(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

hi mummies,
sori if i din ans evy1. i m now most bkdated in tis thread. tot it wen missing. tks, foreverfrd 4 telling me

yup he is tall. 95th percentile for both his wt n ht. v v active but big eater, alwy hungry like his daddy. he now so sticky to me oso. i go pee n poo oso cant, he will cry until v chiam.. somtx i ignore, he can cry until shiver. i give in in the end loh..

ashrel wen gymboree, kindermusik n my gym (at woodlands). yeah! my gym is d only 1 he din cry cos least 'structured' n more play. fotos taken at my gym.

Ya, hopefully the pblm can be corrected as he grows up.

Nvr see ur hubby b4 but i do rem how u look like from the gathering at ruffy's hse. U were there rite? Hope i dun get the wrong person :p

Yalor, Kieran's nanny used to say dat his stomach shallow, dats y puke easily.

mygym looks like so much fun. Is there a trial for tis? How much is the class?
Hi mommies
Today is my bday!! Hee... this pic was taken yest, when my frens here came to have a mini celebration for me.

Nat is still refusing milk. Really push the bottle away each time I try to feed her. Use force, only can force 300ml or so a day leh... Very cham

I will be away this weekend... visiting some chateaux... think of packing oso sian!! Enjoy your weekends!
hi mom2nat! Happy b/day! Enjoy yourself... and remember to come back in here to tell us about your lovely weekend.

sanrio, so nice to see ur bb smiling and happy. Think it will be very difficult for u to go back to work now that both u and ash so attached to each other. U take care, eat more, and see u at the next gathering. :p

Hi mommies, for those who haven't polled yet, pls go and cast ur votes for the bb bash. To recap the choices:

(1) Tanglin Mall: $400 Date: 9th July 2005. Time: 12noon

(2) Serangoon Gardens: $320 Date: 25th June 2005. Time: 4.30pm

Polling ends this weekend. After polling, we can do database and then book the place... time is running out for us. Thks.
Also, for those who will be attending the chalet gathering, pls go and fill in the database.
U v hardworking, plan many types of activities for Ryan. U plan a timeable for his activity when u start work? I guess u will b v v busy being a teacher

I guess u prefer My Gym among all the trials u sent Ash to rite?
Ash enjoyed v much @ MY gym

Happy blated b'dy
A MBA and an Engineer go on a camping trip, set up
their tent,and fell asleep.

Some hours later, the Engineer wakes his MBA friend.
"Look up at the sky and tell me what you see."

The MBA replies, "I see millions of stars."

The Engineer asks "What does that tell you?"

The MBA ponders for a minute :

"Astronomically speaking, it tells me that there are
millions of galaxies and potentially billions of

Astrologically, it tells me that Saturn is in Leo.
Time wise, it appears to be approximately a quarter
past three.

Theologically, it's evident the Lord is all-powerful
and we are small and insignificant.

Meteorologically, it seems we will have a beautiful
day tomorrow. What does it tell you?"

The Engineer friend is silent for a moment, then
speaks. "Practically speaking ... someone has stolen our tent". (^-^)
It has been a bz week. So many posting. Dunno where to start reading leh. Hehe...Here r some pics to share.

So who is gg for the kinermusik this sun? I dun really like the gymboree. But might consider the playgym instead. Anyone keen to go my gym n rythme in me?

This is wat happened when I left Randall alone to play with his toys for less than a min.

Brought him to supermarket n he was so happy to c the apples as he loves apple. Bought some apples n he "die die" wanna take fm me. So, I gave the whole bag of apples to him n when I was abt to pay for it, this is wat I found.

Then Bo bian, gotta let him eat when I got home.

Imagine after eating, with this look n he wanna sayang u?? yuckssss. LOL

Shook, just to confirm the gymboree coupon from the website can be in singapore though it seems to be for US hor?

Mom2Nat, happy birthday.

