(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

Ally is currently on Friso coz sis-in-law believes in it (used to work for the company) and Ally took to it well but being weaned off on BM.

Yup... bring Ally to HK Disneyland.

Me going to HK on Sep 23. A month after you. You and hubby so adventurous. I'm the opp... like nice hotels and shopping etc. Dun like hols which involves lots of physical activity and look at scenary only.

PVL, mon mon...
hehe... edi did v badly... for a good 10seconds or so, he jus sat there staring... at the crowd below stage and oso at me... refused to budge.... i had 3 items on hand to motivate him to crawl but he jus dun wan to move! he was the last to finish the crawl... 4 bbs can go at one time.
good luck to ttc!
we hope to hear good news from u soon.

hehe... wats special abt friso dat ur sis-in-law believes in it? edi is still on enfapro... hvnt decided when to switch him to enfagrow...
I thot Nat is not interested in milk all along n u r giving her yoghurt. U seems extra troubled by it now?

8+ swim fits in wif Dana's milk n nap schedule hor. Is it crowded at the pool at 8+?
May b u need to go back to the sin seh more times to get your backahce off u

U forgot the firework oh....

I went to Marina Bay, the site where u come out fm Esplanade. A great disappointment. It wz v crowded n we were standing on the steps coz we were late. The view wz blocked by trees. My hubby squeezed thru the crowd holding Chen Chen on his shoulder. Chen Chen enjoyed the firework v much. He raised his right hand (I saw) and said O (my hubby told me) when the firework wz shot into the sky. During the interval Chen Chen shook his hands. He thot no more firework. @ times, Chen Chen wz not looking tho. I gong gong stood on the steps. Shld hv followed my hubby n squeezed thru the crowd

Mom_Mom, Soyabean
Little children do things according to their mood. I notice most of them keep quiet n dun do anything which they master @ home esp in front of strangers.

Jem is walking too. Congrats! Chen Chen doesn't wanna walk after he took the 2/3 steps 2 wks ago. He still prefer to crawl tho he can stand up n squat dwn easily w/o support
Wow u going to HK on Wed. Count dwn
Chen Chen still have running nose

Chen Chen sleeps late, I haven't got much chance to organize his blog. Wk n, no access to pc. Excuses

O my dear, u still bleeding. Did u go back to consult your gyne? Hey u r going to HK next Wed. Better go consult gyne tis afternoon

U sick, o no wonder u din turn up @ BJG on Sat. Take care n rest well

Talk abt biting toys. Chen Chen always bite his soft toys. He bite my foreverfriends Honey's nose till the brown rubber came off. I din even notice it. Dunno whether Chen Chen swallowed the rubber or not.
Shook, we reached there about 8.45 already quite a lot of people. Some kids in the same pook kept staring and coming near to dana, makes me wonder what they trying to do.Quite worried now bec the back pain instead of improving now walking also can feel the pain sometimes.
Junior asks his dad, "Daddy, how was I born?"

His dad sighs and replies,"Ah, my son, I guess one
day you would have to find out anyway! Well, you see,
your Mom and I first got together in a chat room on
MSN. Then I set up a date via e-mail with your mom and
we met at a cyber-cafe. We sneaked into a secluded
room, where your mother agreed to a download from my
hard drive. As soon as I was ready to upload, we
discovered that neither one of us had used a firewall,
but it was too late to hit the delete button. Six
weeks later your mom sent me an instant message saying
that her operating system was showing signs of
unauthorized program activity from a self extracting
file which had implanted itself in her BIOS. Then nine
months later a little Pop-Up appeared and said:
"You've Got Male!
dunnoe leh.. gynae did mention that if bleed too much gotta go straight A&E. But mine its not as much as he describe.. more like spotting. So just leave it be lor..

think edi too overwhelmed on saturday that's y extra sticky issit?

So good... go DIsneyland.

yeah!!! glad that chen chen likes fireworks too. So happy that they start to enjoy the things we do too hor!!!

Good mah! It gets on my nerves nowaday when he can't catch up w yet still insisting on walking on his own.. keep making noise to tell me to wait!! aargh! Anyway, he dares to lift up his feet already will be very soon that he starts walking.. YEAH!! then all the bb noes how to walk n run around when we go Pigletz's place to mess up her showflat!!!

wah, chen chen got running nose still sleep late? Jem's teething now for the last 3 nites knock out at 8.30pm.

Hahhaa... dana pretty so lure alot of gor gor, jie jie over?
The kids muz hv found Dana cute n lovable so kept staring @ her
Walk still pain. Dat's bad. Did u call the sin seh to ask how come u feel worse now?

