(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

have seen the toddler bed.. made of foam..so maybe quite warm.. we also didn't get it coz Ryan can climb out from it so defeat the purpose.
Ceiling fan and light directly above bed is bad fengshui for marriage/ relationship. besides the other practical reason..same as cherry blossom flower, non-square/ round objects in the room, colour, facing .. hubby studies all this fengshui things..so took a look about 50 hse before buying the current one.

U hv so many ppl to do confinement 4 u. Give ang pow till broke.
My mum oso strict wif the rules of confinement. H/w I travelled to clinic, hospital almost everyday as Chen Chen had jaundice. So I got the chance to step outta hse n get air-con. But it wz v xiong for me.
If I dun tandem pump mid9, unable to sustain tbf wif the amt I pump in the office. Bsides, I feel engorged if I dun pump
If u brining Vane along 4 holiday, there is no problem for u to bf her. Bsides, u r expert in bf in public. Gotta learn fm u tis sat. 1 thing I scare to bf in public bcoz Chen Chen fuss b4 n after feeding (sometimes). He v kang cheong, cannot wait for a min 4 me to pull dwn my bra flap.

U mean bad fengsui to hv ceiling fan+light or no ceiling fan, no light above bed?

Do we need to warm the frozen bb food?
How does eczema looks like?

Aiyo, dun cold war wif your hubby over mil. Bet u know wat I mean huh
Looking 4ward to c u tis sat
according to "hubby's readings best not to have anything above ur bed be it a beam/light or fan.
beam = headaches/ poor health
light/fan something to do with relationship.
also cooker top in kitchen cannot share the same "opposite side of the wall place" as bedhead.
ruffy, sahm, you can check out some of the feeding websites at Babycenter.com, such as the following :

I guess whether you want to heat up the frozen food or not is your own wish. It might be good to steam or microwave it before feeding it to baby. And to prevent contamination in the freezer, you could remove the frozen food from the trays and store them in ziploc bags.

I just did something naughty to Sarah
. I played the violin for her. She didn't like it... maybe my playing was really lousy. She stared at me and then started crying
thanks have already seen the webpages.. still prefer to give Ryan fresh veg/fruit purees.
bb won't like the violin coz too high pitch..I haven't played the violin for ryan but tried the piano..he doesn't mind it.
Hi mon, I think our mils are the one who made our confinement miserable hor? Maybe I shd get a CL if I have 2nd one. I strongly encourage you to go for epidural c-section for your no. 2. It's really a wonderful experience. Your hubby ever strike bb's no.?

Hi priviledged, must share us what food you give Sarah ok?

Hi jul, there's a few mum at other thread also bringing their kids to Aussie. Wow, Ian is the record holder leh. Today is the 5th day that Vane has not poo. Going to buy prune juice tonite to give her.

Hi sahm, I was very lucky that I didn't suffer from post-natal blues. I guess my hubby was really supportive that time. Aiya, mil's issues again. Seems never-ending and no solutions hor?

Hi ruffy, you and hubby really patient leh. Looked at 50 houses that's a lot to me. But I think your hubby is HK that's why believe in fengshui lah.

Hi shook, I spent abt $2k giving ang bao and buy jewellery for them. Guess it's still the same as engaging a CL hor? I not sure if I going to bring Vane along. Thot of having some pte time with hubby but not sure if I can't bear to leave Vane for a week.
jul, Perth is really a nice relaxing place to go for a holiday. But I've never been there with a baby!! I think one thing you have to look into is bringing the car seat along, or somehow getting hold of one while you're there. I assume you are self-driving. Fremantle is a nice place to visit. There was this fabulous italian Fish and Chips place there, can't remember the name, but I think if you ask around pple should know. You can go to the beaches like Scarboro (sp?), the park, and drive down south for wine tours, see the forest etc etc. Lots of nice things to do and see. Weather might be very hot. If you go outdoors, don't forget the sunblock for bb. I even have a pair of baby sunglasses for Sarah...a gift. But I'm not going anywhere for the time being, except maybe use up my anniversary voucher given by the hotel for my wedding. Must use by end of this year. - one night and buffet breakfast at the hotel...but must bring Sarah along
Giggler, ruffy, yeah, I will also probably give Sarah fresh food most of the time. The frozen cubes are for going out, or urgent need, or when you are just too lazy sometimes. Also it's usually easier to puree food when there's more, so just keep the excess lor. Don't know if that's practical or not...ruffy can probably share more than me.
actually small amt can puree also.. if you have a mini blender.. I have one called U-like at home.. and makes just nice for 1-2feeds.. depends on the cup size you use. If there is excess I will refrigerate it then heat it up in the microwave.