Giggler, okay you flag a cab from your side. For my area need to walk all the way to the main road to have higher chances of getting a cab. You sms me once you reach downstairs of your blk to wait for the cab and i will cheong down to wait for you at the sheltered pick up point beside my blk. Thanks.

Val, seems that no one is signing up for the class starting this sun. Why you dun like gymboree? seems that most mums prefer gymboree over kindermusik.Dun mind signing up if many of you going but like no one. Where is my gym and RIM?
lyn, you're wrong leh. My parents not modern at all but they respect our decisions lah. Maybe the others cant find this forum?

shook, maybe our parents has more time contact with our bb so they pick up things faster from them? Vane only know how to say "mum, mum" and she likes to "ooo ooo.." but no one understands her.

sanrio, Vane used to be in the 95th percentile leh but now dropped to 90th percentile liao. Ashrel looks happy playing in MyGym leh.

Mom2Nat, happy belated bday to you! So you had a mini party yday at your place? Nat doesnt look like small bb leh, so dun need to be too worry abt her milk intake.
Now i understand what u mean by crash diet, but i dont think it causes Jerald's condition, so dun blame urself. But for the sake of ur own health so tt u can take good care of Jerald, eat well and be a healthy mummy

My mum and i didnt force YH to drink more lah. There was a time YH wanted to suck more when he finished 120ml, so my mum thought he is ready for 150ml. He finished all 150ml for a few times, then suddenly he started rejecting milk after 120ml or puke out more milk, so we reverted to 120ml until now.

I read the link which Lyn posted, is Kieran's condition belong to AOI (Apnea of Infant)? Hopefully it will go away when Kieran is bigger. Do u know CPR? It's not diff to pick-up, but must perform with caution, cos if u r not doing it correctly, u can break the person's ribs.

Ur parents r really good, hv patience to teach Vane signs. Dont say Vane timid lah, i think she is very smart, she knows how to take care of herself, tt's why when she thinks she's goig to fall, she will sit down. Smart girl!

Oh yes, now i remember also tt RY is on 4-hrly feed, u said ur confinement trained him b4 she left. YH is still on 3-hrly feed, cant feed him too much at one go, otherwise he will puke. Good for u tt RY last feed at 11.30pm, then u can rest early. YH's last feed is at 12 midnite. Usually my mum feed him, so tt i can sleep at 12 midnite and wake up at 6am or earlier (according to YH's need) to breastfeed him.

KC, u got more photos of RY to share? Really love to see more, one not enuff, show a few more in diff angles leh. I fogot to download YH's photos again. will try to remember to do it tonite.

RY looks so cute, it doesnt matter who he looks like
So u and hubby got fu qi xiang (husband and wife look alike) Many pple say YH looks exactly like hubby. I feel a bit jealous leh ;P I hope when YH grow older, i can find some of my features in him ;)

Ash looks so happy in the photos. Like the first pic, he looks so steady in the photo, nice pose

Is ur b'day 4 May or 5 May? Anyway, Happy Birthday to you! Enjoy ur trip and share more photos with us after u r back.

Randall very cute leh. How many teeth does he have now? Judging fr the apple, he must hv quite a few! If YH wants to sayang me, i really dont mind even if he got apple juice all over his face, i look forward to it ;)
Val, I like the last pix of Randall.
So Vane is not the only one who will bite on everything. Heehee. I'm interested in Rhythm in Me. When do you plan to go?

QSG, sure I'll sms you once I got down to flag cab. BTW, I've printed out the Gymboree voucher liao.
You must hv read my posting on another topic right?
Actually wanted to inform everyone here already but thot I should go check it out further before saying more but since you know already, then say lah.

Had a band rehearsal in church on sat. Haven't been playing since I delivered but the current keyboardist couldn't make it last Sat so had tpo replace her.

Anyway now torn whether to stop latching Ally in my current condition. Forgot to ask gynae but the nurses said better to wean but read in young parents of a mom who only wean after giving birth to the second bb. Anyway thot I'm not TBF so maybe ok to still latch her twice a day.

