(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

Sorry. wasn't able to confirm timing so far, cos' has a friend who has a church wedding on Deepavali and wedding dinner on Saturday, so has a hard time deciding. Pls put me on KIV list first, in case i can't make it.. Pai seh!

Hi to the rest of mummies,
Thanks for all the concern... Sigh, Ashley is only 4 months n 1 week old went we went to see the doctor. She's only 5.6kg. A far cry from heavy weight Ashrel. I'm now very torn on whether to start Ashley on solids. My mum is from the older generation n agree that Ashley shld start on solids. Otherwise she will be lacking in minerals n vitamins which wil affect her growth n even brain development (in bad taste, will become stupider) and then my good lao gao with all the bad allegic genes wants me to start later.
So, me went to supermarket n realise there;s so many cereals on the shelves that says for 4 months babies???? N then there are Gerber baby food that r for 6 months babies, 8 months babies etc, etc.. Tot FM was confusing enough, didn't realise baby food can be juz as confusing. Anyone feeding their babies with these bottled baby food like applesauce, mixed vegetable?? Any idea how long can they be kept after opening (cos there's no instruction on that, only said to refrigerate after opening), once refrigerated, how do we heat up the food the next time we want to feed our babies. When i'm in US, i know my colleagues juz take the food out of the fridge n gave it direct to their toddlers.
Any mummies thinking of cooking these veges yourselves n then have them pureed and freeze them? I read somewhere that says u can prepare them in batches n store it in those ice cubes containers n retrieve cube by cube when needed. But wouldn't all those vitamins be lost? N is it safe??

Its very true that BM fed babies can get their food allergies from the food their mummies take. My fren can't take all food with eggs (including cakes n ice cream) bcos her baby is allergice to egg. I'm very worried. Hubby is one such example. Cant take egg, so can be very troublesome when we eat out. Dun want Ashley to be like pa-pa.

Hi Sanrio,
How to differentiate ezcema from heat rash? Aelwen also got patches of redness on the folds of the neck & arm. Come and go...not sure what's that.
Hi B2B3M4, I think you have to give Ashley the bottle food within 2-3days once you open the bottle. And you can give them the food directly from the fridge. I don't think I have the time to prepare the food myself. So right now, I just give her rice cereals and next mth I'll start her with brown rice then porridge.
b2b3m4, has Ashley not been gaining weight well? Sarah has always been really tiny, and light, but her weight gain has been steady so far (though still a little slow). At 4 months, she was only 5.1 kg. Don't know what she weighs now, nearly 5 months. But I'm not starting her on solids yet.

BM has all the nutrients she needs mah. Better than any other milk. The initial feeding of solids is not meant to provide an alternative to her milk feed yet. Just a taste of different foods. Introduce foods one at a time, for a few days to test for allergies. Don't introduce egg til she's about a year old at least. Egg yolk first, then egg white.

I too plan to cook my own veges or use fresh fruit, puree and freeze. My sis did that quite successfully last time, so I'll probably give it a try.
I never heard that starting solids is supposed to make babies grow faster... dun think there's such a correlation. I agree with your hubby u should start later. What gives u the impression that your BM lacks vitamins and minerals??? Aiyoh, should spank your bottom liao... in healthcare some more...

Forget abt the older generation lah... I dunno anyone from "The Older Generation" who says wean at 6 months!!! WHO's new recommendation is 6 months, so I am going to follow that no matter what. In fact, since my boy is prem, I might even wait longer, as is their recommendation also!

I was pretty disappointed that Dumex's weaning booklet still says 4 months... they should update their materials!! Shouldn't perpetuate wrong info!! Same goes for those cereals on the shelves! I agree baby food is confusing. I may end up not buying any... just cook everything myself.

The egg bit is tricky...

