(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies


I was doing sales in pharmaceuticals, previously worked as SRN. How abt u?


i know....everyone says that Clarence and Alicia are photocopy of each other! Haha! Hope to see you next gathering.


Oh yes....i like the cake you baked too!! Yum!!

Hi Emily, does Ethan enjoy the water?

Hi shook, thanks for your hospitality. Both you and hubby done a lot for the gathering leh. Really pai seh. Did babycenter mention that the ss will incr after the menses?

Hi Pringles, my ss decr once I had menses. My yi-ma went home liao but my ss didnt incr. My mom likes the ice-cream too

Hi sahm, hows Elyse? Did Hope u recover soon. Ya, I trimmed Vans hair, you very observant leh. Mon_mon is sitting beside me in the photo.

Hi hazey, I agree its very ma fan to pump in ofc. I dont sterilize every time I use the pump now. I only wash with detergent and run over with warm water, thats it.

Hi Val, your mom looks like your sis instead leh.

Hi sanrio, hows Ashrel? Maybe you can try to bring him out often so that he wont recognize the house. Your hubby so busy with Ashrels crying till he didnt have time to play with Van this time hor?

Hi jul, so envy that you going to Perth leh. ;)

Hi mummies, Ashrel, Chen Chen and Alicia look alike leh.
hi sahm n b2b3m4,
we miss both of u n bb. ashrel big boy now, abt 7.5kg. his tummy big big cos jus had milk. tis tx he almost screamed down shook's nice hse.

the car seat ashrel sits on is on sale during the ctrpt robinsons car seat n pram fair over the long wkend. did u get somethg similar for ian. heng..he ok w tis car seat. we din buy, a frd lent to us.

ya lor, me oso no tx play w van. but got take pic w her tis tx
we bring him out almost evyday over the long wkend. go shopping okie but pple hse, will cry..sigh..

more pic:
Yah, I agree that alicia and ashrel look alike, esp foto 3. AShrel's eyebrow is so nice n neat. I feel like 'soh soh' his round round tummy. Mummy Sanrio, can I 'sok yao'?

Congrats.....Ian finally pooed.........wat a relief!

To be continued.....Tyra Bank...model shows starting liao.....
Oh wat a sotong I m. The email address to send photos to me is [email protected]. A 1000 apologies. Kindly email me agn
My mum suggest u drink crysthemium n apply water melon frost b4 u go to sleep
Oh u only ate a little of the ice-cream. My hubby said shld let u take back 1 tub. The ice-cream is v x

Wz Ashrel calm n happy in his Mercedes on his way home?
We wanted to hold the meeting in club hse initially coz the 2 aircon in the living rm broke dwn. Technical dunno wat's wrong. Brot back pcb board 4 checking. As a host, it is our pleasure to make our guests cosy n comfortable

The cake u baked is superb

Ya my hse wz really v warm on Sat. It is v windy all the while but dunno y last Sat so warm, both aircon in the living rm broke dwn somemore. So pai say, let all guests soaked in sunar
We so unlucky on dat day. Camera spoiled n my food processor oso spoiled. I used it for < 5 times. I made smashed potato so dat both bb n adult can eat. Thot shld b v fast n easy to make wif the food processor. God knows it is so messy n it wz approaching 3pm. So I kept grinding tho the motor wz hot. B4 I finished grinding all potato, the motor burnt

As mother, we tend to feel gala gabo when ppl say our bb not healthy. I xperienced dat when Chen Chen had prolonged jaundice. I tried watever ppl said - give him honey, winter melon, sun him, barley water....
The things in the xpo not really cheap. I bot a handbag.
Ashley so clever can play lego already

Hair, a lot a lot
. Goodness knows, I dunno know. My hubby cleaned the hse. I fed myself then fed Chen Chen after everyone left

Thx for helping me to take out the food, cut the cake .....
Babycentre said ss decrease at the time when we hv menses. Dun scare me leh. I haven't got menses yet
I use the tablet to sterlise my pump. Yeah..the chloride smell is terrible. BUT...bo bian. Initally after I took out my pump fm the solution, I rinse it with hot water to get ride of the smell. Then my colleague (whom express in office b4) saw it and say I stupid. Hoho... She told me its fine. Then when I brought Randall for his 2nd jab, I double confirm with the PD(Typically kia si singaporean). Yeah yeah. Its totally safe. Anyway...Randall oso had the expressed milk for a week liao. He is perfectly ok

Thanks for having us. Though my ma ma look modern, But I tell u, sometimes she oso full of the old wives tales thingy tat get onto my nerves. Hehe...But of cos she is experience and has a way to handle Randall. She is 53.

