(2003) Calling all 2003 babies

Serenade, I am waiting for Meilan to reply as well as Apricot so if they are not going, we have only 4 seats.

And Sherlyn might want to see whether her friends are interested.

Hi Pris,

If that's the case, shall I just tell them that the seats are taken? Or would you prefer to liaise with them yourself directly?
yo! gals!miss u all sooooooo much!

as some already know, the overworked laptop decides to go on a break and boy, a long one indeed.it's still 'resting'now, using dh's laptop now.

no time for archive, just enough time to say hello to u! haha

hi adeline!;) it's me it's me! haha

hi k's mom!
how u?shoulders good? mine's been good! haha and the reason is obvious. went for x-ray, didnt show problems. still thinkg what 'therapy' now. u know, amore (fitness centre for ladies only)has stretch-fit classes, so tempting! i mean, who likes god knows when will end therapy sessions at d hospital!
still looking for an orthopaedic, know of any here?

hi meilan
ratio at mel's sch is 2:25, both teachers qualified.
not ideal but heck, at least she wont get a shock when she attends P1.

DHL balloon:
serenade, did u do it? rem u got the 3 in 1 package last yr?
saw the thing on TV,looks good and safer than i thought! the pilot explained the technicalities and i got the assurance. 2.5 million to get it up! and designed in france!

till the next time (duno when)haha
Hi Moshimoshi, u're a breath of fresh air!! DHL balloon - sounds hot (sorry, pun intended). Doesn't it just go up and come down? There's some blimp flying around too (that one's not a pun) too. Could be nice.
Hi Alcovelet,
Sure you ditch all your corporate wear already??!! kee kee

Yeah, I don't bother to dress up when not working. Simply too lazy. Once, C asked me why I was wearing pj to go out!! Ok, not actually pj, but a tee that i wear to sleep sometimes. Kids are observant (bet my dh didnt notice).

Hi Moshi,
Great to have you back, for a while that is!
Um CHloe, the clothes are in the closet growing an interesting array of mould. :). The great difference with work though is that there are a million things to do there, but at home, it sometimes peters down to nada. I refuse to work on my kid for more than an hour a day or I'll drive him bonkers, so I'm at the computer typing away ...
Hi Alcovelet,
Ha ha, unlike you I'm only at my computer at work. During weekends, the kids have my full attention

My suits are also gathering dust, now that I can dress down in my current job hee hee.
Hi Chloe,
Ya, kids observe and remember clearly. I also rem A wanted me to change clothes when I am going to the market with that tee that I wear to sleep. He lets me feel mummy must "dress up" ..keke...

Hi Priscilla,
I cannot find replacement (2 seats) for Yakult trip. I will be very happy if other mummies which Serenade mention to take or Sherlyn's friends to take. Serenade and Sherlyn, pls let me know, K ?

Hi Sherlyn,
I rem you wanted to book tickets for The Emperor New clothes. I have 3tickets total S$54 to sell away. Date is 19April 2pm. I am going to Bangkok on that day so cannot go for this show. Are you interested to buy over my tickets ? I will post them to you by next week. Let me know via email or sms. Thanks
Hi Chloe and Alcovelet,
Same here, I have many suits at at old home collecting dust also. They are bought from BLUM boutique. Been trying hard and so many times to sell over yahoo & ebay & no buyers. Really a big headache how to dispose them. Can't bear to sell them at flea market because I need to sell them a a low low price. Headache headache !
Chloe, attention is fine. It's a total joy, that bit! We homeschool, so I do have to do something with my son. It's usually terrific, but I don't like to prepare (picture lazy mom with feet propped up - that's me!) and I do get tired with going out to socialize. That is actually harder than anything i've ever done - socializing!!
Apricot and Everyone, I'm in dire need of cutesy tshirts. Do u guys know where to buy them? I realize - i have 3. There are 5 days a week, and it's been raining tonnes, so I'll have only pjs left. :-O
Hi Apricot,

Maybe the people who shopped online don't look for suits. Or maybe fewer people wear suits nowadays. I managed to sell my maternity clothes very easily on yahoo recently.

Hee hee, I got lots of suits from BLUM as well. The salesgirl there are pretty persistent!

Hi Alcovelet,
I kudos those who homeschool. I am not patient enough to teach.
Hi Alcovelet,
I'm working full time, FP&A role. I've got 2 girls, 5 & 2yr. They don't appreciate lego as much. Most of the time they just want to dress up as princesses & play make believe.
Its parents' volunteer today! Went with H's school to Health Zone. Gosh, I'm so tired, especially the legs! Either running after the kids or to the toilets. Topic - "Keep myopia away". There were quite a few schools, morning and afternoon. So, touch and go, no chance to read the exhibits...

The facilitators are young, I guess they are students, so don't expect much. I suppose we can just walk in...Anyone been there?

My next volunteer work will be bird park. Can't wait..
Hi Sarah,

You are PV for H's current or future school?

Heard of healthzone but never been yet, I think it's a very popular place for school. My niece's P1 class just went recently.
Moshi, Meilan,
I just realized today that the afternoon class's ratio is 2:30 (as of this term), morning 2:23. So ours not that bad afterall.
Hi Sarah, Healthzone's not free, B went with preschool before n once after dental, i wanted to pop in with him n realize have to pay.

But is the "Keep myopia away" free? I was just checking the site last night ... there's one interesting event in Apr but apparently no indication on price.

u can PV for preschool, go PV for pri school la ...

Hi Sarah,

Ha ha ;)

It's fun to follow the kids on their trips.
I did once, & C has been asking me to take leave when she went Mandai Orchid Garden recently. Unfortunately, I don't have many days of leave to spare.
hi Chloe, where have you offered yours? that school in Bukit Timah? U know the very famous school in YT that doesn't take in PV? Once some years ago, a very keen parent cornered the principal and got her wish ... try contacting them to express your interest ... pressure them, no harm right?

