(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

I luv the fisher price 'kick n whirl carnival' leh but v ex! Seems entertaining n interesting....

Chen chen does not look any bit like a gal to me! He is v boyish! My boy was mistaken as a girl 80% of the time prior to his 18mth mark. N many GURANTEED I will have a girl for next since the elder looks so much like a girl. They r right afterall

Hi Shook,

Hahah... i want to try for a girl soon.

Hi Mon_mon,
Nope, din mistaken. Sarah's the one with sparkling eyes and curls... Your Aelwen is the one i mistaken to be Vane initially ;)
Wat is the teat size dat u wanna give away? I use Avent bottle

It's ok. Join us for the next gathering. Forfeit next gathering u fetch all mummies w/o transport

Can't agree more wif Sanrio n Mom_Mom, Sarah is like a miniature doll. So sweet n lovely

Pringles, Giggler
I wanna tbf Chen Chen till he wanna wean off my boobs. If I m sahm n latch on every meal, dun need to worry. Last resort, take supplement to increase or maintain my ss. Yucks, I hate chemicals, I hate chemicals .....

Thx for sending Chen Chen's photos to me

Yap yap, count on your hubby. He seems to snap many pic on Sat n his camera looks the professional type

Kindly email photos wif Chen Chen to [email protected]
Chen Chen loves to kick the angel fish n the seahorse hanging on the blue bouncer all of u saw @ my hse. His little feet stuck in b/w the wheel on the seahorse. My hubby removed the wheel
Chen Chen impatient when we read to him. Attention span is short. He doesn't like it when I read rhythm to him

Think my hubby carried Jerald for a min. He strike 4D, $75 only

Emily, Jul
tbf bb no poo means bb abosrbs all nutrients fm bm. Apple, babana n carrot r constipated food. If mummy eat them, bb can get constipation

Your boi looks cool in his stripe shirt. He doesn't look girlish

I oso wanna try 4 a gal
Shook ah,
initially I thought it doesn't matter if TBF baby doesn't poo... but as the days add up and hit 14 (!?!?!?), u begin to worry and it's hard to convince yourself there's not a teeny weeny bit of shit inside those intestines. And true enough there was a whole lot of shit when Ian finally passed!

Wah, your hubby strike 4D ah... I never buy so no chance of winning anything.

I think all of us who have boys now want a girl next.... hehehe... understandable.

Ian can concentrate sometimes, but other times he's impatient... now he wants to eat his books...... gotta take his saliva-coated fingers away from the pages...
emily, u brought Ethan to public pool? i brought my gal to the deep pool, but not sure if public pool allows float, so just carry her..she enjoys splashing the water sitting on our leg raised up..
Would like to invite U n Jerald to my hse leh.....i wanna carry 'siow fu xin' n strike 4D too!

My place v near ur mum's pl.....go into Wan Tho Ave n out U will see my hse!

Both foto here were taken after his 18mth mark.

Mummies trying for 2nd ones,
V gutsy but jia you!

How old is ur bb now? I got my girl by accident when my boy was 9mth old!

Sanrio, Pringle,
Can consider 2nd 1 soon as it may not be a bad idea to conceive all at 1 shot since being a SAHM mum. Tough but think of rearing them together at 1 go.....learning things together n growing up together. Wat's more, when they r abt 2~3 yrs old, r ready to interact with other children n learn things, can send them to childcare. By then, U all still young to get back to workforce.......my 2cents only.
sahm, you boi so cute... no girl look at all lah...

melody... I brought Ethan to the private pool... I think public pool have bb pool, medium pool and large pool... so u went to medium pool?
Hi mon_mon, the mum with the jumping bb is Pigletz.

Hi Viv, thanks for reminding me. Got to ask hubby to do it for me asap. I can't even email them to my ofc's account leh. Me really PC idiot lah.

Hi sanrio, how much is the 'ferris wheel'? Your hubby seems to buy lots of stuff to Ashrel hor?

