(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

QSG, good that you enjoyed yourself.... so funny ah... fall asleep three times?

Soyabean, enjoy yourself in Bintan!

Shook, PVL, continue with the breastfeeding as long as you can.... but hopefully your babies won't reject formula like Ian when you do wean. Since my last post, Ian has not improved at all.... sigh....

PVL, difficult for you to look after a sick baby and catch up with housework at the same time... don't stress yourself out lah... let your hubby do some housework during the long weekend! Hope Sarah recovers soon. Ian hasn't fallen ill before except for fever after his 5-in-1 injections twice.. and the eye infection which didn't really bother him... I wouldn't know what to do if he really gets a cold/flu/gastroenteritis or whatever childhood illnesses! Think I'll be busy calling up my friends to consult them! Hehehe...

deer, I was in NUH for 2 years before delivery. Next week I will be starting work in SGH A&E.

Sanrio, Ashrel likes pink??? Hahaaa...

Nat only drink 400ml a day... has been like tat for a month at least liao leh... She pushes the bottle away. Use cup she oso know, dun wan... I oso have prob here. How much does Dana weigh? At 9 months, Nat was 8.8kg, 70cm.

I am online, just no time to read the threads and reply. Cos Nat needs my attention lor. She is always licking, biting something.

Then you bring your kids for music lessons? Sounds fun, can I join in when I return??

Nathalie 5june04
Morning mummies,
Mom 2nat,
I bring Ryan for music lesson & swimming lesson each week.. he has own personal tranier (mummy)..haha..so no excuse to skip the sessions.sure u can join when you return..but his music lessons will end in AUg/Sept..that is when I send him to CC.

Another interesting incident
Yesterday at the Jap restaurant he insisted on being given the pencil and the order form..(we were writing down the item number on the paper)..so we asked him if he wanted to order something himself from the menu..hehe.. Once he grabbed the pencil he started dooling on the paper.. He is able to grab the pencil very well..like normal holding the pencil position using the right hand.. then he will scribble something on it..and say RYAN...I think he is learning how to write his name.. should give him more practice hoh...so next time can sign cheque for mummy...hahaaha..
We will buy those Fat ..non-toxic colour pencils and drawing board for him to practice scribbling..drawing circles etc..
Ah Ma also taught him to draw circles on the doodle board we have at home.. He can draw..circle like things....then say FLOWER.... this boy a bit "too advanced" for his age..
Wow! Ruffy! Ryan is gd!!
U'll right... he is too advanced for his age... must be because of the exposure u are giving him.

Ladies, pls go and vote in the yahoo site... we need to compile the data and book the place... thank u!
Hey Ryan is indeed advanced. So clever of him
Hehehe, at least u nvr 'waste' ur leave taking care of him. u returning to work soon? Which CC u sending Ryan to?
hi mummies
it has been a super long n tiring wkend for me. Jana has been cranky n v sticky since friday, she wouldn't let me out of sight. Also she seems to be in quite a bad mood, keep crying/screaming all day. my MIL quite sure that she's teething. she also refuse to sit in the car seat, she'll cry till i carry her out of the seat, think she has outgrown her infant car seat so bo pian need to upgrade the car seat for her...

checking out my new car seat ...

ok! i think i like it!

sorry, only saw ur today so din sms u abt the photo taking at gymboree. anyway, my camera battery flat so din take any photos. Din go to botanic gdns today, it was raining, so disapponted. I brought her to changi airport instead.

bintan is not a bad idea! i was just thinking abt it few days ago. Yah..having a bb changes everything...

i'm not sure how maldives is like after the tsunami but most islands are very flat there..really no where to run when the waves comes. if u hv the chance to go can also bring vane/jerald along cos when i was at banyan, there was this ang mo couple who was there with 3 kids all < 5 yrs old, youngest looks like she just learn how to walk. V easy trip cos no need to pack much for bb, only need swim suit n diapers, the ang mo bb just walk round the resort in her diapers/panties only all day long
no rushing around also ...bb can nap as and when they need. already told my hubby that i wanna bring Jana there one day ....

wah ...envy leh! do u get staff rate for accomodation as well?

i went once n stayed at 2 diff resorts, 3 nights each. I brought Jana to the gymboree trial and I prefer gymboree to kindermusik, so dun think i will sign up for the kindermusik class.
Ruffy, Ryan really sounds advanced!