Hi Ky,
Oh, I didn't know one must pay to go in. H's misc fees have costed in all field trips, parents volunteer need not pay.

Hehe, I intend to PV only when H has been accepted by the pri sch.
Hi KY,
Yeap. I think they have enough church volunteers already. I'm trying some other ways ;) Corner the principal? I'm worried C will get blacklisted ha ha.
like to get some advice here ... I'm getting kinda "depressed" as I've told my hubby of waiting for news of updates or status from B's school. Should I make a school change? The current status is beyond my expectation and beyond school's control. 3 months have gone passed. I've gone to see a cheaper school and though the school is more academic, it suits B as he can and is willing to do sit-down work. The qn is it's a big move of school, from a play-based to academic-based... what would you do? My option was to send him to play-based school and I do academic-based at home, but perhaps with the change, I'll switch it and structured in more play at home. Kinda getting "depressed" as I really don't know if I should or not, n not getting much support from hubby ... *sigh*

I know some of you are considering and have considered changing of schools, but seems like nothing is changed. How long do you give yourself to wait?

Hi Sarah,
Your intent to PV is noble
Unlike me, just trying to get C into the school ha ha. PV after that? Err..sorry don't have time!
Chloe, why don't u ask them for the reason? If the office can communicate an openness in reply, then that shows too how their communications would be in future ... it seems like many 2003 parents have not started putting their names down for PV and some 2002 are still finishing up for this yr, so if the school is full, then it's really a popular school.

Hi KY,
I hv considered changing schools, but I've realised there's no perfect school/teacher. I'll probably make do with whatever is offered by the school & supplement whatever I think is missing.

I read in your blog that B's school doesn't have a curriculum? Quite surprised. C's school has a very structured curriculum & they actually informed the parents via the communication book. But I'm skeptical the teacher delivers it as well as it is written.

It may be better to change school after Jun holidays? Just my 2 cents worth.
Ur C still in BT PCF right? Wow, her PCF is really well org unlike B's PCF. Haiz.. remember I told u gals abt the Enhanced programme on Chn, Eng and Science, with additional payment of $60 in the beginning of the year? The ideas had dropped, due to teacher resigned. So now, the school ask again (survey this time), with an additional fees of $220 per mth. Crazy isn't it? Me may wanna consider to change school if they really increase to this fees ($320 per mth)!
Hi WorryMum,
Yeah, still is. I think the school has reasonably good curriculum, just that I don't really like the idea of having the same teacher for all 3 years (unless a very good teacher of course).

$220 per month additional is ridiculous I agree.
Hi Ky,
Does Gracefield kindy has a website? Heard it offer a 3 hours curriculum.

Hi Chloe,
Thought of letting B to join Chloe too. But I recalled you mentioned the teacher isn't fantastic...
Sarah, I will continue to PV once Kai get into the school as well. I think in that way, it drives the message to Kai that we value his education in school.

Chloe, you wanted to PV in which school?

KY, you started your PV already? How was it?
KY, so have you found that school that you are planning to move Ben over? Thought the issue of teacher has been solved?
Hi Worrymum.

Every week they will do different themes, started off with all about themselves, then family, then it's about plants, seeds, leaves etc.

It's a one page communication every week.
Hi Serenade,
Gracefield doesn't have a website. Yes, it's 3 hrs, & afternoon class is much smaller than morning's. btw, $750 is before GST. I've got generally good reviews of the school, except for one parent.

Hi Chloe,
I understand the reason why the school doesn't put a very structured curriculum in place ... I was ok... the parents are very happy with the progress which the kids made last year bcos the teacher can incoporate creativity & go beyond the goals. The kids were given word book and journal books to write last yr for eg and I know it's the K2 kids that are probably doing more of that. Guess noone complains when it's +++ but we only start when it's ---

Yes, I know there's no perfect school/teacher. I guess I'm really starting to qn when I realize how hefty the fees are and whether the output is worth it, n the recent incident is not helping.

Pris ... I'm still thinking n trying to get pass 3 stakeholders ... my PV was fun & yummy! Was told it's a gem PV assignment. I would like to continue PV too as it's a good way to know the school but for now, I need to clock as much as possible before my helper goes off later half of this year.

Sarah, why do you still want to PV after H is accepted in the primary school??!! To find out what's she doing in school? hmmm...

Ky, seems like from the past posting you are looking more at the academic side for B. If you think it does not suit B then why not take the plunge. As you mention before, only the mum and dad know best. Are you worried that B can't adapt? Perhaps you could even talk to him and explain to him what are your intentions. If he doesn't seems bothered about it, which I'm sure my girl will have such response, then he will be the one to give you the green light. Of course you need to tell him what it entails when you change school. Actually I kind of agree with Chloe that there's no perfect school or teachers. I didn't bother to change mine. I thought what the heck, it's only one and half more year to go. Maybe also another lazy mom like Sarah :~

Worry mum, is yours a special PCF? $320per month can consider childcare. Why don't you put him in the same PCF with chloe?
KY, that's nice. So are you planning to get an helper or you will go without helper?

As for kindy, there is no perfect school/teacher, for me as long as Kai is happy and the teachers are patience and that Kai learnt as much as he can from there I am okay with it since we still homeschool.

Hi KY,

If B has no strong objections about changing school, & you feel the school is not worthy of the high fees, yeah why not? You can still arrange for playdates with B's friends if he missed them since there are a few who stay in the same estate right?

Hi Pris,
I'm trying to put C in mgs.
