(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

Ur bbs so cute!!! I was giggling when i read tt one is kicking another in ur tummy, so tickish ;)wonder whether u felt the same when u saw the

I switched job and suffered huge pay cut for my 2nd job ... my 1st job pay well, good bonus and pay increment, promotions was fast also, 2 within 3 yrs, but i worked 12-16 hrs a day fr Mon-Sat! My health suffered and i quitted tt job, went into teaching in a private sch, suffered close to 30% pay cut, but only required me to put in 24 hrs of teaching and preparation every week! Which means sometimes i only taught 3 hrs a day! Even though pay cut was 30% but working hrs reduced by more than 50%, so i thot it was really worth it! but teaching in a private sch was rather boring ... esp when u were used to a fast pace job ... so i moved on after 2 yrs .... but if i hv the lobang, think i will go back to tt kind of working environment since i hv YH now, but too bad, tt private sch is in deep shit now, i dun think i can go back liao.

I like the last pic of Ally also. She put on weight?? How come her hair so little? U shaved her?

It was Absolut who told me ur sizes .... think becoz i mentioned u carrying twins, a burden to ur body now ....
Head spinning still can sit in front of computer? Go and rest lah ... play some soothing music, maybe it helps?? Do u hv the Abbott BB music? I love it, even though its meant for newborn, but it helps me to sleep very well during my confinement, give it a try. If u want, i can ask hb to burn 1 CD and pass it to ur hb or u at TPY library??? But i must go and search for it 1st .... me anyhow put things ...
Wah, how come nat so daring, can stick her face on the floor? Aiyoh so dirty...!!!

I took a second look at the rompers pic and can't help but think that Ian looks like the pasar malam seller selling his wares! Hahha... no offence...

Yah, one kicked the other leh...
The scan is kinda hazy probably becos she can't scan two at the same time due to the size otherwise can show u..
So long as they are growing well, me ok lah...

Yah, now we want more time with our children... I dun envy those staff who travel a lot, esp those with young children.. cannot compromise on time with family altho it can't be helped at times.
Jem more guai compared to Chen Chen. I still remember @ Eureka's plc, he wz sitting quietly in the stroller while u eat n we chit chat. Chen Chen will never sit guai guai in the stroller like Jem. Even my hubby said Jem v guai all the 3 times he saw Jem
Enjoy your holiday in HK

tian ma is a chinese med. Can get fm medical hall
Have u consulted Dr on your headache? Your situation sounds like something to do wif blood pressure

Gd dat u put on wt. U ought to
Do u hv low blood count?

Ally is chubby
My blood pressure was ok yesterday.
Today it was a bit low but I told GP that is prob becos they took blood at the gynae for the routine blood test..
At least my food stays in my stomach lah...

U beta dun carry ally...let hb or ur maid do it...
that's why hb ever threw suggestion that they should build a lift...hehe..

CD ah... so nice of u.. I actually can sleep and rest beta w/o music...hehe...
If I need, I wl let u ok, thanks.

No lah, me only appeared at 4.40pm just now, have been resting whole afternoon... so sian..
Dat time when I had morning sickness, I told my hubby 1 is enuff. My mum told me I will forget abt it after delivery. Now I wanna hv no 2. Hiak hiak hiak, think we normally remember the gd things n forget the bad things
Thot your gidiness is due to low blood count

I find the library books v dirty leh unless it is new one
Tian ma is a herb. U can buy raw one to brew yourself or ready form in pills. I took the pills

Aiyo u still dun get me. U dun replace Nat's milk feed totally wif yoghurt rite. Yoghurt is juz like a dessert, not the main meal
Your hubby is gd @ making Nat laugh
shook, the nirwana promo is for rooms only. excluding ferry. yes will be bring my rascal along
but it seems he's not feeling well these days...

jul, jerald hv bn covered with mosquito bites these 2 days...tot i "dumped" him off at my mum's y'day (cos i got my FTT today) but when i went to visit him today...the bites seems to hv multiple themselves!!! those mosquito patches seems like a scam to me!!
the ball thingee, normal price at toy r us was ard $39.90 leh!!
honestly hor, (not i stingy lah) but $300 can last me 2-3wks of mkting $$ leh! but hor, what to do...get that piece of paper to an xin lor. and i desprately nd to get him covered by insurance co.

