(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

Hi deer,

Dun worry about YH's weight. RY is also 7kg when we brought him to Polyclinic for his 5 months 5-1 jab. Initially I was also rather worried, went home took the magnifying glass to see carefully the Boys Percentile Chart in the health book. 7kg at 5th month is slightly less than 50%. But after checking with other mummies, doctor frens etc I felt much better. RY is just active lah and as long as they feed, play, happy, got gain weight etc, they are fine! My fren's son at 1 year old is only 8kg and she's not worried!

How is your sister's confinement nanny search? Did you call the contact I gave you?

lyn, heard from my col Angsana is good too. I think Randall also has a funny way to crawl leh. Should put both of them together and see them crawl.
I dun really like the choc buffet at Fullerton leh.

shook, then I'll send Vane to the walker class cos she's cruising well now. She even let go of her hands and walked for a few steps since last 2 weeks.

Ruffy, when you want to try JWT? You start planning for your wedding ani now?

deer, both me and hubby find that my bm is sweet. But my fren find hers bland. Maybe it's different taste for everyone?

PVL, how's Sarah? Still need your comfort over the nite? Vane threw tantrums again last nite. She threw temper when I took away my keys from her. Kept crying and flipping her back away from me. Then I remembered that you left Sarah alone when she threw tantrums. So I did the same and left her on the bed. She continued crying and shouting when I did that. After a while,when she realised that I didnt bother with her, she crawled to me and hug me. Aiyo... then I gave in and hugged her back. I think I really bad in disciplining her leh. Sigh........

Emily, wow. You also very romantic leh.

Hi mummies, I got the address for the chalet liao. It's Changi-Fountain View, 326B1 Sealand Road, Changi. So far only 5 mummies has put their names on the Yahoo database. Any others coming?

Are you still breastfeeding?
I noticed recently RY doesn't seem to like breastmilk anymore. He prefers formula!!! If we feed him breastmilk he can only drink max 150ml over a long time, but for formula he can drink 200ml in 10 min! How come like this?

Mummies who have gone through this before - is it possible that breastmilk has changed taste when babies get older or less nutritious or this is baby's way of self weaning? I am rather confused and wonder if I should stop breastfeeding altogether. RY is now 5.5 months.

Thanks for any advice!
giggler, me choc xiao - always bribe my friends to go with me!! u saw randall crawl?? must really get together one of these days liao!! miss out a lot when you absent at the gathering.
lots of mummies comment that once u leave bb alone to cry themselves out, they will stop when they realise you are not going to pick them up. but not in jerald's case leh?!?! he cry till face is red, head sweaty...still screaming!!!
will confirm nearer to date. that chalet pretty close my plc.

kc, hv RY started on solid?? it cld b a way of self wean, (i suppose)
nvr encounter this before.
i tink ur boi same as my boi one. Cannot leave him to cry himself out... He'll really SCREAM!!! wat heart condition does ur boi have? U've used the rite term 'as busy as a bee'. Mine 4ever crawling here n there, climbing here n there. Very bo eng one.

Kieran's nanny oso kept commenting y he so small previously. Now she stopped commenting liao cos he's jus so active :p
QSG, what's the article abt Emily and Ethan? I want to go walker class and I'm fine with both dates. Which do u prefer?
Nice to see u here
Didnt know tt u come to this thread also. Thanks for ur recommendation of confinement lady. Both my sis and her hubby like her very much when they met up, so confirm with her already.

Yes, i m still breastfeeding. RY seems to be taking alot, YH only take 120ml FM since 3mths old until now. But i m not too sure how much he takes for BM, coz i latch him on. YH has a peculiar way of taking bm, he will suck well when he is half asleep, like early morn i wake him up for bfg. but if i latch him when he is awake and alert, he will kick and turn his head away after sucking for a while, then turn his head back for more milk, then turn away again. It's a chore to latch him during evening, sometimes i m so frustrated tt i stop breastfeeding him, wait till he is really hungry, cry out loud, then bf him again.

Maybe u can wait until RY is really hungry, cry out loud for milk then give him ur bm?

Actually i notice tt my bm has a change in smell a few weeks ago, a slight change for a while, YH still take it. I wonder whether is it the food tt we take causes the bm to smell and taste differently.

