(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

it's bt batok st 21. if u cum morning, it's less crowded. wkend evening quite packed. they even allow bb float in d deeper pool (not competition pool), so i swim at d same tx wen hubby watches over him.

now u broke my record in buying toys! we havnt bought toys 4 ashrel 4 a while. those u c in d pic, some ar gifts. i like d kitchen set leh... look so fun. hubby said wen ashrel a bit olderr then buy cos now evythg he will throw evywhere. boys can play w kitchen set too right?? role play is a gd form of learning.

tks. ya i noe picasa can repeat d pics but i cant choose wich 1 2 b repeated. d bumbo sequence dun look nice if they repeat d v 1st pic n use it as last pic..
no my pic turn out quite sharp.

i print my digital fotos fr fotohub at suntec or d kodak shop at ikea: website is www.netsimaging.com.sg.

Only developed a handful.

Yawn...u up so early???

Not to worry lah, his scar is almost gone, u take a look afterwards.... Your maid knew, she was so fast... btw we find ally v v cute, she looks like a little dinosaur with a fat tummy ..

Next appt is next week... when I know, will let u all know..hehe...
stylobb, hahaha. The photos are of Sarah. Not scenes of the USA! Yes. Sarah was made and born in the USA.

shook, I decided to wean her cos I hope she'll be more independent, and can do 'without' me for her milk feeds. Then she can go stay with my mum etc, and my hb & I can go out. Also we hope to have #2 before too long (we both very old already). I'm not giving her those expensive fm anyway. Just some full cream milk. Eventually you'll have to wean chen chen onto other milk, right? Although I have heard of pple breastfeeding until 7 years old!!
we both print from fotohub! I used to print from Nets Imaging too... good service and cheap. But they are closing, we just got an email from them.

Giggler, Ian still had fever last night. ANd refused dinner and breakfast this morning... sigh...
Lyn, you sound like you can really spend. Hahaa... I used to splurge on food. Nowadays want to spend money also no time/chance. Only work and go home and keep Ian company. Stuck at home cos we're both sick.

PVl, got your transfer. Thanks.

skyblue, Ian also turns the wheels on his trucks and stroller... he always heads for wheels on anything. Even seeing pictures of cars on newspapers, he will point to the wheels and say "car".
Sanrio, no problem, maybe one day if I am "off", then u can bring ashrel to my house when ur hubby goes work, then they can play the kitchen set together! I think it's not a girl's toy... just like Tyra likes cars too!

QSG, wah..kitchen set oso got review meh???

Jul, poor Ian... hope that he gets well real soon!!!
Hazey, sometimes i do come across mummies talking about the review of toys they have. Btw, hb said no more buying of toys for Dana till she is 2 years old.

Jul, did you manage to get anything from the toy fair today?
giggler, ur office offering raffles mooncake at 20% off?? even for UOB card members only 10% leh!!

jul, those were the days lah....now dare not, dun hv the luxuries to spend that amt!!! i used to spend a lot on food also...buffet, hi-teas, cafes.....but after going out on date, must watch my diet liao....now still love maken...but once a while lah.

qsg, do you feel better on ur back now??

brenda, you left for HK yet? you mention 16th???

mummies, jerald hd a fall frm the bed today....refuse to wear diapers...shooted off to the end of the other side....(he knows how to get off saftely) but he lost his foot landed on the floor with a 'thum' on his back of head.....i shd hv know better rather than to wait there for him to come back...i shd hv chase after him....this time really my fault....

now he simply refuse to sleep in my room...step in only...wail loudly...bo pian...let him sleep in sarong...let me bath, read papers 1st, will move him frm sarong to my room later.
Poor Jerald. NO lah, dun blame yourself. They are super active now. Nat oso falls more often now. Anyway, if he slipped then fall, dun think it is a bad one.. so dun be too upset.
So for pattern change. Nat refuse to sleep. Even right now!!! I really dunno how to dong leh. Last time she sleeps after bathe and milk, now refuse to... can drag until mid night. Then 3am wake up and cry and cry, want to play or read. Or get out of my room. Usually this goes on for 2 hours.. tats's why I oso no energy to come in so often.
How are you enjoying bring a SAHM?
Ally's been biting for a while. Maybe she's teething again but think it's more of a self defence mechanism. Tried to give her the teething toys but she's not interested.

Ok ... me interested in the durian mooncake from marriott. so how to go abt ordering? tell you the collection date then I go pick up and pay there?

Woke up, couldn't sleep and started thinking abt work so decided to distract myself with the forum. Otherwise I'll prob be either tossing around the whole nite trying to sleep or end up dreaming abt work.

trying for no.2. Great ... hope to hear good news soon then! which brand of full cream milk are you giving Sarah? Wanted to switch to full cream or fresh milk but hubby disagreed. Anyway I give Ally fresh milk / chocolate milk when I'm drinking to get her used to the taste of other milk.

