(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

thanks for sharing! will ask my hubby interested to go on sunday or not... since monday is a public holiday... yippee!!!

hi skyblue...
how's ur little one getting on?

aiyah... wld miss the SSO performance. hubby has to attend wedding dinner dat nite.

no wonder lah... but dats still nt rite... haha...
Is the child care ctr at ur workplace run by Learning Vision? I think Learning Vision runs most of the stat board child care ctr. My workplace child care ctr only cost $420, and with subsidy fr govt, only need to pay $270. but not too sure whether is it good.

I think i will need to send YH to child care ctr also, i dont think my mum will be able to cope with 2 when my sis give birth.
jo, you started looking out childcare for ZL? What sch have u short-listed? I also concerned abt the programs and activities that they have for the kids. The charges for both Etonhouse and Kinderland are very ex leh. What do u think of Learning Vision? My col kept encouraging me to put my gal in Kinderland leh. Are u serious that we got to pay extra for their enrichment class? You've been to Japan before? What's nice there?

deer, thanks for your info on Similac sample. I maybe enrolling Vane in Learning Vision cos it's near to my ofc.

Berry, I very guai followed all confinement rules cos my mil stayed with us that time.

lyn, I afraid that Vane will have a hard time cos we'll need to wake her up early in the morning to join the tour grp. Also, I dont want to be a burden to others cos of Vane, not fair to them mah. What's the cc near PWC building?

B2B3M4, same here I'm debating where to put Vane too, if cc near my workplace then it'll be Kinderland or Learning Vision. If it's near my mom's place, then it'll be Learning Seeds. The one at Learning Seeds only charge me $370 after subsidy

shook, ya my pram cost abt $200+. I still haven confirm on departure date to Jpn. Still waiting for hubby to decide. I very bu she de but no choice leh. If I dun go now, it's be more difficult after Jun cos my mom wont be free to help liao. I luv sashimi and wasabi!!! It's ok lah.... dun need to bother you/Lee to pass me the Enfa sample.

soyabean, you're rite Vane is easy to take care lor. She's ok with EBM, bm, fm, anything that can be eaten.

Viv, Jpn is bb-friendly? Actually absolut brought Ally to Jpn and no problem with it, I think. But I feel that it may be hard on Vane to wake her up early every morning. Also, we may disturbed others in the same tour grp. My family also objected me to bring Vane along and my mom offered her help too.
skyblue, long time no "talk". How have u and your bb doing?

deer, when is your sis giving birth? I got similar problem as you. My sil going to give birth this jun but my mom wants to try out taking care of both of them. I give her 3-4mths to try out lor cos first 3 mths my sil still on maternity leave so shd be ok. The cc at your workplace is cheap leh.
B it laksa, mee siam, hor fan watever, I muz put chilli. Always go back n ask for more chilli. Sometimes the zhi cha store seller gimme a small bowl of chilli sometimes I go n top up chilli myself. But I dun eat red chilli, like chilli paste n green chilli. Wasabi wa pian, hate the feeling of air coming out fm my nostril n ears
The pair of shoes Chen Chen wore to Kindermusik wz bot fm Kiddy Palace @ Whitesand but dat br closed liao

Wa childcare is v x. More x than n operator's mthly salary

U v expert wif enfra. I only know it is stage 3. Ya for 1 yr n abv
Aiyo, gal gal already know wat is mei mei @ such a young age
How much is the VCD?

If your concern is to let Ashley to learn to socilalize wif ppl, u can send her to play group.

Viv, Jo
Chen Chen only drinks warm drinks since NB. So tis doesn't work on him.
How much water does your bb drink per day?

thx for sharing. R u going to Botanic garden on Sun? wat time the performance n?

How r u? How's your bb?