Hi Emily, where did u get the size 0 wetsuit? The smallest I can find is size 1. You take any pix of Ethan in the pool? I want to see leh.

Hi Kis, aiyo really down on luck hor? I can't email to ofc account via my yahoo acc leh. Let me try out again tonite.

Hi sahm, you got handsome boi leh.

Hi shook, you going to take fernugeek to help incr ss?
Read fm bbcentre tbf bb no poo 14 days is normal.
Chen Chen's highest record is 7 days no poo. Now he poos alternate day or 3 days once. When he poos, he poos a mt lot. Last Fri, he pooed till the poo overflow n dirtied his romper. We were outside n din bring xtra clothing for him. Luckily we got 2 blanket to wrap him like mang ka li, post deepavali celebration

Chen Chen put anything in his hands into his mouth, even the hanging toys on the musicle mobile. He catches the toys n put into his mouth. So worried dat may topple the musicle mobile n hit him
Ian so lucky can go holiday next yr. Wish u an enjoyable 1st trip wif Ian by your side

Giggler, Emily
y u bring your bb to adult pool not bb pool?

Yeh, I will consider taking fernugeek if my ss can't reimburse the stock in my bunker. For the sake of Chen Chen, take chemicals, take chemicals lor. wat to do.

Wow so fast look out for son in law liao

No....i meant my ss during and after menses is the same...ie....LESSER than b4 menses came
But i guess i'll do wat Viv suggested....take a pic of Alicia latched on...for remembrance in future....


Plan for 2nd one so soon? I think I must wait till Alicia starts to call me mummy first b4 I get motivated to think of a 2nd one...when she's big enuf for childcare.....then it might not be so tough....even so....i think must get PT or FT help...


Aiya....forgot to take a peek at your boy's tooth.....next gathering ok?
emily, i brought her to the CDANS swimming pool at bt batok...got only bb pool n adult pool...

bb pool is usually very crowded, with many toddlers running around...so i thot bring her to the adult pool easier to handle..
Kept reading abt all the bbs going for their swim so I decided to bring Allison for her maiden dip in the pool on Monday. Here's her pics.

Hi Melody 03,
My boy is soon 2yrs old in Dec n my gal is coming 5mth old this mth end. Their gap is abt 1.5yrs old. U planning for 2nd one too?

My boy is a pleasant boy. V cheeky n lively, fun loving. Many little kor kor n jie jie dotes on him, v heartwarming of me being the mum

My boy is a wkend regular at the Punggol Plaza. Just had his hair cut there on Sun. The barber asked him to come back again next mth
Now that u have seen his foto, if u meet him at PP, U can whisper to him....'ur mei mei is Elyse, rite?'

Sometimes, we just simply not too smooth, not 'soon'. Pray n let go, dun think so much. Think positively - if this $500+ can save u frm bigger hiccups lined up, so it is wat a relief! My frenz's hb n herself v 'on', every year fly to Hk to have their whole family blessed by a monk. 1yr the monk said his hb not too gd. Coincidentally, his co oversea trip that year were met with several bad turbulences. Starting frm the chinese lunar yr of that yr, his CNY gambling session lost n lost like 'siow'. But they laughed it off n said, 'If by losing this lot of money can lessen my future suay, y not?'

U get wat I mean......go look at elyse...how sweet n blessed r u liao

Not to scare u, some of my frenz who by then their bbs become toddlers, decided to put on hold until dun know when, to conceive again. They r freaked out by the challenging n tough parenthood of their toddlers.

Ignorance is blissful. My boy was only 9mth when I expected my 2nd one again. Tot no big deal...i can jolly well handle. When my gal came along, my boy just hit the terrible 2 stage. We took it at our strike (bo bian liao....already a reality we r parents of 2 kids)n luckily, within mths, ah boy behaves better. Now, we r really glad that god arranged my gal to come along without our planning. If I were to plan by myself, after going thru the toddlerhood, I am quite phoebia to have 2nd one.

Mere sharing........

