(2003) Calling all 2003 babies

Hi Serenade..
Yippie. Will think that's better for ur family too.. cos less "stressful" for ur DH. So, Which agency u chosen in the end?

Hi Serenade, how long would the coach ride be and what much u pay for all?

We've been thinking of driving up to M'sia, and since now hubby and I can both drive, we thot we can try that, but K's has not been tested on long car rides, and we are probably going to shelf that ... was looking at chalets but now seems to many things to do to plan for a getaway before sch hols start. any advises, anyone? don't think we want hotel stay

Hi Ky,

Our consideration was safety. After talking to a few people, think it's best not to drive up alone. Would be good if you can find other families to go along.

The coach drive is about 5-6hours. 2 way ticket is $60 per person for 26 seater coach. But you can add $15 per person for an upgrade to Royal VIP coach.

I'm also looking for good getaway. Let me know if you find any
hi Serenade

We are thinking of a road trip in M'sia too. We have a van but cant drive in, tot of renting a car in JB and drive up to Penang and down to Terengganu and come home. Hopefully, it will happen...
Hi Pris!

Thanks for the answers.

But quite frankly, Maths doesn't quite interest me. Hee, very lazy here. And ever since I saw the answer, it's difficult to get me to work on the questions again.
I just looked at the first question moshi mentioned on Monday coz I was basically curious as to how difficult the PSLE exam was.

I just hope my kids don't take after me for Maths... They should be like their Dad. Maths really isn't my department here. That's why till now I still haven't got it figured out to teach my children numeracy.

Looks like I need to "work harder" in this area, mimicking all you Maths-inclined mommies here.

Btw, my dh was stumped by that question, not so much with the difficulty in numbers, but how the question was being phrased. Maybe the setter does come into question. Even moshi2 said the question read weird.
Hi Serenade!

Haha... yeah, i think I deserve extra marks there!!! Who's this setter? That person obviously couldn't be bothered to do the sums backwards. So how's checking being done? Really!

Now maybe someone should write back to the SEAB to challenge the question again. If we got lucky, maybe this question would be discounted... who knows? Anyone's child sat for this year's PSLE keen to challenge?

Have a wonderful trip in M'sia.

Too bad we aren't around, otherwise we'll be keen to drive with you guys.

Hee.. am thinking of the time when we go back to SG for good, we'll be getting a car and then our whole family (the whole extended one) will be going on road trips more often.
HI ky!

I so totally understand your concern about K taking a long road trip.

My K, though trained since young unlike my B who only started at 2years + for extremely long road trips, is still quite a handful to handle till this day!

My kids don't always sleep in the car.
SO we always choose to travel after a meal, either 11ish or after lunch. Then we can be sure that we can have at least a couple of hours of straight drive before we need to stop.

Yeah... lots of things to look out for for long road trips. But a relaxed schedule is key, even if it means to make as many stops as possible. Also, bear in mind that it's always a bad idea for them to eat in the car, other than drinking milk. Else it might cause them to feel sick.

Chalet sounds like fun too. You know what? You should team up with some other families with young kids and book a few chalets together. Hee... like a great family retreat kind of thing! Great family bonding time and great time for the parents as well as kids with equal adult and kid company!
Hi moshi2!

Yep... am hoping that postman will work harder this week! Halloween is next Wednesday!

Otherwise, I would have dress K up as a Red Indian! Only costume-like thing we have at home for her size. Just got B a spiderman suit today. I think he's gonna be thrilled.
Hi moshi2!

Sorry for posting again.

Steaming egg custard? I usually put only one egg (beaten)in a medium bowl (gee, I know this really sounds arbitrary now coz you won't have my medium sized bowl, oopsy!), and then fill up to about 70% full with water. I use microwave oven to steam. I supposed with microwave it's super safe at killing all bacteria there!

Btw, anyone knows about how safe microwave cooking is?

The Western people have no problems with this method of cooking, while East Asians, the Mainland Chinese and Taiwanese esp, tell me not to use it. COz the mircowave is harmful and might cause food to be carcinogenic.

