(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies


Guess since we gg to ppl's house, we should satisfy the host hor? hehe...

Updated list:
Mummies joining the gathering in sept:
1) pigletz (3+0.5) - potato salad
2) brenda (2+0.5) - mango pudding
3) priviledged (2+0.5)
4) Val (2+0.5) 1/2 kg of Lim CHEE Guan Bak
5) Emily (2+0.5)
6) Giggler (maybe: 1+0.5)
7) Sanrio (2+0.5)
8) Ruffybear (1+0.5)-
9) Viv (1+0.5)
10) Mom2nat (2+0.5)
11) Mon Mon (1+0.5)- Apple Cake/ chocolate chip cookies
12) Lyn (1+0.5)
13) Pringles (1+0.5)
14) Hazey (maybe: 2+0.5)1/2 kg of Lim CHEE Guan Bak
Then you decide what you want to bring then tell us okay. Maybe can get a few of the odo ball and let some of our toddlers to try.
See, told you previously as well that Jem is a Gem!
very nice and quiet boy.

Pigletz, that should be fine. Thanks.

re: squeaky shoes
Ai yoh! If everyone of us with bb squeaky shoes brings it to pigletz, then sure to get police knocking on the door... hehehee... actually I also find it very irriating, that's why now I buy to irritate people. :p own kid wear not so bad... heheeee.....

pigletz, you better put rules in your open house gathering man!! heheheeee....

Okay... so far, this is the latest.
Updated list:
Mummies joining the gathering in sept:
1) pigletz (3+0.5) - potato salad
2) brenda (2+0.5) - mango pudding
3) priviledged (2+0.5)
4) Val (2+0.5)
5) Emily (2+0.5)
6) Giggler (maybe: 1+0.5)
7) Sanrio (2+0.5)
8) Ruffybear (1+0.5)
9) Viv (1+0.5)
10) Mom2nat (2+0.5)
11) Mon Mon (1+0.5)- Apple Cake/ chocolate chip cookies
12) Lyn (1+0.5)
13) Pringles (1+0.5)
14) Hazey (maybe: 2+0.5)
hahaa, don't worry abt pple complaining.

My neighbour below got 5 kids, everyday also so noisy. My neighbour above me haven't shift in yet. hahahah

Okay... so far, this is the latest.
Updated list:
Mummies joining the gathering in sept:
1) pigletz (2+0.5) - potato salad
2) brenda (2+0.5) - mango pudding
3) priviledged (2+0.5)
4) Val (2+0.5) 1/2 kg of Lim CHEE Guan Bak
5) Emily (2+0.5)
6) Giggler (maybe: 1+0.5)
7) Sanrio (2+0.5)
8) Ruffybear (1+0.5)-
9) Viv (1+0.5)
10) Mom2nat (2+0.5)
11) Mon Mon (1+0.5)- Apple Cake/ chocolate chip cookies
12) Lyn (1+0.5)
13) Pringles (1+0.5)
14) Hazey (maybe: 2+0.5)1/2 kg of Lim CHEE Guan Bak
Ethan is so affectionate. Reeeeally melts mummy's heart

I 1 Jem's bear hug
jem oso v loving mah. Chen Chen not affectionate like Ethan n Jem

U dun look like the short temper type leh

I notice dat knock for nod. But I ter kan u too much yes'dy so decided to give it a miss.
oops sorry Pringles, dun pong me
Wat's the diff b/w bak kua n roasted meat? Thot both oily n salty? I no meat eater v shallow knowledge of them
Thx for having the crawling Chen Chen n Randall in mind on the cleanness of your flr

Bak kua hard leh
bak kua is oily no matter which part you give, but roasted meat, the meat inside, might have some that is not oily. Usually roasted meat is more oily on the surface. hahah
Shook, Bak Kwa for the adults lah... All Pig's fault, keep talking about bak kwa, make me crave for it too... BUT no worries, I m definitely not preggie! Hahahaaha!

Emily, Ethan such a sweet boy!!!! So darling!
Hi mummies! I don't have to house-sit anymore cos my MIL & SIL cancelled their trip due to an infection in my MIL's leg. She was in the hospital 2 days. Coming back only today. *phew* I can enjoy myself with Sarah at home and not hold the extra responsibility of looking after so many pple and big house.

