(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

Luckily never go in. They were so mean to my sis-in-law. Actually threw her into this dept and that etc after they knew she was preggie. Think they didn't want to support her maternity leave and made her life miserable so in the end she resigned before she delivered. THat's why I say their psycho-ing very strong... with such treatment, she still believes in their milk. I know all FM promote that their milk is closest to BM. So ridiculous. Think some use palm oil and others use dunno what oil lah.

the last i saw kieran he not so sturdy leh... still quite small size. now look diff liao. Think he's gonna be one confident child too.

skyblue, deer and soyb!!
Me burst outlaufing at ur conversations... so farnie!
Kieran look so handsome in white! Looks like a Ba Ma Huang Zi ... heheh ..
He tip-toe in the pic, think i remember u mentioned in the forum b4 tt u worried abt his tip-toe-ing ... and now he can walk liao ....

Ryan so cute, push his trolley onto the bed ... what kind of supermarket trolley? Meant for child play??

Just remember smthg ... hv u found a raincoat for Jem? Saw a bb shop at HarbourFront selling toddler rain coat ... reminds me of u looking for one.
See lah, our conversation tickled soyabean n brenda... Kekeke... Now he's still tip toeing. Tink it'll take a while for him to stop doing dat.

Yar, i hope kieran will be a confident child cos i tink dats very impt. He still small size lah, takes after me mah...
RE : Toys

I've read a book that reviews those toys like fisherprice etc. These are some of the points i gathered :

1) get toys that r suitable for the bb's age. So that it wun be too difficult n they get bored.. or too easy which bores them.

2) go for the basics like the stack cups, blocks, knockers, activity centres etc. too much noise n lights will just distract them from exploring the toy thus short concentration/focus.

3) easy maintenance.

4) rotate the toys. Rotate the toys being left for the bb to play every two weeks or so. When it's kept n taken out again.. they will take it as a new toys. If not, they will get sick of the toys.

5) Dun give all the new toys at one time.. keep it for special occasions like an exceptional bad tantrum day, sick days etc. Giving all at one time will just overwhelm their senses and make them lose interest easily.

6) Parents participation!! Show them how to play by playing w them.. e.g cubes. Initially bb only noe how to hold them.. so show them how to change between hands. Then they will start to learn how to throw.. give them balls to throw, at the same time, show them how to stack. subsequently, show them how to build from those cubes.. thus, it can actually last from 3mths to 18mths
Happy birthday

Wat skin problem Edi has? I mean itch or rash or wat?
Chen Chen has v dry skin on the ankle. Dry until peel n sometimes red red like skin cracked. PD said apply bb lotion diligently. But it comes n goes. Not healed completely. Sigh...

Either u take the risk to c the same sin seh agn or change to another sin seh.
Walking is walking like us adult, w/o holding anything (2 or 3 steps oso count). Of coz the tod may crawl when she feels like crawling

Chen Chen still have running nose yes'dy. Today, dunno. No running nose when I came out of the hse. He poor thing, we cleaned his mucus till his nose puo pi. Thx for your concern
Push walker, Chen Chen runs when pushing it. He pushes a while dun 1 liao. Now he likes to push stools n walk (not run). BTW push walker is for bb/tod who is confident cruiser. It is not used to train bb/tod to cruise since it is movable

Deer, Soyabean
Chen Chen is still cruising n crawling. He is 14.5 mth. Dun worry hor gals.

Har I blur liao
y u said I let him walk thru Marina Bay?
Ya u BETTER go c gyne b4 u go to HK. Dun play play
Kieran is another boi who walks at 11th mth besides Gareth

Wa man, u pop outta blue.
If Gareth come swim wif Chen Chen can lend him Chen Chen's float. I put Chen Chen in the float only when I wanna swim @ the same time as him. OK let me know when u can make it. Chen Chen still hv running nose anyway
Gabriel is so cute. I laughed it out @ his reply to Gareth. V wen xin

