(2003) Calling all 2003 babies

Hi Serena!

Enjoy your hols!!!
So lucky, you get to eat JAp food every day now...

Hi jpooh!

Seems like R benefitted alot from an older brother. I shall seek consolation in that... you see, I hardly have time/energy to teach K. In fact I told her teacher at the PTC that I usually exclude her from any learning activities I do with B. Sad huh... but I can't manage two together... I don't have this kind of classroom management/discipline for young children at two different ages/stages. Now I can only hope that whatever I invest in B will rub off onto K... wishful thinking on my part, again.
Hi Joanne,

I dont even teach my gal, just let her do worksheets to recognise the alphabets and numbers. At 3 yr old now, she can only manage common shapes and colors. At 2 plus, my boy is able to recite A - Z cos i sing to him the alphabet song everyday infront of the wall chart hahaha. Really lazy stay at home mother here. Staying at home to only pursuing my own hobbies and interests.

Wish u all well before the trip comes. Hiaz, everyone gog for holiday.
Hi K's mom,

A pity i sleep pretty early these few days, else i can chat with u. Do buzz me in msn ([email protected]) if u sign on at nite (SG time i mean).

"Daddy wake up" .. same here, my kids will be shouting "mummy wake up" when i read books with them.

Shopping with 2 rascals turn brats haha, sounds so much like wat i face everytime when i set foot inside malls. Plus, i definitely hv to stop by at the toys department for the kids. Don't worry, i monitor them when they play with the toys. hehe.

My dh also into Heros, and he entice me to join him. I gave him a firm NO. I don't think i can handle anymore other then HK dramas .. already a few queueing up for my attention. haha

BTW, my dh taught me a way to d/l the online streamings. We use the browser call "firefox", and a plug in (that only works with this browswer) to download the shows. It works for crunchyroll and shows from www.tudou.com. This 2nd website here stores more show then crunchy cos according to dh, this site is from china and they are not bound by copyright law, so no law lor hahahahhahaa. Just sharing, dun report me to the authorities please.
Sol Playground Cafe at Turf City - one mother called Bonita recomends.

Family restuarant that hv play area for kids, wireless network and the usual food.

She share her pictures in AP forum. Here's the links if you have missed them.

1) http://www.chanlegacy.com/2007/10/12/sol-playground-cafe/
2) http://www.chanlegacy.com/2007/10/12/hanging-out-sol/
3) http://www.chanlegacy.com/2007/10/13/rjc-girls-gathering/

Quite impossible to go there for our gathering? I only know there are free shuttle bus from clementi Bus interchange.

Anyone game for bringing the kids to bowling ?
hi mommies

any recommendation for pd at mt a.
my girl had v bad hives, swollen eyes and all.
went to a doc there.
ask him what cld the cause be.
he ans: you ak me i ask you(not with a laughter or whatever)
and it was ex, 100 for basic consult...

Hi Catherine,
That sounds really bad. Did you enquire if there's any similar cases in her school? Is the doc you went to a specialist? Basic consultation shld be less than $100 if I'm not wrong. Hope you girl will recover soon.
Hi mommies,

Remember the Duck Tour? They are having a promotion now - only $33/adult and $17/kid (above 3 year old) for 3 tours - Duck Tour, Hippo Tour and DHL Balloon!

Just got my tickets today
hi Serenade, u going on this again? let us know how it goes ... good to go onto the DHL balloon before it closes shop.

Another promo : Swenson's having 1-for-1 Sundae promo; in advert, it's the same ice-cream but u can opt for different ice-cream and pay the more ex one. till 12-Nov

Hi Ky,

Yup, we are going again. Told B that we were buying tickets for the DHL balloon and he asked if we could go on the Duck Tour again. Guess it will be another experience as a family

Is DHL Balloon closing down? Hmm, maybe that's why they are offering such a promotion.

Mommies, any other year end promotions to attractions for sharing?
Hi Serenade,
Thanks for sharing the great offer. A was also asking abt DHL hotair balloon. Will buy the tickets soon !!!!!
Hi Catherine,
Is this ur dd's first attack of hives? Just wondering if cause could be due to food allergy. May want to check with skin specialist if PD cant help much.
hi serenade,
she had hives when she was really young, like 9mth?
then she had it now n then but always go away after calamine or baking soda.
yes,someone told me baking soda and water. it helped. but not this time...

yes, he was a specialist. there were 2 docs at the clinic. told recept 1st time. she told me oh... this doc at least 100, the other a bit cheaper lor. see which one who prefer.
but the cheaper one was an empty room...

hi moshi
was in such a hurry n mil mentioned she knew one there. went there she toldme she walked past saw many pp, ask which one, she said dunno...

hi sarah
sounded like i was paranoid? ya a little cos my fil is kidney patient. he had a transplant. now mil has one kidney. he has 3 kidneys, 2shivelled up...
that's why when eyes pufy we worried...
HELP!!! So angry with my B, lately he just refused to go to school. Have a hard time every morning nowadays.. refused to brush teeth, wear uniform etc. haiz. Did checked with the school, no one scolded him etc.!!! Really boiled!! He's very stubborn one.
Hi Catherine,
Paranoid? Its mommy's nature.
I will be too! H has eczema since young, and I tried all sorts of methods to soothe the itch. And yes, baking soda loses its effect after some time. How about using honey suckle (jin yin hua) to wash her?

