(2003) Calling all 2003 babies


No, the whole family was there at IMM too. J was at Best Denki queuing for Xbox, R was having dinner with helper , Dh went off to pick up a bottle for R and I was running errands and buying snacks for myself...he he he

hi Chloe

Not flying this round... so sabah is out. Thanks for the recommendation!!
Not much happened at the travel fair. Picked up some brochures n hop into a bus. But had fun at Suntec Mall, level 3. They offer free craft, ice cream and balloons for kids every weekend.
Priscilia & Worry Mum
Someone by the name of Arthur Ling at AsiaOne Forum worked out the answer for Q2 (ie 1638). He interpreted 112 more in rows of 7 & rest stacked up are part of 1/14. Moreover 6/14 of 1568 = 672 is not divisible by 13.
Priscilia & Worry Mum
Someone by the name of Arthur Ling at AsiaOne Forum worked out the answer for Q2 (ie 1638). He interpreted 112 more in rows of 7 & rest stacked up are part of 1/14. Moreover 6/14 of 1568 = 672 is not divisible by 13.
Anyone watch Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth? I just did and its a wake-up call. I have the dvd if anyone wants to borrow.

I want to do what I can too. Not that I have become so environment friendly, more selfish thoughts on my part - I cant imagine what the world will be like for H and her kids. Haha,abit too far to think, but never too late..

Check this out www.climatecrisis.net
Hi Kristin's mom,
I self invite to your place, haha. Btw, I've been drinking Yakult since home. Thanks for the tip.
Tour T3 before it opens!

Opening Dates & Hours Dates:
12 Nov to 9 Dec 2007

Opening Hours:
10.00 am 5.00 pm (Weekdays)
9.00 am 6.00 pm (Saturday and Sunday)

Last entrance to the restricted Transit Mall
4.30pm on weekdays
5.30pm on Saturday and Sunday

Free tour of Public Area, $1 for admission to restricted area.
Some sch hols outings on my mind:

1. T3 tour
2. Botanic Gardens
3. Sand play at Sentosa
4. Globetrotters lunch

Any more suggestions? Let's start planning and fill up the month long hols!
Our Garden Kitchen Tour
Date: Sat, 17 Nov 2007
Time: 9am
Venue: Pasir Ris Park, Pasir Ris Green (Carpark C)

Excite your senses with our Garden Kitchen Tour. Find out how vegetables are grown before it gets onto your plate! You will also learn about some natural remedies that our grandmothers might have planted in their own backyard.

A minimum group of 20 pax is required for the walk to start.

To register, please contact Wei Teng at 64653305 or email [email protected]

Meilan, is this the one u went?
caroline3sg, I check with my ex-colleagues, those are just questions rephrased by the students so I don't think I will work on them any more.
Hi moshi, T3 sounds like a good idea. Do you know if there is carpark at T3? or if the skytrain goes there from T1 / T2?

And my sentosa getaway is great. But as usual, a holiday is too short and kids don't want to come home! Didn't spend as much time at the beach as I wanted to. The siloso beach is right in front of the hotel but we didn't even go there. Were at Pelawan beach before we checked in.
hi jan,
you stayed at the new siloso beach resort right? what's the rate like? did you book online?
i'm also planning for a dec weekend getaway.....
Hi chloe, got the bug from my gal. I've been getting the flu practically every month recently. Immunity is really low... sigh. Trying not to take vitamin C as prescribed by doc as I believe in natural intake but may need some to boost immunity.
Hi chloe, yep - stayed at siloso and booked online. We got the deluxe at $250 becoz wanted queen bed. If the standard room is available, it's at $190. The difference of $60 is just for the bathtub and rooms at swimming pool level, I think.
I've just received an email on "Fw: Raped - 3 year old girl & 9 month old baby (Petition)" asking for one to add the name onto an email and passing it on. Anyone knows if it's a hoax? Quite sceptical these days of such emails, although the reality of it sounds horribly real...

Hello mummies, just wanted to check if any kids gg to marymount kindy next year. I intend to ferry my son for the PM session, so if any fellow kindy mates gg from AMK to marymount kindy, pls PM....also for AMK to CHIJ TP for PM session too!
hi caroline3sg!

yeah... i thought there was either something wrong with the question or the answer as i pointed out before that 6/14 of 1568 is not divisible by 13 and the answers aren't the same when one attempts to work backwards. check archive on our previous discussion about a week ago.

