(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

brenda, you dun irritate me lah... I seldom reply because i am so forgetful! *pardon me* I do read your postings!

Oh, that photo was of Ian playing with hid dad's cold drink in Cafe Cartel.... Ian loves to touch cold things

Then ur medical benefits better than mine liao .... i can claim 85% but up to a max of $10 each claim! Wonder where got $10 medical bill now ... shld ask my employer to look for one for me ....
Ian look like papa??

Dun say until like tat lah ... what words or wisdom?? U suan me isit?
hahah ... u r so funni ... Suntec Carrefour is jinx to Mom2Nat??

Mom2Nat, next time u must go to PS Carrefour liao ...

Where is Jo and Eureka huh??
I stay in Tampines..yeah..will enrol Ryan in the school I will be teaching in when he is ready to go to P1 easier to monitor him.
Nice shopping trolley Ian has.. Ryan's one not so " solid" looking.
Also from the fair:
Winnie $12


This ball thinggie $15


And last of all, from T.O.T.S, my happiest find of the day!

Ian very gentle one har?? i like the way he seems to like to touch things, not grab.

huh? u weird leh.. ppl praise u must say thank u! hahhah, believe me, u r definitely wiser than me when it comes to running around.

Serious!! Mom2nat bought furnitures, baby products and now foodstuff.. always got prob one!!
haha, brenda, dun be deceived... he is cautious initially because he got burnt by a light bulb before... when he knows it can't hurt him, he will start grabbing! think all kids are like this.

hey, u were a tour guide right? Any recommendation for kl?
Ruffybear, Deer
I went Carrefour to shop shop, cos mil's place nearby... but Nat was fussing so much, carry oso dun wan, put her down she walk a while then crawl.. so when we stop her, she cry and cry on all fours and lick the floor lor... Then hb and I just stand there and smile... dunno wat to do with her.
She refuse to nap today, now "reading" her book again... Tats wat she enjoys. *sigh*

Yah lor, you heard abt my buying and returning from suntec so many times liao hor... hb say next time dun buy anything from there liao

Where did you get the supermkt trolley from?? Looks really interesting, feel like getting for Nat.
I just realise tat things in Toy 'r' us more exp than outside leh. Saw a fisher price toy there for $24.90. other places only $19.90.
Brenda, i using the plug in one at home currently, not effective

Jul, you let Ian played with all the toys you bought already? How much is the dancing alligator? The fruits in the trolley looked very big.
hazey, I seldom go shopping so it's my first time in TOTS. i will definitely go back again soon. Beautifully crafted toys... good for gifts for ian's playmates. =)

QSG, the fruits are pretty small... the egg looks like quail's egg!
Ian hasn't played with the alligator yet... hehehe.. see Mummy's mood first.

Mom2Nat, bot the trolley at Taka toy fair. Prob lots of other places sell it. They had a red one too, that cost $12 and din look as sturdy.

Some things in Toys R Us are more exp than Metro. But they have their own range of toys, some of which are ok.
i only lead in singapore leh.. malaysia arh, erm.. can test me on the dive/hike spots instead??

but the condition there really bad leh, my colleagues just went for work.

hehhe... can't help it but very ticklish to see u so happy over the buaya toy.

she's not on pram or trolley? refuse to sit also? Thot ur gal got a toy trolley already...

hahhaha, the mossie at ur side more combat fit! dun noe leh.. mine so far works fine. Pigletz! how abt urs?
QSG, the big red tomato in the trolley is not part of it... Ian threw his fruit set in... hahaha... i just realised. That is from Toys R Us. $2.95 only.

Haven't surfed web for so long in a looooooooong while. Carrying Ian sleeping for almost 2h liao!
brenda, i dun go hiking lah... won't be able to pick it up also. my cardiovascular status is very poor. hehehe... last time when trekking in tibet, i was so breathless at high altitude... had mild mountain sickness...
U were a tour guide b4?? U r working in a travel agency now? Then i guess u must be more fit than me when it comes to running around ...

U r going to KL? I went KL for my honeymoon ... i dun think KL got much to see, if u r looking for smthg relaxing, u can try mine and spa resort, there is a nice man-made pool, and its next to a shopping ctr and an amusement park. Last time i went, i stayed at Golden Horse hotel, very troublesome, got to wait for shuttle bus to go to the amusement park and shopping ctr (a big one!). They hv free shuttle bus going out to the city also, u can take the 8 am shuttle bus to KLCC and queue for the free tickets to go up to Petrona Tower. Worth the trip! After tt u can jalan jalan at KLCC, then take their MRT back to the resort.

