(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

shook, u got a point there!! for me, my parking lessons still far away, but i think reverse parking n parallel is a killer.

mummies, weather these few days v.hot, pls give water/fluid to bb, esp you know how easily they sweat like leaking tap!!

cos hor... many occasions weather is so darn hot when we go out, so usu edi is in sleeveless rompers... i thot the baseball romper looks warm... and hor... he hates the cap dat comes wif it. :p
orh... hehe... will let u know when i can pick it up from u/hubby.
thanks v much! v nice of u.
lyn, the 60min is for the whole buffet. We managed to finish within 60min just now.

Jo & lyn, i got a friend whose bb is premature and can only buy insurance when 2 years old. Usually if bbs got specific conditions will be rejected bec of their high mortality and morbidity during the initial years of life.Insurance is a type of forced savings, good to buy if we are not very rich or investment savvy. It also depends on what type of insurance you are looking for. If protection only, just buy term plans.
qsg, wow, $19++ for 60min lunch - more than enough for me!!! worth it!!
any idea which insurance they approach?? we were actually getting the Prucash for jerald for 25yrs, mainly for edu purpose. the insurance agent already told us before hand that in jerald case, a life policy right now is impossible as most insurance will also reject the case.
lyn, they are Pru agents themselves. Insurance cos share a common database on medical records,etc so once you try buying from one, the rest will know also the conditions of the proposed insured and depending on how stringent or conservative they are, they may or may not accept your case but like i said infant risk is higher so most likely other cos will not accept also. But no harm trying others if you want.
What is Jerald's condition tt u cant buy insurance for him?

If u it is for saving purposes, u can buy an endowment fund under your name for him. If u r thinking of protection, maybe u can check whether u can buy term insurance for Jerald as the dependence of ur hubby under his SAF group insurance, the rate is good. but again if Jerald has a certain condition rejected by the prudential insurance, SAF group insurance (under AVIVA) might not accept either.

BTW, i hv made comparison b4, i find Prudential policy is always slightly more expensive. You may want to check out Great Eastern and Asia Life products b4 commiting to one. Great Eastern will not be much cheaper in terms of premium, but their payout is higher. Asia Life policy is cheaper as compared to other insurance company offering similar products.
qsg, dun nd to try, we approach NTUC and Great Eastern liao. the moment we mention jerald's condition, NTUC without checking or hesitating, the immediately said the premiums is going to be high/different!!! BLOODSUCKERS!!
well, at least Pru bother to investigate and get our authorisation letter to "buy" med report frm KK.

Mine is peg perego. I think I still have the receipt. $360. If want, I can find. Last sun, I juz got another chicco caddy stroller, $129. The chicco one, it with me now. So, if no one can provide, "no fish, prawn oso take hor"?
Reverse parking is not as difficult as compared to parallel parking but then wat u learn is not the same as when u do in real life bcoz when u r learning, u hv poles to guide. Your instructor will tell u when u c the pole touching which part of the window, u turn. In real life, where got poles?
Chen Chen sweat a lot but he refuses to drink water. Any tips how u get Jerald to drink water?

Yep the romper is indeed warm. V thick.
I love the baseball cap. So cute. But Chen Chen hates to hv anything on his head, b it hat, handky, fever pad. He pulls them off the min u put on his head, v persistent
soyabean, wahhh you going on romantic trip! How nice! Do enjoy yourself

qsg, the last time I went kuishinbo was when I was preggie. I just realised- I havent been to a buffet since faye's born! Aiyo, how I miss the leisure pigging-out days!

shook/Lyn, I used to be terrified of parking cause at the driving sch I used the pole method and realised I couldnt park for nuts w/o poles! SO I started frm scratch after I passed. These days my reverse parking quite good liao hehehe. BUT HOR, still cant do parellel and cant be bothered to learn since I drive only on weekdays and usually got ample regular lots.

lyn, your hb saved v hard to get his vios? As you you paid cash for the car ah?

Brenda- I've read from one book that says no citrus till 8-9mth. ANOTHER book says until 12 mtm. So I guess its subjective lor.
qsg / Lyn

What does Kuishinbo serve for buffet? Is the main focus on sashimi? Berry, did u eat sashimi when you were preggie?

what does gymboree mean when they use the term cruising? Hopefully Ally fits into the category but should be right coz she's coming 11 mths. Is this sat's session a free and easy session for them to play or there is a class to follow.