You said my mum look like my sis, does tat imply I old?
My mum said, Vane n u photocopied one. Hehe... Everytime I see Vane, she oso smile. Really feel like muack her.

My mum commented Alicia like chilli padi. Haha.. see her small small but damn powerful. Now she already wanna crawl.

Wei...now tat my face appear here, I really dare not eat snake in the office liao.
Hi sanrio, but at least Ashrel not like that at home rite?

Hi sahm, both Ashrel and Alicia really look alike hor? You watch the model show? I lost track of the show liao.

Hi mon_mon, you baked the cake yourself? Too bad, I didnt try that leh. You still got time to bake cake?

Hi shook, no problem at all lah. My ss didnt incr though my menses has gone leh. Now I just try my best to tong for another 2 weeks till Vane turns 6mths to supplement with fm. Sigh
Seems like all the mummies have a great time at the gathering, so hope I can join in the next round! Really enjoy looking at the fotos, but not enof leh ... can the mummies upload some more ?

Hi sanrio
how did u get ashrel to sleep in the car seat? my girl hates car rides, 2 wks ago she cried &amp; screamed all the way from pasir panjang to bishan till she choke and want to vomit. and its getting worse now, less than 1 min after we get into the car she'll start to cry already. I v stress when I need to bring her out

Hi priviledge
Ur sarah is really v pretty n sweet, can b cover girl.

Hi pringles
if she has a last feed at 10 or 11pm then she'll sleep till 6+ next morning. Problem is that she doesn't wake up for the last feed, we have to feed her while she's sleeping else she'll wake up at 2am for milk. Oh yah, last feed I always give formula instead of BM, my BM v thin, dun think she can last the thru the night on my BM.

Hi mummies
I'm looking around for a car seat, any recommendations/advise ?
Wat a conincidence, when I say ur hse full of warmth, I hope u know I mean 'wen xin' not those literally temperature warm! Oh no, wat an experience....so many appliances down....

Chen chen is like a little buddha...........his face so round n his eyebrows is cute.....suit his overall buddha's features!

Shook, those playmat, may I ask how do u maintain or clean them huh? Till now (my boy oreadi coming 2), I still hesistant on buying them. They r colourful, cushioning effect but think of those saliva n then bacteria arising, I withstand frm buying liao.

Coincidentally, Val mentioned abt chilli padi. Tat's wat we describe my girl at home. She is gentle n good 1 moment but she can be real dann loud n fierce at another.

Like Ashley, she flips n arch her body forwards n YELL for help whenever she hit dead end or corners! She is starting to hold her own milk bottle but get v fed up n yell again when the milk flow is slow. She didnt stuff the bottle IN enuff. I want to help her but she turns mad n grib on to bottle real tight!! She is also sitting up by herself for abt 2~3min!

She is faster than her bro n seems normal (she flips, bro NVR), thus I also like u, garang gapo at times. Talking abt PARKING her........LOL.........ur 'apt' description! I park her on our lap! She can quietly lick her fingers n watch wat's going on. She luv the mirror too. She admires n smile at herself.

Talking abt playpen, my hb opposed strongly on buying. He said v accident-prone....like wat shook's mentioned. My frenz has it, find it useful for awhile but later use it to store toys!! Again, for me, I wonder how to clean, wipe or wash it n find it too space taking up. So nvr really keen!

So to speak.......my girl is only parked in her cot, our bed or our lap!

OUr kids grow up v fast, those lego block that U have bot, in no time, she will be biting them n then play with them v creatively!

PVL or any mums..........
How do u manage to get Sarah to play by herself for 40~45min while u cook? My girl the most is 15min, yell already? Wat do u put inside the cot or playpen to entertain her?