If u r still very keen in bfg, pls dont be disheartened, keep trying and dont give up. Just post ur problems here, there r so many mummies here, i believe some suggestions will work for RY
KC, sorry cant help cos my gal is quite ok with both bm and fm. Maybe it's something u eat that day which your boi doesnt like? But if your boi really doesnt like your bm, then you tong for another 2 weeks till he reach 6mths to stop bfg.

lyn, since the chalet is near your plc then you must try to come ok? Saw Randall's way of crawling at Kindermusik, very cute. Vane also kept crying and screaming when she realised that I'm not going to pick her up. And I cant stop myself from hugging back when she crawled to me and hugged me leh.

Re: small babies
My gal also slimmed down a lot recently leh. But I not so concerned cos she's eating well and very active. Guess she lost her weight as she's more active as compared to newborn.
Giggler, its babewatch with title "Mama loves me" shows all the photos of mummies with their bbs.
Can i go ahead and book for us for this sat 4.30pm?
Lyn, Syblue,
Ur boys r very active also?
YH also very active. He cant crawl yet, but he likes to flap his hands and kick his legs so much tt he really got muscle in his arms and legs, and his limbs r really tough and solid when u press on them. Maybe smaller babies r more active?

What kind of heart problem Jerald has? Is he on medication for his condition? Is tt the reason why insurance agent is not keen to sell u their products? Actually sometimes it's not the insurance company tt doesnt want ur business, it's the agent who is not interested, as they find it too troublesome. If u r still keen in getting insurance policies for Jerald, i can recommend my agent to you. He is really a nice guy, i m sure he will be at least willing to find out more info for u.
We put Chen Chen in his high chair when we eat but need to feed him his food otherwise v pathetic seeing us eat. Haven't try candle light dinner wif Chen Chen tho

Different bb grows differently. Can't compare yourself n YH
Ya my menses not back yet. Well, I let nature takes it's course. No exact planning Chen Chen oso not planned 1

U n your hubby r v romantic couple, celebrate anniversary every mth. Model lovy dovy couple

Your wedding, ROM, 1st dating all falls on 30th May? So easy to remember. My wedding 11th May, ROM 8th Oct, 1st dating 24th Mar, all different month and day
30th May is a Mon. Can go Fri 9 come back 31st. Juz need to take 2 days leave. Of coz u gotta exchange wif your colleague so dat u dun work on dat Sat. How many days leave u left for tis yr?
Chen Chen never stop crying when let alone to cry. He cries till sweaty fm head to toes, voice sore still cont to cry n scream @ the top of his voice.

Dana develops fast, cruise @ 7mths.

Giggler, QSG
u can send your gal to gymwalker. Gymcrawler will b too simple n not challenging for her

Deer, Giggler
My fresh bm tastes sweet too.
Hi mummies,
this boi till now dun want to sleep so can't cook lunch as yet.
Shook.. Ryan doesnt like to be in a high chair now..so feeding him on the floor with him playing with the shape sorter.. only on rare occassions when he is in a good mood he will sit in the high chair outside for the whole period you are having your lunch/dinner..cannot try candle light dinner with him coz he will be too "entertaining" shouting/making noise the whole time..haha.

cannot go overseas for Aniversary..no one to look after Ryan as Granny going backpacking in Japan then.

I'm not a chocolate lover.. maybe later towards the date will consider something.. hehe..maybe celebrate 1mth earlier..if we go to HK.. haha..can throw ryan to ILs to take care for 1 dinner.. see how they fret at it....till date Ryan hasn't be left for more than 2 hr alone with them..wonder how he will relate to them for so long.

Fresh BM should be sweet leh..unless ur quality is no good then will be watery and blend.
U so lucky, u didnt plan and manage to get Chen Chen. I plan until went to KKH Infertility Ctr for checkup, but already pregnant also dunno yet, so spent abt $100 (with subsidy fr govt, as i went thru polyclinic) after 3 out of 5 tests, then found out tt i was pregnant. Hubby and i very stressed out during tt period.

