(2003) Calling all 2003 babies

I'm back. Tired and feeling very hot. Ha, cant resist going into forum after checking my emails.

Thanks, Serena. Oh yes, lots of laundry. Cant even rem how many times have I threw into washer then dryer. I only took out the clothes to wash, the rest is still lying on the floor.

H vomited on us on our way back home. Yucks, can u imagine we stink during the 13hrs? Its our first bad flying experience with H, cant be helped since she's sick. Infact, 3 of us came down with viral infection. Thanks to daddy, haha.

Hi Sarah..
Welcomed back..

Oh dear!.. hope u all are feeling better now. Have a good rest..
Take care, Sarah. It's very contagious. My gal threw up in the car before when she was not well. Stinks for more than a week even with double dosage air refreshner.
Hi ky, I only send my son for abacus becoz he wants to. He enjoys numbers and hence would like to develop his interest. Will send my gal next year as she wants to follow korkor. No other academic enrichment for my kids; they are all play and exercise.
hi Serenade

Furthest was Malacca. I'm quite exicted abt it and keeping my fingers crossed.

For the camp, J is much order hence the groups are bigger, yet to find out abt the 4 yos.

There are day camps (9 to 5) and overnite camps.

Haven't told R & J abt it.

BTW, there's a Malaysia Travel Fair this weekend. Anyone keen? Tot of going on Sun.
Hi jpooh,
Do you intend to drive from east coast msia to west coast? That will be fun. Yet to try that, its either east or west for us.

Just a note - its monsoon season during nov/dec in the east coast. We drove to Trengganu during Xmas hols, and there was flooding along the way. We are indoors most of the time becoz it was raining almost everyday.
Hi jpooh!

Yep... monsoon, floods in the East Coast and down N/S highway across Johor last year... we were like fugitives driving as fast as we could away from the rain!
Hi Pris, Caroline3sg, Worry_mum, Serenade and all other mommies who are still hanging on the maths questions!

The source is from Straits Times Interactive online. THe questions were reproduced by the students, by memory, I suppose. So there had been lots of discrepancies pertaining to our discussions of the questions/answers of the PSLE questions for this year.

Anyway, just casual chatting here only. No need to be so serious, right? Besides, we really don't get see the real questions.
HI Serena!

Hee... there you have Pris working out the answers for you already.

Maths - I don't like! I'm too lazy to even go find out the answer.

Questions on grammar... any time, man!
Hi Sarah!

So sorry to hear about the viral infection... I should have warned you of that. Totally forgot all about it.

It's quite common when the seasons change and this diarrhea/vomit virus comes out.

Hope all's well now with your whole family.

You know what helps best?
Drink yakult! It really does!

Oh... you wanna visit me in Frankfurt?
I think October is definitely the time with the book fair. Think about the free books, ok?

Hi Serena!
Yep... make sure you and your family drink yakult everyday now and even when you are in Japan for hols.
HI Serenade!

This discussion on PSLE maths exam is developing into quite a farce now... I chuckled when I scrolled down on the comments...

The situation is getting ludicrous.
Poor Sarah, do take care and thanks for the tip.

Thinking of collecting more brochures to study it further and have a better planning.

K's mom
I tried the one with collagen and instead of looking better, I put on 1 kg!!!! Ah...............................
Hi Pris, my friend showed me the workings. Like you my answer was also around 3mins+. The answer is 1min 48sec. My niece is from a neighbourhood school, fancy having such Math questions!!? Urgh?...

Sarah, take care.

Jan, that was interesting. Hooray to momma's love!
Hi Serena and Moshi. Thanks for remembering JK's birthday. Despite keeping it a small affair, it's still very tiring for all of us. I must thank worry-mum for the cake idea. The Bob the Builder cake turned out well and JK was thrilled
It's my 1st time trying Swee Heng's cake and it's really not bad.
Moshi, you have asked the right person re the YMCA stuff. I was a volunteer at the Japanese kids club while at uni and it was great fun. Now you have brought back fond memories on the things I've done with them - cycling at East Coast Park, hiking at Bt Timah, overnight camp at YMCA etc. Don't ask me how this is different from the Japanese Association. I just know that YMCA has this club where they organise activities for the kids during weekends and school holidays. And indeed, the activities are meant for Japanese kids only. If you are keen to expose M to Japanese culture, remind me to inform you abt the Summer festival held at the Japanese school around Aug every year. The tickets run out very fast so I've yet to attend any myself.
Serena, I saw some cool jackets good enough for winter wear at a shop in Punggol Plaza today. Only $29.90 and come in sizes from 3-6. Not that I think you will bother to come all the way here to check it out lah hor? Anyway, you travel date is too near.
Sarah, sorry to hear that you have all fallen sick. Vomitting is my greatest phobia due to the clean up and the everlasting stink. I pray all the time that it won't happen to us in a confined space eg the car. My husband will really freak out if it happens in his precious car (touchwood!). Anyway, as a stand-by, do check out fabric stain remover at the stores. We stocked up on one for occasions when JK pee on his mattress or the kids spill their drinks on our dining chairs and sofa. It supposedly kills bacteria too.
Serena, will be looking at the question again. All these are common questions. In fact, the school should have prepared them for all these questions, more of these questions can be found in Fabian Ng's Challenging Problems and Andrew Er's books.

Tap A takes 6mins to fill up a tank.
Tap B takes 1.5times more to fill up the same tank.
How long will it take to fill up half a tank if both taps are turn on at the same time? Express ans in mins and sec.

