(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

Lyn, take it easy... relax... it of course is difficult for yourself as well as Jerald as both of you are adjusting to seeing each other everyday for hours now.

Jul, congrats!!
You're mommy no. 5.

Shook, I also bought a ball pit for ethan when he was 4-5 months. he loves it... still plays with it... he'll throw the balls out, sit inside, look at the mess, smile, get out, and start picking up the balls and keeping it in the pit again.
So I have no probs with it. Maybe you can teach Chen chen to clean up the mess too? Ethan has been thought that... and he does it for all his toys now.

Thanks for offering to bring the bangawan Solo Cake for the gathering. But hor, Mon Mon already baking a cake for all of us liao, don't think we will end up eating bangawan solo cake leh. How huh? Don't want to waste your effort leh.
Shook, such a nice blog for chen chen! You have really nice family pictures!

Mummies, thanks for all the replies on the "fishy" qn... seems like there is no std hor... some babies eat more, some eat less of it.....

Jul! Congrats!!!
The cake more for Kids to eat lor.. v.small cake lah.. sure can finish.. if there is I will bring Banana cake..ryan can finish 3-4 pieces by himself.
How's ur morn? Hope u wont feel so tired this morn. I wonder whether is it s'porean's lifestyle tt really make us tired .... i feel very tired also, even though its just beginning of the week. This morn when i was waiting for the lift, another colleague whom i dunno (she is working at another flr which i hv no dealing with) was talking to her colleague, the first thing she said was "I feel so tired", then the colleague said "Yeah, u look tired" .... i was thinking "huh? what a thing to say early in the morn and on the 1st day of the week!" But upon reflection, it is quite ture! In fact, i feel very tired also .... dunno why i said all these, but just share with u lor ... hahah ... like what Eureka share with u, just to make u lauff, hope u feel much refreshed after laughing ;)
Will try to reply ur email today :p

Yeap, my mum is always the most wanted person, she is always so nice and always ready to help, tt's everyone look for her. Sometx i feel so heartpain to see her so tired. My sis's EDD is early Sept. Cant remember the exact date.

Chen Chen got so much clothing and toys, the pic taken during his b'day celebration? He looks so cute with the cap and with his hands on the toys, as if to say "It's all mine!" ;)

Agree with u, bb r really a bundle of joy!
All of us r looking forward to the arrival of my sis's bb
We r hving quite a few new members in the family ... my cousin just hv a bb boy, my sis is giving birth soon, my SIL will be hving a 2nd one in Dec! My family very productive hor ;)

R u still at Bintan now?? Hope to see ur happy family photos soon

Hv u posted ur HK trip photos?? Think i might hv missed it. I got no time to read 1 week's archive. Dun mind post the link again if u hv a website for the photos?? I miss Jem's photos, Jem's big big eyes help me to destress ;)
small cake? You means those where we usually get it when babies full month one ah? I got 5 to exchange leh, maybe I can exchange a few banana one for you to bring home for Ryan since he can eat them. I seldom eat those cake. Don't want to waste the cards.
then i go buy jap rice and seaweed....maybe can make the 'bak chang' look alike jap dumpling. Want anot?

Then I don't make potato salad and you don't bring bak kwa liao. k?
err, like that ah. Use normal rice lor, then add more rice wine and vinegar to make the taste similar lor.

Come to think of it, better don't lah. Cos later the babies don't eat hor, waste my effort.
Mummies joining the gathering in sept:
1) pigletz (2+0.5) - potato salad
2) brenda (2+0.5) - mango pudding
3) priviledged (1+0.5) - sushi/maki (no raw stuff)
4) Val (2+0.5) 1/2 kg of Lim CHEE Guan Bak
5) Emily (2+0.5)
6) Giggler (maybe: 1+0.5)
7) Sanrio (2+0.5)
8) Ruffybear (2+0.5)- Bangawan Solo Cake
9) Viv (2+0.5) - Tiong Bahru Chwee Kueh
10) Mom2nat (2+0.5)- Chicken wings
11) Mon Mon (1+0.5)- Apple Cake/ chocolate chip cookies
12) Lyn (1+0.5)
13) Pringles (most prob 2+0.5)- soon kueh
14) Hazey (2+0.5)-Eggs to make chawamushi
15) Absolut (prob 2+0.5
16) Shook (2+0.5) - Maja Tropicana
I where got no heel u?? I always reply to ur sms and emails and postings .... but last week was really a crazy week for me, i didnt come into the forum at all for a few days, might hv missed ur posting to me .... cant read all archives lah, otherwise i forever cant catch up and cant post liao .....
Is ur driving test over liao??? Did u pass???
Let me know hor.
Think someone mentioned ur hb will be outstation in Sept and Oct.... how r u going to cope with Rae and Elyse alone days and nites???
Tell u smthg ... i always complain hb not much help during wkends, but when i cope with YH alone when my mum went to look after my grandma, then i realised even though hb not doing as much as me in taking care of YH during wkend, BUT his helping here and there HELPS! It's only when i took care of YH ALONE then i realised it is really very tough to do it ALONE! I hv already disqualified myself being a SHAM, think working is still a bit easier .... maybe Skyblue will agree with me hor? ;)
I really very peifu u to cope with TWO! U take care, and do ur hair wash at Whampao more often to destress hor