You know when Natalie mentioned abt your bb sucking his toes, your second one is coming. Seems like there's a chance it's quite true coz my second bb is on its way. Only 7 weeks now. Wanted to wait til I saw the heartbeat before letting you all know but since Giggler found out already, might as well mention. It's quite funny coz my period only came back mid March and when it didn't return in Apr, wasn't sure whether it was coz my period's not regular yet or what. Anyway, decided to take the test last week and found out. Quite happy coz I think timing is quite good. EDD in mid Dec so Ally will be abt 1year 7mths.

Does this encourage you to quickly have another bb too? Then can join Nat and me.
kc, the "fish" info is what i learnt frm my CL, i notice that after taking fish (steam or soup) my milk is always v.creamy white!! best if you cld include some cod fish or salmon like at least 2x each wk. hope it helps
actually there's a lot more mummies in this thread - but duno why all suddenly disappeared over the long wkend.

shook, u think hubby listen to me?? then it's better than striking 10million toto!!! if he has nothing to gain, he wont listen lah.
there's a saying in saying that if hubby listens to wife, then he'll b rich - so far, there's no much up n downs in his account leh :p
speaking of brenda, love the clip she posted in our yahoo group taken on the day you gals when for lessons at kindermusik.

sanrio, love and missed the pixs you used to post.

skyblue, i also hv faith that the prob will correct itself. if you dun tell me abt it, i wont hv know also.

mon2nat, happy birthday!! err, 4 may singapore date??

shook, wonder where u got all this jokes!! i often amused/share with hubby while he's driving to "break the silence" in the car

val, randall growing up more like you!! he so steady can climb into his toy box!!!

giggler, due to "high divorce rate" in hubby's family, my mum said "pray/play safe" so insisted on the best auspicious date she can find.

deer, frm waist 26 to now 29, i think i'm eating very well

bb so tiny, how to perform CPR!!! dun care skyblue lah.


just told hubby i look fwd to my no2 but instead he told me to shed some fat "earned" during preg
i was thinking why sign up for slimmng now, then gana preg again within a yr
I dun like the class becos I find tat the "teacher" cant sing. LOL. Cos tat was the worst singing among the 3 (the little gym, kindermusik & gymboree) tat I had attened so far. When she was singing, no background music. Being an adult I oso find her boring, all the more for bb :p My mum finds tat kindermusik better though I feel tat, somewhere out there can be better.
My gym is @ woodlands n RIM @ UE Square. I heard many positive feedbacks on My gym. Tats y I told Sanrio abt it and I m really gald tat Ashrel actually enjoyed himself.

Randall got 6 big teeth now. N his two front teeth r really HUGE. Hehe.... Afraid he might get the bug bunny kinda teeth. Imgine in the morning, when u got dressed up to go to work n when he kiss u gdbye with a big patch of siliva on ur face? Haha.....

Randall always bite things. U know my sofa now got many many holes fm all his biting. Well, told hb tat gave a gd reason to change a new set of sofa. Haha....
deer, your mom staying with you now? We really fortunate to have our parents to help us out hor?

absolut, so good that you only have 1mth of menses hor? Heehee.. So Ally kept sucking her toes?

lyn, you also planning for your No.2 now? Do it fast to join absolut and Nat lah.

Val, Randall's teeth really sharp to have holes on sofa leh. Vane most interested in papers lah.
Me a bit bu se de get preggie now coz just got slimmer than before preggie so packed away all my bigger size clothes and maternity clothes away 1 month back and took out all old clothes to wear. Now must exchange back again. Complained to gynae and she said never mind lah. After no.2 then slim down again lor.
Morning mummies,
Congrads!.. whao..another bb on the way to play with ..

Randall so into apple..Ryan also leh..he will automatically take 2 apples each time we go pass the counter at the supermarket...must teach him how to choose good apples now

not hardworking lah..just giving variety of items to do..so not so boring for ME..haha..not him..anway when I go back to work..his extra ECAs are limited to sch holidays and weekends only.
Congrats!!! Hmm...wonder who will be no. 3 to get preg. Hehe... My cute little bb who allows me to cradle him had turned to a little terrorist already.

