(2003) Calling all 2003 babies

K's mom, my very holistic pede recommends acidophilus in a sachet. I forget the name, but it's OTC I think. Your pharmacist should have an idea. This is to help boost the friendly bacteria in the gut to kick out the bad guys and help in digestion, is my layman's way of putting it!! Also, sip some pocari sweat or some isotonic drink to rehydrate and balance the electrolytes.

Hi jpooh!

Yeah, it's bad twice as much!
K is having both!

Hi Alcovelet!

You can't imagine how much yakult we downed for this winter to up our pool of friendly bacteria for the tummy. Still we fall prey to this stomach flu bug every spring! I think it's inevitable when kids go to school... another reason to homeschool!;)

B was quick to recover with the live cultures I shoved down his throat. But K is a tiny dot whose palate is difficult to please. This is very serious business now. Thank God she's eating some brioche and drinking glucose today. Still containing them...
Glad at least one of them is feeling better! Wah! Just experienced a blinding flash of memory! The sachet is called Lacteol Forte. I better get me some as you reminded me that we ran out!
Lacteol Forte, I have lots of them when I am overseas and even now I have some at home. I also kept the tubes of pd glucose drink for Kai.

Chloe, C's one in Toh Yi side? What's PLU?
Hi K's mom,

Sorry to hear about the kids. Hope they are doing much better, especially K. Rest, and more rest for the kids and yourself!
Hi Mommies!

K is finally eating... two brioche buns and counting... about 450 ml of fluid today! Still containing them... yay!

My kids never had such serious bouts of stomach flu until we came over here. In fact, B never knew what it was like to have regurgitation projected out involuntarily through the esophagus.

And the PD here seems to think it's alright to go without food for a couple of days. Just try and give glucose water and tea was her advice. We did get some Infecto-Diarrstop sachets (similar to Lacteol Forte), Vomex and Nurofen. That's about it. The German docs believe the body should build up an immune system for such a virus that likes to make its appearance ever so often during each spring and autumn. Somehow, I think her method is working. Each time, B seems to be able to combat the virus better.

But for K... I was really begging for a magical jab that would drive all symptoms of a stomach flu away!

Hi Serenade!
Here I go again... complaining about the annual detox! Still hanging there...

Hi Pris!
PLU aka Parents Like Us! is our blog, shared and co-authored by the mommies here. I thought we were with us for a while?

Hi Alcovelet!
Thanks for the advice. Yep, think I'll get some isotonic drinks. It's always a headache to dispense medicine when it comes to K! Feeding K electrolyte drink is a feat! I guess with the sigar it would be much easier.
Hi K's mom, just a spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down ... my mistake in the past was not to introduce these sugary snacks/drinks when RK was well on account of being circumspect. Then he got ill and the doctor said - stuff him with ice cream! Urb, try introducing a new food when a finicky eater is ill. Sounds like K is the same! I must get him on to brioche ...
K's mum, in fact if it stomach flu, fluid, jello etc is sufficient for the kids. And if given meal should be just plain porridge water first and then follow by plain porridge to allow the stomach to adjust after the flu. Too much food is not adjustable since the stomach has just recovered, it should not be overworked.
In fact, the pure green tea powder has the property to stop vomitting and diahorrea when the child consume the tea. So far, Kai only got it once but he recovered pretty soon, just went with plain porridge for a couple of days but lots of fluid, jello and glucose. And after he recovered, he consumed more than he normally would.
Hi K's mom,
Oh dear, it sounds bad. Glad that K is finally eating. Lots of rest for yourself too.

Hi Alcovelet,
Stuff with ice cream? Very interesting! What happened to RK then? H would adore this doctor.
Hi K's mom,
K looks so cute in those recent holiday photos. Hope she'll get well soon!
You take care too, it's very tiring looking after sick kiddos.
Hi Sarah, that ice cream stuffing was for false measles. High fever, some spots, no appetite. No he's not in love with the pede. We've seen her twice in the last 3 yrs, ever since the last jab at 2... RK used to yell everytime we zoomed past Mount E in a car!! Actually, he's still missing 2 jabs ...
Ya.. most PCF operates via franchise. hence they services, curriculum etc.. all are difference.
Hi hi ... the pottery workshop which I've mentioned earlier is this Sunday, 30 Mar.