i gave Alicia gripe water undiluted since 2 mths. Those days....she always woke up 6am everyday to poo poo....but she always seem to have to push very hard...so i gave gripe water and it helped!
Oh no, I hv light abv my bed. BTW, if light not abv bed, where to install light?
Phew my cooker top in kitchen doesn't share the same "opposite side of the wall place" as bedhead
How old is your bb?

Did u check wif PD if ok to give Vane prune juice? PD Chen Chen consulted said he doesn't want Chen Chen to take prune juice as Chen Chen is not on solid yet.
I spent 2k+ on ang pow for my confinement @ my mum's plc. Ya almost price of a cl. But then my hubby, me n Chen Chen stay at my mum's plc. My brother refused to accept share of PUB bill n my mum refused to accept $ spent on food.
If u not bringing Vane to holiday, can store bm b4 hand for her. By then she is on solid, perhaps dd for bm not dat much??

Mummies who wanna let bb swim on sat
Do u wanna bathe your bb? Afraid u gotta take turns as I only hv 1 bath tub

Hurray! My darling Chen Chen recovered fully. He doesn't need to b isolated on sat. Going to bring him for jab tml

Ice-cream lovers
I m unable to find small cup n spoon 4 ice-cream. I will let u hv recycled cup n brand new spoon fm pudding dessert. Hope u dun mind

Do u gals know which is the nearest nursing rm to Robinson @ Orchard?
can always put the light towards the side of the bed..or use table lamps. Light above bed will affect one's health.
Robinson @ centerpoint? They have nursing.mothers room at centerpoint.. it is next to CARGO..on 3rd floor.
My Ryan is 8mths.. he is a MArch bb.
Was reading thru the posting abt an hour ago when I heard my girl crying, I tot she's hungry and when I try to feed her she cried even louder. Then I realised she's all wet, she pee and her urine leaked v badly. Her pants and shirt and even the bed is all wet
have to wipe her whole body then change for her, lucky she's still sleepy and fell asleep after I pat her for awhile. shouldn't have use the S size pampers prenium on her, she's outgrowing them already but I din want to waste them cos its expensive n I heartache. me a realy bad mummy ....
somemore forget to bring her for her jab last saturday

So touching! My girl eyes were opened big big when the nurse push her out of the OT, poor girl, first people she see are the nurses and my gynae, mummy n daddy weren't there to welcome her into the world

i use to do tandem pump but now my girl dun want to latch on anymore
nite feeding v siong, must wake up and make milk instead of latching her on. I'm v lucky, my office has a nursing room, I also have a expressing kaki, we always go n express together. The expression sessions r v enjoyable esp when we bump into other nursing mums, sometimes upto 5 mums express together, so we can chit chat n share parenting/childcare tips.

Ur nite routine v siong, I express n empty my breast b4 I sleep, after that oso must wash n sterilise pump and prepare bottles for to bring to office the next day. Wic pump u using ?

mon mon
yah, shld get a CL the next time, its really money well spent. All meals are served at the dining table, after makan just walk away, no need to even clear the plates at all. The best thing is that she said its ok to wash my hair every 3 days. Initially my mum only allow me to wash once every 2 weeks, then I bargain wif her for a weekly wash. But when the CL lady came, she said its ok to wash every 3 days, lucky for her else my scalp will itch to death.
Does dat mean no ceiling light in bed rm?
Yep I m referring to Robinson @ Centrept. How many nursing rm r there?
Oh your Ryan is 8 mths already. I thot he is Jun/Jul bb m wz amazed by wat he does