Anyway, like Pris said, nobody really knew what the real question was. So no point fretting over it.
hi sarah...

bookfair... remember hor, next October.

Good to hear that you're feeling better now.
terribley sorry, seems like i really cannot catch up with all the postings here.. have been super busy without a helper ! my girl was sick for two days then hubby was sick.. have been busy taking care the two of them.

Before i went on my three months no pay leave, I thought I will have so much time for myself, but it's not true... ! Trying to do housework and looking after my girl, end up no time for myself!

Serena: when are you going to Japan? i am thinking to make a short trip there too.. any good suggestion where to stay in Tokyo?

oh.. by the way.. we went to KL few weeks ago, booked on line for Hotel Maya , a 5 stars boutique hotel, the room is excellent, highly recommended to all of you if you want to visit KL. Our room has twin tower view and the room is super big! Check out wotif.com, the price is from 1100 RM down to RM 460!! Good bargain.

Jan: how's Siloso hotel? we were thinking to stay there as well.. is it very nice? from the website looks good lei...
Hi 4ChongCHong, the hotel is new and nice - feels like in a treehouse as they conserve the trees and build round them. Pool is huge and not crowded but it's 0.9m deep. The play pool for kids is too small though. I would try the standard room at the price of $190, if go again and av.
hi jan
glad u shared abt sentosa, been wanting to ask u about it. what's the name of the hotel u stayed in?
pelawan n siloso beach, which is less crowded and has easily accessible bathroom facilities?
u went during the off-peak period, i suppose the rooms in dec will cost a little more?

T3, i hope to tour it during a weekday during the hols, imagine, big halls, no crowd, space for kids to run amok! haha
from the web, it;s so aesthetically inviting,
can't wait to take off from t3, better still, on A380 suite, keke

i will find out abt the parking facilities. Skytrain from T1/T2 will be fun for the kids too.
Kristins Mom
While I agree that we do not have the exact question or the students themselves re-phrase it, and it is pointless to keep on posting here for what is the correct working / answer, but I personally feel that in order to learn, it is through such questioning why it is like this, why it is like that. Not only Prisilia who is a teacher said the working & answer is 1568, another Maths specialist cum Post Grad Dip from MOE/NIE also said so. These 2 people are credible but somehow I find the working or Arthur Ling reasonable & logical.
Serenade, Kristins Mom, Priscilia
Sorry to post here regarding higher Chinese. I would like to know what is the difference between Higher Chinese & Primary Chinese. Is it true that unless one wants to go to SAP sch then take Higher Chinese?

My girl is interested in Chinese (due to the inspirational teaching of TienHsia teacher) comparing all 4 subjects. But she is in band 2. I worry if take higher Chinese, not enough time for other subjects.

Background info, she is taking Chinese from TienHsia but for the same time slot, same teacher, 7 out of 10 mummies want to convert from primary to higher chinese in P5. After studying the children's capabilities, the teacher and management agree to change to higher chinese.

I wonder if it is okay to take primary chinese only in sch (not taking higher chinese) and take higher chinese from TienHsia. Would the teaching from TienHsia benefit sch's primary chinese?

Thank you
Hi moshi, stayed at siloso Beach Resort. Pelawan beach is where we went, used to go there previously too. Shower facilities is just across the road - very convenient. Didn't go to siloso beach - ironic right when it's just right in front of the hotel. There was an event Keppel family day or something on Sunday and could see loooong q of workers from where we had breakfast alfresco style. Not sure about the rates but if you can book early will have more choices. Rasa Sentosa did have rooms going at less than $300 when I checked earlier but when wanted to book, no more.