Bbs look alike......So I tot I spotted Jerald tho the mum dun really look like u (partially covered up by bb). Tat's Y I said u look taller n bigger! How I blunder............

Ya, I still follow. I hardly watch TV but some reality show I do follow cos the timing is right. Those model shows, they are actually looking for someone who is exotic n versatile, not necessary the prettiest. Interesting to be judge at home, along with Tyra Bank (supermodel plus a little bossy bitchy)

Remember I told u Van n u look so much alike in the last meeting but U said she looks like papa? So I tot u n hb must be v 'fu qi xiang'.

So nice to have OWN mum to look after our kids...

Mon MOn,
I dun register seeing u or bumping onto u anywhere in Serangoon Nth at all....all those 1 decade +!

U r slim .......Aelwen is ard 8~9mths? But frm foto, she looks like bbs of June/July! SHe has rosy cheek hor? Pretty girl too!

Miss out ur cake.....can u bake another 1 for the dec gathering?
Ashrel screamed because he recognises strangers' hse izzit? If so....jialat leh! Certain kids are just like tat! My frenz's 1st daughter also like that or even worst, can cry for 30mins just upon arrival at the doorsteps! She is going to Dao Nan Pri school next year.....turned out to be a brilliant n gd girl now!
Just happened to bump onto 'u' at the other thread n sidetrack a bit here.

Did U finally use SKII designer body n how is it? I was at TNS n this promoter was promoting their Mayaltha body treatment range....claimed that can see result within 7days! I am using their skincare range now.....it is good n rather economical! The packaging a little 'cheapo' (like BodyShop) but think it is rather mild n pleasant to use.......

Just sharing.
Your ma ma definitely looks v much younger than her age. My ma ma said your ma ma is a xiao lian (young) grandma
Check wif u does your Avent pump leak when u pump? My milk flows along the thread of the screw of the cover n leaks v messy
y u said u dare not eat snake now dat your face appear in the 4rum? Your colleague visit tis 4rum?

U mean your ss decreases when your menses returns n it cont 2 b dat reduced amt?
I wanna bf Chen Chen till he wanna wean off my boobs. So worry if I can sustain or not. Chen Chen not interested in the food we eat. He only 1 mummy's milk milk

Dun worry take your time to upload the photos

I got wat u mean by my hse looks warm n comfy. Of coz u won't know it is warm by looking @ the photos. I wz coiling n playing wif your words

Buddha features
. Chen Chen's eyebrow grows lately. He wz borned wif v v fine eyebrow as if he has no eyebrow. Does Chen Chen looks more like a gal now? 2/3 times ppl asked if he is a gal gal. More ppl commented he takes after me than my hubby. My hubby said oh no his boi used to hv typical boi look but now like mummy, so more to gal look liao
So far cleaned the play mat twice. Once when we started using it, once b4 bb gathering. We actually put layers n layers of comforter, nappy cloth on the playmat when use @ my mum's plc. We wash the nappy cloth instead. Much easier
Hi Shook,
Thanks for the great time on Saturday. U and ur hubby were wonderful! Oh, n Chen Chen too, for being so gracious to lend out his nice bouncer :D

Hi mummies who attended the gathering on Saturday, sorry that I din mingle much. I dun speak much as usual but i had great fun looking at all the babies!

Who's the mummy of Aelwen? Mon_mon issit? I keep thinking of her after i left... want to u that your girl is so ladylike n gentle. I hope mine will be like this too next time
Can post her pics more often?

haiz, me terrible... still got very hazey idea of the mummies... only remember the babies. The one who keep bouncing up and down, the one that can fall asleep swinging on mummy's arms, sarah with her sparkling eye, chen chen with his quiet observant look, vane w her sweet smile and so many more...