Chen Chen is really long-winded in his crying. YH also sama sama, he can cry until no more sound come out fr his throat, but he is still crying with his face red, lips turning down and big drop of tears rolling down his face.
QSG, okie. 4.30pm is fine this Sat. Thanks.

Shook, my 1st dating, ROM and wedding all on same day too. Easier to remember. Ok, thanks. We'll go for walker class this Sat.

Ruffy, your granny really adventurous leh, go Jpn for backpacking? I dun even dare to do that. Heehee..
Lyn, Shook,
My ROM date, 1st day met hubby, and YH's birth date all happens in Nov, but different days. Actually YH nearly came out on my 5th ROM anniversary, but gynae decided to wait one more week. So his birth date is one week after my ROM date.
skyblue, deer, when he's only 2 day old, his PD said, there's a murmur and refer us to cardio, i nvr tot much of it. until cardio said there's a hole between the halves of his heart. so instead of blood, pumping in frm one and out the other circulating in the body, there's a tendency of it flowing out into the lungs. On top of top there's 2 other tiny holes, so total 3. not life threathening, no surgery required at moment (his recent trip in feb doc said that he's actually doing quite well - hopefully they will mend themselves). so far only one ECG done when he was 3mth old. his next cardio appt/ecg scheduled coming aug. really praying to hear favourable news. no medication given for his condition. either self heal or correct surgically. and cardio ensure us that even with surgery he can hv normaly sports life into adulthood, which we are not very sure!! all surgery is not 100% rite??
so due to this prob i nvr let him scream too much and just let him hv his way. whenever he cries/scream i'll just drop everything and rush to him.
yep, this is the reason (based on the ecg done at age of 03mth, they rejected the case) we approached ntuc, aia, great eastern and prudential. ntuc n aia drop case - once we mention his condition, submit ecg to agent but bet they didnt even submit to superiors, great eastern - -ve reply. prudential, went all the way to get med report frm kkh, after 3wks of waiting, also no luck. deer, tks for ur offer, so i guess as the insurers suggested either wait for another 12mths or get his condition surgically corrected. i guess the 12mth wait is more practical.

so far only my parents/sis/ a very close friend know of his conditions. we didnt even tell mil or any of my colleagues. which i personally find that such news didnt nd to be "broadcasted". guess this is the retribution for my sins

giggler, i think we hv to be very firm n determine like pvl (no nonsense n stern) then we are able to discipline them. in our case, yes, to some extend personally feel that i'm spoilting him but i think that's they way i care/love him. after that "isolate" incident during my confinment, i dare not left him to cry out anymore, looking back, i'm really a bad mama to leave him crying helplessly.
did you planned all ur events to coincide on the same day?

shook, we started dating on 30 may, rom 30 may, but wedding was on 27 may. (u know lah, date no good/auspicious enough so got to choose another date). so jus to simplify things all celebrate on 30 may

i guess unless we are the main caretaker, really hard to discipline them at times. here we trying to coach, but behind our back, those g.parents is another story liao.
this yr only left 4 days. must "save emergency" and already blocked a date in jun for jerald's b'day.
that last sat of the mth, both of us happend to be off, so that's why i got the idea of goin bintan.

ruffy, ur mum so active!!! go back packing! dun think i can ever do it as i got too much to pack.
if ryan nvr spent such a long time with stranger, better dun play with that idea. he may get really upset.

deer, u gave birth by c-sec or natural?? if c-sec shd hv requested gynae to oblidge if ALL CONDITIONS FAVOURABLE TO BOTH MUMMY N BB.
You planning for no.2 already? Then must use pregnancy kit and check right coz period not back? Thanks for going back to get the gymboree voucher. So what was the conclusion of the photocopy? Was prepared to pay if the voucher could not be used but they didn't charge me anything leh. Anyway, already paid $6 to them for 3 pairs of socks coz didn't know we needed to wear socks there. Sorry had to rush off for rehearsal that day so didn't have time to chat with all of you after that.

