(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies


Really hope that auntie xiuzhen will be a good help to your sis, she's very friendly and chatty and if your sis wants her to do anything, just asks her, dun need to be paiseh. Your sis can ask her to help monitor the urine and poo output as well and tell her strictly breastfeeding only, she will bring baby to her every 3 hourly. All the best with your sis confinement!

U got addicted to seeing wedding photos isit?? same same, initally i was wondering why everyone is asking for my wedding photos, but after i saw Stylobb and Mom2nat's wedding photos, i cant help asking for MORE! And now i hv seen quite a number liao, feel very CONTENTED! hahaha ....

Hey, u shld teach Rae Rae to look left and right b4 crossing also hehehe .....

How's Chen Chen? Hope his blocked nose cleared liao? And ur feverish? Gone liao??
Thanks... me tai tai look but no tai tai life!!!!! Hahaha!!!!
Grape colour -that's a unique colour ...haha...I think it's more mauve....
No lah, me got common face.. and I didn't post any pics on the forum...
U make me a bit more enthusiastic, I went to dig out more pics... haha...later see if I have time to scan the pic of the gown...

How come the teacher so 'bad' ah????

U take care....

U had a good nite's sleep?

No problem lah, I also dun know what is healthy weight gain...

Wait ha....later I go find more pics and scan...

I am waiting for ur pics!!! hehe...

Wait hor, I come back later......
Pls dun put ru yi yu for goodness sake! He is only a few days old.. If u ask the nurses or doc, I dun think any of them wl allow u to do it...it's quite 'hot' on the stomach u know and his umbilical cord is still there...? aiyoh...
Thanks for ur concern. Think u will hear alot abt my nephew fr me, i feel as if i m handling a newborn all over again, even though i hv experience with YH, but i still feel very helpless and dunno what to do when i see my nephew having this and tt problem. When i post qns, u must answer hor ;)

Thanks. I will pass the msg to my sis. I hope auntie XiuZhen will be a great help to my sis and my mum. My mum will be very bz with my grandfather for the next 6 weeks.

Talking abt my grandfather, his report was out yesterday. The scan showed tt there was another growth at(? or near?) the heart. Without treatment, he will only hv 6 mths, hopefully with treatment his life will be prolonged. For the next 6 weeks, my mum and her siblings will hv to bring my grandfather to TTSH for treatment, 5 days a week, half an hr each time. Dunno whether it is chemo or radiothreapy, my mum said "hua liao", dunno which one. They got to take turns, 1-2 times a week. Think my mum will be very busy, take care of my sis and her bb, bring my grandfather to hospital, one pending op fr my grandma, and look after YH when i m at work. I will see how things go, i might start taking leaves to relieve my mum a bit. But i really dunno what's next after the 6 weeks treatment. I hope i will hv enuff leaves for all these.
After i read ur post, i called my sis immediately. Glad tt it was my BIL who answered the call, he told me he didnt want to put ru yi you on my nephew, so he didnt put
He said he doesnt think bb got colic, he think his cries is due to hunger. BB bf at 1am, then 4am until 6am (this is very long! whenever my sis unlatch him, he will cry), but he slept until now. So he think its normal. I think its normal also. Seems like my BIL is more zai than my sis. Even my mum think so, and praises him alot.
ever thot of asking co. to let u go on two weeks long leave to handle all these? cos from the sound of it.. like gonna be tough on ur mum leh. Mebbe 2 weeks later ur sis can be up on her own for her bb already?
ur nephew got alot of wind in his tummy?
The only solution i know now is to apply Ru yi oil. apply a bit on the hand, rub ur hand till warm and press on his tummy. "transfer of heat method". Dun apply directly cos will be "hot" on his tummy.

Can hold the NB's tummy closed to the carrier body. It helps him to get rid of some wind.
Glad everything is fine with your nephew now.