Tried the barley water for Jerome last nite... it taste yucky :p Hahhaha... the mummy din like it, let him try he also dun take, in the end throw the whole pot away. so troublesome somemore, got to boil 1.5hrs. Hmmm... think i'll try fruit juices instead next week.
I told my mum abt the comments u all made. I think she "flying" liao. Haha... Mine nv leak. I think u nv fix them properly. Cos there was an occassion it leak oso then I realise nv fix them nicely.
jul, it is very hot in perth during summer... even hotter than singapore. the sun seems to burnt into the jeans and onto the skin especially when u are in the drivers' seat. Very terrible. Pls remember to use sun-block for bb... Get those sun-screen stuff that u can stick on the windows to protect bb from too much sun.
albany is nice place... i think two days should be enough in albany. Just remember to add extra time in your plans coz now u travelling with bb and should factor more time into your plans for emergencies.
hey, why don't u buy the pampers in perth instead of lugging the whole stuff to the airport?
U should visit Fremantle just like what PV suggests. There is a place in Freo market that sells very nice crepes ... it is a must-try! Can't find it in Singapore and still missing it. At Fremantle - fish and chips place very yummy... the name is Ciceralo... can't remember the exact name... but definitely starts with "C" and I think pronouncation as stated above - can't rememer too long already.
There are stops in between the destination for petrol, stretching the legs and toilet stops (about 1-2 hours apart)... so should not be too bad. Don't assume 5 hours means 5 hours... they usually say 5 hours means no stop in-between. Drive carefully, coz sometimes the winds in the south is too strong and you may come across cross-winds especially near coaster areas. Flies may be a prob too in summer. Albany is very nice... be careful when on the rocks... can be very slippery and dangerous when the rocks get wet. Drive carefully especially around sun-rise and sun-set timings coz that is when the kangaroos etc travel home etc... and use the country roads a lot. It may be nice to see the kangaroos when u drive, but if u have an accident with one... it is no fun at all... they are known to kick really hard to get away after a knock... so can u imagine their big feet struggling and kicking to get out of your windscreen... gosh... and can u imagine what that can do not only to the vehicle but also to you? All in all, enjoy yourselves...
Anymore questions, just ask me.

giggler, Ethan loves the water... now even when he bathes, he splashes so much that we get wet... just bathing for him. He also grumbles and cries when bath-time ends.
Thanks Emily for that info! The kangaroo bit sounds exciting. When we were driving in the Grampians in Victoria state in January this year, we saw wild kangaroos and emus... so excited we just had to stop and watch them!

Do u know how much diapers cost in Perth? Heard from a friend that the cheapest diaper, which is not equivalent to our Pampers Premium, is 50 cents each!!! That's why want to lug the stuff there.

We bought Mustela sunscreen SPF 60 for Ian from Kids Mall.... there was no other choice, unfortunately, and this tube cost $38 already... had to console myself that it can be used when he goes swimming next time.

I hate Australian flies! There were so many at the Twelve Apostles... and they refuse to budge no matter how hard u swat at them! Grr....

Okay, will eat the crepe and fish &amp; chips at Fremantle. A bit worried about the 3rd day cos we are going to leave Perth for Fremantle, visit the Fremantle market, E-shed markets (are they worth visitng?), then leave for Bunbury. Quite a distance to cover. Do u advise visiting the Dolphin Discovery Centre?

Are there still whales to watch in December? Wonder if we should plan a whale-watching trip in Albany. Have you heard of the Eden blueberry farm near Albany? Thinking of dropping by too.

Think Margaret River should be nice and slow, but don't think we will be going for too many of the walks otherwise Ian will be very tired. Are there mosquitoes there?

Ian hasn't poo-ed for 2 days liao... today 3rd day... not again.....
sahm, u not the only one that missed out on mon_mon cake!! me bz chatting with other mummies n jerald so i didnt help myself to the food - it's my hb who keep munching away!!! oso duno who bring wat - till the gathering is over!!!

oh i guess u hv mistake pigletz/jerome for me/jerald. :p

mon_mon....ever tot of starting ur own bakery since lots of mummies luv taste ur home-bake cake again!

so much fun we hd during the gathering - the dec gathering at jul's plc rite??