According to my science knowledge since JC days (unless more's been updated these days), my knowledge of using the mircowave is causing the water molecules in food content to vibrate and then heat up. Thus food is cooked. I ran a search on the internet yesterday, nothing points to anything more harmful than any other conventional cooking methods.

Is the world passing me by or is this a scam in Asia to discourage people from using the modern invention of mircowave cooking?
Hi Kristin mom, glad you've received the dress! Photos, photos!!

Chloe mom, I found this shop in People's Park Complex that sells winter wear. They have kids down jacket for $58 only. It's a steal. But design look super "china made". My hubby do not like it and we didn't buy it. I thought it was okay since A is wearing it just this trip, why bother about the looks. He thinks otherwise.

Moshi, steamed egg?? I'm not too sure about cooking. I can still help abit if it's baking but not cooking. Like Cindy, I use the microwave to steam too.

Serenade, instead of Genting for a short getaway, maybe you can go Langkawi, HongKong, Thailand or K.L? Anyway have a good trip. Just being a busybody.
hi Serena

R has a winter coat which we used last year. If you're keen, can lend it to you. We are not having a winter holiday this year.
I've abstained from posting here on seeing the discussion on maths. Hubby was shocked that P6 students were posed such difficult questions and rattling off the newspaper discussion but I switched off as well. Really have phobia in maths and my mind will automatically switch off!

But my interest returned with ky's comments abt holidays and chalets. We just went to Costa Sands Pasir Ris for a 1-night stay in end Sep and though we did not organise any BBQ or special activities, the kids enjoyed themselves just staying overnight in a new environment. Jk kept asking me when we would go to our new house again. ky, borrow someone's union card and grab the deal just $69 per night with 2 free theme-park tickets (offer for non-peak only).
Serena, how's your prep for the trip? Do check out kiosks selling branded stuff (from factory outlets I think). I've seen off pieces of winter wear at really affordable prices.
Bottle Tree Park outing on 19 Nov or 3 Dec 9.30am

Moshi, Serenade and Sherlyn are tentatively on. Anyone else joining?
hi ML, tx for the info. K's quite sick now and hence we are putting off the plans for chalets, and in Nov, we are going to be busy with changes within the house, and then it's school hols which means paying premium prices to squeeze with kids ... huh, no thanks. we are putting that on hold now ... perhaps a getaway for the boys' birthdays next year. have never done anything big for them before, so hoping that it'll be a treat for the family, even if it's a simple one :>

Moshimoshi. if you are referring to the japanese type, it does not used oil but chicken broth.

One egg to one of the japanese steam egg cup and add in prawn, a small piece of chicken breast, a slice of japanese fishcake, some sliced mushroom on top. Cover with the cup cover and pass in a steamer of cold water and boil at high for about 10 min and then turn to low for another 10 minutes. The recipe is on my blog.

K's mum and Serena, I do not use the microwave for cooking, according to my friend and her mum, one a chemist and the other chemistry teacher, it is not safe to cook in the microwave.

I only used it to defrost and warm up cooked food.

Planning for a trip too when I am back in Singapore, but not to sure where too since asking my family and in-laws to go too.

Think young children enjoy travelling, I did not have much problem with Kai over long distance in a car, coach or aeroplane, thankfully he will just sleep when he is tired in his car seat.
Hi Pris!

Any specific details?

Warming up food and cooking it, what's the difference? Coz the microwave causes the water molecules to vibrate and get heated up, thus food is warmed or cooked. What difference is there then if cooking isn't safe, what's safe then with just warming up the food?
Please shed some light there. Thanks!

Gee... my kids just aren't the sort who love to sleep much. Must have been in dh's and my genes that we are late-, light- and hard to fall asleep sort of sleepers.

Though K sleeps alot better than all of us, she needs complete darkness and a quiet and cool environment. Having said all that, my K will protest after about 2 hours in the car and ask to get out to take a walk on the highway! Yeah, she's nuts. So the rest of the family spends the next 30 min or so convincing her that it's not possible to stop in the middle of the Autobahn and we frantically search for the next pit stop.
Road trips are generally a lot easier with B all along, esp with playing games like "I spy".
Hi Meilan!