Giggler, 0.75" = 19mm. So u spent $80 buying stickers!?!?! wah.... my hubby just went to print out after modifying the powerpoint file... so we are going to cut & paste whole sheets... also pretty tedious.

now i feel more relieved knowing that eczema is actually quite common among our bbs...initially i was paranoid about it...it should just be a passing phase...and bbs skin tend to be dry regardless of what we eat...so emollients would do good to them.


wat did your PD prescribe Ashrel? Any improvement? hmmmm....seems like quite a number of us frm healthcare line....its a small circle....maybe when we meet on sat at Shook's place, who knows...i might even know u?!
Hi Priviledged, teach us how to prepare the food after you tried ok?

Hi jul, so you'll insist till 6mths before giving bb solids? I succumbed in the end, guess it's the disadv of not taking care of bb myself. I didn't calculate how much I spend in total for the dots lah. Actually you can just print in A4 and put it in folder to show your bb mah.
hmm u very discipline ..if there's something I need to get I will also shop without the bb. I plan wat I need to buy but somehow I always stray from my plan and in then end up window shopping

My colleague also brought her son to swim in normal diaper, but the security guard told her cannot, next time must put on shorts for bb.

my girl is on a combination of FM and BM, I use similac excellence, the lactation consultant commented that similac is sweeter compared to other brands.

My girl sleep in aircon and she like to kick away her blanket so I change her into long sleeves t and pants so she wont wake up from cold and I dun hv to wake up at night to chk on her blanket.

ur Chen Chen v much like my girl! I put on her left side with a bolster for her to hug when I pat her to sleep and after a while she'll sleep on her back. During the nite, she'll try to turn n sleep on her side again but can only turn her shoudlers only not her backside, tink her backside too heavy
then after awhile, she's back on her back again. When she's on her back, she also like to sleep with arms wide open. Once she fell asleep in my arms when we're out and when I try to put her down into her stroller, she also wanted to open arms wide wide but cannot cos stroller not wide enof

mummies whose bs are already flipping
my girl is already 4 mth and still dunno how to flip, i was quite gan jiong initially, but after reading ur posting, now I very scared ! hope she wont learn to flip so soon. Now I already not enof sleep cos always get woken up by bb in the nite when she stirs ...must brave myself for worst to come !

mon mon
If i'm brave enof to hv another bb, i'll want a natural birth. Dunno whether u hv similar experience or not, with c-section, the initial bonding of mummy n bb is not there not all. its like one moment i'm pregnant and the next tummy's flatten & a total stranger appeared out from no where. infact when my hubby showed me the photo of my bb on the digital cam after i woke up from my GA, i nearly cried cos bb dun look nice at all, i din know that newborns hv water retention n will look bloated. On the 3rd day, the hospital fire alarm went off, and I was so worried that I'll burn to death cos the wound is still painful n I can only walk v slowly. I was planning to start walking out of the building already when i realised i forgot all abt my bb!

my girl also 4 mth old and my pd suggested tat i can start introducing solids slowly to my girl. but he says also depends on whether bb is ready for solids or not i.e whether bb know how to swallow or like it or not. He gave some sample packs for me to test test, mabbe u can chk if u pd can give u some samples.
Ian grows v well
My mum is the exceptional older generation who strongly supports introduce solid food when bb is 6 mth old.

If u wanna buy ice cream fm supermkt, there is NTUC next to my hse, < 5 min walk
I toasted almond n grind them during wk n for ice cream topping. However, it is either too fine or too big pc. Hope u gals dun mind

Dun worry abt your gal not flipping yet. Initially I thot Chen Chen wld skip flipping coz he hates 2 b on his tummy. He mastered flipping over when he wz 4 mth old. He can flip both ways n draw his hands out v soon after he started to flip over.

Ya snacks, unless u gals wanna stay for dinner. Anyone staying for dinner?

I dunno when is safe for bb to swim. My hubby doesn't allow Chen Chen to swim till Chen Chen is 1 yr old as his colleague's bb got vaginal infection n my hubby guessed is due to swimming. He wanna b safe than b sorry
As a few mum wanna bring their bb 4 swimming, I dun wanna b wet blanket to forbid them fm bringing their bb to swim @ my plc. Chen Chen will stay @ home n watch while other bb swim

Lyn, Kis
Bring anything u like. No objection

Gathering Sat 3pm

U check wif PD whether can give Vane prune juice or not. My PD said Chen Chen 2 young to take prune juice (he wz close to 3 mths) dat's y he inserted supporsitory
U hv v gd ss. When u considering to tbf or not?