Anyway, regarding the gathering...
Updated list:
Mummies joining the gathering in sept:
1) pigletz (3+0.5) - potato salad
2) brenda (2+0.5) - mango pudding
3) priviledged (1+0.5) - <font color="ff0000">sushi/maki (no raw stuff)</font>
4) Val (2+0.5)
5) Emily (2+0.5)
6) Giggler (maybe: 1+0.5)
7) Sanrio (2+0.5)
8) Ruffybear (1+0.5)
9) Viv (1+0.5)
10) Mom2nat (2+0.5)
11) Mon Mon (1+0.5)- Apple Cake/ chocolate chip cookies
12) Lyn (1+0.5)
13) Pringles (1+0.5)
14) Hazey (maybe: 2+0.5)

giggler , now then you know ah... Sarah very skinny one.

Sarah also shakes her head and says 'no' at the same time. I'm trying to teach her to say or sign 'yes'. Must teach her to be more positive.

Squeaky shoes
Like Ruffy, I too dislike those squeaky shoes. Very irritating.
I guess we all get irritated by squeaky shoes. But hor, it's part and parcel of a learning process for our kids.

The kids get excited when they step on it and realise that there is sound from the shoe. I enjoy the moment when Gareth 1st put it on. His amaze look, the way he enjoy the shoe. You will forget all abt how irritating it is liao.
brenda, hahaha.... now I also chase HK TV serial shows leh, esp the 9pm one. But just to know from my fren that on Sun from 9am onwards, you can watch all 5 episodes in one go. I also chase the 7pm Korean show. Aiya at my parents' place, so nothing to do but watch TV.

shook, I very long didnt flash cards to Vane liao leh. So guilty, but think she sick so didnt want to stress her too much lah. Worse, now staying at my parents' place so didnt bring those cards there.

PVL, but what's Sarah's ht? She looks tall leh, in fact she looks tall and slender.

Mummies, I also very irritated by those squeaky shoes. Lucky Vane didnt show special preference to that shoes. Heng....
hahaha... i'm not short tempered. Just have weird notions which needs some twitching.

Gareth wanna eat roasted pig? i buy up

got bak gua n its near mooncake fest.. anyone bringing mooncakes? make tea? nat carry pomelo?
HAhhaha... yah, I'm one of them who will sit n watch all 5 episode on sunday if i'm home!! hahaha, n this trip to HK we especially went to the Apliu Sreet
I envy u and brenda, got time to watch HK TV serial. hahaha, I still got no time to read my harry potter yet.

don't want lah, i wanna let him try ur mango pudding. *Grin*
Chen Chen din know dat we wear hat on him when taking photo. He pulled his hat dwn a few times when we were queuing to hv his photo taken

Vane sick dun think she got mood to c flash cards
Chen Chen likes to snatch flash cards fm me n take out the rubber band to play. I skip showing him @ times. Only show him once the most wk day after work

Pigletz, Giggler, Brenda
Me too envy Giggler n Brenda got time to watch TV program. I can afford to read papers during am nursing n on the way back home

Frankly speaking. I find the squeaky shoes irritating. Ca si lan
giggler, I think she's only about 75cm tall. I think she looks tall in the photo because I took it from below. No lah, my Sarah is still a petite little girl. But I'm glad, cos she's easy to carry, esp now when she's even more wiggly and strong than before.
mummies quite busy today a quick one regarding the squeaky shoes. Dana has got 2 from cerisi, i was told the sound thingee can be removed. Just pull out a round thing at the side bottom of the shoes. I let her walk outside already, she kept touching the soles of the shoes after sitted back in pram, so dirty!
brenda, think watch all 5 episodes at one go more shiok hor?

pigletz, I only got the luxury to watch TV cos we're at my parents' place now. Nowadays, Vane prefers my mom to me so I can relax there. heehee... You got the new Harry Potter huh? Thot of buying so that I can read while I'm on mc.

shook, I feel quite guilty for not showing lor. Maybe I feel that flash cards only effective when they before 3yrs but time is like running out as Vane is 15mths liao.
As I said, I only got luxury to watch TV cos we at my parent's place this week. I thot of buying Huggies Dry tonite to try. Think NTUC got promo to buy 2 packs at $32.85

PVL, 75cm is considered tall, I think. Vane is 73cm and she's abt the same ht as my fren's gal who is 2yrs old.
Updated list:
Mummies joining the gathering in sept:
1) pigletz (2+0.5) - potato salad
2) brenda (2+0.5) - mango pudding
3) priviledged (1+0.5) - sushi/maki (no raw stuff)
4) Val (2+0.5) 1/2 kg of Lim CHEE Guan Bak
5) Emily (2+0.5)
6) Giggler (maybe: 1+0.5)
7) Sanrio (2+0.5)
8) Ruffybear (1+0.5)-
9) Viv (1+0.5)
10) Mom2nat (2+0.5)
11) Mon Mon (1+0.5)- Apple Cake/ chocolate chip cookies
12) Lyn (1+0.5)
13) Pringles (1+0.5)
14) Hazey (maybe: 2+0.5)1/2 kg of Lim CHEE Guan Bak
Gd morning mummies!!