Hi-5 man! That makes two "maths"-o-phobics out of us!
Actually, all along I did well in Maths until I went to JC. I attributed my disinterest for maths to the difference in co-ed and single-sex education. I was in an all girls' school for 10 years and I had always excelled in maths and sciences until co-ed school! And also the terrible maths tutor I had for two years! She didn't help, of course. Oh, that was a torture under her!

And nope... boys weren't distracting me! Haha! In fact some of the geniuses in class were very kind and tried to explain thermodynamics to me... But I always found the guys in my class talking too fast for me to be able to visualise the concepts. Before I got one, they'd already moved on to another... Hee... but when it came to FL, gee, these guys were all at sea!

Yep... they were really geniuses... like errmmm, president scholars, top PSLE scorer of my year and then some of them even made it to the dean's list later at their unis... O man, it was all so wrong to be in a class full of these science/maths geeks, really! Why did I even waste my time doing sciences and maths with these fellows then??? A horrible revelation came to life when I realised I wasn't cut out for a triple science course!

So at present, anything to do with maths and science I will switch off and let dh handle the situation. He handles the bills and balances our account... I can't trust myself to do sums at all! :p And the mechanics of anything I operate??? I really have no idea... I just drive the car and once some red light beeps on the dsahboard, I would drive straight to our garage and park it there and be willing to bash through snow storms to take the bus with the kids than to drive the car again until dh fixes the annoying beeps... haha, even sometimes, it's just filling up water for the windscreen only or tanking up!
hi pris

what's a japanese egg cup? where can i get it?
Cover with the cup cover and pass in a steamer of cold water? er... how does this work? no water in cup?

hi meilan
have u gone through the books? take ur time with them , we have no need for them. in fact, u can let JK work on them, feel free to write on them too. no problem at all.

for the bottletree tour, i'll stick to a date in dec. thanks.

hi ky
road trip to msia is quite a breeze. the highway from Sg to KL is very manageable. best part abt driving own car is that u get to pack all u need without having to worry abt bulkiness n weight.
mel's breakfast cereals, packet milk and potty went along too. super convenient!

if u are into theme park and indoor roller coasters and stuff, i heard berjaya times square in KL is fun. not for me though, i am more for scenary and nature but offer me disneyland then yes yes!
meilan's chalet idea is worth considering also, staying over in a different environment is a like a big camp out for the kids.

or bintan? just a 50min ferry ride and a beach resort is yours to explore.

No... no sign of Halloween outfit yet.

You know what? I suspect it's at the custom and some officer there hijacked it for personal use on Halloween!
hi serena,
i guess your hb wants bel to look good, so that the photos will turn out nice mah.
if you cant get a down jacket, layer her in wool/fleece sweater and the polyester coat should do well enough.

you know what, think i'm getting the flu bug. arghhh!!

hi serenade,
have a good trip! genting is a nice place to relax

oh yes i brought c for the berries trial at bb last week. i put brandon's name as referral, cos the person in charge told me you can get some free vouchers to offset his fees next semester. but i havent sign up yet, checking out the orchard branch this weekend first.
Hi Serena,
Thanks for the recommendations. Suggested Langkawi to hubby but he doesn't like it. And I don't feel like taking long flights... well, will just stick around. Maybe just book into some hotels.

Went through my kids' winter clothing. Either they are too worn out or big/small for Adabel. Can't help you on the winter clothes.

Hi Chloe,
Great. If you signed up and stay for 6 lessons, we can use the voucher for tea together
Kristin mom, ya exactly what I wanted to ask Pris too? What's the difference if we use microwave to steam and defroze? Aren't both using the same tech?

Pris and Kristin mom, maybe you can help my Primary 5 niece on this Math question.

Tap A takes 6mins to fill up a tank.
Tap B takes 1.5times more to fill up the same tank.
How long will it take to fill up half a tank if both taps are turn on at the same time? Express ans in mins and sec.

Meilan, watahi wa nihongo wo hanashimasu. Like real!! Thanks for telling me. Hmm..will look closely again. Mayb will borrow from jpooh. Happy birthday to JK!!!

