(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

shook, Sarah uses Huggies Dry Comfort - the <font color="ff0000">red</font> and <font color="0000ff">blue</font> pack. I find it better than Huggies Dry.

Hazey, Sarah sleeps about 3 hours in the daytime too (2 naps), but she still sleeps through the night leh (9-10 hours). Sometimes our toddlers' nap and sleep patterns change, so don't worry.

Hazey, Giggler, Sanrio
Chen Chen wearing Huggies Dry L size. OK for him. BTW he small size. Will know his wt when we bring him for MMR jab

7 - 8 chit chat wif my mum
nurse and play wif Chen Chen
8 - 9 keep ebm, dinner n post in tis thread
9 - bed time keep sterlize bottles, clean Chen Chen, play n nurse Chen Chen. If Chen Chen sleeps early, I do the blog for him (v rare may b 1 wk once)
Clarence is Pringle's better half

Chen Chen wants me to carry him n my company. I flash cards or play or sing or carry him n dance or talk to him

Pigletz ah Pigletz
as I said your Gareth v easy to handle

Emily, Hazey
Chen chen similar sleeping schedule too. But he slept thru a few 9 lately.

I dunno @ wat pt preggie is transfer fm bath tub to bed but I dun think it is the pt when they c bb's head, most likely when preggie is dialated enuff. My contraction pain on n off even I wz fully dilated. It stopped only after Chen Chen is out leh

When Chen Chen wz wearing M size diaper, Dry comfort L size is already small for him. Prefer the velcro tape on Huggies Dry n the cutting is more suitable for Chen Chen as well
Sarah sleeps a lot @ home.

Mummies using Huggies
Do u know wat is the Huggies pt for? I always discard the packing. Only discover there is Huggies pt on the packing yes'dy
brenda, aiyo you're the extreme leh. hahaha....

sanrio, where do u go for your aromatherapy massage? I find nepia too ex leh. I'm using NTUC brand/Petpet in the day and Huggies Dry Comfort in the nite. I try not to spend more than 40cents a piece on diapers lah.

PVL, I'm using Huggies Dry Comfort too. Think there's a new version of Huggies Dry so thot of trying out since there's discount.
who can be more easy then the charming Jerome? If tired, just go to the room and sleep by himself. He is a role model.

Sorry hor, paiseh i only have the names of mummies stuck on this thread. Now host says that I slack on my job as a spokeman leh.. din lelong lelong her showflat to foreign market.

SO STYLOBB AND HONG !!!! *can hear me shout loud loud??* ARE U JOINING US???
Wa man, the way u treat your hubby machiam hu zi ze lai hui zi ze qu

OK fm wat I observe, Gareth, Jem, Matt n Vane r easy to handle bb. Of coz tis may not b a complete list. I not v observant like Brenda n Eureka
You too humble liao. I like Chen Chen, always behave himself when he's outside. Easy to handle.

But anyway, i think all our babies have their good point and all of them are simply soooo lovable that can't help missing them.
maybe I'll bring homemade mooncakes? See how I fare first hor. Gonna try doing it next sat. If successful and easy enough then can do for you guys on 10 Sept. hee hee!
Chen Chen can't hold a canle to Gareth, Jem, Matt n Vane. He sleeps late, so clingy to me, snatches my book, dun allow me to watch TV program.....

Pigletz n Brenda interested to learn mooncake making fm u
Wey... I already admit i bad wife liao leh, trying to brush up. Should give me some credits rite.. Cannot keep saying Jem good, i no good one.. bad for my development. Hahhaha, furthermore, I dun even hu him lai.

Wahhaha... IMHO, there's no easy bb to handle. Only lazy/bochup mommies so go 'huh, what/who notti?'

the course i sign up for mooncake making cancelled due to poor response
Wish u luck on urs yah!!
shook, I agree with brenda leh. Think there's only lazy/bo chap mummies.
Even hubby cant stand me at times. He said that I trying to be like ang moh cos I too bo chap liao. hahaha....

absolut, think if it's baked skin then it'll be too much work for you. Snow skin alot more easier.

brenda, if you interested to learn snow-skin, I got recipe to share with you. Very easy one... You know me lah, I wont do something if it's too difficult.
I dun like snow skin actually.. but hb likes. Gotta score points so can try try hor? U email the recipe to me can? Sure not difficult one har..

