(2003) Calling all 2003 babies

Chloe, I see. It is not easy to get in there as there are lots of methodist churches around and also the old girls are very active in the school. If Kai cannot go to the school which is our choice then we will fall back on ACS then.
Hi Ky,
Leave the school if you are uncomfortable. I see that you are very keen to do so, proably just needed a little push from us (sorry if I'm wrong). You're not paying little...

No support from hb? Probably he sees that B is happy in school and doing well, with academics being taken care off by you. So, why change?

Kids can adapt to new environment easily, its probably we parents.

Oh, finally your helper decides to go? Btw, you have trained her well.
Hi Chloe,
Wow, different themes every week, and a communication book!! I sure miss the booklet.

For H's sch, you have to ask the teachers. Guess becoz of the large number of students. Well, at least the teachers know I'm lurking around, knowing your presence really helps, know what I mean...

Haha, my PV's intent noble? You gals are the ones! I'm not willing to offer free labour to go into a good school when I'm not assured of a confirmed place. If yes, I will jump into the boat too.

Its not easy for working moms to continue PV after enrolment...my neighbour spends almost 2 whole days per week for PV. Her dd is Pri 1 this year.
Hi sorry for not updating on joining the Yakult tour. Thanks Pris for trying to give me priority but since I did not reply in time, I don't mind it's now taken. No worries.

Have been extremely tired as JC and JY have been making me run between them every night till late. One would cry while I attend to the other and I just run around like a mad woman
JC is clearly displaying signs of insecurity while JY now needs to be breastfed to sleep. So I hardly have any stamina left to get up to enjoy my own time after feeding him at 10plus. Tonight is an exception.
ky, am surprised that you are seriously considering changing school for B. I was entertaining the same thought for JK so that he and JC could be in same preferred sch next year but I remember his principal told me that K2 is the worst time to change schs for a kid as they would be so used to the environment and people and K2 being a critical year to prepare for P1, it would be very disruptive for the kid to adjust to changes too. So I guess if you want to change sch it will have to be now or never. Anyway, I'm quite relaxed about what the kids learn at preschool so curriculum does not really bother me. The fees and value of the school matter more to me at this stage and I feel that JK's sch is over-charging with little deliverables in this case. But JK is adamant not to change sch so I will insist. What abt B? Did he like his sch any less this year or are you the only one noticing the difference?

Anyway, let's catch up this Sun, finally!
Sarah, JK's teacher-student ration is 1:25 or 20. I can't quite remember but it seems too high compared to all the other church kindergartens I know of. This is one of the lack of value relative to their charges I mentioned.
Right now I'm bothered by another problem. For convenience, I decided to let JY have his jabs from our family doctor instead of our usual PD who is at Bishan. I had asked for 6-in-1 but somehow, he administered 5-in-1 and charged me for 6-in-1 in his muddle. 2nd time round, I again asked for 6-in-1 and he somehow realised he had made a mistake the first time and reversed the charge for me while reassuring me that JY would still be on track with the requirments. But I came back to look at the immunization schedule given by our PD last time and whichever way I counted, JY seems to be missing a Hep B booster which I'm not sure if it's of any consequence since it is probably too late to add on now. I don't know if I should bring JY to a PD just to get this sorted out.
Hi Chloe,
My company has this FP&A title & we called them Financial Planning & Analyst. Is this your title also ?
Wao, still actively talking abt schools.

Sarah, ignorant me. May i ask, y is there still a need to PV if H is alredy accepted into the Pri school (my understanding is that you are not PVing for her Pri sch now) ? And how come there is PV for kindy? You mean kindy also practice PV for popular ones?

Worry_mum, my boy's PCF also do not inform parents abt impt stuffs like curriculum. We just had PTM in Feb and guess what, the teacher only tell me what they are expecting my boy to be able to do (like able to write his name on worksheets etc).

Chloe, your C in PCF? got communication book? Weekly one page update? so nice. I only get a one page to tell me what they covered (so that is call curriculum), at the end of the term.

Moshi, miss u indeed. I understand how hard it is to be without a lappy.
Hi Sherlyn,
Yes, C is PCF. To me, yes the school seems structured, but then again I'm not sure how much the teacher engage the kids.