Chloe mum, have a good rest dearie. Can you take Medical leave? Probation not over I suppose? You looked like the type to fit in a 3months probation. Hmm... higher position usually means longer period.

Moshi, you use $1.50 stamp??Ha....or the custom officers just simply can't let go of your parcel.

Worry mum, if you are still intending to print the photos and don't have enough qty, let me know. Cause I'm keen to print my bakes photos.
Serenade, no problem. Actually I've bought most of the stuff just the jacket. My hubby's so particular about the style. Can't comprehend.

Sarah, welcome back. Must have alot of washing to do.
moshimoshi, you can get those cups in the japanese stores kitchen ware.

You add in chicken broth so do not need to add in any water into the egg.

You looking at the recipe under my blog (www.prisneo.spaces.live.com) in the japanese recipe, the steps are all there.

Here's a fresh one that I made for Kai yesterday as we are having Nonya Curry Chicken which is too spicy for him so he get a dish to replace the spicy chicken.


Will be steaming those eggs sell in the mixed vegetables rice stalls next week and I will also add in the recipe there then.
Serena, I just gotten up from my sleep and show your question at 5am in the morning here.

if I did not make any mistake, the answer is 3 min and 36sec. Let me know is it correct before I post the steps. Brain alittle rusty, have not been teaching for more than 4 years already, how time flies.
Hi Jpooh,
Wow, that sounds like an adventurous trip to me! Have you ever driven to M'sia beyond JB?

Regarding the holiday programmes, how many children are there in the camp? I'm quite interested to sign B for the camp.

Any interested mommies?
K's mum, just for your reading


Think I will not use microwave to warm up food anymore. In fact here in Vancouver, it is suggested that we defrost food naturally in the fridge or under running water.

As for heating up of food, maybe I will just steam it next time. Was trying to look for the article that my friend email me but could not find it, so from the net, this is what I found

Just like to highlight something on the PSLE Q1. Seems like the answer should be 88kg instead of 44kg cos the question is asking for amount of rice sold by the SHOPS. Some forumers were pointing this out in the straitstimes forum.
I was looking for the question now, how does the question phrase?

1) 44kg if the amount sold by each shop.

2) amount sold by the shops, then will be 88kg.

Could not find the questions here anymore.
Serenade, if in M'sia, make sure you drive in groups, never just go in one car. We have a bad encounter before, good things our friends' cars came in time.
Ok, here's my Dorayaki, craving for it when I could not go back to sleep in the morning and made these at 6plus for breakfast.

Me too, worrymum!

Since we are in the topic of maths, have fun reading this. Isn't it brilliant? A little long though..

Please read till the end.
Beauty of Math!

1 x 8 + 1 = 9
12 x 8 + 2 = 98
123 x 8 + 3 = 987
1234 x 8 + 4 = 9876
12345 x 8 + 5 = 98765
123456 x 8 + 6 = 987654
1234567 x 8 + 7 = 9876543
12345678 x 8 + 8 = 98765432
123456789 x 8 + 9 = 987654321

1 x 9 + 2 = 11
12 x 9 + 3 = 111
123 x 9 + 4 = 1111
1234 x 9 + 5 = 11111
12345 x 9 + 6 = 111111
123456 x 9 + 7 = 1111111
1234567 x 9 + 8 = 11111111
12345678 x 9 + 9 = 111111111
123456789 x 9 +10= 1111111111

9 x 9 + 7 = 88
98 x 9 + 6 = 888
987 x 9 + 5 = 8888
9876 x 9 + 4 = 88888
98765 x 9 + 3 = 888888
987654 x 9 + 2 = 8888888
9876543 x 9 + 1 = 88888888
98765432 x 9 + 0 = 888888888

Brilliant, isn't it?

And look at this symmetry:

1 x 1 = 1
11 x 11 = 121
111 x 111 = 12321
1111 x 1111 = 1234321
11111 x 11111 = 123454321
111111 x 111111 = 12345654321
1111111 x 1111111 = 1234567654321
11111111 x 11111111 = 123456787654321
111111111 x 111111111=12345678987654321

Now, take a look at this...