I didn't quite follow the progress of your grandpa. He has cancer??? R u guys going to bring him home??? Your mum going to take care of him?? If that's the arrangement, can get hospice care nurses to come in periodically. otherwise, can opt for inpatient hospice.
I will see how things go when my granfather's treatment started, my mum only need to bring him to hospital 1-2 times every week, as my aunt and uncles will take turns. The confinement lady is available for 4 weeks, so i might not need to take long leaves at the moment, just the 1-2 days a week when its my mum's turn. I want to preserve my leaves for the time when the confinement lady is not available, and dunno what is going to happen next. but i will see how, if it is really too much for my mum, i will take long leaves. Actually this is subjected to approval also. My colleague told me, there was another colleague who wanted to apply for child care leave for 1 yr, but her boss asked her to quit instead. Wonder whether my boss will help me??
Thanks for the suggestion. My BIL said he doesnt want to give ru yi you to my nephew at the moment. I will teach him the transfer heat method tonite, so tt he can do it when he think its nece. think he knows the carrying bb close to the body method, coz my mum said he was doing it last nite. Thanks
Mon Mon
Nat is on Enfagrow... can pass me the samples. Thanks!

Aiyo, you dun believe them wat sexy pose lah... Nothing interesting. Later I got time then email to you.
My grandfather has a growth at the side of his neck, 3 growth in the nose, and now 1 more at or near the heart(??). Actually i also dunno what's going on, my uncle is the one who sees the doc whenever it is time to see doc for the test report. He passed the msg to my aunt, and my aunt passed the msg to my mum, i get all these msg fr my mum. According to my aunt, it is throat cancer. As for the treatment, i really dunno what kind of treatment, i only know the schedule. What i m told is, they hv to bring my grandfather to hospital for the treatment everyday, 5 times a week, half an hr each time. The whole treatment will last for 6 weeks. The doc reassured my uncle tt my grandfather shld be able to take the treatment, coz even a 90 yr old can take it. He doesnt need to be hospitalised for the treatment.

Can tell me more abt hospice?
Actually YH did something very wen xin this morn, but he did it in his dream, think he didnt even know tt he has touched his mummy's heart so dearly. but i need to work on an ad-hoc request now. I will tell u more when i come back. Sorry for the suspend, coz i cant tell a story with my work bugging me. Just wait hor.
Hospice care is essentially for patients at the end of life. Don worry, the place is actually quite cheery, with nurses n drs looking out n taking care of them, to ensure their best comfort. depending on patient's religion, they may even arrange for certains sessions for bible or buddhist prayers. There will also be music therpy, heat therpy etc at certain places. When patient comes to almost an end, the nurses will usually arrange a special room for the patient to stay in, so that the rest of the family can spend time with the patient alone.

Whereas for nurses to come to your home. They will come periodically, like once every 3 days. of course, when in trouble, u can give them a call too. 24 by 7. if they deem the problem as serious, they will get their drs to come in and assess the situation.

If your grandpa is terminally ill now. (as in life span of only 6 months) what is the daily treatment for??? To make him less uncomfortable or is it for treatment?
I dun think my grandfather is terminally ill. I think there is hope if he receives treatment. According to my mum, if he doesnt receive treatment and the growth grow, it will become stage 4 cancer, he will only hv 6 mths. If he receive treatment, his life can be prolonged. Currently, my grandfather doesnt feel the pain. In fact, if it is not for the growth at the side of his neck, we wont even know tt he got cancer. But i dunno if he receive treatment, whether he will need extra care at home. Will he feel weak and need pple to take care of him?
In this case, can we still engage hospice service?

I dun think others like to read abt all these, can email to me? Thanks for all the info.
My email addr: [email protected]
Deer, for bf babies.... to get the milk to come in, you have to latch on the baby every 2-3hr if he doesn't wake up to feed. Check for jaudice. Jaudice babies are very sleepy. Let him feed for as long as he wants... that way, the bm will come faster. At least he pee... that's an improvement. What about in the hospital? Did he poo and pee? I believe so... or else they will never let him home.

Pigletz, can you help me prepare porridge for Ethan? I will come after his chicken pox jab... doc appointment is at 12noon. Hope he won't be cranky.... thanks. Still can't decide what to bring tomorrow. Will most prob just buy something from Rivervale Mall - that's where his jab will be... any requests? What about if I bring some fruits like honeydew/rock melon for the kids?

Am so sleepy... hb and I stayed up to chat... until about 2+am...
Morning mummies,
I cant open ur site leh......I stayed at blk 97 1 rm flat when i was borned...u?