Viv, Jana always looks so sweet! How heavy is she? You put her front-facing already? My Ian still rear-facing cos not 9kg yet.
hi mummies
so many postings... so i can only read backwards... heehee

hi jul
ian looks so cute and handsome!!!!!!!!! i prefer him chubby!!!!!!

jana has very japanese look... so adorable and sweet.... what is the brand of your car seat? it looks like mine, i bought cosi maxi...

thank u so much for sharing your views and feedback of preschool/childcare. ryan so clever! i am lazy parent, so hope zl can learn more from preschool/childcare.

zl also perspire alot... i tot it is normal so never checked with my PD...

u r planning to send ashrel to childcare? oh, u stayed quite near my place @ bt. batok right? i am checking CARPE DIEM KIDS SCHOOLHOUSE near bt. batok. seems quite good... but i am more interested in etonhouse leh.... will visit them and see how good they are and whether they really worth that much...

giggler, agreed with lyn
bangkok is very hot... my colleague just came back from there... she said she did not have the mood to shop... too hot....

oh oh it is 12mid night now... i better go to bed...

btw, mummies who interested to sign up with kindermusik, some expatriates mummies mentioned that rhythm in me is better than kindermusik. www.rhythminme.com. donno how true....
ruffybear, 11kg on ur shoulder &amp; chest!! if dun think i can even stand up if i strap ryan on me!!
a 1yr old kid can scribble and said his own name!!! CLEVER BOY!!

skyblue, haiz tot u went PD for the same prob!! i know of a PD at Elias Mall, but nvr bn there. Jerald's main doc is a GP near my mum's plc.

qsg, wow! romantic nite out for both u n hubby!! to bad cant end with a sweet cozy dessert at t-room.
Jerald sweat a lot, even in aircon room of 24degree. his sweat taste saltish...so issit ok?? my mum comment that it's no good!!! so how ah?? urs said too bland no good, mine said too saltish cannot??
i tot u hv bn intro different solid to dana?? if she's not ready to accept FM yet, can try to alt FM n BM during each feed.

viv, jana looks like a grown up gal liao!! must upgrade frm bb to "miss". u really tempting me to go there leh!!! saw in webby once u open door of ur suite, out u go into the sea!! wow!! can fish rite at ur doorstep

yes, we do get staff rates for accommodation as well. but must check b4 hand.

jul, love the TH romper on ian!! v.bossy look! cut to b a businessman!!!

jo, think twice abt enrolling zl into etonhouse. feedback frm some mummies doesnt sound favourable.
Mom2Nat,Dana is 7.5kg only at 9 months. She used to drink about 800ml a day before intro of solids at 6 months.Her solids intake also not very much. Alot of times eat towards the end, kept turning her head around or put fingers in mouth already. Feeding milk also not easy, drink abit then flip away and play so end up 1.5 to 2 hours just to finish 150ml of milk. Nat also like that? Dana also dunno how to drink from both sippy cup and straw cup yet. Since Nat takes a long time to finish her FM, do you usually make the whole feed or make abit first then finish make again? If you make the full feed, how long did you keep if she din finish before you throw away since FM reacts with saliva cannot really keep?

Lyn, dunno lei my mum said bland not good and she said she asked a few of older folks about this before. I will try replacing her morning feed with FM when my frozen BM runs out.

Jul, Ian looks really handsome as the cover boy
Gd day mommies!


Jana is so sweet and i love her hair!! Sigh....can't wait for Alicia's hair to grow longer leh.... U plan to go bintan? I went bintan with hubby whn 5 mths preg with bb. Sat on top of the elephant some more! Keke..was quiet and relaxing but everything there is charged in US dollars. Tried the spa but i think Singapore's one better. When are u going? BTW, u went Srgn gdn gymboree too? R u signing Jana for classes there?


Eeee!!!Ian looks cute and smashing in the cover photo!!!Worth your efforts of bringing him for the shoot! U start work tmw? If u meet any of the moms how are going for bday bash, could u pass my mag to them? Thks....if not, i'll collect frm you another day.

Gotta go...
jul, I think Sarah has Roseola now. Her symptoms fit the description to a T. But if the rash doesn't go away by tomorrow, I'll bring her to the doc to have it checked out. She seems to be still quite fussy, esp at night, and nowadays she is getting real good at throwing tantrums and screaming when she doesn't get what she wants.

Mom2nat, yes, I do sayang her a bit more when she's sick, but I cannot let her tantrums get out of hand lah, because the tantrum thing runs in my hubby's family, and I don't want her thinking that just because she's sick I'll let her get her hands on anything she fancies or do anything she wants. There must still be limits.

As for Nat putting things in her mouth, hmmmm, I don't know. Maybe you can pinch the back of her hand, remove the offending object, and offer her a teething biscuit instead? A threefold approach! I sometimes pinch the hand instead of smacking.

Sarah 12 June 2004
B2B3M4, Emily, Ruffy, Hazey, Absolut
Apologies for being late for the gymboree class. My hubby forgot to bring the free trial vouchers. So we went back to get the vouchers.

Your hubby dotes u v v much. Brot the bulky drawers all the way back for u
Ash likes gymboree?