U awake @ 2am to feed your gal?
If S size pampers still fit your gal ok to use. Leaking doesn't mean too small. Probably u left your gal on the diaper for too long till it leaks.
So lucky dat your office has a proper nursing rm n u hv expressing kaki. My office no rm for me. My colleague in the opp unit v sweet to let me use the meeting rm provided if it is available. But I v pressurized when use the meeting rm coz a few times ppl knock the dr, peeped inside, almost opened the dr. N I m the only mum bf bb. Everyone look @ me wif dat dirty look n like to look @ my pump n ask questions when I wash my pump.
How come your gal dun wanna latch on? Perhaps u keep trying n b patient. Some time back, Chen Chen fuss n fuss when latching. My mum or hubby or myself will clam him dwn for a while then latch on agn. Now he enjoys latching on but v impatient to wait for me to get ready.
I m using ameda pump
My mum dun allow me to wash my hair till the 11th day. Then I got massage lady to come massage for me 2 or 3 time a wk. I got to wash my hair when massage lady come. Massage lady asked me to wash myself b4 she come
I think there is only 1 nursing room inside the bb room..hehe..when ur bb come to 8mths..then you know how tiring it is to take care of one jumpy monkey that doesn't sleep much.
We do have a celing light in our room but it is not directly above the bed but to the side of it infront of the wardrobe.
jul, wanna go perth... then must ask me! ehheee... was studying there for 4years. Will you be going to perth city or travelling up and down the coast of WA? Perth is a great place to visit. When are u going? Have to check the seasons u know... let me know when u are going and I will try my best to help.

Gals, Ethan is very cranky lately... dunno if it is because he is teething. Can yell and cry and grumble and nag all at the same time. Gosh!
He is only 4mths old and is showing interest in eating (i.e. don't like to take his milk and looking at our food and opening his mouth when we bring the food to our mouth). Should I introduce him to food now?
Hi Priviledge/ruffy, how to puree fruits or food?

Hi ruffy, how much did you pay for the blender? Is it necessary to have one?

Hi shook, but I think I may feel better if I spent the $2k on cl leh. Didn't check with PD but read from babycenter that it's ok to give prune juice to bb is they suffer from constipation. You mean the Robinson at Centrepoint? Centrepoint has one nursing room at leve 3, I think.

Hi Viv, I opted for epidural c-section cos I want to be the first to see bb. Though I heard of fearful stories and nearly freaked out last min, this factor really motivates me to carry on. And I'm glad that I insisted on having epidural c-section. Which co are u in? Still got nursing room leh, so envy.

Hi Emily, Vane also very interested to our food when she was 4mths. But I 'tong' till recently when she turned 5mths then I intro rice cereals.
Giggler, my blender was a wedding gift
, but you can buy a small blender quite cheaply. You will want one that can blend semi-dry foods and more liquid stuff.
Ruffy, share from your experience please...
The U-like blender can blend dry and wet food/make fruit juice/ puree less than 5 min..me the lazy kind when come to cooking so don't mind the $50 spend on the blender.. it is also easy to clean up and store.. My mum bought the same one for her house so she can make food for ryan when he is over there.
For fruits..so far only give him apple coz the other fruits are better eaten non-cooked and don't really want to introduce him to raw food at this stage. so will boil the cut apple then put half in the blender to make apple puree..then the other half put in more water and put in the special attachement for making juice..to make apple juice.. Ryan can finish 3/4 of a cooked apple so if not making apple juice will eat the apple myself.
For porridge what I do is dry the grains after washing then blend them into powder so easier to cook..just add hot water and stir for a while over the fire..or if you are able to manipulate the microwave then mix with water and cook in microwave. Also "powered" the ikan bills.
If we buy porridge from outside back home will put them in the blender to "fine" it for him.. even chicken pieces will be cut to bite size or blended into like powder inside the porridge.
CAn serve within 5 min so good for me.
hi all...mia for a few days... been busy wif work.

