(2003) Calling all 2003 babies

ky, my hubby probably the most unromantic and boring hubby in this group. He don't have any other hobbies rather then watching soccer and playing basketball. So far, I really not sure what are the things dh will appreciate that I can afford. There is one thou, his mother's cooking, which definitely is out of my range. Anyway, better not dwell on these, else i start to resent marrying the wrong man. haha.

dont feel bad.. my hb is worst.. haha.. he only loves computer!
KY, I got those low cholestrol ones. Well, he loves eggs, so we stick to the low cholestrol one for him.

Sherlyn, haahaa...my dh is not every romantic either.
What will you do when someone hit your child for no valid reason? (An adult that has no relation to your child, not even a teacher.)
Hi Sher!

This is how the kids and I recently celebrated my husband's b'day:
1) Baked cupcakes because he luuuuurrrrves the Bill Granger's sour cream frosting!
2) The kids and I threw him a little party - themed game night. We got his colleagues over to play games with him, e.g. Nintendo Wii, table soccer, Scrabble. And we told our guests not to buy any presents - otherwise they would have to sing song/do dance and eat green eggs and ham!

It was alot of fun!

But I don't think my dh will decline an iPhone for a b'day present. Then again, I won't have to wait till it's his b'day to get him any gift.

He was happy... the kids and i had fun organising the party for him! Wonder if I can do it again for him next year when I return to work.
k's mum, so much fun. Think my dh is different, he is not into games. So for me, probably get him sport gears for his running and books on neuroscience which interest him more. Dh prefer a small family affair during his b'day so we brought him to his favourite restaurant in Vancouver and bake a cake for him.

Not sure what we will do this year as we are not sure where we will be during his birthday this year.
Saturdays are quiet days indeed.
k's mom, u reading this?
i was thrown a new laptop yesterday! whoahahaha, goodbye to bored to tears days.
nothing advanced la, a plain acer, but with built in webcam, i can see Sis just by looking at the little black hole now. hahaha

hey, just borrowed a book on pain mgt, it contained some pretty effective stretching exercises to manage neck n shoulder pain, diagrams incl, copying a few pages for sarah, u wanna?

hi pris
even with valid reason, no one should hit a child! even for teachers, days of coporal punishments are almost over.

hey fill me in! what;s the latest here?
moshimoshi, I was so upset yesterday after the incident where the bully told me it was a misunderstanding when I confronted her and said that Kai was telling lies when I witnessed what happened so I kicked up a fuss and make sure the other parents nearby know what has happened and a few witnessed the whole incident and they came to talk to me after that and told me I did the right thing to confront the 50plus - 60 year old grandma who hit Kai just because he pressed the button for the traffic light where her grandson made some noise. And Kai was not in the wrong either as he did not push or hit her grandson, I told her I can discipline my own boy and that she should mind her own business and see what she has done to a innocent child whose elbow is all red. I think if this happened again, I will make a police report.
Hi Pris, how awful for Kai and you! She must be hoping that nobody saw it it or you'd keep quiet and not kick up a stink. Good on you that you did! People like that need to be embarrassed and taught a lesson. I was at Popular bookstore a few weeks ago and saw this young man shout at a 2-ish yo child for walking into him. I mean, for crying out loud, that was the kid's section!! And the parents were rather silly I'm afraid. They saw what happened but immediately scolded the child and asked him to apologize to the guy when he demanded an apology. I mean, the child must have barely started walking not so long ago. Did he even do anything wrong? And it was just a little tap at the man's shin! I think what made me angrier was that the parents didn't even stand up for their own kid!!
Alcovelet, it was a terrible experience for Kai. I was really pissed off, as Kai did not misbehaved unlike at times, he went wild playing with children and most at their age tend to be a bit more wild when they play.

Now I told Kai no more walking on his own to press any more button for traffic light. I think there will be more of such unreasonable people around that we have to protect our children.