Ally enjoyed herself at the Gymboree walkers class. Can Vanessa walk around with support? If she can, then possible to join the walkers class. Ally had loads of fun climbing up the slides but didn't like to come down on it even though it's suppose to be a reward to slide down. Tempted to sign up for the membership but just get my helper and maybe mom / mom-in-law to bring her to Gymboree during the weekday or we can bring during weekends. If I really sign up, may consider going to Tanglin coz Serangoon gardens quite far for me.
Not stranger lah..have seen them before.. a few times already.. anway.. I'm sure they won't mind "entertaining" their precious Grandson..haha..
Whah..u remember the date you started going out with hubby etc.. I can't remember all those dates.. ages ago..for us ROM/church/dinner all on the same day so easier to plan..
ruffy, the "stranger" here not really strangers, but bb just not familiar with them. like jerald, almost every wk got to c mil, but we only stayed for 10mins (slowly of late, upgrade to 20-30mins) but he nvr let me out of sight, and he still refuse mil to carry him. even go kitchen pour water, also must tag him along, otherwise he'll get "stranger/environment anxiety" and scream down the whole block.
my boy different lah.. if see Granny or people that he like ( Ye Ye)..will stick to them and can conveniently forget about mummy and daddy.. Every weekend we are over at my mum's place he will stick to my mother like superglue and can refuse to let us carry him/ feed him etc.. like granny take care of him 24/7.
Y u like dat say urself? I'm sure u're a gd mummy. I oso dun really dare to let Kieran cry for too long cos he has apnea, meaning he'll concentrate on crying until he stops breathing. My PD told us dat we have no choice but to 'spoil' him lor... Gd dat Jerald's condition is not life-threatening.

Kieran has been very active since birth. Hands n legs always flapping n moving. Can't keep still for long. Ya, my MIL always say smaller sized so more agile :p
How old is your granny? She is active backpack to Japan. Alone?

Aiyo, u wasted the $ but never mind. U got YH.
Chen Chen long winded in his crying. Sometimes he cries till no breath I think, he will rest for a v short while then cont wif his orchestra. During CNY, we tried to let him cry to sleep, he cried for > 1hr. My hubby carried him, he still cry. Stopped only after I carried him n let him latch on. V heartaching.
Nov is full of events for u
Chen Chen raise both his legs 95% of the time when he wz awake @ NB stage. Fm far, we knew he is awake of asleep

Hmm... u oso 1st date, ROM n wedding on the same day. Planned or coincident?

Your hubby din tell your IL abt Jerald's heart problem?
Go Bintan since it is such a gd opportunity

no I din plan for no 2 but hope 2 get no 2 soon
b2b3m4 told them if photocopy not acceptable then she will send in printed copy. N of lesson they asked me for the photocopy. guess no issue
Y bot 3 pairs of socks fm them for yourself n ?? They din tell me need to wear socks when I called neither did they mentioned need printed copy of voucher. Emily wz the 1 who passed the msg to val to post here to bring socks. I wz late n pulled my socks too hard while putting on dat my socks broke, so embarrassing. Actually wanted to bring 6 pairs of ankled stockings who knows forget to bring tis n dat
ally so cute love to lie on the mattress
Chen Chen loves the "holy" little balls but x to get fm gymboree. I m trying to c if can get fm elsewhere
Ryan's granny ( my mum)is 50++ yrs ..she will be going with some collegues of hers in June. Ryan also loves those balls.. I think maybe sports shops sell them.. have seen them as gym equipment in school. If you happen to come across them do let me know..if cheap maybe I get some for Ryan also. Or else will get those beach balls for him instead.
O it is Ryan's granny. I thot your granny. Even at 50++, she is v active

Thx. I checked out the spots shops when I come across n let u know.

Chen Chen not interested in beach ball
My granny can't go travelling as grandpa too old to travel and she doesn't want to travel alone.. she v.active also..play MJ etc..

Ryan doesn't like heavy balls..got one multi-colour ball with rattle inside but he doesn't like to play with it. Also have those squeeky balls but not so interesting as the holey balls.
Shook, Dana only started with a few small steps at 7 months only about 8 months then more steady. She started crawling about 6 months, i asked PD recently if it means if start crawling early can start walking early but PD said not really
so she may be cruising for quite some time before can really walk.

Giggler, book already this sat 4.30pm. Must bring socks for yourself and the coupon from the internet. We target to leave JW about 3.50. Is it easier to flag a cab from your side? Not sure where your blk is only know its those green blks, is yours along the road?
Hi Mummies,

Thanks for your advice!