Milk may is not a necessity when tod reaches 1 yr old. I posted tis some time ago remember? Can get calcium fm other food - tou fu, cheese, yoghurt, seaweed, soyamilk, etc etc
Deer yeah..come with plastic food + can food etc.. for kids to play with..something like the little types shopping trolley but not so high class..bought from taka sale $12
Yar i vividly remembered u posted b4 dat milk is not a necessity when tod reaches 1 yr old. I oso read smthg like dat b4. But hor, i dun fancy giving yoghurt leh, cos i oredi intro cheese n it's like smthg cold. Tofu oso can't eat too much...
Hope dat chenchen recovers totally soon
i cant reali explain his condition, its not rash, not itch... its like tiny tiny dots... like whiteheads like dat... there is a medical term for it but i cant rembr the name kerotosis something... the kkh derma doc was surprised to see it on his butt actuali... he said this condition usu appear on legs, arms...
I didnt go HF for lunch lah, i will overshoot my lunch hrs if i do so. U go HF for lunch?? If i go on half-day leave, i will date u for lunch, can?

Chen Chen so poor thing, his nose must be quite red due to the freq cleaning .... quite painful also, right? Hope he has recovered liao by the time u reach home.

Happy Birthday to U!
Wish u good health and a wonderful birthday celebration with ur hb and Ryan
I'm trying to take a break from my hectic shedule today. 15min break to post. hahaha

Imagine I'm still in office now at this time. Seldom hor. Tomorrow will be another hectic day and don't think I will have time to come in till late afternoon.
shook, cant imagine when he can 'really' walk...now chasing him already v.bo eng.
how's chen now??

qsg, it took me a few wks and 3 sessions to rid the pain n aches. NO COLD WATER BATH! NO DRINKING OF COLD WATER!! DILIGENTLY RUB MED OIL EACH TIME AFTER BATH. take times
walking for jerald at tis stage...small steps when one hand holding on to me (we love to go 'pat tor' at the mkt every morning) if i'm not holding on to him...probably 4-5 UNSTEADY steps before he sat down again.

mom2nat, i staying at pasir ris...VERY NEAR DRIVE 4! when you moving in?? LOVE THAT PIX OF NAT!! did she hd a hair cut?

brenda, tat rascal yang-o lor...beat floor already cry louder!!!
hvnt got the chance to flim him walking...everytime i took out my cam...he sure come over to disturb.
ehhh...hubby already booked for nirwana bintan 3d2n this 30 aug
they hving seabreeze promo now for two adults hubby said ard SGD290++

Giggler, can you plc order now for raffles mooncake??? when can collect?? if not too troublesome, can you order 2 box for me the Mini Snow-Skin Mooncake with Champagne Truffle & Ganache?? i can go to your office and collect during lunch time. v.paisay for you to buy for me.

absolut, you going overseas again??

pvl, "choy" touchwood!!! they sure hd a very bad fright to land badly...me just find myself stupid standing there watching/waiting for things to happend..if only i chase after him...

deer, being sahm is pro n con. now i do whatever i want, whenever i want...of course now my boss is mr jerald chan...so as long as he's mood, i can do lotz of stuff....
cons: hubby takes me as a 24/7 maid, now everything i must do...prev, we share the house chores...now i must bao ga liao on top of being sahm...I HATE IT... i simply declare wkend is kitchen off day...i can make you lite meal of porridge/ snack but not proper meal of 3dish1soup... BLAH BLAH BLAH...

pigletz, not that i want to carry him ah, but crossing roads..etc i must carry mah. HE ALSO PROTEST!!! he's now trying to go up the stairs....down..still learning... his best pastime....walking up n down the travelor at carrefour now ah, almost once every fortnight we are at terminal 1!!! Like gareth lor, they love 'walking their way' let them lead us on lor. sometimes point up to the sky, sometimes roar at the birds.... walking at the park lagi fun!!! can squat down point to the ants!!! u drag him again, he'll stomp his feet attemp to step on them!!!

o...btw, when for his cardio check up today. 2 out of his 3 holes hv closed ....all except 1...but has already decreased frm moderate size to minor smalll.... got to go back a yr later to check on it...today EGC spend $290.85.... nvr occurred to me that $300 is so much $$ now that i not working....