I still can't xpress much. Now even my right breast oso hv the same problem. Today I xpress abt total 150ml in the 3 sessions I xpress in office. V v v depressed
My hubby said I din hv enuff sleep. Everyday sleep 11+pm wakes up 3+am sometimes manage to sleep 1 hr after dat, sometimes no time to sleep
How to massage while pumping?

Not true dat bm affect bb's intelligence. In fact, it is the other way round.
If u r introducing fruit/veg puree, it doesn't help wif wt gain. Fruit/veg hv lower calories compared to bm which contains fats

Chen Chen has v dry skin on his ankle, red n peeling, is dat ezcema?

Latest update
Nat + hubby n Matt (Sat 3pm)
Sanrio + hubby n Ashrel (thu/Sat 3pm)
Emily + hubby/helper n Ethan (Sat 3pm)
Pringles + hubby + Alicia (Sat 3pm) :~ ice cream
Val + Randall (any time)
Lyn + hubby + Jerald (thu/Sat 3pm) :~ pastries
priviledged + Sarah (Sat 12/3pm)
Mon_mon + Aelwen (Sat 3pm) :~ cake
Giggler + mum + Vane (Sat 3pm)
Piglet + hubby + Gareth (Sat 12/3pm)
Kis + hubby + Elyse :~ fruits
shook, is there a place where we can dry up and dry bb up after swim? I guess many of us didn't buy any swim diaper... say how many in a pack for the huggies swim diapers?

me and hubby already checked out the ice cream at rivervale mall ntuc...
decided to get it there for the gathering!


How do u find Similac Excellence so far? Does your bb like it?Is it quite expensive compared to other brands? I'm still considering whether to let my gal try the NAN 2 next mth.....are u gonna stick with Similac for follow up milk at 6 mths?
pringles, mon mon,
brought ashrel to c pd yes'dy. he has ezcema on his face, neck, elbow n knee. pd said most bb has sensitive skin, ezcema is quite common. some more some less. given desowen lotion, cetaphil soapless bath n a moisturiser. he said bath tx shd b short n quick to prevent drying the skin.
oh, he told me not to introduce solids till ashrel is 5mths+ since this boy is a big drinker (150-180ml), pd said he is growing v well n fine.
he said HA milk is bitter, ashrel may not like it so can stick to wat he is taking now. not much of a diff unless ezcema is v v serious.
i ask him how to diff ezcema n heat rash. he said bb usually has a combination of both esp at neck area.
last he asked me not to use too much aircon, v drying. so now day tx is fan n natural air.

wen i introduce solid, will try to cook on my own since i sah. if choose fr shelves, will try the sugar free ones 1st. i saw gerber n heinz has plain rice cereal, no sugar added.

shook, b2b3m4,
since u tbf, it's the best, can introduce solids at abt 6mth.
Hi Viv, my gal also like to open her arms wide when sleeping.
My gal 5mths liao, still doesn't really want to flip too. She'll only flip with my help to her hand across. But it's good in a way too cos I don't need to monitor so closely on her. Maybe you can try epidural c-section for your next one. I had that and my experience was wonderful. I could see and carry bb once she out of my tummy. Also hubby was there with me too.

Hi shook, your mom is really exceptional. For my case, not only my mil encourages me to intro solids at 4mths, my sils also kept questioning what food I gave to Vane liao. Sigh. My PD kept saying that Vane is norm for not pooing as long as she's active. So she doesn't encourage me to give her anything to help her poo. Me still considering if I shd continue bfg cos I may want to go for holiday next Mar but she bu de to give up cos I still got ss. How come you got not enuf sleep?