U preggie?? Congrats!

Take good care of urself.

So many mummies preggies

How many har??
Nat, Absolut, Stylobb, Viv, Jul ...
anyone else i hv missed out???

Actually i read ur post last last week(??) But i cant sit down and post, and my congrats to u now. U take good care, ok?

YH is very active now, he likes to climb all over me when i lied down besides him, if there r bolsters or pillows around, he likes to climb on them and do a free fall, knock his head twice on the hard granite flooring yesterday, very loud "gong" when he fell, my heart nearly stopped beating when i heard it! Guess i just hv to be more careful with him and get used to his falling ... but it is really very tiring taking care of him, seems like he is more agile, more aggressive, more active than me. Dunno when this kind of tiring days will ease???? When will our bb be less active???
I think it is okay for cakes lah.. let the mummies/babies have more choice

Or else what you suggest?

will need to wait till they are 2yr + for them to be less "accident prone" in the house. At present this monkey is running all around the house/climb grills, throwing things around etc.. not sleeping at all, pushing chairs/ toys from one room to another...busy rearranging/restyling the decor when he is at home.
Since you wants the mummies/babies to have more choice. Why not make some small sandwiches for them? No one suggested that yet for the gathering.

Just that you have to put some effort in making it as you will be doing it at your home, in ur kitchen.

Ingredient need:

So, you can make:
egg sandwiches (for parents if the babies can't eat eggs)
ham sandwiches
cheese sandwiches

Can? Cheap, good, taste nice and with alot of sincerity.

Mummies, any objection? I believe your babies should be able to eat sandwiches right?
This week Granny thought me more about our faith.When praying one should say

" GOD Bless xxx".
This morning Granny taught me to say my morning prayers.

Granny, " Ryan say..GOD bless Mama"

Ryan, " GOD Bless Mama"

Granny, " Good Boy!" Next say " GOD bless Daddy."
* Still have to bless Mummy, Yi Yi, Lau Ma, Lau Gong etc.

Mummy, " Ryan, have you asked GOD to bless everybody ?"

* Should have just said this first..save me all that trouble

Besides learning about my faith I also have to learn how to behave well. Eg: Asking for this politely.

Ryan, " Apple Juice!" ( He shouted upon seeing the carton of apple juice)

Mummy, " Ask politely first, then you will get some to drink"

Ryan," Apple Juice, Please Mummy"

Ryan gets his cup of apple juice.
Hi mUmmies,
thanks for all your well wishes! GOing for scan later. Hope I will "click" with KT Tan.

Pok, of course we remember you.

Viv, just got hubby to buy me chwee kueh this morning.... hehehe... oily and yummy!

EUreka, you're right. I think I tend to neglect myself and my family as a doctor. Tend to think more abt patients' health than mine.
jul, congrats! Aiyoh, so many of you expecting #2. I got to ask my hubby to hurry up liao

shook, my SIL also talked about buying Sarah a ball pit. I told her that it would occupy too much space, and I have to clean all the balls often. Also like chen chen, Sarah would probably just take the balls out or throw the balls out and then I will have to spend time crawling under the furniture to pick the balls up. Hope my SIL doesn't buy the pit.

lyn, you in Bintan yet? We're going on Thurs.

