(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

Sorry.. i'm usually on SCV but think saw it during the time when i was following CH 8, 7pm series abt the fishball family.

yah, i also felt failing those test not very bad therefore din take up the offer for $230. Think even if outside more expensive, it will be worthwhile if i can get hb to do a checkup too. But ur assurance let me feel that i can still take my time to check various packages!

Oei Skyblue,
I remember distinctively that i open my mouth n chat u hor.. considered very friendly liao

brenda, think Polyclinic cost less than $200 but not sure how detailed is the check lah. Maybe you can check with Raffles Hosp cos it gives me a feeling that they very commercialised so shd have.

Emily, some men are just too selfish hor? Think I can understand how you feel.

skyblue, I also talked to you at eureka's place mah. So dun need to feel shy lah.

shook, Chen doesnt look ugly mah. Why your family said so? I find that he looked smart with the cap.
Shook, pls read... why do you need to pick a flower while bf? Quote "I bf yes but he helps when I need to pick a flower or I m dead tired n Chen Chen still refuse to ..." Care to enlighten me?? hehehee....
Pringles, where did Alicia learn all the sounds of animals? She's really very intelligent leh!!! I'm impressed too!!! You're really a good teacher.
hahaha.. photo can make wonder... Some bbies will look very mature and diff under pro-camera man.

Alicia so cute.. hahhaa.. ur hubby is a gd animator as in playing with Alicia with lots of expressions and sound. (must be lah althot i didnt see ur hubby expression in the video clip)

Mummies, can i do a poll?
Who is a better playtime companion? U or ur hubby?
Definitely my hubby!!!

Alicia is so smart. I like the kitten noise. Hee.. The noises Nat makes sounds abt the same!! Hahahah...

Wah, nice photos taken at the Disney contest. Actually, how do we know abt these competitions? Like those mag cover ones?
Hong, my hubby too.... Every little things my hubby did will def trigger Vane to laugh.

Mom2Nat/Pringles, I dun even know how hippopotamus make sound leh. Me very lousy mummy.
I got to know the Disney contest from friends. How's Nat? Recovers?
Emily, Giggler and Brenda, me not seeing the company yet but need to meet up with the recruitment firm next week but i think impression also counts for this meet up.
Giggler, seeing how Alicia reacts makes me marvel at the wonders of having a mummy that stays at home....maybe it really makes a difference!
QSG, think it's better not to wear pants.

hazey, all along I feel that there's a diff bet sahm and ftwm. You see Elyse, Alicia, etc they progress very fast cos their moms are sahms.
My 2 cents worth. I usu wear pants for interview. More comfy for me and think I look smarter in pants leh. No open toe shoes though. Definitely covered shoes.

Think most companies have relaxed the rules and allowed pants for ladies. But good to check again. Prob with skirts is then it's more professional to wear stockings etc and super ley cheh.
Thanks for asking. Her flu ok liao. But teething and drooling. I checked this morning. She got 6 teeth coming out. 2 canines and 2 molars on top, call I can feel and see a bit liao. Then bottom 2 canines coming out, gums swollen. Her bottom molars out liao. Must be very uncomfortable for her.
Hmmm... you wanna be SAHM too?? Hee...
hazey, me too... getting lazy these days. Most of the time, I'll just let her walk round the whole flat and I watch my TV. heeheee...

pigletz, dunno leh, I feel guilty that I didnt do much cos she's getting older and older liao. But once I reach home, I feel so tired and lazy to do things with her leh. How???
Mom2Nat, Vane's molars also coming out. Can feel the teeth. Guess that's why she so cranky last week. But the PD said the fever not due to teething cos it shdn't be so high. I've been longing to be sahm but dun have this priviledge leh.
Giggler & Absolute, i personally dun like to wear close toes shoes like you mentioned have to wear stockings ley cheh...prefer wear open toes...and was told wearing skirt makes you look more feminine but pants will be power dressing. So dunno which is better.
Mummies, can I check with you ladies... How much FISH you feed your babies? Can give more exact dimension? E.g half palm size or 4 closed fingers size?
Mummies who went for your pap smear, does your gynae scan you as well? Just received a call from the clinic i going to, the receptionist asked me to keep my bladder full in case of scan? wondering how come even if scan need bladder to be full, any idea?

Shook & Jul, me checking out Dr Sim TMC clinic tomorrow.
Hmm, but u spend ur weekend with her right? And join her in the classes right? I think that you are already doing your best as a mum already.
And you are doing a good job. See how friend Vane is to everyone.

I've slightly more time with Gareth becos we have to travel 2 hour together to and fro from home to auntie place and auntie place to home.
QSG, I dunno leh.. tat's why I am asking here lor.... Cos it seems like some pple are feeding lots of fish! I scared my baby under nourished!
Hi Mummies
Me v busy these days....deer still MIA ah??
Friday, Friday, so happy.....

Two babies inside tummy counted as entry approval or not ??? Jem's wink so huo la la ah!!! Can melt ice...hehe...

