(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

Hi soyabean, ok to come alone lah. I went alone the other time too. It's alright cos all of us very friendly one.

Hi ruffy, thanks for your info.

Hi Kis, what happened that made you so unhappy?

Hi sanrio, lucky you're not working leh. If not, it'll be very tough on you to take care of Ashrel hor? There's a nursing rm at Centrepoint, Level 3.

Hi shook, I don't think there's a nursing rm at Specialist.

Hi Viv, is your co run by govt one? Your PIS is good hor? Initially I intend to buy it too but find it too ex liao.

Hi pringles, my mom got a high chair for Vane too. But we got those with plastic seat, thot that it'll be easier to clean up. I ever placed Vane on it while I play mj. Hahaha..

Hi mon, you planning for 2nd one liao? I don't dare to have No.2 once I remembered how I 'suffer' during confinement.

Hi Val, my gal also got it leh, esp on her neck. So Vaseline helps for Randall?

Hi brenda, so you coming to the gathering tom?

Hi Emily, what musical you watching? Mama Mia?

Hi gals, here are some photos of Van taking her maiden dip.

the last time they only came with free soyabeen maker thingy..no fruit peeler..maybe new package? I dunno about that.. anway.. glad that you also find the blender useful.

Van v.happy in the water.. v.sexy..wear bikini.
Hi Giggler,

Hhmmm... can ask where shook live? Feel like joining bt my hubby abandoning us for a dive tomm. So if its too far, dun think i can manage to bring boi boi there on my own.

Vane so sexy!!! she sure look like one water babe!! enjoying herself yah
Van is so cute & sexy wif the bikini.
the color of the bikini so striking and nice too.

Frm the look at Van's pix, she looks like u leh...

if i'm not wrong, think u did applied a passport online for Van rite? can i check how long it takes to process? how did u take the photo for Van to be submitted for passport application?
Van so cute in the bikini ! I wanted to wait till I can fit into my swimming costume
before bring my girl for her maiden dip but cant wait leh ..think will ask hubby to go into the pool wif her instead.

The one at JL also comes with the free soyabean maker attachment, the fruit peeler is those v cheapo type think < $5 only. Actually I dun mind paying a bit more cos if I go downtown on another day, need to spend on cab fare also mah... but its the attitude of the promoter i dun like.

its understandable bbs can't sit still in a chair for too long..kids are like that....they are more keen to explore their surroundings and play rather than sit in the chair and eat like us adults. So i'm just giving myself mental preparation when we start them on solids..its gonna be messy and they might not be as cooperative as we want them to...anyway, i'm currently orientating Alicia to her chair and she seems to take it quite well...have to keep her busy as well by placing toys on the table.


How was Vane's reaction to the cold water? How long did u let her swim? So interesting!

These days, getting a bit difficult to cut Alicia's fingernails...she wakes up so easily!
just came back from the liibrary..
Water baby- a first fun book of water skills. Calno 649.122hes.. show in picture form how to self teach bb swiming.. I find it quite good.. after I read the book.. will post my views.. if any mummy is interested in borrowing the book from the national library.
salesman attitude these few years.. rate negative on my scale also...
.. chronical industry problem.
Giggler, yes going to watch mama mia. u went already?

btw, I brought Ethan for his dip yesterday. Wow... water so cold! Will upload the shots and show u gals soon. He enjoyed himself... just like Val.
HI ruffy, she was enjoying at first but she got scared after someone splashed water on her face.

Hi brenda, Shook lives near SK. I managed to bring my gal there alone all the way from extreme West leh.

Hi Jaz, she looking more like me. I used the pix that we took at Out of the Box. But I think you can just take using your own digi cam.

Hi Viv, hahaha. That's what I did lor, asked my hubby to bring her in the pool instead.

Hi pringles, the water was warm cos we went at abt 3-4pm. She was in the water for abt 15min only.

Hi emily, I didn't watch but heard of good reviews on it. What time did you bring Ethan to the pool? We went at about 3-4pm so water warm after the afternoon sun.
Y highchair need to b reclinable? I dunno if mine r reclinable or not

U started work. Xian rite. Missed Randall rite.
Gathering @ my plc tml at 3pm pot luck. I pm u my address u receive it?