Alicia, you going to Phuket? So exciting! We've ordered a baby cot for Sarah. Hopefully she'll sleep in it. She's used to sleeping in a cot in her own room. Don't know what will happen if we are in the room with her - will she want to play with us all the time???
Mummies joining the gathering in sept:
1) pigletz (2+0.5) - potato salad
2) brenda (2+0.5) - mango pudding
3) priviledged (1+0.5) - sushi/maki (no raw stuff)
4) Val (2+0.5) 1/2 kg of Lim CHEE Guan Bak
5) Emily (2+0.5)
6) Giggler (maybe: 1+0.5)
7) Sanrio (1+0.5)
8) Ruffybear (2+0.5)- Bangawan Solo Cake
9) Viv (2+0.5) - Tiong Bahru Chwee Kueh
10) Mom2nat (2+0.5)- Chicken wings
11) Mon Mon (1+0.5)- Apple Cake/ chocolate chip cookies
12) Lyn (1+0.5)
13) Pringles (most prob 2+0.5)- soon kueh
14) Hazey (2+0.5)-Eggs to make chawamushi
15) Absolut (prob 2+0.5
16) Shook (2+0.5) - Maja Tropicana

hubby cant cum, hope i can handle ashrel. ashrel attend d church creche then now nursery since 1 mth old. he grew up w many bbs. yesdy d mummies all commented tat ashrel is d most active bb among all! so mummy got d 'slimmest' award, d 'prize' for looking af him loh..

i heard kt tan is gd.

dear mummies,
ashrel is walking, thou not v stable yet. now i noe wat u all meant by more headache.. he goes supermkt, 'ransack' all d shelves. put him back to stroller or carry him, he protest!
the moving pics steps quite complicated. v diff to explain in words. only managed to get it done wen ruffy n ryan came to visit n w ruffy's help.
Ahaha....hope skyblue not offended with me... me just teasing her.....

Thanks for asking...
Yah lah, make me laugh.. .I really got no other words except 'tired' ....sigh..... every Mon mornings hb and I wake up with the same thot: wish we are on LEAVE....hahaha.... yesterday three of us slept for 3.5 hours cos tired out from bbq the nite before... today I was literally yawning with tears nearly flowing down my cheeks....ahaha....

YH getting active? It's normal lah.... I think the most scary part is between when they crawl to when they try to walk cos they dun know how to balance themselves well yet, always kena knock here and there....

Hope your grandma is well, at least she got ppl around to take care of her... she's demanding? It's like that for sick ppl, stimes they also like to manja... not easy for the caregivers though... needs lotsa patience.... so tough for your mum......

I also dun know what u mean by 'egg shell'..... so gynae is gonna confirm later what it actually is?
U planning for second kid ah?

What's the scan for? To confirm pregnancy or what? Your posting macham so hazy one, can clarify more or not?? Hehe.... ok, ok, update us after your scan.
Your first pregnancy was tough???
Your work is so busy and hectic, u beta take care of yourself, esp when it comes to having regular meals.......

At least this thread is more productive than the new mums one... so hong u go action-action ok???? Hehe.....

Hehe...u also must hurry up, not just ur hb......haha....
Dun worry, I dun think u are as old as me...hehe

I can't imagine if we have to keep bending down to pick up balls man... my flat was also in a mess over the weekends... we just packed everything last nite....u know what jesse does? He will purposely throw the balls under the bed... hiaz......

Can't imagine if I have to wake up three times.... I'll be a zombie!!!!!!!!!! I lurve sleeeepingggg.....
hi pok pok,
long tx no c. cum for d gathering lah

bought ashrel a pair of shoes at isetan on sun as he wanted 2 cum down n walk n we din brg shoes. tis pair is v soft leather, super light wt n has an anti slip sole. his fatty feet can only fit into tis design largest availabe size. i realised it's more difficult 4 them 2 walk w shoes on as a start..
we wen 2 scotts picnic food court. gd 2 noe tat they hav bb chair, n rides 2 keep ashrel occupied..

Hi sanrio,

ya, long time din see all of you liao.

The last time is at Jul's place.

Let me know when is the gathering. I check with hubby to see if can make it.
U got used to Tyra's climbing around already isit? So now u r laughing at me lah ;P Do u think girls r more guai than boys?? I agree on the more fun part, they r more responsive now, but hor, really tiring leh ....

U still got 1 more yr b4 Ryan become less accident prone ... but do u intend to hv no.2??
Ryan is really very active, i can imagine u r very bo eng at home! U going back to sch next week? After teacher's day?

Hahaha ... on some days hb and i also hv the same thot, how we wish we r on leave together! Actually tt few days when i took leave, hb wanted to take leave also, so tt we can hv more time together, and i can get some help fr him also, but too bad, one of the proj (took over fr one colleague who had resigned) gave problems, he almost needed to fly to Taiwan, but lucky the issue was resovled by Fri nite .... otherwise i dun think i can survive to be alone with YH so many days! Hb still got 2 pending trips to china and phillipines .... i really wish he doesnt need to go, esp the Phillipines trip, they kidnap chinese, i m really worried

Hey, u preggie still go to BBQ??? The smoke no good for bb lah, let alone the food!! I dun like BBQ, i hate the smoke, whether i m preggie or no preggie, i dun eat bbq food. Try to take a nap during lunch time, i always do tt when i didnt sleep well the nite b4. Do u eat sweets? Try to find those soft jellies made fr fruits with no added sugar and no presevatives, it will perk u up for a while.