Re: Breastmilk

How do we know if our breastmilk's quality is still alright? I've only seen my own bm, not seen others before so nothing to compare with. I'm just thinking that if RY rejects bm is due to quality problem then maybe I should stop breastfeeding liao!

Hi Deer,

Good to know that your sis and hubby like the confinement lady. Wonder if she still remembers me.

YH only takes 120 ml of FM but both he and RY (who takes 200 ml) is of the same weight! Wah! I wonder where did the rest of the 80 ml of FM RY takes go to!!! Yah! I can understand your frustrations when breastfeeding. For us, same same, we'd wait for RY to be half asleep before we feed him BM. Like this he can finish very fast.

Hmmm.... RY nowadays dun cry for milk anymore. If we forget to feed him, he'd forget too.... haha!

This breastmilk quality problem has been bothering me for 1 week already. If there is no quality problem I'd definitely persist in breastfeeding for as long as possible but if the quality is not as good then I'd stop. The thing is I just do not know how to find out! Really headache ah!

Our boys are around the same age, maybe you can post YH's photo here and I post RY's one?
Dont like tt say urself lah. Hopefully Jerald's heart will self heal, then dont need surgery. Think on the bright side, next time Jerald will be downgraded in NS, then he doesnt need to go thru tough and risky training. I also think the 12 mths wait is also more practical, hopefully by then Jerals's condition already healed.

It's natural birth but induced by gynae. Hubby and i wanted C-section, since we know tt induction will mean a higher chance tt we might end up with a c-section, but gynae prefer we try natural birth 1st. Actually it's good YH is 1 week longer in my tummy, so tt he wont come out too small.

YH also same as Kieran, since birth he is doing the flapping and kicking. i suspected it is related to his puking of milk everytime. I m not sure whether it's the flapping and kicking tt causes puking, or the other way, the urge of puking causes him to flap and kick, then puke? Since Kieran also has reflux problem, do u think the flapping/kicking is related to the puking?

Chen Chen so cute, likes to raise up his legs! Can imagine his leg must hv very strong muscle! Does he do it after feed? Does he has the problem of puking milk if he did it after feed?
KC, you make me wonder now also if Dana not gaining enough weight and low milk intake is due to quality of my BM also. But i read somewhere as bb grows our BM will change to suit their nutritious needs leh.

Yah, I read somewhere too that quality of BM shouldn't change despite mummy's diet cos the body will still make good BM at the expense of mummy's nutrition intake. And BM will change to suit baby's needs and intake.

But hor! I also read somewhere that sometimes quality of BM WILL change and become more diluted, less nutritious and that's usually a sign to stop breastfeeding liao!

Wonder if I should call Breastfeeding support group to check?
regarding breastmilk.. my knowledge limited to the 1st 4mths when I BF Ryan....however I know that there is a difference in appearance = difference in quality. coz if you are well rested + eat good food.. should look like normal FM when u pump out.. or else will look like very diluted water..very very light white.. like those offwhite egg etc.. dunno how to discribe the colour..I know coz kena a few times this type of "quality" when I was too tired or didn't have proper food." ..also Ryan was not full drinking this type of milk..if it is thick white milk it will keep him full... if u just directly latch on all the time u can't "see" the actually quality..
Ur confinement lady definitely remember u, my sis said she mentioned ur name to her.

I dont think it's poor quality of bm if u r taking healthy diet and body is healthy without illness. maybe it's bcoz RY has started to differentiate the taste between BM and FM, and he has a preference for FM. Since he can take BM when he is half asleep, then give BM only during then. did u express ur milk and put in the fridge? If tt's the case, it doesnt matter the timing of the feed, so just give him when he is half asleep. For my case, it's diff, i latch on directly, so even if YH is not taking my BM well during evening, i still hv to bf him, otherwise, i will be very engorged. I can pump out either, coz YH rejects BM fed using bottle. Headache right?

I remember RY is 1 day younger than YH
RY really got big appetite, taking 200ml of milk! My mum and i hv tried increasing YH's feed to 150ml, but he either rejects the last 30ml or puke them out after eating. So we revert back to 120ml.