There is a Nursing rm @ Centrept on the 6th level.

Vane so Cute..... in her bikini

Fine wif me wif ice-cream cone. Those who dun 1 ice-cream cone, I hv small cups n spoons for ice-cream

Come come on Sat. I can't pm u my address coz u dun accept pm
U coming wif ?? Wat u brining for pot luck?

Latest update
Nat + hubby n Matt
Sanrio + hubby n Ashrel
Pringles + hubby + Alicia :~ ice cream
Val + Randall
Lyn + hubby + Jerald :~ pastries
priviledged + Sarah
Mon_mon + Aelwen :~ cake
Giggler + mum + Vane
Piglet + hubby + Gareth
Kis + hubby + Elyse :~ fruits
Brenda + ??
Hi Jaz

Also applied passport for Ally. Sat her on her bumbo against a wall of white background and used digicam to take the shot. Passport application takes about a week. But try not to go and collect it on a sat. Went down last sat and it was a nightmare ... super long queue just to get no. and after that still must wait for no. to be called.
If the highchair is not reclinable..bb won't be able to sit comfotably and eat in it until their spine is "harden" that will be about 7mths+
Even with Ryan he still prefers to be fed in his rocker than high chair as my high chair cannot recline.
hi Shook,

think i'll join u gals this saturday! I've already undo the pm thingy, can u try to pm me ur address? i'll be going with my boi, jerome.

can i prepare cocktail sausages for everyone? hehehe... havta carry bb on my own, can't bring big big stuff :p

Ur HP kanna water izzit? Tried sms/call u but no reply.Hehe.... I din rec ur mail as I think my hotmail a/c has been inactive for a while. Anyway, I got ur add fm Piglet. Can I bring bring my ma ma along oso. So I can hv more time to KPO with other mummies &amp; babies.
hi all,

Being MIA for so long.............. sorry I cannot make it for Shook's gathering. will try to join u all in Dec gathering.

Take care and enjoy yourself at Shook's place tomorrow
hi shook
Can i join in the gathering tomorrow? sorry for the last min confirmation, my hubby juz told me he able to make it tomorrow.
Hi shook, you mean Centrepoint has so many nursing room? I got no idea what to bring leh. Got any suggestions? I bring the stickers and marker for us to write names on.

Hi absolut, they need a week to process? I thot they said 3 days on the net. Excited for your trip liao?

Hi Val, you bring your mum along lah then my mom got companion leh.

Hi Vivi, come and join us tom lah.

Hi brenda, you're rite leh. I think shook will say this. Hahaha
hi mummies, shook. mr the sotong one left ur add in office. any kind soul can sms me shook's tel n add on my hp. no is 98792936. tks u gals 2moro.
Oh so much abt high chair. Thx for sharing.

I pm u. Check it out

So sorry, I wz busy travelling here n there n din check my sms.
Bring ya ma ma 2 b friend friend wif Giggler's ma ma. My ma ma may not b able to join us as we hv overseas guest.

Brenda, Giggler
thx for replying on my b1/2

U got the ans. I pm u my address. Check it out

I went to Centrept yes'dy. The lady @ the infomation counter told me nursing rm on the 6th level. I dunno abt the 1 on the 3rd level n Mothercare. Din check it out
My hubby prepared the sticker n marker liao

Latest update
Nat + hubby n Matt
Sanrio + hubby n Ashrel
Pringles + hubby + Alicia :~ ice cream
Val + mummy + Randall :~ chicken wing
Lyn + hubby + Jerald :~ pastries
priviledged + Sarah
Mon_mon + Aelwen :~ cake
Giggler + mum + Vane
Piglet + hubby + Gareth :~ chicket wing
Kis + hubby + Elyse :~ fruits
Brenda + Jerome :~ cocktail sausage
Viv + hubby + baby

V likely I won't b able to come in2 forum after tis posting. My pc installed @ my mum's plc. I try to if possible to go my mum's plc tml but can't promise
Thks so much for ur invitation n very much luv to attend. My sore throat recovered, feeling better but now I am having cough n runny nose. My boy is having runny nose too. Guess it is better to gif the gathering a miss since we r 'virus infected' n can be contagious.....my boy is unsightly with his mucus flowing n he licking away!