My encounter wif HK CS is terrible but I enjoy shopping there coz public transport is v convenient, no lang problem n the weather there is nice. I like BKK but the weather is terrible
In fact I wz v surprised the sales gal packed the clothing wif the hangers for me. I din even ask for it

How is Sarah now? I find dat bb throws tantrums easily when he/she is sick
I suspect Chen Chen had Roseola the other time. He had high fever, up n dwn. Highest wz 40.7 degree. Fever lasted for 3 or 4 days. No appetitie for solid @ all. After fever gone, he had rashes fm head to toes

Chen Chen is under 25 percentile but I dunno how much now. His PD always say as long bb put on wt, happy n lively, there is nothing to worry. The percentile only means how many % of bb falls under dat wt/ht range
Chen Chen used to drink 160ml but now 120ml when I m @ work. When I m home, I let him latch on, so dunno how much he drinks
My mum din say anything abt Chen Chen perspiring a lot
I find gymboree gd in developing bb's motor skill. A lot of exercises for bb, not mummy.

Got no 2 then auntie won't appear

I dun intend to give Chen Chen fm when he wean off which will b @ least 1 yr old
Ian look so handsome n cute

Ryan is a clever boi. V advanced @ his age

Not a problem. My hubby's camera battery wz flat. Used cell phone to take pic. The staff stopped him. Luckily we took a few pic
U sign Jana for gymboree? I prefer gymboree to kindermusik too
jul, jo, lyn, pringles
tks for all the compliments, Jana has managed to deceive all the mummies again! She has been terrible the whole wkend, super sticky, I'm not allowed to step away from her at all, not even a single step.

Ian looks nice in red and has star quality !! Jana's abt 8.5kg, we just got the car-seat on Sat, u mean can put the car seat back facing instead of front-facing ? the people at the shop fix it into the car for us, we tot that's the way it should be facing.

yep, we got the same car seat, but the brand is actually maxi cosi
u got the same color too?

aiyo ..then wat r u waiting for? just lug jerald along n hop on the plane!! hmm...i dun think can fish though..they r v protective of the marine life, see no touch

u like Jana's hair and I like elyse's hair
yah..hubby's birthday this month, so thinking of planning a surpirse trip to bintan for him, but may change plans cos Jana could be teething. yep, brought Jana for a trial last Sat and she enjoyed it! she's like a 4WD ...an all-terrian climber
she love climbing up/down the slides/steps and thru the tunnel. randall was there too, he's much younger but can also manage up the slope ..impressive!! i'm still deciding btw classes or play gym.

u can try going bkk in dec, its not that hot, infact it was quite cooling esp if u walk under the shade.
so u signing up for gymboree?

how's Sarah's rashes?

brought Jana to the playground in the evening n we put her at the bottom of the slide for fun, we were surprised n amused when she started to climb upwards


last notes ...FOX kids is having sale, buy 1 get 2nd pc at 50% off, or buy 2 and get the 3rd free. They hv v nice range this season, raffles city and suntec has a gd selection, the outlet at great world not too gd and staff attitute needs improvement.

gd nite ...
Er.....Elyse is Eureka's bb, not Pringle's.
v tempted to sign gym play but my hubby said the timing for gym play is no gd. Bsides, we r v busy on wk n. It's cumbersome dat we still need to travel to Serangoon. He said how nice if it is located @ the shopping mall next to our hse
U sigining up?
we are not signing up also..coz 1st Quite far. 2nd Expensive..3rd.. I think Ryan will benifit more from Swimming lessons so we put ourself on the waitlist for Weekend PM lessons at Mardsen swim school.
Now I have a new assistant when I go shopping


We bought a Learner's Pencil for Ryan and some drawing paper so he won't be drawing here and there..also taught him to sing "Twinkle Twinkle little star on the weekend. " He can only sing the 1st verse..then later on will improvise and add in his own melody..
Personally find gym play is affordable but ya it is far. My mum told me she saw something like gymboree @ loyang. I will go there n take a look
Hey u can go HK wif Ryan since he can help u to carry shopping basket.
lyn, you really made me think twice of bringing Vane over to Thailand leh. Cant imagine how many bottled water I got to bring there. How much is Yahoo auction selling the gym balls? I'd like to buy if it's not ex cos Vane likes to play with it.

shook, I got the whole set of bb can read vcds. I gonna wean Vane off once she reached one yr old. I feel that my bm is not enough for her liao. Why you prefer Gymboree?

Mom2Nat, I really like Nat's rosy cheeks leh.

sanrio, wow you're really one big Hello Kitty fan. Ashrel is really tall among the bb.

Ruffy, if you cant bring pram and got to carry Ryan ard then you better not bring him to HK with you liao. Your effort really paid off for coaching Ryan.

PVL, Vane had fever over the weekends too. The temp kept swinging up and down but she's ok now.

