(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

How come no. 1 and 2 delivery date related? Should ask my gynae the next time whether bb is likely to come out early. How do they tell anyway? Would be good to know coz my next visit would be the start of my 36 weeks.

i was pricked 3 times for the glucose tolerance test!! 3 tubes of blood leh!!!!! then went to see gynae n she said she needed another tube!! so altogether 4 tubes of blood yesterday morning! but this time round i think i'm stronger cos din feel giddy...still can shop the whole afternoon ..hehehe

i failed my test ..as i expected
so got to do the weekly testing n control my diet..sian ...
i din fail too badly though ...so nurse just tell me to avoid white rice, pasta (my fav!!) take brown rice n wholemeal bread instead, for noodles, take the white type instead of the yellow type.

yah ..need to prick myself cos the test need to be done once a week n on my own.

hahaha...mabbe tat's y its a big pot ..cos nobody touching it? yah, the pig trotter i like is the black black, sweet/sour with ginger type.

will tink abt no.3 in abt 4 yrs later. if i kena toto, big big 4D
...or if by any miracle we are finacially comfortable, then will perphaps try for another 1.

pig trotters!!! YES I WANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i second emily's idea! pig trotter's party!! no need to stress ur mil cos no need to cook so much, think only handful of mummies here like it leh ... and then i also dun attack the eggs n trotters one ..only the vinegar

Jana used to love bread but i think she got quite sick of it since she was eating it since she's 6 mths old. we toast it occasionally to make it more interesting.

wee care is at devonshire rd, an old row of shophouses behind the sing power building, near the somerset MRT station. u can sign Ash up for a term of enrichment to see if you/Ash like the teachers/environment. The teachers doing the sat enrichment programme are the same teachers doing the weekday programme.
Pigletz, ai yoh! Gareth so wen xin!
Heart melt liao!

Nat, look to the positive side. Every extra day after EDD is one day less of waiting for you.
So excited for you. Maybe you should start doing some work like washing, carrying stuff, ironing, cooking, baking, etc etc... may speed up the process.

Pigletz, you will never be able to know whether bb will be late or early. Think doc is saying that so that you'll be consoled and not feel too bad if bb is late like gareth.

Ai yoh! Time passes so fast!! Does anyone have B2B3M4's number to sms her to see if she's okay? It's too quiet here....

Long labour= condusive Env?.. I think you have a point there!!

Hubby says to Max last night.."see ke ke is away "camping".. daddy have all the attention for you ok?? So you wanna come out and play now??"

max gave him a nudge in the cheek!! lol. Means I think she's staying!!
No water retention. Didn't have it the last time round also. So hopefully I won't get it this time round.

I didn't take the iron tablets from gynae, too expensives liao. Taking Obimin from GP now and will try to take more red meats to increase the iron supply.

Not sure how they are related. Guess the gynae is experience enough since she delivered so many bbies already and she herself got 3 kids. According to her, all her 3 kids got the same delivery pattern. All late comers. hahaha

so lucky no water retention!! My feet are like the fleshy part of chicken foot palm today!!

yah iron tabs are ex.. obimin good enough.. I still have an opened bottle on the kitchen counter..I think you more disciplined than me..


oh no!! the test kit again?? No white rice?? no pasta? not even with tomato base sauce?

I took tomato based pasta the reading is ok.. but when I took the cream based one.FAIL.

so alot of sweet things also cannot!! no ice cream..
ya, quite lucky for me. Hope that the luck remains.

haha, I very cheapo leh. If after you deliver and you still have the obimin, don't waste it, pass it to me can? hahahahha

Don't be sian abt the test okay. I went to wedding dinner yesterday, a friend of mine told me that his wife needs to take jab everyday till give birth. His wife took jab everyday since the 1st day she knows she pregnant, as per advise by the gynae. Gynae playing safe cos she didn't manage to carry her 1st 2 pregnancy thru the 1st trimester. So this time round, she bedrest for the past 2 mths and now continue with the jab till time to give birth.
What iron test? Got such test????
Iron tablets ex? I get them and the multi-vit from gynat at $14, ex or not???