Yeah, agree with u, sick pple r more demanding, my grandma also very teh .... she so old already, so we give in too her a bit lor ...

My sis just called, she went for chkup this morn, Dr Ang asked her to go to his clinic again on Wed, he said most likely this week the bb will arrive!
Very excited now!!! I cant wait to see my nephew!!! Maybe he will come on 1 Sept as my BIL has hoped for

Once my nephew arrived, i think i will be very bo eng also, might not be able to come to the forum tt often .... hey, any juicy news like who n who preggie, must email to me hor!!!

The shoes u bought for Ashrel looks nice and comfy, how much u bought?
Ashrel looks very fair in the 1st photo, like his smile, so cheerful

High Chair
I saw someone enquired abt high chair in the forum, and it really make me wonder whether it is useful?? YH can sit up very well now, and i hv let him try out sitting on a high chair on 2 occassions liao, he seems to like it very much .... u think he will still want to sit inside once the novelty wear off???

Any mummies here using ikea high chair can advise me whether it is good? I try it out at SK food court and find the high chair a bit small leh .... wonder whether YH still can sit inside it after 2 yrs old???
skyblue, I got msn. Add: [email protected]

skyblue/eureka, I thot of pursueing my ambition that is to be teacher leh.

shook, April told me that BJG is gg to have new branch at CDAN ctry club. It'll be nearer to me as it's at Bt Batok. But didnt have chance to ask April if she teaches there. Those are Chen Chen's 1st bday presents? Brought her to see doc and she said it's norm cos her virus considered strong. Think if she got fever again these few days, I'll send her directly to KKH liao.

pringles, not feeling gd leh. No mood to celebrate my bday too. Just went for the blood test this morning and gynae told me that I'll go thru lapro first, if cant remove all will have to go for op. Sian to hear this though he said there's only less than 10% chance that I got to go thru both. Not to scare u but I also got brown discharge after my menses.

lyn, I guess you need more time to get accustomed to be sahm. Dun stress yourself too much. Enjoy your Bintan trip.

hong, Jan doesnt have any fishy smell on her after she takes fish? Vane will got fishy smell on her whole body from hair to toe leh.

jul, you expecting No.2??? That's why you feel tired most of the time? Congrats!!!

deer, good to hear that your grandma is much better now and your aunt & uncles took turn to look after her. It's really rare nowadays that siblings still come together to look after their parents. Can see my mom really exhausted lor, and her leg is giving her prob too. My surgery is on 5Sep, and I'll have 2 weeks of mc. Not sure how bad the I'll be after the surgery leh. Hopefully it's not that painful and I can still take care of Vane myself lah.

pok pok, you also expecting rite? There's so many mummies having No. 2 in this thread.
Since Ruffy bring cake, I'll bring cookies then.

Mummies joining the gathering in sept:
1) pigletz (2+0.5) - potato salad
2) brenda (2+0.5) - mango pudding
3) priviledged (1+0.5) - sushi/maki (no raw stuff)
4) Val (2+0.5) 1/2 kg of Lim CHEE Guan Bak
5) Emily (2+0.5)
6) Giggler (maybe: 1+0.5)
7) Sanrio (1+0.5)
8) Ruffybear (2+0.5)- Bangawan Solo Cake
9) Viv (2+0.5) - Tiong Bahru Chwee Kueh
10) Mom2nat (2+0.5)- Chicken wings
11) Mon Mon (1+0.5)- Chocolate chip cookies
12) Lyn (1+0.5)
13) Pringles (most prob 2+0.5)- soon kueh
14) Hazey (2+0.5)-Eggs to make chawamushi
15) Absolut (prob 2+0.5
16) Shook (2+0.5) - Maja Tropicana
Thx for your compliments on the blog I did

Urine test is FOC when done in private suite leh. Dr Sim charging $10 for urine test every visit?

Chen Chen keeps his toys depending on his mood.
He doesn't like 2 b in the ball pit hot in there

Your mum muz b a v capable n helpful person
The pic is taken when all the presents r unwrapped.
We make Chen Chen sit in high chair during meal time. My mum said muz inculcate tis habit fm young

Can bb still stomach your porridge after eating the cake?
Chen Chen eats egg but I dun give him cake. Too much sugar n self raising flour

Congrats! Juz when u said u not going to hv no 2 soon

1st time your hubby not going bb gathering

I read Ruffy's posting on the moving pic. Dun understand n no time to explore myself

Your whole family slept for 3.5hrs only for the whole of last 9?