I would suggest doing a patch test since its not her first time, at least you can determine cause.
Hi WorryMum,
How about going to school with him and observe? My niece didnt want to go to sch for a while becoz she hasnt got friends to play...Sometimes you just cant take the teachers' words for it. Or it could be a growing phase...

Hey, H has been skipping sch too...take it easy. She just skipped sch last fri, and we went to the library, haha. This is the only time they can afford to do so before formal education
hi serenade,
hmmm...the ducktour/balloon/hippo rides sound tempting indeed. do you know if it is also applicable for weekends?

btw, i've signed C up for berries at orchard. and yes, gave them your hp no as referral. think you can get $20 off next year's fees, nominal but hey why not right :p

hi star,
was it you i saw at berries last sat? why were you in the classroom? didnt see you when the session ended though....

hi worry mom,
something must have happened in school, the teacher might not have notice it. and at 4 yrs old, sometimes it is difficult for them to articulate. try coaxing him to find out the reason. got to be patient
Hi worrymum, maybe your don't feel like going to work rubs off on him don't feel like going to school! heheee....he can feel it!

seriously, just have to be patient with him but firm about it at the same time. There could be a reason or just a passing phase. Try talking and asking him about his friends, day in school, etc to find some hints.
Hi Jan,
LOL, could be hor..

Have tried all the ways/methods that u ladies suggested.. just couldnt get it!! Think he now addicted to PC game in my mum's place. faint!
interactive stories your kids will love:


worrymom, get B to be addicted to online stories instead!

mel gives excuses for skipping sch too, she hurt her knee recently, told me she has to rest for 3 days, well, 3 days she counted indeed!
and every time after a bout of cold n cough, it's rest at home for 3 days again!
the magic number 3!
too many fairy tales of late? the 3 lil pigs, goldilocks and 3 bears!
think B's just trying to test limits and see how u would react.
so did he go to sch today?
Did u gals catch the sch hols activities guide on sunday Life?

Heritage tours:

they have a few, chinatown, little india...

hm... lemme check out the site first.

i want to visit the mushroom farm at seletar too.
not only mushrooms to buy but also mushrooms muffins to enjoy. YUM!
Hi Chloe,

Don't think there's any restrictions on the promotion. In fact, the tickets will expire only next year (can't remember when). We were given a schedule of the tours' timings. No need to complete all the tours in one day

We took a look at Berries@Orchard and liked it too. B wanted to join the class immediately. But we chose the one at BB b'cos it's nearer. Will let you know when I get the voucher from them :p
Hi Worry_mum,

Agree with the rest to do a thorough self-investigation. If there's really nothing bothering your B at school, then try offering him choices - going to school or stay at home and do more worksheets (no computer allowed until you come home). I'm sure B will be made a smart choice
Hi Worrymum,
I can feel the anger with you.
You know, mine ever since moved to inlaw place, the school is jus 10mins walk or 5mins drive, he will take his own sweet time to drink milk then change school uniform. Those dilly dally attitude. NObody care nobody reminded him to change school uniform and I must be the one showing him the cane to get him changed. Everyday I need to "boil" on this small mummy's job.
10 Nov (Sat): The Birthday Party
Sara at the Jacob Ballas Children's Garden (a guided tour)

Sara is celebrating her baby brother's birthday party. At the last minute, she realizes she forgot the birthday present! Help Sara search for the perfect gift at the Children's Garden. Along the way, have a fun and memorable experience in this new Garden dedicated to children. Suitable for K1 - P2 levels

Time: 10-11am
Cost: $8.50 per child (includes $2.50 "The Birthday Party, Sara at the Children's Garden" workbook)

Contact: Singapore Botanic Gardens 6471 9961

so sarah, are we invited? heehee
29 Nov (Thu): Highlights at Jacob Ballas Children's Garden
A talk at the Singapore Botanic Gardens