Yah... dun blame yourself. I've accidently bumped ally's head on this and that while carrying her. Feel so bad but they recover fast and we are not perfect.

Think Ally went thru a it of this phase but at least she didn't want to play for that long in the nite. Poor thing. Are you able to get someone to help you look after her in the day so you can rest out.
Hi mummies
Anybody using Progress Gold FM for your babies? Any feedback on this brand of FM? I just received free sample and thinking of letting Alicia try.

Wow...Ian's fever seems to be dragging on for some time...is he better?

Nice automobile u got for Tyra!!

Have u decided to go ahead for the op? Take care.

How's Jerald? He will gradually forget about the fall. At this stage, our active babies are very accident prone. Really keeping us busy all day.
Bravo! Jerald walks
Every child falls esp when the child is mobile. Dun blame yourself

It's juz a phase. Will pass. Chen Chen doesn't bite me anymore even now dat he is teething

After I wean Chen Chen off, I won't give him animal's milk. He will hv cheese n yoghurt n soyamilk
7 yrs old, hope I dun need to bf dat long
how is Nat now? Better after taking the medi from the 2nd doctor?

My monkey lagi better..can fall from climbing the grills..have big balaku at his forehead..but these knocks will go off 1-2 week time.. they learn at the same time also
Nat's cough not better. Much more phelgm. I am very drained, cos she refuses to sleep. And I am wondering isit due to her cold? She is full of energy! And she has been refusing food. Eats 1/2 her normal portion. Tats why I am thinking of giving her pediasure... cos I heard it helps with appetite or for bb who dun drink well.

Nat is still biting... everyday she goes to the carton box, and take a bite from it... a few times a day. When will it pass??

Tat's the tiring part, there is no one to take over my duties. My mom tried to do it this weekend. For a couple of hours only. BUt I still need to to there to feed NAt milk or put her to nap. Well, at least we had sometime to ourselves, went for a dip.

It has been 10 days already... wonder when this phase will go away.
Yipee!!! Jerald can walk...now got another excuse to go shopping-so dat Jerald has more space to exercise his limbs.

Not true? Hehehe...always thot it's a boy's thingy. Now i know...

Poor nat...poor u
Hope she recovers quickly n will resume her feeding, then u not so cham. Is she teething? Recently u mentioned nat throwing tantrums rite? Wah couz...Kieran started liao!!! Tis weekend, whenever i take away his things (things dat he's not supposed to take), he'll SCREAM! Then the arms n legs will flail everywhere. Gosh...

My recent buys at the taka fair.
mummies, me n my son really funny pair...he run, i let it b...stand there n watch him fall!! but hor, all of you are rite~~ one min kor baluku, next moment, back to hyperactive self.

pringles, life as sahm ah...as if 1st day on new job lor. now tat he just started walking..i keep 4getting the fact i continue my own pace...seems like i dragging him more than walking hand in hand...*sign*

shook, prev when he still at crawling stage, he wants us to carry, now wants to walk n walk...u stop him...he will protest!! *faintz*
Chen Chen doesn't bite ppl but still bite things not as often as in the past tho. I think stop biting things need some time to goes off till their other senses r fully developed
When tod is sick, his/her appetite is no gd. Ian is a v gd eg. I think he is on pediasure. Perhaps u can check wif Jul if Ian is taking pediasure when he is sick

Kieran puts on wt!

Soon when Jerald mastered walking he wanna b carried agn
Hahah... when I saw the toys, I tot you celebrated Kieran's bday liao. HOw much did you pay them these toys? Is the fair still on?
Oh., yes, agress with Shook, Kieran put on weight liao!

Are you a SAHM now? YOu live in Tampines right? Maybe we can meet up!! Hee...

I have asked for the sample for Pediasure... but dunno the woman will give or not. Tat time I asked for GainIQ, then later on, I think think, went to ask for Similac, cos heard good. Then the lady called me, say Nat should be taking GainIQ, not Similac... so dun let me try... so this time, dunno will she call.

Did Ian take Pediasure? Is he still taking it? Do you have to switch back to the normal FM once they recover, or can take Pedisure for long term?
Since it is sample then no harm trying. I thot u buy so many different brand of fm to try if Nat likes it
Lyn stays in Pasir Ris
Dunno when the sample will arrive... so thinking if I should go and buy today. Nat can't really drink much of her milk, cos after a while, she will choke on her phelgm.
I didn't try many brands, cos all so big... ONly tried Friso and Enfa.
Shook, brought dana for a swim on sunday morning, tried your method and it works, she din cry nor really protest

Lyn, my back still no improvement despite being poked by needles and finishing the medication. Still painful when i bend and stand up from sitting or squatting position
quite afraid it will become chronic dunno if acupucture can help my condition.
Is Nat also teething at this time? Maybe can let her take more soild then milk to make sure she is full. Pedisure is v.expensive .. I don't know if it is that good..maybe you will need to buy a small 400g tin to try first. Can try dumex refill packet 700g. $7
Morning mommies...