Will u b meeting any mummy who going to attend gymboree on Sun? If yes, I can c/o the enfra sample
Kieran is now 7 mths plus. Crawling ard everywhere n fiddling wif absolutely everything he can lay his hands on. *faintz* Last wk, he had a hoarse voice (PD said he strained his voice box from shouting), tis wk kena fever.
A pic of him a few wks ago when he attended the gymboree trial class:

yeah... not very right... i m learning to take it easy...

just started, so far only etonhouse and kinderland. i went to learning vision @CCK when i was looking for infant care service... the principal told me that we need to pay optional session like bb massage, bb yoga...etc. so turn up my present infant care fees is cheaper than LV.

i went to only tokyo (before pregnant) with my hubby but tour alone cos he was there for biz trip. shopping there expensive but interesting... maybe my first time in japan lah...
hmm... i donno but infant care gives them alot of water....

maybe tour with bb under 6mths is easier than bb over 6 mths due to preparation of solid food.
giggler, shook,
See my boi's piture a few postings above? Heeheheehe...grown up liao. Me tis wk down wif giddiness, fever, headache n cough...haiz...after delivery, really poor health, dunno y... anyone has suggestions how to improve one's health. Doc ask me to start exercise programme. Siao ah, no time to zzz liao, where got time to exercise?
My sis is going to give birth in Sept. My mum also the same, she wants to take care of both, and very confident tt she can do that. And she doesnt want maid or part-time cleaner. I wonder how is she going to cope???

The child care ctr at my workplace is subsidised by my company and with govt subsidies, it appears to be cheap!

Actually i hv another alternative, but it depends on situation. My 2 SIL also gave birth last yr, their daughters r 2 mths older than YH. So my MIL suggests tt when all 3 r old enuff to go to child care ctr, she will pick up all 3 in the morn to go to child care ctr run by her church, then in the evening she will drive all 3 back. She will also volunteer at the child care ctr so tt she can keep an eye on all 3 of them.

This really sound good. but it depends on whether by then my SIL will have another younger one, if she does, my MIL will be tied down to take care of the younger one. Then i will hv to put YH in my workplace child care ctr.
giggler, i'm not too sure of the name, but the children there wears purple uni.
actually most pple are quite forgiving if you are tagging along ur kid!! of course, pros n cons whether to bring them along. been thru the same situation. understand how you feel.

shook, same feeling as the wasabi! i dun take green chili as i dun like the vinegar smell!! hvnt bn to white sand for mths!! duno what's happening inside. always walk pass in the morning only.

skyblue, u disappear as fast as you appear!! kieran v.handsome!!

jo,shook, giggler the only thing that put me off abt childcare is not bad attitude of staff ...etc. imagine the $$ we put in!! those "branded" ones is asking for almost as much as my wages!!! i rather be like pvl, self teach at home!
my fren went to tokyo. i'm looking forward to the long weekn too! and its super long for me cos i'm on leave tomorrow
mum's busy so I'll be taking care of Jana. Probably b bringing her to raffles city cos they hv some art fest event there in the evening tomorrow.

same here, my mum didn't want me to bring Jana along when I went bkk.

I should be going, was looking around for a big picnic mat so that Jana can hv space to crawl around but still cant find one yet. the performance is from 5pm to 6.30pm. Jana drinks v little water also, abt 100ml only. But we dun give her any sugar drinks, its just plain water, dun wan her to have a sweet tooth like mummy!
hi..gymboree allow u to take photo during trial? i also feel that my health not as gd after delivery, so now i try to remember to take my vitamins n supplements daily. yah ...exercise still the best ...but like u say..where got time, then even if i hv the time, i dun hv the energy to do it. hmm...alot of excuses hor ....
Ur Kieran very handsome
He looks fair, u must hv taken a lot of birdnest during ur pregnancy huh?

I also kena cough, flu and sore throat after i came back to work (becoz my colleague was sick), and the cough took me quite a while to recover. After i recover not long, i kena it again when my sis was sick. So my colleague suggested tt i take vitamin c to boost up my immune system. So i bought the Delrosa rosehip syrup. I find it quite effective. But quite troublesome, hv to mix with water.

I dont think we need extra exercise like jogging or swimming, coz carrying our bb and taking care of them is more than enuff for us to exercise.
lyn n deer,
Wahahahah...hehehe, me very bz wif work n I'm more active in the yr end thread. No time to go into so many threads leh :p Today on mc so got slightly more time
Thks for ur compliments. Deer, i did take quite a fair bit of birdnest during my pregnancy. The rosehip syrup really effeective? My colleague suggest dat i take cod liver oil to improve immune system.