emily, giggler,
edi oso likes to stare at us when we're eating nw...

hehe... agree lah... think violin too high pitch liao.

sigh.... i'm nw expressing 3 times in ofc now... hoping to get ss to go up, if not maintain... cant afford to let it drop any further.

nwadats edi likes to make shrieking sounds... very ear-piercing at times... told him oni ger ger shriek, he's a boi shldnt scream like dat. anyway, he's very cranky at evenings and nite nowadays.... for a while he was always crying for no reason... so now we give him gripe water everyday. its a bit better now... but he's still a grumpy bb at nite time. hope he will get better when he turns 4 mths.
aiyo, only 1 nursing rm. Gotta q like the 1 @ Bugis
Anyother nursing rm near there?
oh no i hv a ceiling light abv my bed

one jumpy monkey
well described
U expert in preparaing bb food. Bet it takes a lot of time n effort to prepare bb food huh.
Y better not to introduce fruits dat dun need cooking to bb? BBcentre recommended babana,pear, dat dun need cooking. My mum said scrape apple wif spoon n feed bb how how??

Chen Chen v fond of screaming till his voice sore

can understand wat u meant by spending the $ on cl but i heard of terrible cl too
Yep yep Robison @ Centrept. Ruffy said dat it is on the 3rd level next to CARGO
actually fruits can be eaten raw I know but hubby says that we better play safe and give him cooked food first.. till his stomach is okay then give uncooked fruits. coz uncooked have higer risk of contemination.
No other nursing room in that area.. but maybe can try mothercare.
Hihi all,

I've MIA for a long time.. been busy w work, new flat etc.

U gals r enjoying urself!! last that i read was a gathering of e mummies at SengKang, now the bbs go swimming already... remember to show pics k!!

Kudos to the mums who r still bfg their precious!! i ve stopped since started work... Haiz, sometimes so sad to see Jerome forgets n bite on the nipples.

Any mum here boil barley water for their bbs? I thot of doing so this weekend as Jerome has turned 4 months yesterday. Just wondering whether to add the candied winter melon or not?
Hi ruffy, where can I get the U-like blender? $50 sounds reasonable leh. Wow, looks like you really use the blender extensively.

Hi soyabean, me also quite busy with work so can't afford to pump 3x in ofc. What happened to edi? How come he only cranky at nite? You going to Shook's place this Sat? Hope to see you leh.

Hi shook, the other time I went no queue cos the nursing room is at a ulu place and very quiet one. I thot of letting Van eat fruits like apple and banana too. But most of the CL I heard of are good so far leh.

Hi brenda, you not joining us at Shook's place this Sat? Come if you're free lah. I didn't give my gal any barley water. Only give her rice cereal and bm so far.
suspect its colic lor... dun think i can mk it tis sat.... hubby dun wanna go and i dun wanna go alone... very far for me...
Hi all, have been mia for awhile...having some undelightful events lately. Quite down in luck.

Hi shook, can PM me your address...thanks.

Happy Holidays...see you all on Sat...
u shd noe ashrel likes to scream too, sometx so sharp, daddy oso said like a girl.
ashrel not ready for solids. he shows no interest to any food we try to 'tempt' him.. he loves his milk n is still a big 'drinker'.
i asked pd abt gripe water. he told me no need to give unless really necessary. not really 'proven'. anybody ask pd abt gripe water?

pringles n sahm,
big headache! help! ashrel so active even wen sleeping. yesdy he kept flipping n woke up so many tx! he 'shocked' himself awake n will cry. hubby n me got to pat n saiyang him. we 2 panda tis morning. i try letting him sleep face up but he 'refused'. worst was fell asleep, 5min will wake up if sleep face up. how ah? how's alicia n elyse?

cant remb where i read but it mentioned abt dun give barley so early.
I c. Dat's your hubby's practice

Ruffy, Giggler
Actaully I m going to JL @ Specialist, not Robinson. Is there nursing rm near Specialist. I thot Robinson is the nearest

