(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

Ally same as CC. Prefer to flip the book on her own. Dun want us to flip for her... prob too slow.

Wah... you bathe Gareth so many times a day? Dare not bathe Ally too often unless she goes swimming or really really sweaty and going out for nice dinner coz her skin is on the drier side.

that's the different, Gareth don't have classes to attend.

Gareth usually shower 3 times a day.

Morning : At abt 10.30am
Afternoon: At abt 5pm
Night time: At abt 9pm

Alot of time ah? err...we have being doing this since he's 2 months old, just that the night time one used to be wiping only, but after 6 mth, we convert it to shower instead.
absolut, Vane's skin also towards drier side. We apply moisturiser for her everyday.

pigletz, at least I'm bringing her for class leh. If not think it'll be worse cos she'll be like doing nothing with me.
I confirm again as the date nears? The day b4 the gathering is Kieran's birthday, so i worry that we bring him out too late n he'll be tired the next day. Wah, so must cook the drumstick nor. I thot jus go chicken rice stall n buy can liao. I have black calculator. Go where get black $$$ huh? Black ruler oso very difficult to find leh. Cham ah, i running out of time :p

Yar yar, u tok to me at sahm's pl but u beri serious leh, i scare :p

I scare of brenda :p

Ash is so cute...crawl to walker then walk pushing it to find u. Hehehe.

Hi-5... Kieran oso bathes 3 times a day when he's wif nanny cos she says he perspires so easily n is perpertually sticky.

RE: reading books
Until today, i still have not succeeded in reading a whole book to Kieran leh. Like that how to cultivate interest in reading?

RE: sahm vs ftwm
Seriously if given a choice, u all would prefer to be sahm as compared to working? Then there's smthg wrong wif me liao cos i love working life n i can't ever imagine myself staying home to look after my kids. :p
Stylobb, Mom2Nat,
I m at home now, on leave today.
Tues, notebook kena virus, reclone the whole windows, took me whole day.
Wed, on leave, my grandma went for her 1st eye op, my mum took care of her, and i took care of YH
Thur, went back to office, but notebook access internet at tortise speed, took me 3-5 mins to open an IE, think i need to reformat my whole PC liao
Today, on leave again. My mum is with me now, at least i can come inside for a while ...
Mom2Nat, think only u and Stylobb missed me lah ...
Stylobb, i read ur email, but didnt hv time to reply, can wait until next week? Hope u have a good rest over the wkend.

Can i confirm with u abt the gathering when the date is nearer? My grandma still hv one more eye op in 2-3 wks time, and my sis is going to give birth anytime now according to her gynae ... but her confinement lady can only make it after 6 Sept, so if she give birth now, my mum will hv to do her confinement for her. My poor mother will hv to run here and there to take care of my grandma and my sis, i guess my help will be much needed by my mum and my sis if tt's the case. We r praying very hard tt my sis's bb can wait until 6 Sept, it will be much easier for the 3 of us.
Is it ok to let u know 3 days b4 the gathering on whether i can make it???

Mummies, i dun hv time to go thru all the posts, but i saw all the pic

I think Chen Chen look nice leh, why u say ur SIL said he is ulgy???

U very eng hor, go to UE to take all those pic ;P
Saw the pic of Rae and Elyse on the bike (?? hope i remember correctly) ealier this wk ... very wen xin

Ashrel is so cute, he knows how to make use of the walker to walk and look for u, so sweet

Tt's all for now,
I m really very tired, need to catch a nap b4 YH wake up fr his.
Wish all mummies and bbs hv a good wkend!
Who said only 2 of them tink of u? I oso got tink of u hor, jus dat i nvr express here leh :p

Normal meh? So many mummies here r ever so willing to quit their jobs to stay at home with their child leh...
Re deer Mai ke ke ah...hehe...

I also dun know, I would love more time with my boi but I think facing him 24 hours will drive me nuts! I will need more help re housekeeping. Find that I'm not v maternal hehe....

Agree with u position in line with power dressing... no power, no dressing...hehe!!!!
But weather nowadays is so hot, more so for preggies, how to power dressing even if one tries to ....... me in pants and shirt. I dun even put foundation cos I am already perspiring when I leave the house!!!

Stimes we also bath jesse thrice a day cos he is v sweaty lah..

I sound tired but my boss said I look good!! Ahahaaa.... maybe he hasn't seen my tired look yet..........