I didn't know cannot leh. Anyway, i dun care cos dat was Kieran's 1st time attending class so i wanted to take pics to keep as memories. :p Wat vitamins n supplements do u take? I always walk past GNC n tink of going in to look look see see but haiz...i lazy to take pills one.
SQ having promotion... Bkk $128, Perth $288, HK $288, Tokyo $598 etc... Male $398 arrgghhhh!! i paid > $1000 for the air-tickets during my honeymoon ...its v v nice, can consider if u haven't been there yet...
haha... cos edi drinking the enfa range... so i know it well lor.. :p the VCD is $12.90 each.

wow... kieran so big liao... and sooo cute...
hehe... he's fiddling cos he is exploring mah...
Shook, I'm not meeting any of the mummies leh. It's ok lah.

skyblue, you went for the Gymboree trial class? Do u and Kieran like it? I also kept falling sick after I give birth. Me just started exercising last mth, hopefully it helps.

jo, you're right I find it quite troublesome and having headache as to what solids to prepare for Vane if I bring her along to Jpn leh. So do u like Tokyo? The LV near my workplace didnt mention abt extra cost leh.

deer, your mil's suggestion is good leh. Wow, there's so many bb in your family.

lyn, you're rite those branded ones are really ex and made me wonder if it's worthwhile to pay so much or not. In the end, you didnt bring Jerald to NZ rite?

Viv, guess our moms are protective of our gals hor? Or maybe they got no confident of us taking care of them? Where exactly is Male? Me no mood to work now cos my heart is already in Jpn liao. Heehee.
male is capital of Maldives. heheheheh...my heart also drifted across to the indian ocean to Maldives liao....difference is that i'm can only daydream ...
Berry will say the fiddling is developmentally appropriate. But then Kieran was fiddling wif the power socket. JUs last sun, he was fiddling wif my VCD player.

yepz, i went to the class at the serangoon gardens branch. Kieran enjoyed it alot. For me, if he enjoys, i enjoy oso :p wat exercise r u doing now? I very pai seh leh cos it's like every mth take MC.
Kieran looks as big as Chen Chen
Poor boi, is his fever dwn already?
I find dat I m weaker too after delivery. I try to exercise like walking up n dwn stairs instead of taking lift n walk v quickly when going home (mainly bcoz I wanna rush home to c Chen Chen)
Did u sign Kieran for the gymboree class? Did the staff there stop u when u took pic for Kieran? U went in wif Kieran alone?

Your mum v garang, pick up 3 tod all by herself n drive them by herself somemore

Oh I love the sour taste of the green chilli. Can eat a lot. U believe it or not once I ate PLAIN RICE wif samba chilli coz the chilli is finger licking gd. But my friend said I eat chilli wif rice not rice wif chilli

Ya child care v x

Can buy ground sheet. Njoy yourself. I c if my hubby wanna go or not.
U like to expose Jana to arts hor.

How many vcd in total?

Or do u want me to bring the enfra on 29 May. Vane 1 yr old by then can take dat enfra
Hi mummies.

The thread is moving so fast as usual!

Happened to be @ Serangoon Gardens Gymboree today and discovered they have a CHEAPER PROMOTION for the birthday bash event! Spoke to Emily and we felt that should let u moms know the difference in rate and u all decide your preferance in location.

- $400 for first 12 bbs
- max of 15 bbs allowed, min 10 bbs

- $320 for first 12 bbs (Promotion frm now till end June)
- max of 13 bbs allowed, min 10 bbs

***NOTE***: For SERANGOON GDN - bday bash only on SATURDAYS 430pm

Looking at the current status of our poll, we have already 9 attendance. REMINDER- the more bbs we have, the less each person pays

Since Emily is unable to come online these few days due to work, she has asked me to create another poll for u all to state your preference on location of bday bash.
U can't be serious...Chen chen going to be 1 yrs old soon leh...mine onli 7 mths plus n he's in the 25th percentile. In fact, he's considered small for his age liao as compared to those who's younger than him leh. His fever is finally down today
so relieved... I haven sign Kieran for the gymboree class yet. Am tinking of trialing the music class 1st... They nvr stop me from taking pics leh. In fact, after i started taking pics, other parents oso follow suit :p I went wif hubby. Some activities hubby will do wif Kieran while i furiously snap away
Viv, which resort/island did you go to in Maldives? I went ihuru angsana resort. Very nice beachfront villa and sand and sea. Missed the place very much. The air ticket on promotion but the accomodation there and other things very ex leh. Still remembered one bottle of mineral water already cost US$5. Its a nice place for couples though.