I gave Chen Chen barley water when he wz 1 mth + coz he had jaundice. Massage lady thot me to give Chen Chen winter melon. Initially Chen Chen loves to drink plain water. After drinking winter melon water he doesn't wanna drink plain water. Better dun give Jerome winter melon. It is sweet, once bb tasted something sweet, bb doesn't want plain water anymore

Wat happened to u?
I pm u in the afternoon, did u receive my pm?
Specialist doesn't have any nursing room etc.. not that bb friendly.
Abt the light.. is what he gathered after consulting the 100+ fengshui books that he has . anyway.. it is up to you n hubby on what you believe.

haha....Alicia also the same la....there were times when whole nite i wake to flip her back...their legs getting stronger..thats why...anyway, my remedy currently is still to always pat her to sleep on tummy..(don't let her turn when putting to sleep) then middle of the nite if she flips over, i try to

1)turn her tummy down first, if she refuses,

2)turn her to lateral position and make her hug a pillow, then put a big adult pillow behind her back to prevent her from flipping back. If she refuses and chooses to sleep supine, i just place small pillows on top of her tummy and big pillows on left and right side.If still cry,

3)Then bfeed to comfort her and put her down on tummy after shes falls asleep.

That's the only way for me so far....i sure hopes these bbs get over the flipping frenzy stage...then mummy can get a better nite's rest! Hope it helps. See u on sat Sanrio!


I gave barley to my gal with winter melon added, just few slices. She loves it. I did it coz my mum did it for us when we were bbs last time....see how far i've grown now
And i intro rice cereal to my gal when she was 4.5 mths event tho i know WHO's recommendation is 6 mths but i can't resist it...anyway only fed her a couple of times to confirm she likes it then now i stop and wait till 6 mths......nowadays, everytime she sees mummy and daddy eating, her hands try to grab my food too!
Hi mummies,

Just wanna share recent pics of Alicia on her new chair. Its becoming a great tool for me to bottlefeed her then put her to sleep in it in the day time!

hi shook
I was sick for 2 wks when bb was 9 wks old, din latch her on cos I was on medication n also din want to pass the virus to her. But she still caught the virus anyway and was sick for a week, so din latch her on also. After the 3 wks, she doesn't want to latch on anymore. I still try once awhile but it seems she has forgotten how to leh ...

U using same pump as my colleague, its gd cos it light. I'm using medela Pump in Style, v heavy n v siong for my back

hi giggler
My co v big, at 1 time there were abt 7-8 nursing mums and we even requested for an additional nursing rm. My co located at Depot Rd, shld b easy to guess which co

hi ruffy
ur blender sounds gd, v tempted to buy 1 also

My mum only boil barley water for my girl when she's heaty e.g harder stools, wake up in morning wif sticky eyes. If not we wont give cos my MIL said she's still small and that barley water is cooling n will cause phelgm.

Is that a high chair ? v nice leh, can tell me where u get it from ?
Guess ceiling light can't do anything liao since we stay there for 2 yrs
Thx 4 sharing

How come u introduce solid to Alicia tho u knew WHO's recommendation is 6 mths then after dat stop giving her solid tiao yin leh

She looks v comfy in her chair

Alicia looks a bit like Ian

Actually when u r sick, all the more u shld let your bb latch on coz u pass the antibodies to her. When I had flu I took care of Chen Chen still bf him, he din get the flu fm me. Few wks back, I had cough, I stook care of Chen Chen n bf him. Alas tis time round he got it. Well I guess it is bcoz too many ppl in my hse were sick - me, my brother, my mum now my dad. Dat's y Chen Chen got it. 1 thing I din take medicine when I wz sick xcept pi pa guao
Bsides wt, is ameda's performance as gd as medela? Medela v x, dat's y I bot ameda instead. I dunno y now I can't pump out well fm ameda. After I can't xpress milk fm pump, my breasts still shoot out milk when I squeeze them v vex. The best pump is still my darling Chen Chen but I can't carry him to work

Ice-cream lovers
I m v happy dat I found small disposable spoons 4 ice-cream. So can eat ice-cream wif yoghurt cup instead of pudding cup. U gals can hv a bigger serving now. However I still can't find cup for ice-cream pls bear wif the recycled yoghurt cup. Those who wanna hv small serving can go ahead wif the pudding desert cup n pudding desert spoon
Alicia looks likes she enjoys herself very much, she must love the chair! I have 2 of these too-one at home, one at MIL's place. Aelwen really cannot sit still. So far her longest record was half an hour while watching Barney on TV.