I dont hv YH's most recent photos with me now, all i hv is 3 weeks ago. I hv posted them here b4, i hope the mummies here dont mind tt i keep posting the same photos :p Will try to remember to download recent photos fr my digi camera tonite.

ruffy, jerald also like that, when my parents ard, he prefer them to us.

skyblue, 1st time hearing of such condition. will read up webby later. "apnea" new word learnt today.

shook, we felt that no point tell her also, she only understand the "surface", she will only worry here n there, reco some quack docs, making me more fan!! plus more impt to tell my parents since they are they main caretaker.
already chking with my travel agent on promo on bintan liao.

ruffy, any pix on the holely balls u talking abt?

kc, as long as ur diet is rite, it shdnt affect ur bm quality. but i notice that whenever i had enough fish - my milk will be as white as fresh milk n thick!! but without gd diet (skip meal, go on diet..etc) my bm is v.thin and of greyish color.

deer, must be my fault as i always hd crash diet since sch days, i discovered myself preggie somewhere only 9-10wks. that's why jerald so small. of course, i'm feeling better compare to the time i got the times. i just take it that jerald is just like any normal bb, he's active, bz playing, crawl here n there, there's nothing by one look, you can tell that he got a heart condition.
wow, u induce yet ur labour so short?!?! my friend gana insert pills twice and after 26hrs then gave birth. u v.lucky leh.
ruffy, deer, shook et al, thanks for your concern about Sarah's rashes. They are all better today. They didn't bother her at all, so I didn't apply anything for them. Last night she woke up 2x asking for water to drink! Don't know why she's so thirsty, or maybe she's just keen on practising her sign language. Hehehe.

deer, my Sarah's case the worst. She was born really a good size - 3.4 kg, but didn't gain wt during her first month. Dunno why. Maybe I was too stressed with packing up my entire house to move back to Singapore. Had to go to the PD every week for wt check, gave complementary feedings with FM etc etc. Came back and wt gain finally settled into a steady climb.

Giggler, you did right. When Vane stopped crying and came to hug you, you were right to sayang her back. There must be reconciliation after the discipline. Maybe it was her way of telling you that she was sorry for the tantrum.
lyn, true lor, didnt know that it'll be so difficult to discipline Vane. Sigh.. I really hope I can do a better job so that Vane wont grow up to be spoilt brat. Yup, I planned all events to be on the same day.

absolut, we need to wear socks too? Vane can even walk a few steps without support now. What rehearsal are u busy with? Dun tire yourself out with your current condition.

Ruffy, my gal is like Ryan. She prefers those pple that can get her out of the house, eg. My parents, bros, sils and even shopowner of a candy shop.

skyblue, yday Vane cried till she couldn't breathe too. I got a fright from her leh but I tried my best to persist as long as I can lah.

shook, Chen Chen can cry for >1hr??? That's too long for me to tahan liao. I planned my ROM and wedding to be the same day as our 1st dating. You no plan but hope to get No.2 soon? But your menses not back yet rite? How come there's no pix from Gymboree at all?

QSG, thanks to book class for me. Ok, I'll got to set reminder to bring socks for myself and Vane. Yup, mine is along the road and quite easy for me to get cab ard my area. So I'll pick you up instead?

KC,I look at the colour of breastmilk to determine its quality. Think it's consider good quality if it's white and not transparent colour?
What is crash diet? If u think tt Jerald's condition is due to ur diet, then u hv to be more careful with ur diet when u plan for ur 2nd one. Actually, i dont think it's due to ur diet lah, no matter how crash, we r not living in a 3rd world ctry, whatever we eat shld hv provided enuff nutrient to our bb, unless u r eating fast food or can food every meal. So dun blame urself lah, and pls dont give Jerald the impression tt his heart condition is due to u, no good for mummy and bb bonding.