Could you send me the link re T3 tour? Checked the web and just read that caas is organising an open house in Nov, can't find other details. Will be taking couple of days off to bring kids out too when their school closes for springcleaning. Will do the usual science centre, birdpark, botanic gardens. Must have plan B for wet weather!
hi jan,
kee kee i've just reserved my sentosa weekend escapade in dec =)

hi moshi,
think the rate is the same, $250 for the deluxe room + service charge/gst adds up to close to $300.
hi moshi,
oh just saw from the website that if you go on weekdays before the school holiday, the deluxe room is only $190, standard room $150 before taxes
:> ... pls continue to share all the good and free activities in singapore ... hm, for T3, where's a good place to park? we are going to Costa Sand Pasir Ris hopefully next week and perhaps would take the chance to go over to the airport in the evening ...

for sentosa, wat's good and free beside the beach? K's very into the sea now, but we'll prefer to go to East Coast coz sentosa seems more touristy and even the food there is expensive .... have to watch the $$ carefully. For that reason, I'll avoid going anywhere during school hols ... only 2 more years of not having to squeeze with the crowd to go ...

Hi chloe, enjoy yourselves! Oh, if you intend to watch the Songs of Sea, better buy tickets early becoz the shows on weekends get sold out fast.
thanks worry mom for the link to T3

hi ky n jan
just checked, parking's available at T3, $3 per entry during the open house. they even have guides to bring visitors around, for a fee though.

the pizza place next to the sky tower is good, serves thin crust italian pizza, yum!
actually if you could stay till night time, pack some healthy dinner for kids and park your family at the beach bars area for a different ambience! romantic, cosy with fun music for the kids to dance to. heehee

hi chloe
hm... still steep at $190. u have fun! hotel looks good.
Hi ky, yah besides the beach, everything is $$ at sentosa. We spend the whole morning and picnic there till the sun burns at 1pm.
Simple dinner fare for 4 adults, 4 kids cost $100. phew..

From the website, the T3 carpark is open. $3 per entry during the open house.
Jan, moshi2,
np for the link.. hehe..

Me going? Wishes to .. if I can apply leave.. haiz.. nowadays dont know why... hate working life leh.. hehe
Road Safety Park at ECP,

i can;t find the number to call on when i googled for it, any idea who's in charge of the place?
just wondering if they have anything suitable for preschoolers.
Hey Moshi,
I managed to find Road Safety Park's contact. But, you'll be disappointed.

Road Safety Community Park
910 East Coast Park Service Road S(449889)
Tel: 64405254

Just spoke to them. They do not entertain private visits, ie, a group of mommies with kids, only schools or through some orgainzations. Currently, there are renovations going on, and the grounds are uneven. They do have simple programs for preschoolers - video and cycling in the circuit.

I was told they are not accepting visits now due to renovations.
tx ladies for the T3 info.

Worry_mum ... T3 open house is for a month lei. go on a weekend lah ... and I think u should have leave to clear right?? I'm putting this on my calendar.... read this from the tips "If you have the time, take the Skytrain from T3 (in the public area) to T2 (public area) for a panoramic tree-top view of Changi Airport and the iconic control tower." ... oh, goody, the last time we were there, quite a few areas were closed for renov, and I think my family would not be making use of the airport that soon, so this would be good for us :>

moshi ... tx for the info on sentosa. next time perhaps. need to convince hubby to allow the boys to sleep late for this.

hi moshi!

DO you know how long it took for B to write make the card and write the long letter to Mel?

Cards were fast. We made two less than 10 minutes. But the writing, boy, it took him one whole hour to write the letter to Mel. So the next one to Brandon was put on hold till the next day.

I too just realised that he can write pretty much. In fact, he knows how to write his letters in the correct strokes already. Credit goes to his teachers in school of course. And I find that he doesn't like to write huge letters. As he writes, the letters get smaller and smaller in szie. I told him to write the whole letter in the upper case coz I basically wanted the easy way out for myself. I didn't want to tear my hair out sitting next to him, watching him write. Gotta be making write more though...

And you know what?
My dh was teaching him about telling time last night. We suspect he seems to know how to tell quite a bit already... anyway, I will teach and test a bit more tonight.

Share with me... what should I go about teaching him to read, write and count???
I'm really doing things in a haphazard manner, governed by whim, rather an organised schedule!

we've been having sleepless nights lately. B is going through another of his attention seeking phase at night with "I can't sleep, I don't know how to sleep" nonsense. Now this is beyond the night terror (which was what started it two Saturdays ago) we thought he's suffering from.
Hi ky!

How did you manage to book Costa Sand Pasir Ris?
That's the one next to the airport right and has many little chalets within the compound and a pool in the middle?

Love it, love it there!