Hi Viv,
Think you can get it at KP. But i got both from Yahoo Auction. Think usual price is about $200 but I pay only $50 at Yahoo Auction. That is if you don't mind second hand pieces. These auction pieces are quite new. Usually the owner allow you to view before buying so quite safe.

Giggler, Viv
At least if I spend on CL, I can tell her off if I'm unhappy about what she's done. But can't tell MIL off so only can cry to hb at night. Think all my post-natal blues all come from that. Anyway, already got contacts of good CL from my friends. One of them even use the same CL twice so must be very good

Hi Brenda & Soyabean
Long time no talk...how are you?

I try not to give apples cos I read that it cause constipation, even for adults. But not that obvious case for adults lah. Apples contain certain something (can't remember what it is) that triggers constipation.
The u-like is the only small sized blender I can find that is easy to clean/keep... most of them quite bulky.. when u bb needs to eat solid food it really comes in handy.

The high chair..with Alicia inside can be found at Kiddy palace about $100+++ depends on the brand.. it can rock and can be adjusted to 2-3 different levels.. however.. when you bb really starts to eat solid food you may have a hastle cleaning it up each time coz they will turn here and there and food will end up all over the cushion of the high chair. Would advise you to buy an easy to clean surface highchair.
Hi mommies,
MIA for a few days... Ian had high fever after his injection on Tuesday morning.... been busy sponging him and pacifying him cos super cranky.... fortunately fever subsided by evening yesterday.

Pringles, I can't tell who your hubby is by looking at Alicia's photos. Wild guess: is your hubby Clarence?

Emily, I'm going to Perth from 2 to 12 Dec, still planning itinerary. Think we'll go south from Perth cos the route looks easier. Advice leh... what's there to see in Bunbury and Augusta? Is there an easier way to get back to Perth from Albany....
3 things dat r considered contipated food ABC - apple, babana and carrot

thx for your advice on wat to look out for high chair. I already got 2. 1 is the portable type where u secure to adult chair another 1 is high chair 4 bb. Think they r plastic n easy to clean but will it b too hard for bb to sit on? My mum asked me to bring 1 to her hse on Mon

Brot Chen Chen for jab last 9. He din cry @ all. PD said Chen Chen in gd mood
Chen Chen is in 25% percentile. PD said Chen Chen small but he is gaining wt healthily. So B2B3M4, dun worry of Ashley's wt ya
tks. told myself they will 'outgrown' tat stage soon... ya c u n alicia n ur hubby on sat. the high chair looks so nice n comfi.

is there a nursery/feeding rm at ctrpoint??
If the highchair can recline then shouldn't be a problem.. Ryan's high chair is also more plastic type.. but can recline.. put the portable one at my mum's also.. the big one is at home.... but he doesn't really like the big one..coz it is those old fashion china type.. v.heavy legs..so if stand up and shake on it won't fall down..have tried lightweight one.. but he has the tendancy to move quite a lot in it so not so safe.

only nursery/feeding room is next to CARgo 3rd floor at centerpoint.. nearby other buildings don't have..
Hello ladies, here is some information that can help you have a better birth experience.

Active Birth

I ask potential clients to think back to a life-changing event in their lives such as their wedding day or when they they purchased their first home. You will no doubt remember these events forever. All the research you did, the hours of planning and the excitement of fulfilling your dreams.

If your realtor said to you hey Im an expert and I know exactly what you want why dont you give me your money and Ill go buy you the home you want no need for you to waste your time on researching where you want to live or the kind of home you want trust me I know whats best.

