(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

Aiyoh....Absolut, can't recognise you at all!!!! Think you look better without glasses!!! Really like a model, ur fingers look very long n slender too...so nice to have pictures taken in Sydney... was it part of the Compass photographer thingy? Love that pink gown! You were "tanner" last time isit?

Mom2nat! Sexy siah!!! I think you look nicer with hair tied up! The pictures look so romantic!!!

Shook n Stylo, share with me please???
Stylo, Absolut...
Why do i hv the impression u gals expecting me to be living in some run down place leh?

Yupz, painted the place myself.

mok mok is ghost... yeah
Why i din receive ur pics?

play me out har... so? ur hubby coming? mark went back office to borrow more games from microsoft leh.

u always shop at Carrefour mah. My colleague happened to be at my desk when i open ur pic... he says very romantic leh
WAT, WAT mum2nat high class?? I getting more n more confused at this forum. No head no tail u all just pop n talk abt smthing, issit carry over frm some email, msn or even sms?? Brenda, pris, apa?

Anyway, mum2nat, yes, hi class yes. But i nvr mentioned here leh!

chai po mia leh, just finished scrubbing toilet, dun know wat to eat for lunch or early dinner!

Ivy which one, the blue team, leading the group one ah?? 1st episode was ok but last nite, oh dear, adding the hunk in was total redundance (how to spell)lah! Ya lor, degrading....tot supposedly to be a motivational show!

Deer ah Deer,
U belly cute....dun know wat to say abt u! BTW, wat b/w effect u n brenda talking abt n I am involved? blur leh......y am i involved in so many topics where i myself dun know ah?

<font color="aa00aa">PADDINGTON BEAR,</font>
<font color="aa00aa">KIERAN darling</font>, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO U! Greeting frm aunty eureka in Barney purple, nice?

hahaha, it's an element of surprise. During Gareth's time, i buy any color for him, those that i think it's nice. Yes, I bought pink colour as well. haha, anyway, they too young to bother whether what colour they wear.

As for the 2nd one, haha, brenda help me answer liao. Not buying anything for the 2nd one, maybe only one for the baby when out of the hospital.

haha, thanks for telling Deer that I'm a cheapo mum. hahahahah
Blur QUEEN Mum2nat,
U dare say u sent to me liao ah, WHERE? BO leh....sexy pics or babe.....so mysterious leh!

Faster leh......
i found my wedding fotos softcopies. my hubby's frd scanner quite 'ko yak' then (abt 3yrs back) so d fotos effect not v nice. u wan me email to u?

mom2nat, ruffy, absolut, stylobb, eureka,
can i c urs too
can email me at: [email protected]. if u wan to c mine, let me now n i can email to u.
Aiyoh... Mom2nat, Eureka !
Mom2nat likes to go carrefour and shop... so will always carry carrefour bags, and not cheapo red bags like me leh. So she high class rite~~

U r welcome

correct leh.. but in receive from u... got it from Pris twice tho
cannot put Ryy? the nurse say why? too hot for the bb har..

i hate that smell too.. if not becos it was meant "to be gd to get rid of wind" i wun use.
Orr Pris,
The one with ur drooping gown with litlle smooth smooth nei nei revealed ah? NIce, indeed very sexy! U also very pretty bride. Tot u forwards whole album to the rest, tat's y i extort lor...

gareth is a beautiful newborn
that pic dun make gareth look very girl meh? for a moment I thot he's in a dress leh. So unlike our manly gareth now

hhmmm... i like the way u describe Pris's photo..
U damn hum sap oso
.....my description is apt hor? Dun know got pervert will go after pris anot after this. Stylobb lor, say until so frightening, got pple peek at bbs foto n etc...
I got it.... hehe.... the girls so hum sup, only zoom on on that....ahaha..

This I must say! You, eureka and I have younger husbands.......ahahah!!!!!!!!!! So we Qin Xia era women married younger men... ahaha..!!!