Head down - still have time and space for bb to move leh....
Mine are one head down, one head up, think if they continue to grow, I dun know how much space for the head up to turn man..

The dog and gareth pic is so cute, jesse also, went to fr's place, the dog likes him a lot and he even pulled the fur and the dog was ok.

Well done! U did it, the colour + bold...hehe.

10 coupons for $10 NTUC cash voucher. U beta stick them onto paper and send back to them, make a note when u sent, cos the last one I sent, I still haven't heard from them.

So good, can still go shopping.

Food - we are cantonese, so my mum is v ptr about food, food must be cooked when we are back and must be hot.

At which week did ally come out? jesse was 39 weeks, I dun mind if the gals can stay in for so long altho I expect I'll be v v heavy by then.

Yesterday went to mum's place and brother saw me and he said tummy looks so big and 'scary'...

4 times!!! Wow...... they had trouble drawing the blood or not?
Lately my veins all popping out.. scary...
So u have to prick once a week, they provide a self-test kit for u??
haha, the iron test result is from the triple test one, but think will take the iron test again in another 1 or 2 months. they will poke my finger and get some blood out to test my iron level.

30 iron tablets will cost me abt $15 I think. But 30 tablets of Obimin only cost me $6 at GP.

So, if in the end one up and one down, how? can still go natural anot huh?

haha, the dog is actually scare of Gareth at the end of the day, saw Gareth and run away to hide. Gareth hug the dog, poke the dog's eyes, nose and mouth. Shift the dog's leg here and there. And best of all, share his water bottle with the dog. hahahaha
Have u gotten the small erasable drawing blk? U can get it from the shop dat sells things rather cheaply. Only $1 i tink. It's between the mini book shop & the shop selling shampoo etc.
Poor chenchen. Hope he recovers soon.
Can i check wif u? BJG oso located @ orchid ctry club?

Hope dat the PD has further reassured u abt Jana's development. Like absolut, i'll oso trust the PD more than teh tchr

Thks for tching me an innovative way of washing the straw

Me same as u. Dun mind the taste of ginger in food but not eat it. I hate kidneys, pig trotters too :p SO yuckys...
Absolut, for the sunday trial lesson that you will be going. If it's good, will you be enrolling for the sunday class or wait for a vacancy in the saturday class?

Nat, Max so cute!!
Have BJG there ah? I tot that is Little Skoolhouse?

Rare for u to post foto! N gareth looks very tender loving boy, so affectionate to the dog!!!
Yapp.....I can drink n drink mil's vinegar too. HErs is somehow very unique frm others. Not black type, brownish, not oily at all. Very sourish sweet, very exotic.....drooling....buay tahan, dun care, thick skinned ask her to cook for this sunday!
Dat time during my confinement, my aunt insisted i must add ginger to the longan red date. OMG!!! N not a little bit hor, must be alot alot so dat the wind can be expelled... I told my CF lady, no way will i drink it if she adds the ginger to the drink.
I had very bad piles after delivery dat time. Now dat i tink of it, i really scare scare. Can't sit n walk properly cos of piles, not cos of stitches.

Pig's trotters got sweet n sour taste? I nvr tasted it b4 lah, cos the thot of trotters puts me off liao.

My confinement period was oso hubby's honeymoon period. He had the CF lady waiting on him even. She even kept addressing him as 'xian1 shen1' though we told her many times to jus call his name. All his shirts ironed n gdness, my kitchen n toilet was the cleanest then. :p
Wow, Jana is gonna have a mei mei? So nice. Somehow, Jana gives me the impression she'll be a very gd jie jie n can haelp u take care of the little one.

Wahahahha, i can't help but LOL at ur description of the mark attendance n drink horrible drink. During my time it was compulsory to order those pkt milk from school.

Sarah put on weight? I like the 2nd pic

Gareth looks like he's a 2-3 YO boi. Sexy pic...
EUREKA, viv,
Ai yoh! I thought the pig trotters thingy over liao. Now u want me to start drolling again??? Terrible!!!

