(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

Nat, you should be going braless at home. I do that. For convenience and comfort mah unless have visitors!!! Go the breastfeeding way!!

Here is the list I have:

Preggie list
(1) Natalie - Nov 2005
(2) Pok Pok - ?
(3) Absolut - Dec 2005
(4) Stylobb - Jan 2006
(5) Pigletz - Mar 2006
(6) Viv - Mar 2006
(7) Jul - April 2006
(8) B2B3M4 - May/June 2006
(9) Emily - ?

Gynae told me I gotta take another scan towards latter part of third trimester.... U taking any tests? Hehehe....

Ur ask re my EDD, it's stated above.....when is yours?

Woah, sounds unhygienic indeed!!! Mucus and germs all flying around... thankfully my mil is super clean!

The medical terms u mention sound so cheem....heheh.....
For a while I wonder who/what is KK, then I realised u meant ur hb! I thot u meant KK Hospital!!!!

What do u mean no test done??? Thot u did the glucose one???
But u are not 35 yet right????

<font color="ff6000">Btw u can bold with colours too, just do the usual format for colour and then follow my earlier instructions....hehe </font>

Yah usu above 35, they put mummies in higher risk, quite stupid hor...
Btw my hb changed job recently, dun think he can take leave when I pop either.
What subjs are your hb teaching?

Yah I kena pricked TWICE only.... and urine test also twice...

I also think shud not be problem cos he relates well to the little girls in our church...
stylobb, am only 30 this year. So do I need to be pricked?? My EDD is june 2006. Thanks. Will know the exact date when I go docs this saturday. Can't wait to finally see my bb. Sigh! Hb will not be able to make it again.

well unless it's a good one that can cook diff meals 2/day..okie..usually hear that Cf ladies cook one soup for WHOLE DAY??!! Some dishes also reheat for you..

I'm already getting horror stories from my Nov thread and others...like interrupting conversations with visitors.. not waking up at night to change pampers etc..till hubby has to wake her.
Another mummy says that the CF lady does not feed finish the EBM and throws away..

same with another lady with twins but it's her MIL no paitence to feed finish and throws away!

I think that for me..it's better to know I have to cope with BB with hubby's help and that's it..I may end up frustrated\PND\stressed if I expect help and don't get it like in the case of MIL..

Besides.. not much to do..

The clothes.. the ladies wash n hang..iron..mop floor, incl HUBBY's!! Some Cf ladies don't wanna do hubby's.

They'll wash tupperware..wash bottles etc.. occassionally help with bathing BB or just carrying. Or just to "jaga" so can take a break\bathe\.. nap whatever..

Besides.. I'm a NIGHT person.. not a Day person..LOL. Sleepy in day..active at night..

Besides..I have my confinement wash\shampoo for bathing..and a heating gel to keep warm. So no need to boil herbs etc etc.

Night time.. hubby throws longans, red dates etc into crock pot..washes things..feeds Matt and "sayang" him to zz. Or I'll do that while he cuddles Maxene.. not sure about that arrangement yet..

Morning hubby buys breakfast after sending Matt to sitter.. or I'll poach eggs, drink milo, eat oatmeal and bread??

You think I'm expecting too much? I don't know if I'll cope.. but at last resort.. got a few "aunties" in my block offered to help when their grandkids off to school etc etc.

even my neighbours..LOL
giggler, hazey, stylobb, nat,
i alwy wish to hav sis too! me hav 2 older bro. but ok lah, they quite saiyang me. but like wat u all said, sis can do shopping n so many girlish thgs 2gether. i remb wen we were younger n my mom was working, my bro EVYDAY w'out fail, will get chicken rice 4 me 4 lunch. until i said i dun wan chicken rice n they tot dun nid buy lunch cos i dun wan to eat. tink they can nvr b as 'xi xin' as sis.

easier to get boys ah... i got tis feeling tat pple who wan girl will get boy n vice versa. b4 i wen for my detialed scan. i oreadi had tis strong feeling tat i was expecting a boy..
my cousins has 5 daughters, finally gave up trying.
nowadays d 'not fussy' ash oso like to hav variety for his meals. mon: braised e-fu noodles, tue: buckwheat soba in soup, wed: stew potato w beef/chicken, thur: baked fish, fri: baked pasta. sat i dun care: cook porridge for both meals so tat can pack n brg it out. sun: ching cai cook or dun cook or porridge agn.
mon to fri dinner is : brown rice porridge.
evyday tink tink wat to cook oso headache man...

