(2003) Calling all 2003 babies

Hi all,

Down with flu and sore throat and cough. Maybe "too heaty" from all the late nights.

Thanks Irene for the T3 post. shd we arrange an outing there?

Moshi, agree $190 is still steep. That is y earlier of this yr, after comparing prices, we went kuantan beach resort instead. I also called the road safety park liao (must b forget to update). They tell me they only entertain private organisation and schools, so no public. But I heard the homeschooling group in SG org smthg there before, but i cant get more info abt it.

Wow, Sentosa is indeed very different now. I can only rem limited facilities there many many yrs back. Looks like I need to visit the place one fine day !
Hi Serenade,
Keeping you update.
Aston's school concert falls on 8Dec noon time and so I am not able to attend Baby prom. My friends are buying over my two tickets.
hi sherlyn
hope u r feeling better.

i should be going to T3 in late nov, will keep u posted if u are keen on a weekday visit.

hi k's mom
no system here too, learning is haphazard, spur of the moment and based on what mel feels like doing.
u have some kumon worksheets right, have him do a page a day. that;s what the method advocates, consistent work, 20 min a day.
also, u can try number bonds with him by using bottle caps or whatever manipulatives u have. 1 and 9 make 10, 2 and 8 make 10 etc. knowing how to make 10 sets the foundation for addition.

language wise, i mainly use the Wo Hui Du books which are good enough for mel.
eng, we hardly do anything.
serenade can advise on phonics which she does quite often with brandon.

hm... not v useful tips here cos; i am not disciplined myself.
i feel that as long as the kid is improving
and want to learn and is happy learning. the rest doesn't really matter;)
K's mom .. me haven't book the chalet yet. ha! long story ...

don't think it's near the airport. but it's near downtown east. just needed a simple break, hence didn't explore much options.

re : learning
I'm also doing it in haphazard manner. Sometimes I'll prepare b4 hand and sometimes it depends on what I think have not done in a while. And i'll just jot down wat was done. B's going to school and hence I do not feel the pressure to be the one that would teach him the skills... however, I may run into that problem with K. I was at B's school yesterday for Halloween, and as always, discovered more of my own skillsets ... long story *again*, will dwell on it more in blog.

Sleepless nights ... tell me abt it. I've been kept awake repeatedly for couple of wks now, at least 3 times per night, at 1-hr to 1.5hr intervals. I'm basically sleep-walking in and out of the room whenever K's start bawling out, coz when I'm back in the room, he's then willing to go back to sleep.

Hi Thanks Moshi, Feeling the same, semi block nose, dry throat. Dh has asked me to sleep earlier. Will try to do so tonite after doing some housekeeping of PC.

Ya I m interested in the T3 visit. Late nov, shd be fine with me since the kids has no school (unless i m still sick). Morning?

Hi Jan, outing on. Moshi has proposed late nov weekday. Hope u can make it.

Sarah getting well already?
hi K's mom

R started with reading, writing then counting.

For reading, we had a number chart.

Writing, we used write and wipe book by mighty minds S$2.50 bought it years ago. Handed down from J.

Now it's counting. We began with single digit and now we are doing double.
eg. 6+7, 10-2, 10-8, 45+5, 12-6 etc

I don't have a schedule just as and when I can.

I just realised how powerful peer pressure can be even for a four year old.

Our neighbour is rather close knitted, kids will go to the playground everyday and parents will be there too. Earlier this year, the 5 yos kids were going on 2 wheels and the 4 yos were looking at them with envy.

One after another, most of the 4 yos are now on 2 wheels. Kids were pestering their parents to take off the training wheels!!

I remembered J only started on 2 wheels when he was going 7!!

Peer Pressure.
Have fun, serena! envy envy...
Enjoy, Serena!

Hi Jpooh,

If we were still in France now, Brandon would be cycling on 2 wheels now! Yup, peer pressure too. Most of the french kids start learning to cycle on 2 wheels when they are almost 4 yrs old. Have been very slacked since we came back. Thanks for bringing this up
Got to get him try soon.
Hi K's mom,

Like the other mommies, we are not really that disciplined when it comes to doing schooling or coaching at home. Just as and when we feel like it. But we are slowly working towards a timetable now... Hopefully it will work out. Discipline, that's one of the many things I have to learn from Pris.

For reading, Bryan is doing brilliant with your teaching. Maybe limit the time spent on the subject, like 10-15 mins for a start?