Did u ask gyne u spotting how, can go overseas or not
I wonder when all our tod can walk, will we b busy walking after them instead of chit chatting durng bb gathering
Pigletz MIA
Chen Chen running nose n teething. Still sleep late. Last 9 wz exception, slept 8:30pm in the car on the way home fm Marina till tis morning 6:30am. tis is the 1st time since birth dat he sleeps so long n so early. My mum said he din sleep much today
haha... dunno leh... i still rembr 1st few mths was v tough.... nw weekends are more enjoyable and easier to handle... guess i'm adjusted to life as a mum nw.
eh... u shld go see gynae... if not, can call and ask if the bleeding is normal? and how long will it last?

i agree wif u... bbs hv their own attitude and wldnt perform their skills when we say so.... they hv their moods. haha... ur joke is so farnie... i reali like ur jokes and funny pics...

hmm... 2mrw can spend time wif edi again... will be on childcare leave... going to bring edi to kkh for a follow-up chkup wif the dermatologist. he had tis skin prob some mths back.
Dunno leh... didn't bother to ask in detail but she did mention once that the formulation for Friso is closest to BM. Even my bro said her ex-company did a good job to psycho her. ha ha! Will ask her more when I next see her. I only know that the person who was running the brand Friso was insulted to hear Dumex being compared to it. Said it was in a totally different class. hee hee! Went for same job interview as my sis-in-law some years back but didn't get it coz had absolutely no idea abt bb milk powders then.
Shook, i didn't call the sin seh she said go back again after medication finish if pain is still there. I may go back again this thursday but afraid if it may become worse again.

soya, what kind of skin problem does Edi has some months back?

Brenda, lure jie jie also? quite scary lei..
seems that the malay boys and girls more interested in her than chinese ha ha
haha... actuali nwadays most milk FMs will say their milk are v close to BM. too bad u didnt get in hor, if nt u wld hv benefitted from it. :p

the skin prob has a medical term whh i 4got wats the name liao... :p
Too many posts liao ... hard to catch up ...

Wow! Kieran got a lot of new toys!! I saw u posted Kieran driving the walker in the other thread. Is the walker useful? Did u buy it at Taka fair also? How much u bought?
Kieran looks like a big boy, no more bb look .... think YH is the only bb liao ...

Nat really look VERY CUTE holding tt pomelo and look as if running with it hahah .... How is she doing now? Much better??

How's Chen Chen today? Has he fully recovered?

Has Ian fever gone down liao? Hope he is eating well now.

How r u this morn?? Hope u hv rested well over wkend.

Not too sure what's the diff between black and transparent dot ... the doc only said transparent dot is common, it comes with age, due to hardden jellies inside the eye, irreversible .... he said only need to worry when i see many black dots, i didnt ask why and what r black dots.

After looking at Kieran's walker, i m wondering shld i buy a push walker for YH also ... he is still learning to crawl, not very zai yet ... he is going to 9 mth old this week ... do u think his development is a bit slow??? I thot some bb at this age already cruise around ... shld i get him a walker to start him off with crusing? Mummies who have bought those push walker pls give me feedback. Thanks.
How's Jerald doing now? I guessed by now he has fogotten abt the fall. U seem to hv adjusted urself to SAHM's life, r u enjoying it? But i guess u must hv felt very bo eng also ... so u prefer working or SAHM??

Hope u recover fr ur flu and fever soon. One way to recover faster fr flu is to rest well. Did u take MC for today?
Where r u these few days?? Didnt see u in the forum for a while. No president election, i guess ur driving test can proceed liao. ALL THE BEST!
If gathering still in a house, okay lah.. still can let them go on auto roaming. Mebbe if we move the gathering outdoor will get headache.

hahah... u let him walk thru marina bay har?

I just called my gynae after listening to u gals.. hahahha, he says go see him tomm morning.

Maybe edi now more interactive to u so u find it easier? nvm.. 2nd one will be easier!

dana cute mah.. jie jie also like. think malay kids like to play w other kids. Jem always hv malays playing w him too.. chinese more reserve

wah! dun be another one leh... Gareth already spoil market by walking so early making us mummies panicked once. hahahaha... they will walk when they wan to, with or w/o walker. With walker, good lor... can play w it. w/o it, u'll just see ur dining chairs n boxes being push around. Jem starts to cruise only when he's close to a year old. So YH's developement not slow at all
Mummies, actually may i know what is your definition of walking? Is it referring to first few steps or walking steadily without crawling or walking and crawling at the same time?
I let you know when I can make it for swimming at 8am okay. Cos these few weeks quite busy.

Think I need to buy new float for Gareth liao, his current one suppose to hold weight till 11kg oni.
Congrates!!!! Good that Jerald starts walking now. It's so cute seeing them walking by themselves. You try not to carry him too much hor. If not, next time they will get lazy and refuse to walk one.

I let Gareth walk to the LRT station every morning and from the LRT station walk back home every evening. And he simply enjoys it.