No problem, take your time to reply....
deer, how's your grandma? Wow, your sis giving birth soon? Guess the most tired person will be your mom hor? I feel my mom very tired too cos she'll need to look after 2 bb. This week is worse cos we stay at her place and Vane is sticky to her. So even I at home, my mom still need to look after Vane for me.

skyblue, Kieran's bday is 9th Sep? Good date for wedding leh, chang chang jiu jiu.
Btw, dun lose your patience in reading to Kieran. Vane only start to show interest in book after 1yo. Before that, she was 'eating' the books and not reading them.

styloBB, maybe you good in camouflaging?
I dun kei kei one hor...

Yar, Kieran's bday is on 9 sep... EDD 23/24 sep...who knows he wans to come out earlier. I'll be patient n wait for the day he loves to read. I worry he'll be like his daddy, dun like to read, haiz..so unlike me.
Yes April is a v gd teacher who is concerned abt her students. She told me twice dat she wanna call u but I think she too busy. Jac told me April teaches fm morning till our class then get a break. She din even hv lunch. Such teacher v difficult to come by. If she teaches the playgroup, I will send Chen Chen there

Thot u wanna switch to SGH?
Is KT Tan a female gyne? A snr consultant?

Last time when I went home by MRT fm Harbor Front, Chen Chen wz so noti. Keep struggling when I carried him. I gotta stand a while, sit a while....
I bathe Chen Chen twice n clean wif wet towel once b4 bed time

1/2 palm size of fish

$ use $50 note. Dark blue so dark color series. Ruler u get the type wif black marking half white half transparent one

Skyblue, Absolut
Chen Chen snatches books in my hand n flip flip flip w/o giving me chance to read even 1 pg
Both my hubby n me like reading. Dunno when will Chen Chen enjoy reading

Your mum wanted everywhere.
When is your sis's edd?
Chen Chen has shed the baby look already. Very boyish esp with the cap on. I like the ball pit u got for him. Looks really nice. But kept back in storeroom? Save for later? What do they do at BJG?
Actually, it's ok even tho Chen Chen doesn't sit thru for storybooks now....each baby develop differently, so let him set the pace himself and pick what he enjoys doing.

Your sis giving birth soon, that mean YH gonna have a cousin soon! How exciting! Babies are really bundle of joy for the whole family

No, the book doesn't teach wat sound they make. We always add in animation on our part..hehe
Things i do with Alicia: Read,play with toys,sing,dance,go to playground,appreciate flowers,climb stairs...usually i let her take the lead.

R u feeling better now with regards to going for surgery? Do u find that after giving birth, our body really change alot. Just recently, after my period, couple of days later, i got brown discharge..wondering why....gotta make appt to see my gynae soon.

Sori, i'm not well-versed with hp video function either. Can't help u.
Ashrel has a cute way of teaching himself how to walk
The walker has really come in handy.
I also bathe Alicia at least twice a day. A few times, i had to bathe her 3x. She runs around alot,perspires so easily and i can't stand her feeling all sticky. I just don't use too much soap each time.
u 'yi yan jing xing mong chong ren'.. i wen to 'dig' for my bluetooth installation cd then trial n error got it done. ai yo... din noe so complicated, all along i tot nokia hp user friendly. cum to multi-media not at all. still hav to do basic configuration at my pc then go to nokia europe website n download another software. v v ley chay right... i started at 8.30pm, 10.30pm then got it done. phew.. finally..

tks. i got it uploaded to my pc. now i got to figure how to get it into d 'youtube.com' tat u used to download alicia video clips. i havnt tried, any tips for me? tks
cos only at nite then got a bit of tx to quickie figure out all these. ash v cranky at noon somtx esp if he din nap 'enough'. haiz...nobody disturb him but somtx whole day only nap 30-45min n will vent his frustrations on d poor mommy..

skyblue n pringles,
yup i din noe d walker came in so handy too n c him learn to walk like tat, i oso find it funny.. even i 'parked' d walker at 1 corner, he oso can navigate his way, pass tru all barriers n cum to me. wonder wen he will let go of d support n walk walk walk..
mummies, got demoted to "slience reader"

almost 95% packed for our trip on monday. must do double n triple check again on sat n sun.
jerald hv bn v.cranky n notty for the past whole wk!! duno wat he wants that's driving me nuts!!!
i did/said a v.bad thing to him on thurs that really makes me regret n v.guilty.

we are all dressed up to go out, me just nd another min to comb my head of stray hair, there he was, wailing, screaming at me to hurry up!!! i so frustrate that i yelled to him in teochew "ok lah, stop shouting, i'm not dead yet u know, when i drop dead do you still cry like that?? ok lah, lets go lah, c ur face damned xian!!"