Did i mention my labour hrs to u b4? I got poor memory nowaday, dont seem to recover since pregnancy. I didnt know tt induction will cause longer labour hrs. When my gynae inserted half of the pill into me, he said i m already 2cm dilated, even if he is not going to induce me, i will be going into labour in 1-2 days time.
Looking back on those pregnancy days, it seems so far away ;) But hor, i actually missed the feeling of giving birth very much. Dont mind hving the 2nd one soon ;)

RY is very cute leh!
He look so happy in the bumbo. Does he have big eyes? Fr the pic, it looks like his eyes will look quite big if he opens his eyes fully. Can RY sit up on his own already?
I am not a good camera man lah, i m taking pic at the wrong angle most of the time, tt's why YH looks very chubby in the camera. He even looks as if he got double chin due to the wrong angle tt i m shooting. But in actual fact, he is just what he looks like in pic 3.

Glad to hear tt Sarah is better today. Hopefully she can recover fully soon. U practise signing to her? Does it take a while for her to understand? I hv no patience and confidence in doing so. Dont think i guess correctly.
U just came back to s'pore recetly? Where weere u and hubby staying previously? Is Sarah's weight normal for her age at the moment?
KC, RY looked so happy in his bumbo seat.

PVL, she didnt stop crying when she came to me and hug me leh. So I not sure if I did right by hugging her back. Good that Sarah is recovering. So she just knows the sign of drinking? How to sign 'more'? Vane knows how to sign when she's full or scared liao.
KC, what I know about breastmilk is that if it is transparent kind of colour... it is not that it is no good, but it is just the foremilk... the hindmilk is richer and creamy in colour. Pump more and think of bb... then u'll get the letdown and after the foremilk, hindmilk will come.

I don't think there's such a thing a bad breastmilk and gd breastmilk. It is designer milk that we are giving our bbs, coz it is produced in the right proportions for our bb. Like breastmilk for premies different from breastmilk for newborns from breastmilk for toddlers. The milk makeup just grows and changes to suit each bb... so, just continue to feed your bb and know that u are just giving ur best... of course ur diet must be good too lah... or else how to produce gd milk? :p
kc, ry so CHU**Y!!! so cute! eyes so charming.

pvl, hot weather, good that sarah is aking for fluid.

giggler, u so lucky to get all dates/events to coincide in one day.
vane v.smart!! can sign full or scared. jerald just simply push away his bottle or do "flower watering" with his bal milk.

deer, crash diet (eat like pig one day, and fast the other - that's my opinion), i can fast whole day, surviving on water only, other days on fruits only. then once a blue mth pig out at buffet. v.bad diet.
now no more, make sure i got my bread at b'fast. and one other meal either lunch or dinner. i think more or less this bad lifestyle contribute to his current condition.
ur labour, early morning induce, ard noon popped liao rite?? i love labour stories, reminds me the v.moment jerald popped!! love being preggie
U bot many types of balls for Ryan?

How long is the stk of ebm u feed RY? Chen Chen reduces milk intake fm 160ml dwn to 120ml since he started on solid food. Initially I thot he doesn't like my bm (which is wat my mum always say) but he likes to latch on. I guess he prefers fresh milk. Bsides, my mum feeds him big/many servings of solid food, dat's y he can't drink so much. When he wz sick n rejected solid food, he cld drink 160ml. Hv u start RY on solid food?
Do u eat something recently which u din eat after delivery?
RY is cute

Chen Chen raised his legs as long as he wz awake. But not anymore. He regurgitatest milk, even now @ times, especially when he is on tummy after feeding
Pls dun force YH to take more if he can't bb knows when he/she is full

Your hubby can keep secret fm your MIL. If my hubby he sure tell his mum.
Did u hv crash diet or on diet when u r pregnant?

Gd dat Sarah is ok. The rashes din bothered Chen Chen too. They went off eventually. Gd dat Sarah got it now, she will recovered fully by 18th May
Did Sarah perspire a lot? If yes, dat cld b the reason dat she is thirsty

Vane is so fast, can walk a few steps w/o support. Chen Chen can't
Adults need to wear socks in gymboree, bb dun need. BB won't b able to move well wif socks
Ya Chen Chen cried for >1hr. My hubby can't tar han, kept talking to Chen Chen, carried him, told him he noti, kept crying, mummy doesn't want him anymore. I wz hiding. Chen Chen cried even more bitterly when my hubby said I dun want Chen Chen
I let nature take it's course, dun pressurize myself
My hubby forgot to get battery for camera. Used cell phone to take pic. Kenna spotted by the staff. Will post the pic after my hubby uploaded them into pc