Fenugreek.....check it out this credibility. The GNC staff frm 2 outlets told me that they are going to discontinue this product. I asked y n they gaf me a reply which I didnt buy. They claimed that the demand is too high n supply cannot meet....so discontinued. Also added that Nettle can help boost the ss too.

I am searching for my boy 1st feed montage foto....v interesting, bbs so interested n yummy abt their solid food
Aiyoh...looking at all the nice pictures make me regret not going to the meet!!!!! It looks like so much fun!!!!

Been so bz back at work...no time to surf forum at all!
Yes yes take a pic of Alicia latch on u. Few wks back, my hubby took a pic of Chen Chen latched on me. He asked me if ok to take a pic of Chen Chen latch on me. I said ok when he abt to take the pic, Chen Chen unlatched n complained. Hubby said ok dun take n walked away. A while later hubby said he wanna take pic. Agn Chen Chen unlatched. 3rd attempt, hubby quietly signalled me n took the pic w/o Chen Chen knowing it

I dun get the logic y GNC wanna discont Fenugreek when the dd is so gd. No commercial sense rite.
Everytime ppl ask me when I gonna hv no 2, I will say wait till I settle dwn wif Chen Chen 1st. Now my ans is I wanna saiyang him 4 a longer time. Not dat I won't saiyang him when I hv no 2 but when there is no 2, it is impossible to give him 100% of my time. The time spent n love need to be shared. I hv tis thot when Chen Chen started to respond. I v bu she de to hv no 2 4 the time being. V weird rite

Yeh, the gathering wz fun. Join the next gathering. I hope we can hv regular gathering to keep our bond growing
mon,kis & shook,

I got the avent bottles as I m using the pump. Not too sure wat size izzit. It come with the 260ml bottle. I have 6 260ml bottles & 2 with the pump.Onli giving teats not bottles lah!!!

Onli 6 pcs? My gosh!!! I know forum there is one. Wonder if its any cheaper. How old was Vane when she took her pic? Hmm..should I bring Randall to take now or till 4mths old??

Can you believe tat Randall can quarrel with ppl? He scolded my mum when my mum wanted to feed him bottle. Then my mum scolded him "u naughty boy!! dunwan milk milk. Po Po give bird bird ur milk milk!!!?" Then he started using his language to scold. The two of them really like quarrel leh. Haha...Then he pulled away the handkie and threw it on the floor. My mum pick up and he threw it again. Arrghh... jia lat!!!
fenugreek is a herb not chemicals lah...
anyway, i oso thot its going to discont... but the other day i wen to gnc and they said no, not discont liao... strange... anyway, i saw many bottles. i tried it b4, like nt effective though.
yes, nettle suppose to help too.

missed the gathering... cos shook's place reali too far for me lah!
and oso last min had to go somewhere wif my mil... sigh... can the next gathering be somewhere central or west? dat wld be so much beta for me.

here's a couple of recent pics of edi... as u can see, he's balding...

Randall so cute, quarrel w po po. wen i try to disturb ashrel like stop him fr putting the whole fist into mouth n play w saliva (yee..) he will yell 'ah ah ah..louder n louder n go higher in pitch' at me. so notti..

ur boi so handsome. tink many of us wish to b like u, to hav 1 boy n 1 girl. but i hav frds who have like 3 boys or 4 girls leh.. ai yo..
yes i'll love to c tat foto.
the '1 tx xiong' logic sounds gd, keke...

can i noe where u got size 0 or 1 swimsuit for ethan. i went OG, KP etc, smallest size is size 2 n too big liao.