The notes details out what the kids will be learning in class, and there's a section to suggest what to do at home, eg keep a word journal, bring the kids outdoor to enjoy nature, etc etc. But I'm guilty of not doing most ha ha.

Hi Alcovelet/Apricot,
My title is most probably not understood by most. Well, let's just say I'm in Accounting/Finance.

Hi Pris,
What's your sch of choice? My dh is old acs boy, but too bad no affilation to mgs.

Hi Serena,
Not mag, mgs lah (Opps, no lah, that's what I tell C) ;)
Some schools have Parents Support Group. So maybe can join that instead? The school that I PV for has a strong PSG, but not another school in my neighbourhood.

Chloe, your PCF sounds good. I get weekly newsletter too, but I pay 3x more and from there. Not every teacher would do what's written. Playdates ... hm, ya, maybe a possibility.

Serena/Sarah, B's against changing of the school. If he's ok with the change, then I wouldn't be thinking so much. Yes, Sarah, I'm looking for a push from the mummies here :>

Pris, my helper's going off.

Meilan, seriously or casually thinking? I don't know anymore. B still likes his school a lot. In fact, the teacher that some kids are afraid of (coz of what she did to them), he says she's very loving to him ... I think he's got such positive thots coz I tend to ask him to think of things positively. It's not easy to co-sleep, ya? Get your hubby to spend more time with JC. When K was coming, I got hubby to get closer to B, and that gives me time to bond with K. On 5-in-1 vs 6-in-1, I think for K, we started with 5-in-1 n ended with 6-in-1, if I'm not wrong, there's only 1 additional booster (like u said) at the end. U can call a few clinics to ask ... they should be able to advise.

Mummies, thanks for hearing me out. I do wonder if I should continue to pay high fees just to keep him happy, and his reason for happiness are his frens. Or should I let him be exposed to other options that he doesn't get ... I'm definitely thinking of the $$ I can use for other purpose if I cut back on his schoolfees. I'll give this more thought and probably like Chloe suggested, if anything's to happen, it'll be in July.

If the fees are cheaper, I think I can bare if the school has certain "faults", coz like always "yi fen qian, yi fen huo" ... now "qian" <> "huo". Last yr, I could walk into the classroom and spend hours talking to the teachers; they were on half-day. This year, both teachers are full-day teachers, so they've got 2 hrs to have lunch, &amp; do lesson planning (supposedly). The teachers now close the door during lunchtime and I find communications is not as open as before. K1's teacher is a relief teacher and after a note to her 2 days ago to make an appt, there's no news of when that appt would be. I could get my doubts cleared almost immediately before. If it sounds like I'm fussy, what I'm paying for 5-day is equivalent to what some of you are paying for 1 month, so naturally I question A LOT. If I should not be questioning the quality of a relief teacher vs that of a long-term, then the relief teacher should not impose that on herself, and it seems she is coz that's what she's telling the parents.

Hi KY,

Your weekly newsletter is probably nicely printed? The one I received are black &amp; white photocopied ha ha.

Yes, you are right. Not every teacher will teach as written. Some more, others less.

B's school is CC, that's why it's more costly. I know of the school under the same umbrella in the East which costs less. Some of my friend's kids are there, lots of good feedback, but way too far for us.
Hi Mommies,

Know where I can get a decent keyboard? I'm looking for one with a stand, but I don't want to pay too much cos not sure how long C can sustain her interest.

Little C broke the "do" key of my current casio one
I've tried to glue it back, but when big C tries to practice, it keeps falling off ha ha.
hi Chloe

The school seems very impressive. I agreed not all can be attained but able to write 1 page on a weekly basis, it's a lot of effort from the teacher.

ky, maybe you can pop in to Chloe's school and if u're happy, you can bring B along the next round. It will be more convincing for him to change school. This was what I had done in the past.
hi Chloe

I bought it at Yamaha for slightly over S$200 without a stand. Right now the keyboard is sitting on a little tikes table. Same here, didn't want to buy anything expensive in case R decides to give up.
Hi ky,

Like it or not, B will definitely have to part with his friends after next year. And if you feel you have a valid reason for making the change earlier, why not? Adaptability is one of kids' strongest qualities. Of course, given a choice, no kid (adult) will want to leave the comfort of their friendship. But as Sarah proposed, playdates can always be an alternative.

okie, I'm playing the devil's advocate... So verdict is - Go register B in another school now!