Pris, sorry, think u said u can't make it. Serena, were u interested? Let me know - session 1 is at the Kiln near NTU.

Hi K's mom ... must be difficult for u ... well, starting to eat is a good start. My kids never did have to go thru' all these till late last year too...

Hi Serena, been wanting to ask. B can read on her own. Can I ask how does she figure out new words? By sounding them out? How does a kid figure out when to use a short e sound vs a long e sound, for eg?

Hi Chloe, tx for the sharing on the themes ... that's a long list. just wondering if it's a touch n go thing coz 1 week is rather short to squeeze so much info in.

Hi Chloe,
Really thanks to you. I like the detailed information. What's provided to us is the summarised thematic activities on a piece of paper. I have immediately share with A's school and the HQ is looking into it now to improve the information they informed parents.
Hi all concerned moms!
Update on K: She's still not eating well, but at least she isn't as listless as she was the 1st day. In fact, she's jumping all over me now.

Hi Pris!
Thanks for the ideas! It's really easier to treat B than K when it comes to stomach flu. B would be cooperative and eat whatever he's told. Of course, there would stories about how food would become good energy for the white blood cells that would be soldiers fighting off the germs. But with K? Who cares? She's just happy now that she doesn't have to eat. She's the finicky sort when it comes to food, maybe like RK?
Anyhow, I'm happy now that she's eating some brioche and drinking glucose. I'm really not asking for more. The rest of us have been eating porridge, thanks to her. Though it was meant for her, she didn't want it!
Hi Apricot,

Don't mention it.

I think the more important thing is that the teachers engage the children meaningfully & creatively
Hi Chloe, that's a very good list of their curriculum, Kai used to get that type of list when he was in Vancouver MMI which tells us what theme they were covering but not now in his Kindy here. Maybe I should suggest to their princpal here too.

Lately, I am doing alot of disciplinary with Kai, he is going to another phase of testing. Just find that I am not as patience here as I was in Vancouver. Just hope he gets over this phase fast.
Hi Mummies,
Early this week, I am in 美丽心情. Life is not a bed of roses. Nothing major happen, it's just that A's English teacher is promoted to be principal of same school and I am so sad
that she is not his teacher anymore from April 1st. What a April fool "joke" that they give me.
Hi K's mom,

Hope K gets well soon. Its really not easy to be as parent. Not eating we worry, eat too much (my girl lor) I also worry.

Take care.
Hi Sher!

Yep, parenting is no easy job! Sigh... if only both our daughters eat moderately...

K's getting better. Today she had a bit more solid food.

Hi Serenade!
Do you remember you recommended Valerie Bendt to me sometime last year?
I was re-visiting the site this evening and B came along. I showed him some of the sample lessons. Actually, am pretty surprised that he can read pretty ok. Now I'm wondering if there's any good to get the book... maybe I should try out all the sample lessons first. Or combine it with the method Alcovelet suggests with spelling???
Hi K's mom,

Great to hear K's getting better.

B is certainly catching on reading fast! Possible for you to borrow some phonics (teaching) books from B's library? It is not necessary to restrict yourself to Valerie Bendt.

What about continuing with the phonics lessons first? Once B is familiar with all the 44 or 45 sounds, spelling will be easier. That's what I'm doing with my B currently. (Yup, brainwashed by Alcovelet into Spelling :p) We are revisiting the phonics and doing spelling & vocabulary at the same time. I gave him a list of words that have the long "u" sound. And the words include simple words such as cute, puke to longer words such as continue, community, preview etc.

Another way would be getting B to spell as he learns new sounds. For instance, after introducing the sound "sh", you can get him to segment words like fish, ship, sip etc.

Oh yes, my Spelling Wise just arrived few days ago. Pretty interesting way of doing Spelling. Thanks for the great recommendation, Alcovelet
Apricot, well, just some behaviours he picks up and whining now when he does not get what he wants.