Yah, I super vain, absolut also said she is vain.... all your fault, show your pics, made me so gian... went to take out all my albums....sigh...

eureka is a v frank person, she tells u sth straight in your face, stimes u cannot recover in time but I like her frankness!!!!!

Can check if u recvd? Hope not so many pics that they clog up the mailbox...man.............if u also dun get, then I gotta delete some....

If u read what the paedophiles say, think u might freak out...

Never say why, she just told us dun put...
I like pleasant surprises also, but make me wait 9 mths to know whether girl or biy, i cannot tahan lah! U not cheapo lah, my nephew is wearing YH's newborn clothes now, when i hv no.2, i will take them back and let my no.2 wear, does it make me super cheapo? :p
Gareth in pink .... errrr.... find him look like girl girl leh. I dunno think i will let my boy wear like this .... but it makes him look like a SNAG (sensative new age guy) hor? hahaha ....
haha, thanks.

haha, I like the feeling when I give birth, and pple tell me...."hey, it's a boy/girl". hahaha

Ya, alot of pple say Gareth in pink looks like a girl, I even want to let him wear a dress and take pic, but can't find one to do so. hahahhaha
Ur vainess become my fault ah??? U jielat liao, wonder whether Eureka will go after u ..... i posted abt younger hb so long liao, she also didnt mention its same for her, and now u exposed her!!! Prepared to be wallop by her in ur dream! hahaha ....
My yahoo is 1G lah, ur photos only 8000K, can lah, i received all! I like all the b&amp;w photos
<font color="aa00aa">Eureka</font>
Aiyo, you say until like tat... wat "nei nei"...

I wanna see your photos leh..
I need to find my cd then save into yahoo, then can show you the rest. NOt much time recently.
HOw's Elyse?? Rashes ok liao, as hyper??

How do you define SNAG?? Do they really exist? And do we really like guys like tat?
U know what? I was telling my colleague the other time if only YH is a girl, i would hv let him wear the sweet pinky dress i made during my home econs class in sec sch! Now u give me the idea to let YH try on it! hahaha ....
Btw, i kept the dress in my old wardrobe for my bb, hopefully i will hv a girl for no.2.
<font color="ff0000">Ay Stylobb,</font>
Anything I want to share with mums here, I will reveal myself leh......aga aga hor!
I dunno how to define SNAG leh, it was KC who said guys wear pink look SNAG, so pink for SNAG lor.

Saw ur pic. i think u and ur hb got fu qi xiang, both of u dun look alike, but very deng tui

I like the pic both of u took on the beach, casual and nice. blur also got blur's effect mah. Dun blame ur hb's friend lah, the pic look nice
stylobb, can let me see a few of your photos also?..so many praises for you made me curious. PM me. Mom2Nat dun wanna share with me lei
THanks for the photos. will view later.

Where are your photos?
Ay yes, these aunties here v hum sup. I went to see my photo just now, not revealing lah!!
Send liao.

Grrr...resent.... hehe....

Aiyah my friend!!!!
I never give cos u never ask mah.... hiaz... we knew each other for quite long liao.... ok...wait ah....

U email me and I shall reply..cos I lost ur email when my old addy site was down.

My apology accepted???

jesse also wore a lot of NB hand me down.. .no problem lah, so comfy....
mom2nat, ruffy, absolut, stylobb, sanrio, shook
can i see all of your pics ???? i got plenty of space at [email protected]

we can view ur wedding album tomorrow at ur place?????

eureka, brenda, deer, absolute, skyblue
thanks for all your reassurances ... yeah ..hope everything will turn out well n good.

acutally i dun like wat eng howe has done for me ..i din slim down in time for photoshoot, so look v bloated then i was also not v comfortable with him, so din really like the way the photos turn out.

i hv bought shoes from mothercare and robeez
, there's 1 pair of nike which fren gave and another squeaky disney one from FIL.

finally managed to convert my wedding video from dvd to windows format but then still trying to upload to youtube, u wait awhile more hor ... will send u the link once its up.
Thanks, din see all the photos yet... scan one or two. You v sweet leh, name all the photos.. and so lovey dovey...