Eureka, u coming to Punggol this sunday after u get the pig trotters?? Hmmmm.... maybe maybe we can meet and ...... :p
Viv, congrats on your gal for #2. Good company for Jana. Hey! Seriously, gals are not easy to make lah! I don't even now if I know how to make one. :p

re: bread
Toast also he won't eat. Dunno lah. As soon as he sees the bread he scream liao. But he'll happily carry the bread home for us from NTUC, but not eat them. Funny yeah?
nice pic of gareth and the dog.

Sarah has grown up a lot since the last time I saw her pic

Yesterday was the 1st time Ryan went to bed on his own accord after being told. Maybe coz he was very happy that hubby came home early. Hope that it continues.
Let Ethan try Aunty Jemima's mini pancake from Carrefour? Just microwave for 1-2 min will do.

Shhhh....I on 'confinement' tis sunday, cant go PP leh...lol.........u glutton, same as me!
i like gareth pic. v nice! 1st pic v natural n well taken. ash loves animals too esp cats, i dun noe why.

i will go check mailbox later. same, 4 nite, ash can only use PP, others cant hold his large pool of pee, keke..

me too, i nvr hav pile prob but af delivery, i had it n was real painful n uncomfortable. it got a bit infected n i hav to go c doc. tink of it oso scared..

i shd noe where it is located now. actually hoh, i was tinking of putting ash in a playgp tat i dun hav to stay w him. wan him 2 b a bit more independent cos he's super clingy to me. at hm, somtx i jus std up n take a few steps, he runs af me n wan to cry liao...
if red blood counts not too low, taking a multi-vit like obimin shd b sufficient. then u try to eat more iron rich food. tat's wat i did during my last preg. i hate iron tablets, got af taste n quite heaty. oso during preg, swallowing any tablets make me wan to puke..
hello deer,
where ar u
how ar u n YH?

so long to c n hear fr u too
is ZL much beta in the cc now? d 'cc auntie' issue resolved?
The way Gareth sayang the dog so sweet. Does he like swimming? Did u go into the pool wif him?
Hmm....your EDD Mar 2006, now bb's head dwn liao?? So fast. Possibility of swinging back than back agn. Too early to tell
No 2 bigger than Gareth. Wow....
Take red dates, beef and spinage for iron. Muz eat fruits rich in vit c to help body to absorb iron

Dun bend dwn to hold Dana's hand. U stand straight let Dana lean agst your body n hold her hands wif her hands st up

So sweet of u. U r the only one who respond to my pig trotter question leh. The rest no heel me
I oso attack the vinegar

Emily, QSG, Viv
Hv u tried giving your tod Bombay toast?

I haven't get the magic board yet. R u referring to the shop @ the blk wif UOB n POSB?
There is BJG @ OCC. Thot Pasir Ris more convenient for u?
My mum put ginger in red dates drink for me during confinement. I m ok coz I like ginger. But I din eat much ginger coz Chen Chen had prolonged jaundice

I thot Chen Chen v clingy to me coz he is being bf. Ash not bf oso clingy. So dat's not the reason
haha, the bottom part is being exposed. But good thing his t-shirt long enough to cover it.

ya lor. Alot of pple think that Gareth is 2 years old. Especially he so big size. hahah

sanrio & shook,
yup, will try to take more supplement to increase the iron level in my blood.
didn't go to the pool with him during this outing, cos didn't have intention for swimming. But Gareth dash to the pool once he saw the water. That's why he's not even in his trunk. hahah
My friend wk n mum not bf, her gal clingy to her oso leh

No bottom, u not scared Gareth output arh
I dun encourage supplement. U know I anti chemical 1. I encourage u to drink red dates if u dare to eat, can eat oso. Oso eat beef, spinage or yes seaweed. They r high in iron. I dun think fruit has high iron content. R u referring to high vit c?
haha, he output i also cannot do anything, just don't poo can liao. But he usually don't poo when he's out.