It must be quite a scene at Carrefour ... u and ur hb still can look at each other and smile ... good for u, didnt stress over it ... if its me, i m sure very stressed out ....
Nat likes to lick the floor?? YH can be her good friend liao ... YH has started licking the flr 1-2 week back ... he likes to crawl out fr the mattress, look at his own reflection on the flooring, then start licking it, dunno why he loves it so much, how i wish he likes his milk like the way he licks the flr!

Wow! u type with one hand still can pose so much?? I love YH's smell also, even though sometx he smell chow chow and sweaty
We like TOTS too.. think the outlet at City Hall closed (hazey if I'm not mistaken...) but the stuff are not cheap. Like to bring jesse there to explore their stuff.
Btw u going KL? Driving in?
U can check the prices of Plan Toys and note cos the last time I bot the toy, it was half price in KL..
Lotsa hotels in KL, depending on your budget lor... according to hong and also my gf, many Arabs go KL now, so pls book in advance.
We usu splurge a bit more for comfort in hotels, esp with a kid, need a spacious bathroom and big bed...

Ian still not well? Aiyoh...

The trolley looks interesting but for soft toys, jesse never liked them.
The pics with the mosaic flooring taken at ur mum's place?

Me laugh at your remark about doctors being self-healing...hehe... !!!
$10 see what doc ah?? Aiyoh....

Me trying to sleep but not succeeding...

Think u wlbe super busy and tired once u start work...
U at home now?? U trying to sleep now? Go and drink a glass of ur Meiji milk and sleep .... milk helps me to sleep well. Btw, i keep forgetting to chk out Meiji milk, being to Carrefour twice liao, but forgot! Only when i think of milk then i remember.
Yar lor, where got $10 medical bill, now u understand why i so heartpain to see doc almost every mth! And my bill is $22-$30+ for normal cough/flu/fever, the clinic near my hse is super exp
Probably will be flying. Don't think I dare to drive up. Don't think Ian can sit still for so long either. Thinking of the Ritz Carlton. Or Marriot. Wow, I sure go crazy if the Plan toys are half price!

yah, people think doctors don't fall ill.... people in A&E think doctors don't even need to have lunch or dinner or toilet breaks!

Deer, thanks for your info!

This is Ian amidst all his new clothes.... hahaha... Mummy need to waSH before he outgrows them!
U bought so many clothes for Ian!!! I only buy abt 5 rompers each time, i will wait YH almost outgrow them then buy again ....
Dump all those not color fast ones into washing machines and wash lah ...
Nat's trolley got no vegetables inside!! Hmmm... since Jul said tat they are from another set fm toy'r'us... I will prob go and but the beg enough liao! Hahah...

You are making me more sore tat I din go to the taka toy fair...
I v itchy backside, wan to buy more toys for Nat. She has lots of clothes and books liao... So now mommy bo liao.. want to add more into the collection of toys!! Hee...

Hahahah... I oso wish NAt loves milk as much as the floor!! Wah, your floor so shiny ah, can see reflection. Well, for Nat, she is v upset, so venting her anger, dun let us carry, lie tat and stick her face to the floor. When it 1st happened at Metro last week, hb was v angry, flicked her mouth... but now, we realise she is always doing it, and we expecting it liao. So let it be lor. She will scream and cry so loud pple in the shop come out to take a look.
Brenda, what is the brand of plug in you using?

Jul, the other fruits also look quite big from the picture. I bought dana a doll set consisting of a supermarket trolley and fruits can even put the doll in the trolley as we push it like in real life
Sorry, sorry, it's TPY library...but hb usu hovers around the comics section!! Haha.. but tat day he borrowed a book from the kids sectin on Sibling Rivalry.

Funny, orange juice seems to perk me up more... u still haven't bot Meiji milk? Go try lah...

Maybe $10 enuf for witch doctor?? Haha....
Mine is usu. $18. I think $20-30 is ex leh.

Yah, I'm home... feel so mern...

Actually the road in is easy,it's only when u enter KL city then the headache starts.... u wanna fly in? Orh... then can connect the rail to Sentral Station.

U can check www.asiatravel.com for internet rates.
Marriott's svc to me is not so great. We stayed at the new Hilton recently.. just next to Sentral Station. Hb is v plsed with the service and the room. My other fave is Mandarin Oriental...cos next to KLCC, with a kid, convenience matters.