QSG, you went to Dr Tay for Dana's 9th mth assessment? Guess you got to be patient and wean Dana off very slowly. Did you ask your PD if there's any fm tat she recommends for Dana? I heard of sweat being bland not good lah but I think perspiring is ok.

soyabean, Edi sleeps so early at 8.30pm?

Viv, my gal also very sticky to me over the weekends cos of teething. We saw her right molar coming out, think it's really painful for her. She even had fever cos of that. Why do u prefer Gymboree to Kindermusik?

jul, Ian looks so handsome and smart leh. Guess professional pix looks really different.

Jo, you interested in Eton house though their service is bad? Is there any trial class for Rhythminme?
Thanks for ur encouragement on breastfeeding. Actually my body reacts rather well to YH's demand for milk. Usually on Sat and Sun when i latch on YH more often, i will hv more milk. But hor, i really feel very tired and sleep deprived during wkdays. I only sleep an avg of 5-6 hrs everyday, incl Sat and Sun. I just woke up fr a 15 mins nap which i dozed off unknowingly. Wonder any colleagues or my boss caught me sleeping on my chair :p and this is not the 1st time!

U r really lucky to get free hangers fr JL. Do u iron Chen Chen's clothes and hang it up? I only let YH wear roompers, and some of them already a bit out of shape, i dont bother to iron his roompers, no point.

Nice photos of Nat, missed her photos so much after not seeing it for a while

How is Kieran doing? Is he better now? Hope he has recovered fully by now.
YH is 5.5 months old now. Brought him to polyclinic for his last 5-in-1 jab on Sat, he only weigh 7 kg, put on only 400g fr last month. Really wonder whether he is underweight. Ask the nurse, the nurse also dunno what to say, just say ok lah, and kind of ignore my other qns regarding his weight

U so tired until u dozed off 3 times in musical! Did ur hubby see it? Hope he didnt say u r wasting his money ;P

What is Dana's weight? I dont have any advice on bb drinking milk, coz i m facing problem feeding YH also. He is only 7kg at 5.5 mths and only drinking 120 ml every 3 hrs. I wonder whether this is too little for him also. He is in the 25%tile during 3 mths old, and since then, only put on 700g on 4mths old and 400g on 5 mths old. Is it too little? any mummy can advice?

So now u will be at SGH, thought if u r in NUH, at least there is one mummy work near my workplace and i can lunch with her. Hope u enjoy ur work in SGH. Working in A&amp;E must be very busy.

Ian looks good in red! He got a very stylo pose in the 2nd pic. Think he will be another lady-killer in times to come ;)

Jana looks very sweet in her pink hairpin. Really like ur 2nd pic of her, she looks so cute and sweet with that dunno-what kissing her ;)
I also had a super tiring long wkend, tt's why i dozed off a while just now ;P YH had his jab on Sat, he was rejecting milk the whole Sat, i had to drink all his rejected milk, guess tt's why i m putting on weight and he is not! He got fever on Sun morn, and a bit cranky. I brought him PIL's hse on Mon, so practically no rest for me for tt 3 days

I hope Sarah will get better soon. U must be really tired since she had been sick for quite a while. What will u do with Sarah when u know tt she is throwing tantrums?
Shook, Chen Chen drop from 50%tile to 25%tile or all along is 25%tile. Pd said Dana drop from 50 to 25 that's why more concerned about her weight gain.She gained only 1 kg from 6months. Did you go to the gym crawler and walker? Thinking of bringing dana to the trial at tanglin mall but dunno if she can go for the walker class if only know how to crawl and cruise.

Viv, i went to the fox sale at seiyu, very messy..bought a skirt for Dana, saw some tube tops at Wisma, very cute tempted to buy.

Giggler, she gave me Promil Gold sample when she is 5 months old but din recommend any specific brand. When you need to bring vane for assessment again?You find her talking very fast? i tot i was fast and she really even faster
Where you signing for Vane? you brought her to GUG?

Mummies, as stated in my email, those who still wants to sign up with Kindermusik pls let me know by tomorrow morning, they chasing for answer already.
aiyo, move here move there!! didnt realise CL posted a link in the announcement!! keep trying at motherhood.com only to get "watch this space..."

qsg,dana v.smart to note the difference in fm n bm. the weaning period is v.difficult. like mine...plus at that time jerald is teething lagi worse...he did lose some weight also but look at him now....PD said his size/weight avg. so i think once u successful wean dana off n let her fm/solid intake stablise...all shd b ok.
salty/bland sweat: sorry still under debate with my mum. no conclusion yet.

pvl, u remind me of my discipline mistress during sch days!! the most extreme puishment for jerald so far is telling him in a very stern voice+smacking on palms to tell him he's wrong.

shook, both CS in HK n BKK is way much better than SG!! but prefer weather in HK b'cos cooler
well unless i'm going up to chiang mai otherwise BKK is even hotter than SG!!
loyang got someting like gymboree?? there used to be a tumble tots but closed already now it's a kid's library.

