!! Just slightly heated will do!!
QSG, I put oil, then scoop in the batter... then put the cheese on top of the batter and wait... then flip. Got it? I don't use cheese to cook the pancake.

i'm lucky hubby n i hv lots of time alone since Jana sleeps early. before i was pregnant, we'll leave Jana with my mum every friday nite, so that we can go for movies, makan, karaoke. so we seemed to develop this bad habit of conveniently leaving Jana with my mum on nites when we need to go out cos my mum/dad are more than happy to hv Jana for company. even for the wedding anniversary celebration, initially wanted to go for a nice dinner without Jana, then i really feel bad about leaving her out AGAIN!
so decide to do breakfast/lunch so that she can tag along.


haha..ur good! ur one of the rare few who guess rite! all my colleagues v sure i'm having a boy cos they say my tummy sharp n pointed ...so the theory round tummy=girl n sharp tummy=boy not true one!

really? u tink Jana starting to look like me? u just made my day!

no lah ...not controlling diet n weight ...i'm such a glutton..how to?? lunch time still ok, but i'll lose all appetite by dinner time, think i'm too tired by the end of the day... nowadays need to take cab home after work so i can reserve some energy to play with Jana.

when is ur anniversary?

can make ur own coffee at home ..the aik cheong brand not bad.