Oops, hope your hubby is not reading this :p
Hi Jpooh,

No it's not written by the teacher. As I say, it's photocopied ones. And I think they probably use it every year since don't know when ha ha.
hi Chloe, sorry missed out the ones on photocopies.

Right, mine is 64 keys and at times R had to play the last key too. Would suggest to buy more keys since you have the intention to buy now. Rather than have to upgrade at a later time. 2 cents worth.
Hi Ky,
I second Serenade's view. And as what Jpooh suggested, bring B along for 'school shopping'. Who knows B will like what he sees in other schools..

Infact, you're the one who advised me to pull H out from Kinderland if I'm uncomfortable.
And I'm glad that I did. Like B, H likes her Kinderland's friends too, I just brainwashed her about nicer uniform, playground and even a name tag can make her change her mind..
hi Jpooh ... I don't think I'll be able to find transport to Chloe's school. Anyway, I've sort of limited my search within allowable travelling time. I put my name down with a taxi company to see if any taxi driver is willing to commit on a monthly routine, n I got calls requesting for info and then said they'll run the meter for me. Not what I'm looking for.

Serenade, yes, yes ... that's what I'm thinking too. Hubby's not THAT against it but he's not THAT for it either, but he said that I do this every yr, which is not true. I did this every 1.5 yrs *grin*

Chloe, mine keyboard was quite ex but can't remember cos it's more than 15 yrs ago. It sits on a small bookcase. I saw keyboard stands selling at Toys R Us before at $20-$30+. oh, the weekly comm is prepared by the teacher, just a photocopied piece that fits a very small notebook. very nice newsletter? Monthly? black &amp; white photocopy only ... well, u can ask Esther to show u ... I don't think my command of english is that good enough to appreciate what the top person is writing.

Hi Sherlyn,
I 'offer' my service simply becoz I want to see H's teachers handling the kids when out of the classroom, get to know the teachers better (even though I have small talks with them in the mornings) and her classmates too.

As for pri schs, as Ky mentioned, some schools have strong parent support group, and so I believe the former will be more receptive to parents' suggestions. And I think you get to see the school in a different perspective.
Hi Sarah,

I think you've got H a good school ... outings are inclusive in school fees and they are open to parents helping out (free for u?). For B's school, an official came out this yr to request parents not to join in a CNY party this yr, and if parents want to tag along, they've to pay for the trip plus they don't encourage that. And events are planned at last min, like a note that gives 2 to 3 days notice for payments or get stuff ready, and when some parents didn't prepare, they'll use whatever the other parents have prepared ... small matter no doubt but give me the impression that there's no proper planning. *hiaks* I shall zip my mouth on the school matter ... nothing good is coming from my mouth on it nowadays.

Actually I kind of regret not letting my girl attend PCF. Mayb her mandarin will improve? and it's also cheaper. Everything else don't really matters to me.

Alcove, I m looking for Nancy Drew, you know where to get it? I want the 8 year old Nancy Drew not the young adult version. Can't find in Popular or Borders. Maybe they're not printing anymore?
Hi Sarah,

If there is such a thing in the school my boy confirm in, then i shall join too. :) I am not planning any PV cos dh does not believe much in it. So we just try our luck in the school nearest.

Here, boy's PCF wouldnt want me even if i offer them my free service.
Jpooh, I am surprised that the future lessons involved so many keys .. oh no, mine is only a 40 key one. Looks like I need to upgrade in the future.

Chloe, for your information, I bought mine in yamaha too, its $350 with the stand. A promo in yamaha music hub at BEST outlets. But the promo is quite smtime back liao.

studying in PCF may not mean mandarin improve, cos nowadays, all parents speak to their kids in english, so the kids still use english to converse.
Serena, have you tried Kinokuniya? Think I saw it there once. I was a great fan. My husband says he was too, till he realized they were for girls!!
Sherlyn, hey how about I put my girl with you to learn mandarin. Just a few hours then I can also munch munch in your place and also yak yak which is our favourite past time!!?? Speaking of munch, I'm eating the bread I've made last night as I typed. Hope tomorrow it will still be as soft. Have you bot your Bread machine?