OMG, i think, i was too harshed, he actually stared blankly at me then turned away. my heart felt so heavy the very min he turn his back at me!

till today, he seems to be v.happy/happier in my parent's company......*haiz* perhaps my mum is rite, i not cut to be a sahm.....

pringles, alicia so clever!!! dare not show the clip to my hubby in case he puts pressure on jerald. but then rascal love to read his 123 book!! any thing that got numbers eg. clock, calanders...he loves to play with them!

mon, sanrio, shook, can recoginse aelwen at first glance! ash looks mature, but chen doesnt look like himself???

hazey, i gave fish alt days. each meal abt the size of 2 fingers. ur mil is rite, too much too fishy.

which mummy ah?? regarding bathing?? i bath rascal 2x a day only. if he perspires a lot, i'll wipe his body with warm towel only. if outing stretch till v. late...strictly no bath after 9pm...dun ask me why but my mum insist that's no gd for bb. so i just follow.

hey got to go liao. me like a deflated balloon...must rest. will post my pixs upon my return.
Hi Pringles,
Brown discharge, it is normal.....

Hi Shook,
With n without cap, c/c is 2 different bb to me leh

HI Giggler,
Bet with u, MOE will welcome u to go for their interview........Skyblue, am I rite?

Hi Deer,
Very tsk tsk u.....this thread without u very empty leh! I talked to u but u no heel me leh....

Those Disney foto, i bumped onto them while I was there. Got all excited cos Elyse's friends are there mah....wouldnt u?

Hi Hazey,
I always ask the fishmonger to slice the fish thinly (~1.5cm) n i will dump in the whole slice then.

Hi Hong,
Definitely my hb. My kids can laugh till their shoulder shrugging away n i even have to step out of the kitchen to check out wat's so funny! Then at times, i try to mimic my hb's style but my kids stare at me blankly! ME really no face!!!!

Hi Stylobb,
I read somewhere but I laughed over it. Who knows, maybe some truth there? They say those fatigue n frequent waking up (to pee) is to prepare us for those nite feeding for bb n fatigue is to condition us how tired we as mum will be. Something along this line lah. U carrying 2 now, so double the fatigue n shiongness? U read n laugh lah, then fatigue reduced liao!

Hey, suddenly, i picture Jesse being the big kor kor n indian chief! So cute, roaring Jesse, really cute! Take care....

Think dress appropriately, b comfortable n be urself is utmost important.
Hi EMily,
I read frm somewhere out of NOWHERE regarding ur post n I am blur. I will read back the archeve when i have time.

U sounded downcast n disheartened? All abt expectation lah, I experience wat u r feeling too but marriage is a commitment leh, got2 work it out be it thru squabble, fight, cold war etc.
Take heart.

If I sound very out of topic, sollie hor, I told u liao, I no head no tail
. Laugh at me lor n u feel better, k?

Hey Shook,
I oso read till super blur, y u wake up bf n then pick flower ah? Have u answered emily? I lol when i saw emily's same query! hahahahah....

Hi Sanrio, Shook
Upon receiving ur sms, I have voted for ur kids once i was free! Gd LUck!
I woke up at 4.20am to pick flower and drink milo/eat bread.... u get it? hehehe....
Yeah I read about that, thank God I only wake up once unlike my gf who wakes up thrice!!!!
dear mummies,
haiz...so sad. ashrel's video clip (lion roar) has no sound wen i posted to youtube, dun noe why. i guess it's becos d video clip is taken fr my hp n u nid d nokia media player software to view/hear it.
mayb i shd post tis 1. ashrel shaking his bum (dancing) n doing hip rotation n ended his dance w a backward arch.
You are not the only mom who loses temper at baby. Even sahm also human leh! Sometimes Alicia also tests my patience. I try to ignore her until she hits my limit, that's it. I very fiercely tell her off(tho i don't use any bad lauguage). She knows my expression and tone of voice that I am very angry with her and she starts to cry. It's just like this sometimes...nothing wrong with u. Mothers just need loads and loads of patience. Where is your holiday destination? Enjoy urselves!

eh...really no sound to Ash's video clips leh. How come? Maybe it'll be easier to upload frm digicam? U definitely have to download software. Mine is Zoombrowser, got it when i purchased digicam.