Hmmm....1min 48 sec when both taps are turned on?
Tap fills 1/6 tank and Tap B fills 1/9 tank in one minutes.

I got the answer, the one I gave earlier was for the whole tank, I missed out half the tank, that's the blur sotong me.

So half will be 3min 36sec divided by 2 = 1min 48sec.

And for the benefits of the parents here, regarding the above question that Serena has posted, yes, it is a P5 question and it can also appear in PSLE setting.

Looking at the time which is 6 min for Tap A and 9 min for Tap B.

Common Multiple of 6 and 9 will be 18.

In 18 minutes, Tap A will fills 3 tanks and Tap B will fills 2 tanks.

5 tanks = 18 minutes
1 tank = 18 minutes / 5
= 3.6 min
= 3 min 0.6 x 60sec
= 3 min 36 sec (This was where I stopped yesterday morning.)

I missed out on 1/2 the tank then, so here's the addition working.
1/2 tank = 18 minutes / 10
= 1.8 minutes
= 1min 0.8 x60sec
= 1 min 48 sec

So sorry for the mistake I made earlier as I did not see the 1/2 the tank at 5am in the morning.

Sarah, do take care too. Kai was down with the virus infection and then now my turn. At least, you are back home in Singapore.

Over here, doc will not prescribe any medication and just ask us to have plenty of water and rest.

Moshimoshi, there are also steam eggs using 3 different eggs like eggs, salty egg and century egg into a dish.

Meilan, haahaa...I am sure you have alot of other dishes to share too.
hi mommies,
wa so many posts on the PSLE maths paper
my niece took the paper, no wonder she said it was tough! she's holidaying now so not aware of the big commotion though...

hi serena,
there's an advertisement on down jackets for sale in the papers today. page 16 if i'm not wrong. check it out.

i took mc yesterday. doctor says to keep away from other people mah :p

hi sarah,
welcome back
oh dear, hope all of you get well soon. how was your trip (besides the eventful flight)?

hi jpooh,
besides west malaysia, can consider sabah too. it's quite a nice place for holiday.
Hi Sarah,
Miss you le...was thinking how you enjoy in France. Hey and you are now back..are you all ok now ?

Hi Mommies,
Wan try this math problem given by a friend thru sms.
Person A lends me $50
Person B lends meS$50
In total, I haveS$100.

I use the $100 to buy a bag that costs $97. I have balance $3 left.
I return $1 each to Person A and B and I keep the balance $1.

Now, after deducting $1, I still owe

Person A $49
Person B $49
In total, I owe them $98

Adding my balance $1, total amt is $99.

Where did the $1 go to?????
Meilan, oops, this blur blur auntie has forgotten to wish JK a very happy belated birthday.

Apricot, haahaa...too lazy to try, better rest...virus infection....

Mummies, solve already, do share the answers.

I am off to rest...
Pris, thanks for the workings. I've just got myself a new Morphy Richards bread maker and can't resist trying out today. So, here's my first loaf of bread from the bread maker.



I've got the recipe from HHB, Hokkaido Milk Loaf. I'm mightly pleased with my first loaf. The crust is abit burnt but the inside was so soft that I had a hard time cutting it. Now, I know why this bread is so popular. I tweaked the recipe alittle by adding in a handful of U.S cranberries. It worked like magic. This was supposed to be our breakfast tomorrow but it was gone within an hour!! You got to try this!!
My family has been complaining how much cake they have eating. Now they're probably gonna say how much bread they've been eating because I'm keen to try more bread recipes especially those rustic ones that we always see in Europe bakery shop. Even my maid is hinting at the amount of cake she has consumed recently. I was thinking what's so bad about it since she's so skinny!!??
Serena, I am drooling haahaa. Probably will also end up with a bread machine if I am home for good, if not, it is also not a bad idea when we are away haahaa. Love the smell of freshly baked bread.
info on IMM parking ... wef from 1 Nov, free entry for 1st 3 hrs, 4th hr - $1.07 and thereafer 15 mins at $0.30...

Worry_Mum, if u did snap B's photos, can email me :> ... thx!

Jpooh, only 2 of u were there? J's stuck at home right? how was the m'sia travel fair? sorry, me couldn't join u as I was stuck at home most of the day, so I requested to go for a walk in the evening there ...

hi ky,
i was at IMM yesterday, the playground is closed for upgrading
my kids were pretty disappointed. i thought the playground is quite new, not sure why they need to upgrade so soon.
Hi chloe, yep the playground area is closed. Think someone mentioned here earlier. How's your flu? Now I'm the one sniffing away - got it from gal.
Hi serena, you really have 'flour fingers'...err baking genius equivalent to 'green fingers'??! I love the bread loaf from Prego - crispy on the outside, soft on the inside. mmm.....
Worry Mum
Elder (girl)- P4, Younger (son)- K1.

I am not a teacher. Why did you ask if I am a teacher? I am overly concerned about Maths? It is the most tedious subject to teach my girl.
Hi worrymum, I encountered caroline3sg in 2002 thread and learnt that her daughter is a prefect in school. Think she joined here becoz of discussion re maths qns.
Oh i see. Wow Ur girl already P4, cos seeing u so familiar and serious with question whether in P5 and not P6 etc.. make me thought u r teacher. hehe paiseh.

hi jan,
thanks for asking. i'm fine after resting over
the weekend. think there's a bug going around, many collegues are sick too

you rest well okie.

oh, i must have missed the post. hmm...they dont even put up a notice to say when it will be completed.