Sometimes he even have his own agenda, hahaha, wanna walk to dunno where.
the rest r rite... every bb develop differently. let YH develop at his own pace...
well, if it consoles u, edi oso started crawling ard 9 mths...
and though he's near 13 mths, no signs of walking yet.
Btw, I think Gareth really becomes a toddler now. Nowadays when I beat him on his hand, he will look at me and scream at me. Like asking me, why do you beat me. hahah

Then when he did that to hubby, hubby will scream back at him and say, only you know how to scream ah? hahahha
rem you say abt the Jane's Cake station in Jalan Kayu? Not sure if you have try their durian cake, errr, but don't think it's really that nice. I have not try their chocolate cake b4, but will give it a try soon.
ya, please try to re-assure deer, b4 brenda start putting all the blame on Gareth for making u mummies panic. hahahaha
oh ya, want to tell you, don't worry abt Jerald falling. Gareth fall almost everyday. And knock himself onto the wall everyday also. Blue black here and there. Especially on his face. But they grow from falling.
wey... i where got blame gareth? i say he winner... start to walk fast fast.. but the rest no loser as well, just got different programing..
Dun worry abt YH's development. When he's ready, he'll start walking. The last thing u shd do is to stress urself cos stress will be transmitted to the child unknowingly. I bot the playskool walker cum car quite some time ago for Kieran but didn't tink it was good cos dun seem very steady for them to learn walking. No brakes mah. N he didn't quite like to walk when he was 9 mths old. He loves crawling cos he can crawl very fast. Then suddenly he started to cruise alot. Like wat some mummies said, stools, etc r gd enuf for them n i tink these r betta cos they won't 'roll' so fast such that bb will fall. When YH is more steady in cruising, u won't have heart attacks from watching him walk wif the walker. I bot the walker from taka fair. $25. I bot it cos it looks very interesting, got music n lights, not actually for kieran to walk. I saw KP selling at $29.90.

shook, mom2nat,
Kieran did put on wt after he started solids. But hor, he really doesn't like milk anymore. Last time when he zzz, he'll still drink abt 6oz. Now zzz liao, drink 2-4 oz dun wan liao. Sometimes i really worry abt his calcium intake. So now i started giving cheese but i find it quite salty.

Kieran looks different? In wat way?

mom mon,
Aelwen looks so cute

All the toys i bot for abt $50+ at the taka fair. tink end liao leh. Nat looks so cute carrying dat pomelo. Hehehe...
Jus to add,
Dun compare bb's development cos all will develop differently. Afterall, not everyone of us here r the same oso.
So excited for u!!! Jerald know how to walk liao
U must be very happy to witness him walking

Brenda, Hazey, Soya,
Thanks for replying me on bb walking .... errr... u make me sound so kiasu, me paishe liao :p heheh ....
Dunno still want to buy those push walker or not .... not cheap ....
sometimes i pity YH, he seems to be very deprived ... not many toys, but he only like to play with bowls and plates and remote controls, not really interested in those toys i bought him, dunno becoz those toys r cheap cheap toys, not fascinating enuff, or he really doesnt like toys??? Me feel a bit guilty when i see mummies buy nice and exp toys .... think i sound a bit kiasu again :p
no lah! i'm doing smethg else... haha... cannot tell u wat...

okie... i'll compare edi's development more wif gareth's to reassure deer... LOL....
*knock some sense into u* Doesn't mean exp toys r the best okie... Kieran oso has many toys dat r cheap cheap kind. His newest toy is a $3.50 beach ball. A child is only deprived if he doesn't receive love from his mummy n daddy, not from material goods...
Thanks for answering my qn

Actually i dun mean to sound stress ... just tt YH's 2 cousins who r 2 mths older than him crawl at 7.5 mth, can crawl staircase somemore ... and now both cousins can cruise very well liao, YH still doing comando crawling, so i m a bit worried.
U mean the walker doesnt help much in walking? I m thinking of buying those walker cum rider, u mean KP selling the playskool car-cum-rider at $29.90?
I never thot that exp toys r the best toy, i just say YH's toys r cheap cheap one, i bought them fr the HDB toyshop or bookshop, $1.80 for 3 baby size balls, tt kind of price, u know? And YH doesnt seem to like his toys leh, tt's why i wonder whether those toys r not appealing enuff???
hahah ... i didnt realise it until u said so ...

Anyone has frequent headaches? Besides poping panadol, any other effective cures??
Sollie sollie, misunderstood ur stmt :p Kieran won't be playing wif his toys for very long kind. I tink they very much prefer adult stuff. The $29.90 one is the walker u see from the other thread dat kieran was pushing. Playskool one (car cum walker) is $39.90 i tink.

We where got compare? We discussing nia :p U so bored today ah? Cos pigletz nvr reply u in msn? hehehe...
yah... waiting to K.O. leh... very sian...
think natural for them to lose interest in toys v fast... they hv v short attention span.
Dun need to say sollie lah ... heheh ...
So the walker-cum-rider is $39.90, does Kieran still using it or u hv kept it and let him use at later stage?
He siao siao one lah...sometimes got mood, he'll play wif it, no mood jus chuck aside. I brot it over to nanny's place for him to play liao.

Wats the meaning of KO huh?
Playskool walker..Ryan still using it to push/ knock things down in the house.. have tried to convert it to a ride on..but he shows no interest in using it that way..maybe hard to Pedal??
At granny he will push his supermarket trolley everywhere..even put it up on the bed if he wants to go up the bed.