qsg, skipped the agencies! they tend to add a few $$ more for their own commission. Hubby said he booked online....sorry dun hv the details as he done most of the work for this trip. i also didnt ask too much.
aiyo...how can you take ice cream??? if i can keep myself away frm me for 3wks, i sure you can do better. ren yi ren (bear a while) the med oil was given by her....so i just diligently apply lor. as for hot water bath....i nvr take cold bath unless after a swim...bo bian...but i love hot bath

sanrio, i think all sahm will resort to self med!! but still got to take extra care. jerald's 1st slip frm the straw was peach flavor vitagen...frm there on, slowly can take any drink but like ash...he also refuse water frm straw. i think they felt cheated by drinking just plain water!!! being kids, they prefer, flavoured drinks.

brenda, finish packing??? enjoy ur trip to HK, take care dun overwork your credit card hor

my new boss quite fun to be with....but v.rewarding. of course, tired n smelly at the end of the day but every now n then got laughter n fun!!
ahhh...didnt know abt jem's cardio prob....K...shhhh better dun talk abt it liao...sorry me v.pantang when come to such issues.

absolut, so nv u going to the HK disneyland!!! heard that they got v.ridiculous rules for visitors....
what does ur hubby does b4 he enter teaching???

deer, sorry to disappoint you hor...the cardio said that jerald's prob has reduce frm moderate to minor small so he got no prob even representing s'pore in any olympics events

ruffy, if you are teaching, n ryan in the same sch??? issit apporporiate??

mon2nat, i love to maken at dr4, they got v.delicious ze char, n nvr fail my request for additional pork lard!! yummmmmy!!! (can c shook frowning liao) and the mkting there is cheaper compare than loyang pt.

mummies, it seems like i v.bad mummy leh...
1st, watch him fell frm bed.
last sunday, i also duno wat comes over me leh...i fed him vitagen (some where slightly more than 1/4 bottle) and puff ard 3pm, then at ard 5.45 (as we were at changi beach) i bought along some snacks lor, so i fed him his yoghurt (full cup)...now monday liao leh, he still seems to hv running stools....4-5 times a day, each time sml amt... (my mum said i overfed him on ang moh stuff!!)

now his groin n butt area all red with rushes!!

that's not all....realise that after we came back frm the beach, i spotted a few mossie marks...applied wu pi gao, change new mossie patch...next morning (monday) worse, few more popped out??? so i tot could it be the bedsheets also, anyway time to change them once every 2 wks. now tues....the red marks seems to hv spread to inner thighs!!!

shd i bring him to the doc ah??? dun think mossie marks can spread rite???

btw, i did "failed" my FTT with flying colors, no sweat
I hardly buy expensive toys for Ian. just splurge once in a long while. Hubby controls... hehehe...

StyloBB, I like to watch Ian squat like in the picture! Look very sam-seng... hahah... you are right, he looks like someone selling his wares... hahaha... those arre tops and bottms, not rompers lah. All from friends and relatives. Me no chance to shop and buy clothes for my own kid... so sad...

QSG, when we went to Perth last Nov, no promo, adult ticket was about $500 I think... Ian's $100+.

Absolut, the ball thing is different from the Playskool one. It doesn't pop. You let the balls fall and they come out through different holes... quite interesting. No batteries.

QSG, the trolley you bot for Dana sounds interesting! I haven't seen it before.

yes, Ian speaks some Mandarin, like "pa4 pa4" to say he's scared, and "po po" when he sees my neighbour, a grand old dame, hehehe... and "da da".. which we always say when he tries to touch the shoes on the shoe rack.. naughty boy imitate us. And he will pretend to smack himself on his thigh! Duh...
I posted sometime ago. I dunno if u read it
"anything that is in one food will also be in some others so no single food is absolutely necessary. A generation ago milk, for example, was thought essential for children. Now milk is recognised as a food that some children are far better off without even for the rest, it's only an easy-to-take package of useful nutrients. The valuable proteins, minerals and vitamins that milk contains are in other foods too, especially the many foods made from it. "
I dun understand y u keep insisting fm is a muz. Yoghurt n cheese r among the varities of food dat I wanna give Chen Chen