Wow, what an "Gracious" man, a two year old is too young to understand and usually I more worried that the young child will hurt himself knocking into me. Well, that's the type of world we are in.
Pris, poor Kai. Don't worry. Kids are resilient. I'm sure he'll bounce right back. But we all have to be on the lookout for these loonies!
Hi Pris, its an negative impact on Kai. Its not right to hit any other child.

Hi Alcovelet.. i will be equally pissed off wif the "gracious" man. pity 2yr old toddler, just started off walking.. If i am the parent, i will tick off this man's attitude. :p
hi pris
boy, real unreasonable granny who thinks she has reign over anyone tinier than her?
wondering what the boy's parents are like, and if they know abt the incident.
hi serenade,

can't seem to find any other version other than ring bound version. and it's offered by another party through amazon...

can you believe it... it's snowing now in Frankfurt!!!
This is the highest peak nearest to the city, about 30 min drive away. http://www.taunus.info/en/news/webcam/

Looks like sledding is in again!
Hi Ky,
Sorry I didn't reply earlier. Specifically for phonics, we started with 5 min lessons, and then slowly worked our way to 20-25 min lessons every day (except weekends). I used the Ordinary Parent's Guide to Teaching Phonics but as I mentioned, I didn't finish because he started reading anyway. The good news, I think, is that most kids will get the gist of the phonics lessons by mid-way to three quarter-way through, so it gets easier (whew!). Probably the most basic thing to do is to make sure your child really knows his/her letter sounds, then proceeding is easy. Sometime early in the lessons, get him to read out loud to you, starting from 1 sentence and working up to perhaps half a page towards the end.

I realize I don't know a lot about phonics as I read the discussion, lIke how many "A" sounds there are! But it may not matter, and in my very limited experience, it may be less confusing. Instead of focusing on, say, how many "A" sounds there are, I stick to the general "a" sounds (long a, short a). Everything is handled much more easily at the word level, kind of like an exception (or a family of exceptions, like the "al" family is usually pronounced "ol". Spelling is very helpful for this. This is because spelling allows us to look at one word at a time. and to realize how "a" is pronounced really depends on what word it is used in. If we stressed on, say, the 5 sounds of "a", the child may have difficulty fitting in these 5 sounds for every "a" he sees.

Last words - keep reading to your child, and finally, it isn't phonics that's the end game. It's comprehension and love of content. Good luck!!
Hi girls,

Sorry, mia for the weekend. Welcome back moshi, new laptop, wow :).

thanks to K's mom for the idea. I would love such a party, but my man is really not the party animal. He would shun all official gatherings if he can so you can imagine how he would like to see his colleagues at home. Not that he dislike his colleagues, but he really rather be alone at home, with his TV or his PC (perhaps not even his kids since he walked out one day after the kids make so much noise at home)

oh worry mum, we both have to "xiang1 yi1 wei2 ming4" in so many areas.

Pris, cant imagine you met someone so unreasonable. So brave of you to stand up to what is right, cos I will probably be the one say sorry and go off cos most of the times, the more i talk (or explain) the more I will made the matter worst (probably got to do with my speaking capability?) so i will choose to "leave the scene in peace" but I hope I will explain to my child that he is not in the wrong and just that mummy do not want to talk to unreasonable people.

And that poor little toddler. How can that man bear to kick up a fuss after looking at the cute little face.
Hi alcovelet/adeline
changed ur nick? got me confused for a while ;)

hi sherlyn
dont think i want to see what sweet things the hub did, i think i'll stick to appreciating mine for who he is, hahaha a nicer way of saying darn! ???

how are ur kids doing?

hi worrymom
drop a line, haven't heard from u!

are u gals already planning activities for the june hols? I am!
here's the scoop on one great event:

Children's season at the national museum, storytelling, performances, games and more!


i hope to visit on 26 or 27 may.

lemme knw if the revamped bird park is any gd, it's on my to-visit list too.

hi pris
yakult tour is on the 30th right?
hi moshi2!

Thanks for thinking of me... you hold on to those pages. I will copy them off you when I'm back.

