(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

Ya if man wanna hanky panky, he can give 101 excuses. But when shoo away, his pride is hurt n possibility of seeking comfort elsewhere. I mean generally

Play wif his toys
Play the video clip or sound recording of Chen Chen or ringing tone in the cell phone to him
Go NTUC for a walk
Watch news or your bb can learn vcd
Let him explore ard
Read story books to him (never complete a story juz read the pg he flip to)
Flash cards
Sing songs
V impromptu

I m not the expert. I only know zua sui on lunar b'dy. All 5 items muz b of the same color. Put a short distance in front of Kieran. Let him crawl to the items n c wat he picks.
My mum prayed to ancestor on Chen Chen's lunar b'dy.
Y u shy? I din make u comfortable enuff in the gp @ Eureka's plc?

Hi Shook,
Huggies Pt, can discard. No redemption at all. I called b4.

Phoon Huat, there is one near Aljunied Mrt. Think they conduct classes at this venue as I saw many aunties there
. Their ingredients always stress me to do more ice cream n eat eat. U know, always happily make 1, 2 tx, enthusiasm die n then those remaining ingredient I stare at u, u stare at me...hahahahaha....

Hi Skyblue,
ME TOO, very shy to go pigletz's sty.....me so shy n quiet type! U also huh? heheheheh.....

Hi Hazel
Crave for mooncakes? The upcoming host is expecting ah? Tat's y she's taking a backseat n have an enthusiastic spokeman? hehehehhe...congrats leh, PIGLETZ! ARBISH ME....

Snowskin Mooncakes.....East Ocean is nice.
Ruffy, what hsework you ask Ryan to do?

hazey, thot of doing something meaningful sometime rather than let her lead me. If I do that, it'll mean I'll need to walk round my flat for lots of time. That's her fav thing, walk....

eureka, you ever attend classes at Phoon Huat? I agree on the ingredients part, just threw away all the colourings to make jelly recently. Most of them expired liao.

shook, I quite scared to read books to her leh. cos she only stop until I read to her for abt 5-6times. By then, my throat very dry liao.

pigletz, hahaha... ya, we got similar parenting style.
he can- help to keep his toys in the toy box.
Put his shoes into the cupboard.
keep the folded clothes in his drawer( but not that good loh).
Received your recipe. Thx
Wat is crisco?
Is kao fen kao jin mian fen?
U mean Vane doesn't allow u to stop reading unless u repeat for 5-6times?

Thx for your reply on Huggies pt
I was staring hard at UE sq for cc's foto, couldnt recognise. Can i post his foto here for verification?
Elyse helps to discard things into dustbin, put her shoes back to the rack. Ever trained her to help keep dry laundry, hopeless.....hahahahhah

I went Phoon Huat to buy ingredients, all under 1 roof, convenient. Ya lor, those syrup, fresh cream, spoXXX powder, all thrown after some time. Must share with another person then less wasteful.
u mus let vane fin d antibiotics even if she is well oreadi. antibiotics mus fin else if next tx take d same antibiotics, it may not b effective anymore. tat's how d issue of antibiotics being loosely prescribed in s'pore n many germs/virus develop immunity agst them n they no longer work n stronger n stronger antibiotics nid 2 b developed.
hi Emily,
haha...seems like we all encounter the same prob wf our hbs. I oso ever said that to my hb..many times...

I cannot stand him when he just doesnt bother to help out.Worst of all, he complained.He complain why so messy here or there?I so frustrated..he shld hv helped out rather than complain.I only hv a pair of hands & hv to do hsework & take care my boy.

these few days,i got so angry him & i don't keep/fold his clothes.I oso nvr tok to him & chase him to sleep in other room...so fed up wf him!

sometx when lionel gets cranky,he'll scold me fr not taking care of him.I was busy doing hsework at that time.If i don't do,who do?
i open mouth to chat w u at eureka's pl leh. I wasn't unfriendly to u rite?? or scare u off w my icy way?? u not comfy w us?
I shy also... u come n join me n we keep quiet quiet lah.

yah lor. it's one thing that they stray but another if we r the cause of their straying hor.. lucky hb's a very patient person n hv been bearing my nonsense for all this while. I really gotta snap out of my tantrums.. mebbe go buy cane tonite.

u wrong info lah!!! Mooncake craving is the spokeman's one, host's craving for bak gua leh. HAhhaha, host gotta zao to warehse today so ask me to correct u :p

punishment : attend the gathering.
Hi sanrio,
I can recognise Ashrel straightaway....very big boy look....



Is this chen chen?