From a strictly mathematical viewpoint:

What Equals 100%? What does it mean to give MORE than 100%?
Ever wonder about those people who say they are giving more than 100%?

We have all been in situations where someone wants you to GIVE OVER 100%.
How about ACHIEVING 101%?

What equals 100% in life?

Here's a little mathematical formula that might help answer these questions:



Is represented as:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26.


H-A-R-D-W-O-R- K
8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11 = 98%


11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5 = 96%


1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 = 100%

THEN, look how far mama's love will take you:

13+1+13+1+19+12+15+22+5 = 101%

Therefore, one can conclude with mathematical certainty that:

While Hard Work and Knowledge will get you close, and Attitude will get you there, It's mama's love that will put you over the top!

Toast to all mummies!
wow, jpooh, going to Penang/Terengganu is easily a 9-12 hrs drive 1-way. i'll love to go, ie without kids. B's gf's mummy's going off with the daddy for a weekend getaway this weekend. I wish I can do that, but it's a dream that wouldn't happen in the near future. we can't even go out for a decent dinner together ...

is the camping a stay-overnight thing?

it'll be really cool to stay in a tent yah? for the kid I mean

hi k's mom
my halloween top got hijacked?? no way! i have faith it will reach u before the big H!

hey we got your Deutschland halloween card!
when i told mel it's from Bryan in germany.

she went,"who who?"
"bryan,your penpal from germany."

so today, i am going to reveal her penpal's handsome face. has B seen mel's photo?

the bat is really cute, the glitter and small orange mouth makes it so friendly.
and bryan, my, he writes well! i can tell he controls his pencil well.
is he trained to write in block letters first in sch?
am wondering why the use of block letters only?

1.7EUR for an airmailed card, gee, i am feeling the pinch!
Worry mum
This is P5 Maths, right? Where did you get the problem sums from? I know how to solve questions 1 & 3. Still cracking my head on question 2.

It is important that we know how to solve the problems then we can teach our children. Else have to send for tuition. I already sent for Chinese (let the China professionals teach) and going to send for Compo. Still thinking on Maths whether to send or not. If I know how to do, then don't need.
Hi caroline3sg,
sorry, it was gotten (copy & paste) from other forumers in our thread. not able to advise where she got it.. Hmm.. i thought is PSLE?
nope.. the answer for Q2 is 1568, u may refer to our thread.. past (previous) archives to find the methods and working.. BTW, the question comes with the answer in the bottom of the page too..
Worry mum
Thank you

Are you a sch teacher?

I interpret question 2 as:
112 chairs more in rows of 7 independently of 1/14 of the chairs are stacked up. That is why I couldn't get 1568.
Has anyone attended MindChamps workshop? What's MindChamps about?

Wat's you mothers' opinion abt Academic Enrichment and what do you consider as Academic Enrichment?

I was speaking to B's english teacher yesterday. She's leaving the school at end of yr to go into enrichment (one of the popular phonics prog), and she said she's used some of the prog in the class, and I see it works very well on B. I'm very very reluctant to send him to academic prog, ie phonics, maths, abacus, chinese... but it seems there's a lot of bombardment in all these ... there's always a fear that if u don't do something in this golden window, u'll lose that opportunity "forever". I personally am not a very good teacher so I tend to sway around quite a bit by these talks ...

I'm now looking at iGenius (formerly ECC) for K... Worry_Mum, u've got any feedback on that school? It's like Shichida, but in a less-expensive-but-still-expensive way

Serenade, the answer were not from MOE Assessment Branch right. So if looking at the question closely after Worry_mum has posted it, yes, it should be 88 instead of 44 since it is by the shops. Ambigous which should benenfit the students but again if these questions are phrased by the students themselves and not exactly as in the PSLE exams, then they might be the one making the mistakes.

Serena, get back to be about the answer and I explain to you how to do it.

Caroline, I am on leave. Well, if you look to the archive thread we have a discussion about it and the explanation are all there.

Hi Pris & mommies,

Yup, all the 3 questions and answers are not from MOE Assessment Branch but from students who have taken the exam. Seems like there are some discrepancies in Q2 too. Click the link on K's mom's website and read the posters' replies if you have the time.