CDAN?? u stay in bt batok? my hse is jus across the road fr bt batok swimming pool.

read books to ashrel mus b full of actions n w diff tone n pitch of voice. v tiring! hubby can do a beta job than me. haha..like a clown n ashrel likes it n will laugh loudly at his daddy.

at least wen he is v cranky, the ferris wheel is the only toy tat can keep him 'quiet' for a while. tink retail px is $69.90 or $79.90. hubby bought it at 20% disct fr kidsmall. hubby ah if c anythg ashrel likes or gd for his development (not too ex), will buy.
at least edi has some nice hair. ashrel dun even need to cut hair, no hair to cut, haha..
yes u mus join us for the next gathering. only c his nice nice foto, i wan to c him leh. shd b in natalie's place. she stays central of s'pore, nearer towards west.
the pic w allison in the float so nice. bright colours. i bought the same floater too. havnt let ashrel use it.
Hi sanrio, good to see you so early.... Ashrel sleeping? Ian slept at 10.30pm last night and woke up at 6.50am this morning!!! I hope he gets some sleep later today... I'm so tired. Today Day 4 no poo poo liao...

Soyabean, Ian is balding too... hehehe.....

Where is Natalie's place exactly? I think should be able to use my place any time... hehehe......
yest we tried to let edi fall asleep on his own... we pat him for a short while, then leave him to toss and turn his head and grunt... and after 15mins he fell asleep liao... hehe....

u dun know arh.. everytime he wakes up fr his sleep, the bed has hairs all over...

hey gals...
anybody use desitin cream b4? my aunt gave me a tube... its for nappy rash prevention rite?
Giggler, why u need to find swim suit for boys?? Your gal is Val, yeah??? At least u can find size 1... where did u find it?? Sanrio wants to know.. ;p Have to find time to upload his swimming pics first.
Sanrio, the swim suit I have was given to me... a hand-me-down. So I also don't know where selling.

Shook, I brought Ethan to adult pool cos I felt that bb pool is like the bath-tub at home... water about the same depth. So, I bought the float... see pic of allison (same float) and brought him to bigger pool for him to kick more water and move around. Different feeling mah... but note: I brought him to private pool... if u go public pool, u can only use the float in the bb pool or the medium sized pool.

Melody, I brought Ethan swimming in Bt Batok condo.. hehee... same like u in bt batok.

absolut, allison looks so cute in her swim suit... did she enjoy her swim??? Ethan has the same float... did she like the float??? It is useful, yeah? At least don't have to carry her in the pool all the time... but must keep an eye on her...

sahm, if I see your boy at the Plaza, I will surely kidnap him.. ehehhee... so cute!
so u better hold him tight! ;p
sahm, pls explain about the Fenugreek again... why GNC wanna discontinue the product? My ss also going down... so sad.... so was thinking of getting that... it is not a chemical, but a herb.

jul, r u going to bring the stroller??? I read an article about travelling with bb and if place you are going has difficult terrains, then shouldn't bring stroller... just bring sling etc... so I thought I'll ask you.
I think u can give E-shed markets a miss... about the same as Freo market... and I think Freo market is better.

Val, Ethan also used to quarrel with pple... so it is no surprise... but he is better nowadays.

He now has this wierd habit of wanting to suck his fingers and drink his milk from the bottle at the same time... we pull his fingers out and he screams and cries. He tried it with direct latching too, but I pulled his fingers away and he didn't dare put it in again. He seem to be out-of-control when it comes to his fingers... my helper and hubby or anyone else pull it out of his mouth, he kicks up a storm.. when I do it and tell him I don't want it there, he lets me pull it away and leaves it out of the mouth for some time.

Can someone advise on what we can do about his "I want my fingers and my bottle at the same time" kind of habit? Dunno where he learnt from.
sahm, ur boi very very handsome!! shd hv post more pixs!!! wow!! ur gal must b a pretty babe as well!!

as for fisher price toys - they are indeed v.expensive - unless there's a carnival or sale...y'day when to the toy r us @ forum - selling at 69.90?!?!? i bought one sometime back at the suntec forum outside carrefour - same price but got free plushie toy somemore.

you so near my mum's plc??? come drop by this sat lah!! I off leh. Bring along ur handsome boi N pretty babe!!! let me guess in n out of wan tho.....there's only 2-3 estates in there...let me know if you are comming ok...i can email/sms u the add.

shook!!! really he striked?!?!? CONGRATS!! aiya $75 can buy decent toys for chen chen liao!!

pringles...you not only one missing out on the glimpse of his gigi!! even sanrio didnt c it - cos notty boi so cranky - refuse to open his mouth!! wait till dec can?!?!? hopefully he'll b more socialable on that day
Hi Absolut, Sanrio,
I luv the bright float v much, where do u get it?