Did u manage to catch the fireworks? I missed it cos we forgotten abt it. Sigh...
Have to wait for next yr.
Yah hor, Dumex got refill pack. Which is the one tat is good, I seem to see a few kinds... D... something, oso under Dumex.
She has 11 teeth, 1 of them sprout out not long ago.. maybe she is not feeling too good. Oso blocked nose and phelgm can't really sleep well.

Hi there... v funny, but whenever I see your nick, it reminds me abt BJG!!
Hi mommies,

Share w you the pictures from the contest. Lighting was bad, not sure why. See Aelwen's blur expression. Refuse to do any of the things that she usually does at home when we ask her to. They are selecting only 15 toddlers for the finals out of 100 toddlers so no chance liao

Me & judges trying to make her smile

Now totally ignore us

Waiting for other bbs in our group of 5 to finish so can get off stage...refuse to stand on her own, insist I must carry her
Hi all Mommies,

Wish u gals have a great week ahead and all the precious little ones healthy!!

How's life as a SAHM? got a hang of it already?
Jem's starting to walk like Jerald too.. Happy hor! to see them suddenly decide to take their first steps... over this weekend, I first time see Jem stand up n dance to his fav vcd.

ME leaving for HK on Wednesday. Really hope we can hv a smooth trip cos if jem's comfortable w travelling, we hope to resume our backpacking n diving next yr. I'll take more photos to bring back n convince ur hubby that its possible to hv a fun trip w Jerald!!

U din 'beat beat' the floor in front of him this time har?? If not, why he take it so hard?
Nat and her pomelo... ill still got so much strength.

I am still monitoring Nat, cos quite a few days liao.
I relate your nick to it, cos I think there was once you gimme the tel no or something!! Hahaha

Aelwen looks even chubbier than the last pic I saw leh... She must be so shock pple all staring at her... Anyway, she looks so cute, may have chance to get in
How are u? So frus rite, that we r often plague by such prob? Seems like our womb can create wonders yet diasters at the same time. Cysts and fibroids seems to affect all the females in my family. It's a constant fear to me too.. well, take it as a little payback for the wonderful girl u have.

But hor.. tho i remember u not planning to hv 2nd one, still must take good care hor
Sanrio & QSG, maybe we really shd organize one swimming trip hor?

PVL, you planning for No.2 now? One of my reasons for weaning Vane off is also independent, dun want her to depend on me for milk feeds.

Jul, I also down with flu & fever. Have been feeling not gd since last Thu but still trying to tong lah. But today really cant tahan liao. Hope Ian recovers real soon cos its not gd to feel sick leh.

Hazey, our photoshoot is this coming Sun.

Lyn, ya I asked the hotel staff and they told me that our co got better offer than credit card members. So you need my help to buy for you?

Mom2Nat, Nat really give you hard time hor? Hubby was complaining to me abt Vane too. I was too sick so he has been taking care of Vane these few nites. Think they very accident-prone nowadays. Vane got bruises all over her face too, just hope that they recover before her photoshoot this Sun.

Absolut, tell me the collection date & time and transfer the money to me cos I need to pay via credit card. You collect yourself from Marriott Hotel, level 2.

Pringles, I decided to go ahead with the op. Have called to ask if I can have it done on 5 Sep but no reply from doc yet.

Skyblue, seems you got good grab from Taka fair.

Mon, maybe Aelwen got stage fright?

Brenda, you also got similar prob with cysts and fibroids??? Gynae said its kinda of in-borne one so theres nothing much that I can do with it. Ya, Im really blessed to have Vane though I had cysts the other time. Luckily, Im not those who dying to have more children in family if not I sure stress like hell.
Kieran looks different liao!

Nat's Good Gal!! hahahha

erm... mommies letting bbs go on pedisure. I've ever asked a few kids who grew up on pedisure cos they eats little. They shared w me that the milk is actually quite awful but their parents insist they take it. But they grew up still refusing proper food. Later on, one of the mum found out from her doc that its the pedisure that's hindering the girl from enjoying her food. Instead, she was asked to improve on her kid's menu to get the girl to be interested in tasting food. Not saying pedisure is not good as most doc still encourage it when necessary, but mebbe for long time benefits, might wan to looks into the habits and preference of the child instead
First time i see alwen wearing pants leh. SHe looks different!