Thks for the reassurance. I was quite worried how come there's this brown discharge. I mean my period ended and then suddenly 5 days later, this discharge came.
sept/oct ur hubby is away for how long?? Trying period again for u. Any chance of seeing Rae and Elyse at Pigletz' place?
I don't intend to see any SGH gynae at all. I was considering NUH but this time, couldn't get a slot to see Dr Mary Rauff to fit my work schedule, so arranged to see Dr KT Tan ( female also) at The Private Suite instead. She's the head of department. I think with a complicated first pregnancy, I better not take chances, stay in government hospital just in case need neonatal care. Will be doing my scan on Monday.

Pigletz, don't know my roster yet, but unlikely to be able to make it cos we hardly get weekends off. Nowadays, when I get home, I just lie down and rest... very tired... sigh... dunno why it doesn't get better ....

Shook, Chen Chen has so many clothes... hahaha.. all his birthday presents in the picture?
pringles, of course i didnt use any foul languages!!! NO NO! but as you said, my tone n expression is totally different...but unlike alicia, jerald dun cry. instead he stop his nonsense n stare blankly at me, then turn away. but this time really too much, i think he got a shock that dare i utter such words at him. he understand when we talk to him, but he choose to simply ignore n test my patience!
we leaving for bintan this monday. our free tixs used up during our april NZ trip, so any plcs that requires flight is out till nex yr.

sanrio, no sound on this clip either!
My girl oso loves hb, my mom, my in law's company. Cos they are always playing with her. Whereas the main caregiver usually no energy to play liao lah. So the attention we give them is different. Though Nat likes to stick to me, she doesn't really play much with me. BUt I think I am the best person to look after her liao. But longterm dun think $$ wise can sustain lah. You dun always think you not cut up lah... Think, who else can love him so much, read to him, teach him, more than you??
Nvm, then dun be too harsh next time lor.

I oso demoted to silent reader liao. Only got time to skim thru, but dun have much time to type. Cos go out quite often.
Hi mummies, trying to catch up as much as possible.

Thanks for the feedback. For me, I am better.. hee hee.. hubby is a block head. Janelle find more fun to be with mummy than daddy cos i make sounds, sing songs and dance with her.

Eureka, No face.. hahaha... leave the role to ur hubby lor.. u got too much to take care.

Lyn, so gd.. going for holiday again. Enjoy ok.

Who is asking abt fish? Pringle har?
Janelle consume alot of fish, my MIL never stingy on fish for her and i dun see why i shld stop her.. hahaha..
I think she take about 2cm thick n 18-20 cm long of threadfin everyday.i always wonder how come she never get sick of it.
Finally thought of wat to bring for the gathering ... Tiong Bahru Chwee Kueh ..the kids can hv it without the chai poh ...

Mummies joining the gathering in sept:
1) pigletz (2+0.5) - potato salad
2) brenda (2+0.5) - mango pudding
3) priviledged (1+0.5) - sushi/maki (no raw stuff)
4) Val (2+0.5) 1/2 kg of Lim CHEE Guan Bak
5) Emily (2+0.5)
6) Giggler (maybe: 1+0.5)
7) Sanrio (2+0.5)
8) Ruffybear (1+0.5)-
9) Viv (2+0.5) - Tiong Bahru Chwee Kueh
10) Mom2nat (2+0.5)
11) Mon Mon (1+0.5)- Apple Cake/ chocolate chip cookies
12) Lyn (1+0.5)
13) Pringles (most prob 2+0.5)
14) Hazey (maybe: 2+0.5)1/2 kg of Lim CHEE Guan Bak
15) Absolut (prob 2+0.5)
Mummies joining the gathering in sept:
1) pigletz (2+0.5) - potato salad
2) brenda (2+0.5) - mango pudding
3) priviledged (1+0.5) - sushi/maki (no raw stuff)
4) Val (2+0.5) 1/2 kg of Lim CHEE Guan Bak
5) Emily (2+0.5)
6) Giggler (maybe: 1+0.5)
7) Sanrio (2+0.5)
8) Ruffybear (1+0.5)-
9) Viv (2+0.5) - Tiong Bahru Chwee Kueh
10) Mom2nat (2+0.5)
11) Mon Mon (1+0.5)- Apple Cake/ chocolate chip cookies
12) Lyn (1+0.5)
13) Pringles (most prob 2+0.5)- soon kueh
14) Hazey (maybe: 2+0.5)1/2 kg of Lim CHEE Guan Bak
15) Absolut (prob 2+0.5)

U and your family have a gd break at bintan! I'm also looking forward to my trip to phuket in oct. What is ur sleeping arrangement for Jerald when he gets there? My gal will never accept sleeping in a cot.(Its like prison to her:p)Think for us, we will have to ask for spare quilt covers and blankets to make a mattress for her to sleep on.
u don't get what Jul is saying meh.. doing scan for #2 baby
Understand now??