1 query, for public pool, am I able to go down the pool in short n T? Me too fat, dun dare wear swimsuit, hb too skinny, dun dare bare his body too, jialat! Private pool, must have proper attire rite? Is there any bb friendly facility for shower in the common washroom, not referring to owner's own toilet?

Last week was GNC stocktaking day. So now they decided to continue the Fenugreek?

Unlike some bbs, ur boy's look does not change much. 2nd foto v 'dong si'.

My frenz are mostly All Girls clan. I personally prefer All Girls to All Boys. Weird, Now seems like majong, 'qing yi se', all 1 gender bbs frm 1 family. Some going for 3rd one to try for different sex!

Bingo, u summarize everything -'1X SHIONG'! Motherhood/Parenthood is not easy, can NVR find a time to settle down. Infant to toddler to preschooler to ..........all stages we are learning n coping along. It is like a journey embarked. If can rear 2 along the way, 1x shiong is a gd deal. If to repeat the whole motherhood/parenthood frm scratch after years, it really takes up courage! But 1x shiong is typical 'sian gu hou tian'. Gu for 2 yrs, then more senang. The 2 are companions, growing up together, can share more common things together, can teach them things with more common topic (near age gap).

Not promoting birth rate, just sharing personal feeling. WHen I was expecting my gal, many pple congrats me (frm seasoned parents) n started telling me all the gd pts. I was so helpless with 2 n could not really digest wat they trying to share. Now, days, wks, mths passed, they r growing up, hb n I r happily looking forwards to bringing the 2 out for trips, outings. Now, we cant agree more on wat those seasoned parents shared with us.

The above is all redundant unless u want only 1 kid
. Wat pringles pointed out is true too....PT or FT help must be roped in from time to time.

Sanrio, ur hb really dotes on Ashrel! Bot Bumbo, playmat n the ferris wheel........v sweet dad. When hb dotes on bb, dun we as wife find it v 'an wei' too? U n ashrel v fortunate!

BF precious shot taken..........think it is really v wise n memorable! I missed out this...no more chance liao.
Not missing out 1 thing that need no mentioning! Allison is sweet, bbs are just so angelic!

I stay at Joo Seng Rd, within 2km frm Potong Pasir
. Not for this wk, my whole hse is full of virus.....3 out of 4 sick! Bad cough n runny nose, scary rite? If we were to bring the virus over, u peng san....dun play play ah!

GNC cant seem to reveal further when I asked y discontinue the product when the demand is high. Agree with Shook, no commercial move.

U wanna kidnap my boy? He will run n think u play hide n seek with him....he luv it! Aunty come, come chase me! hahahahah..

At the back of my mind, I always think Ethan is less a problematic boy....now he is showing his true colour too. Good, he is normal.....bbs supposed to give headaches frm time to time. Elyse also have this behaviour. Drink half way, wanna hold bottle, wanna put her fingers into mouth, then no milk, then scream! sound familiar? Guess they wanna drink but also wanna explore their fingers, not aware that they cant handle both at the same time? I dun care, pull out her fingers, lock her hands, stuff the milk bottle back, DRINK! hahahaahhaah.........she cant beat me, though will complainn yell! Just persist lor
Desitin is good effective cream for nappy rashes. It is just like drapolene or J & J nappy barrier cream.

I use it diligently once nappy rashes appear n it clears soon. It is rather 'stink' to me (the aloe vera one is better in texture n smell).

Remember just squeeze a little bit will do.....
agree wif u.... ashrel's dad reali dotes on him..

hah... my boi's looks neh change much hor... he's anything but "dong si"... haha...
Ian also puts his fingers into his mouth when he latches... I have to use my elbow to hold his arm away. The other arm pat him... aiyoh I need 3 hands!