Randall not onli likes papers. He loves tissue paper oso. Once I was curious how come he was so quiet in his cot when I walked away. I anitcipate he will cry. When I walked into the room and found heapes of tissue in his cot. No wonder he so quiet lor. I left it there after I changed his diaper. He enjoys pulling them out fm the box.
giggler, actually i love kids, love being preg...but hubby said he not ready yet
one is enough for him.

absolut, u slimmed down by urself or u put in hardwork to sweat out at gym or just throw $$ into slimming studio, mummies like sanrio, brenda, pringles all slimmed down naturally after giving birth. while mummies like giggler, shook, val train themselves by going gym n taking stairs....me just plain lazy to inch my butt.
aiyo so happy for you

val, all my tissue box now plc high up, hard to rch plcs for jerald, otherwise, he automatically b'come shredder (pull n tear) then vaccumm up for u (eat n munch them in his mouth)
I posted lah. @ UE Square.

The way u discribe Jerald reaction towards tissue make me laff my head off. LOL. But tats wat Randall does oso.
Val, pai seh, rushing thru the posts and miss it. you went for the crawler or walker class at gymboree? your standards required for singing like very high...actually when i hear the teacher sings i can get goose pimples.
I went for the crawler class. Aiya..not my std high leh. At gymboree they way she sang is like "qing chang". Very ma ma hu hu type. I dun like.It gotta be with music n singing tat make it enjoyable mah.
Thanks for all your well wishes. Eureka, thanks for your nagging too. Obviously u're reading the forum but not posting only. Yah... wanna know who's will be the third mommy to have no. 2. Maybe Shook? Coz some other mommies not considering having no. 2 yet.
Congrats! So nice, menses only back for 1 mth, and now u r pregnant! Dun worry abt slimming down lah, u can do it after giving birth, meanwhile enjoy ur pregnancy again!

YH is only 5.5 mths now, so i m waiting patiently for the day YH can kiss me b4 i go to work. At least for now i think i dont mind tt he is full of saliva when kissing me ;)

Randall is really very active, likes to grab things. Then u must really be careful of the objects tt u place near him. Is he vdery steady now in walking, since he can stand on his own already?

Yes, my mum is staying with me during wkday to help me take care of YH. But when my sis give birth in Sept, there might be a change in plan, either i will bring YH back to my mum's place, so tt she can take care of 2 babies, or my sis will bring her baby to my place.
Is ur mum or both parents staying with u? Or u r staying at their place? Yeah, agree with u tt we r really fortunate to hv our own parents to take care of our kids.

Jerald is also very active hor, u dont need to buy shredder lor ;) Fr what u and Val said, when YH can move around on his own, i cant place my tissue box on coffee table liao, otherwise, really wasted all tissue papers.
My parents respect my decision too. My mum asks me if it's ok b4 she introduces anything to/ bring Chen Chen goes kai kai. V happy dat our parents respect us as parents of our bb
U r absolutely rite. It is easier for bb to learn things fm the main caretaker.
Chen Chen has his bb lang which we dun understand too

Really hard to judge bb's diet @ times. Y'dy my mum gave Chen Chen 120ml, he cried for more milk. My mum hurriedly warm up more milk but dunno how much We guess abt 60 or 80ml more.

Congrats! dat's a news to celebrate

The suck toes theory not applicable to me. Chen Chen sucked toes when he wz 4 mths old
Nat EDD Nov, u EDD Dec, wow wow wow. who's next?

Chen Chen n Jerald same pattern. Push away food or blow bubble when he is full.
Did your milk smell fishy when u eat fish?
U ask your hubby not to tell his parents Jerald's heart problem. He obey wat, still dun consider him obedient?
Hm.... Brenda posted a clip in yahoo, I dun go into yahoo often. OK check out 29. Thx
My friends forwarded those jokes to me. U remember every single word n tell your hubby? Amazing!
Hmm....u r ready to hv no2 now, excellent! Brain wash your hubby lar
u so ticklish, described Jerald as shredder n vaccum cleaner

Now I can understand y Eureka can't find elyse
absolut, dun worry abt putting on weight lah. I'm sure you can slim down after your No2 since you can do it after giving birth to Ally. So you hope to have a boi this time round?