Hope that everything is okay..do tell us the results of the scan
Mummies joining the gathering in sept:
1) pigletz (2+0.5) - potato salad
2) brenda (2+0.5) - mango pudding
3) priviledged (1+0.5) - sushi/maki (no raw stuff)
4) Val (2+0.5) 1/2 kg of Lim CHEE Guan Bak
5) Emily (2+0.5)
6) Giggler (maybe: 1+0.5)
7) Sanrio (2+0.5)
8) Ruffybear (1+0.5)-
9) Viv (2+0.5) - Tiong Bahru Chwee Kueh
10) Mom2nat (2+0.5)- Chicken wings
11) Mon Mon (1+0.5)- Apple Cake/ chocolate chip cookies
12) Lyn (1+0.5)
13) Pringles (most prob 2+0.5)- soon kueh
14) Hazey (maybe: 2+0.5)1/2 kg of Lim CHEE Guan Bak
15) Absolut (prob 2+0.5)
Yah JUL!!!!!
ARe u expecting too?? I didnt read abt it anywhere till the recent post by ruffy n absolut....r u?

If so, congrats n take care, rest more especially with ur busy schedule....arrggh, u a doc, sure know how to take gd care of urself rite? Perhaps, on the contrary, everything also 'just like tat, nothing much' attitude towards urself? Eg, like a chef, they cook at workplace but unlikely to cook at home. U a doc, attending to patient but neglecting urself?

Hope i dun misread n mis-interpret again.
How's Vane?

We kept the ball pit coz Chen Chen empty the balls in the ball pit. My hubby n me has to pick up the balls after Chen Chen n my hubby has to clean the balls v often.
BJG focus on flash cards. The teacher flashes cards b4 singing. Then she will sing the song n parent carry tod to dance/tod play wif musical instruments. There r oso gym play (v limited tho). There is a game play session to aid in motor development. U interested to send Alicia for trial class?
For the past 2 days Chen Chen enjoy the story book u bot.
How did u add music to the video clip?

I saw Ash's blog twice. U did it well. Like the moving pic. I hv no time to fig out how to do it. How u paste the moving pic to the blog?

Pick a flower = ans nature's call
Thx for your vote

U lucky. I woke up uncountable times when I wz a preggie

U seeing gyne. R u ........??
Mummies joining the gathering in sept:
1) pigletz (2+0.5) - potato salad
2) brenda (2+0.5) - mango pudding
3) priviledged (1+0.5) - sushi/maki (no raw stuff)
4) Val (2+0.5) 1/2 kg of Lim CHEE Guan Bak
5) Emily (2+0.5)
6) Giggler (maybe: 1+0.5)
7) Sanrio (2+0.5)
8) Ruffybear (2+0.5)- Bangawan Solo Cake
9) Viv (2+0.5) - Tiong Bahru Chwee Kueh
10) Mom2nat (2+0.5)- Chicken wings
11) Mon Mon (1+0.5)- Apple Cake/ chocolate chip cookies
12) Lyn (1+0.5)
13) Pringles (most prob 2+0.5)- soon kueh
14) Hazey (maybe: 2+0.5)1/2 kg of Lim CHEE Guan Bak
15) Absolut (prob 2+0.5)
Congrats! So excited for you. Make sure you take care of yourself esp for 1st trimester. If you are preggie, can opt to be posted out of A&E??

Suspected that Jul might be preggie but thot better ask again. not nice to say it since didn't see Jul announcing anywhere. Just in case get it wrong like eureka. hee hee!
My hubby said he will do some of the hse work on wk day so dat he finishes hse chore by lunch time on 10 Sep. I dun need to cook lunch for him n can go to your hse liao. Yipee!