I've also fed Ally citrus fruits and grapefruit juice. Think ok as long as it's a little bit and it's not on empty stomach.
Ya I started fm scrath on parking after I got my licence. Can't park parellel parking lot @ all. My dad taught me till I master it but then return to him already since I din drive for a long time, n most of the parking lots r reverse parking lot

Cruising means walk wif holding on to support. If Ally can hold herself up to stand n walk she fits into gymwalker.
Tis sat's session is a formal class wif teacher to guide us n our bb wat to do
absolut hehehe yes! I ate LOTS of sashimi when I was preggie, but only from 2nd tri onwards.
I think the class is teacher guided. If you are free, can also walk-in to try their playgym which is basically FREE play, no teacher, only $15/hr for non member. Members pay $8/hr. The class on the other hand is teacher guided, costs $30 a lesson for members. I tihnk the trial you are going is a free trial for the CLASS.
Faye is now attending the class (gymcrawler) 1-2 times a week. But when she is older and can climb/cruise effectively, I'll also bring her to the playgym. The playgym (free play, no teacher) is more suitable for bbs who can at least walk well with support.
I think Alicia is participating only in the free play. Remember Pringles mentioned that Alicia don like when there;s too many children.
deer, jo, has done hme wk to check on the various policies before deciding on Pru, (i'm a Pru holder myself) anyway, think will put jerald's case on hold as i think the outcome with either insurer will hv the same outcome.

val, thks for offer, can i get the chicco receipt frm you? since you hv on hand, dun go dig n dig. i collect frm you on friday can?

shook, you wont agree to my way of feeding fluid to jerald. for plain water, i add a few drops of gripe water to sweeten it, otherwise, i give apple juice or barley water (sweeten with winter melon) ALL SWEET STUFF!!

berry, dun think will make use of parallel parking as your statements is v.true!! dun nd to park parallel at multistorey carpark!!
when we tot of getting that vois, we didnt know i was preg, so "2" babies coming at same time, so must save v.hard. i think we came with a few thousand cash for the 1st payment of insurance, downpayment...etc.

absolut, their main focus is JAP FOOD!! not really sashimi as they hv tempura, udon corner, dessert, teppanyaki...etc. if u dun take raw food, there's lotz of other things for you!! REMEMBER WHEN MAKING RESERVATION, TELL THE STAFF TO ALLOCATE YOU AWAY FRMT HE TEPPANYAKI KITCHEN, OTHERWISE U'LL SMELL LIKE ONE WHEN U LEAVE.
QSG, you can get the Gerber fruits puff from Toys R'Us at Jurong Pt.

jo, Excel course so boring cos I already most of the stuff they teach. I'll be going tour group to go Tokyo & Osaka. Now still searching ard for agencies. Anyone got recommendation? I wont be bringing Vane with me to Jpn.

lyn, we'll be taking package tour so not advisable to bring Vane along. Not sure if I can tahan without her for a week. Let me check if I still have my Graco's pram receipt at home.

soyabean, ok I'll let Vane try out Enfapro after she finish her Nan2. Can I snatch some of the Enfapro give-away from you? Heehee.

Berry, you still take sashimi while you were preggie? I refrained from taking and was always drooling when I saw my frens eating them.

B2B3M4, I think I ever saw them at Suntec's Music Junction? Is the Raimond Laps CDs good?
Giggler, am aware Toys R'US has , happen to be at suntec yesterday so went carrefour to check it out.

Went to Tokyo when preggie cannot eat anything raw...so no sushi,etc anyway i dun really like sashimi
I usually book my trips with honeyworld at clifford centre at raffles place more convenient to settle the the tixs and payment ,etc. They have also tours for japan. I went there F&E but heard more cost effective to go japan on tours. If you interested and dunno where it is, next week you come raffles place, we lunch together then i bring you there?
hehe... edi same... hates anything on his head, except his own hair and sweat. :p put hanky oso wld remove.

thanks! hehe... reali lookg 4wd. hehe... i oso ate some sashimi when preggy... cant resist lah... wat i did was put lots of wasabi.
The music is pretty simple but my girl shows great interest in it when i first played them. i oso played them when she has problem sleeping at nights. i'm trying to wean her off latching on at night now, so hb took over n she sort of more calmed down when she listen to Raimond laps' music.

Does VAne take similac??? Now when u buy their twin pack, can get to sample a number of raimond laps music on CD.
QSG, we arrange again next week for lunch then. Thanks for offering.

soyabean, I stopped pumping in ofc liao. Then, going to direct feed for another mth till Vane turns one yr old. After that, most prob I'll wean her off completely. Hopefully, she doesnt give me much problems weaning off.