Or you hire a wedding coordinator to help you plan the wedding of your dreams. The wedding coordinator says to you I prefer if you would just let me take care of the details I know whats best for you. You dont need to worry about a thing. Ill even take care of the invite list.well you would probably think these people were in serious need of helpand youd quickly find another realtor or wedding coordinator.

Likewise when you are deciding on a caregiver for your pregnancy its important to make sure you both have the same expectations. First you need to consider what kind of birth you want? Are you happy for the Doctor to make all of the decisions for you and are a passive observer or do you want to be an active participant in your babys birth and make informed decisions involving your care and the care of your baby? Neither way is the right way its what you feel most comfortable with thats important.

There are 2 styles of maternity care and usually your Doctor will support one philosophy or the other. A Doctor who has an active management style will tend to have higher cesarean rates, inductions, higher rates of episiotomies and will insist you labour on the bed. Whereas a Doctor with an expectant management style treats pregnancy as a natural bodily function which doesnt need to be interfered with. These Doctors will have a low rate of cesareans, inductions and episiotomies.

So how do you know which style your Doc practices?

Ask open-ended questions like: What percentage of your patients have episiotomies?

What percentage of your patients have cesareans?

What is your induction policy? How comfortable are you with me going overdue?

If you simply ask your Doctor if he performs episiotomies he will tell you only when its necessarythis Doctor has an active management style and you will most likely have an episiotomy.

More and more women are starting to realize that they have choices in how they birth their babies. Birth has become increasingly medicalized and many hospitals have a set protocol of routine procedures. Most of these routine procedures have no medical evidence to back them up.ie shaving.enemas..continuous fetal monitoring, breaking your waters.and episiotomies..so why are they still happening ? Mainly because women dont know they can refuse them, many of these routine procedures go along with an active management Doctor also.

Being informed of your choices doesnt mean you would refuse a cesarean section if your Doctor deemed it necessary but it would mean you would understand why it could be necessary and how you can plan in advance to avoid one.

Did you know that having a doula could reduce your chances of a cesarean by up to 50%?

*50% reduction of cesarean rate
* 25% shorter labor
* 60% reduction in epidural requests
* 30% reduction in analgesia use
* 40% reduction in forceps delivery

Did you know that having an epidural increases your chances of having an assisted delivery? (ie forceps)

Did you know that episiotomies are considered a routine procedure in Singapore but unless it is a medical emergency you dont have to have one. It is a choice.

Did you know that labouring on your back is the most painful position to be in?. It is a choice.

Advantages of remaining upright and mobile throughout your labour are

shorter labour
less need for epidural
Improved ability to push during the second stage
Reduced incidence of episiotomy

Why does your Doctor want you on the bed ? Because its easier for him.

Lying on your back is more likely to constrict your vena cava a major blood vessel increasing the risk of fetal distress in her baby as blood flow is impeded and the amount of oxygen reaching the baby decreases.

For more information on how to have an active birth contact [email protected] or visit our website at http://www.fourtrimesters.com
Brenda, Sanrio, Pringles & Viv
there are 2 types of barley actually. 1 type is those tat adults drink when we r heaty, the other type which my mum call "san sook" (cantonese) barley is not so cooling. my mum only boil once for aloysius to drink without adding anything as he had hard stools tat time. she said is better not to put anything sweet in it.
Hi all,
Hv started work and I m sooooo bz. No time to login. I bet I had miss out alot. So, wats the conclusion for the gathering on this sat? Are we gg to hv potluck? If so, who is gg? and who bringing wat? Venue? Time? Sorrie lah...really no time to run thru the archive. And, now Randall's neck slightly more steady liao. Can put him down and take pic with all the kor kor (S) & jie jie (S).