Hi emily, you going to bring Ehtan for swim at Shook's place? I find washing bb up troublesome leh. Also, we'll surely get wet in the event leh.
Don spank me lah!!! I know with my medical knowledge, shouldn't have listened to all these old wives tales. I always proclaim to be the mummy who break all rules (bath daily n drink cold water during confinement) However, when the baby u r staring at is your own, i think all senses, be common or not, becames haywire. The minerals i'm refering to is iron lah! BM is actually pretty low in iron. N the reason why babies can drink BM for 6 months is bcos they have a storage of iron in the body when they r born. N of course, the store can only last for 6 months! So if babies continue to drink only BM after 6 months can actually be malnourished!!!

U oso in healthcare??
U so funny....can forget bb...maybe just deliver so not used to having bb by your side
Actually hb and me already planned to have another one when aelwen is almost 2yrs. I don't mind the pregnancy and delivery, it's the one-month confinement that I hate most. I would also opt for natural for the next one and hopefully can lor. Same like you, I also first saw my bb from the digital camera. My first reaction was "WOW bb so big!"
Then my hb told me Aelwen was 3.85kg at birth! The best part is I stayed in a 2-bedded room and my neighbour's bb is only 2 something kg, so when she push the 2 bbs into the room, Aelwen looks giantic...hehehe

Come to think about it I will not bring Aelwen for her maiden dip cos got too many things to bring. My SIL's friend's girl also had viginal infection but its b'cos she didn't clean her probably after bb poo. My MIL very particular about Aelwen's virgina so I'm feel quite safe.

I know your place very well. My friend stays at the block across the mall and I goes to her place quite frequently.
dun wori abt ashley wt. she is growing fine n of gd size wen i saw her the other day, so adorable some more.. u n ur hubby oso not v big size. v v xiong for me n even hubby to carry ashrel around..
dun b depressed abt ur supply, i only get total of 150ml to 200ml the whole day. Ya, sometimes when ur tired it affects ur milk supply or when u express got letdown or not? I drink a big bottle (500ml) of hot water while expressing and find that it helps. U can massage ur breast in circular motion at 3, 6 ,9 12 o'clock position.

my girl hv been drinking similac excellence since birth. She seems to like it till lately her feeding problem is back. Whenever we try to feed her, she'll refuse to drink and spit out the milk. Same reaction with my EMB as well, so we tot it's shld b appetite/wind problem rather than the milk. Yah, Similac and enfalac are the 2 more expensive brands. I may try enfalac at 6mths. I'm starting to send out those coupons in magazines for free samples. If u intend to use similac, can join the abbott club and earn points whenever u purchase the milk, the points can be use to redeem for more milk.
mon mon
yah i oso enjoyed my pregnancy, v fun shopping for bb stuff n maternity clothes...can wear anything i like n dun hv to bother abt buldging everywhere. u din enjoy ur confinement ? did u hv a confinement lady? i had one and was treated like a queen
jus need to eat, sleep n feed bb. infact i miss my confinement

u v brave leh, i din dare to opt for epidural c-section. the moment i was push into the OT is closed my eyes tightly liao ..dun dare to look around at all. hmm... same question, did the nurse/midwife chk ur cervix?
I need advise- If I want to change the brand of milk powder I am using now, do I need to switch slowly? Or can I just switch immed? I heard that Nan HA is good for babies with constipation, so thinking of trying out (I am using similac excellence now).
Anyone's baby on Nan HA? What is your baby's output like? Any constipation?
It's good that there's so many of mummies in healthcare ind leh. Can get sound advice from professional.

Hi mon, I hated the 1-mth confinement the most too. I quite enjoyed my pregnancy and delivery.
But me still no plan for No. 2 yet lah, want to spend more time with Van.