Priviledged, Giggler
Your gals r so cute. Can use sign language. I taught Chen Chen but he juz stared @ me in blank

Agree 100% wif wat u said abt bm
Hmm..i have nvr associated the flapping n kicking wif reflux leh... wat i do feel is dat maybe he's so active n dats y he pukes milk so often...but heng ah, now frequency very much reduced un like last time, merlion so frequently. Initially when he started on solids, he'll oso puke while eating, sometimes nvr puke out but can hear the puking sound. PD told me maybe cos he's not used to the texture of the food in his mouth...now still does so occasionally...haiz...

So how? u read up on apnea oredi?

RY has got ur smile
only bought 2 typs..those squeeky ones that can float and another soft one with rattle inside.. just back from swimming and this monkey still not sleepy..haiz.. yesterday can sleep so well..today dun want to take naps.
lyn, it's my parents who taught her the signs. I didnt see any fengshui master to get dates for my ROM and wedding. I just decide myself on the dates.

Shook, but Vane is timid she'll sit down immed if she feels that she's falling down while walking. That's why so far can only walk abt 5 steps w/o support. You got to be patient lor, think my parents show her for quite sometime before she can sign full/scared. I've been showing her drinking and eating but she still not showing these signs to me.
giggler, then ur family v.modern leh. my mum sure chop off my head if i insisted on my way. but all for my own happiness

so quiet here of late, what happend to the usual chatterbox?? sahm, pringles, sanrio....
RY thank all mummies here for your kind compliments.

Deer, I now remember that YH is fed 3 hourly whereas RY is fed 4 hourly that's probably the reason why YH takes 120ml, whereas RY takes 200ml. RY nowadays sleeps through the night with last feed at 11.30pm and first feed at 8.00am so he probably needs more to "compensate" for the long interval at night. Haha! Guessing only lah!

No leh! RY doesn't have big eyes.
He looks like my hubby. He will have bigger eyes if he looks like me. My hubby kept saying never mind lah, for boys eyes big or small not important! Haha!

Lyn, thanks for the "eat fish" information. I think I'd try to eat Fish soup for lunch everyday and see if my BM will look as thick and white as FM.

Emily, thanks for your encouragement. Just now while pumping I kept thinking about RY and I could actually pump 20ml more! Hee!

Shook, no leh no change in diet and RY has not "formally" started solids yet. He's taking apples and carrots for fibre for his constipation. All the BM I gave him are kept in the fridge for not more than 1 day. Think I may try to revert back to direct feeding this weekend.

Skyblue, actually RY looks like my hubby but me and hubby also look very much alike. Last time people always ask me if hubby is my younger brother. Haha!

Wow! This thread is great! So many good advices today. I felt better already about my BM.
I read dat bb reflux bcoz bb's stomach is shallow. So food comes out easily

Your hubby v guai, listen to u
Crash diet n on diet up to pregnancy, then dat cannot b the reason for Jerald's heart problem. Dun blame yourself
Brenda oso MIA

How often u bring Ryan for swim per wk?
Wz Ryan tired after gymboree?

OIC, it's your parents who taught Vane the sign lang. Ya, Chen Chen picks up wrist turning n fingers exercise fm my parents. He oso picked up some words fm them like negh negh, nine nine, ma ma, pa pa... I teach him to say negh negh wif hand sign but till now he still doesn't know how to do it
Vane risk adverse lar. @ least she can walk 5 steps w/o support. Chen Chen not even 1 step

U so lucky think of RY can express more. I can't. I hv difficulty pumping in office. Pump lesser n lesser
Wat is the color of the milk u expressed most of the time?

Ryan goes swimming abt 2x a week..sometimes x3 depends on whether we are free etc..but hor..it doesn't help me in losing weight..coz Ryan is doing the exercise not me..as I have to support him etc..he doesn't like using the float at all...luckily only have 1 float.
When I return to work..will try to bring him swimming x1 a week if possible.

Nope..not tired after gymboree.. he is normally more "cheong" at the playground..shd really see how he play..the slide at gymboree..is baby slide only.. he play on "adult" size slide..