It is ok, I am ok reading ur post....go ahead. I am waiting for ur wen xin's story.....quick come back.
Just come back from gynae checkup today. And yes, I'm pregnant. Already 14 weeks, and bb is growing well, gynae say bb is in good size, well developed. Can see the head, eyes, mouth, heartbeat, got long hand and long leg, oh ya, and long backbone. hahha

You are right!! I'm expecting and I think you have already suspected it very long ago.

Okay, will prepare porridge for Ethan.
deer, sorry to hear about your grandfather. Sounds like your family will be really busy in the coming months. Take care of yourselves too.
Meconium is that sticky black tarry substance that the newborn will poo for the first few days. After that, the poo should become yellow for breastfed babies. You forgot already ah? YH I am sure pooed that meconium. But bf babies sometimes don't poo for several days. However, 5 days is still early. Maybe the meconium is all 'stuck'. Poor baby.

<font color="ff0000">pigletz</font> can cook some porridge for Sarah too? She usually takes about 2 disposable chinese soup spoons of uncooked rice. Thanks soooo much.
hahaha, can can. But don't think will be of any use. Decision has being make ever since Gareth's time. hahah
U mean those foto under HOME are ur 1rm 'den' then???? VERY COSY n nice.......unbelievable!!!!!!!!!!! I like. I have little memory of the rm i stayed then cos nb n little tod. But I tot i have impression it is barely do up n corridor very dark.. Eric Khoo's movies always feature type........

NIce leh....so well done......very arty farty!!!! I WANT TO GO TO UR CURRENT HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congrats. So the craving is because u are preggie. Hint so obvious but i didnt get it.. hahaha..
haha, you are so scary. hahaha, did your intuition tells you this one boy or girl? Brenda very interested to know.
can't help laufing!... both of u so funny!!

Hazey.. Closing finish?

Pigletz, ARGH!!

beyond the door, ur memory serves u right..hahah, dark corridors etc. That time single, got strength got time.. every thing from furniture to wall n flooring DIY mah. NOw this flat arh, PIGSTY !
hahaha, no lah. the craving is not becos of preggie lah. Infact, I have lost 2 kg since getting pregnant. And hor, I have not being eating much too.
AY Brenda,
Cant help it, very nice foto leh.......I blew up every foto.....so nice n pleasant.......u really so pro ......Jem gonna have lots n lots of nice foto lined up!!!!!!!

Ur dining table with u ....ah duh.....so into own world n u with the short hair......hehehehe, now mother liao!
Congrats Pigletz..whau u can join the preggie list liao.. oh yes.. can Ryan ask for 1/2 portion of porridge for Sat? Thanks!

that was what I learnt at workshop yesterday.. for sharing.

So next preggie mummy in waiting will be PV hor.. I join u next year lah.
hahaha, heard it? eureka say it's a girl. So don't pester me to ask the gynae liao okay. *grin*

Thanks for telling brenda. hahaha
haha, thanks. So ask Ryan don't stress me too much tomorrow okay? Must be a good boy okay?

No prob abt the porridge.
Hi KC,
Brenda's cat is a wallpaper frm her pc
...yah, perhaps tat's her pet too.......

ALL the foto done by u? I gonna bookmark n show hb later! Tell him wat is amateur n pro!

I am really very impressed!
AY Eureka ,

Din read properly har... old website leh. Me haven't get to play w my cam for very long liao.. lost touch already. HAhhaha, tho i also hope i can have the time to do a portfolio for Jem.

I kept a cat, two hamsters and 7 chinchillas under one roof! hahahhahaha... forced to surrender all after preg. *sob*

Why! Aiyoh so sad to surrender them..... My boy gets along well with the 6 cats my mum keeps, he talks to them all the time and actively looks out for them. No problem so far.....

Wah! Next time I see you, must help me take some photos of my boy, k!
PIGLETZ! Congrats!!!!
So happy for you! Hey! You better don't stress yourself out for tomorrow, okay? House a bit messy, we'll understand... :p

Dun lose the touch, very sayang....very well done! It's U, it is really U kind of thingy lor....re-capture those touch again when u can afford the time!