Hi viv, no nurse check my cervix. I nearly freaked out last min too. But luckily my hubby was there with me lah. Actually I strongly enouraged you to go for epidural c-section cos it's really a wonderful experience to be able to see and carry bb first-hand. My hubby nearly dropped tears when we first saw bb, really very touching leh. I can still remember vividly the scene that day.
I kinda supported B2B3M4's sharing here on the iron supply. We have ample iron supply for our bbs for the 1st 6mth...remember those iron/vitamins we had been popping since expecting? After the 6mth, the storage just depletes n is used up. This also account as to why follow on milk powder includes iron. Also bbs have our antibotics best in the 1st 6mths of birth, after which some will fall sick more easily then ever, as the antibotics level depletes. But wonder if the bfing mums pop iron/calcium/vitamins, does that helps?

Me not in the healthcare line but the more I will read up what's relevant to my bbs' development n growth.

Giant....I only drop by giant at parkway parade...my usual hang out over the wkends. Other Giants I do not know if there r samples handout.

Hahahah....Ian been constantly scared n shocked by all the recommendation given by the aunties here. Jul, spares Ian lah.

Ashley does not look any bit of slow growth or underweight 2 me! SHe is healthy, alert, beautiful n seems just ideal n proportional for her size!! Yes, agree with sanrio, furthermore, U n hb of average size only.....ashley probably follow suit

Ur labour was eventful! My friend was like u, didnt bond with her bbs right after birth. WOrst, took her quite awhile to accept that little thing is her bb. She kept asking herself 'who is this? Who m I to take care n be responsible for him!'......Now the boy is in Pri 2 liao

I had c-sections for both my kids.....1 traumatic, machiam life n death, emergency n another I opted for it. Both the retrieval of bbs were brief n swift, less than 15min. Despite this, I bonded with my bbs almost immediately I saw them. Perhaps this is the reason y I do not really have as much hesitance as others to have 2nd or even 3rd bbs later. I cannot imagine going thru those show, waterbag bursting, xxhrs of labour, screaming..........it will really scares me to death!

Havent been feeling well n having cold war with hb...not usual self.....not certain if attending the gathering.

Mums with flipping bbs/ruffy/giggler,
I have bumper all round the cot, my girl still stuff her limbs everywhere! tat's y tot if i shd continue to put her in there?
U do it gradually. More scoop for current brand, add in the new powder. Say 90ml, u try 2 scoops of similac n 1 scoop of Nan(?)....then increased the new portion gradually over days, then finally all the new powder.

Berry, think it is really up to individual bbs. Heard many feedback that similac powder is gd for constipation bbs, but not for faye!? So far, many claims enfalac is heaty, not for every bb. It is my kids' choice cos they do not have constipation and it is less sweet. So u just got to trial n error for faye.
Please share ur sis's recipes for bb's home cook food, k?

I need more varieties.................tks
I still put Ryan in his cot.. If u peek at the "new mums" thread.. u can see his "revamped" cot. hehe.
I used to put him on the mattress on the floor when he just started to flip coz give him more place..now that he can stand and sit up straight have put him back to the cot..coz he used to get too hot on the floor.
Mon Mon, giggler,
Like VIV, I have enjoyed my pregnancy n confinement entirely! I am fat all along, so during pregnancy, when I put on weight, I was just little rounder at tummy...no big deal...I mean no drastic scary nightmare gain of >15kg weight gain.

My confinement lady cooked well....2/3 dishes, 1 soup for every meal....marvedelicious, I hardly have the chance to be served!! Only things was the grease in the hse n my confinement lady wore my leather scandals to mkt,everywhere without telling me! Like B2B3M4, I bathe daily. I also dressed as per normal, on aircon n fan.....so nothing too draggy but carefree. Eat, rest, look at my bb!
U mention abt losing 10kg? Wat's the issue? Ur hubby is rather tall n .......manly....
...nice couple. Think Ryan looks like dad more!