jul, hv a nice trip to perth - hope to c u/ian in dec.
u wan to touch his round round tummy, keke, sure sure..next gathering u mus cum okie. ya lor, i vy headache cos he recognises hse, do u noe once enter the lift at shook's place, he started crying liao. b4 enter shook's hse, he started screaming!!! u asked those mummies, it's super loud. i so pai seh..
i 'complained' to pd n he said 'clever boy'. oh no!!!
ah.. u c his eyebrows next tx too. it looks like i drawn them, quite brownish n clearly defined. now i noe why u mentioned he has little of girl's features, oh no..

ashrel cries evytx i get him out of the bathtub. he wont stop until i fin dressing him n carry him up. how ah? i ask hubby (when he's ard) to act like a clown to 'entertain' him oso no use.

he too tired n fell asleep in car seat on his way back. a break for me, keke..

ashrel screams fr day 1 when we tried to put him in infant car seat. he hates the lying down type i guess. i alwy give in n carry him n he cont yelling.. i oso stress till dun feel like brging him out. this car seat (the pic i posted) surprisingly he quite okie. 1st tx we put him in, he struggle n cry too. wat i do: put the toy bar for him to c n let him grip unto his bean pillow. avoid having direct eye contact w him. when the car keeps moving, he yawn n yawn n then fell asleep. or choose a timing to go out when is near to his nap tx.

i bought a floater for bb n intend to brg ashrel for a swim. cant find a suit tat is small enough for him, shd i get a trunk?
Chen Chen is ok wif sharing his things wif others. Or perhaps he doesn't know wat is possesive yet
Aelwen is Mon_mon's lo. Jerome a boi u wish he is ladylike n gentle? Or u r pregnant wif a gal gal now?

Your ma ma deserved dat flying

The thing is my Avent leaks everything when I pump until a certain level

Gathering in Dec is at Natallie's cottage
Too bad Jerald doesn't want my hubby to relief u while u eat. Next time ask your hubby to carry Jerald while u enjoy the food
All mummies who attended the gathering,
Thanks for your compliments! Glad you all love the cake. I love to bake...haven't been able to do so since Aelwen pop out. Didn't have to spend a long time putting all the ingredients together. Aelwen usually sleeps after we bath her in the morning so I use this time to bake.

The pictures look great!

You hit the jackpot! I've always wanted to do something relating to baking. But hor must have $$$$ to start off, plus now got Aelwen, how to?

Think you got Aelwen and Sarah mixed-up. Sarah is the lady-like girl with curly hair....she's so sweet! Aelwen is the one who falls asleep in my arms. U can see my muscles?
I really envy you! Your boy so guai (until feeding time). You mentioned he stays on his bouncer most of the time...that's very good. Aelwen can't even stay on her hi-chair for more than 15 mins.

yeah, I agree with all mommies....your mum is so hip! She also has a good figure for her age.

Thanks for your hospitality. Your hb was really helpful...saw him offering his help to carry bbs so we can help ourselves to the food. Your Chen Chen has a very "Chi xian" look. He's very cute...can sit on his own.

Finally get to see Vane and her lotus limps
She's very alert....always looking at what other bbs are doing.

I agree with you about ss decrease when period comes. Mine came last Wed and over the long weekend ss is quite pathetic. I hope it will be back to normal when it ends. *sigh*

Ashrel is really very loud
Aelwen hear him cry she also cry....cannot tahan her...copycat...hahaha.

Your boy so active! Loves to look at him bouncing him up and down!

hahaha.....me seldom at home..if at home will be watching TV most times...seldom go downstairs....lazy bum! I don't mind baking another cake for Dec gathering provided the gathering is on Sun. Usually have to rush the housework when she sleeps on Sat.

Aelwen only 5mths...think she looks like 8-9 mths. She's bigger than most bb of her age...takes after daddy.

Alicia is strong man! She can go on her four limps already, so fast!

Think the bb that leaves the strongest impression is your Sarah. I was telling my hubby how adorable she is...so unlike my Aelwen - big size and bad temper! Spending the long weekend with her is hectic.
Yep yep Ashrel tore my whole estate dwn on sat. May b shld hold the gathering after Nat's at your cottage

your mum has accurate judgement...even the Lactation consultant, when trying to teach Alicia to latch on, commented that she's like chilli padi...my mom also says the same thing. BTW...you and your mom have a similar trait...you both have the slim factor.


