(2003) Calling all 2003 babies

Hi Pris!

Just a short note...

I remember my UET tutor in NIE used to teach us: the difference between short vowel a and e is to drop your jaw while saying "a" and say it with a smile for "e".

Try that out: e.g. Allan and Ellen.

In this respect, I think the Americans stress "a" and "e" pretty well. ;)

K's mum, that's what I told Kai haahaa. Short vowel "a" is open mouth and say "a" and the short vowel "e" is open mouth in a smile and say "e". I look through my UET books.
I need help.
Has anyone tried play "LOTTO" card game using Phonics words ? Hope you can describe to me the details to make the card game. Thanks a million !!!!
Apricot, we have only played the memory game using cards and Kai will have to read out the words using the word blending.
Hi loacker

You are welcome to join. We are currently staying at my mum's place at JW too.Which part of JW are you staying?
Hi moo .. not much crowd ah .. and here also no good response hehe .. anyway i know 2 friends signing up... and I am seriously considering it .. but the starting time is indeed very early and the registration fee is pretty costly to me.
hi all,

I hv my kids single beds, arrange L shape against the wall, so that the floor space is maximise. They like to flip and roll around when they sleep and at times knock their heads on the wall. Shd I be concern?
Loacker, welcome!

Hi Serena,
Was just reading the previous posts. Hey, you are the hardworking mom here! Bel is learning and using words like ornithophobia, hideous. Can imagine the amount of effort you put in to groom her. Well done!
Wow, looks like we have a lot of language teachers here.

Serena, Bel is so clever learning words like ornithophobia. You have done so well consider you are a FTWM.

Sherlyn, I agreed with Serenade, place some pillows and bolsters against the wall.
Hi Loacker,

Hey Sherlyn,
The run seems interesting! You should go. Too bad I may not be around else will definitely join you.
Hi Sarah,

Ya run sounds interesting .. I am quite keen, but the $30 (2 kids leh) to be spent there .........

You want to study too ? ;-)
Serenade and Pris .. pillows and bolsters might not help much, cos the funny thing is, they don't roll towards the wall, they sometimes sit up while sleeping then look for their pillow or bolster then plunge down on them and thus at times hit the wall this way .. haha maybe I shd pad up the walls. Any cushion wall tiles? ;-)
Hi Serenade!

Sorry... missed you couple of times yesterday on MSN.

It was B online at first and then we conveniently left the computer on while catching Heroes on DVD.

Will try and catch you online again!
Hi K's mom,
Hmmm, B online?? What does he do with computer?

I'm trying to keep C away from it, gets addictive :p

Hi Sarah,
Going for holiday again????
Hi Pris,
I just checked with dh, unfortunately he's got exams that day. So looks like I have to give it a miss
I can't run with Big C & carry Little C at the same time.
Chloe, there is always another time. I remember running the Singapore Johore Causeway run when Kai was 3 months old, put him in the stroller and also sling him at other times and ran.
Hi Pris,

You must be quite athletic

I tried slinging little C for the Terry Fox run, when she was just a few months old. But it rained & we never complete it.
Hi Chloe

Not anymore, need to workout more now haahaa. Last year, in Vancouver, we signed up for Terry Fox run, like what happened to you, we also could not run.
Hi Priscilla,
Me staying with my PIL at JW st 91.

Anyone planning for voluntary work?
Me just collected the form, but have yet to submit.
Hi Pris and Chloe,

dh has given the green light and I am gog to participate in the run accept i hv not register. Will go chk out the registration details soon. Wondering if the adults accompanying must pay.

Dh is saying he will not run with the hand injury, so i wonder if i am able to take 2 kids together (whether the organisation allows).

Chloe, $15 goodies good? Not too sure abt that leh. Could be a whole load of discount vouchers that I do not need.
Hi Chloe!

B was @ starfall.com, having fun clicking on the reading exercises. Thanks Alcovelet for the website! Great to have him sit in front there while I cook dinner.

Yep, computer time is addictive. Hate it when we have to "fight" over who's first at the computer!

Am thinking of getting a new laptop... Any recommendation? Am eyeing the MacBook Pro!

Am gonna take a break from the forum and blogging for a couple of days. My cleaning lady's gone for two weeks and my whole household comes crumbling!!! Gotta deal with my worst enemy: laundry!!!

Alcovelet: If you come across cutie Math sites, please beep me! Thanks!
Hi Sherlyn,
Think they give a tee-shirt at least. Anyway, I think it's a good & healthy activity for the kids.

Hi K's mom,
Ohhhh, MacBook Pro's so cool. yeah, go get it!
Sherlyn, yes, they will give a T-shirt and a good bag with some sample and vouchers I supposed. Adults do not need to pay but have to run together with the children.