Pigs trotters got eggs??? Really?? Quails eggs can?? My BB sitter makes excellent pigs trotters too!! Ate once..no oil..

My MIL's also quite good..but very sour!!
okie will check out wee care wkday playgp. but wont b sending him till next yr. btw, where is wee care located near to..

i tink 3yrs gap is quite ok. at least no. 1 a bit more 'tong shi' n 'independent' mayb ..

nat still taking 2 naps. how i wish ash nap more. he wakes up at 6.30-6.45am (i v sian cos d day seems so long!!!) mon to sun. only nap abt 1hr or ++ at 11.30am. bedtx is ard 8.30pm. by then v cranky liao. even for wkends, we cant cum bk late. hav to leave town by 7pm+ as we leave far fr town. reach hm mus change him n let him settle down a bit. v rush, cant even hav gd/proper dinner.
there was a short period tat ash can nap 3 solid hrs. now no more... tis 'luxury' to me is gone agn...
i oso brging ash to d taka ss show on fri, 4pm mayb.
even i get XL nepia, i realised still 'not absorbent' enough for ash case. he drk, eat a lot so pee a lot. evy 2hrs or + mus change. his diaper wah, v heavy then liao..
Preggie list
(1) Natalie - Nov 2005 / <font color="ff0000">girl</font>
(2) Pok Pok - ?
(3) Absolut - Dec 2005 / <font color="0000ff">boy</font>
(4) Stylobb - Jan 2006 / <font color="ff0000">twin girls</font>
(5) Pigletz - Mar 2006 / ?? (not known till delivery!)
(6) Viv - Mar 2006 / <font color="ff0000">girl</font>
(7) Jul - April 2006 / <font color="0000ff">boy??</font>
(8) B2B3M4 - May/June 2006 / ??
(9) Emily - June 2006 / ??

I think it differs from gynae to gynae... some gynaes dun really make u do any test.... my friend whose gynae is Christian even told her to go by faith! That's cool.
But for twin pregnancies, I think no choice, my gynae has to take extra care...???? and make sure I do all those tests....

Haha, ur brothers are so funny, men think straight, u shud have added 'no chix rice BUT something else pls' ... maybe have to specify what that 'something else' is too!!! Were u favoured since u are the youngest and only girl???

On the whole, yes, there are still fewer boys than girls.
Me and hb were 'arguing' whether it was boy or girl for our first: he wanted a girl, I wanted a boy, haha.... anyway he gets his wish now, he has two girls!!!!
Me never experienced sisterhood but have my cousin... quite close ... guess my girls are fortunate then, they wl have each other as companions...
Hmm....heard of one case a mother tried for a girl after three boys, when it was confirmed that truly is a gal and when she delivered, she cried!! Aiyoh......
But having three boys is really not easy to handle!!!!

U are NIGHT person, v good leh, can wake up to b/feed...hehe... me DAY person, that time v xiong when my sleeping time was disrupted.... lost so much weight as a result....

I'm quite confused over all the help that u are getting !!!! Heeee..
I cant imagine myself hving 3 boys esp if super active like ash. my paternal side relatives hav few pair of twins n all ar boys!!
Ya heard abt sealer but they dun give sample leh..
Haha, my bro ah.. i day i told him i wan pepsi n d golden big coin chocolate (20 cents then) for lunch n cant remb for days or wks, i ate tat for lunch, imagine...
My parents esp my dad v saiyang me. keke.. he said i v guai compared to them mah..
My colleague has 2 boys, 3rd 1 detailed scan oso boy n she cried, all d way bk to office still eyes red red n sian sian..
Emily, QSG
Chen Chen eats bread but he gets sick of it when my mum offers him everyday
Your tod likes biscuit is it bcoz u gave diff varieties of biscuit? Chen Chen likes diff varieites of biscuit. If give him the same kind over a period, he doesn't want liao

My hair stand on n when I read your description of the hygiene @ your IL's plc
I only rub Vicks on Chen Chen. Yesterday my colleague recommended eucalptus essential oil. She said can mix wif peppermint coz the smell of eucalptus is not acceptable to everyone. She said can get fm bodyshop or OG
Can't access to the link u posted.
Man prick ownself, v scaring. I thot hmm... u stayed in the hospital whole day to do the test
U v well prepared for your confinement. V diff 1, not CL or MIL or mum but 4 helpers. Ai say man!
Check PM thru your email

Y do u prefer a doggie no 2?

