(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

5vcds in total... hv u bgt the baby can read vcd?

mummies... today v busy... cant come in much to tok... will try to do so after lunch... bz clearing work and attending to urgent stuff b4 i go on leave.

Okay..not that packed leh.. he likes having different things to do and friends to play with.

Travelling around in HK different from SG ..coz there no car + can't use pram.. must carry him + his bag + my bag while hustling through the crowd. so thinking twice abt it..also can't shop for long stretches.

so when is your next holiday?
So nice seeing bb hor. Reminds me of those days
I guess the sweaty palm n feet is a way of removing heat fm body
BB puts on wt even slower when he/she grows older
Chen Chen 8+ kg on 10th mth

Not running up the stairs la, climb up the stairs like tortise. I still gotta carry my pump n the cooler box, bor luk to run
When I wz young, I dun eat chilli. My dad said muz know how to eat chilli then can enjoy food in Singapore. So I learn until he said I kiah si lan. Since I got pregnant till now, din take much chilli bcoz of Chen Chen.
your parents fm Thailand?

Priviledged, skyblue
Chen Chen belongs to 25 percentile

Did u sponge Sarah? Personally find sponging is more effective
Think she needs more water n comfort. So wanna nurse more often. Chen Chen nurse @ 2 hrs interval when he had high fever. He drank milk only, rejected solid food

OK I bring enfra on 28th May. Pls remind me closer the date can
How many days leave u hv a yr?

It's heartbreaking to refuse to nurse bb when both r willing to nurse
I fed Chen Chen water wif syringe too when he had high fever. Dat wz by force. He hates it n screamed. Neither do I like to do it. But no choice
Guess u won't come into the forum when u start work. So sad.... gonna miss u

Ryan loves swimming huh
U hv packed timetable for him

I din buy bb can read vcd. Pringles passed me vol 1. Chen Chen not interested. Pringles said Alicia not interested initially. She showed her everyday for 1+ wk. So I asked my SIL to show Chen Chen during wk day but dunno she plays for him everyday or not. will show him myself tis wk n to c if he likes. Did u get bb can learn vcd for Edi?

Happy BDAE!!! Hubby in AIG (American Int'l Group)...AHA different ppl I think..not sure..

Laksa recommenders!!

Thanks so much for the recommendation...so "gian" to eat!!!Went Holland V last nite to buy cat food and intending to have a bowl...ended up not... cos felt nauseous. By the time came home...crave again...ma fan!!!


I drool never mind, as long got more appetite to eat!!! heh heh...It's also more healthy to compared to what I've been having for lunch!!!

Ryan is such a darling...Matt can't zz well in our bed... he'll sit up and collapse face into pillo then sit up and then turn around and collapse again face into pillow!!! He does this a few times till we are tired even if he's not!!

When we put him back in his playpen he knocks out straight away after collapsing into his pillow.

Maybe it's the smell of his "sook sook" pillow??


Ha Ha!! I didn't realise...I was gonna ask you to let Matt celebrate Bdae too!!
We've decided to have a mini tea party on Sat...cater I suppose..
I doubt u can claim for petrol, after all, u need to pump petrol also whether it's ur own car or the rented car. but cab is diff, coz u cant drive ur car, so hv to take cab. Anyway, no harm trying ;)

Guess u r right, maybe YH's body try to remove extra heat, tt's why sweat so much. He is always sweating, fr top to toe. Is ur Chen Chen very tall? Fr those photos u posted, he seems to hv a long body, next time is a tall and handsome guy ;)

Next time even if u dont feel like eating when u reach the stall, just da bao back lah. It happened once to me during my pregnancy, there is this very famous fried kweo tio at Lavender street. I craved very badly for it one Sat afternoon, so hubby and i walked for 15-20 mins to tt stall. But when i reached there, i no longer feel like eating anymore. Lucky hubby got foresight, he da bao back for both of us. When i reached home, my appetite came back again.