Health check - what do u mean u fail all??? How to fail urine test??

How u see my twins... u wanna see my scan?? Hehehe....
Can't confirm now .... also I try to rest more...

Will have to tompang into your car hor... if u going... hehe.. see how lah.

Playmate - of course my hb lah, he can run here and there, piggyback jesse, lie on the floor, say all kinds of funny things to him... even when he does laundry, he will engage jesse to help him..... he did say I dun play with jesse enuf... I told him partly I'm tired lor.... and how to run...

I'm ok lah, just that tired esp in the evenings lor.... that kinda of tiredness quite siong, makes me dun wanna do anything. But so long I dun have giddiness or nausea, I can deal with the fatigue.
I wanna play with jesse but his kind of playing is run all over the flat, how can I chase him? I feel so bad and sad at times.... fortunately my hb plays with him a lot... he likes to play catching with us.

How come ur hb work so long hours???

Maybe if u want hb to do something, tell him specifically what it is...stimes men quite blur one.... how about dividing some h/h chores that he is in charge of?
Dun think ur hb will stray, but also dun go and open the door to 'encourage'........
Wow what u tell us, so chaam... hope that once ethan sleeps thru, ur hb can move back to sleep with u all....

Me also wondering what is the 'pick a flower' comment by Shook.....

I feel it's beta to dress up than down... at least one projects a professional image. Personally I won't go for open-toes for interviews, it's only later if u get into the co then u gauge whether they go for formal or smart casual. Me in pants most of the time...

Yah, I did my paps smear at my gynae....

Sorry hor, first time I hear of pple failing urine test... maybe u gals drank something just before the test???

My boi ate and still takes a lot of fish but stimes he does not like... so alternate with minced pork or beef... actually me quite stressed when feeding him on weekends cos my porridge standard is nowhere near my mum's.... hiaz....
Re:Who's a better playmate to bb
My answer is - 50/50
Coz me and hubby each play with bb in different ways. Think mom and dad each give bb a different sort of fulfillment.

Re:Daddy and Alicia bonding time
Hazey, if u and hubby read everyday to Tyra, same thing will happen too la. Alicia makes all that animal noises coz we read her that book everyday upon her request. Wat to do? She keeps passing the book to us so we have to read lor, even if its like 6am in the morning...yawnnn!!! I would very much prefer more sleep!!My hubby is better at animation than I am that's for sure. So perhaps that's why ALicia picks up these from him.

I also didn't know hippo makes sound...hahaa..they were imitating the hippo opening the mouth wide la!

Hazey, stylobb
There's no fixed qty that we give Alicia. It all depends on how much she likes. And neither do i make her eat alot of any meat in particular. Everything in moderation. But i must say, at this stage, the style of cooking and taste of the food really affects the appetite of our toddlers. They are beginning to develop their own preference in food.

Wow, i envy that Nat's teeth are all finally sprouting out after all that chewing and drooling. Alicia's one is still in process.(Headache) Do u find that somehow when they are teething, they seem to get flu/cold/fever one or the other?

Chen Chen really looks different in the contest photo. Its the cap he wore. I remembered u said he would never allow a cap to be placed on his head. So how did they manage to keep the cap on during the shoot?
shook, Chen Chen looks like YOU in the Disney photo!

My hubby was WONDERFUL when Sarah was a newborn. He changed all her diapers, even in the middle of the night. At that time, we were still in the States and he hadn't started work yet. Ethan and Chen will soon sleep through the night lah, so Emily, take heart. You can try to encourage your hubby to come back to your room now that Ethan is older.

Mummies who've been to Bintan with their babies, was it Nirwana that was baby-friendly?
haha... me def prefer power dressing. But really depends on position that you're applying for but usu better to be more dressed-up.
Low blood pressure. Dr said the only conrern is giddy
Low BMI aiya, eat like a hippo lor
Protein in urine. Dr sent my urine to cultivate n said no bacteria. Pass.

My family members said dat Disney bb photo of Chen Chen ugly. Mouth opened big big din laugh

Emily, StyloBB
I meant ans nature's call

My hubby

The best is dun wear open toes.
Smart pants shld b ok
U received a call fm Dr Sim's clinic?
I had pap smear done during health screening. No scanning

Wat do u do wif Gareth during the 2 hrs journey?

Chen Chen doesn't like to listen to story. He snatches books. Sigh.... How I wish he is like Alicia
Chen Chen only knows tiger/lion roar
I put on Chen Chen's cap fm bhind. He din know he is wearing a cap

Chen Chen looks like ME in the Disney photo. Oh no I thot he looks like me all the time. Every1 comments dat Disney photo does not look like him
Chen Chen sleeps thru a few 9 lately
Shook, urine can be cultivated? reminds me of yoghurt.
I called few days ago to make appointment then this morning the clinic called me to remind me. Seems that same as KKH, first time $80 subsequent consultation $60. Pap smear is $25.
Yes cultivate urine to c if there is bacteria
U wanna follow Dr Sim to TMC?
I compared wif some friends of the charges in KKH. More x than the private hospitals. So Dr Sim cont charging @ the same rate
hello mummies,
any1 using nokia phone tat can take video clips? can tell me how to download them 2 my pc? i lost d instruction booklet n wen to nokia website but no useful info found.

i like alicia's video clips. wah! i like d animal sounds she made, so cute. ashrel alwy roar like a lion but i dun noe how 2 download them fr my hp to pc leh..
hazey, I give only about one-quarter the palm size cos I noticed that Vane smelled very fishy if she eats too much fish.