Mon Mon,
Got2 meet u on some other day, perhaps during the Dec gathering?

Believe it is going to be an enjoyable gathering with Shook, the lovely host. Enjoy yourself! See u in the dec gathering!
Hi Mummies,

I've MIA-ed for one week and sooo many postings. Aiyah..wanted to go to shook's house, but baby slept ard 2plus and woke up ard 5pm...so have to give it a miss. It must have been great fun!

Jul, the nursebottle din work...she hates it.

Went back to work this week...it's so tough to be away from baby! Then very mah fan to go for pumping sessions, then still have to wash n sterilise after that. Anyone can advise wether those pill tablets are absolutely safe? The water just smells so "chlorine". And I think it really takes a lot of discipline to go pumping...I mean, if ur boss ask to speak to u, can u tell her "sorry, it's my milking time...." sigh....the only incentive is that can go for lunch outside and can go n walk walk....

Pls post pictures from today's meet. I hope I can join u girls for the Dec meet.

Tks again for inviting us over to the gathering....my hubby asks if u wld like the food containers back?


It was nice meeting all of u and ur bbs. Here are some shots there were taken...
Vanessa and Alicia

Ashrel, Chen Chen and Alicia
pringles, wow u worked so fast!!! Pixs are already up!!!

mummies, sorry got to leave early - jerald missed his whole afternoon nap and we ought to get back in time for dinner @ my mum's plc.

shook n hubby...excellent hosts!! tks for ur hospitally extended to us. hope to c u in dec gathering.

all mummies, who bring along maken - tks for the light refreshments which my hubby enjoyed!! who bought the ice-cream n curry puffs?? he saided its nice!!! one thing for sure - jerald oso find the ice V.NICE!!!

Giggler, Val who brought along 'grandmas' nice talking to ur folks!!

i din think i talk much to val, brenda and pigletz....shall catch up on you gals nex gathering.
Thx u every1 for coming to my hse for the gathering. I wanna apologize to all the daddies n the 2 grandma dat I neglected them in the self intro session. Dunno their names. Slap my face, a lousy host. Pls xtend my apology to them.
Mummies who hv taken pic of Chen Chen, kindly email the photos to me at c-sgroup.com.sg. My hubby's camera broken coz daddy wanna save darling Chen Chen fm falling, so no pic for gathering @ our own hse

I read fm bbcentre dat milk ss will b lower when u hv menses
The ice-cream u bot is xcellent! My mum ate it @ my hse today. She said it is finger licking gd. Even my hubby who doesn't like cold dessert said it is v gd. Gd choice

So glad dat u made all the effort to get my address to join the gathering. V happy to meet u face to face.

poor mummy n boi boi. Take gd care. We meet in the next gathering

I weeped on my 1st day of work everytime when I xpressed milk n when ppl ask me abt my Chen Chen
I dun use tablet to sterlize pump. I soak pump in boiling hot water cover till the time I m free to pour away the water for next pump session

Pringles bot the ice-cream n the ice-cream cone but no 1 eat the ice-cream cone. Hey, not many ate the toppings I sponsored

Sanrio bot the curry puffs. She bot it fm some1 who home made it
There is no need to return the containers to me. U can keep them. They come in handy

Mind if I ask how old is your mum? She is a young, modern n sexy grandma. Can't believe dat she is already a grandma. N she is definitely n xperienced 1

I tried to send you a few pics but is that the correct email add you gave? c-sgroup.com.sg.?Can't go thru.....hmmm

Glad your mum and hubby like the ice-cream! Enjoy!

Sigh...as i've guessed...return of menses reduces milk ss....anyway....i've started to introduce FM to Alicia since October.....she's taking NAN relatively well...will also be receiving free sample of Similac for her soon.


Glad that your hubby also liked the ice cream...and it was wonderful meeting up with you...i think you have lost a lot of weight as compared to your photos with Jerald taken in your album....