Poor Ian, it must be very heartbreaking for u to listen to his cry
U dont intend to breastfeed anymore? R u the one working in NUH? Which dept r u working at?
no... i didnt buy the bb can read vcds. decided to try out tis bee smart baby series. oh... edi likes the vcds. he can sit still and focus his eyes on it for quite a while.
here's the url:

happy bdae!
wow... u going to maldives? hehe...
jul, poor ian. Weaning by cold turkey must be so tough. I have no thoughts of weaning yet. I really don't know how it will be ;). I think Sarah & I are enjoying breastfeeding too much.

shook, yup. We sponged Sarah 2x during the night and I showered her this morning. Her fever was OK earlier. Now I think she may have a slight temp. She also has trouble with food. She missed breakfast, but then was crying from hunger just now. But when I gave her food, after hungrily eating quite a bit, she suddenly threw up all. *sigh* So I slowly got her to finish the rest and made a bit more chor bee porridge with breastmilk for her, which she took. She will take water from the sippy cup or from the syringe/dropper while I'm feeding her medicine, so she's quite well hydrated. She also nurses lots when she's sick.
anyway, jus wanna share smethg wif all of u...

dat day i attended a parenting talk at my office. the speaker was saying dat we dun let strangers tok to our kids and dat we dun let strangers come into our house... ironically, we let strangers come into our house thru the TV. she says it is reali not a good influence to our kids.

i find wat she says is so true. but well, i guess all of us hv to do control...
Sarah is still sick? It must be quite hard on u. r u taking care of Sarah urself, SAHM?

dont quite get what u mean, does it mean tt we shldnt let bb watch TV? My mum put YH in the living rm on a matress, and the matress is quite near the TV. Sometimes YH will look up and 'watch' the TV, so it's no good?

Where do u work? how come ur workplace got parenting talk?
i think not lah.. in tis day and time, difficult to dun let kids watch tv... jus dat we got to be careful in wat they watch and shldnt watch too much.

Thanks!! Yah must follow your advice!! Hubby thought since it's coconut based..not good to tar pow..
. Hmmm Char kuay teow??? not nice if got no cockles!!
I wonder is it safe to ask them cook to very cooked??

Maybe next time..heh heh.
ruffy, but at his age, i think he got lesser things to pack, unlike jerald...extra set of clothing,milk powder,bottles...etc. NO PRAM OR CAR how abt ur mil's plc?? in that case, think twice tagging him alone. otherwise, both of u cant venture far except hotel area.
no plans for next holiday yet...b'cos already used free flight for this yr, so either stay foot or just a short trip nearby.

shook, tot u can marathon up 12 floors!!! what chen got to do with chili?? afraid that the heatiness will pass on to him over bfg???
my parents are 100% s'porean. relatives in thailand is due to migration frm china to s'pore during my g.parents time. my g.pa came to s'pore while his bro (g.uncle) stopped at Siam. that's why we often run 2side since young.

nat, not ma fan lah but come back empty handed. a bit sai yang leh, waste trip.
STRICTLY NO TO COCKLES!! ta han a bit for sake of NO2.

deer, canot claim petrol ah?? aiya nvr mind. no prawns, shrimp will do.

tv issue again?? no to some but yes to me. BUT SELECTIVE PROGS ONLY. NO NO TO CH8/U DRAMAS. current affairs/documentaries/news/ weatherforecast and stocks are jerald's fave!!
I dont eat char kuay teow with cockles, coz i didnt go for Hep B jabs, too lazy, coz hv to do it a few times within a time frame. I didnt hv chickenpox jab either. hubby had urged me to go for the jabs a few yrs liao, even b4 pregnancy, but too lazy to do it.

My advice is dont eat cockles at this stage, even if u asked them to cook until very cooked, ur definition of very cooked and theirs is very different. I like to eat pork porridge during my early pregnancy, hubby will buy it fr market every Sunday morn, but the pork always looked half cooked to me. So i asked hubby to tell them the pork must be well cooked. but it still come back looking half-cooked. This hawker sometimes will say 'yah, yah, yah' but they still do it their own way. So better dont eat.