Hi Avocado,
Greeting to u....how are u??

Hi Brenda,
Oic, tot i read somewhere a few times that Pigletz has craving n i was like 'pregnant issit?'....hahahhahah....

Punishment....sept n oct, i gonna be peng, hb outstation long stretch, i very vexed now...

Nov, who open house ah??
U took a pic of the pic? OK post for verfication. My family members went yes'dy. They told me dun look like Chen Chen. All said he looks UGLY. My SIL said he looks v matured. I m going to United Sq tml 2 c 4 myself
Elyse is a great helper. Hm... I shld train Chen Chen to help too

Do u find the pic looks like Chen Chen?

U r lucky to meet a gd loving better half. Treasure n cherish him. Think of a hand holding u tight n walk wif u when u r lao kor kor. I mushy hor
I had a difficult time searching for c/c. Took so long to figure tat this could be the one! dun look like c/c, must stare so hard then some resemblance. Perhaps it's the cap???

Elyse a great destroyer too, ever pushed Papa's laptop down to the floor frm the study desk!
Alewen looks so pretty! Chen Chen really looks different leh! Read other threads..the mummies are all polling for support!

Eureka, I oso got craving leh... Have been craving for Shima prawns for the longest time liao.... But me confirm not preggie! hahaha!

Giggler, sometimes I find it hard to get tyra to do what I want to do.. Cos it can be a battle of who can outlast! Sigh... no strength at the end of the day to do tat.....
Hi everyone,
Yeah, I know I am very bad... but since I have seen improvement in him, I never say such things to him again. :p Forgiven??

Brendali, Avocado,
See, I know what you girls mean at times when you are complaining in here. Don't we all wish our hbs use a little more initiative and assist us in caring for the bbs... at least show more care, right? Sigh! Men! You know, I don't have to chase my hb out of the room... in fact, ever since my kid was born, he goes to sleep in the hall most of the time.... reason:
- fell asleep while watching tv (why didn't he come into the room to watch tv with us there and spend time with bb? Coz bb disturbing his TV time)
- bb wakes up so many times at night to feed therefore disturb him
- I turn in bed too hard... while flipping bb to feed on both sides, so disturb him
How can anyone help it, but to say "horrible" things to someone above to get him moving and be part of the family?
I trust my hb. Know he won't do things behind my back. But I hate it when I wake up in the night to find that no one is there to support me in taking care of bb...
Am I not right to tell him that actually, we really don't need him? Even if he plays with bb, it is only for 5-10mins. BB even prefers the maid to him. How much of a dad is he if even the kid prefers the maid? So, I think I didn't do wrong in what I said. Of course, I would never have had the opportunity to say it if he had been different, right? Now that things seem to be improving between him and bb, I have not said it again.
i can recognise the pic of chen chen, keke... even w'out looking at his code. hey, where got ugly!

can u email me d pic w ash in it. tk u
ya he looks like a big boy. tat day so 'tau', dun wan to smile, jus eyes big big n mouth 'tu tu' stare at camera..
Thx for taking the effort to look for Chen Chen's pic. Think ya right. Too used to his botak head

Chen Chen indeed looks v differnt. Vote for the 3 bb can? Thx in advance
thanks for helping us take pix of our fella contestants here!

No wonder u've been so quiet. Take care har!

VEry mushy lei... but i like it..hahahaha. So hard to picture u say such things.

Okay mah.. Chen Chen. u compare him to the other boys pic eureka took, think he looks pretty good. tho i too agree dun really look like him.

i crave for all kind of prawns almost every month!!

Emily, Avocado..
we all jiayou jiayou k.. must be as loving as shook..hehehhe

Any recommendations where to do full body checkup?? Best if got those couple discount rates..heheheh
My hb used to watch tv in other room. I highlighted to him tat we nid to set some tx for comm so he started to watch tv 2gether after lionel sleeps. Maybe u can tell him frankly??
how old is ur BB? he still wakes up often at nite?? lionel sleeps thru the nite ever since he was 3mth old. Of coz,he'll still wake up once a while when he was sick or teething.

actually, i don't mind doing the hsework. But my hb likes to "pick" on things when he is in bad mood. I can't stand him.
I am not a superwoman. Juggling job,hsework & Bb r not easy.

I don't him to help out much in hsework coz he's not good in it & he doesn't enjoy doing it. All I wanna r appreciation & understanding. Rather than complaining the hse is messy,he shld help out. Now lionel is learning to walk, I've to keep an eye on him. The only time I can do hsework is when he asleeps.

lionel oso very noti, don't like my hb. He can play wf him but when come to sleeping time,he'll still look for me.