Its nice to know that you are taking leave till 2006 to be SAHM to Ashrel....i often waiver between wanting to return to work and being a sAHM......as u can see....Alicia is a real energetic baby to take care of....everyday im exhausted....but when i see her smile....i forget the tiredness..how was Ashrel after returning home yesterday?
i took quite a no. of fotos of ashrel, chen chen, alicia, sarah n randall since we were in the rm then as u noe my super sweaty boy needs aircon.
nice knowing u. same here, many tx i tot mayb i shd hav gone bk to work but evytx c ashrel smiling n so playful, guess it's all worth it. tough taking care of him too cos vy energetic n cry super loud, right! alicia is so active but fast. her hands n legs are so 'strong'!
u rebonded ur hair? i wanted to do but hubby said i now dropping hair like crazy, beta wait.
he was tired, slept in car. at nite slept at 8.30pm.

tks for having us. i told u ur hubby is so nice n friendly. pls convey my tks to him for alwy checking the aircon for ashrel n ensure it's cool n powerful, so pai seh.. finally, took fotos w chen chen, yeah!

u made the cake right? so nice! i ta pao home, keke...i love to bake n eat cakes but now no tx leh.

i remb to take pic w u n van tis tx. my hubby alwy refer to her as the cute cute girl, i told him she is Van lah..

sarah is like a doll. her hair so so nice. yup she does look like u, so pretty, keke.. i took fotos of her too.

ashrel screams vy loud hoh!!! sori to disturb all of u n 'frighten' some babies. i headache cos now he recognises hse n pple even we brg him out v often. he sticks to me like superglue. tat's the prob of being a sahm..
i so happy cos he finally sits in his car seat n fell asleep in it. previously he can scream fr punggol to bt batok n vice versa (last gathering)
i posted a pic.

ur mummy v young n modern, doesnt look like a grandma..

here are some fotos. i have a lot more..will post agn.

Your hse seems comfy n full of warmth..........heartache ah..camera spoilt! Please get 1 replacemernt soon..chen chen is too cute to miss out for any foto shot!

Sarah is so pretty n beef up alot compared to the last time I saw her. Just 3wks apart? She has so nice round eyes....v sweet!

Ash's tummy...wow.....round round one! He looks different frm the last time I saw him too....grow up liao! He does not look the biggest liao.....

Wow, is that ur mum? So modern n sexy! Randell's head steady liao hor....he is lovely too!

U look young! Alicia does not seem as thin as her last few photo u posted prior the gathering.

Jerald looks so cute n rounder! To me, U does look slightly bigger n taller than ur previous pic posted! Now motherly look liao..........hahah....not indicating u r old or mature hor........

Whose the mum sitting beside u? The bb girl has got so beautiful rosy cheek! The mum also so slim n nice size...look tall!

Van cut her hair izzit?

Y u all look so 'not fat' at all huh? Where r the rest??? Enjoy viewing the foto though nt able to attend. Btw, wat brand is the delicious ice cream
? Any Mon MOn's foto?
Hi Shook,
Glad to have a talk with you yesterday. At least feel more at ease and not feel bad abt not starting solids right now. i suppose the next time Ashley goes to have her vaccination again, i juz have to stand firm on my ground!
Did u buy anything yesterday? Was thinking of picking up some bb's clothings, but can't really find anything suitable. Either too small or too big. But this mummy, crazy, ended up buying Lego blocks for her. These blocks are suitable for 1 to 3 years old. Initially tot it will be too early for her but it turn out she loves the bricks so much. Far better than those toys for her age. According to the promoter, there's even Lego bricks for babies. The bricks are rounder at the edges n can make noises like a rattle.

Yah sahm is right. Ashrel looks even bigger now. How heavy is he?

Hi mummies,
Who is who on the pixs? Me blur as usual. Don worry, Giggler, PV, Val, and Sanrio. I recognise u guys. Juz can't tell who's Pringles, lyn n mon_mon. :p

And Shook, your bouncer really looks very popular with the babies.

Lyn went home early so her picture not in the photo leh....I think you recognised the wrong person ....heheh...btw, the ice cream was Nestle's. Tho i bought the ice cream, i was so distracted with the bbs i didnt pay attention to the taste when i ate some.


In the pic posted above, from left to right, its Priviledged, Shook, Pringles, Val, Pigletz, Mon, Giggler and Sanrio. Hope to see u next gathering.
Hee, hee.. thanx for the intro. Okie, now i know how u look like. Hey u haven't told me what's your profession.