Mummies, do u think i shld go for those jabs b4 my next pregnancy? Heard tt HepB jabs will not be effective anymore after a few yrs, is it true?
we won't stay in hotel or MIL place..coz 1st MIL always say if there is other place to stay dun stay at her house..hahaah..she dreds having to clean up the house for guest..anway have 2 places to stay... My aunt's place at Repulse bay ..2nd is Ryan's godfather's apartment at Causeway bay. Abt Car can borrow to drive around but not advisable as parking/traffic is really killing.. borrow driver..possible if I stay with my aunt..but her place not as convenient as the one at Causeway bay.. Ryan has been to Hk twice already.. also need to pack clothes/diapers/milk powder leh.. abt the same lah. until they are toilet trained then dun need so many things. so most probably will stay at causeway bay.. shopping etc just downstairs.

Today met up with hubby for lunch..had spagetti..and yoghurt for dessert.. Next week my aim is to make ROSti..see whether can or not hor..if can will post a pic for NAT to see..hahaah

didn't take HepB Jab also..never really got around to take it..they say if take it must be at least 6mth before you get pregnant again.. anway.. will wait for the doctor and other medical mums to comment on this first.
U very bad leh, u tempt Nat like tt, next time u preggie again, i will do the same to u ;P
But i dont know how to cook, most prob the thing i cook wont look appetitzing.

Ur aunt stayed in Repulse bay, Wow! Nice view. Few years back, i went to HK, i took bus 10 fr Central to Repulse Bay, the view is really nice. But dont quite like HK leh, pple r a bit rude, esp they knock onto u like nobody's business when walking on their narrow pathway
I also not very good cook lah..hubby the cook at home.
Aunt still stays in repulse bay.. all bedroom facing the sea type.. seashore abt 10min walk from house..later on this year she is moving to the peak..so different view. HK people not that friendly..agree..but their customer service much better than here in sg
lyn, if your carseat is damaged, even slightly, you should not use it. Sorry to say.... that's the advice of the car seat manufacturers. In fact, they even advise you to replace the car seat as long as it is involved in an accident!!

deer, yes, I am a SAHM. Today housework a bit haywire. Got church meeting here tonight and must clean the living/dining room floors, but don't know if I'll manage. Hopefully I can just drag a magiclean mop through and it will be OK. Now going to cook dinner before the clingy little one wakes up from her nap. Must do ironing too. Backlogged for 3 days liao.
Ur hubby is good cook? U very fortunate! My hubby is like me, dunno how to cook, we hv to either da bao or eat out during wkend. My mum and MIL r good cook, i always look forward to dinner during wkday, or look forward to go to PIL hse for dinner

Ur aunt seems to be very rich leh, moving to Peak somemore! Got chauffer or not? If got chauffer, can borrow the chauffer to go shopping? U can bring Ryan along also.

Wow, u r going to hv a bz day! I hope Sarah is much better now. Didnt know tt SAHM can be so busy also. Always thought tt SAHM only need to take care of bb, i hv forgotten abt the hsehold chore part :p Hopefully u can get everything done. Hope u have a good rest over the long wkend, with ur hubby around helping.
Fr what PVL said, think u better get a new car seat. Just claim fr the insurance lah, u still hv ur car seat receipt? Better be on the safe side.

2 months back John Little having sales, MIL bought YH's car seat at JL for i think $99 only. So just claim fr the insurance and buy a new one.
val, deer answered you on cockles! even if u got ur Hep jab - shellfish are best avoided in case contamination during preg!!

ruffy, really peifu you!! must look after ryan still got time do whip up nice dishes for hubby!! i v.lazy to cook if i look after jerald - will normally command him to go downstairs ta bao if not all will b'come fairies - DUN ND TO EAT!