Haha..I understand doctors also quite poor thing...

So WHO bot those rompers?? So many!!! jesse does not look nice in rompers ....
My god! It happened at Metro also ... the shopping ctr floor so dirty u let Nat stick her face there and licked??? Think i will freak out! The 1st time i saw YH licking the bedrm flooring, i also very kan cheong, coz he was licking the gap in between, i m afraid tt the cement will go into his mouth, but now i got used to it liao, but i dont think i will let him do it outside, very dirty leh ...
U n ur hb very poor thing .... is Nat in her terrible 2 stage??? Or is it just becoz she is sick, not feeling well??? Hope she get well real soon.

Dun feel heartpain u missed the Taka fair. I think there r freq toy fair at those heartland shopping ctr. Just hv to take note lor. This morn i took NEL to work, i saw this advert on the train, Compass Point metro hving sales, 10% off all blue tag items. If u purchase above $50 in Compass Point, with some pruchases in Metro, u get a $5 vouchure. Smthg like tt.
Chen Chen only walks @ home

Luckily it is your menses. Phew! Can go to HK w/o xin gua gua
Chen chen doesn't walk when he is outside. My hubby n I take turn to carry him
When Chen Chen eats our food, there r plenty of food dat is rich in calcuim. Seaweed contains calcium too. I put it into his porridge
Hey u r v gd @ introducing games/play to tod. Thx for sharing.

Sleep when Ash sleeps. Eats wat he eats so u get the same nutrients
Rest well n get well soon

Boi, u remind me of my pregnancy. Do u hv appetite?
Chen Chen doesn't like soft toys too

When Chen Chen is bigger, I will borrow books fm library. Books in library r touched by many many hands, so for now, I prefer to buy books for him. Besides, I read dat young tod likes to read the same book over n over agn.
Currently we hv a few books for Chen Chen
$10 go polyclinic

Mom_Mom, Deer
Last time I took tian ma when I had v bad headache

OMG, Ian not fully recovered yet. U @ home to look after him?
Dat's gd! Give me an idea to list dwn the words Chen Chen say in the blog. Does Ian speak mandarin?
Nice interesting trolley. U another mum who buys a lot of toys

Yoghurt n fm diff lah. Fm bb drink, yoghurt bb cannot eat. Yoghurt eat liao Nat lao sai but fm won't. Both r diary prdt tho
OmG, Nat licks the flr outside. v dirty leh. She walks when outside?
It happened at NTUC oso lah... Now we dunno to bring her out or not liao. We let her walk, she walk then start crawling, so we carry her up, she cry and struggle, so we put her down again, but she will cry on the floor, face down, mouth open... Then when we try to lift her up again she will struggle, rather lie there. LIke tat how, carry or not she oso not happy. We hope it is bcos she is not feeling well, or teething and this phase pass soon lor.
Tat day Metro got 20%, but I wen there quite late, no time to shop and Nat was fussing.

Wah, pple gave Ian so much clothes??

YOu always go to Drive 4 ah, hee, since you not working, next time can pop by my place. Hopefully can move in in 2 months' time.
Wat I meant is tat you dun mind letting Chen chen take yougurt. But not FM... which I can't really understand lor. Nat took yogurt since 5 months old.
y can't sleep? bbs starts to kick already arh?

erm the brand of the plug arh... hahhahah, later the purchaser aka pigletz comes in i ask her to tell u, k!

Nat's in her little tantrum stage lah.. mom2nat can slowly help her out of it one.. hahaha, later YH also will come to this stage. No terrible 2, Nat's a sweet girl leh, next gathering u see!
The seaweed you use are those round round big pcs one for cooking?

No mah, cos u all always think jem good boy can sit n play toys on his own.. hahah, now u noe it becos the lucky mum came across one good book.
What is Tian ma?

for me I can lie down but when trying to get up, all the blood rushes down....the pain is incredible.

Your doc very funny...what's headache go to do with long hair

Hmmm....me also long for neck and shoulder massage. Sometimes carry Aelwen for too long will get shoulder ache. Which part of Whampoo is this? Will be on leave this Friday, maybe can go and try. Is it exp?
sure ... go ahead and upload if you want.But can email me too? Then can print and put in Ally's album.

yup... hubby changed career. I find it drastic coz it comes with a major pay cut. But no choice... he lost interest in his previous line and if wanna make change, better do it before the family gets bigger and has a higher financial need. He seems happier with his new job which is good.

if you compare stylo and my tummy, hers is much bigger even though she's abt 3.5 months and I'm at 5 months. so funny!