Mummies joining the gathering in sept:
1) pigletz (2+0.5) - potato salad
2) brenda (2+0.5) - mango pudding
3) priviledged (1+0.5) - sushi/maki (no raw stuff)
4) Val (2+0.5) 1/2 kg of Lim CHEE Guan Bak
5) Emily (2+0.5)
6) Giggler (maybe: 1+0.5)
7) Sanrio (2+0.5)
8) Ruffybear (2+0.5)- Bangawan Solo Cake
9) Viv (2+0.5) - Tiong Bahru Chwee Kueh
10) Mom2nat (2+0.5)- Chicken wings
11) Mon Mon (1+0.5)- Apple Cake/ chocolate chip cookies
12) Lyn (1+0.5)
13) Pringles (most prob 2+0.5)- soon kueh
14) Hazey (maybe: 2+0.5)1/2 kg of Lim CHEE Guan Bak
15) Absolut (prob 2+0.5
16) Shook (2+0.5) - Maja Tropicana
Shook and Jul, the trip to Dr Sim cost me $120 suppose to be special rate already as she din charge me $80 as first consultation since i her KKH patient. I like the clinic but unlike premier suite at KKH dun have drinks dispenser
She is more relaxed even have time to draw pictures to explain things to me and also explain to me the charges should i want a 2nd bb. But hor, abit worried now, she did a scan for me and found a shadow in womb lei...said may be tiny cyst or egg shell since i near ovulation period she said most likely is egg shell if i worried can go back a few months later for another scan
Dr Sim recognises u as her x patient in KKH?
No consultation still $120. Dat's x
Wish it is egg shell (din know our egg oso hv shell. Hmm....)
Shook, ya she recognises me. My friend who recommended her to me also went pap smear recently and Dr Sim also recognises her. $120 is a package for consultation, pap smear and scan. I also first time hear got such thing call egg shell..hopefully my case really egg shell lor. For pregnancy charges, should be about the same as when you visit her at KKH premier suite. Her consultation is $60, $10 for urine test and first visit scan is $30 subsequent scans for bbs dun need to pay except for the growth scans done next door.

Jul, forgot to tell you i saw your photo with hb and newborn Ian at Dr Sim's clinic.

Skyblue, StyloBB
hahah ... both of u very funni leh ...
Whether Skyblue really missed me or not, onli she know hor ....hehehe ....

R u a teacher? What do u teach?? primary or secondary sch?? Must be quite tough teaching, right? My MIL had taught for 20 over yrs b4 she retired 2 yrs ago, and she was assigned to teach EM3 b4, she said really very challenging, esp when it comes to discipline. I hv a close friend who was a teacher b4, she quitted immediately after she served her bond. She got such a bad gastric tt the doc wrote a letter for her so tt she cld be transferred to MOE HQ for regular hrs. Actually her illness was more due to stress than the irregular lunch hrs .... after hearing so much abt teaching in sch, and after i experienced teaching in private sch and nus (taught some basic IT courses here b4 i switch to system development), i dun dare to try NIE .... i dun think i m cut out for teaching.

Kieran's b'day on 9 Sept? Wow, what a nice date! My sis and BIL is hoping tt their child can arrive on either 1 Sept (teacher's day, holiday for all students up till JC ;P) or 9 Sept. Hv u thought of how to celebrate kieran's b'day?

Very nice of u to ask abt my grandma
She is much better now. But hving an op really no joke, hv to go back for follow-up so many times .... my mum, my aunt and 2 uncles took turn to take care of her. But all of them hv commitments, my 2 uncles still working, cant take leaves for too many times, my aunt has to take care of my cousin's 2 mths old bb, my mum got to take care of YH, so they hv to take turn to care for my grandma. My uncles, my aunt and my mum all so filial, really touches me alot .... moreover, my grandma not easy to take care of, she very fussy and complain alot, and not very understanding .... tt's why all her DILs siam her, and my mum is the eldest, so she demands a lot fr my mum. So i must help out my mum also, so tt she's not too tired taking care of my grandma and YH.

Vane very sticky to ur mum even when u r around? Good for u (at least Vane wont stick to u all the time), but ur mum very poor thing. I guess i can understand how u feel, u must hv felt quite heartpain to see ur mum so tired ..... hv u found a child care ctr for Vane? R u going to put her there? I m also quite worried abt how my mum going to cope with 2 bb when my sis's maternity leave ended .... but i will worry abt it later, i m almost totally exhausted after taking care of YH a fes days alone .... i will leave all the worrying till the later part when it comes.

When is ur surgery? How many days of MC will u hv?? Can u take care of Vane after ur surgery? If u can, at least ur mum will hv some help during ur MC. Take good care of urself after the surgery.