Causeway Bay is good - with shopping and happenings. But repulse bay better as got beach n mountain. kao shan mian hai! excuse me, ur aunty must be quite rich to be staying at that area??
how come ur mil so funny?? other mil (like mine) c grandson only like c god of fortune - yet ur mil ask you to stay elsewhere?? if my mil prefer me not to stay with you it's better than striking 100million toto!!

deer, agreed, cs in HK is WAY WAY MUCH BETTER than s'pore. the moment u step in, "welcome, pls browse at leisure" when u step out (even without purchase "pls come again next time"!

pvl, so even a small crack at the base, all screws/nuts are intact - the whole car seat must go to garang guni?? v.wasted!! LUCKY THING I GOT RECEIPT CAN CLAIM!! can go buy new one liao!!
deer, that car seat of mine, went to kaki bukit to get it!! that time jerald still quite young abt 2/3mths old, he got cranky during the shopping trip n i was forced to go back to car to nurse him. before i could go back hubby already made purchase!! $115+++ for a car seat!!! really wanted to mince him up!!!
if can claim - best, claim $100 go buy car seat for $99 or even 2nd hand ones at auction!!
Ruffy, Lyn,
U mean customer service is really so good in HK? I went there in 1997, i dont think anyone has greeted me when i stepped in and out of the shops. Or they have changed recently?? My friend who went together with me kena cheated when we shopped at Stanley market. She was so unhappy tt she called the shop and scolded tt man, she demanded a refund of the amt tt was cheated out of her to be sent to her HK friend's addr. And guess what? The shop owner actually did it after many months later. Strange, right? Maybe he conscience bugging him.
Recently i saw some posts selling car seat at this forum under marketplace. Maybe u can do a search and see whether u can find something u like.

Car seat normally cost $100 over, so dont mince ur hubby lah, he so poor thing, always kena minced by u ;P
Just go in n take pics, dun care :p

I went to Serangoon Gardens Branch of Gymboree. It's nearer to my place. I didn't ask if can take pics or not leh...so maybe u act blur. When i attended, there weren't many bbies so all the bbies had both parents wif them
btw, it was a sat too. 12.10 pm class.
When i see Chen chen's pics, i'm reminded of Kieran actually. Maybe cos they both not 'ba ba' kind. :p
Kieran's fever is gone but now comes Mr Cough n Cold

Bring vane n try out gymboree. Anyway it's free mah, no harm trying.

I used to be worried abt Kieran being all bones n not much flesh. But not anymore. He's very active, n growing well n i guess dat's all dat matters. Though his reflux pblm still ard, it's much betta liao n haiz...he still drinks milk onli when he's asleep. At least now if it's his feeding time n he has no signs of zzz, i can give him cereal n not worry dat he'll starve :p
deer, i'm v.satisfied with the cs there!! no trouble. even bkk cant compare! went shopping at united benetton, tell them nicely that i dun want my clothings to be fold - gladly WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGES give me their clothes hangers (those with pegs type for skirt) and slip it into their biggest shopping bag for me!! truely impressed!!

and even the pple there - so far bn there 4x, no bad experience leh (touchwood!!!) really warm n friendly, well except those taxi uncles, rdside shop pple who cant understand my hlf past 6 cantonese.

i duno what makes him buy that carseat when u can get the same one at a fraction of the price!! so u said mince him or not!!! luck thing he dun incharge of our marketing at home - otherwise like that how to save $$

skyblue, how are the both of you today?? remember to keep kieran hydrated!
So u finally decided on the date to celebrate Matt's birhtday.
Coconut ok if your tummy can tar han. Think KK scared of wind fm coconut may upset your tummy
Shell food better avoid

U r v sharp. Chen Chen has a long body but he is short.

Poor Sarah. Is she active n plays as normal?

There r so many vcd in the link. Which 1 u bot?