Dun think I will hv 3 kids. By then, I too old liao. My parents oso too old to help to take care of 3
Tis morning I ate the CLO. Hopefully it works
Heat up food not oily mah. Dun need to clean kitchen after heating food wat. No gd to eat cold food during confinement leh

Wat is GB+? I din take so many tests too. Heng!

Hazey, Sanrio
My bro treats me v v well. He taught me to play badminton, swim, cycle, etc etc.
He knows wat I like n wat I dun like. He always buy things dat I like. So I dun feel missed out not having a sis

Wow u prepare so many kinda food for Ash. Chen Chen has porridge everyday juz diff ingridients.

Talking abt pig trotter, wat kinda pig trotter u gals talking abt? I like the sour sour sweet sweet one cooked wif vinegar n ginger. I only drink the soup n eat the egg. I my mum cooks, she put beancurb skin. Few mths back, I went to my cousin's bb shower party. My aunt told me the CL cooked a big pot of pig trotter. She scooped a bowl for my mum n me. I nearly vomitted!!!! It wz cooked wif black sauce kiam kiam n the layer of oil is abt a third of the proportion of the soup. I ying chou ying chou swallowed the egg till I wanna puke. Left the bowl of soup untouched.
U want sample or not? jesse uses them, now XL, I can send to u. Let me know, email me. My study is bursting with diapers, what size u want, u name it, I have it!!! Hehe...

Haha..... so funny!!! U not hungry meh????
They all married??

Can imagine.... that day at the gynae, this old nurse when she found out I have twins told me she has 1 boy, next one twin boys, and last one also boy! Haiyoh.... !!!

I am kinda enjoying it when I go shopping at Mothercare leh...hehe... clothes galore for girls!
they all married liao. i young tx v 'kam jek'. super underwt until mus drk d horrid nutritious drk in school, compulsory, mus mark attendance n drk in front of d school health nurse.
tk u
i pm u my add n trouble u send me 1 sealer XL sample can
keke... wat other brand is gd ah beside PP?

i sahm mah, so try to cook more thgs 4 him to try loh. oso ash loves food so i more motivated
but he dun like white porridge no matter wat ingredients i put.

okie, if i go, i sms u n c u there

hello mummies,
videoclip of ash walking in marina, happily smiling n waving at d passerbys. ash likes tat place, cool, clean, spacious n bright.
I prefer 2to 2-5yr gap so can plan for have all 3 before I reach 30yrs old.
Sealer can buy from Giant or Seng Siong.. have tried it before..find it similar to EQ..so not much difference except price for me.
Val, Emily &amp; Nat,
Yah, b'fing and going braless is not compatible, at least in the first few months. Leak leak leak all over. Quite messy. But maybe later on can. Think I was able to go braless from about 6 months. Can't remember liao.
Giggler, not sure yet haven't spoke to hb about it.

Val, have you decided to renew the term?

Nat, what do you mean by sponsoring them? what is your involvement?

Shook, i din give dana bread everyday but she still din like. I give her different type of bread but she also dun like nowadays but till now she still likes fruit puffs.
I couldnt go on braless even when I stop bfing Randall @ 8 1/2mths. V messy. My boobs were "phohibited" area for hb also. Haha....

Onli went for 2 lessons. Cannot comment yet. Shall let him attend a few more then decide. When must we inform the school ah? Otherwise, the $100 will be forefitted.
Preggie list
(1) Natalie - Nov 2005 / girl
(2) Pok Pok - Nov 2005 / girl
(3) Absolut - Dec 2005 / boy
(4) Stylobb - Jan 2006 / twin girls
(5) Pigletz - Mar 2006 / ?? (not known till delivery!)
(6) Viv - Mar 2006 / girl
(7) Jul - April 2006 / boy??
(8) B2B3M4 - May/June 2006 / ??
(9) Emily - June 2006 / ??