I intend to bring the stroller leh.... otherwise how to keep carrying... of course bringing the sarong sling also lah. But difficult terrain of course won't use stroller.

Soyabean, no problem, can have at my place... but think already agreed that it'll be at Nat's place... dunwan to "snatch business" from her.. hehehhe... we see the general consensus lah.

Sanrio, I also think your hubby spends a lot on Ashrel... last Saturday we went to Robinson's and tried to find a hat for Ian... the best fit was an Osh Gosh hat which cost $25. Hubby immediately said NO... ended up buying a $5.90 hat which is slightly oversized.
I understand how u feel abt doting n giving full attention to chen chen now.

WHen my 2nd due date drew nearer, I always hug my boy n heartache with thought that he is so poor thing, gonna have attention divided soon. Think I was having little pre-natal blues. I even wept over this v often.

With the new arrival, it was indeed chaotic. BUT 1 thing for sure is the love is really too strong to battle against the attention thingy. The 2s are just your own flesh n blood, n hb n u will just take turn to have those not enuff moment with 1 of them at a time. Their laughter is so different but both so therupatic! Their cuteness is so different. The NB is angelic cute, the toddler is so innocent cute! The integrating part of the 2 is so heartwarming too. Last wkend, my boy put his hand on his mei mei's shoulder n we took a foto of them. So cute n complete.............

We are enjoying the varieties now.........
hehe... sahm... wanna see the 2-some photo... hear u say until very heart-warming...

jul... no prob.... u can hv the Jan gathering... haha...
Hi mummies,
Was juz skimming thru the postings. With regards to the toys. No doubt, Fisher Price is much more expensive but i dare not buy toys from "not-so-reputable" manufacturers. 'cos for all new things, the 1st thing Ashley will do to learn abt her new toy is thru her taste buds! So i dare not buy those toys that look very flimsy or those with plastics that can break into small pieces easily. Find Fisher Price pretty good quality for that n is able to capture Ashley's attention longer. I bought the Ferris wheel when Robinsons was having a promotion at around $50 plus. Lego oso quite good. Their plastics for babies are better and of bigger pieces to prevent them from swallowing.
As for books, i think Lamaze is the best.

I didn't get SK II body cream in the end. Find it too expensive. Bought Shisedo's Incido instead. Haven't tried it. Trying to finish up Loreal's. What is this body lotion u are talking abt. I'm interested leh!

My profession very related to what u are doing now... Me, drug dealer, drug trafficker.. So, u know what i do?
Hi shook, I don't intend to take anything to incr my ss. Anyway, my target is to bf bb for 6mths and by end of this mth the target will be reached. When do you intend to wean Chen off then? I think that's consider bb pool cos there's another adult pool leh. Vane puts everything she can get hold of in her mouth too. Nowadays, she'll scream if you take the things away from her.

Hi pringles, so ss really didn't incr lor? Anyway, you already supplement with fm rite? I forgot to ask hubby to take pic of me bfg Vane again. Sigh

Hi lyn, oh ya. Forgot to peek on Jerald's gigi

Hi melody, my bro suggested CDAN too. They have heater facilities there rite?

Hi absolut, where did u get the float for her? Does Ally know how to hold on to the float? She looks quite happy in water hor?

Hi sahm, good to hear that your ah boi behaves better now. So you looking after both of them yourself now? Wow you really like encouraging us to have 2nd one asap leh. Hahaha.

Hi Val, Vane was 4mths old when we took the pic. Very ex hor?

Hi soyabean, your boi looks so 'grown up' leh. I'm using Desitin now, find it better than Dapolene.

Hi sanrio, can see that your hubby really dote on Ashreal.
I saw size 1 at Sportslink CCK stadium.

Hi Emily, I want to find wetsuit mah. Can buy blue colour if I manage to find size 0.
Morning mummies,
Want to ask where did you buy the Destin nappy rash cream..want to recommend to my friend who is giving birth next month.
sahm, i was guessing u either u leaving in Macperson or joo seng. indeed very near but no direct bus leh - after u alight at the 24hrs kopitiam u still hv to walk?!?!