Yes I used to walk up 14 levels to my office but w/o all the barang barang lar.
Chen Chen in tummy my mum n hubby dun allow me to take too much chilli. Now bf Chen Chen, they dun allow me to take too much chilli oso
U sure select gd TV programme for Jerald

The gymboree class I gonna attend has 11 bb. Dunno hubby can go in or not
Wish Kieran gets well v v soon

Deer, Lyn, Ruffy
I had v LOUSY experience wif CS in HK. Quarrelled wif the seller wif my broken cantonese. Man my impression is lady stuck up, man ham siap n the sellers hv take it or leave it attitude
did u bring Kieran to see doc for his cough and cold? I hope he will recover soon.
Kieran doesnt really look skinny leh, actually as long as he is growing well, dun worry too much. YH also got reflux problem, even till now he still throw out once in a while. Last nite after i breastfeed him, he did a merlion
I m very heartpain of my milk, i m going to stop production soon, he still waste it like that

Why u dont want to fold ur cloth? Isnt it very inconventient to shop around with a big and draggy plastic bag? U shld try in S'pore united benetton, see whether they will give u the hangers or not ;)

I m a cantonese, i speak cantonese in HK, but didnt receive any special priviledges leh, even kena black face by a shopkeeper when i use big notes to buy tibits which doesnt cost much. But the big note is the only cash i have, what to do?
jul, dun worry too much. Ian may learn to drink water from bottle once you start work?

Ruffy, really envy you that you can manage Ryan's schedule so well and take care of hubby at the same time.
How come cant use pram in HK?

lyn, wow your description of BKK really bad leh. Actually I thot of bringing Vane to Thai to attend a fren's wedding next mth. What study materials are they selling at Yahoo auction?

soyabean, enjoy yourself at Bintan!!! How much did you pay for the Bumble Bees VCDs?

shook, I got 25days a yr but I still got bal from last yr so seems like a lot. Heehee. I got the baby can read vcds too but no chance to show Vane yet. Cos haven got time to teach my mom how to operate the machine.

PVL, so you're going to let Sarah wean off herself like shook? I'm going to wean Vane off once she reached 1yr old. I stopped pumping in office liao. Now, I only bf her in morning and night.

deer, I try not to let Vane watch TV with my parents esp my dad. Cos my dad likes to watch program like wrestling and I find it bad influence on her. I didnt take HepB jabs too, scared of pain leh.

skyblue, I'll wait to hear comments from the mummies who are going tom abt Gymboree first.
shook, the free trial that you all going tom is for play or music? Can we choose either play or music for the free trial? Wow, you very strong leh, can climb 14 floors!!!

lyn, why dun you fold your clothes? So troublesome to carry such a big bag.

deer, you going to stop bfg soon?
The way u describe HK lady and man is very funny, hahah ...

U must have very good stamina to walk 14 storey up! I got poor stamina, my office is on top on a hill, to walk fr the Kent Ridge terminal to my office has to climb staircase and walk on gentle but long slopes, i always pent and feel out of breath by the time i reach office. Same thing with walking to the canteen, got to climb a few staircases. Even after working more than 5 yrs here, i still didnt manage to build up my stamina
My milk supply is getting lesser as time goes by. When i first started work, i have to breastfeed YH half an hr on each breast, total 1 hr, to clear both breasts b4 i go to work. Nowaday, i only need 40 mins (20 mins each breasts), i can even sleep for another 20 mins b4 i wake up again to go to work. i really wonder whether my milk supply can last until YH 6 mths old, which is in another 20 days!
If it can last, then i will just bf him until i got no more milk.
Same here, i keep coming in here whole day. I m on holiday mood already, even though i m not going anywhere ;) U going to Bintan this weekend? Enjoy ur trip!
shook, u walk up to ur office!!! do u sweat like leaking tap thereafter with melting make up??? can imagine myself in working pants n blouse walking up my office bldg. (esp in those quiet staircase - with my heels click clock click clock....v.errie) just remember to dry urself before entering aircon room.
i take chili like nobody biz during preg!!! must hv curry & laksa every now and then!!!
now no time to "chase" those hk/local drama no time even to on tv!! my mum not the tv addict type, my dad hate dramas (but love action movies) so now with jerald, my mum often keep him entertain with elmo's vcd or kids centrals (notty, hi-5, sesame st, NO HE MAN OR POWER RANGER...NO ACTION CARTOONS), then at noon switch to ch8 1pm news and in the evening, we mostly on ch5 or cna. only occassionly variety show on the chinese channels.
the seller u met, issit a rd side store or a decent shop?? normally those older folks will mistaken us for China pple, which they dun like.