ok, got to go study for my FTT liao...2moro d-day..."HOPFULLY FAILED FAILED FAILED BADLY", then can proceed with my pratical test.
Fm wat u said, Chen Chen oso v deprived of toys. He likes to play wif containers, remote (think most bb like tis) n empty boxes. I oso buy cheap cheap toys. Actually hor, my parents din buy much toys for me. They buy story books. I buy tis style.
Chen Chen started wif leopard crawl too

Skyblue, Deer, Soyabean
bb prefers adult stuff coz they like to imitate us

Chen Chen doesn't want us to show him how to sort shapes. He snatches fm us n fig out himself

White bait is high in calcium. Can boil soya bean wif white bait n use the soup to cook porridge

Skyblue, Deer
Thx for your concern. My mum said Chen Chen's running nose on n off today.
His nose is red fm cleaning mucus. His face n arms r dirtied wif mucus coz he tried to clean the mucus himself @times. V v smelly

I m v busy tis wk too. Worked till 6:30pm today. Reached home Chen Chen cried for milk
Chen Chen still hv running nose
thx for your concern
Agree v difficult to capture our tod's stunt
The $290 promo @ nirwana bintan for 2 adults? incl air tic or not? U bringing Jerald tis trip?
hope Chen Chen recovers soon. I also cleaned Ian's nose till it was red and he was very irritated. Luckily it cleared today.

Skyblue, Ian welcomes Kieran to the walking club and I welcome you to the backache club! Hehehe...

Kieran looks so cheerful in that photo.

Mom2Nat, I give Pediasure all the time. Not just when Ian is not eating well. Actually, when he was ill, he hardly drank anything besides breast milk.

Thanks, all mummies, for your kind concern. Ian recovered today. Fortunately, cos my mum has bad toothache and is in quite a miserable state herself. We've been to the dentist 4 times. Argh...

Lyn, enjoy your Bintan trip. I see so many patients with dengue after they visit Batam and Bintan I don't dare to go there myself, but I'm sure it's a beautiful resort!

Giggler, get well soon!

Mummies, anyone wants to buy gate? Mine is $49, comes with 2 12cm extensions. Brand new.

Added some pictures to Ian's blog:
nat looks really cute with that heavy pomelo! Hahah!

QSG, I bought some stuff, but nothing as nice as what Deer bought for Kieran! *sob* Think last 2 days nothing much liao... didn't see that nice colourful toy truck. Took some pictures of the stuff I bought... will upload when I can. You are right, more girls' stuff.

Hubby and I were more thrilled at finding this toy shop called T.O.T.S (The Other Toy Store), just beyond Crystal Jade (yup, we were hunting for a dinner spot). The toys are beautifully crafted and very safe looking! Bought Ian a wooden pull-along alligator for $29.90 and I'm eyeing more stuff... just that we went too near closing time... can't browse through everything. Hehehe...
Congrats dat Jerald's cardio result is favorable

Woman, u v a sai SAHM, hse chore n 3 dishes 1 soup. I 1 dish 1 soup or 2 dishes only, need my hubby to jar gar Chen Chen while I cook. Jerald is walking somemore. How u manage har?
Sorry I mean the $290 incl ferry tic or not?
Wish your FTT fai lou wif flying colors

Great dat Ian recovered. Oh your poor ma ma suffers fm such a bad tooth ache. Pain is the most unbearble thing. Wish aunty's toothache gets over v v soon
Thx. Chen Chen's nose looks dry tis morning.
Ian knows many words! Did u count how many?
Ian so cute packed his toys n himself in daddy's luggage. He looks tall n big. He no more bb look
u also have frequent headaches? Me too, ever since popping aelwen, I have mild migraine & neck aches every time of the month. Ask my gynea any cure, he say is due to homones so can't do anything. I try to bear with it till cannot take it then take panadol. Sometime I exercise and the pain seems to go down. Rest early also helps but provided Aelwen let me do so

Anyone on Promil Gold 3 formula? Receive a small tin from the redemption at the bb contest.
Lyn, glad to hear Jerald is fine. Which agency did you book? i checked a few places but each adult is $160 for 2 nites lei even though there is there is this sea breeze..so still more than $300. Only need to pay ferry for Jerald hor?