You lucky gal, new lap top. I want one too... It's like moving to a new "home", right? ;)

Ache is torturing me...
(Btw, Serena, disc protrusion and slipped disc aren't quite the same. Think yours was a worse hit. My doc is still recommending non invasive treatments for now.)
Staying off computer is tough... sigh!

Hee... get Mel to write first and then draw the line?!! :eek:) That way she'll never go under!

Hi Sher!
Well, maybe not party for your dh's case... just something he likes to do... e.g. play b-ball with him?

Hi mommies,

just a poll here: How many daddies here read to their children? If so, how often?
Not comparing... am just wondering if reading's been tasked to mommies only, e.g. breastfeeding, there's no escape for a mom???!!!
moshi, yes, it is on 30 May.

Did not plan anything for June yet just that Kai will be running the kidsrun, as we might be relocating again in June so no plan for the time being till we know for sure where we will be.

K's mum, dh reads bedtime story to Kai.

Sher, it is very sweet of her dh to do that, but each of us are different so the way to express love is also different. Dh used to help me with all the household chores that I hate doing.
Hi K's mom,

Yours is disc protrusion or slipped disc?

Thought to share with you on my sis experience. She has slipped disc after delivering 1st child. She managed to walk better after numerous acupuncture. And thereafter, on-off ache and walked like old woman. We noticed that once her body gets heaty, she will have aching pain again. And she will get better once her body is cooled down.
Sherlyn, I would have apologize if Kai was in the wrong but this was kind of like child abuse when Kai was hit for doing nothing wrong and even if Kai did something wrong, as a parent, I can spank him myself and I do not need an outsider to hit it. I think it is only right and our duty to protect our young ones.

moshi, I think at their age, they tend to write under the line. Kai loves to write super big.
Hi Sherlyn,

She has a thoughtful and appreciative DH. To be honest, we do not have any dates since the birth of Z. It'll be nice to have a surprise from DH. We usually have a nice meal with Z's company once to twice a month nowadays.

Hi Pris, DH will help out household chores only when I'm sick or out of town.

Hi K's mom, DH does not read to Z. He will brush him off which is pissing me off.
Hi Sherlyn,
After reading the blog, I felt so "loved" for the lady. But chek, not me mah. My DH hardly plan surprises for me and if he does, I will be equally shocked and surprised. Crazy me, I know. But natual for me to think did he stray...ha ha...he won't la as he always swear he won't...
I also feel cannot let DH read this blog else he copycat them then no more surprise.

Hi K'mom, only me read to A. He will only like me read to him. DH did not try cos he often think that he is a poor reader to A.
K's mom, daddies can help to feed kid milk too, or cook for them, but they are usually tasked to bring them swimming, cycling. For mine, he'll read if I ask him to. actually he's getting kinda lay-back with the maid... but i think he'll buck up when our maid is gone.

sherlyn ... my hubby's bday's today. i wanted to get a super nice cake listed in the sunday papers but alas, don't think I'll spend 2 hrs going downtown just to get it. and since it's raining cats n dogs, i'm not motivated to go and get a cake. but we are preparing a little item for the daddy. aiya, the guy is a romantic lah ... works for those who are and if urs is not, it'll backfire. actually mine is, so that means I'm in big trouble?!?!?

moshi, show her how's it's done? i find the middle line helps. Ben used to write floating letters, till he discovered the middle line. some of the paid programmes within the museum might be soldout ... we are going there, think on 1 May, n if it's good, will re-visit.

Hi Moshi,

I like the way you think .. maybe i shd think that way too ..

Thanks for asking abt my kids, no much change thou accept girl getting bigger, boy getting thinner.

Worrymum usually silent reader.

Haven had plans on June yet, but if you are cfm on the musuem, mayb u post and ask then? I can only plan when date is nearer.

My boy writes free style, and my dh thinks of it as artistic hahaha. But I think the 3 line approach is not a bad idea. One of my friend suggests that i let JA write on foolscape paper using 3 lines.
hello K's mom,

B-ball? don't think he dare to play anymore, at least not for the moment now where he just laments on how slow his hand is getting back on track.

dh reading to kids? once in a blue moon now cos of his injury and his job, used to be more when he is not working then. He only watches the big box (TV) and the small box (his laptop) and the smallest box (his HP) when he comes home from work.
Sigh Pris,

I think it has been a long time since dh mops the floor and do the laundry and ironing. He only occasionally helps out in washing dishes, folding clothes. He doesnt even do worksheets (imagine my kids time on worksheet is already rare) with the kdis even if he is free.