I have not used the watermelon frost remedy for a long time...maybe i'll try it again. Tks for the reminder!


Don't forget to put moisturiser for Ian in the plane....very dry for bb skin...we shall look forward to hear frm you after the trip!

Giggler and Shook

yes, when "da yi ma" returns...BM supply drops...this usually happens when we start introducing semi-solids to bb or do not feed bb for gap of 4-6 hrs....(eg in the nite)for a period of time....but i believe that if you still want to keep up the supply....simply just bfeed frequently and the body will get the message.....however, i think i'll take this opportunity to gradually wean Alicia off...i'm quite glad she takes the bottle well now...so i alternate between BM and FM.


How old is your bb now? I think it's not bad she can sleep thru the nite without feed till 6 am. How much can she drink for the last feed b4 bedtime?
ashrel likes the mat, hubby wen to buy next day.

u c naked ashrel n his fats n 'triple' layers neck (so hard to clean), keke.. i wori he obese. pd said not at all, he is of gd size.
You darling so kuai, allow u to eat while she sits in the carrier
Yep yep u can set up a bakery shop n sell your cake.
Bake cake for every gathering :)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
My hubby wanna ensure every mum gotta chance to eat, so try to help carry bb but some bb dun want him to carry. Jerald stayed in my hubby's arm for 1 min cried liao
Viv din attend the gathering
the mummies here said ashrel n alicia look alike?? ah i noe.. it's their limited hair, hehee..

oops so ashrel gave aelwen a fright. tell her sori sori..

all my neighbours 'heard' him even w'out seeing him. my place too small to hse evyone leh..

i agree w mon_mon, sarah so sweet, so girl girl.. i envy
Alternatively u may use salt or Yun nan bai yao for ucler. However I prefer salt than medicine
I v worried ss decreases. I still feed Chen Chen in the middle of the 9. If he doesn't wake up, I will dream feed him. Does bm ss drops a lot when u hv period? Does milk ss go back to the normal level when period is over?

Ashrel looks v cute n happy on the play mat. Does your hubby get a lot of toys for Ashrel?
I commented on Ashrel's eyebrow repeatedly so far. V unique, as if u draw them each time he goes gai gai!

He looks like girl....................jia u lah.....1 boy n the next one, a girl!

Also dun really think Ashrel is huge or fat...maybe his physique is ok n proportional.

Hahahah...who knows, maybe wat ur pd said is true, smart boy. My frenz's daughter also got teachers recommended her to enroll her in those special gifted class blah blah blah.......so endure ashrel's screaming....just chant n console 'ah boy screaming now, future a genius! hahahahahha
Hi shook &amp; mummies at gathering,
i'm so sorry tat i can't make it in the last minute, car got problem. Sighed, this sat still need to go back for checking again. Ooh, how i miss all the funs and all the cute babies &amp; mummies last sat. Bet you all have a great time.
Can't wait to see more fotos....
sanrio &amp; mon_mon, thank you for the compliments for Sarah
. Hope she doesn't become too big-headed after hearing what you say
! We are thinking of trimming her hair, but not sure how to and also what 'style' to make it. What if all the curls disappear after trimming?

Mon_mon, your cake was really yummy. I wanted to ask who made it that day and tell you directly, but I guess we were all so busy, so here are my compliments.

sahm, I've been using the playpen since Sarah was about 2 months old. We bought her one of those gyms where there are toys hanging from a bar. At first she just looked at the toys. Gradually she learnt to bat at them. Now she can pull them etc. it was nice to see her develop these skills. We also throw in a few other toys...mostly rattles. Our playpen is square and has netting all around, not like some of the other types which are closed up on both ends. So Sarah can see out of the playpen easily, and it's bright in there. It's quite easy to clean, just wipe with a damp cloth.

to me..during and after menses ss seems abt the same....try not to worry...i guess so long as you feed frequent, menses may not come back so soon..anyway, i just let nature take its course....my initial intention was just to bfeed 6 mths and im quite happy already....it can get quite emotional trying to wean bb off the breast but i do feel less drained when i don't bfeed...also for my own diet can eat more "shui bian" liao...
Hi sahm, I find it difficult to clean those playmat too. I think now Vane looks more like me liao, a lot more pple say so.