Giggler, sms me in advance if you would like to come raffles place next week in case i dun have chance to log in here.
Wow, so many mummies sign up their bbs for classes. Think i m one of the lazy mummy who is not looking into these classes.

It's my MIL, not my mum. my mum doesnt know how to drive, just like me, no driving licence.
I wonder how the car can fix 3 baby car seat also :p

Giggler, Lyn, Viv, Ruffy
U all so shook, still can travel around, me tied down by my son leh, somemore my sis going to give birth soon, hv to reserve all my leaves for her confinement so tt i can relieve my mother.

i got a qn, does ur baby have cold and wet palms and feet? I notice certain time of the day, YH will hv very sweaty feet and palms, then they will turn cold after a while. Wonder whether this is normal? It has been going on for fews.
i take vit C, calcium and glucosamine. hmm...tink i will just act blur this sat and take out my camera n snap away too !

i like to expose Jana to watever's foc

cannot go cos just came back from bangkok

I went to 2 diff resorts, banyan tree n 4 seasons. yalor..banyan tree also dun serve water, u hv to buy the mineral water during each meal. 4 seasons is better, u just sit at the beach and they will come automatically to give u towels, ice cold water, cold water spray, and free sorbet! and they will come n replace them when they r not cold anymore, v v gd service! we save money by having a late heavy breakfast and then skipping lunch...hehe ...really miss the place leh ...so share share 2 pics here of paradise ....

Morning mummies,
whao so nice the place.. crystal clear water..must wait long long to be able to save up enough to visit such a place.

Mummies tell u something funny.. Last night Ryan started out sleeping on his own on his materess which is on the left of our bed.. Halfway thru dunno if he was sleep walking or not.. he made his way from his materess around the bed and climbed up from the right side of the bed to sleep at hubby's place..later we put him back to his bed..and early morning he woke up again and climbed over me to nestle in between us and started kicking me off the bed again.. He looked so happy when I "surrendered" and let him sleep on the bed with hubby while I slept on his matteress.
Chen Chen will b 1 yr old on May 29. He is 11 mth today
Hurray! Kieran'w fever is dwn.
So your hubby went into the gymboree class wif u n Kieran. When I called gymboree @ serangoon Garden wz told only 1 parent allowed n no photography for non member. Which br of gymboree did u go to?

Ever tried fixing 3 bb car seats in the car?
Ya Chen Chen has sweaty feet @ times then turns cold after a while

Ya ya me too, like to go for FOC. Next time u hv lobang share share wif me can
I will oso snap photos in gymboree. If they dun allowed camera I use my cellphone to snap secretly. U sms me to let me know if they stop u fm taking pic cann stop your hubby fm going in2 the class can

Happy birthday
Enjoy musical 29 wif your hubby

Ryan dethrone the king n the queen in the hse
so far we didnt try out hving 3 bb car seat in one car. My 2 SIL have their own cars, so their car seats r in their own car. hubby and i dont hv a car, we usually lobang PIL's car when we go out during wkend, so PIL's car has a car seat for YH. Anyway, dunno whether MIL's plan of hving 3 same age grandchildren going to the same child care ctr will come true or not, it all depends on whether there will be additional member into the family in 1 yr's time ;)

Actually my family is hving more and more babies. My cousin's wife going to give birth in July and my sis in Sept. Imagine every family gathering i go, whether it's my parent's side or hubby side, i will get to see babies! ;)

Ryan very cute, so young already know sleeping on a bed is more comfortable than the mattress, or he just want to have a companion? No matter what, it just shows how smart kids r today!
Ryan just reminded me of a MacDonald advert, a little boy sneak into his parent's bedroom early in the morning, slip in between his parents and woke up the daddy to bring him to MacDonald! I enjoyed watching this advert, used to think when will it be my turn? And now, i m one step closer, hving YH with me now. but still hv to wait a while b4 he knows how to climb on to the bed and nestle in between hubby and me ;)
Thanks for telling me tt Chen Chen also has sweaty feet at times and turn cold later. Coz i was really worried these few days, coz it's getting more and more frequest. And when i check with MIL abt my niece whom she is taking care of, she said my niece who is 2 mths older does not hv this problem.