Updated list:
Mummies joining the gathering in sept:
1) pigletz (2+0.5) - potato salad
2) brenda (2+0.5) - mango pudding
3) priviledged (1+0.5) - sushi/maki (no raw stuff)
4) Val (2+0.5) 1/2 kg of Lim CHEE Guan Bak
5) Emily (2+0.5)
6) Giggler (maybe: 1+0.5)
7) Sanrio (2+0.5)
8) Ruffybear (1+0.5)-
9) Viv (1+0.5)
10) Mom2nat (2+0.5)
11) Mon Mon (1+0.5)- Apple Cake/ chocolate chip cookies
12) Lyn (1+0.5)
13) Pringles (most prob 2+0.5)
14) Hazey (maybe: 2+0.5)1/2 kg of Lim CHEE Guan Bak

I'm still thinking wat to bring.

Gd idea. I was thinking of mooncakes in fact. Maybe each person bring a box of different type so as to add variety. kiv

Mummies....we also used to find them irritating!Yet now i'm so tempted to buy a pair for Alicia but hubby not keen leh...heheh....if all the babies wear their squeakies in Pigletz' home, think we might all go back with half deaf ears after that!

Oh....i didn't know that. Thot TMC really allows bath tub delivery. The room seems so conducive.

hahaa...so what did u buy frm SASA in the end? Yes, its called Catwalk -Curls Rock (leave-in moisturiser).

Randall does the all fours, backside up crawl too? Hehe...its very funny to watch , now once in a while, Alicia crawls around too for fun.
I oso used to feel those squeaky shoes v irritating. But hor, Nat loves it. And hb thinks it is cute (after he see his girl wearing it)... hahahah...
In the end din buy anything there.
Chey, dun put words into my mouth ah! So noti.... I never say jaz is one of those ah... hehe....

Why? U feel u never put in effort in your marriage meh??? Wah u still have time to watch tv???

Hey, did u watch Charlie &amp; Choc Factory after all? Caught it with hb last nite...eeekk, J Depp scares the hell outa me!!!

deer on leave today lah....

Yeah me referring to paedophiles lah....
Just be aware hor.. me not trying to discourage u all from posting pics ah....

Now u have backache? So chaamm...

U going for marriage enrichment class ah...that's good... share share after u attend... bet u one of the topics they will touch on is COMMUNICATION......

No worries lah... there are many many bbs and toddlers here... hehe....

Nice to hear from u... how are u doing???

OIC.... but jana like that is only temporary right, would not be beyond 1.5-2 years right.... hehe... u mean scare u until u dun want second one.

Ian ok already??

Me also dislike squeaky shoes...
I stay @ my parents' plc but I still can't afford 2 watch tv program leh Chen Chen doesn't allow me 2 watch tv program n he sleeps late
Ya wanna say Huggies Dry promo @ ntuc till today. Ea pac comes wif 2 foc pull up pants. Found it out on Sun but keep 4getting to post it here

I share the same sentiment as Clarence not in favor of squeaky shoes.
Perhaps u were not in the same gp as me during the hospital tour. Mrs Wong said water birth is not allowed in Singapore. The bath tub is juz to relax preggie. She will b transferred to the bed when she wanna give birth
Mummies complaining about how little your babies nap during the day... Tyra has been taking 3 HOUR naps! at one go! No wonder she dun sleep through the nite rite????

Pls get the bigger sizes, cos I find the cutting for Huggies is really small! Had some sample pack, and the diaper will cut into the thigh... even though Tyra so skinny.
if u dun tv.. what r u all doing from 7 to 9?

I dun noe where/what mooncake is nice leh. Sept host very fussy when it comes to Mooncake. Must be original, cannot too sweet...

not effort thingy... more like the thinking. I dun place husband as a important part of my life. Like God is important to me, Jem is important to me.. but hb i can do w/o n cope on my own kinda thing...hahahah
Din watch that show cos of the review... actually felt that this Willy Wonka looks more like Scrooge

Who is Clarence?
i usually reach home at 8.30pm, then half an hour play with Gareth, 9pm, shower Gareth, 9.30pm, put Gareth to sleep.