Serenade, what is this Valerie Bendt about? Is there a website?
Hi K's mom and Serenade, Yup, I'd recommend the phonics lessons first to ensure familiarity. Then when he's more sure, try the spelling. The more immediate step is like what Serenade suggests, ie, after, say, the sh sounds, you can point out similar words when you're reading and then inadvertently ask. "Ship, now what makes the sound "sh" in ship?". To hone in the phonics rules, try the cute ditties like on starfall.com, like someone else mentioned on this forum. It's great for starters although you will need more later. Like, "The silent e at the end of the word ..." Good luck!!

Serenade, hope B enjoys it!
Hi Serenade!
Yep, I think it's high time to do some writing proper with him. Till now, learning is so aural for us. Thanks for the recommendation.
O yes... phonics reader are great. But my suspicion is that B will focus more on the pics than the words proper. That's why Valerie Bendt is great. Limited pics!!!

Hi Alcovelet!
Wow... love the starfall.com. Great big hit with B. I just love the onset/rime method. And the cutie programmes are just so Electric Company!
Thanks for recommending that website!
Oh, I took a look at the sample from WISE too. Maybe I should start the simple spelling list with B. Thing is he does know pretty much phonics now to sound out words. And I'm just not doing anything...

Gotta really be doing something more challenging with this boy now... He's screaming for more each time I probe, be it reading or Math! Tzzk, tzzk, tzzk... lazy mom, unfortunately.
Hi K's mom, glad you and B like the website. It won't be long before you three (K inclluded) are singing the ditties in your sleep ...
. About the Wise guide, the Mummy's always the best judge, so jump right in with both feet! We're still doing it (there are 2000 words , pant pant) and RK loves it - spelling has become a nice way to end our lessons.
Hi K's mom,

Nope, I don't mean phonics readers. Rather, there are other phonics textbooks similar to Valerie Bendt. But if you are interested in onset/rime method, I think Alcovelet has one good recommendation. Maybe she can advise you on that. Hi Alcovelet, remember you were telling me abt the other Spelling book that uses phonograms?

Hi Pris,
Valerie Bendt is the author of Reading Made Easy, highly recommended by Angie. Try googling and you'll find her website.
I'm finally able to get up on my feet, literally. Feeling more up to it to sit back and type. Had been real sick since Friday.

Ky, think will give the pottery thing a miss. U girls enjoy & hope to see some Picasso photos in PLU. Hmm...I don't really have much time with my girl. When I'm back from work, after shower and dinner, it's almost close to Bel's bedtime. So, there's really not much time I have to teach her. I think Chloe is probably like me. When I do have time, I indulge in one of my favourite past time which is baking. That's probably something you girls already know. Sometimes, I feel bad about it. Sorry, seems like I'm digressing. Okay, will not stray. I don't teach Bel any phonics except the beginning sounds which is only consonant. I know I don't have the time so I try to cut short the learning curve. I cannot imagine myself teaching her all the phonics rules. Example letter "a" has 5 different sounds. Sorry, never once did I taught her that but she could read apart, awful, father, make and alligator. I let her figure it out herself. This is the only similarity that I share with Lilian (K's mom friend). Of course, the similarity stops there. Her children are truly gifted!! Actually how do you define "able to read"? If B can read books "a fat cat sat on a mat" kind of books, this means he can read on his own. To encourage him, you could upgrade the books slowly. That's why you have graded reading in the market. Graded reading is something that works for most kids. Start with something easy and then go higher bit by bit. Big words comes naturally when he is exposed to more books. That's how vocab will increase. Bel just learnt a new word yesterday "ornithophobia". What I trying to say is she didn't read this from day 1. It's through many books that she's able to read and increase her vocab. Do be more patient and have confident in B. If my girl can do it, so can yours. Imagine I don't have that kind of time to spend with her. You can also try to find the right book to fire him up. Perhaps Alcove can give suggestions here. Actually, she and Serenade are the experts. I'm still trying and struggling with Bel due to lack of time.
Found it! http://www.avko.org/sequentialspelling.html. Thanks Serenade, for reminding me! It comes across to me as a phonics cum spelling programme. A family of words is worked on intensively for 8 days, ie, only "in" family words are taught in week 1. So on Day 1, you have, "pin", "bin" etc until "spinning" on day 8. This is tough (but not impossible) for a beginner because there is more than 2 phonics rule in "spinning". And it would be even tougher to spell. It cycles from Day1 of a new unit being easy, to day 8 being hard, then back to day 1 of the next unit being easy and then hard on day 8.