Dun noe whether it's a good time to shop anot cos now just hit by typhoon. Hahaha.. the most ask hb to dash in the rain to get me my 'shao ya tui' to enjoy!! ahahhaha
Hahha Giggler,
so funny to hear u say ur hubby complain to u abt Vane.. come to thinkof it, we quite long din see her pics too. So what photoshoot coming up?

Yah.. from young i've been told to watch my heart n tummy... Jem too. hahahha

I'm happy to hear u prepping urself for the op.. jiayou!
morning mummies...
today i'm totally concussed... weekend was so tiring...

no time to reali read posts....

wow... kieran has so many new toys

how come u so energetic on a Mon morning???
Oh.. generally the kid dun really co-operate on this special moment one lah. Same for my girl. U not upset right?

U sure is me or not!! hahaha..
I hope Nat getting well soon. Must let her have more water.

I got the bed rail from the seller. Thanks for the contact.
Mommies, anyone using Neslac 1+? Can feedback? Got a small sample can and thot of bringing that to HK for Ally but not sure if she's gonna be ok with it. She's been mostly on Friso. Actually got a friend working in Nestle who can help me buy Neslac at discount but not sure abt the quality.

Just when I felt Ally was better, she bit me again last nite. Sigh! Now trying to teach her not to bite her soft toys. Hopefully she'll learn soon

Thot milk feed quite easy. Nat refuses to drink when you're not there with her? Understand abt nap times coz Ally also needs either maid or me to put her to bed in the day. Your mom is still working? Hope Nat gets well soon so you can get your rest. Maybe Nat is getting used to only taking 1 nap a day?

Good that Nat is still active. Think you'll be more concerned if she gets really lethargic.

Have fun in HK. Heard it's still quite warm now. Hiking and diving next year? Then Jem can't go right? Unless you intend to start him young?

Can help me order 1 box of durian snowskin mooncake. To pick up on 19 Aug (fri). how much is 1 box anyway? Let me know your account no to transfer the $, ok? Thanks!
Oh is it? Actually dress her in pants most times...maybe most gatherings she wore dress

there more toddlers who are very responsive...they do what the judges asked them to do...so adorable. Aelwen totally ignore the judges again
hb say she stylo somemore...hahaha

Maybe like shook say she don't like the contest. Plus we were at my SIL's chalet staying overnight so maybe also due to not enough sleep...she was super cranky on the way back.
I energetic meh?? weekend bored leh cos hb out of town. Me stayed at home w jem whole day cannot go out cos still bleeding... i read my posts i think i'm boring u gals out too.. hahaha

i'm curious to noe what u did to be so concussed tho..heheheeh
aiyoh... u shld hv gone to see a doc leh... this bleeding is no joke.

wat i did? totally harrassed by my little rascal... was extremely sticky to me over the weekend... cannot let me out of his sight.

mon mon...
good luck to aelwen...
hope she gets in and judges r impressed wif her cool performance. as for edi, gone case...
u going HK too?? when? My friend in HK told me they just got hit by a typhoon over the weekend.. lotsa rain n thunder.. haiz.

Jem on semi neslac now. Honey flavour... he's taking it pretty well but he's on nestle since young

If jem's well w travelling, we'll start next year.. yah, gonna start him young.

yupz.. twice i see her, she's nicely dressed!!
Wah everyone going to HK. Bringing your little ones or not?

Absolut, I've been giving Sarah Fernleaf 1, bought in Malaysia, which uses Full Cream Milk instead of Skimmed Milk like the ones here. After that she will get Dumex Full Cream Milk to try. I'm just letting her try the different brands and see her reaction. What brand does Ally take at the moment?

Lyn, I'm sure Jerald is OK after his fall. Sarah has fallen from the bed a few times already. Usually with a loud "konk" sound. But after crying very hard for a few minutes, she's back to her old self again. No bruises even. She has a very hard head.

Mom2nat, Sarah used to have that waking problem a few months ago. Maybe it's due to teething or, as you say, the phlegm. Wow, she has 11 teeth already? So fast. My Sarah has trouble spouting her 6th tooth! Her 5 teeth seem all nicely 'grown up' but #6 is nowhere in sight.

giggler, yup, we're hoping for No. 2. But we'll not stress ourselves about it. My hubby managed to put her to sleep twice yesterday. So it looks like she already doesn't need me. Yay! We can soon go 'pak-tor' by ourselves, and park her with her grandma.

mon-mon, soya, so how did your precious little ones do in the contest?
I havent got the bed yet. Got to wait for 4 weeks cos they are ordering from HK and also to custom made the bed-cover.