Alcovelet, ha..that's funny. I thought boys go for Hardy boys or famous 5. Ok will go look for it in Kino.
Hi Chole,

Not all PCF hv communication book on children assessment. Z's PCF communication book is a reminder to parents for coming holidays and sch fees.
Hi Sherlyn/Jpooh/KY,
Thanks for sharing. I'll reckee around for the best keyboard price.

Hi Moo,
C's PCF is more play focus. No homework, no spelling, lots of field trips. Whenever I ask her what she does in school, she replies "Play"

Hi Serena,
Try Erid Blyton. C started on one &amp; she likes the story.
Hi Chloe,
I lost touch on Enid Blyton. Do they classified the books by levels ? I am quite keen to get one let A read esp now his reading skills has improved. Thanks
Hi Chloe,

Is C's PCF in BT or CCK? I just spoke to a mother who changed her girl from PCF in CCK to a church preschool. There was a change in curriculum towards play late last yr and she's not very comffy. She too told me that she just make the change just like that, and her girl would just adapt to it.

Worry_mum, seems like CCK PCF has several franchise ... noone said anything abt the $200 increase ...

KY, if you are switching school for your B, bring him along to check out the school. That's what I did with Kai in Vancouver and over here and he did the selection. And children, they make friends very fast and adapt fast too.

Chloe, we are aiming for Nan Hua which is like 3-4 bus-stops to our place.

Worry-mum, heard that different PCF has different fee. Before we sign Kai up for his present kindy, we went to a couple of PCF but like I shared with you before, they are not run properly here near my mum's place so we rather pay simply more for his present kindy though have to travel.
Hi Mummies,
Need feedback. A's school is deciding an outing in Mid June. School has not decided the place and I thot to give them some ideas. Ha ha, I can only think of BG (Botanical Gdns). Any other place to let 26children have fun ??

I am not qualify to teach so I cant help much there. You are still welcome to munch munch my bakes as long as they are edible and to yak yak too. As for your girl's mandarin, i can always speak to her in mandarin when i see her
or perhaps we let the kids meet more often ? (but then again, my kids speak broken english to other kids, haha). Anyway, besides teaching, if you think of any idea I can help in getting your girl to learn more mandarin, do let me know how I can help ;-)
Sheryln, you are ever so nice and so sweet...

Apricot, I can only think of the zoo. This one you need Moshi's help. She's always full of ideas.

Chloe, thanks for recomm on the E.Blyton's books. My girl don't really like it. So, I need to stick with what she likes.
Hi Apricot,
Yeah, Enid Blyton has some for early readers. Not sure if it's graded as in level 1-3. The story's quite long, so I start by reading to C, hopefully she will pick it up &amp; read by herself in time to come.

Outing? Hmm....C's favorites are zoo &amp; bird park though her school has not brought her there. So far, her outings were at Underwater World, Mandai Orchid Garden, a primary school (to let the children experience going to a BIG school) &amp; a public toilet (to learn about hygiene), Science Centre, Jacob Ballas, Temples &amp; Churches (to appreciate the different race &amp; religion).

Hi KY,
C's PCF in BT. Worry mom's B is in CCK.
Hi Pris,
No no no, Senja is at BP. Hers in BT. I won't say it is very good actually ha ha.
Anyway I have posted an eg of her curriculum in PLU, take a look if u'r interested.

Serena, Senja near your place right?
Chloe, what's at Senja? C's school brings her to quite a lot of good schools.

Anyway, thanx much for all the encouragement and advice... I see B's beginning to change his mindset abt changing school. I'm not bringing nor telling him abt any change until it's officially told to the school. B likes to share with his classmates anything that's happening at home, and so I don't wish to create havoc in the classroom; already some parents are not happy but most of them are not willing to change.

Apricot, for outings, see wat theme the school has done in Apr or May and try to suggest one that's related. I suggested play which was related to the theme that the school took to it.

Hi Ky,

Probably Pris can share the good things she has heard about the PCF at Senja. I didn't check out that one. I can only say the BT PCF is so so.
Hi Mommies!

Sorry to divert you away from the discussions on preschools:

Which is worse: A child who's vomitting all his diet or a child who's having diarrhea?