The Wise Guide is the spelling portion of Wanda Sanseri's programme. They have a separate book for phonics which I never used. Each day, there is a list of 10 disparate words. But each rule is repeated over the week, eg spin is a word among the 10 words on day 1; on day 2, there will be chin. And then spine on day 3 so you can contrast the difference. But it would mean that the child knows the rules. The earlier list of words is easier, eg word #200 would be easier than word #1800, say. So there is a gradual progression.

My take is that AVKO could be the more rigorous way. The good part - the 1st week's lessons are for free!! The best method is always the one that suits your child. At least for this one, you get a test run. :)
Hi Serena!

Glad to see you back in action again!
Drink lots of soup!

Thanks for the encouragement. Bel is so smart and she can figure out the different sounds on her own. And yes, she has definitely acquired the rules for life, even without knowing them herself. That's why English is probably more of a mother tongue to her than her Chinese.

Sigh... diligence is not our middle name! E.g. B will go, "Wow, yay! Fun games..." And then he loses steam very quickly. He feels that he reads too slowly hence he depends on his Mommy here to read out loud for him, though I think he's slowly perceiving words these days. The only grouse about his school is that the kids really don't do much seatwork, let alone writing. Homework is unheard of over here.

Hee... can you imagine? To inspire my son to write, I get him to write out a list of guests he wants to invite to his b'day. He can spell and write almost every of his classmate's name. And for someone who doesn't pick up the pencil everyday, that's pretty amazing, I find.

Back to writing, yes. Slowly and surely, I'm gonna come up with more contexts for him to practise writing, e.g. he's gonna be writing grocery lists for me soon. He has been trained aurally till now. Yap, aural intake of information is vast, but it goes away quickly too if it's not internalised. So I think I gotta start working on that part...

Gee... teaching literacy is a pain!!!

What I discovered last night when we were doing Valerie Bendt was that he was associating words to things he hear now, e.g. seal. Oh, I've seen lots of seals in the zoo before. Or block, yes that's the playing block, right, Mom? I wondered if he painted a mental picture. But that's what I like about Valerie Bendt. Very few illustrations. Like I said before, I need to do the listening/reading correlation and hopefully the mental picture of both entity and word will appear too in his head - as ALcovelet rightfully pointed out in one of her posts on her blog. (Watch me steal your idea there, Alcovelet ;))

Hi Serenade!
Hmmm... phonics textbooks? Think I got to ask his teachers for help. Am not too sure if the teaching resources in his library are open to parents' access. But yeah, thanks. Will browse if I lay my hands on them.

Hi Alcovelet!
Yep, AVKO does look rigorous. But come to think of it, my dad used to teach me spelling that way too. I think I did have some luck with teachers. Some of my pri school teachers were pretty amazing souls. That's why I always thought highly of word families. Maybe I'm such a learner... e.g. patterns, sequences in spelling and particles of verbs, even for a foreign language.

Maybe that's why the way I view literacy is too marred by this one method. Anyhow, Valerie Bendt or WISE or AVOKO, I think I'm gonna integrate some comfortable programme for ourselves for now.

Btw, it's the weekend! Why are you all at home? Get out, get out and go and have fun!

Ok... other than Serena who's still recuperating, the rest of you have no excuse not to be out!

Heee... see you soon... This weekend is shorter here, adjusting to Daylight Saving Time. Will be losing an hour, thus an ultra-mini jetlag is coming our way! Yikes... K the sensitive one will have problems adjusting, again!

We're gonna go knock some pins down!
Hee... some, so no strike there!
Hi k's mom,
Who's been staying home? Certainly not me! Been in and out of the house twice today! B just had his first Aikido lesson this afternoon. Sure hope that he'll pick up some self-defending tactics :p

Hi Serena,
How I wish I can agree with you - being a hardworking expert! Dear me dear me, sorry to let you down - but I'm neither, sob... sob...