No matter how busy i am, i still make an effort to prepare & serve b/fast to my hb. But he nvr appreciate. I really fed up. Now,I just don't care.He said he's getting a PT maid to help out this sat. Ok, then I let him handle the PT maid. I've been so exhausted taking care of every single things at hme, including running errands such as buying milk powder/pampers for lionel. I've make good use of my lunch time to go out & buy all these stuffs...

If I ask him to do,he is not happy bcoz he always tells me he has impt thing to do. Personally, i feel men r selfish or maybe they r not bonded wf the BBs as what we did.Haiz....am i expecting too much? It is so hard to change a person who has been living pamperly for the past 34yrs.I really hope one day he'll take the initiative than to rely on me or my MIL.

i am impress wf ash's website..so well taken & organized. were u fr. IT?

chenchen changed a lot. i remember i ever saw him from a TV ad?? gainIQ?
me n my hubby recently did our full body checkup at sgh health sceening centre. full rate, no promo, no disct for such checkup usually, cos i tink is a 'biz' 4 d health institutions. sgh, ttsh, nuh, raffles medical, shenton medical all hav such packages. u can choose general health screening n opt for optional tests if needed.
hi, long tx no chat. how ar u n lionel? u still v busy w ur job? no i not fr IT but quite interested in all these stuff. my lao shi, ruffy, taught / shared w me on blogger

gd 2 hav u n ryan w us yesdy. cum more often. pai se my hse in a mess. ryan is such a clever boy. mommy mus hav put in lots of effort, great job!
AY Hazel,
Of late, I dun have much craving for any food leh, just pour in food into the mouth like dustbin....I must be preggie then.....hahahahah

Hb just did a detailed screening at Raffles Hospital at 300+....so gross, still got to take his output to test! He went with his colleague to carry out this test.....hheheheh!
shook, you can get all the ingredients from Phoon Huat. Yup, Vane wont let me stop reading until I repeat the story for 5-6 times.

eureka, did Elyse make things messier by 'helping out'? So Elyse at your mil's place liao?

sanrio, yup, GP told me to let Vane take the antibiotics for abt 7days.

avocado, hahaha. Me got similar prob with hubby leh, most of the time he not at home to help out also. It always give me the feeling that I might as well bring up Vane alone cos I dun need him at all.

hazey, ya, it's so tiring to put Vane to bed when she doesnt want to but I feel that she sleeps too late leh.
Aiya I lao kor kor mah, so think ahead of lao kor kor life

20% discount on Raffles Basic Health review $110.40 fm 16.08.2005 to 30.09.2005. Only available at
Marina Sq 6339 6644
Raffles City 6339 6911
Family Docotrs @ Jurong West 6565 7969
Harbour Front 6273 3078
I dunno wat is in tis health review thing. Perhaps u like to call to check

Emily, Avocado
Does your hubby know your problem of taking care of your tod @ 9?
When Chen Chen wz a NB, my hubby slept in study rm coz he needs to work need undisturbed sleep. I agreed since I wz on confinement leave. Then my uncle fm Australia put up wif my parents when he came to Singapore for holiday. My hubby slept in the same rm wif Chen Chen n I. Then he discovered how difficult it is for me to handle Chen Chen alone mid of the 9. After dat he sleeps in the same rm as us till now. He helps when he is being wake up by Chen Chen n I need to c to the facility. I dun wake him up

Which gain IQ ad? I wanna c the tod who looks like Chen Chen. Chen Chen on tbf. Disqualified to advertise for gain IQ?

My hubby did health screening in GlenE when they hv mother's/father's day promo. Cost $200+. UP is $300+
I think the Raffles Medical's Basic screening is only for blood pressure, ur BMI, cholestral, then maybe test ur urine etc. You have to add on for each test that you wanna do....
yah yah... i keep feeling that boy on abbott's ad is chen chen too! Shook, clarify leh.. issit him?

hmm.. then the test that this company which came to my office earlier is cheaper @ 230bucks.
yah, eureka... i find it rather disgusting too.. must go poke poke the shit.