deer, dream on taking hangers frm local shop!! they charge for ur shoplifting!! me 100% teochew. my cantonese is limited to bargaining skill only.

giggler/deer i dun fold my new clothings there as HK is no plc to relax - more like shopping heaven!! so go there with one empty case, buy buy buy till back with 2 full case. so i wear my puchases there! how to wear if all with fold lines...etc not all hotel provide iron & ironing board. and i duno how to ask for it unless i'm sure the front office gals can speak gd english.

giggler, dun go bkk now - hotter than s'pore. personally wont want to bring jerald there till he's much older like rae rae's age at least he can express how he feel abt the plc. rite now, hot, dirty, dusty, smokey...vane's only way to express herself is to cry - so going to be hard on you. and during sch days when i stay over for a few weeks, i used those clean bottle water to brush teeth/bath - gana scolded by my aunts!!! those clean bottle water meant for drinking only - but you nvr know the quality of water that flows out of the tap!! so if bring vane over, how much bottled water are you going to use to wash her milk bottles??
of course now i dun do that anymore, bn there several time till i got used to it liao, even rdside eateries with "natural salt & pepper" also immune liao

aiya u mummies so good, on long wkend, 2morow me still got to report work, super duper xian!!

soya, enjoy ur trip, when u r back, pls tell me if the italian rest still there! tks.
25 days a yr. Wow :)~~~~~~~~~
How many vol of bb can learn vcd did u buy?
U gonna wean Vane off totally when she is 1 yr old?
We r going for trial gym play tml

Giggler, Deer
Walk up 14 levels in the past now only 7 levels up my mum's hse. How I wish I got time to walk more. @ 1 time, I even walk up 7 levels 3 times. I can't jog so walk lor

True, I go order food, they dun even allow me a min to think wat I want; I buy clothing they say cannot try unless I pay for the clothing (pd liao try for wat); then tis chi ko man pretend to say a top suit me v well n touched my breasts. But all the HK colleagues I work/worked wif r nice ppl
As bb grows older, they r more efficient in sucking milk. BB suckle faster doesn't mean your milk ss low. Milk ss depends on dd. Dun give up

Ya I sweat like leaking tap. My tops wet, no choice juz dry as much as I can, the rest dry under air con
I patronise both rd side n decent shops. No a few thot I m ji pun (jap)
Last wk I went JL to buy clothing for Chen Chen, the sales gal gave me all clothes hanger used to hang the clothings I bot

Enjoy your trip n come back wif no2
HI all,

HUbby took a day off yest, we drove to another town for shopping, 2 hours away. But din buy much. I am so tired today.Some pics...

din manage to cum in sb for days, busy sahm. how do i contact u if i m interested to brg ashrel for the music class at Girl's place? can u email me the details at [email protected] cos the thread is moving like rocket, i cant catch up. tks

me oso intend to send ashrel to childcare at 18mths, still looking ard..

tks for info on toys r rus sales, v near my hse, gd gd, 2mrow i go c c.

i tink crawler class is more suitable for randall now. ashrel wen for the trial class at tanglin mall gymboree. both mummy n daddy can b w him n photos taking is allowed.
wen is 'free tx' for crawl n climb, he okie. but wen sit down sing n do actions, he cried (jus like kindermusik).

me bkdated. here's a foto i took at kindermusik. keke...ashrel the mini giant (2nd youngest bb, randall the youngest).

ashrel cruising ard at hm, he 'loves' my hello kitty drawer. keke...me n hubby tat tx carried the hk drawers (6 layers) all the way bk fr bangkok..
hi mummies,
Just back home from Dinner & playtime at Granny's house.
Hk.. My cantonese..can pass lah..learn for 8 yrs already from HK hubby.
.. Big notes lots of counterfit around so not many shopkeepers accept.. I always ask for small notes at the money changers. Even at Stanley you must know which shop to shop at..