Hi sahm,
I was just sharing with Shook yesterady (i met her at JL warehouse sales @Expo) abt where to put our babies now that they can flip n "push" themselves around. Got the fright of my lifetime yesterday morning when i found her at the edge of my bed. Almost died. Nowadays, put her on the play mat, but always ended up on the cold floor. Sometime when she's tired, her face ended up on the floor. She'll get all upset n her nose oso red, red. Was thinking of getting a playpen until Shook said she has a fren whose playpen collapse on the baby. With Ashley's strength, i won;t be surprise! Where r u 'parking' Elyse nowadays?
shook, sorry - i really didnt pay attention on what's at the table?? I jus ate whatever my hb hv taken - i think at that time bz chatting with sanrio n val's mum - dan last minute - rushing to my mum's plc.

pringles - sorry lah i not the camera shy type - just rushing off to mum's plc so jerald can catch some sleep. Like ashrel - he now can recognise hse so even i bring him back to pasir ris he oso need times to settle down - otherwise he can scream down the whole block!!! so b4 he competes with ashrel on who's the loudest kid - i think we better make a move. btw, tks for buying those delicious ice cream!

mon_mon, i dont think i've taken any slices of ur home-bake cake!!!! hope to hv the chance in the dec gathering.

sahm, i run off early - which beautiful mum u mistaken for me :p
Hi gals!

MIA for some time ... busy with lots of stuff... missed the gathering...

Hazey, is your gal taking her bottle feeds now that you are at work? Is she starving herself?

sanrio, we bought a traditional bamboo chair for Ian instead of the Bumbo, which hubby feels is too ex.... Ian sat in the bamboo chair for half an hour yesterday!!! That allowed hubby and me to eat dinner TOGETHER for once. HEhehe... only $25. Cheap cheap. We went to IMM Kids Mall last week and "tested" Ian in the Bumbo... he seemed very stunned and then started fidgeting... didn't look comfortable.

Pringles, did your hubby go for the gathering? You know how I guessed it's Clarence? I can see a bit of Clarence in Alicia, that's why... hehehe...

B2B3M4, need to ask you... when you put Ashley on the playmat, doesn't her saliva go all over it... I just bought the playmat for Ian but I'm reluctant to let him taste the rubber... think with the amount of saliva he's been leaving on our bedsheets, he'll be eating a lot of the rubber... do you cover it with something?

And Ian finally poo-ed on Day 14!!! We were thinking over dinner whether to bring him to KKH the next day, then decided to try the suppository one more time... Ian went to sleep after crying +++++ ... he was so angry with me and refused to let me carry him. Daddy had to pacify him... then he dozed off and we thought THAT'S IT; no chance of poo poo liao.... and then he woke up to pass a PHENOMENAL amount!! Luckily the NEPIA diaper held it all in... hehehe... no leakage at all! Think it must have weighed at least 100g....

My mum went toJL warehouse sale and bought long pants for Ian... she said $1 each... bought 8!!! Wow... think she's very worried about Perth weather.

Been busy preparing for the Perth trip, searching online for accommodation and planning the itinerary... wonder how many Pampers Premium I should bring... 50 for 10 days sounds safe?

Emily, advise on Perth leh... we are spending 2 nights in Albany... is that too much? How long does it take to drive back to perth from albany? THe online guides say 5 hours so we're breaking it up with a farmstay in Kojonup. Worried that Ian won't tahan the ride.

We just bought a bigger car seat from Ian from Robinson's 15% sale... put him in the seats to try and 3 children came around to "play" with him!!! All wanted to sayang him, so funny!
Sian!.........Sick n virus everywhere! Now my girl kena too....mucus flowing down her little nostril. Super cranky. Got 2 carry her to sleep for an hour, otherwise WONT sleep.....Sunday clinic closed.....how ah.....nose blocked? any home remedy to dong for tonite?

Recently like v down of 'luck'..............

B2B3M$....talk 2u later hor

shook, thank you so much for opening up your home for the gathering. Hope we didn't leave too many hairs around

pringles &amp; sanrio, thanks for the photos

Sarah was so knocked out she slept when we went to my mum's place after the gathering.