Join us for a talk on the newly opened Children's Garden! Hear more about plants of many colours, shapes and sizes, textures and feel in our Sensory Garden. Growing here are also plants for drinks, plants for dyes and plants that grow on other plants! Have fun at the fantastic forest which includes a tree house, a pond, a suspension bridge and a cave! Plenty to do here, plenty to see! Suitable for K1 - P6 levels

Time: 10-10.30am
Cost: $2.50 per child/parent

Website: http://www.sbg.org.sg/education/workshopchi.asp
Contact: Singapore Botanic Gardens 6471 9961

This one, i am likely to attend;)
anyone else keen?
Thanks.. really can feel for u too. Didnt expect ur A is another one. hehe. Really dont know what to do with my B. haiz. At least cane work on him.. My B totally win for all battle between mummy and daddy, Cos we are rushing for work too, latest by 7.50am we have to leave home, abt 10mins travelling time to his school in CCK. We simply dont have time to "entertain" him, though try to put him sleep early at night, he just complaint his eyes cant close. So in the end almost 10.30pm to 11pm is his sleeping time. Perhaps he really have not enough sleep, but he took 3hrs noon nap wor..
hi worry mom/apricot,
i think all kids will go through a dilly dally phase. at one stage, c took an hour to drink her milk, faint! then out of the blue, she started to bottoms up within 5 min. cant do much about it but to wait for her to outgrow the phase....
Hi Worry-mum!

It always irks me when the kids are sick and are taken off school for a couple of days. Firstly, their routine, thus my daily routine is gravely affected. Secondly, I have this immense stress/fear that they don't want to go back to school once they are well and about again.

I try not to make things easier for them staying at home... try things as boring as possible like, You're sick right? So you've gotta be resting in bed. That's one thing both my kids hate. Sleeping. Then it comes to eating, Sick right? Must eat well to be healthy again!

Haha... these two things are the main focus when they have to stay at home. And I make it so huge that they wanna go back to school to be with FUN again.

Then again, children do go through phases. Maybe this is an unfortunate phase of I wanna stay at home and not go to school...

Try explaining that everyone's got a place/job to do every day. e.g. Daddy and Mommy work and B goes to school. Or like what the rest of the mommies suggest, investigate the matter. What's happening in school?

But you shouldn't do it too often or spend the whole day there. Coz the worst is you get him out of the house but he wants you to go to school with him everyday. I know that coz I pulled that trick on my mom too when I was in P1. I wanted her to come to visit me in school every day! But the good news is I outgrew it!

The computer games definitely sound more alluring than school at the moment, I guess.
Recently someone mentioned about peer pressure here... since we're all in the school topic now, i've got something to share.

B has been displaying anxiety attacks whenever it gets dark or when it's time for him to go to bed. I was suspicious as this started like about 2 weeks before Halloween. So I started checking with other moms if their kids had problems sleeping too.

I thought there might have been some private conversations going on among the boys in the class and they were scaring themselves silly. True enough, the teachers have noticed mentions of aliens and eerie movies of like lately. So much so that now the teachers said, no more discussions on movies in class anymore.

Now our night routine is damaged... Record has it that B wakes up 8 times a night! Worse than having a newborn coz this one doesn't want to go back to sleep.

I think it will take a long long time to clear the misconception and the fright the kids got before life goes back to normal. Thing is, we don't even know the real conversations going on... how to screen and protect our children from damage done by other naive kids???

These boys really have huge imagination, e.g. the fenced up area in front of the school building is now known as the crocodile house (like a moat surrounding a castle). They take their adventures there everyday after school... and then next they imagine they are knights fighting imaginary dragons!!???

I think homeschooling kids isn't too bad an idea after all!!!!
Hi Sher!

YOu've gotta tell me about this plug in thingy. CAn pm me???
Firefox, I have it!

You gotta be watching Heroes if you like things like X-men and the superhero friends! Really love sci-fi series... Hee, did I even mention before that when I first saw Matrix (like almost 10 years back now... 1999??), Anyway, i dreamt of being trapped in a big computer too... haha!!! Lame right???

Now come to think about it... maybe my son has inherited a gene of unproductive imagination from me... haha!
Hi moshi2!

Got your letter: Cute card, meow! B was so happy! And he loves the stickers too. Thanks!
And your package for Kristin also arrived on Sat. See, I told you about someone hijacking it for Halloween, right?

I think B will be begging to start writing another letter soon. Now, you've got us challenged to make interesting cards too... But I'm certainly nowhere near the creative designs like yourself. So you've gotta bear with what a boy and a non-craft mommy can come up with.

Oh... did I mention that K went school happily, even without her brother? She felt like a big girl and waved bye to us that morning when she had to go with Dad without big bro. She felt like a big girl, I guess!
Hi Catherine!

Yep, agree that the consultation is really ex.