Pok Pok
Of course remember u. COngrats to u too

Is Vane having fever today?
Dat's gd. R u going to sign Vane for BJG when the branch is opened in Bt Batok? Can still ask April if she is teaching in Bt Batok coming wk mah
Ya Chen Chen's 1st yr b'dy present. Some of the clothings I bot din meant for his b'dy but only bot vcd for him so the clothings consider his b'dy present lor
Pigletz,Dr Sim if i worried then go back for a scan again a few months later but must time it exactly after menses if not wait till i wanna conceive then scan again. Got egg shell doesn't mean pregnant lah.

Shook, if i din remember wrongly, premier suite at KKH is about $68 inclusive of urine test so now is $70 slight difference. Do you intend to go back to Dr Sim for your 2nd pregnancy?

Stylobb, me not planning for 2nd bb lah...hb even told gynae that day he cannot handle. Did a scan that day as recent menses got blood cots mah.
pok pok,
it's 10 sep at pigletz place. congrats to u

he on mobilisation tat day, hav to std by at changi site. i really hope ashrel 'guai guai' tat day.
bt batok gg 2 hav a BJG br? gd gd.. but u noe ashrel is a 'cant sit still at all' boy so i tink those tat ar gym-based will b more suitable 4 him.

yes it's v soft n comfy. i hav been trying 2 look 4 somthg like tat. i din buy shoo shoo cos it has no 'solid' sole so i wori ashrel step on sharp objects. d shoes cost $24.90. isetan card 5% disct. i only c it at isetan scotts. but wen sales tx, alwy sold out.
Thanks, Giggler and Shook.

Yes, I am also expecting no 2 . edd 28/11. ethel going to have a baby sister soon.

Eureka, the boy symptoms are all wrong.....

Gd afternoon mommies,

fishy smell? Only her mouth.. hee hee.. other place no lah. My mum told me fish is gd for them, will give Janelle black and lots of hair. dun know true or not but she really got lots of black hair.

U made a blog of chen chen.. never show me?
What is Maja Tropicana?

I was reading and i really cant catch it. Everyone is congrating u, so i guess u are expecting the 2nd one.

why u bo heel me? boo hoo...

if i attend, do i need to get anything? suppose to be potluck right??
I also think that after the porridge, the babies won't eat the cake. Maybe some titbits like gerber puff or cheerios will catch their attention more.

Like what I say, maybe the sandwiches will be of a better choice then the bangawan solo cake. Anyway, I will make an effort to go change the banana cake for Ryan, as a gift to him.

Haha, it's up to you whether you wanna bring anything anot. I will not have special request unless pple have special request. hahaha, no matter what you wanna bring, sincerity is the most important one. *griN*
Pok Pok,
Congrats!!! You are welcome to join us in the gathering.
Give me your email address so that I can keep you in the loop. Especially you seldom chat here.

RE: Ikea high chair
I find it quite good. Cheap and good. haha, I got 2, one at auntie's place and the other at my place. Still thinking to buy one to put at mil place and another one to put at my mum's place anot.

It's a good habit to let them to sit on high chair. But must make sure that they don't start to climb and stand on the high chair, cos it's very dangerous. What I did was put a cushion on it, so that he don't have space to take his leg out and stand. hehe
Ok let me go and source what i can get.
Look like alot of food, may be i get something for the little ones. How abt that?

U trying to act blur har?
did u see pigletz msg saying "Just that you have to put some effort in making it as you will be doing it at your home, in ur kitchen.
pigletz, if the shadow is egg shell next time if i go for scan again straight after menses, the shadow shouldn't be there anymore so it will means its not cyst lor.
Most likely I will not follow Dr Sim to TMC

I got Shoo shoo for Chen Chen. He curls up his toes on shoes wif hard base
The tods in BJG move ard during the lesson

Pok Pok
Relieved to hear dat bb sex predictions r not true. All the symtpoms predict dat my no 2 is a boi. I want a gal

Pls pls pm me
Pigletz posted the sandwich msg exactly at the same time u posted the conversation on the prayer your mum taught Ryan. Dat's y u missed it out

Chen Chen still botak after eating fish leh
I posted the link of the blog on Fri 9. I will attach the link on msn gp when I get home so May can c too

Actually I thot of making sandwich initially. Since u request. OK I make sandwich instead. Is mayo safe for young tod?