Truth is both my kids pick up reading way before I taught them blending the 26 letter sounds. But phonics help accelerate their reading skills. Btw, my kids know only 2 "a" sounds. Look, you are more an expert than me! We are now exploring (yup, me still reading up NOW) the phonic rules to enhance their spelling skills. I'm sure Alcovelet shares the same sentiments

And you are right, reading increases vocabulary and comprehension skills. So, I'm constantly reminding myself to read more to my kids!
Hi K's mom, teaching literacy is a pain?? Very true. Have you tried teaching chinese? It's 10times worse!! I cannot imagine how's she gonna cope when she enters P1. I'm trying to converse with her in Mandarin whenever I can. IF they can skip the subject and move on to Secondary school, then I wouldn't bother with chinese.

There's a tiny little problem with using too much phonics. It slows down reading. I normally will use phonics only for big words and spelling. Anyhow, haven't got to that with Bel yet. So as you can see, she is not that smart. She's just an average kid. Bel can't spell "ambulance" like Serenade's B. She can't chant rhythm like your B. She can't draw for nuts unlike Chloe. She also can't write as well as Worry mum 's B. What I trying to say is every child have their own forte. They can't be good in everything. Even genius has aptitude in only one subject. Oh no!! What am I doing? To be honest, I don't like to write serious stuff in the forum. Sigh!! People might get the wrong idea and I worry I'll send the wrong signal and may offend.

Anyhow, you get the picture. Why am I still up? Guess I have enough bed rest for the past 2 days.

Serenade, If I can learn something from you, you will be an expert in my eyes.
Hi All, g'morning on a lovely Sunday morning (so far)!! Serena, It's obvious, we all love our little kiddos. I was working through my son's life through to Jan of this year (apart fr a 3 mth maternity break) and that was tough. But whatever it is, our kids will always be wonderful in our eyes. Hurray for that!!
K's mom, sounds like you guys may like AVKO quite a bit then. The best part - it's an e-book, so instant gratification!!!! :). But yeah, why get stuck with only one method? It's been hodge podge for us as well. The more important thing is it works for us, and we love it.
K's mum, haahaa I agreed teaching literacy is a pain. Languages are not my forte compared to Maths and Science, so can imagine I am struggling here trying to teach Kai phonics haahaaa. Now he is also crazy about rhyming words and we started to re-read Dr Seuss and listen to the audio as well.

Serena, I agreed that Serenade and Alcovelet are great language teachers. They are simply amazing.

I got a question, how many sounds are there for "A"? I only can tell the short-vowel sound and the long-vowel sound. Please enlightening me, still struggling to learn and teach phonics haahaa.
Hi Pris, Umm, sorry I gave the wrong impression about being a great language teacher :-o. In fact, I never finished with the phonics lessons (that's why the book I sold you looks brand new!) and we're not even halfway through the Wise spelling guide. They do seem to work though, so I'm happy to share if it can help everyone else.
Alcovelet, you are amazing!! I am struggling to teach the short vowels now, just think that short vowel of a and e sounded alike. I must see that it is a good book, simple to understand and very systematic. Hope to be able to complete it with Kai and loan to my friend. Just handled the other book to her.
Hope you guys like the book Pris!! BTW, I had the Valerie Bendt phonics book for a bit. It does have some strange fonts, not as much as the Spelling in 100 lessons, but I thot it might be confusing when the child moves on to regular books. I thought this Ordinary Parent one was simpler for me to learn and teach!! All the best!!
Hi mummies,

I am from the Aug08 MTB thread. Sorry to interrupt but my friend who wks in a market research company is urgently looking for a mother aged between 25-45 with a child in Pri 1-4 for a survey. The mother will be paid $70 and the group survey will be held on 1 April, tuesday at 6.45pm. If keen, pls PM me.

Alcovelet, thanks. Learning all my short vowel sounds first and then will teach Kai a sound a day and revise and read the phonics readers that we have according to the sound I am teaching.

Really must saluate you and serenade, you ladies are very good.

Hi Chloe,

C's PCF is defintely better than Z's which is more academic trained. Z dislikes the handwriting homework. esp Chinese... honestly, i find it tough for his age group. we were writing "小兔子" last fri.

Hi Apricot, sorry tt i did not get back to you. only mged to check out email this morn. I'll give it a miss first.

Hi Sherlyn, saw the registration counter over United Sq, Not much crowd though.

Hi Serena, I was lamenting Z's poor Chinese to my fren. She recommended Berries and TianXia.