Think the revamped cot is improvised but not ideal leh....there are slabs still left uncovered
but if all covered......no ventilation in the cot hor, unless a ceiling fan? U sew n made the cushions..........REALLY????!!!!
like wat sahm said, i suppose it depends on the bb. my boy is ok w enfalac a+ n no constipation prob. since u intend to switch to nan HA, u shd mix as dun noe whether faye will like it. tis is wat the pd told me (n i read too), HA milk is slightly bitter compared to normal fm. similac excellence is quite 'sweet' (feedback fr some mummies). so mus b gradual change else faye may not wan nan HA. i dun noe how true but i heard tat nowadays fm are not longer heaty as plants/vege extracts are added into the fm. even for s26 which many claim to b heaty in the past, my frd's bb on it since day 1 n no constipation prob. hence constipation may not b due to the fm??
ashrel's hands/legs can go underneath the bumper too. i wonder how he did it. i even try to stuff a little of the bumper unto the side of the mattress. nowadays evy nite he will flip n flip n wake himself up. then mus pat pat then sleep. sung nao jing...
if still breastfeeding after the first 6 months, give ferrum drops for iron. Simple as that. And baby still gets mummy's antibodies to fight infection!

Giggler, u should continue as long as u can. And don't worry abt the flipping. It will come.

Ian found his toes when he woke up this morning. Kept holding on to his feet... hehehe...

He didn't poo even with the suppository... maybe there's really no shit inside! Went for 5-in-1 jab this morning... think he's developing a fever... sponging days are here again...

Shook, luckily your mum is more well-informed.Very unusual to have eczema on ankle. Usually on the flexural surfaces.

sahm, hope my opinions aren't too strong for u... hehehe... i dun mean to offend anyone.
Yes, sanrio,
Sung Nao Jing.....same prob as u!

My friend's bb on enfalac A+...constipated badly...switched to S26 n amazingly he is fine with it n now weighs 8kg at 3mths+!!!!

Yapp...S26 'reputated' 2b v heaty but apparently not for my friend's bb. Maybe this 'lao zhi hao' also add veg/plant etc?

Agree, it may not be fm that is causing the constipation too.....similac claims that they have some ingredients added for softer stool, but Faye is not the case?
Crazy u......no worry! Just sharing wat I read only lah.......

Suppository is almost the last resort liao, yet Ian didnt poo? Wah........

That's fast, found his toes liao...my girl still cant get enuff of her fingers, wrist n hands!
Oh yah, anyone has travel advice for me? Going to Perth in Dec with little boy.

B2B3M4, I bathed and washed my hair twice a day with cold water during confinement... no herbs, no sesame/ginger. June so hot how to tahan?
B2B3M4, Jul,
I found my gang of gutsy mums here liao....bathe n wash hair during confinement! Hurray!

Wah lao...how to tahan, how to be in high spirit if whole body n hair sticky n greasy????
sahm, B2B3M4, Jul

I bathed, washed hair everyday since evening after delivery and rebonded hair 1st week post delivery too!!
mummies who's bb have constipation,

I dunno if you find any good giving gripe water to your bbs but everytime Alicia seems to have difficulty passing motion, i give her teaspoon of gripe water undiluted...and 3 minutes later, she poo poos...
viv, in the past - i not like that one!! u'll kill me if we go shopping 2gether!! but now think what u want 1st - take bus go dan quickly rush back to bb liao - no time to idle ard the SC.

why wear diaper cant go into the pool?? not as if they r naked??

u very cute leh!! can 4get abt bb n run off urself!!! me oso not closely bond with jerald after he popped!! me altot natural - but after one nite of pain/ache/pushing i too tired to carry him till day 2.

guess all our bbs like to sleep like the character "da" (big) look into his photo albums - there's some shots taken while he's sleeping also arms/legs spready widely!!

shook, since no objection dan i go ahead n get them liao.
There is a shower area and a changing rm near the pool. I show to those who wanna go to the pool on Sat.
I dunno how many pcs of swim diaper a pack. My poor Chen Chen is forbidded by daddy to swim

Wat cld dat b on Chen Chen's ankle? Is it simply dry skin? I applied moisturizer, hazeline snow. think it is itchy. He keeps rubbing his 2 feets agnst each other
Chen Chen found his toes too. N wz playing happily wif it agn n agn.