Thanks for telling pple I fussy, but hor, I'm not the only one eating lah. Please get whatever you want for the rest of the mummies and daddies and helpers and babies.
styloBB, yup the ache at my neck to back area will come on &amp; off. They'll even turn stiff if I'm stress.

brenda, I'm doing it now leh, cope on my own w/o hubby. But at times, I'll feel very tired and upset abt it lor.

hazey, what size is Tyra wearing now? Now sure if I shd buy XL for Vane instead since you said the cutting is small.

shook, what does Chen Chen prefer to do with you then? Vane sticks to my mom now so I'm free to watch TV these few nites.
Giggler, she is still on M ah!

Brenda, my MIL let her sleep more during the day so she can do her own things mah.... what can I do? Constantly call back to wake her up?
errr, Gareth sleep for 2 or 3 hrs in the day one leh. Depending on his mood. And still sleep thru the night. But maybe also becos he runs and play alot when he's not sleeping.
aiyoh... I think when they are not sleeping, they are all over the place.... I haven't heard of one baby who will sit still when awake....
I think I must send tyra to Pig for sleep training.....
Hazey!!! Ethan sleeps only half an hour to one hour in the afternoon... but definitely wakes up every night for the extra comfort suck. I believe he drinks too lah... Usually, he'll sleep at 11-12midnight, wake up at 4am, then 5.30-6am, then 7am. Now you see who's getting a better deal? You or me? :p But only comforta is I still breastfeed him and he co-sleeps on my bed, so don't have to get out of bed to make the milk.
Shook / Pringles
Actually providing the bathtub for relaxing is also good since the pain is really at the period when dilation is taking place. final stage of labour just a matter of pushing only right? Too bad my gynae only delivers at Eastshore otherwise really dun mind trying the bathtub in Thomson. Hmm... maybe should stay home and soak in my own bathtub. hahaha!

Clarence is Pringles' hubby
Should be able to make it to your place on 10 Sept. What time is it starting? 12 noon?

Now headache ... dunno what to make. Are we having lunch? Then i can bring something more substantial.

Mummies joining the gathering in sept:
1) pigletz (2+0.5) - potato salad
2) brenda (2+0.5) - mango pudding
3) priviledged (1+0.5) - sushi/maki (no raw stuff)
4) Val (2+0.5) 1/2 kg of Lim CHEE Guan Bak
5) Emily (2+0.5)
6) Giggler (maybe: 1+0.5)
7) Sanrio (2+0.5)
8) Ruffybear (1+0.5)-
9) Viv (1+0.5)
10) Mom2nat (2+0.5)
11) Mon Mon (1+0.5)- Apple Cake/ chocolate chip cookies
12) Lyn (1+0.5)
13) Pringles (most prob 2+0.5)
14) Hazey (maybe: 2+0.5)1/2 kg of Lim CHEE Guan Bak
15) Absolut (prob 2+0.5)
it's starts at abt 1pm, you are welcome to come early too.

Err, the potluck can be for lunch and tea. haha, depending on what time you come and how long you stay lor.
yah lor yah lor.. but u feel upset n tired. I will straight away think,"I dun need you please get lost" That y keep surfacing incidents that i actually ask him not to come home or come back only after i sleep. Very bad hor..heheheh, but i'm trying to change liao! ME wanna be super wife on top of supermom!

Oh yah Haze,
forgot she's w MIL.
HAhahha... send tyra to Pig for sleep training n to pig out!

I pei fu those mommies who wakes up at nite to feed the little ones.. SUPER DUPER MOMS!
i hav bad stiff neck n shoulders prob too. back then was due 2 long hrs sitting in front of d pc at work n now due 2 carrying heavy ashrel. go 4 aromatherapy massage, it really helps. i try 2 go once evy 1.5mths. me sahm, cant anyhow spend $$ so i thrift on shopping but massage is a mus mus (great form of relaxation esp af menses).
tks for supporting ashrel.

ashrel dun nap much in d day n is super active. no wonder, he usually slp at 8.30pm n can slp tru till 7am++. only at days cranky, mayb teething, will wake up once n cry for milk. or some days over stimulated, wake up mid nite to play!

my hubby not cuming for d gathering. he on mobilisation. he's using d car so i probably cant brg anythg heavy/much cos w ashrel n his barang barang, d skinny n bo lak me hope i can cope...
hazey n giggler,
yes huggies cutting is v small. it doesnt suit ashrel, my big size boy. tried d L sample, it caused bad abrasion on his thighs.
let vane try nepia diaper lah. cool, thin n comfy n its cutting is quite big. ashrel has been using tis for the day. nite is PP. it usually cost $15.90 at ntuc.

don't worry abt not bringing anything lah. Just come with Ashrel will do.

Actually hor, if you can't think of anything to bring, don't worry. There should be enough foods to go around.

If all bring hor, hahaha, too much you all must tabao back leh! hehe