Jul, the toy shop you mentioned is upstairs right? i dun see any toy shop near crystal jade at basement but there is another crystal jade i think at fourth floor. The toys at the toy fair move very fast, new stock come in today by end of day will be gone for most. Think bec the toy fair ending so they din bring in new stock anymore. If still wanna go bintan, is there any precautions to take against dengue for both adult and bb?

lyn, what medicated oil you rubbed after bath? the sin seh din mention to me lei. Also she said no ice water and watermelon, i asked if cold water dun put ice can? she said should be okay so i took some chilled drinks. Find it difficult not to take cold water at all in this hot water, in fact craving for ice cream also.

Shook, was thinking when tods would stop crawling
Dana started walking about 1.5 months back but until now walk abit crawl abit so dun really dare to let her walk when we were outside. Do you let Chen Chen walk when he is outside?
Hi moms,
Good morning!! Thanks for all the concerns... ME did a test last nite already. Apparently my hormones dropped back to norm already thus menses came.. Gynae was surprised too, but well.. other than causing a little inconvenience in HK, its actually a good news

Hahaha Shook,
I thot u let him walk thru the park slowly that's y he so tired.

Can get calcium from ikan bilis and sardines later when u allow him to take.

Hahha I can remember how Chen Chen likes to try do things on his own, he was very engrossed in opening the biscuit box the last tx i played w him. Actually the main thing is to watch them play. When they shows frustration (like cannot get the shape in), we can guide them along like point to them where etc (not grab their hands). Then they will not cast away the toys in frustration. When they get efficient in playing w the toys, introduce another way of playing w it.. like stack the rectangle n triangle to form a 'house' etc, then they will continue to explore instead of getting bored w it.

can try n see if it works for chen chen anot lor. I read the book many months back when thinking what kind of toys to start Jem w n it works on Jem. He's still playing w the same toys, n noe the toys well enuf to play on his own... That's how i get my time to read mag/book nearby. Hahhaha
mus tell u tis. so it's not tat ashrel dun noe how 2 drk fr straw or use straw cup (which all along i tot), it's d 'content' tat makes d diff! was at macdonald n 1st tx i let him sip orange juice fr straw n he is so gd at it! me so hapi, wen hm n let him use d same straw 2 drk water, 1 tiny sip only dun wan liao.

wah! so many nice toys. i like kieran pic n his bright smile, miss playing w him n c/hear him laff loudly

pigletz n mummies,
ashrel is well oreadi n true enough has growth spurt. wake up drk 180ml milk then eat 1 slice wholemeal bread w 3/4 slice cheese then half hr later can eat 8-10 scoops cereal w banana/apple, somtx can even ask for milk agn af morning shower.
but he spread d virus 2 hubby now me (runny nose, sore throat n fever). huuby cant take leave n yesdy i was so tired but hav 2 'tong' (eyes cant open) n watch him while he play. i self medicate, din c doc.
u wan to date me? wah!! i'm so honoured!

hahahah... ur boy another one to spoil market arh?

YEAH!!! I noe how it feels to noe that the holes r closing!! I was in tears when my cardio told me jem's both holes close up. HUGZ to u n Jerald!

Ur turn to go Bintan? yah, remember to bring along the mosquito patch or lotion, whichever u using for jerald. Din hear abt dengue lah, still if it rains, mossies r inevitable.

Hahhaha... funny the way u protests abt ur hb, but generally it seems to me u post little but happier posts now compared to when u r working. Maybe cos ur Jerald so fun!
So funny... hb asked me how aelwen fare this morning over breakfast. Hahahah, see how charming ur gal is!

aiyo.. why dun consider see doc? recover fast incase the virus spread back to the little boy again. hehehhe... ur Ash so clever, noe how to choose drinks. Eat more, eat more!! grow strong strong
Yup... going to HK Disneyland. Wasn't keen to go so soon but now that no.2 is coming up... think we will be grounded after this final trip til at least June / July 2006. Dun think I'll travel til no.2 is at least 6 months old. Hubby won't be able to travel in between coz he's gone into a teaching career. Now still got training a bit more flexible. I'll take more pics with Ally so you can show hubby ok?

Congrats on Jerald's recovery. I'm sure the final hole will close soon! yay!