Ruffy, when you going back to work? Ryan is cute, he can climb into the bassinet himself?

Val, Randall just pulled them out from the box? Vane usu pull one tissue out and slowly tear them into bits and then put them into her mouth to chew. your boi is fast leh, he can stand w/o much support now. I interested in RIM leh. When do u intend to go for trial class?

lyn, guess your hubby still need time to adjust to Jerald so dun dare to commit for another soon. Hahahah. Like your description of Jerald, Vane is the same too, she likes being shredder and vacuum cleaner.

deer, nope I not staying with my parents but my mom is very hardworking to come over my place to pick up Vane every morning. Same thing, there might be a change of plan after my sil gives birth in Jun.

shook, do you or your parents bb talk to Chen Chen? Try not to cos they'll pick up very fast.
Ruffy! Ai yoh! Looks so dangerous! Will the pram collapse backwards coz he is in there?? If so, better fold it up and keep it away.

Guess what ethan has been busy doing? Lauging! :p yeah, that's right! He's at my friend's place for the past few days. Morning I bring him there with maid and evening, she fetches them back. So that he has a playmate... Nicole (remember her at kindermusik & gymbore?). My maid says, when Nicole try to stand up and fall, he laugh. She try to poke his eye also he laugh. She snatch his toys, he laugh. He snatch her toys, he laugh and she cry. He poke her eye, he laugh she cry. They knock heads to show affection, he laugh she cry. He hold her to try to stand and they fall, he laugh and she cry. ehhehee.... I brought him to Ikea, he sat in the trolley, jumping up and down with his butt and laughing, giggling and screaming. The staff look and laugh at him... gosh! Don't know whether is it coz he is positive and happy bb or is it one screw loose. Hope he'll be as positive when he grows up.

absolut, congrats!!!!
Well, I'm pretty sure I won't be no. 3.. :p coz have to see the moon and count the stars.... ehhehee... and see if can have gal then I try for next one.. ehehhee...

Val, wow... randall so fast... looks so steady... my ethan, don't know when... maybe when he stops laughing and be serious for a while, he'll be able to stand by himself better. Coz very difficult to try to practise when u are always laughing, giggling and all, yeah?
Val, went to do a search for RIM website but dun have and went to UE website instead but the mall directory dun have this shop lei. Think you may the next one with No.2.

Randell is leaning against the sofa, thought he is standing a distance from the sofa.Camera effects
Yeah. He pulled them one by one out fm the box. Pull until he sian liao then started tearing n putting the bits into his mouth. I tried digging them fm his mouth and he bite me

Yest he was crawling on the floor and there was a "flying ant"(dunno wat izzit called :p). Very fast he caught it. Then he open up his palm n stare at it. So cute when I saw his reaction n his stubby fingers :p
deer, val, can 4get putting tissue, newspaper, mag under ur coffe table. Remote controls, keys, hps are also NO No. best keep the table clean, unless u want ur hp or remotes to come into pieces

randall v.steady!!! tot jerald can pull himself up but once he let go, "dummp" his butt hit the flr liao.
think next time our boys can go "ants-catching" 2gether!! jerald hasnt caught any so far, but he love to chase them with his finger on the floor. he will scream then cry when he accidentially crushed them :p

ruffy, your pram basket so big!! what's ryan looking for inside the basket?

shook, find that "fish" bm more oily that's all, no funny smell or taste. but still sweet. to increase ss n qty, fish is really got source! others said peanut/chicken feet, milk...etc all tried but results is far frm taking fish.
he ya, short-circuit one lah. if u insist, he'll say what for tell her n make her worry, so again he put his mum interest first ...blah blah blah.
aiya, no one way traffic, if he's not ready, no point forcing him
and upset everybody later.
nowsday not much papers left to sell garang guni liao, he knows where we keep our old papers, just open cupboard, sit in front of it and start his morning work....v.bz!!! my mum got to keep him away otherwise he'll make a mess out of just one copy of ST.
yes free trial. MyGym is at woodlands civic plaza, next to causeway point.