Maybe they expected the new docs to self-medicate instead of seeing a GP for illnesses. So weird!

wow... the ball thingie is a worthwhile buy. Bought a simplier version of tis ball thing from Playskool and it cost $49.90.
Hey QSG,
Pigletz wans me to tell u the plug in mossie thing is from Moutein and efeective for her too!! hehehhe, she took conked out from work to post today..
Brenda, thanks for the info. We used baygon plug in not effective and changed to Moutein also recently still not effective..both me and Dana genna alot of bites every nite.Wonder why??

Mummies, SQ having promo

Perth $268

Brisbane $418

Sydney $231

Adelaide $468

Any idea if no promo, how much is the ticket to brisbane or perth?
Appetite lately is so so only but since I dun puke, I still eat lor. Surprised that I put on 2 kg tho, over one month.
It's also the giddiness that makes me sick.

I cannot feel the kicks yet but one was kicking the other which I saw during the scan.

U know, hb ever told me he also interested in teaching, I was like, wah!!! Beta be sure man, dun after take pay cut, tell me dun like...ahahaa.. cos got a gf whose hb went to teach, in the end, did not like, had to pay back bond... a lot of money somemore...

I dun have ur email addy, maybe u email me?

I get all sorts of comments about my tummy, usu it's that it's big but the funniest must be 'can't tell it's twins leh..' of course lah, as if they will see two tummies right, quite silly..

Did not know ur sis-in-law was with frisco, but the co so bad huh..
I can't sleep cos my head was spinning... feeling quite lousy.

My first pregnancy was a breeze.. tell me, will u have phobia if u have second one re the nausea or all? My relative said she does not wanna second one purely becos of the suffering she went thru...
Initially i m as panariod as u over the lib books, but later i heck care liao, i will just let him feel and touch the book, but i make sure he doesnt put the book in the mouth.
I dun like to go polyclinic, as least spent 3 hrs there b4 i got to see a doc for less than 5 mins ....
What is tian ma? Some chinese herb? Need to brew??

I can imagine u feel numb liao over Nat's tantrum throwing, just hope its a phase tt will pass fast fast.
Nat very cute, love her notti look ;)
Did u teach her Three Little Ducklings? Think her duck walk will go very well with the song ;)

U dun curse me like this leh ... i cant stand toddler screaming and kicking their legs on the flr .... think i will need to pop panadols everyday liao .... can pray for me tt YH wont be like this?
YH kept screaming at the TV last nite when i was hving dinner, i really cant stand it, so i turn his stroller to face me instead of the TV, then he stopped liao .... wonder whether is it the stupid Pierre Png's shouting frightened him

I think the doc thot tt my headache is caused by me tying my hair too tight?? But i tie my hair very loose leh .... i know very well it got nothing to do with my hair.

Where u stay? U know how to go to Whampao?
The addr and contact nos is as follows:
Leqing unisex hair n beauty centre
Blk 87 Whampoa Drive #01-881
Tel 62535392

I think Eureka mentioned b4 there is this lady called May give very good massage. Cant remmeber how much, maybe u can give them a call and enquire and book an apptm with May??
Can let me know the fees after u come back fr the massage?

StyloBB is hving twins mah ... double the weight and size ... heheh ...
Very fast hor, u 5 mths liao ...

I dunno the price without promo, but the fare to Perth looks attractive! Somemore its SQ leh ....
like the caption. hahaha! Maybe I should put a sign on her to say ... Don't come too near or snatch my toys coz I BITE!
Think Ally will love the last pic with her and BJ.

So is hubby really considering being a teacher? Think he can leh. I know what you mean... was quite afraid he'll be miserable with teaching and wanna opt out. Let's hope the passion of teaching will continue and the politics and system will not affect his passion.
We bot the hammering one, it was M$39.90 but S$36.90 here, at the shop in Tanglin Mall. Not sure if all the prices are like this, but worth to take a check if u go. When u intend to go KL?
Unfort. jesse took the hammer and went round the hotel room hammering ... haha.

U mentioned about our tummy sizes???

Do u find that it is really tedious to climb up three flights of stairs every Sunday for preggies?

samuel looked like avoiding her..hehe..

No lah, he just mentioned in passing... I think he can, so patient...hehe..