viv, no wonder jana super sticky to u!! she's teething lah - passing phrase, once over, she'll leave u alone!! she v.smart go, go up the slide!! jerald enjoy coming down, but he doesnt seems to keen to go up by himself!!
fishing in maldives - no lah, just describing how relaxing it would be!! anyway saw in documentaries they got v.nice marine life there!! wanted to see it badly myself, swimming with sting rays, raindow varieties of corals!!! simply heaven!!

ruffybear, wait till u fill the basket - he'll push it back to you!!!

giggler, will check out the auction thingy and email you.
BKK is currently out of qns for jerald - not until he's of rae rae age. even then got to watch his diet carefully as their hygiene level in food is not as strict as SG.

not surprised to note edi sleeps at 8.30pm. Jerald used to sleep that at hr. even now if he had a "hard day work at play" he will just KO once he finish his bedtime milk. otherwise he normally just laze on the bed, enjoy aircon, sing song, roll here n there until 9 or latest 9.30 before driftting off to dream land.

wonder if soya is back?? curious n anxious to know if the italian rest still there. our 2nd yr anniversary is up end of the mth tot of just going there for maken, spend a nite and back to SG!!

deer, no luck with the hangers at JL for me. i got my frm those $2 shop. duno which mummy told me cannot iron bb's clothings?? myth or wat?? i not sure but i often iron his outing clothes to look presentable.
Deer, you've been drinking YH's rejected milk? I usu throw them away if Vane cant finish it.

QSG, when do u intend to bring Dana to Gymboree's trial class? We can arrange to go together leh. I didnt go to GUG on Sat cos Vane had fever over the weekends. No leh, I dont find her talking very fast. Not sure when's Vane next assessment, could it be 12mths or 18mths? I wait for her to call me. heehee.... She gave me Nan2 as she said that Vane doesnt need much nutrients since she's taking my bm well.
shook, viv, yah, Sarah's rash was practically from head to toe, even the bottom of her feet. But the rash on her tummy and face which appeared first on Sunday, is now disappeared. Left with the arms and legs.
shook, when chen chen was sick did he wake up at all hours of the night looking for you? Sarah has been doing that. She only started to settle a little last night, but still not back to practising her 9-10 hr through the night sleep yet. Hope she remembers how to do that.

my girl still has only 2 teeth leh. all of your bbs got so many teeth. Sarah is also not really interested in eating hard things like biscuits yet. I'm getting bored with feeding her soft stuff.
lyn, I agreed that the food hygiene level in BKK is not up to our standard yet. My fren kanna food poisoning after eating stuff from their road side stall. Jerald also sleep so early? Wow, enjoy life to go all the way to Bintan for a meal?
Deer, Hb didn say anything when i told him i fell asleep. Asked me how if i find the musical only. If YH all along 25%tile then should be okay, did your pd say anything?

lyn, Dana havent' started FM yet, still got frozen BM maybe will run out in a weeks time but feeding her BM already very challenging can't imagine FM.

Giggler, u want to go gymboree trial class? tot you mentioned you dun wan so planning to go sunday with hb. But if you going, we go this saturday, i got the timings already. You thinking of gym crawlers or walkers? Dunno if walkers will be too challenging for Dana since can only cruise.Their trial is kinda expensive about $34 if no free trial coupon.For GUG, i read many reviews that it is better to wait till bb can walk then go if not very siong for mummy and bb can't really enjoy also.
Does Vane sit still to watch bb can read vcd?
In gymboree, majority of the activities r for bb, not for mummy. It has a mixture of singing n exercises for bb. The equipment there helps bb in motor development. But if u prefer structured class, u won't like gymboree

Ya majority fo the mummies who let bb latch on v sleep deprived. I juz tell myself tis is not forever n bm is gd for bb. So juz hang on to it. Whenever I feel like dozing off @ work, I come into tis forum or stand up n work or much on some tibits
I dun iron Chen Chen's clothing. My hubby ironed once those were the clothing we let Chen Chen wear during CNY

Chen Chen is 25 percentile all along. He wz borned small at 2.74kg
gymcrawler is for confident sitter n crawler; gymwalker is for confident cruiser n early walker. Call gymboree to check if in doubt
Kindermusik called me today to ask if I wanna sign up wif Kindermusik
QSG, what time do u intend to go this Sat? I can make it in the afternoon. We better make use of this chance since we got the Free trial voucher. Moreover, both Viv and shook prefer Gymboree leh so go and have a look. Not sure if I shd send Vane for crawler or walker leh. Quite true abt GUG leh, my col went when her gal was abt 9mths old and she didnt really enjoy. Kindermusik called me too and I gave them my reply liao.