QSG, I did scan after pap smear cos I told my gynae that I have severe menses cramp.

pigletz, but I feel that I didnt do enuf lor cos I still have time watching TV. Hahaha.

styloBB, my hubby not work long hrs but rather irregular hrs lor. You really sound very tired leh, guess that's norm since you've 2 bb inside.

pringles, so they're reading from a book? The book teaches what sounds animals make? So what do u play with Alicia?

sanrio, Ash also knows how to roar like lion? Shd make both Ash and Alicia have a roaring competition at pigletz's place hor?

shook, April just gave me a call. She's so nice leh, gave me some advice on how to build up Vane's resistance level. Can tell she really concerned abt her students lor.
Shook, too early to say if following Dr Sim to TMC since hb said he dun want 2nd bb. Only going there for pap smear at the same time check out the place
Ya, the amount i paid at KKH with Dr Sim as my gynae and at premier suite is more ex than private hospitals. My friend who recommended me Dr Sim said she will be following her there for her 2nd pregnancy.

Sanrio, use bluetooth right?
QSG, how come you are seeing Dr LN Sim again?

I don't think I will get any subsidy from my employer if i go private. So I'm going to see Dr KT Tan in KKH.
haha, during the train ride, if Gareth kwai kwai sit there, i don't bother lor. But when he get bored, I will sing songs to him, tell him story abt what's going on in the surrounding, or let him play with my hair, make me look ugly. hahaha, usually when he see that i'm messy or ugly, he will be very happy. hahahahahha

haha, maybe that's why. For weekend, we will bring him out for breakfast, then shower him, feed him porridge, make him sleep. After he wakes up, play with him, let him watch VCD, bring him to playground. Then feed him porridge, shower him. We go out for dinner, then play with him, then shower him b4 he sleep, feed him milk. hahaha, that's abt my weekend routine if we didn't go out. But if we go out, he will most of the time sit on the stroller and enjoy himself. hehe
Jul, your subsidy is up to $350 per year is it? are you under the CSC scheme?Polyclinic how much huh? actually recently during menses got liver like blood cots so i tot maybe see gynae better? Dunno why give birth already 1 year liao suddenly like that. I tot of KT Tan also if i going to stick to KKH in future but this time just checking out how private clinics are.
QSG, I'm pretty blur about my entitlements. Dunno how much I can claim per year.A lot of times, I don't claim... too lazy... heehee
to add, i took out d memory card fr my hp n insert to my pc memory card slot. the fotos/images can b open but my pc prompted 'no compatible software' to open d video clip files.
can d nokia users tell me what software n where to download? tks
how to bluetooth? mus i do somthg to my pc. ai ya...lost d instruction booklet, v ma fan..

ash loves to mess up my hair too n he will b v happy
sanrio, your handphone must have bluetooth function and PC must have a compatible software. Not sure what software since hb handles everyting PC related..i normally just activate my hp bluetooth function then upload. Actually mine is SE but my sis's is nokia phone she also uses bluetooth but some older models with camera function doesn't allow uploading to PC i think.
Sorry mommies,
Me super busy today so just drop a note to check.. U gals wanna try Baked mooncake with pine nuts, macadamia & white lotus paste from Shangri La for the gathering?
dear mummies,
ashrel now using his walker walks round d whole hse. in fact i c tat he is v stable n can stand w'out any support but he is jus 'afraid' to let go of his hands to walk. he tried few tx, will walk abt 5 or more steps then quickie sit down. he likes my hubby n me to hold his hands n walk w him. v funni, nowadays if he din c me ard, he will crawl n look for his walker then use the walker n walk to look for me.

sanrio, i am able to upload videos using bluetooth also. Can't advise you on what other software to use.
pigletz, when Vane sees me in pain, she very happy. For my weekends, it's basically attending classes which take half of the day liao.

sanrio, sori cant help cos I'm PC-idiot. Ashrel's hair quite long now hor?

QSG, guess gynae needs to do scan if she suspects that there's cysts/fibroids cos these cant tell from pap smear.
I give Ally around half palm size. She usually leaves a bit... also depends if it fried or steamed. Too small piece also hard to cook. Will give a bit less if there is other food available as well.

Hi Mummies, thanks for all the fishy business inputs! Hahaha! I think Tyra has been taking too little fish... my MIL only gives a small piece... she says too big pc, too fishy....