For mathematics, what do you intend to teach him? Think he has grasped the addition concept since he could do 30+5. Just continue to show him the concepts. For practice, you might want to get some assessment books. Is your hubby still coming back early next year? Maybe he can grab a few books. If you don't mind, I can send some to you. Hmm, but I don't think Bryan would appreciate the books much as Christmas presents :p Btw, forget abt getting K1 assessment books. Some of them are really too simple. Try k2 or those that offer an overview of what a preschooler should know. That'll give you a good guide what to teach (but not how to teach).

For chinese, I'm teaching Brandon the characters, strokes and got him to practice writing at the same time. One step at a time for me. We are also starting on "chinese only" sessions. Hey, you are the language teacher! Remember you mentioned using games to teach. Will try that too.
Hi caroline3sg,

If your gal is interested, why not let her try it out first? I believe she can register as private candidate for PSLE Higher Chinese should she feel confident enough. Otherwise, it would still be a boost for her Chinese. And if it does really affect other subjects, you can still pull out her out since it's an enrichment. Just my humble opinion.
Hi, Serenade,
Welcome back too... hehe.. how's ur getaway? Luckily u r not there 1 day earlier.. think road close from 6am till 6pm and everything there "ceased" operation for the funeral.
hi jan
T3 tour,
14 nov is parent teacher conference day for mel.
but i can always go the following day or miss it altogether;)
anyone else can make it on the 14th?

hi serenade
welcome back. catch u online next week!
Hi moshi / worrymum, it's ok then. Just propose a date and prefer wed. Let me know the date then we see if can go together, and let the kids create havoc at T3!
hi serena,
have a great time!

hi serenade,
welcome back! hope your trip was good =)

hey you are stressing me...C cant even write all the nos nor all the alphabets yet! i was trying to teach her to write 0 or O the proper way (ie anti clockwise). sigh but she keeps going clockwise!
hi chloe
how about this? mel writes 8 with two circles, one on top of the other and she loves it. haha
and when she has to write 'S', she will go" i don't know how to write, u write."

as if not enough, melody is now 'welody'!!!!

hi jan
wed? how about 28 nov?
Hi worrymom,

Was it Monday or Tuesday when the road was closed? We arrived at Genting on Monday afternoon. But both the themeparks were closed in the daytime. The inddoor themepark started operating only at 6pm that day. But business was as usual on Tuesday. Hmm, now I understand why you are making frequent trips to Genting... Kids simply love it! Oh yes, we made the annual passports too. Hopefully, we can make more trips too
Hi Chloe,

No worries there! Just get her to do more tracing. Much of the development of fine-motor skills comes from just having the child practice over and over again with various writing implements. Sometimes, Brandon still writes "3" laterally inverted too. Just need to remind them, that's all.

Trip was good. The kids enjoyed themselves thoroughly. Well, who wouldn't when it's just play all day long? :p But the food was pretty pricey though, and taste not really that fantastic...
Hi Serenade,
ops.. I simply cant remember when was it.. perhaps monday.. hehe.. Mind rusty.. read and forgot.

Haha.. yippie, the weather is fantastic too right? So, ur hb confident to drive in next trip? Of course, via coach is convenience and relax..

Ops.. zillion apologise.. I forgot to recommend a good food for u. hmm. perhaps record it down, is at the mushroom farm - free tpt to and fro from First World Hotel. Though the place, not 5-star rated, but the food is yummy and cheap.

BTW, which hotel u stay?
Hi moshi, oops that wed can't take leave. 21 Nov?? Else you ladies just go ahead with a fixed date, will gatecrash if can.
Hi chloe / serenade, gal still writes horribly too (shhh....). korkor used to write the mirror image of letters S, 3, d becomes b. He will ask, is this way correct? When told a friend about it, she was concerned if it's a characteristic of dyslexia! Got me worried and asked the teacher who said it's common for preschoolers. Now he's ok - his 5 year old writing puts my scribbling to shame!
Hi worrymom,
Ok, got it! Will remember to go for that next time

We stayed at First World Hotel, World Club room. Super big room though a bit simply decorated. Will post some pics on the room in my blog.
JPooh, that's positive peer pressure, which is good. but I don't like the negative one. yesterday, at 1 of B's class, a girl prob 6 yrs old was crying outside the classroom and asked why, she said she only answer 1 qn right (she usually would get quite a few right) and a grandma was talking to me how her 4-yr old grand-dd would cry b4 each class starts coz she's fearful that she doesn't know the answer ... how to deal with this if the kid feels inferior in a class of "bright" kids?