So? gonna update the list.. Absolut - homemade mooncake. Can lah, got such pro teacher, can't go wrong one...
I also want recipe. Should be making snowskin mooncake coz easier and I like it better. Only thing can't make too much at one time coz must finish it fast.
U really shock me out of my shell.
I was browse the posting then suddenly.. HONG!!!
I laterally jump man..
I really cant confirm now.

Pigletz, am i welcome.. No longer stalker???
Where is ur place?? Can i confirm much later???
brenda, Phoon Huat is a shop that sell all bakery stuff. I know there's one behind Guan Yin temple at Si Ma Lu. They have a few branch, you can check their website to see which one nearer to you.

absolut, ok... send u the recipe.
What I do between 7-9pm? Spend time with jesse lor...kekeke... , stimes I read, lately I have to rest lah, cos v tired...

Aiyoh u shout until SO LOUD my ears are ringing!!!!!! (hong, me received same effect! Hehehe....)
Aiyoh me v busy with work these weeks leh... budget time and all sorts of things to settle...haiz....
I so scared I meet u I turn into ice how??? Hehe.... me also cannot confirm leh.... we are talking about SK, aren't we????

Wa la la, why u treat ur hb like that ah???
I din say u r bad wife. I m not in the position to comment. Only Mark is in the position to comment . I meant u v bo chap when it comes to Mark

Giggler, Brenda
OK I quote u n eg. U gals go out wif your tod wif stroller. I dun bcoz Chen Chen simply refuse to sit in stroller. How bo chap I m, I can't leave him standing n balancing in the stroller rite. Worse in car seat. He stand up immediately. I dun hv the chance to buckle him @ all. How to bo chap. Safety concern leh

I oso wanna learn to make snow skin moon cake. I prefer snow skin to baked skin

Trying to score brownie pt. How said u bad wife

Hong, StyloBB
Join lar join lar
i go to spa esprit at hv. hey, somtx credit card like dbs/uob lady has joint promo w them. u keep a lookout n can go try try.
ashrel has sensitive skin. not only abrasion, he gets rashes fr using some brands (even w barrier cream). bo pian leh..
can email me d snowskin mooncake receipe, tks

hope i will 1 day, 1 day... hav tx to bake.

i remb d cake u baked n brought 2 shook's place was v nice, i even 'ta bao' n eat 4 brkfast next day. ur supporter is me, keke..
dun say u 'bad wife' lah. my hubby somtx oso cant std me. if i m upset w him, i m 1 who will keep my mouth 'shut' for d rest of d day. tink he rather i lost my 'patience' n start talking to him...
morning mummies

sorrie.......... i am really really busy!!!! damn! after getting low increment, my work increased!!!! Tian ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!

hazey told me u were looking for me, i tot u miss me and zl again...

hahaha... finally u r opening your house!

can't confirm now leh... will let u know??? ok???!!!

mummies, got to go back to work again....

miss chatting with u mummies.... tata

StyloBB, Hong,
The venue is at SK. No baby, no entry hor.
Why cannot confirm? U all also do one month's schedule like me too?

Dun worry, u turn to ice i ask jem to wink at u.. then u'll melt. Hahahahha

yah yah.. ur description very apt. I too bo chup when it comes to him. Hmmm, mebbe that's the solution, make a point to 'chup' him more hor
Orh... chen chen cannot sit still u mean.

That's the point lor.. the most i see the wife will just put hubby on ignore list. I actually call him to tell him go drink or meet friends till I sleep cos i bad mood. Frankly speaking, i only 'jolt awake' the last time i did that n he calmly tell me he'll stay in the office to work. K, i'll use ur method instead.. zip my mouth tight tight..hahahha

i miss ZL dun noe how many archives back already, u've been conveniently ignoring me.
shook, I think 'bo chap' mummies as in we do things that are most convenient to us most of the time and not really in the best interest to the bb lah. Like me, I'll feed Vane outside food and not cook for her during weekends. But you are very strict with Chen Chen's diet lah. What do u do with Chen Chen since he sleeps so late huh?

sanrio, snow-skin dont need to bake one, just need to refrigerate them. Spa esprit good? I tried Subtle Senses with credit promo before, find it good but dun like them pushing us to sign up for package leh.

sanrio/shook, I'll email to you gals later.

styloBB, you sound real tired leh. You ok or not?

jo, you really busy with work huh? Tell you hor, I still cant confirm a childcare for Vane leh. Very headache....
Hong ah,
don't say until like that leh. haha, later everyone here say I unfriendly, decided not to come to the gathering, and I won't get to meet all those pretty mummies and cute bbies liao leh.