<font color="aa00aa">stylo</font>stylo

still not so confident about colours.. still can't do!!
Val, if i din remember wrongly must inform them via email/written by tomorrow if you dun wanna continue so that you can get back your deposit in the event you dun want to continue. The teacher passed the mothers a letter 2 lessons ago to inform
<font color="0000ff">sanrio</font>
I have sent u email!

My mum tells me jesse does not like the MP pants...

I only use / try so far: PP, Nepia, MP, Sealer..

<font color="ff0000">nat</font>
Try again ah...

\ b { \red { nat }}

All without spacing hor.. can or not?
Hi Mummies,

Nat, congrats on the delivery... you enjoying confinement now I hope... read some postings about the confinement food? Hehehe... sounds like you are spending a lot on confinement.

StyloBB, I recently bought Sealer to try cos Giant stopped selling Prokids. We use that for Ian in the day and change about 3 hourly. Sealer is slightly more expensive at about 32cents. But quite similar to Mamy Poko, I find! Nepia, when bought in bulk from the dealer, actually costs only 34 cents. Hubby and I just did the sums last night during dinner so we're wondering whether to just buy Nepia for whole day use instead of switching between brands.

You're right, Mothercare has really nice girl clothes... I hope I am entitled to get my hands on them after my detailed scan in 3 weeks' time! *fingers all crossed*
Val, 20 Nov ah? good bec like you said how to decide when only attend 2 or 3 lessons...haven't decided. Now got more time to evaluate, will try to talk to the mummies there who have at least been there for 2-3 terms. Do you find it tiring for us? I get my lower back strained after every lesson.

Pvl, Emily, Val, Nat
Wat bf braless! 1 side leak, very messy esp the early mths. Now my right side usu leaks after bathing during wk day. Gotta quick quick get my in hse pump to suckle out for me

Stop giving Dana bread for a while (may b a mth) then give her agn. Chen Chen din like the garber puff few mths back. Now he likes it

Sarah looks v different now. Her hair v curly
hazey, ya, it seems like only sisters can be so close but quite difficult for brothers hor? Also, most of the time it's sisters who bring the family together for gatherings and such.

Emily, not sure cereals heaty or not leh. Vane has been sick of porridge long long ago.

styloBB, your hubby seems to be able to relate to kids quite well so dun need to worry lah.

Nat, good that you got so many helpers, sure can cope one lah. Go to your email acc to read PM!

sanrio, having sisters really diff from having brothers hor? I see my sils all very close so envy them. Hahaha... your bros so cute! Though I'm also only gal in my family (got 3 younger bros), my dad didnt pamper me cos he 'zhong nan qin nu'.

shook, dun know leh... that time my mil didnt heat up for me but I just ate lah. Not used to it cos trained to have hot food but dun dare to complain. Hopefully your method of taking CLO works.
You remind me that I didnt buy Gerber puff for Vane for quite some time liao.

Val, got to inform GUG one month earlier before the terms end if not the $100 will be forfeitted.

QSG, I think you feel backache cos Dana still cant walk on her own?

PVL, Sarah looks like grown very tall hor?
How u doing? sorry, I just put boy? cos that time u said cud be boy...let's wait for ur detailed scan, hope ur wish come true and then go shopping at MC!! Hehe....

Nepia - u mean to use whole day as in at nite as well?? Think it cannot tahan jesse's pee for the nite, I dare not try. Agree Sealer is not cheap but the material is pretty good...
U can still order in bulk from Nepia, promo ends end Nov.

You still feeling cold?

Btw I saw the pics u posted, ur hb looks like a student leh, looks quite young...hehe.. (no offence). Father and son have same look.

I send liao! U look out for it... !

I am not used to cold food, dun make me eat it!! I sure protest! Too pampered by my mum, I guess! haaa.
OK, talk later, me going over to mum's for dinner!
jul, blur lah... nat not delivered yet. She's just greedy and thinking abt confinement food. ehehheeeee....

val, wow! ur ss so gd why stop??? See I so poor thing, now express like mad and still doing it. In fact, pumping now in office while I am typing. Going back soon.

PV, Sarah looks so grown up already!! Must be easier for u now.