Aunt does have a chauffeur but it is her hubby's co chauffer for hubby & family..so it also depends on their schedule..but most prob won't be staying with her coz she will be busy packing the house to shift to new place at the peak.. renting another apartment there as their lease it up..Her hubby is expat there.

<font color="0000ff">Giggler</font>
HK can't use pram coz most places all have staircases..and streets are too crowded to use the pram. Another thing is that Ryan cannot sit in it for long so quite difficult to carry him &amp; the pram around.
Kieran sniffling away when i brot him home from nanny's pl... Cough seems abit betta but like got alot of phlegm leh...haiz, looks like i can forget abt gg out tis long weekend. Told hubby dat he'll have to take care of both young n old during tis holiday :p Me not any betta too. Cough still lurking ard n blocked nose too.

Thks...wif ur blessings, Kieran will recover soon
Enjoy the Gymboree tomolo.

I very KS mummy. Slight thing onli i cheong to PD liao. Tis is the 3rd time in 1 wk i bring him to PD...haiz...in a streak of bad luck leh... How old is YH? Kieran is now 7mths plus, he oso still puking at times. Used to it liao. I'm not worried abt him being skinny, cos he's very active
shook, ur trip to HK doesnt seems to good leh!! but u r lucky that the girls at JL gave u those hangers!! i normally purhase jerald's "sml size" hanger at those $2 shop. Tot gutsy, but dare not ask frm them, others gana label as "true s'porean" n embrassed myself if they said "these are store properties, not for sale"

mon2nat, actually nat looks like both of you!! no extreme of either parants!!

sanrio, ashrel big boy now!! cant imagine he's one of the youngest here!! bet u need to check in the 6layers drawers!! at any extra costs?? ur hubby so nice, carry all the way back for you!!! mine - probably think either i'm crazy or just making things difficult for him.

ruffy, if u got the stamia, y dun u kangaroo him in a carrier??

skyblue, does ur PD charges the same as ur GP?? otherwise y dun you seek a second opinion??
shook, Sarah's fever is still up and down, but less up than down yesterday and today. She's still quite fussy. I don't know whether to discipline her or not for throwing tantrums. This is only the 2nd time she's been sick so I'm not sure what to expect when she's ill. She's still pretty active, maybe a little less than usual. She would crawl around and then occasionally put her head down to rest on the floor (!!!) I guess she's tired. But she ate breakfast well this morning, and threw a big tantrum when I smacked her hand for pulling off her own diapers.

Giggler, yeah, I'll probably just let Sarah wean naturally once she's 1. Maybe I'll slowly introduce milk to her. Slowly..
giggler, c the gym balls in sanrio/ashley pixs taken at kindermusik, those were found in yahoo auction. other items on sales r uniforms, textbooks, flashcards, activites worksheets/material, gameset...just to name a few.
Seek 2nd opinion wif regard to wat? PD charges r normally higher than GP rite? After all, they're child specialists.
I oso v KS mommy lah. My pedi is 3 min drive from my house. We rush there 4 times in 2 weeks, very bo liao. Got 2 times we went back b4 we saw him, cos realise not that serious!! Haha...

Many pple said Nat looked like Daddy last time. But seems like she is starting to look like me!
Aiyo, Ryan so big size, if Ruffy use carrier, she will faint ah... I use carrier for Nat I already so tired.

Maybe if Sarah is ill, should sayang her more and give in to her, until she recovers. I felt so sad when Nat had stomach flu. She was so weak, and poor thing. I'd rather she be naughty.
Any advice on how to discipline her from biting and licking EVERYTHING?? I smack oso no use.

Wah, can see why your nick is sanrio, cos you love hello kitty stuff yah! Oh, who is Girl?