You let us know whether you can come anot lor. And yes, It's at Sengkang

You also, try to come okay? Wanna see your Jesse and your twins in ur tummy.

ya lor, I wait for you to open house until my neck super long liao. Cannot tahan not meeting everyone for so long.

haha, talking abt bochap, I also leh, do things that are most convenient to us. If i wanna go out, I will drag Gareth out of the bed to go out with us. Never wait for him to wake up one. haha, and when he is hungry, if we not at home, I will just give him bread, or buy him a bao. haha...
Morning mummies,

Money making opportunity. I will pass on it coz cannot bring Ryan along as they say it is an office..also timing 6.30pm-8.30pm at Revenue House, Novena is not convenient ( carparking not provided somemore!!

Nice to meet up with you yesterday. Ash v.fortunate to have so many toys and you taking care of him 24/7. Hope that you will be able to solve your CC issues soon
Morning mommies,

Brendali, bo chap? I think I also bo chap my hb... very bad hor... sometimes, I just tell him to sleep outside that night coz Ethan and I need more space. I even told him once that he is not important in our lives... coz cannot help me with Ethan... only important once - to implant Ethan in me. :p So bad hor... but he improved after I said that lah... he made an effort to take care of Ethan - not just play with him. Nowadays, I tell myself to shit up if have nothing nice to say. Cannot be so bad... break his ego than will be bad.
When I m v pissed off wif my hubby. I pull long papaya face n zip my lips. He will get scared
n try to make me talk

I wz thinking abt u n u pop!

Cannot sit still alone brings a lot of problems. Bsides Chen Chen v clingy to me. He is not anti social but clingy to me. V contradictory. Dunno if u get wat I mean.

Play wif Chen Chen. When he is real cranky, n my hubby
I gotta carry Chen Chen parade in n out to the living rm c mrt (my parents' plc) n outside (@ my hse)
I dun consider strict diet difficult to handle. Juz need to bring some snacks for him. I dun even bring bottle

I m shocked wif wat u told your hubby (sorry hor v natural reaction)

Brenda, Emily
Aren't u gals worried dat your hubby hanky panky behind u when he really stay out late late?
Yes Emily..
we sama sama lor.. phew, glad to noe i'm not the only one. Yah... really bad of us to say such things so jiayou! we change n be super wife okie!

Haha... pigletz,
ur turn to shake head at our bo chupness towards hubby.

I noe what u mean cos jem directly opp. Dun cling to be but anti social..hhahah
If he wans to hanky panky, he'll use OT as excuse also.. so doesn't make a diff if i'm the one who opens the door for him.
pigletz, hahaha.... We really can shake hands liao. That's what I normally do too, just wake her up cos time to go. I dun work ard her nap time lor. I'm lucky that Vane can sleep anywhere, anytime lah.
And I'll just give her bread or pao too if I feel that she's hungry but we're outside.

shook, what games u play with Chen Chen? Somex I run out of things to do with Vane leh.
I miss u n ZL!!!!!!! Dun be unhappy lah, working life is like dat one...

Is Vane okie oredi? Sorry, i got no time to read back the postings...

Must ask u the expert :p on kieran's 1st bday, wat must i do huh? I'll be letting him pick the 5 items. SO i jus lay out on the floor n let him choose? Wat other rituals r necessary? I'm so excited cos my boy gonna be 1 yrs old soon.
hazey, let me know how's the mooncake that you made hor.

skyblue, Vane is ok liao but I still give her the antibiotics lah. I'll stop giving till tom.

Ruffy, I quite lost sometimes with things to do with Vane after work, from 8pm-12am lor. Ryan can come over so late?
I thought u are talking about weekends

Van not asleep meh.. Ryan sleep about 9pm..latest 10pm.
What you can do with her..quite a lot actually.
1. Read storybook/go through flashcard.
2. play toys with her.
3. sing songs
4. Let her do some colouring with crayons/colouring book ( must supervise closely)
5. Let her help in some housework
Giggler, I thot Vane will entertain u instead! Hahaha, sometimes I quite lost as to how to interact with her, but usually, I let her take lead and see what she wants to play... then I follow suit lor...