B2B3M4, where r u?? Have u been to docs??
I m opp of u. I prefer cold food. For cooked food I eat when it is cool. But during confinement, I eat warm food
Going to bring Chen Chen to consult PD later. Yes'dy today she fed Chen Chen med twice. Now med left a bit only n Chen Chen stil not ok. She asked me to bring Chen Chen to consult PD.

U xpress while typing? U hv a rm by yourself? V gd leh. I gotta xpress in toilet. Yucks! I envy u can xpress fm pump. I gotta rely on tandem pump if I use pump
Yes'dy n today Chen Chen overslept n my mum fed him late. Sigh..... I pump lesser esp today coz Chen Chen not hungry so latch on a while only. I v scared of blocked duct. Now my breast hard
Giggler, Dana can walk kinda well already. The reason why i have backache is because she walks all over the place even when she is suppose to be sitting down or walking in circles. In order to make her walk in circles during the songs, i have to bend to hold her hands and walk together though sometimes also unsuccessful cause she will throw her tantrums by sitting down and refusing to move if i try to hold her. Since Vane has attended GUG for 3 terms, do you find the class has helped her in anyway?
I also agreed the test thingie depends on gynae. Like my gynae didn't really ask me do any test except for the triple test.

And again, haha, I failed my iron test again, but this time by 0.1 only.

Went for checkup yesterday and gynae commented that bb very active and is growing real big.

Ask if bb will come out early since alot of pple tells me that #2 will usually pop out early and she say nope. My #2 will follow the pattern of my #1, thus will be late also. But this time round bb confirm bigger then #1, so hor, by week 39 will have to see the size and decide whether to induce anot.

Oh ya, another good news for me is, bb already head down liao, now I just hope that bb don't over swing back to the top. haha
<font color="ff0000">STYLO</font>

I did it??? wow.. learn new things again...hehehe

<font color="0000ff">JUL</font>

Not yet la like em said... growing mushrooms and thinking of CF food!!! LOL I look through the menu everyday!!! Apart from my aromatherapy things ..hahah and also SHOP online!!!

Re: Nepia..

I too ordered.. 2NB, 3S, 3L. delivered on 31st!!

Sorry.. but someone mentioned can change the cupouns for NTUC voucher?? How many and how to exchange?? I have 20 in a zip lock bag!!
<font color="0077aa">giggler</font>

I hope so too can cope!! I so "goondu" finally found your PM emial in my spam box!!! lol

You've got mail too!!


I'm their employer..but they don't stay with me. They have a little apartment on their own..and they help out at some of my student's houses with house chores..

Howwever, they may stay in when Maxine pops. We'll see how..


I too HATE cold food!! MIL's place food always cold..she claims rice hot can alraedy!!

I think it's upbringing.. my mum who was a nurse always ensured got HOT food. Said in our weather\humidity bacteria breeds and it's not good for the system. Soo we got this "vintage" microwave.. just for the purpose of heating food in the 80's.

Imagine..now micro wave got so many functions!!!
I just heated a frozen pizza ydae night!! Viola!! in 5 mins PIZZA!!


So cute Gareth!!! Such a big boy!! Sayang dog!! Matt chase my cat and pulls her tail and "Pats" (not stroke) her...but she does not draw claws on him!! Thank goodnes.. not I'd have to give her away.
<font color="ff0000">PIGLETZ</font>

NOOOO!! if my #2 like #1?? means 36hrs labour too??? today already day 4!! Yet I'm still sooo active..still going about!! LOL

Later I'm off to Ikea for lunch and buy X'mas decor!!

BB head down?? Congrats!! Can they swing back?? Scary..Max is very engaged..but luckily no pelvic pain!! If not I think I'll be stuck in bed and go crazy!!!
so you are still here. Any sign of Maxene popping?

I guess what my gynae told me is true lor. I will really expect my #2 to be late too. There goes my 9 March 2006 liao. *sigh*
hahaha, same as in popping late lah, not the labour lah. But I didn't ask her if the labour time will be the same. hahaha, I will ask her the next time i go. hahahah

Ikea?? KK going with you right?

Yup, BB head down, as long as not engage, will have a chance of swing back, especially my bb so active. hahah


No sign of popping.. even the contractions.. so miserable..

Having 2hrs between!! between breakfast and now..only 1.

You got water retntion yet?? Did the doc give you iron pills?

KK will go with me..of course!! I think got change of plans to vsit Matt at sitters place..haha