Nathalie 5june04
skyblue, sometimes the med PD gave may not "provide suitable" to bb, change a doc, they gave u a different brand of med, who knows within 1/2 bottle, the symptoms may be cured.
of course not that PD no good, you may want to see another PD if symptoms persist.

mon2nat, me also cant use carrier on jerald anymore there's this tight feeling on my chest that makes me hard to breath!!!
cannot carry him in carrier.
1. he is abt 11kg.. too heavy
2. he doesn't want to be restrained.

Mom 2nat,
GIRL is my friend..from NEw Mom's thread.. mum to a 1yr old girl and expecting her No#2 end of thie year. We normally use her plc for music lesson as there is a music room there next to the swimming pool.

<font color="0000ff">Gymboree Trial</font>
Shook, Emily etc,
Nice seeing you at Gymboree this PM.. my boy maybe really too old for that particular class..just wanted to see what equipment/ program that they have..seems quite nice..but shdn't be a problem for me to replicate at home for him...anyway he was only interested in the slide and the balls..didn't find the song and movement session interesting..sneak away a few times to climb up the slide himself. Since he only likes the slide..might as well just bring him to any of the 5 playgrounds downstairs.. all have 3-5 slides of different heights each..
Oops, guess i nvr say clearly. Actually when i mentioned i went to the PD 3 times in 1 wk, it's cos of diff symptoms developing. Not for the same pblm :p Kieran started wif a hoarse voice, 3 days later kena fever, fever recovered liao but down wif cough n cold. Haiz... U know of any gd PD ard Punggol/Pasir Ris/Tampines/Sengkang area? The one Kieran is seeing now is in Sengkang.
Thanks Shook and other mummies for your well wishes for my birthday. The musical was good but as i was too tired, i dozed off 3 time during the 2nd half of it. The little girl in the play was so cute. Had dinner at esplanade and had wanted to go tea room (some mummies were talking about this place sometime back) for desserts but not enough time
walked past the place though and the furnishings are classy and very england.

Brought Dana for her 9th month assessment in the morning and was told she has dropped from 50%tile to 25%tile. PD said she not gaining enough weight and said she is drinking too little milk. Must drink at least 700+ but she drinks only about 500 each day. Said if her weight din improve when she is 1 year old will have to put her on some vitamins thingee to improve her appetite. Any of you enounter this? Quite worried now as since yesterday her appetite has worsened. Usually must take about 1.5 hours to finish 150ml now force her to drink 80 ml also difficult
PD also warned me that as she is already not gaining enough weight and when i wean her off breastmilk in about 1 week's time may make it worse as she may reject FM. Quite worried.

Mummies with bb whose head perspire alot easily even with fan/aircon on. Does your Mum or MIL make any comments? Pd said normal but my mum kept saying that if the perspiration tasted bland instead of abit salty means not good and must go see chinese physician.

Viv, you went maldvies twice or stayed in 2 different resorts for that trip? Four seasons must be ultra ex to provide that kind of services you described.

Soyabean, i wish i could go maldives again but can't afford at this point in time. Too ex. I am on leave on my birthday lah not going overseas.

Lyn, our F&amp;E package at maldives included meals at the resort, never expect food provided but not drinks, strange. And we can't survive without water so end up spending a bomb on water alone.

Mummies who went gymboree for trial, how is it?

has dana been drinkg tis amt all these while? cos if she is, i prob might not be so worried yet. but if she used to drink more than 500 and nw drop to 500 then wld be a concern. how much solids is she tkg nw? cos if she is drinking less but tkg a sufficient amt of solids, shldnt be a prob. and u planning to stop bfg already?

haha... come back wif no.2? more like i'm hoping my auntie dun go to bintan wif me.

so long hvnt seen u here... wow... shopping... sounds like fun! aiyoh... wat happen? how come run to PD 3 times for the past 2 week?

ash looks so grown up nw. hv u brgt him for his 9 mth assessment? wat r his stats nw? hehe

hope sarah gets well soon... i hear her so sick i oso heartache for u.

tiring... hubby has gone for wedding dinner... and nw i'm alone at home wif edi... he has slept abt 830pm... so immed went to mop floor and then had cold shower... feel so shiok but nw feel tired... eyes like going to close.