Illness - b it lao sai, vomit, fever, etc etc is part of life. Dun blame yourself when your child gets sick. No1 knows the response of a person's digestive sys until a reaction happen. Did Jerald hv diarrohea when u gave him yoghurt in the past?
IMHO, bring Jerald to consult Dr since the red marks spread. As a layman, u n I dunno know wat causes the red marks to spread.
Congrats dat u got your FTT! Can go book driving test date liao

Ian so cute smack himself on the thigh

Gal u so cute muz come here n report b4 flying off.
Hv a gd trip. Await for your beautiful pic
Enjoy yourself!

I didn't see doc for my condition but consulted gynea and she says due to hormones so can't do anything. I read somewhere some women will have headache due to hormone changes during that time of the month.

Waiting for Pigletz to find out for me more about Tian ma. She got expert uncle
Eureka says the one at Whampoo is just good hair wash with good head massage for $10. She recommend a good tuina at neil road at $60 for 1.5hrs
Lyn, the sin seh din give me any medicated oil lei...will ask her if i go again this thursday afternoon. Cham, sneeze i also feel pain, i ren already din eat ice-cream though i have craving for past few days. which brand of mossie patch you bought? let me know so that i will avoid this brand. You apply wu pi gao? i tot it is stated not for children below 2 years old? Think if i do go bintan, will probably go thru agency, save the trouble of booking the accomodation and ferry separately as i will probably be the one doing it. But if you book online, how are you going to request for baby cot for jerald?

congras for your passing of FTT.

Jul, the trolley and doll is from fisherprice. I bought from Robs but subsequently saw it at the toy fair late last week. I got it 20% cheaper than the price at the toy fair
If you paid $500 then now the fare is really cheap. How come only pay $100+ for Ian? tot its 70% of adult fare? You took the day or nite flight?
Yes, I read wat you posted the other time. IT consoled me tat Nat doesn't really need it
I oso know tat milk is not as needed as we tot, cos PD did tell me abt it. But just wondering how come you dun wanna give animal's milk... and yogurt and chesse is ok... I mean not as arguement, just as a knowledge.

With Nat so cranky v diff to eat zi char liao lah.

Ally did put on some weight leh...

How come no photos of your boy? Only have Ally...
Well, bb dunno clean or dirty one lah... she has been attempting to bite/kiss my feet oso...

No leh, 3 little ducklings how to sing?? Hee...
Morning mummies,
v.cute videos of NAt. She must be feeling better now right?

It is okay to put kid in the same school as you will not be teaching him.
QSG, infant fare with Qantas was really cheap that time, dunno why. Anyway, we didn't get any bassinet. I think it was a night flight and we got to Perth at about midnight.

Lyn, congrats on passing!
Nat has a lot of phelgm. And she wants me to carry most of the time. I think whole of yest, she only drank 200ml of fm. Last night didn't take her milk b4 bed and until now, still no milk.... maybe she really no appetite. Everytime I show her the milk bottle, she pushes it away.
Oso not eating well. Must sit in front of TV and bluff her to eat... chia lat.

I read tat Ryan is adjusting well and you are leaving him longer in the cc liao... AS for his crying or whining when you leave him there, think prob quite normal.. at least he knows how to miss mommy! Hee...
hazey, bec i seldom take pics of dana (i not skillful in photography also) and dun have time at home to resize them for postings. That's why i din even post her birthday party pics
Let you all look forward to see the actual person in action ha ha...

jul, oh its quantas, i thought you are referring to SQ. But if no bassinet, Ian slept on you for that 5-6 hours?
Ally's always been quite chubby but still considered underweight. So strange hor... actually so round. Tummy also round round and protruding out. Dunno why her hair is so short. Hair very fine and growing at a slow pace. Didn't shave her hair and only trimmed it a little once. can't wait for her to have nice long hair so can use clips etc.