Since I started work, Randall seems to lose a bit of weight as he still misses my breast. Hehe... My mum always gotta coax him to drink. These few days he is slightly better. Hope he can get use to bottle real soon. Brought him for his 2nd jab yest. He is now 7.02kg @ 3 mths. To my surprise, he din even cry during the jab. Hehe... Guess it was becos I was talking & playing with him when the PD jab him. Or, his skin too thick. Haha....
PD said, its gd when bb put their fingers into their mouth as it shows they r learning. So ask me not to stop him but gotta ensure his fingers r clean. By pulling their hands away actually retard their progress. And becos he put his fingers into his mouth, his siliva kanna the whole face. Though I clean him many times, he still kanna rashes. He advise to apply petrolum jelly (vaseline)on the cheek acting like a barrier.

U remember I was complaining to u abt his heat rash? Actually not heat rash leh. Some kinda fugus infection lah. Alamak....I think almost all his skin fold area oso kanna. Jia lat rite? PD said "bo bian". Its very common.
sanrio, Mothercare in Centrepoint has a nursing room behind the counter. I've used it once. Didn't know there is one next to Cargo. Wah, Centrepoint is the only place with 2 nursing rooms then!!

Wah, how come there are people advertising in our thread... tsk tsk tsk...
Yup! You are correct and he sends greetings to you and your family

My mom also taught me the same thing...cook the 2 types of barley together so not so "liang".

Shook and mummies
do u all want ice cream cones for this sat? We can get some. So those who want more can add 2/3 scoops onto the cone...
sanrio, Sarah also had a few problems with sleeping for a few nights when she learnt to flip. She preferred to sleep on her tummy, and if she flipped back, she would wake herself up. After a few nights, she seemed to get used to sleeping either way, and is now quite happy whichever way she sleeps, though she still prefers to start her sleep on her tummy. She can even roll herself halfway over and sleep on her side. Now she can flip on both sides so if she doesn't like one position, she can roll herself over. Before she could do this, she would roll and roll til she knocked herself on the crib sides with a 'thunk' and would cry.

shook, hmmmm, haven't decided what I'll bring for tomorrow yet. Tonight, I'll go to NTUC and see what there is.

jul, I believe Bunbury used to have dolphins. Don't know if they still come or not. Augusta is a very nice drive along Margaret River, and there is a lighthouse there you can drive to.
*Sob* I wanna join this saturday too... seems like u gals gonna hv great fun again.

Thanks for the info on the barley drink... read those chinese cookbook for children. They actually encourage drinking barley water since 1 month old for bbs on formula milk. and yah, they use 2 kinds of barley. But they add the winter melon which i was thot not too good to intro sweet stuff so early too.

Hmmm... So far the materials i read, even the chinese cookbook, they all says to intro solid food on the 6th month. However, they also encourage to let bb starts trying out the different textures from 4 mths onwards in a weekly basis and 1 spoonful (bb spoon) per time. Reason being it will take some time for bb to adopt having solid food. hahah... figure that it will take them some time to understand there's other taste besides milk... just like it takes them tiime to realise they have toes to play with besides fingers :p
Jul, The timing you will be in perth will be hot. But South of WA is cooler than the north... so shouldn't be a prob. Pls bring a sweater just in case for bb. There is no easier way to get back to Perth... only one route.

Can we have latest update on who is coming for gathering tomorrow? Gathering is tomorrow, yeah???
Shook, latest news... so sorry... can't make it tomorrow for gathering coz have to go catch musical and have to reach raffles city at 6pm to have dinner with my cousin.
Will meet up with you gals for dec gathering.

Not sure wic pump is better in terms of performance, mabbe I shld get my colleague to try out my pump and compare the 2.

mon mon, ruffy
Tks for the info and advise for the high chair.

I saw the blender yesterday at the JL sale at expo. They have a promoter to demo the pdt and I like the blender after seeing the demo. Initially v happy i can get it there.. but its selling at $69.90, comes with 2 free fruit peeler. I tot mabbe they added extra items so it cost more, so I check with the lady whether they standard $50 package or not, she started to get v defensive and kept insisting that I must hv been mistaken and it must b a different brand and that they hv never sold the blender for $50
I rather go downtown chk it out at OG or Isetan than let her earn the commmission.