Shook, which class did you gals attend, crawler or walker? Maybe Vane may enjoy more in Gymboree since it's more free play. Vane doesnt really participate in the activities for Kindermusik too. Vane cant really sit still to watch the vcds. But I just played it on the background lah.
deer, don't worry about YH's wt lah. Of all the babies here, Sarah is by far the lightest. But as long as YH is growing steadily, active and meeting all the milestones, don't need to bother too much. Sarah only hit 2x birthweight at 8 months.

For tantrums, if I'm really sure that she's throwing one, we'll usually ignore her, or put her in her high chair by the window to finish crying. I'll cuddle her only if she stops crying. That's a sort of time-out. If I'm not sure, I will not give her time-out. Quite hard at this age to know whether it's a tantrum or just frustration because we cannot communicate effectively.
we went to the walker class on Sat. Yeah it is free play but equipment wise if there are more than 7 babies than must Q for the different equipment that you can use.. also.. personal view..is that it would be best if both mummy and daddy are there to "support" the bb..coz like my monkey once he is up to the slide..want to immediately slide down the other side and quite difficult to get to the other end of the slide to "catch" him in time.. luckily he already knows how to go down safely.

Saw that you are looking for JWT gym.
here is the link
They have free 1st trial
giggler, pls click link for the "gym" ball. i bought a book "bring up boys" frm this seller b4. v.reliable n friendly.
9.30 still early?? we are early riser, normally up n abt by 8am even on wkend. as for my parents, they are up n abt by 6.30am as my dad is on morning shift
bintan is the 1st plc we went for holiday during dating time so going there for old time sake.

qsg, would u like to try to alt each feed between FM n BM?? or add a bit of fm to bm as intro for dana?? initially jerald loss weight b'cos he dun like FM but after weaning off and when he's on totaly FM - BOOMED - he got so chubby like a loly poly!! but now again slim down cos everyday, he v.bz with his toys n activities

pvl, the only time i leave jerald alone to cry himself out was during my confinement. thereafter, nvr nvr again. he being so helpless yet i "isolate" him - makes me so guilty.

mummies,looks like most bb here went for some sort of social activities. hvnt enrol any for jerald yet. too much things to do on hand. wait n c.
he cant really crawl yet - but instead he move like a crab, always rite leg "cross", left leg straighten. so as he move, rite leg extend and fold, and pushes himself with the left leg!! so do u consider him a crawler??
Ryan can carry the shopping basket liao, isnt it a bit heavy for him? In times to come, he can help u to carry ur shopping bags ;) But when is older, he will carrying his gf's shopping bags ;P

I find it very wasteful to throw away 20-60ml of formula milk, so i just drink it lor, thinking tt all the nutrients in the milk will go into my breast milk, then YH will hv it even if he rejected it. Very silly, right? but i think my body is absorbing it since i m the one putting on weight!

I dont visit PD, i go to polyclinic. I think there is another body checup for bb when they reach 6 mths old. i will ask the doc next mth whether YH's weight is ok.

Is it the bottle and teasts problem tt is causing Dana to reject milk? It happened to YH when he was a few days old. So i changed fr Avent bottles to NUK bottles as the polyclinic nurse advised me tt NUK teats resemble mother's nipples. the nurse who spoke to me even told me tt she had more than 10 diff brands of milk bottles and teats at home coz her son who is 18 mths now used to reject milk, so she tried nearly all brands of bottles and teats.

YH also born small, he is only 2.81kg at birth. At 25%tile during 3 mths old. Now dunno which %tile, but i believe he is at the lower end. Ur PD is very reassuring, i hope the nurse whom i spoke to on Sat can be that reassuring, she simply ignore my qns on YH's weight, dunno whether is it becoz she scared she said the wrong thing.

If i feel very sleepy, i will get up and munch some tibits or go to colleague's room for a little chit chat, or come in here ;) But my problem with dozing off is i dont even know tt i m going to doze off the next min. It can be i close my eyes to think of something, coz eyes very tired always stared at laptop, and the next min i just dozed off. I only know tt i dozed off when i wake up.

I really pei fu u for being able to breastfeed Chen Chen for so long. Hv u thought of when u want to stop breastfeeding, or as long as u hv milk?
Mummies who went gymboree trial, can daddies go in on that day? I remembered reading somewhere that 1 parent allowed only and no photograpy.

Gigger,crawlers and walkers got different timings so we must decide which to go first.how?
I guess u r right abt bb's weight. Maybe i shld stop worrying as long as YH is doing fine. Think i m that sort who worries too much. and my hubby is the take-it-easy kind, so sometimes i feel rather frustrated and angry with him.

Yeah lor, like what u say it is very hard to guess what is on bb's mind right now as they cant communicate effectively at the moment. But by the time they can talk, we will face another set of problems.
Did u buy 4D for Jerald's weight? Do u remember how heavy is Jerald when he is 5-6 mths old?