the car n randall's baju v matching leh.

hello mummies,
if any1 is free or on leave, u n ur bb are most welcum to my hse n play w ashrel. else we v bored at hm. my guests so far are jul, ian, soyabean n edi n my frds.

it mus b v action packed n not routine then ashrel will enjoy. MyGym got lots of slides w diff gradient, ashrel loves to climb n they hang the swing fr the ceiling 4 bb to swing in. oso they hav 'loud' toys like drum n v v bright n colourful blocks n shapes. haiz...ashrel v hard to please loh..
Ethan so cute, like to laugh so much
Dont say he got one screw loosen lah, i think our bbs are very fortunate, they hv mummies who really love them and put their welfare as top priority, tt's why our bbs all look so happy. So they laugh alot lor

Lucky Randall didnt put the 'flying ant' into his mouth ;)
U v positive hor? hehe...Our bbs laff so much becos they laffing at their mummies who r always acting as a clown to make them happy.
I always play peek a boo with Randall. Gotta do soldier crawl in order to "hide" fm him. He laff n screamed. After all his laughters, I wonder how come I m like a siao char bor. Dunno is he actually laffing at my stupidity. LOL
val, tks for providing the link for rytheminme, really hope that i can attend such classes with jerald once i cleared all my stuff on hand.
so far, he love to throw remote n house cordless phone!! kids all sama sama!!

sanrio, u going back to work soon?? ev, got all the time to be with ashrel. wonder, when i can take leave these days (left only 4.5 for the yr) v.keen to bring him to the pool near ur plc. V.interesting leh!!
U really hv a great time with Randall!
R u working or a sahm? I m working full-time now, sometimes i will think of changing it to part-time so tt i can spend more time with YH. But i guess i dont really need to do so until i hv no.2. So will wait and see how.
hi mummies

me very sian, stuck in my closing... so come here to browse browse....

wow...absolut has no. 2 liao... donno why now i really want no. 2 but my hubby not very supportive, he always complain that he is too much involve in take care of bb, so he does not want for no. 2. when i think of getting pregnant, i also got worry cos during my 1st pregnancy, independant and strong ppl like me wanted to be pampered... unfortunately, nobody pamper me, i even have to make my own soup every weekends. the worst thing is my MIL, after i delivered, she quickly came to visit.... not me, but her grandson... she was outside my room and saw bb not in my room and could not even bother to walk in to show her concern. instead she stood there impatiently to wait for my hubby to show her bb... sick... think about it, boiling liao...

i read about jerald's heart condition....u know my aunty's son also got the same problem... but to-date he is very healthy and very intelligient boy.

u got latest pics of your boy to show? he looks the same in the pics u show us quite sometime ago leh...

i got to know rythminme from one expat's website... they said better than kindermusik cos they actually let the bb play the music instruments (maybe kiddies' instruments?) and they have puppets...

then i also got to know this BJG, www.bjg.com.sg from another thread here. got flash card and gym... i m only interested in the flashcard...

mummies who bbs eat paper
now i know zl is not alone... i think he swallow equivalent size of half A4 size of paper to-date... by the time i discovered and wanted to dig out the paper... he happily open his mouth to show me... paper no more liao...
Emily, heehee I read your post with smiles too. Hope that Ethan is as positive when he grows up.

Val, wow Randall so brave to catch insects? Vane is more interested in eating the papers. Hahaha. You so cute leh but come to think of it, they maybe laughing at us for being clowns hor?