Ya my mum insist no solid for Chen Chen till he is 6 mths. My MIL asked me to give Chen Chen porridge water. I juz orh orh n heck care
U not bringing Vane wif u to the holiday?
Chen Chen sleeps ard 11pm. He wakes up mid9 for feed. Even if he doesn't wake up, I dream feed him to keep my ss going. I tandem pump while feeding. After dat gotta keep milk, sterlize pump, prepare breakfast for hubby, eat fruits (I feed Chen Chen b4 I go to work so no time to eat). There goes my time. Tis morning, I finished everything by 4 but cldn't get back to sleep. When I juz gone into dreamland ard 5, Chen Chen cried for feed. I hv v bad headache. Yesdy, whole body no strength when I reached home

B2B3M4, sahm
BM is low in iron but the iron in bm is easily absorbed by bb. FM may b formulated 2 hv high iron content but it is not easily absorbed by bb. So it goes to the output

I dun pop chemicals. Yucks I hate chemicals. I eat raisin, lots n lots of them
Wat happen to u? Drink lots of water n hv lots of rest. Wish to c u leh
Chen Chen hv his hands, legs everywhere in the cot, I still let him sleep in the cot n my bed (50/50)

I told my hubby gal easier to get vaginal infection, not necessary fm swimming but he still said
. He said if get infection then too late liao. So better take precaution

Do u tandem pump? I get v gd amt fm tandem pump. I sustain tbf wif tandem pump
Used to get 2 or 3 let dwn within 20 min when I xpress in office. Now I m v v happy when I get 2 let dwn. The milk I xpressed in office mainly foremilk. So sad
I xpress in toilet or meeting rm, can't afford to hv a cup of drink by my side
Hubby is only slightly taller than me.. he also prefers me to be my pre-wed weight.. so doing more exercise/ watching diet etc.
Those cushion..no didn't sew.. buy off the peg.
Yeah.. if cover all then there is no ventilation and he ends up sweating a lot. They are just put in strategic places that he normally would knock.. the bottom part of the cot still has the cot bumper on..with the ends stuck under the mat so there is no hole for legs/hands to stick out.
we do not have any ceiling fans at home..coz it gets dirty and not good for bedroom.
Have you tried a toddler bed?
Hi sahm, what happened with hubby? I think I didn't enjoy my confinement cos I didn't engage any confinement lady. Instead, I got my mil, mom and sil to help. Mil to cook for me, mom to bathe bb for me and sil to do washing. Since mil cooks for me, I can't request things to eat. Also, she usually cook the same thing for both lunch and dinner. And I think I only eat one type of things for the whole month!

Hi jul, my mom's old wives' tale will say that you going to have No.2 soon since Ian is holding to his feet. Hahaha.. What's ferrum drop? Do we still need to give bb it if we start to intro solids? Another mummy going Aussie with bb

Hi all gutsy mummies, I envy u gals leh. I got so many watchful eyes till I got no freedom at all during my confinement.

Hi pringles, I tried gripe water on Van but still no poo.

Hi shook, wow you have that schedule every nite? I only dream feed Vane but no tandem pumping in the middle of the nite. Don't think I can tahan doing it leh. You really wei da.
Hi shook, didn't reply you on the holiday part. Well, I may bring Van along lah. But I still haven decide on the destination yet. Anyway, I've apply for her passport. My ideal is to go Japan next Mar to see sakura but I afraid it'll be too cold for her. Still can't decide lor.
hi Viv,
Guess doing confinement with MIL is a nightmare. Cannot do this cannot do that...always cry when hubby comes back from work. Have vow to get a CL for the next one, at least now got excuse cos MIL gotta take care of the first bb

If I really have to go for c-section for the next one, maybe I'll try epidural so I can see bb immediately. My friend also told me her hb got a bit of tears when he first saw their bb.