My sis's bro-in-law's son was born one day after YH and was only 2.6kg, but now he is much bigger than YH. sometimes i wonder whether i m really lousy in feeding him.
lyn, nowadays, you'll be surprised how much your baby knows compared to when he was a little newborn! Like deer says, now maybe they can't communicate effectively with us. By the time they can talk and we haven't trained them consistently.... we'll have more catching up to do then. Especially when you have a naughty little active monster like my Sarah!! Hahahaha.
deer, initially just like you - i'm worried abt jerald's size/weight/height. but now i just take it ez. his weight at that time was abt 5-6kg, now at 10mths he only 8kg++++ not even 9kg!!

such nos wont strike one!! i bought his birth time 0757. also didnt strike.

pvl, ur sarah's such a sweet lady!! well, i may not hv reach that state yet. and NOT BEING THE MAIN CARETAKER, it's really difficult to discipline him. whenever i try to teach/reason with him, my dad esp will side him...making it v.difficult for me to knock sense into my son.
PVL, you left Sarah crying alone if you feel that she's throwing tantrums? I feel that I've difficulty disciplining Vane cos my hubby not co-operative. He very soft-heartened and cant stand Vane crying for too long. Your Sarah is very guai, dun call her monster lah.

Ruffy, thanks for your link to JWT. Have u try out JWT? Thot of going for free trial classes before I decide on one weekend class for Vane.

lyn, where do u stay at Bintan? I went to Nirvana before, quite like the place but find the food ex. We very late sleeper one. If Vane has her nap at 7pm then she only sleep at 12-1am. She only wakes up earliest 10am. Thanks for searching the gym ball for me.
hahaha.... the way Jerald crawl is so cute.

deer, you drinking the fm? How abt your bm? I ever tasted my bm and it's sweet leh.

QSG, you want to join crawlers rite? I maybe joining walkers instead leh. Can I give you ans tom?

Shook, did Chen feel comfy in the walker's class at Gymboree? I'm considering if I shd go for crawler or walker class.
giggler, i stayed at angsana (the one soya went for the past few days). we took a spa package (1-bedroom suite+spa) for abt 500++ for 2 pax. really nice plc to relax. but there's only one rest in-hse. that's why we venture next door to banyan tree n found that italian rest.
u said his "crawling" style cute!!! i call that heng xing ba dao!!
giggler, btw, is that the gym ball u looking for?? i'm trying to search for those "branded" sch flash cards/activities worksheets...etc but cant find. not sure if the item has already bn sold.
I'm like lyn, initially very worried abt Kieran's wt. He was born 2.53 kg. Now at 7 mths plus, he's 7.4kg. He doubled his birth wt within 3 mths, after dat his wt sort of increasing very slowly. But to me, it's still a gain, except dat recently there was a slight drop. Anyway, PD always says as long as bb is active, can sleep, can play, can eat, then all is well. YH not bad liao leh, at 5.5 mths oredi reach 7 kg. I tink dats pretty gd liao
Kieran is much betta liao. Still coughing occasionally. I guess it'll take a while b4 he totally recovers.

Tell me how's the one in Loyang hor? Cos Kieran's nanny oso told me there's one there, but i nvr hear anyone mention dat place b4 so didn't bother to go raki the place.

Ian is very handsome leh
o yes cs in bkk is gd. i always hv excellent experience wif JL cs in Singapore
Juz now my mum juz told me she juz realised the school dat is like gymboree (i guess is tumblr tots dat u refereed to) close liao

Me oso 2nd wedding anniversary tis yr. yours in May? U really enjoy life leh, go all the way to Bintan for wedding anniversary meal. Bringing Jerald or not?
Jerald's birth wt ez to remember indeed

Can Vane cruise well?
I sent Chen Chen to gymwalker coz he is cruising steadily. He even love to let go 2 hands when standing of coz not steady lar. He enjoyed playing there

The rashes Chen Chen had started fm head then dwn to toes. Oso recovered in dat manner. When he wz sick, he woke up almost every 2 hrly. I co-sleep wif him so I wz the 1 attended to him
Dun worry when Sarah recovers fully she will b back to her sleeping routine
Sarah will take hard food when she has more teeth. Wif 2 teeth, she won't bite when latch on

Is Dana a confident cruiser?
Daddy allowed in gymboree

different bb develop/grow differently. Dun worry too much as long bb still gain wt, happy n lively
I intend to bf chen chen till he wanna wean off or when I m pregnant agn which I think I won't b able to bf wif the terrible ms

the school @ loyang close shop already
Haven't tried out the gym yet.. want to go together?

the shopping basket not heavy for him lah..his very strong.. He can even lift up an unopened can of coke using the pincer grasp.
Whao..2nd wed aniversary..for me 4th one already this Jun..run out of ideas where to go to eat in SG..