Hi shook, my ss didn't incr back to pre-menses period leh. So now, I tried my very best to 'tong' till Vane turns 6mths to supplement her fm as the sample fm I have at home are all follow-on fm. I have difficult downsizing the photos so can't post them here. SIgh...

Hi Emily, you brought Ethan to bb pool? The pool we brought Vane to the other time is quite deep, all the way to our waist level. I guess that's why Vane not used and didn't really enjoy herself.

Hi val, we went to Out of the box at Millenia Walk and I spent $250 for four pcs of 6R pix.

Hi sanrio, I think it's alrite to get a trunk for Ashrel. I bot bikini for Vane too.
Ashrel looks so happy in the pix, so different from Sat leh.

Hi mon_mon, your menses also came recently? I always thot that bfg will delay menses for long long time. So you got enough to feed Aelwen with your ss decreasing? I agree your gal very copycat leh. Remembered she cried once she saw Gareth cried too. hahaha.........

Hi pringles, you're lucky that your ss remains the same. For me, my ss drops half compared to pre-menses period. I thot of bfg Vane for 6 mths also but now very bu she de to give up. Sigh

Hi Kis, the gathering was fun. Got to see some new faces last Sat. How's your car now?
How come you got so many teats to give away? Which stage are the teats for? Me using Avent.

Hmmmm....the mom with the jumping boy is? Aiyo...got the wrong mom..hehehe
pringles, Giggler
B4 u wean off ur baby, remember to take a photo of urself bf'ding, u know like those on phamlets/magazines. I really miss having my bb latching on, so I look at the photo to feel better ...

My bb is 4mths old, her last feed is abt 180ml. Though she doesn't wake up for milk in the nite, she tekan her mummy n wake up to look for her pacifier

tks for the advise. yah I understand how it feels, also told my hubby that I dun want to bring her out this weekend, phobia already.

ashrel look so happy on the mat !

That's my boy, Gareth.

Hey mums,

I still trying to get the pic from my hubby. Will send to all of you once my hubby pass them to me.
I dun think Sarah will get big headed.....it's the mum that gets it! Just like u keep going back to ur new cabinet n admire! U ought to
....Sarah is really such a beauty n she no longer appear thin at all! Nice complexion n the eyes so round. I kept scrolling the scroll bar to her foto with u. Her baju also v nice.

Talking abt the rattles...we hang 1 or 2 on the bouncer for elyse n she stared for so long. Then she pulled it to her mouth n started licking away. Then the whole bouncer lost balance n she slided dn! We had a gd laugh but she like nothing happened, continued to lick! U know something? Elyse is weirdo. She luv to look at the telephone coil n smiles repeatedly! Wondering wat's so funny?!! BBs' world....wat r they thinking?

Got more of Sarah pic? Please share! Gd thing must share !
some rattles and books. ashrel loves his daddy to read to him. he likes him to make animals sound esp. hubby bought 1 fisherprice 'kick n whirl carnival' (c pic)for him. he will lift his legs to kick the hanging toys. when he kicks, the ferris wheel will move n there is light n music.

he 'warm up' oreadi.

yup i like her soft curls, so sai yang to cut away hoh..

ya lor. tk u. i kept 'an wei' myself n tink positive, keke.. oh no, if hav no. 2 n like ashrel loves to scream, i peng san liao..
i envy u, 1 boy 1 girl, hao3, jus nice

i loves to bake, my hobby. but now busy w ashrel
gareth is so chubby
wow..mus b tough on ur hands. i cant imagine me carrying ashrel when he turns 5mth, 6mth...
shook, jearld v.afraid of strangers carrying him - teasing him is ok. Last sunday carry him to MIL plc they took turns to carry him ard the hse - he scream n wail i see liao so heartache - yet they still say weather stuffy, hungry....etc the more i heard i really feel like snatching back my son!!

so if ur hubby really can managed him - i think it time for u to strike 4D 1 min oso can :p

mon_mon, really pai say - every mummies here comment how gd is ur cake but i never got to try - so really looking fwd to it in Dec. Aiya - not only you - i guess after we gave birth most of us hardly got time for personal stuff.