Don't know any good PD in Mt A. But apricot and I love Dr Veronica Toh from Raffles Hospital. She's really nice!

Consult is about 45-60 SGD. And trust me, she won't throw the guilt back at your face. Oh come on, how could that Dr do that? It's bad enough that we can't help our suffering children, how dare he pointed finger at you??? And if we had really known the cause of the problem, would we still be seeking him out for a consult in the first place???
Moshi, you have tons of outdoor ideas for the sch hols huh? I'm keen on the mushroom farm too and may revisit the animal resort cos JC has been asking to see rabbits.

Changi airport T3, JK just went with his sch last Thur. He came back with very exaggerated descriptions with gestures some more, abt a huge plane (A380?) being parked at one side while other smaller planes are parked at other corners. Also abt a sky train taking you to T6, T10 etc.
JK had his concert last Fri. Although I was not impressed with his sch's curriculum and several money-spinning impositions, I was thoroughly impressed with the way they organised the concert this time. The whole night was run so well and the concert was really enjoyable. Unlike his previous cc where the kids from different levels performed their individual segments, JK's kindergarten held a sort of musical this time centering on theme of the 10 commandments. All the kids were reorganised into groups in regardless of levels and sessions. The costumes were also well-coordinated. And surprisingly JK performed this time despite the huge audience of abt 800 in front of them, not just stood frozen on the stage like last time. Now I regret not ordering the DVD.
Hi Worry mum,
I am so so busy busy work and miss the maternity days where I am more active in forum. I felt so uneasy not dropping some words here. Therefore the moment I saw your post, I geared up my courage to "publish" abt A. Your topic hit it right on me..ke ke ke...

Hi Catherine,
Try Dr Veronica Toh at Raffles Hosp. She is really very good. 1st time consultation is around S$60. Cannot rem exactly so call check the children clinic before you go down.
Serenade, so envious of you that B seems to love learning a lot and takes well to all the classes you have brought him to. I had initially thought that limiting JK to only non-academic enrichment programmes would make him interested but even the gym class we started him on became a kind of drag for him and we had to convince him to go each time. And since he liked the electone I had abandoned at my mum's place when I gave up learning halfway, I thought some music lessons would be a joy for him. Instead, he told me he only like the electone but didn't like going for classes. How to start him on phonics lessons like that?
Hi apricot. Check your email.

On the topic of PD, actually why do you gals continue to visit PD and for how much longer do you intend to do that? I switched my kids to our family doctor as soon as they finished all their vaccinations. Even then, our PD acknowledged that it's not as if they had any magical finer needles for the jabs compared to GPs. Now I don't have to travel all the way to Bishan for every small ailments and save ourselves a good sum of money too. In fact, I was thinking to myself what I would have done that night when JK had the wound that needed stitching. His PD in Bishan would have closed by the time we arrived and he would not have felt as at ease if we had to see another DR nearby whom he was not familiar with. I was so glad I have helped the kids build up a relationship with our family doctor and it proved useful on this occasion.
Hi Meilan!

I do agree that we should get our children acquainted with our family asap.

But I also bring them to PD in Sg when there are bigger problems, like stomach flu or wheezing cough for a prolonged period of time.
Simple reason: drug prescriptions. Some GPs do not have specific drugs suitable for very young kids at hand.

Having said that, in Germany, a GP will not attend to a child. Children go to PD only. The last I brought B to a GP here, she sent him away without any prescription and told me that I should get in touch with my PD if the symptoms of a stomach flu didn't go away.

And since we got here, we've been self-medicating when it's just small problems.
Hi Serenade!

I'm gonna chime in with Meilan here...

You are such a motivating mom. How do you kindle your children's love for learning?
Hi Catherine : Hope your gal has recovered by now. Take care. A funny doc , to hv give such replies.

Worry_mum : my boy loves school but guess what, he still dilly dally. So I also "boil" daily asking him to take his breakie and changing into uniform, so I can still understand how u feel. Can u imagine, he is late just a few days ago, so has to press doorbell to enter. Now when i told him he's gog to be late, he told me nvm, can press doorbell! Anyway like Sarah said, take it easy. My boy also often skip school .. like when mummy overslept hahaha.

Ya moshimoshi, i saw that write up too. So I can count on you to do research
. The botanic garden one really sounds nice. I think i m keen on one u keen on too. But i hv to ask my driver if he can drive us there. Do we need to buy ticket in advance? oh, keep me inform abt the T3 visit.

K's mom : PM u liao. I dun like X men, but i like X files but i think i'll still give it a miss, cos too many HK drama hahaha.

Hi Moshimoshi,
Me keen on T3 visit !!! Pls sms me or Pm me once details are confirmed. I may not be able to come into this forum so often cos work is SO SO busy.