Agree totally with what you said. I certainly would like to have the courage like you. What I mean is, i m the sort that runs away rather then face up to the problem. So I just probably apologise even if not my fault and stay clear of the offender's path hehe.
Hi Apricot,

I am sure your dh is just as romantic , he no need to copy lah.. he give me those "full of ideas" feel leh. ;-)
hello ky,

I also wouldnt go down anywhere (besides clementi central) to get him a cake, cos he won't appreciate one (since he dun celebrate bdays)

daddies tasked to swimming? mine don't go near pools, so i have been having problem bringing kids to the pool. *sigh*

hehe, so your dh is romantic sort .. lucky you leh .. you not in trouble lah, to me man are suppose to be more romantic then the woman ... anyway the way i see you both converse in gym that day already make me feel "how nice if my dh would to speak to me this way" .. I remembered your dh once asked me if the guy that went to gym with me is my hubby. I am still curious why he asked .. so maybe we both don't look and act like husband and wife.

I have always complained to friends last time that while travelling on MRTs, we both are just like any other strangers, just standing closer.
Sherlyn, try strike up conversation with your dh. It is important for Hubby & Wife to maintain a healthy channel of communication.
Moshi2, sherlyn,
Yeah, Sherlyn.. alamak.. u know me so well off now! Yes, am a silent reader.. working under stressed now, just pop in here to breath

My HB and yours can really shake hand to become good friends.. Those incident, description "fit" him so well.

Wow! New Laptop.. Yeah!!
hi moo
ok! museum together! not intending for any paid programmes though, just the storytelling and whatever that comes with the admission ticket. $10 for adults, FOC for our kids.
There's a cafe in the museum, convenient enough for a light lunch.

sherlyn, hope to see u during the hols, it's been a while since the last time.

museum on 26 May Mon?

Will post a reminder nearer the date to gather more.

hi k's mom
there's some pain mangagement clinics here, hope to find one good fremale therapist. anyone heard of slyvia ho from core concepts? saw her ad on papers.

dad read to kid? he used to when she was younger, chinese bks, cos' he was in charge of that, then i discovered that my chinese is good enough for her level and i have better diction so u can guess who does all the reading now.

hi worrymom
hope to see u post more often!

hi pris
relocating in june? where to this round? envy ur globetrotting lifestyle!

gals, would u pay for the flyer? abt $30 per pax.
day view or night view? a reporter did a test and concluded the day one gives better value for money, can see more and far.
Hi Moshi,
Long time no see!
Pay for flyer? Hmmm yes, but maybe just once :p
The mozart exhibition at the museum looks interesting.

Hi Worrymom,
Did B enjoy the music trial class? You sign up?

Hi K's mom,
Oh yes, dh does read to the gals (got to share the "chores" right?!). Anyway, it's getting difficult to read to both together, so usually we take one each. I tell big C that Daddy is better at reading those hard-to-read words, like different types of dinosaurs & those rarely heard of countries' names (recently she's into identifying countries' flags), so I'm spared ha ha!
Hi Sherlyn,
Huh ? My DH full of ideas?..no le, he is more "doting" to his fishes & a very patient father. A filial son also and that's why he hardly plan or think of ideas for couple time for mummy. He wanted to let mil rest more everyday we reach home and take over take care 3 kiddos. Cannot complain much. 我要懂得知足..
Hi Chloe,
Abt identifying countries' flag, I adopted Sarah's idea playing those cheap cheap erasers imprinted with countries flag. It's quite fun. Most countries are covered.. not all countries though.

Hi moshi,
$30 is bit X, I find. Me probia of heights so flyer is out for me. Everytime in genting, I will close my eyes when we travel downhill using the 纜車.