val, jerald oso on avent bottles - but of late he keep rejecting them - i think tollyjoy's teats are softer compare to avent?!?! tks, but i think i dun need them for now.

sanrio, ashrel looks so different when he's enjoying himself - so cute!!! I told my hubby abt ur leave application - so you can be a temp sahm, he doubt i can be a sahm cos i'm the quick temper and sotong person - not cut to b a sahm - better stay in workforce otherwise my brain will rust :p
dun 'give up'. jus keep trying. bb's pattern, likes n dislikes keep changing evyday. mayb she will like the car seat 1 fine day. at 1st i oso v stressed, now i tell myslef it's ok he cries.. got used to it so beta now.
Giggler and Sanrio,
I brought Ethan to the deep pool... up to our chest level... I used the double float for him that I bought... yellow colour from KP. Check it out... has a back seat for him to lean on too... he enjoyed himself kicking the water &amp; without me carrying him much. I was just watching him, playing and talking next to him.
I didn't buy trunks for Ethan... bought him the full suit - Size 0. Sanrio, u can check them out - they are actually supposed to be tight fitting and as such they can wear size 0 or size 1. I think it is better to buy the full suit for them coz they are small and in addition, I didn't want him to catch a cold being in the water for so long... the trucks were too big for him ( I tried)...

jul, wow... u packed so many activities for the 3rd day? remember to go freo and e-shed markets on weekend only. It is quite worth it (i.e. Freo market - E-shed is about the same)... many nice handicrafts to see.
Am not sure about diaper costs there... coz I was single at that time..

Am not sure if there will be flies in Margaret River... coz I only visit the south in June/July period... for Dec-Jan I fly back to Singapore for some cooler climate.. a little like the migratory birds... eheheee...

Your Ian's the champion! never poo for sooo long... hehee... countdown starts again...
U breast-feeding right?? What did u eat??? How come like that?? I noticed that when I have diahorrea, Ethan also gets it too... hmmm... did u try eating bananas?? heheheee... I ate so many bananas yesterday coz Ethan went to toilet only once yesterday, until I had bad stomach pains last night... and still, dear Ethan slept through the night like an angel... hhehee... will check with my maid if he poo today.. I believe so coz yesterday we were out so much, he might not have been comfortable pooing outside.

Sanrio, ai yoh! Ashrel looks like he enjoyed himself so much on the mat... hb bought that mat for Ethan 1 month ago and it is still sitting in the bb room... u make me so motivated to lay it out tonight!
We'll see if Ethan loves it just as much!

Mom mon, gosh... I missed your cake!! Pls... make some more for next gathering ok?

Ai yoh... missed this gathering... U people looked like u enjoyed yourself so much.... I'll see u girls next month... can't wait! By then, I think we'll have a couple of crawlers... hor.

B2B3M4, wow... can see your gal starting to crawl soon from the pic...
so cool!!!
Hi Giggler,
spent over $500+ to repair my car, heart pain, and still encounter abit of problem. Hope after spending $$, no more bad lucks. We even go to temple to pray for health &amp; safety.

Can't you downsize the foto using the previous mtd??? I can help u...

Hi Val, yah y u got so many teats? I want bottle leh, hee. Yesterday, while i was washing the teats and also trying to enlarge the teat-hole, i accidentally tear off one teat. Sighed, this is the 2nd time i tear off. I better be gentle next time.

Hi PV, ur sarah "outstand" the other babies with her thick, curly long hair &amp; 2 big round eyes. So sweet and girly.

Hi sanrio, yah, agreed that ashrel n alicia looks alike, not based on their limited hair lah, though its true also...hee.
Tot of attaching my ah boy's 1st feed foto here since most of our bbs approaching 6mths soon. They were saved into cd which so cumbersome to find....

Nowadays, my boy dun smile at camera liao....even so....r those 'act cute' type of smile! So mummies, shoot your bbs foto as many as possible now!


Dun know how to downsize any further.........paisay, so big foto!

I don't remember any changes in my diet that caused Ian not to poo leh.....bananas didn't help... only me poo... hehehehe....

Ian also botak leh