Hubby was in IT.
QSG, Ian was only 6 months old that time. EAsy to carry. I think now he will want to run up and down the aisle if we take a flight... argh...
Now on flight.ryan will run up and down the ailse..lucky we can get 1st row seat have a bit more legspace.also like monkey climb up the seat etc If lucky he will fall asleep or else have to entertain him the whole flight.
Since u hv assurance fm PD dat milk is not as needed as wat many ppl thot, y u keep wanting Nat 2 take fm? I read dat dat might develop into a hatred for food in later stage

Wld Ryan b given priority when u enroll him in2 the school u teach?
How u add moving pic to the blog? v interesting
shook, he's ok whenever i gave him vitagen or yoghurt. but i nvr gave him 2item on the same day. sunday was a 1st!! and it happened! my mum comment i better go back to work lah, not cut to be a sahm. but he was ok when i bring him out on monday mah....so disheartening on my mum's comment.

qsg, hubby said he booked thru the bintan lagoon office in s'pore...bb cot, hotel transfer, ferry tixs all settled...since he took on the responsibility to arrange this trip so i didnt question much lor. previously, i'm the one who scout for agency, book tixs...etc while he took a back seat, rest n relax...now my turn to lean back n relax.
as for bassinet in the flight, you dun be too happy if they give you one. i doubt dana will want to sleep in it!!! happend to saw an ang moh couple using during my flight to NZ...the basket so small for the bb!!! i rather the bb sit/laze in a normal seat!

mon2nat, dun say ze char...me cant hv decent/peaceful meal as long as jerald is with me!!! i must always set aside something for him to munch on...but he v.clever, he knew he's eating someting different thus also get v.cranky at times!!!

ruffy, during our schooling time, parent(teacher) n kid(student) cannot be in the same sch?? didnt know it changed so much.

mummies, tks...nvr expect to pass on 1st attempt. tks to sahm esp for her tip

better go prepare dinner liao while he taking afternoon nap
Lyn, didn't know can book nirwana thru bintan lagoon office, tot they are different companies? Your hb so nice this time
If bb have normal seat very ex lei. Anyway, hb also object to aussie trip said out of budget for this year.
absolut, frm my point of view IT seems to be a v.rewarding job!!! onsite service c c look look at a "dead" pc alone can go up to $80 bucks liao!! ez $$
QSG, i not v.sure what frm the internet, it seems you can book your bintan trip thru the local office here.
ahh....we travel for FOC (dun pong me!!) but to my knowledge some domestic flight operating in Aust/NZ provide FOC seats as long as the kids dun occupy a seat!! imagine the flight is only 70% full......you'll still get a seat for dana rite??? SQ ah....if not for FOC....i also dun wan!! services damm $&*&)(&
Thanks, I oso hope she gets better soon.

Your time and my time not much diff right? In my sch, some of the teachers were my classmates mommies... Tot all along it was ok. As long as not the same class can liao.
so pai se 2 trouble u agn.. can teach me how to add moving pic? tks

wah! lots of nice pic in ryan's blog n even got nice icons.

hope nat gets well v v soon
wen ash was sick, he took less than 150ml 1 whole day. dun wori, d mummies here told me wen he gets well, will hav growth spurt. yup, now he is drking a lot a lot!

dear mummies,
tks 4 ur concern. i m much beta 2day. din c doc thou. d last 3 days, i felt lousy n a bit depressed. was unwell n din get 2 rest cos ashrel din wan 2 nap at all n was quite cranky. i lost my patience yesdy n hit his hands n thighs real hard, he cried v badly n i felt so guilty. i was so upset n told hubby, i wan to 'quit' my job as a sahm!
are all ur bb/toddler napping only once a day now? ashrel naps once a day but is only 45min to 1hr. if he din hav a 'gd' nap, he is super cranky.
I have check out on infant price and child price, depend on situation, infant price can be more expensive. Like for my case, I will rather pay for a child price and get a seat, extra food for my boy.
You are back full time to join us in forum today ah? miss your post leh.