QSG, RIM doesnt provide trial class at all. We got to sign up for one term to attend the class. I also intend to try out BJG cos it got flash card leh. And maybe also GUG since it's recommended by my cousin. Aiyo, seems like Vane will be very busy during Sat.

sanrio, so MyGym is more focus on motor skills like Gymboree Play class?

jo, you same as lyn feeling like having No2? Your hubby too tired taking care of ZL? But RIM doesnt offer any trial class for us to try leh. I also got to know abt BJG from the other thread. But it seems that there's so much enrichment class in the mkt till I also lost liao. hahaha.... ZL is fast in eating paper.
Giggler & Jo,
The BJG like quite interesting leh.

Can someone who is keen to be kind enff to find out more? Aiya..I stop pumping milk liao, otherwise I can call n check out. Office v quiet, once I open my mouth everyone can hear me. Haha...
Giggler, called RIM, was told no trial class but we can stand at the side to watch the class for 45min. Bb can go in also provided doesn't disrupt/disturb the class. Need to inform them 1 week in advance if want to go. How much is 1 term and how many lessons?
Nobody teaches chen Chen bb talk. Only he understands the talk
U did a v extensive research on enrichment program for bb. Great mum. How many classes u intend to sign up for Vane?

Ethan n Nicole liang xiao wu cai

When I saw Randall's photo, I saw dat he wz leaning agst the sofa till u said it look as if he is a distance fm the sofa. I went back to look @ the photo agn n then fig him @ a distance fm the sofa. Indeed it looks like he is a distance fm the sofa. It is the trick of eyes, not camera trick

Luckily Randall din swallow the insect he caught. I juz can't help laughing but thinking of a frog. Sorry....

Jerald kind hearted scream then cry when he accidentially crushed the insects he played wif
When I eat fish, my milk smells fishy; when I eat chicken, my milk smells like fm. I dunno whether eating fish increase ss or not coz I eat fish almost everyday
Chen Chen n Jerald hold hand, he enjoys taking out all the mag under coffee table n snatch papers or mag fm whoever is reading

Does your hubby come fm a small family?
My mum thot Chen Chen is the weirdo who eats paper coz all the bb she look after din eat paper until I told her most of the bb here eat paper
I dunno CPR...n i dun tink i'll dare to perform it on any bbies. Well, in any case, i dun tink Kieran's condition is dat serious :p

RE: eating papers
Wahhh, u all let bbies eat papers ah? I let Kieran tear tissue paper :p He loves it n can keep him quite occupied. After dat, he'll wanna eat the paper :p
yes, now i am in delimma to have no.2 or not but without my hubby's positive response, i don feel like having...

yeah, there are so many enrichment classes! expensive too.

my friend attended bjg, she told me they flashed cards and provide gym to the babies. quite interesting...

chey, RIM no trial class...

my hubby has 2 elder sisters... medium family right? hahahaha, i tot bb eating papers is quite normal.

Ally also ate quite a no. of tissue papers already. She also starts with shredding and when you turn your attention from her, she quickly puts the tissue bits in her mouth and happily munches away.

Why your hubby feels he's too involved leh? It's his kid what. If he's not interested to be a big part of his son's life, then who will be? Wah... can feel your frustration. Goodness, will be quite sad if hubby like that and MIL also dun bother to show concern. Hope your parents shower you with more care. But that said, are you expecting hubby to put in as much effort in your son as you are? Coz that won't happen. Mommy's love just much bigger and more sacrificial. Hee hee!

There's another gym thingy at UE Square that someone posted yesterday. Web address is www.jwtkids-singapore.com. They have a Tumbles Wobblers for bbs above 11 months. They have a free trial session and told me that there is a session available this sat at 1045am. Not sure if I wanna bring Ally tis week coz she's been having a slight fever for the last 2 days and now diarrhoea since yesterday. MIL just brought her to PD earlier.

My niece had 2 holes in her heart. The bigger one was 1 cm in diameter, causing her lungs to only work at abt 60-70% level and there was a wheezing one when she breathed. Anyway, the smaller one has closed and last time my bro went to check on her lungs, it's working at 100% already so we believe the bigger hole has closed. Still need to go for a scan to confirm.