Glad everything is back to normal. Good that you checked it so you can relax and have fun in HK instead of worrying abt the bleeding.
Brenda, after seeing the gynae at least have peace of mind to go HK liao. When do we stick the patch or apply lotion on our tods? at nite only or whenever outdoor?
thanks for your b'day greetings.. lao liao.. Hubby also too preoccupied with his work to plan anything interesting..haiz!.. Also more interested to watch the Lost series (he bought the whole series on VCD from HK)
enjoy your holiday in HK
Thank your hb for me. Will only know on Thur cos they will call those who qualify for Finals. But don't think I'll be getting any calls this time.

u take care. U sound bad...better see doc
Thanks Absolut!
yeah... enjoy more before ur no. 2 pops!

hahha... u gotta ask those more xi xin mummies. i use the plug on ones at nite n lotion only when it rains... other time? sunblock lotion..hahahha

ur birthday arh?

Hey! i just realised u answered my qn at singaporebrides!! thanks, alot!
Gee, thanks for asking for me... me started having nausea and giddiness two weeks back.. cannot go out for long nowadays... quite sick feeling.. horizontal queen for about half a day on Sunday...thankfully hb took care of jesse... even brot him to library...
I had a fuss-free first pregnancy, this one's really different.. body is working OT man...

Me feeling bad man, so mern, no mood for anything...

Too bad...still cannot confirm the gender... gotta wait...haha..

Hey I got some nice pics of Ally, permission to upload here? Otherwise I can email u.

Glad that u r fine.. have a good holiday then.. dun overexert yourself, lotsa walking up and down steps in HKG...
Glad to hear tt Jerald's holes hv closed, hope the 3rd hole will close also
I guess it must be a great relief to u

I get what u mean abt taking care of Jerald full-time and doing all the hsework, must be very tough for u. Let hb know how tired u r, and the need for a breather, so tt he can help out with some simple hsehold chores .... provided u close one eye on how he does it ....

Brenda, Lyn
Didnt know tt Jem got holes in his heart also.
Hv u chk with ur doc whether both Jem and Jerald r exempted fr NS next time?

Actually dun really need to buy books, u can borrow it fr national library, provided u dun mind the condition of the book (u still can find good books in good condition). U can try Seng Kang and Toa Payoh library, they hv quite a good collection for bb and toddlers.

Shook, Jul, Mom2Nat,
Glad tt Chen Chen and Ian recover liao
Hopefully Nat also recover liao.

Finally i found a headache kaki ...hahah ...
i guess only pple like us who have freq headaches can really empathize each other, headaches might sound harmless, but only we know how irritating and sometx unbearable when we get it soooooo often!
Lucky u still can sleep with headaches and it helps. For me, when i hv terrible headaches, i cant sleep at all, cant even lie down, the pain will be so sharp tt i hv to sit up and bent down my head. I hv seen doc twice regarding my constant headache, they said due to stress .... and one even asked me to cut my hair short!
I dun hv migraine, but i got stiff neck and shoulder, i really long for a good massage ... hv yet tried out the one Eureka recommended. U wanna try out the massage recommended by Eureka at Whampao and see whether it helps with ur neck aches??

Glad tt u r ok liao, u can enjoy ur HK trip now!

Glad to hear tt Ashrel has recovered fully and now with a big appettie

But poor u, kenna the virus. Rest well and hope u recover soon.
Happy Belated Birthday Ruffy! You feel sad and she bu de going back to work? I still feel like that now.

QSG, nothing you can do to prevent dengue, just try to siam mossies only lah... hehehe...

Thinking of going to KL for a few days when the haze situation improves... anyone has suggestions for hotel? I can't decide which area is better. Think Ritz Carlton has breakfaST served in the room... sounds interesting.

Absolut, enjoy yourself in HK!

Shook, Ian has runny nose again today! Woke up at 7.30am, coughed until he puked out all my BM... so sim tiah....

QSG, yup the toy store is on the 4th floor, behind Crystal Jade's new Korean restaurant. The La Mian Xiao Long Bao is one of our fav places... now they shifted it to the opposite side and the toy store is behind. Go check it out!

Ian not so keen on the supermarket trolley I bot... just wants to overturn it and watch everything spill.... duh...