B2B3M4, think raimond laps CD is not cheap leh. I'm trying out Vane with fm now. She tried mamil, enfalac and Nan2. Maybe I'll let her try out Similac. But you willing to take over from me the fm if she doesnt like it?
morning mummies

lyn, qsg... my hubby only bought hospitalisation and surgical (CPF) for bb.

i love japan! but recent accident about the JR West train really horrible.

just now i called etonhouse to check on full day child care... official hour is 7am to 7pm but the lady told me 7am too early, ask me to come at 7:30am.... then picking bb home, she said latest by 6pm... i explained to her i am FTWM and i won't be able to reach there at 6pm but she said it is not good for kid. not sure if eton house really that good now....
Do u mean buying Similac follow-on get the raimond laps music CD? How abt Similac Infant Formula? YH is going to 6 months soon, i think i still need to get 1 more can of infant formula b4 i change to Follow-on.
U can get the similac sample (400g) by submitting a request from the abbott website. They r very prompt, will response to u within 7 days. They will also give u a small bear and a $3 vochure for the next purchase of similac follow-on.

There r a few eton house, which one did u call? Or all eton house operate 'unofficially' fr 7.30am to 6pm? The lady sounds a bit unprofessional and rather inconsiderate, she shld know tt most working mothers cant make it at 6pm.
giggler/soyabean, yar lor, I broke almost all pregnancy rules and I broke ALL confinement rules. Obviously Faye turned out perfectly fine, heh :p

soyabean, we're gonna go HK at year end together with Faye, I'm also looking forward to it v much
mummies, many tks for your receipts. TKS FOR TAKING TROUBLE TO GO DIG IT OUT FOR ME. already gotten a copy frm val.

giggler, if package tour, why cant bring vane along?? weather's good, and tour pple will definiately excuse your late-coming..etc if they c u with bb. F& E will be difficult as you'll be on your own with hubby, plus language barrier unless u speak jap.

mummies, the raimond laps cd collection not cheap leh, saw it on the webby!

jo, intend to switch sch for ZL? how's he today? still at hme?
lyn n giggler,
how much is the raimond laps cd selling in singapore?

yah, u can try out their sample. apparently according to my colleague, it has a fishy smell due to the fish oil but Ashley has no problem with it. oso find it not as sweet as mamil gold.
yep, it's the follow on formulae. They didn;t advertise it as raimond laps CD, it has Zoe Tay's face on the front, labelled as some Zoe Tay's music box.
deer and soyabean
i checked on etonhouse @ Vanda (bt. timah)
ya lor... i even asked her the parents there not working? she said yes but they worked in town so can fetch them earlier or some have domestic helpers or some took school bus left at 3pm!? i think they don encourage parents to leave there too long to extend their working hours.

anyway they seems to be very popular, fully book... maybe that explains her attitude but she still sounds quite friendly.

i am now looking childcare for zl to start in Dec 05 or Jan 06. some childcare, like etonhouse, has to register very early.
wow! u mean eton house is that popular!!! I'm pretty torn whether to put Ashley in the childcare at work or one near my mum's place. if near my mum's place, at least someone can pick her up first if i need to work late. cannot imagine her sittin in a meeting with me.
Chen Chen's stroller $169. My hubby said he is not sure where he keeps the receipt. If u can wait, he goes back on Sat to dig. Perhaps we c giggler can find hers. Bet hers is more x.
Dun wanna dampen your spirit but my hubby said dunno they will compare the brand of the pram on the receipt to the pram u put in your boot or not
My mum does wat u do to encourage Chen Chen to drink water but doesn't work all the time

u go jpn n May, er.... b4 u celebrate Vane's b'dy. So sad can't bring Vane along to Jpn. U she de?
I abstain fm sashimi fm pregnancy till 1st few mths after delivery
I hv a package of enfra(dunno wat) 3 think enuff for 1 feed only. U want?

U so ticklish. I saw u put in yahoo dbase for 29th May bb gathering @ chalet under food column "celebrate Matt's b'dae wif buddy Chen Chen..." R u saying the food u gonna bring is Matt
. Eureka come there is a bb for your mouth....I m so sorry Nat but I can't stop myself fm

The gals more guai hor, like Alicia n Vane let their mummy wear hat on them
I eat sashimi wif lots of ginger. I m a chilli queen but can't stand wasabi
jo, understand that popular childcare ctr (like the one near my office) v.near PWC bldg. got a long waiting list!! but dun think will sent jerald there. afterall he's there for only 4hrs, will probably get one in the neighbour near my mum's plc. as long as teachers are caring, pls is clean - anywhere is ok with me.

shook, u chili queen!!! i must add at least another 3spoonful of chili to my laksa!!! but same as u cant take wasabi (unless i got runny/block nose - v.gd cure)
NO, PLS DUN PURPOSELY GO DIG!! too much of hasse, v.pai say!! what lee said, same as hubby - now afraid they will compare the pix with receipt. but workshop pple said, got receipt can claim liao, anyway, the pix cant really c the brand of our pram!! already got val to offer her receipt, meeting up with her later this evening. TKS FOR YOUR OFFER.
Of course the lady must sound friendly lah, she scared u go and complain to the management tt she told u hv to bring bb back by 6pm. Does the current infant care center zl attending offer child care?