Hi Jan,
Yup, read that it's real common for kids to write laterally inverted. Sometimes, it's better to ask the "professionals" rather than second guess it. Hey, you have an advantage there! Can encourage your gal to work towards kor kor's standard
Hi mommies,

Think at this stage preschoolers still write some letters laterally inverted.
e.g. these days B writes his 9 like a P and insists that he's right.

I don't think it's a sign a dyslexia... but if the problems persist right after say 7 or 8 years, then it would definitely warrant a professional assessment.
Hi Serenade!

Am not too overly concerned about teaching language actually. I have no idea how to teach Maths though.

So I don't know where to go from there... at the moment, I'm doing things propelled by the spur of the moment or according to my whims and fancies.
really appreciate when moshi shared on teaching what makes up 10 and what you do for maths.

After having a PTC with K's teacher on Wednesday, think I shall include her more often now. Perhaps I'm gonna start her writing numbers soon. remember lilian? She started her second one, Sean pretty early with writing numbers too.

With reading, I think we'll get there some day.. but this Mommy here is lacking in discipline and certainly not pressured to work her children any harder coz any effort that i put in now is deemed a tad too destructive for their social learning in school, esp B. I find that the more I work him at home, the more restless he gets in school, and thus misbehaviour. Think emotionally, he still has a long way to go at handling what he knows, even though he might need the intellectual stimulation once in a while.

Hee... we're gonna visit the factory outlet stores in Metzingen today. Let you know how things go... heard that it's a shopping haven, mecca of branded goods, esp Hugo Boss.
Check it out here:

Ok... gotta go pack now...

So much for learning, we're taking off again today!

Yep, when your time-table is up, please share on how you get one going and keeping to it. Spill some tips on discipline please!
Hi Serenade,

Monday was the farewell send off for the founder of Genting Resort. I am also planning a trip there. But faced resistance fr DH.. Dec weather is not gd for Genting..

mommies, Z's writing is horrible. he will write Z upsided down. did not want to pressure him. I am consoled that he can read most of animals flashcards mostly except for a few odd ones eg. hornbill (a kind of bird).

hi moshi2, Z is reading Peter & Jane 1a & 1b. any other books to reccommend?
Hi Sherlyn,
Thanks for asking about me. I'm fine now, but it was a real bad infection for the family.

Hey woman, time to sleep early. I don't sleep early too, but not as late as you. Take care.
Hey Kristin's mom,
Cant stand you, always off to somewhere interesting...plucking strawberries, apples, pumpkin patch, and now, factory outlet shopping! What's next, woman?
Hi Kristin's mom,
It must give you kicks to tempt me, right? :p Gosh, if I'm still in France, that's where I'll be spending my christmas! Btw, have you ever considered bringing the kids to Christmas Village? Heard it's really beautifuly there!

Yup, do the number bonds as what moshimoshi recommends. Besides making 10, can try making other numbers too. Get Bryan to figure the different ways of using 2 numbers to make, for example, a 5. Think Pris has already done it with Kai sometime back too. For Brandon, it works pretty well. Though I didn't teach subtraction, he could figure it out by himself. I attribute that to number bonds. Besides just doing the symbolic equations, try to include questions such as "what's 2 more than 5", "what's 1 less than 3", solving for unknowns etc... And as what moshimoshi has mentioned earlier on, try word problems. It's good training preparing the kids for P1. Ok, before you get panicky, all these are covered only in P1. So, there's still a lot of time for practice.

Have a good time training Kristin to write! Doubt I'll have the discipline like Lilian, hehe. She's quite a task master. If only she's willing to teach, I'll gladly enrol my kids in her class :p Anyway, Cheryl still shows no sign of writing yet. So, don't think I'll venture into that area yet
Hi Kristin's mom,
On second thought, Cheryl's pretty good at writing the number "1" since young though, evidenced by a lot of her 1s (scribblings) in a couple of our books :p. But she's learning to read. Started on 3 letters words and a few sight words - come, I, no, we, do. Her best word? the word "no". :p
Sarah: Dun mention but i usually forgets who's sick and whatnot after reading thru all the posts. Sorry to those that I did not ask. Time to sleep early? not when i hv so many HK drama to catch leh. However, last night i really sleep early at 130am
. *sigh* so i still hv the sore throat and i m dosing myself with cough sweets and promethezine.