If other babies also the same, i guess it's not a problem, right? Is it just just a baby thingy tt they will grow out of it soon?
waw viv, so nice. Wish I could go too, but now with Sarah..... paradise is probably just a cheap resort in Bintan.

deer, Sarah also has always had sweaty hands and coldish feet.

skyblue, Sarah is also in the lowest percentiles. I have not really been overly worried as long as she develops normally. I think when she was about 8-9 months she had grown from the 3rd %ile to the 25th.

ruffy, your ryan is so funny! He sure knows what he wants. My hubby & I cannot sleep if Sarah is in our bed. For two days already, she has had a fever so last night we moved her entire crib into our room. A bit crowded, but we all managed to sleep better than the previous night when she was in our bed.
Viv, but Maldives may be different now after Tsunami hor? You really tempted me with the nice pix of Maldives leh.

skyblue, I take up kickboxing. I think I also take mc every month when my yi-ma visits me. My menses pain comes back to haunt me again. Kieran enjoys himself at Gymboree? Maybe I shd bring Vane there to try out since they're having free trial class now.

shook, good idea hor? If you remember, can you bring the Enfa sample on 29May?

QSG, ok we'll contact thru sms then.

deer, I got to travel before Jun so that my mom can help to take care of Vane. I may need to take leave to help out my mom after my sil delivers too. My side also has lots of bb so I kept telling myself that I shouldn't fall into the trap to start comparing my bb with others. My mom used to do that with my aunties as I've a few cousins in the same year. And I felt the stress while I'm still schooling. Dun want my gal to suffer the same things.

Ruffy, hahaha. Ryan is so cute. Maybe he's not used to sleeping alone.
Thanks for replying to my query. Has Sarah recovered fr her fever? Long wkend is coming, u and hubby can rest well.

YH also at the 10 %tile in terms of weight when he was 3 mth old, he was only 5.8 kg. At 4 mth old, 6.6 kg. And tomo he will be going for the last 5-in-1 jab, will weigh him again. My mum and i try to weigh him 2 nites ago, think he is only 7 kg
Dun understand why he put on so little weight?

Yeah, agree with u, i will be careful not to compare, coz it'll be the child who get hurt.
I like to ask my MIL what my niece can do now, whether she can sit or crawl etc, so tt i know what to expect when YH comes to tt stage. But i m also aware tt each baby's development is different. I got 2 nieces born in Sept, one is developing faster than the other. But i guess it's ok, each baby is different. And one of them is actually premature when she is born.
Morning mummies,
Just back from morning swim with Ryan.. haha..now have new activity to tire him out. Make him walk from one end of the baby pool to the other unaided..so far quite good.. If he feels that his head is getting lowered into the water he will automatically close his mouth so that he will not drink water. He also blows bubbles if his mouth gets lowered into the water.
Ryan also has a new swimming game.."chase teddy".. today make him chase the Pooh bear float all over the pool. He is still too young to sit on it and he doesn't like his other smaller float..so use the bigger float as a toy for him

Yeah..he very nian daddy..dun like to sleep alone..but his materess is those expensive type individual pocketed spring 3-4 inch high single materess leh.. maybe that corner is a bit hoter coz not directly facing the air-con.