Sarah has rashes? Heard that it will go away after awhile.. maybe can apply some calamine lotion so it is not so itchy for her.
Morning mummies,
Shook... candlelight dinner.. yeah..maybe at 10pm..how to have dinner at home leh.. with this monkey run here and there.. anyway still 1 mth away..
I hv tried my bm b4 for 1 week! I was sick after coming back to work, having a bad cough and taking medicine. I was not sure whether the WOODS cough syrup will go into my bm, so i expressed and drink myself. My friend also said bm is sweet, but i didnt find it sweet leh .... maybe it's becoz i always hold my breath while drinking it, coz find it a bit weird to drink my own milk, so didnt really taste it.

Skyblue, Lyn, Shook, PVL,
Thanks for consoling me abt YH's weight, will tell my mum abt it, so tt she wont be too concerned abt YH's weight also. Seems like those bb who were born small is slow in gaining weight .... actually i was a premature bb myself, i was even smaller than YH when i was born, but my mum managed to feed me until i look like a bulldog when i was 1 mth old, tt's why we dont understand why YH doesnt gain much weight.

Glad to hear tt Kieran is much better now, hope he can recover fully soon.

How's Sarah today? Has all the rashes gone? hope Sarah and u had a good sleep last nite.

think u mention b4 ur menses hvnt come back yet? If u breastfeed until ur 2nd pregnancy, how r u going to estimate when is ur ovulation time if ur menses not back yet? I was thinking abt this qn over the wkend, coz i discuss with hubby i intend to start trying for no.2 when YH turns 1 yr old. But if i continue to breastfeed until then, it will not be easy to target for the right timing, unless i use ovulation kit.

U r going Bintan to for ur wedding anniversary? U and hubby very romantic hor ... shld bring Jerald along lah, he so poor thing, always being left out fr ur romantic trip ;P

Ur Ryan is really a muscle boy. So problem for him to carry mummy's shopping bags lah ;) run our of idea for wedding anniversary? Then go oversea lah, by the time it comes to 50th anniversary both of u would hv toured around the world ;)
ruffy, u run out of ideas on where to go every year? Can u imagine? We celebrate every month! :p Yesterday, we went to KFC (to eat KFC salad), Ikea (to eat swiss balls) and then Hageen Dazs for ice-cream. Not romantic, but it's the going out and spending time with each other that counts. Ethan went along with maid too. we were celebrating 93mths get-together day and 33mths wedding day. So boliao, yeah, but fun!

ruffy, ryan look like big boy... so cute carrying the basket.

jul, I love the young parents cover shot of Ian... so cute and handsome!

PV, hope Sarah gets well soon... poor thing...
skyblue, agree with you!! yes, i was damned worried when the nurse annouced Jerald's weight!! I WAS SHOCKED!! all the while, gynae was telling me, bb healthy all ok...blah blah blah!!! and towards the end of preg i was like an oversize penguin, swaying side to side as i walk...i was expecting at at least 3kg boy!! but now it all doesnt matter, no doubt he's got a minor heart condition - but he's forever as bz as a bee - bz playing!!

shook, was telling hubby abt the idea of going bintan just for a romantic maken. he was very keen but complaint, 2d1n too short?!?! i wish i could stay longer but me not much leave left for the year.
celebrating 2nd yr of wedding, 3rd of rom, and 4th of dating all on 30th May, 1 yr 1 event

ruffy, if u r a chocolate "xiao" like me, can go for chocolate buffet at fullerton at only 28+++ per head!! while, that's my alt plans if we cant make it to bintan. or you can hv a romantic spa + dinner at the rasa sentosa or the ex-beaufort.

dun think i want a dinner @ home as shook reco, me gotta still do mkting, cook, wash....i dun wan anywhere near kitchen that day!!

deer, as long as bb healthy ok liao, dun stress over it. our bm is sweet! i dare to taste my own bm but not fm - nvr a milk person except soyamilk.
not so sure of going bintan yet since we just came back frm nz, but "planning" only.

emily, not boh liao, but i find it romantic!! esp with those hectic lifestyle, back frm office, bath, maken , sleep pattern/cycle really xian! can take this opp to go out once a mth to go somewhere nice to maken

Emily, saw you and ethan in the Todays Parents Mag.

Shook, think Dana can probably be considered a confident cruiser, she has been crusing since about 7 months and just last nite hb said she tried to let go of both hands to stand unsupported.

Giggler,have you decided?Need to book by today if we are going this sat.
Crawler Sat 2.50pm 3.40pm Sun 12.10pm
Walker Sat 4.30pm Sun 11.20am

Deer, dun think the difficulty to feed Dana milk lies with the teats as she has been using Avent teats since newborn days and was okay for initial 2 months.