Enjoy yourself at Nirvana okay.
Rem to bring sunblock hor. Especially for Jerald. He need it more.
I think Ashrel is in a stage where he don't sleep alot now. They keeps changing. There was once that Gareth sleep only once a day and for less than an hour. Now on weekend, he still sleep once a day, but can be for abt 2hr or 3hr depending on how tired he is.

Just keep up your good work as a sahm.
Nat hasn't drank milk the whole day today liao.
Hopefully I see some growth spurt and she drink much more.

I heard OG has a sale this Fri, organised by NETS. 20% + 10% off
ashrel's current fav past time: 'mopping' the floor w his book (he goes round d whole house, pushing d book fr rm to rm to kitchen).
i tink is d discomfort n no appetite (same wen adults are sick), hence nat is not drking n eating tat well. i can undstd, i was v worried then too. dun wori, i m sure she will b fine v soon n regain her gd appetite.
tks. i was v v 'pey chay' d last few days. runny nose, headache, eyes cant open liao but mus 'die die tong'. v 'dong ku' kind of feeling. hubby was v busy w work n cant take leave. my mum n mil both 'sick' so no help. i jus cant help it yesdy nite n told hubby 'i cant take it, i hav enough, i m gg back to work'!
but 2day i feel beta n told myself 'dun hit ashrel unnecessarily'. i try to stay calm n cool. finally he nap af playing n climbing ard fr 7.30am to 2.30pm. phew....
i dun dare to nap at noon cos at nite eyes bright bright...
Sanrio, Tyra oso cleaning the whole room, but with her hanky...wipe the fan...wipe the TV screen, wipe the walls, wipe the floor... Ultimate, she wants to wipe her teat after wiping all of the above..... faint
know what you mean. Just try to keep your cool lor, cos they won't know that if they did anything wrong anot. Think you just need to have some rest, to recharge. If any one of the helpers is free, no more sick, can get them to help out at least one afternoon, so that you can have a good rest.
Gareth also like to do that on the slide..and Gareth actually stand up half way thru. hahaha, scare the hell out of me and quickly go grab him.
same, half way tru he will stand up n turn his bum n wan to slide down. me/hubby alwy got 2 stand beside d slide 2 'jagar' him. n he wont get tired, can go up n down umpteen tx, we v tired catching him.
Hi Sanrio,
Understand how u feel...what is Ashrel sleeping routine? I hope u feel beta now...

At this age, their minds r full of curiosities. They just wanna play & explore....I've prob putting lionel to sleep as well. Sometx, i lost my patience patting him to sleep. He'll struggle & throw his bolster. He keeps on yawning & rubbing his eyes, which indicating the signs of his sleepiness. But he just refuse to sleep. The more i force him, the more he becomes cranky & start throwing temper.

So right now, i let him play until he cannot tahan,then put him on my bed, let him roll, talk, scream,whatever, until he gets tired & sleep himself.

He usually will nap twice per day: 10am for half an hr in the morning & 3pm for 1 to half an hour in the afternoon. He wakes up ard 7am & sleeps ard 9pm.

Last sun, we brought him out for lunch & walk. he was very happy & energetic. I thought he'll be very tired & sleep at nite, end up he refused to sleep until 10:30pm! Sometx, if they play too much in the day time,oso got prob...

sanrio, being a sahm now...i can understand how you feel. just like you, i'm alone with jerald 99% of the time, unless we go for a walk ard the neighbourhood, or i just wait for my dad's off day so we can all go out jln jln.
jerald's napping time also reduce greatly after he hit his 1yr old mark. morning nap abt 30-45min. sometimes, he simply refuse. afternoon nap abt 1-2hrs but on some days 30mins only he's up n abt liao.
dun say you want to go back to work (give up so easily)...i battle myself for a yr until recently i finally told myself i hd enuff of work!!but look at those pics you taken!! isnt he cute?? jerald also love to go up the slide the opp way.

hazey, package(room, hotel transfer) + ferry come close to SGD290+++ near $300 for all 3 of us. Sea Breeze Promo. Why?? you interested also??

pigletz, me posting at mum's plc mah. she insist jerald staying with her till he gets better. duno why i b'come sahm in the 1st plc - duno how to take care of him...flu lah, the comes the fall lah, mossie kisses lah, now runny stools.....