Hope that Sarah is better now and that her Fever has gone away.
deer, great workout by lifting our bb (squating n up for our legs, musle toning for our arms!!) bring our bb for a dip in the pool, we can also join in. no need to fork out extra time just to exercise - as skyblue said, sleep also no time

deer, jo, the rose syrup issit also for our bb?

giggler, didnt bring jerald to bkk (3mths) nor recently to nz (9mths) bkk is no-no due to environment. but in nz, as pvl,emily,pringles said...u get lotz of variety of bb food in supermkt!! even infant milk, can power sachets form for bb to test out before buying tins!!
i dun want to offend any mummies here, but personally, as long as sch is clean, teacher is caring...no point going to "branded" sch. as for teaching materials n activities, if MOE doesnt approved-it wont be in the classroom liao.

shook, everyday u race the stairs up to ur hse!!! peifu!! i used to do run up to mum's flat (9th flr) b4 my wedding so i can squeeze into my gown

u really chili queen - cant compare!!

viv, ruffy...we also on staff rate
but male is more for couple time, how to bring jerald there??? even when he's older, he probably will say nothing to c except water n more water!!

qsg, USD5 for a bottle of water?? can we bring our own S'pore water over? in nz water is much expensive than soft drink as they hv plenty of spring resources!! in bkk it's the other way round!
on leave today?? happy birthday.

deer, dun worry, jerald also got this problem. my mum regularly feed him with "yeo sim" like once every 2days. even on a hot afternoon, his palms n feets are feeling cool.
me also like mac's ad!! they nvr fail to impress me!! like one in the past few years abt the fish sso!!
ur family v. "on" leh, xiang ying zheng fu hao zhao!!

giggler, can escape comparison if bb r of the same age!! c hubby's newphew n jerald - 6mths difference only MIL compare them frm head to toe!!! WHACK HER UP!! normally i turn deaf ear or pretend not to understand what's she talking abt!
The rosehip syrup also meant for bb. If i remember correctly, baby fr 1 mth old can drink already, but with much smaller dosage. All feed has to mix with 5-6 parts of water. Actually i bought it for myself. I made one cup for my mum also, i told her it's vit c intake meant to boost up immune system. She asked whether bb can drink, i said yes, and told her the dosage. The next day, she made one for YH. Then she told me later. I didnt really want YH to drink at such young age, but my mum said YH likes it very much and it's good to boost bb's immune system, so i just let my mum carry on to feed him everyday.

How's ur insurance claim coming along? Weekend coming, r u bringing Jerald out with the 'new' Alatis? but without car seat, how? Can ur take cab and claim fr insurance?
giggler, deer, ruffy, thanks, Sarah's fever is down at this moment. Have to wait & see if it returns or not before next dose of Panadol. She's really fussy though. Wants to nurse all the time & won't let me go.
hope she'll sleep soon so I can do the housework.
Hi Mommies,

Hope i'm not intruding... I'm from the New Mom's thread... Was wondering if you gals like to share your experience dealing with Eton House.

I've enrolled my daughter in Eton hse for Jan 2006. We've paid up (cheque cleared), completed all documentation but have yet to hear from them. I did not receive any confirmation or a receipt for my payment.

I called them - no answer. Emailed them - no reply!! Am really frustrated with their service. With such poor service, I'm tempted to withdraw my enrolment with them!
Hi Preggie,
How old is ur daughter? How much have u paid Eton house so far?
I dont hv any dealing with Eton House, but u can see fr this thread's last few postings abt bad cust srv fr them. Which Eton House r u dealing with? Maybe u can call their management directly to complain. If they dont answer ur call, u can go down directly and ask for ur refund.
deer, I also use my fren's gal as a guide but I'll try my best not to compare lah.

Ruffy, seems like Ryan is very active hor?

lyn, what's wrong with BKK environment that you dont bring Jerald with you? Seems like NZ is bb-friendly too? I think for childcare you pay extra for extra things, eg. Flashcards, etc? Most impt, we dont give our bb pressure though we cant stop others from comparing lah.

QSG, Happy Bday!!! Enjoy your musical tonight!

PVL, guess she's not feeling too well so wants to be close to you.

Preggie, that sound real bad service leh. No sound from them after they rec'd your money?
Hi Deer,

My daughter is 16 mths... She'll start school when she turns 2. I've signed up with Outram campus (nearest to my house).

I can't remember the exact figure but i think it's abt 1k.