Ian is just one day older than Aelwen! When I first had show, it was 9 June morning, thought she will come out on 9 June. Hb 4-D xiao...quickly go buy the number some more. Who knows I suffer until next day then pop

Aiyo..poor thing...u take care and don't cold war with hb lah...man sometimes more difficult to understand than women..hehehe A pity you can't make it to the gathering...was looking forward to meet u
sahm, my sister can't cook a meal for peanuts
!! But for her 2 girls, she could prepare simple food. Those initial days, just steamed/boiled carrots, pumpkin, sweet potato etc etc. Puree. Then stuff the goo into ice cube trays and freeze.When you want to feed bb, just take a cube and thaw.

Speaking of confinement, mine lagi better. After I was wheeled into my room following delivery, i immediately had a shower. Didn't wash hair though, cos I didn't have the strength to. Then, I had some water to drink...ICE WATER
!!! That was what they gave me, in a nice pitcher with styrofoam around it to keep it COLD. Throughout my 2 days at the hospital, when I asked for water, they actually brought me ice chips in that pitcher, which melted into really nice cold ice water. Hahaha, that was 'confinement' in the USA.
jul, my Sarah has got eczema on the upper part of the ankle, you know where the ankle folds when you flex it. And on one of her thigh folds, and elbow folds etc etc. Jialat. But not so bad lah. We sometimes use the steroid cream on her if it looks bad.
sahm, think ian is 21 days older than elyse. give her time!

mon, I was induced on 8th June 4pm. Only delivered at 1plus on 9th.

Giggler, ferrum = iron. Ian's neonatologist recommended it for 6months onwards. Give solids also should supplement. Who else going Aussie?

The day after we gave ian gripe water, he didn't pass motion, then for 2 days he passed, then missed one day again... and passed again for 3 days, then now 11 days liao still no sign of poo.... aiyoh....

My obstetrician fed me ice chips when i was in labour and she came by to do her rounds... hubby was out for coffee break that time....
PVL,Pringles, Jul, B2B3M4,
We really gutsy.......but pringles, I bow to u, went rebonding just 1wk after delivery! AFter the 1st mth, I went to highlight/colour my hair n that 2~3hrs in the salon was killing my back! hahahaha....'yi san hai you yi san gao'! PVL, u bathed immediately after....really strong! Jul bathed with cold water, I nvr able to, even now
, B2B3M4, drank cold water....me drank red date/tung shen/longan water...should have freeze it hor....yummy!

Wow, ur confinement to me is a nitemare! So many women in the hse........I sure peng san! MIL, MOM, SIL!! UR hb how to breathe?

Giggler, mon mon,
HB.....ayah.........haiz........we quarrelled over his parents interfering over my kids' issue n superb MIL cooking 3,4 dishes but none my son was able to eat......

It is only that time of the year where my body will breakdown.....perhaps due to change of temp? MUch better.......shd be able to drop by.

I have gone to isetan n carrefour n take a look at the toddler bed. It seems pretty ok till i touch the material. It is like sponge foam bed...wondering if it will be hot anot, so end up didnt buy. U want to go take a look n share ur opinion?

U gave a gd pt here which I overlook. I will stuff the bumper BELOW THE MATTRESS so that my girl wont slot/slip her hands down!

Not only the ceiling fan is difficult to wipe, it is not good for fengshui too. Read something like when it orbits, it acts like cutting effect too..............last read n noted when I was shifting in to my hse

Puree, freeze n thaw, then how to heat it up huh? can keep for how long?

When I was in labour at the hospital, I had tuna sandwiches for lunch, kit kat and snickers bars, and roast chicken, potatoes and boiled veges for dinner
!! But mine was an atypical situation lah. I was using a Certified Nurse Midwife not an Ob, and this was in the US, otherwise they also sure to give me only ice chips. Depends a lot on your Ob, I believe. But it was nice to be able to have meals. After the dinner, the pains really came. I was induced too.

sahm &amp; sanrio, flipping over in bed is not the only problem. I just changed Sarah's diaper, she had done a poo in it (and I missed it, otherwise I would have taken her to the toilet). She tries to flip when I change her diaper. She's strong. She got her whole arm into the dirty diaper when I was cleaning her because she was trying to flip and I was trying to hold her down.