For a moment u remind me of Oscar in Sesame street.. hahaha, just pour food into mouth like dustbin. Gotta get ruffybear to chat w u on weight watching liao..heheheh
Think the free screening u mentioned its the one i took earlier on.. not much use. Only tell u got problem but not what problem. Thus now i'm asking arnd to see where offers detailed screening and thot of pulling hb along.
Mummies, can tell me your opinion if you think its okay to wear open toes shoes to interviews? what about wearing pants instead of skirts? Will be discounted bec of these? What do you all wear when going for interviews?
brenda, you shd go for health screening to find out what the prob since you got them. Like me, I very conscious cos I got endometriosis. So if severe menses cramp, I know there's something wrong liao. You want to check with Polyclinic? My mom just went there for body check-up leh.
HAhaha Giggler,
yah.. actually wanted to go for a proper one w hb quite some time already.. thinking to make it an annual thing to keep us on tip top condition for Jem..heheh. Mine not very serious problem lah.. Blood pressure, low (most women prob) BMI, Underweight AGAIN!!!!, urine dun noe y got protein leh.. but think urs a pretty good suggestion too.. to go polyclinic.

Tell u why i ask arnd... hubby got this weird notion that now SPA got couple package, health screening test might have too... haiz, the minds of marketing people.

HAhhahha.. think u so concern must be very very executive/management post so think i can't help u.
Avocado, Sigh!
Anyway, jiayou... you are doing good... doing housework somemore.

Brendali, I jiayou with you.

Shook, I never ask my hb to wake up to take care of Ethan... anyway, I am feeding him... hb no need to wake up at all. But it sure is nice to wake up... and see hb by your side... even if sleeping... at least u know, if anything, u can just count on him. My hb... volunuteerly sleeps away from us so that we don't disturb him... tell me, if it is you, will you feel sad?

Now, I just don't wish to think about it anymore. Sometimes, at night, I wake up, see bed empty... just hope in my heart that he is in the hall sleeping. Sometimes, at night, it is nice to just turn around and snuggle, yeah? I snuggle with the pillows. Some of you may think it is a luxury... but most of the time, I think it is so sad and lonely.
QSG, I think it really depends on the postition you are applying for... as well as the nature of the job (besides being high or middle level position).
Avocado, yes, Ethan still wakes up at night. Seems like it is the norm for breastfeeding bbs... guess it's coz breastmilk is more easily digestable as compared to formula, that's why. I have never complained about waking up to feed Ethan. He's 13.5 months now. In fact, I find that him demanding milk in the night is a good time for me to bond with him as well as for me to continue increase my ss.... so the sacrifice of sleep is well worth the effort... in my opinion.
Brenda, Avocado
Is the Abbott ad still on? When is it telecasted usually? I wanna c
Chen Chen tbf lar. Disqualified to advertise for fm co. Otherwise I will b pong like Zoe Tay

$230 is cheap!
Your test failure not crucial I oso failed the same except BMI.

My hubby slept in a separate rm voluntarily in the past till he saw me so helpless carried Chen Chen standing, leaning agst the wall nodding away. I bf yes but he helps when I need to pick a flower or I m dead tired n Chen Chen still refuse to

Tho my hubby n I sleep in the same rm, no chance to snuggle. I bf Chen Chen to sleep. By the time Chen Chen sleep, either my hubby or me snoring away liao. Sometimes Chen Chen laughs @ my hubby when my hubby snores loudly
I dun mind waking up in the middle of the 9 to bf Chen Chen too. Dat maintain my ss. I wake up automatically even Chen Chen doesn't wake up. Sometimes I juz pick him up n dream feed him.
Gd to hear dat Vane is recovering

wat is zua sui? Oh...must pray ah? HOw to get the 5 items wif same colour? As in chicken drumstick is either yellow or brown rite, then u mean must get yellow/brown calculator?
Got lah shook, u got make me confy at sahm's pl but so many pple, i was abit overwhelmed.

Heheheh, i know u shy oso. We both shy shy type mah, remember? :p

U really made me LOL when u said we go to pigletz's pl n we sit there quiet quiet. Yar, u frightened me dat time by ur ice cold demeanor. Hehhehe...

sanrio, mon_mon,, shook,
Ur darlings look mature in the pics... Not difficult to recognise them actually.
Brenda, pigletz,
OK i try to come. I dun know whether my sister need my help on that day. U send me ur address ok. [email protected]

Chen chen look so mature, where got ugly. A big boy now.

Zua Sui is picking the 5 items in Mandarin
<font color="ff0000">colors of the 5 items</font>
Drumstick can b black (cook wif a lot of black sauce) or red (cook wif hong zuao) in color. Easy to get a black calculator. I got a red calculator.
Come join bb gathering. As u join more u know more of us in person.

I like the daddy n alicia bonding time. V v cute. Alicia so clever can mimic the sound of so many animals. How u add in the music? Is dat Clarence's voice? V pro like DJ

the pic is deceiving. Chen Chen doesn't look dat mature in person
Here is a pic of Chen Chen taken last wk. V different right