Their customer svc really sucks.. If they are not interested, i'll bring my money somewhere else!
hi mummies,
MIA these few days cos going back to hospital to settle stuff before starting work. It's really busy these days. I anticipate having much less time to interact with Ian from next week... sigh...

PVL, poor Sarah... let her nurse lah... it's comforting mah. Now that I am trying to wean Ian, both of us feel so sad. I feel so sim tiah when he wakes up crying at night and I have to let my mum tend to him.

B2B3M4, I would send Ashley to your workplace's childcare if I were you. The price difference is so big. I would also prefer my kid to be near me.

Ruffy, Ryan is a smart boy. So young can blow bubbles liao!

Shook, thanks for sharing what your mum does with Chen Chen. Ian refuses formula and bottle. I have no choice but to nurse him when i am at home so that he gets some fluids. Sometimes he only takes a bit of water by syringe; very scary. My little boy may dehydrate when i start work... sigh...
Ur hubby works at SIA eh? Mine has staff travel for Quantas & Jet*Asia. Nxt mth may tag along to HK coz he is going there for business...but still thinking whether to bring Ryan coz will be going around alone with him.. I've no problem going around there myself but with him is different case.

U can't imagine how active he is..today morning.
8.30-930am swimming
9.30-10.30am bath & breakfast
10.30-11.30am Playtime with Jie Jie next door.
Now just come home so I need to cook lunch..try to make improvised spagetti..made the sauce last night. & hang up the clothes. now after another 120ml of milk ( Since morning already had 180ml milk + 1/2 bowl heinz banana cereal)then he is sleeping.
4pm- music lesson at friends house (Bt Timah)
6pm- Dinner with Ah Ma..
Today make it more packed so he can sleep better..and don't do any more musical bed thingy tonight.

Happy b'day to you ! Enjoy yourself tonight
Hi Preggie,
Maybe u can write a letter that addr to the Pre-school director at Outram campus, and tell her how unhappy u r with their services and asked for ur money back if they still dont response. U can find the fax nos. and the director name on their website http://www.etonhouse.com.sg/

If they still dont response, write to the ST forum and complain. I m sure they will call u back :p

deer, even petrol receipt we keep so we tot of claiming frm 3rd party. duno if we can use taxi receipt to claim!! u gave me that idea!!
car seat already retrieved frm the wreck. only a crack at the base otherwise all ok. we'll be picking up the car seat frm the workshop tomorrow- if clean enough, will let jerald use. otherwise, i'll koala bear hug him in the rear back all the way back to pasir ris. insurance claim all on the way, just waiting to c our vois tomorrow - like visiting the sick in the hospital - v.xian!! duno to be happy to c it recovering frm repair or sad to c it undergoing repair!!
the rose syrup that gd!!! often saw it in parent mag - but i sua ku, tot it's ban dong drink :p

pvl, sarah not well due to weather?? let her nurse, it's the only way to comfort her.

giggler, i've bn to bkk several time liao b'cos my aunties n family is there. their rd 4ever jammed n dusty!! air always polluted with smoke/dust, not enough traffic lights...everyting abt traffic is a killer!!either for long stay or just a 3day shopping trip that plc is not gd enough for bb. well unless we move further up to chiang mai where we also hv relation. the mountainous area is gd but not bb friendly unless u are really in town so u can get supplies. another issue is probably the language, compare nz to thailand, i prefer nz.
understand that those "branded" ones actually ask parents to fork extra for studies material..etc. actually saw a few items on auction on yahoo.

preggie, we were touching on issues abt eton hse lately. ur posting will make all mummies here to give that plc a 2nd tot!

ruffy, young ryan got such a packed day?!?! wont it be too tiring for him?
yep hubby with sia engineering co. he works at the hangers along changi beach.
agree!! travelling with companion with bb is good, but alone with bb is a totally new adventure!! i believe u can do it since u hv bn driving/outings with him all this while. be confident!! i'm sure u know HK inside out, just that with ryan, you may seems lost. but just take things easy!! i cant wait to bring jerald overseas (THIS TIME FOR SURE!! - NO MORE STAYING AT HOME BY HIMSELF)!!! WILL MINCE HUBBY IF HE DARE TO LEAVE SON HOME ALONE AGAIN!!!