2km - dan r u on the higher flr?? can see the plot of land of ex bidadari cemetary??? My mum's plc is directly opp!!! i grew up facing this plot every day "P

aiya - now rainy seasons v.ez to gana flu ..etc. you free wan to pop over jus email me ok. dun b pai say.

jul, my situation jus opp as yours - normally I'm the one saying NO to expensive purchases...yday went to forum - we hd bn planning to get jerald a swing but I'm the one who keep looking for excuses to stop him frm buying?!?! It's not cheap anyway - the cheapest is 89.90 n y'day one we saw was 179.90!!! I guess my old shopping habits really die hard.
giggler, sorry no luck ....many mummies hv missed it oso - cos jerald v.cranky tat day - duno why?!?! dec gathering ok...

b2b3m4, apart frm fisher price...i think playskool n tolo toys oso v.gd??! (personal opinion) and bruin bear toys - the scoller bar toy is jeralds fave!!

so mummies - other than KP, robinsons, toy r us- where to find good deals for toys??? where do you gals normally shop? can share share??
Can get the old type (equally gd) at all pharmacy. The newer aloe vera type, as far as I know, can get at PD or maybe can check it out at polyclinic (not certain 'cos nvr been to 1)?

Check tis out http://www.thenaturalsource.com/

U maybe able to see my block, 1 of those point blk. My block is facing the town, can see suntec n firework frm my hse.......

If u happen to drive, shd be v easy n convenient lor.

Face cemetry is ok....the dead wont give troubles, it is the humans that is more complicated n difficult to deal. hahahahahah..

Hope to see u 1 day too.
sahm, ya..thinking...cos then i break from work for a stretch of 3 yrs lor...but then...i dun know if i got enery to look after a coming to 1-yr and being pregnant....

my cousin's wife preg when her gal is 3 mth, her 2nd preg very tough, think cos very tired, body not fully recover yet..she is 4mths preg now..

sanrio, emily, i stay in jw, but goes to the CDANS,....maybe we can meet n goes for swim together...hee

giggler, ya got heater...
sahm!!! dun nd to come over in this case!! each of us get telescope - can c each other waving liao!! my main door oso facing suntec/marina, only the bedrooms facing 'that plot of land'

directly infront of the blk is potong pasir mrt, nex to main rd.

since married off to pasir ris - hvnt bn to joo seng for long time - missed the hawker food there!!
My boy's 1st feeding time. Get ur camera ready, our bbs on the line up for their 1st solid food soon


Does he look like a girl?
ur boi so cute when he's smaller...
aiyoh... the cheeks... got pinch factor... hehe... but as he grows older, the chubbiness seem to like taper off hor... think when our bbs grow up oso like dat.
Melody 03, giggler,
Encouraging u all to have 2nd one soon, esp SAHM. But not as fast as like melody's cousin.......v shiong leh....body not recovered yet!

I mean when I say soon, it takes time to be prepared mentally, financially n physcially. So it may be ard 1yr frm now? then shd be rather ideal mah. 2nd 1 n 1st 1 ard 2yrs gap!
. Furthermore, it is not as if 100% chun chun get the bb once u plan to conceive, rite?

Yah, little breathless n tired.....I send my boy to few hrs class near my pl. I get PT help to clean the hse. Towards my last mth of labour, I sent my boy to full day childcare n dinner was tingkat. So all went well.........

U so funny!!! Telescope.......still cant c u leh......hahahahahah

Come lah...the fish ball mee still ard. It is entirely a new mkt now. Come, we have breakfast together? A short meal shd be ok.......PM me hor.

Melody 03,
He weighs 11.1 kg only. Just weighed him digitally on Sun at heartland mall, in a health appliance shop!!!! PETITE.

YES, they just lost their bb chubbiness....so sayang!! Somemore, those lovely smile. Nowadays, vomit blood....ask him to smile.....sunset liao! Or v act cute...not natural. U will know wat I mean soon....