Hmm, then I will just take red dates as titbits then. Will go buy during weekends.
Fruits high in vit c? hmm....i don't take orange during pregnant leh. Not even orange juice.
Viv, did you put anything on top of the toasted bread for Jana?

Shook, haven't tried bombay toast, no time and forgot how to make already. Any recipe to share? Will try to stand up straight this saturday. I think another reason why backache is bec sometimes when she is sitted down suddenly she wanna run away so without standing up i bend while sitted to try to grab her.
Fruits high in vit c - citrus fruits grape fruit, lemon but I dun think u take. Guava is the highest among all in vit c content. Kiwi high in vit c too
U mean bombay toast recipe? Here it goes

<font color="ff0000">Eggy bread</font>

Contains iron
Good source of B vitamins

1 slice of soft wholemeal bread
1 egg, well beaten
A little oil for frying

Heat the oil in a frying pan. Dip the bread in the egg, turning to coat both sides well. Carefully place into the hot oil, and fry until golden brown on both sides. Remove from the heat and place on kitchen paper to absorb any surplus oil. Cut into tiny finger, and serve along with some slices of tomato or satsuma.
yup..the test kit again
the nurse say tomato sauce is sweet + pasta noodle high in carbo ...definitely a no no. but i will try it out pasta with pesto sauce n take a reading to c how lah ...

oh my ...ur fren's wife really v cham ...

no problem ..got good supply of blood???? hee hee ...anyway i requested nurse to use the finest needle and they alternate between right/left arm ..today left arm blue black, right arm a little rashes.

the self test kit is on loan from the clinic, once a week, prick 6 times a day - before and after each meal of breakfast/lunch/dinner.

haha...somehow Jana must hv mislead u ...my expectation is only for her to behave herself ...then i v grateful liao ... no need to help take care of mei mei.

if eureka's mil cook vinegar pig trotters this weekend, will trace her down even if its jurong island!! the best pig trotters on the singapore island leh!! hahaha

make girl or boy not up to us mah ...its up to the hubbies!

the parents must be around for the enrichment classes, but for playgp think parents dun hv to be around.

hmm...bombay toast = french toast!!

butter! toast with melted butter..yummy!!
<font color="0077aa">shook</font>

alamak! forgot to answer your post..so sorry!!

4 helpers..?? No la.. 3 only!!
I think I'm not so worried about the CF now..
I also think I'm staying in longer at hospital to make sure Max gets her jaundice test...

Do you remember that time?? So traumatic for us??
I've also just sent jaundice warning out to mummies popping on my other thread.. then I thought of you and Chen Chen!!


I'm using the Magnolia essential oils for Matt after showers in place of ruyi. I diffuse the eucalptus\green tea oils for about 2-3hrs for him as well.. so far Matt still catches a cold or the sneezys.. but it lasts at the most 1-2 days! Let me know if you wanna try.. I have spare lamps and some oils I can pass you! But you have to drop by collect lo!!

Plus also Matt take CLO. In Perth I brought all my "kah lang chan" aromatherapy stuff and luckily can clear customs!! Couldn't risk Matt getting some cold etc etc..

pesto sauce?? goodness.. might as well eat the aglio olio(olive oil) kind liao!! Or Garlic n herb??

Is your reading very high from the range after meals?? What is the range bef meals?

If you plan to take the trotters better not choose that day to measure hor?!! anyway the way you make it sound so delicious.. maybe you can tar pow some from Eureka n I can pick it up from your work place during my CF hor??!! heh heh
viv, Shook

Bombay toast\French toast..!!

I'v got this neighbour... cooks french toast every other morning\afternoon!! Drove me crazy enough to go Killney kopitiam to eat!!!

Funny that so late in the preg.. I still have my cravings..

Latest= Calbee Ebisen Prawn crakers, katong laksa, nasi padang, polar/sara lee chocolate cake &amp; chocolate e'clair!! ben n jerry's ice cream and swensen's coit tower!!
Eureka, eheheeheeeeee... u very comical leh!
Oh, I make my own pancakes and he loves them. But cannot eat pancakes everyday, right??