Sanrio, the picasa software is excellent! I tried it out briefly... gotta print Ian's photos before my photo package with Fotohub expires end of next month. Hehehe....

What happened to eureka?
brenda, are the rooms at the nirwana resort airconditioned? how come still got mossies?Initially never tot of having to apply lotion or patch only thing on my mind is sunblock only when outdoors.
Aiyo, u really sound very charm like this .... i guess carrying twins is diff ... just tong a few more mths, then ur body will be relieved of the heavy burden. Ur hb bring Jesse to library also? Which lib do u normally go to? I go to SK or Toa Payoh lib.

Take note of what Stylobb said, a lot of walking in HK! Somemore pathway very narrow, crowded with pple, u take care and dun over exert urself.
Shook, I can't keep track of Ian's words... that's why using the journal to record... hehehe... me forgetful mummy... sometimes he surprises me... like just now he kept saying "egg" and "bean"... items from his supermarket trolley.

Lyn, Ian has a hole in his heart too... I might not go for repeat scan in Dec since last Dec it was already quite small... see how lah... one scan 300 bucks, so sim tiah... anyway cardiologist said no need to worry abt it liao.
U going back to work next mth? How long hv u been SAHM? I guess u must hv felt very she bu de .... but i guess a big consolation is Ryan seems to adapt well in child care ctr, at least u dun need to worry abt him in this aspect.

Think u mention b4 u r a teacher, u teach pri, sec or JC??? Must be prepared to gear up urself for the monkeys ;P
Heee... Nat only carried tat pomelo for a while lah... I ask her to carry, din expect she understood and so garang.
Nat is v sticky today.. dunno why... maybe still not feeling well.

I am giving enfagrow fm to Nat now. I prefer if she takes some fm, even if little. She can't be taking 350ml of yogurt a day... willl twa lao sai... I tried giving her abt 200ml, she really shit like dunno wat. We adults oso can't take so much. If you allow Chen chen to take yogurt next time, then why not fm... both are from the cow.

Yest I went to carrefour. bought the dumex refill... later come home realise i took the wrong packet... for 6yr old and up!! Really sian leh, buy things from suntec always got prob, need to go back a few times to change!
Nat still not feeling well? Seems like she fell sick for quite a while liao .... hope she recover fully soon.
I got the impression tt u hv been giving Nat diff kind of FM, she got no problem adjusting to the diff FM??
U sound like a blurrr queen ... hahah ....
Dun need to go all the way to Carrefour to buy FM, u can get it fr Econ minimart or Shen Shiong if there is one near ur hse. But take note of the expiry date.
Have been SAHM for 1.5yr. Going back to Teach in Pri School in Tampines.
.. carefour have cash refund policy..so not that bad. u went all the way to suntec for shopping..whao!!!. They sell dumex refill pack at most medical halls. How is Nat today?
deer, you think doctors have very good healthcare benefits ah... you are terribly mistaken. Hahaha... you know, when i first started work, we had no healthcare benefits... not even dental claim. Thayt's why a lot of junior doctors, if sick, end up in B2 or C class wards. Unless u got money to burn then another story lah. Now much better, I only pay abt 15% for inpatient charges I think. But outpat claim is abt $300 per year only. For children, claim even less. Sigh...
I m really surprised when u said u got no healthcare benefits when u first started work!!! Maybe ur employer (hospital??) think all doc hv self-healing power?!?!?! ... hahah ... at least now u can claim 15%, better than nothing ... I thot my medical benefits sucks, urs even worst!
U dun intend to confirm Ian's hole fully closed?? Btw, can bb who got holes (but already closed) be exempted fr NS next time?

Happy Belated Birthday!

Definitely more hectic in the beginning... but soon will get used to it like many of us here!

the rooms r air conditioned. Aye, but like usual resorts got a lot of grass n trees around etc, so mossie in the room quite norm esp. during rainy season.

YES Stylobb n deer,
i'll guai guai remember ur words of wisdom!

Jul !
u noe me leh...heheheh, u usually dun reply to me i thot i'm irritating u w my craps. I think u r a serious doc...

hahaha... u like jinx by carrefour.