R u looking for a trustworthy child care centre? The church tt my MIL attending runs a child care centre, it's at Sembawang. If u r interested and the place is conventient for u, i can check for u whether the child care centre is good, coz MIL is quite active in the child care centre.

Maybe u go down to both child care centre and take a look, see whether the place is clean and neat, whether the teachers are good in handling the children, whether they hv activities tt occupied them.
yeah, have u visited the childcare centres?

quite true... but i am concern about the programs, learning activities leh....

hahahahaha, just now i was sharing this with my hubby and said maybe i should call the headoffice management to confirm.

my current infant care centre offers childcare but location very far leh.... now and then i have to really leave on the dot cos seems that i am always the last one to pick zl home. oh, i am also the first to leave zl there.

thanks deer but sembanwang is not convenient to me unless i change job near there heehee... impress that your MIL active in child care centre.

anyway i will visit etonhouse and kinderland. etonhouse told me appointment to visit them tomorrow is also fully book... asked me to come only next week... hmm.... testing my patience....
How much is the fees for etonhouse and kinderland child care centre?

Fr what u mention, the lady whom u spoke to seems to hv attitude problem, visitng also got full house meh?!?!?! .... she's like discourage u to enrol into their child care centre. Wonder whether we can trust pple like her to take care of our bb, even though the child care centre is famous.
fees at etonhouse @ vanda is S$945 but fees at etonhouse @ newton and broadrick is $1155.

kinderland is cheaper than eton, about $800plus minus depending on the location.

aiya... donno its programs really that good... so will compare and see... skarly not much difference from neighbourhood childcare. my hubby just told me not to pay too much for childcare....
oic... but u r lucky van has no probs wif FM so far... and good for u... u hv bf for so long already...

dats not the correct cust svc attitude leh. if u got to work later, u got to. u cant force ur customers to change their schedule to suit u, esp nw we are toking abt working mummies.

haha... mayb gers know they will be mei-mei after wearing hats... dat packet of enfa u toking abt is enfagrow stage 3 for 1YO and abv.

hehe... i jus bgt 2 Bee Smart Baby VCDs during lunch shopping... and oso 1 pair of Shooshoos shoes for edi...
Wow! The fees at Etonhouse is really ex!!!. Does ur workplace or ur hubby workplace has child care ctr? Usually workplace child care ctr is subsidised. Me kpo just now, call up my workplace child care ctr to check. It is run by Learning Vision, which seems to hv a lot of branches in other workplace, hdb estate and shopping ctr. And the lady whom i hv spoken to said tt the programme is the same for all their child care ctr. But i dun really know whether they r good or not.

U may want to take a look at this website for Learning Vision child care ctr, u might be able to find one tt is near ur place or workplace.
Wow!!!! Child care is super expensive!!! The one at my work place is only $450 for staff. N its pretty nice, lots of activities outdoors. $900+, that's almost double the rate!

dun wan ashley to be expose only to maid n granny. she's oso super hyper. think she can learn more things at child care n learn to socialise n learn proper behaviour.
i just called her again cos i realised their programmes start from 9am to 3:30pm... no wonder they said parents pick up latest by 6pm...

yes, i saw learningvision before, i will check it out.

wow... now i feel 900+ is indeed too expensive liao... but my male colleague sending his daughter to kinderland after few years in neighbourhood childcare centre claimed that the kinderland's way of handling children behaviour is indeed very very good. but i still believe there are many good neighbourhood childcare centres, depending on the teachers.
Halo mummies,
So long nvr come into tis thread liao. How're ur little darlings doing? Must be crawling n walking by now. So fast hor, ur darlings gonna be 1 yr old soon. Dat time still lamenting abt aches n pains during the 3rd trimester of the pregnancy. Now the little ones r all grown up liao.
yep, its the 12.10pm class, we'll c u there on sat then.

Jana only drinks warm water, if its at room temp, she doesn't drink much. U may wanna try ??

my friend brought her boy to Japan, tink he's 9 or 10 mths then, she commented that Japan is v child-friendly. its ok to leave Vane behind as she's still small mah ...good chance to spend some couple time with hubby ...mummy & daddy loving and happy=happy family=happy vane!!

also got a shock that etonhse is so ex ...I must start saving liao... haven't been in much control of my spending. Heard that the teachers at etonhouse r gd.

there's an free SSO performance at botanic gds this Sunday at 5pm, can bring bb there for picnic.

zl also only drink warm water...

hi viv
which part of japan ur fren went?

oh, u heard the teachers at etonhouse r good?

i heard some childcare will ask u to pay for enrichment classes...etc. got to check...