Viv, so how? u found out where eureka's mil staying already?? I zoom there with u, okay??

Sms me the address hor. No better still, mommies who went to eureka's place pls give us her address... then me and viv will wait for her outside the door and sneak up on her when she reaches her mil's place. heheheeeee.... :p

Shook, yeah, i have my own room.
Bombay toast... like french toast. I tried this morning... failed! He didn't want.
Yr obimin not included in your gynae package meh? Mine is included so might as well take it even though I still have stock. Was just finishing up my old multivit from Ally's time and had to throw a bit away coz expired liao. Now on obimin coz the old multivit no more stock.

Do you eat internal organs? I know I ate quite a bit of liver when I had Ally and my iron level was quite good. Why can't take citrus fruits? Me love to drink orange juice.

U also must pay for your vits from Gynae? So strange. How much did you pay for your package? I paid $500 for after 1st trimester. Includes scan, multivits and calcium pills. Doesn't include delivery charges.

Your girls v smart. They know how to make space for themselves... 1 up and the other down so both sides got enough space.

Ally came out on the 40th week, exactly on the EDD during my first scan when she was a 4 week old foetus.

My new boss is ok. Feel a bit torn now coz there's pressure to get things moving esp since there is a chance if I give birth from 37th week, it's only less than a month away. Got ROD mood but stress that a lot of things are pending and dunno how to complete.

Will wait for a vacancy in the saturday class coz sun really not good day for us. How abt you? So have you decided if you wanna go for the sun class? Thot of calling them soon.

My mom also put a lot of ginger in my SIL's longan red date drink but she likes ginger. I told my mom if she does it, she'll waste her $$ then coz I won't drink much. Anyway Ally had jaundice so I think she put very little. In the beginning, didn't put at all then slowly slowly added when Ally's jaundice cleared. Hope she doesn't psycho my maid to add for me.

Congrats on getting a girl! Told my hubby that would def prefer 2 girls to 2 boys. If get 2-3 boys and no girls, sure cry. As for getting a boy, it's really to fulfill 'obligations' since my children are the 1st 2 grandchildren for both sides of my in-laws family. My mom was also delighted coz she already has 3 granddaughters. As for me, I'm a little apprehensive now coz Ally is really an active kid and it seems that Nicholas is moving alot more in my tummy compared to Ally and gynae says I've got one active kid inside me. Dunno how to cope if he's gonna be even more energetic than Ally.

I also want to eat pig's trotters!

come to think of it.. I think I'm defintly sure Matt caught Meningitis at ILs place...makes my skin crawl too when I go to their place!!

KK now very a stickler for hygiene..makes sure PIL washes their hand with soap!! Bought the Dettol hand soap for the sink. Previously it was only water.. then wipe on some towel that everyone handles!!!Don't know got change or not!?
whereas hubby n I the only ones using the miserable cake of soap that's so dry cannot even have bubbles until soak a bit of water!!

I secretly spray the towel now with anti-bacteria spray!!
viv, shook,
French toast with jam is also very nice. What's 'satsuma'? Can add a little milk to the egg mixture to improve the flavour. Thanks, shook for the idea. I forgot about french toast. Think I'll make that for Sarah tomorrow.

Sarah is still on the small side, but of course, she's growing well
. She's really active though she eats well.
pesto is really yummy. You can make a nice pesto by just warming up a little olive oil and lightly browning crushed garlic and dried basil. Very 'Italian' flavour.

Nope, my package don't include the pills.

I seldom eat internal organ, cannot tahan the smell.

As for orange or orange juice, I was told not to take during pregnancy cos bb will be more prone to phlegm and cough after they are born.

Friend's wife try with their 2 kids, 1st one, eat orange and drink orange juice, come out keep couging and having phlegm. 2nd one, didn't take orange at all, seldom get phlegm and cough.

Gareth don't get phlegm often. So i assume it's related.