Serenade : wow, your genting trip is tempting me .. but year end, holidays, crowd, weather so it doesnt look tempting to visit genting any sooner.

All these talk abt teaching the kids are driving me nervous. Anyway, since i lack of discipline, so I can only get nervous and nothing good came out of this pressure anyway. Infact, there is a few times when i propose to my kids to do some worksheets (ya my "teaching" is also impromptu), all I get is "I want to play".
Been so long since I've last posted. Been real busy with the two kids and house work during the day and been addicted to CSI, Shark and a few other serials from Ch 5 at night.

My whole family is down with flu. (thanks to the 2 boy's flu jab booster) And hopefully all will be cleared before our BKK trip.

Guess it's difficult to coach when there's 2 children of different age. Usually, when I'm busy teaching Bryan number's spelling, Benny will shout out answers to my question before Bryan can say anything which really annoys him. They seldom nap now but normally after 20mins of studying, both will complain of tiredness. *faint*
Hi Joanne!

B here is just the opposite: After one full hour of work, he still wants more... Usually, it's me dozing off! Last night it was Daddy supervising him, while I was clearing up stuff in the kitchen. And then I heard him say, "Daddy, wake up. I don't want you to fall asleep." Then a big sigh of exasperation!

But I guess his willingness to work these days supersedes sleep. He'd rather do anything but sleep, while I do anything and everything to exhaust him so that he'll go to bed and fall asleep quickly, even if it includes some mental work, writing exercises before he sleeps... Besides, I'm hoping such work will retain better in memory esp when rest follows immediately.

Hope the flu clears up soon enough for you all for the family break.
Hi Serenade!

Hee.. it could be my wishful thinking to start K on writing numbers... My lack of discipline is a known fact. So before long, I think this plan will be aborted, just like any others, again!

Metzingen is really not too far. But by the time we made it there, it was already 4pm. We wasted so much time during lunch break, allowing the kids play a little at the playground at a pit stop.

And sure enough, we only went straight to Hugo Boss coz hubby was looking for suits.
Got two, at 279 Euro each. Apparently it's been marked down from normal market price of 399 Euro per suit. Hee... lucky it's still quite easy for him to find a suit here, fitting and no need for alteration. Otherwise, cost will definitely go up even more.
Unfortunately we didn't have time to go through the shirts... How to with two brats running around for the 1st hour, and then wanting to be carried/ or were cranky in the 2nd hour? We only wanted to get dinner and go home asap. We didn't even look at any ladies' stuff. Let alone check out other stores like Nike, Adidas, Escada, Joop, Espirit, Ralph Lauren, Tommy Hilfiger...

Never shop with these little rascals-then-turned-brats!

But you'll certainly have a gala time there, I bet!
You send the money over lah, I help you do some retail therapy! ;)
Hi Sarah!

hmmm... actually, we were thinking of doing vineyards... but think we'll have to leave that for next year... Christmas markets are gonna be up soon... It's the time of the year to visit various markets again.

Now you know what to include on your intinerary when you next stop by in Germany. Hee... shopping is tempting huh? And shopping in factory outlet? Inspiring??? But usually in situations as such, one always tends to over buy, i.e. buy things which you usually wouldn't.

Nonetheless, we did pretty well today. We went because we wanted suits. And we came back only with suits.

In any case, our two little rascals/brats will not allow us more than 2 hours of shopping time without acting up/melting down, whatever!
Hi Sarah/Joanne/Sherlyn!

Speaking about US series, I found myself so hooked to "Heroes", "Brothers & Sisters" & "Private Practice" on top of the usual repertoire of CSI LV, CSI NY, Grey's Anatomy, Boston Legal and Bones...

I'm really getting crazy with the online streaming these days. Now I don't think I have the courage to ask Sher what's good on Cantonese soap.

Really love "Brothers and Sisters" to bits. It's so drama and funny, and yet so true all at the same time... And yes, I was telling Serenade, Rob Lowe is so darn good looking!!! *Drool*

Hi moshi2!

Hee... K was like, Ermmm, why isn't Korkor coming to school today with me? Oh never mind, Bye! I'm still gonna have so much fun without my big brother.

She felt like a big girl leaving the house, and leaving Mommy and korkor behind.

Btw, for the rest of you, I've kept B from school on Thurs since he was sent back on Wed after an hour coz he's got a fever. Nothing serious, just ulcers, possibly due to a viral infection or dehydration.