K's mom, macbook pro looks good but I am not a macbook person, I get lost in there even though dh is using macbook and I am refused to change from a normal notebook to a macbook.
Hi Priscilla,

I have stuck in registering the run race for A.
What shirt size to chose ? What size did you chose for Kai ?
Hi K's mom, I love the Mac!! Almost no viruses too as, apparently, most hackers prefer to attack that other billionaire :)

Math progs - best, best reviews are for this one! We don't use them though because I'm keeping him away from the computer for awhile (abt time to rethink actually :)) http://www.rainforestmaths.com/ . Have fun!!

BTW, i tried to post on your blog but the code recognition foils me each time. Urrghh!
Hi Alcovelet, you can't receive PM. Please check out PLU, this one is for you.

In the meantime, I'm going off. Sayonara!!
Hi Apricot, I am getting him size s or m but will need to measure him first.

Alcovelet, I can't blog using macbook. A couple of my friends also end up give up their blog when they could do so using macbook to blog.
Thanks Pris

Hi Alcovelet, wonder if you come across EQ ? I need to find out ideas and activities to teach children how to resolve conflicts in creative ways.
Hi Pris, am blogging using a Mac, Basically on the internet, no one knows if you're on a Mac or a PC because of the open sourcecode of the www. Your browser will take care of that. I love my Mac!!

Hi Serena, I had a look, but thought I would post my comment here as well.
I'm sorry, but why is this horrid? It's very interesting really. It's great to encourage children to draw so they can have an outlet to express themselves, and, she's doing that! Perhaps you're talking about artistic merit - but I can make out a person and at least a bird! Drawing co-ordination can always come later, but realistically, I don't see that many Renoirs running around. Frankly, I just love to look at kid's drawings - it allows you to peer at the world through a child's eyes (we forget who it's like to be young and innocent!), and it allows you to see how complex their minds can be. That's a privilege!
Hi Alcovelet, I have tried using dh's macbook but find that I could not blog on msnspace blog. A couple of my friends from msnspace blog had to switch to blogspot after that. Thik msnspace blog is not macbook friendly.

Apricot, we are signing up tonight online and will probably measure his T-shirt size. Should be small or medium.
Hey Pris, aha! msn is firmly in the intel/pc camp. I use blogger from google- don't know what the drawbacks are yet, but they don't care if it's a PC or Mac, they're just interested in a pipe into the www!
Hi Apricot, I watched this video (got the name from Lilian!) on a flight once, called the House of Tiny Tearaways. I tried to look for it on youtube but couldn't find it. It's a program where a child psychologist watches the family through hidden cameras and analyzes the situation, and then she tells the mother what to do via microphone. It was great! I learnt a lot and realized I wasn't alone in dealing with tantrums! Supernanny Jo Frost on youtube is rather similar - there are a few to choose from. There are others, but these programmes are the best. Good luck!
Hi ladies,

dh came back one day telling me the wife of his ex colleague gave him a Iphone for V day. Though his comment may not have meant anything, but it prompts me to think, how the sahms in this forum buy gifts for hubbies? No income how to buy anything?
Pris and Apricot,

I read a post of a blog somewhere that XS is already pretty big. Her son is like my boy's size.

ok off i go to bake cookies.
Hi Loacker!

Nice to meet you!
My parents stay in JW too. Their flat is in St 64, and my bro stays near the stadium and pool.

Maybe our kids can play together next time.

Hi Alcovelet!
Thanks for the website recommendation. Heee... my cleaning lady is coming back today! Yippee!!! Am still struggling with the laundry, sigh!

HI Sher!
Reading yr blog reminds me of a blog I read somewhere... sometime ago. A group of bakers get together to challenge each other to bake one recipe and then they blog about the outcome and on how to improve the recipe. SOunds like fun right? Yeah... and all the women always have a cake for tea!
Hi Sherlyn, there are non-monetary items that you can give your hubby.. u can bake right? Or writing cards ... I don't know what's a lphone. suaku right

Hi Loacker, welcome. I'm doing PV work currently. Actually, I really enjoy doing the work and interacting with the kids ... we might do more just to get to know the school better ... after this weekend is over, we're almost done...

Pris, can I ask what type of heavy breakfast do you give Kai before he goes off to school?

Hi K's mom,

Thanks for dropping by my blog. Ya I think i read somewhere too .. they do hv baking challenges but not sure if they share on how to improve recipes. There are simply too many things to read on internet *hiaz* if only i can sit before the laptop all day long.

You coming back rite? Maybe then we start baking challenge too lor ha ha ha ha, just joking.

I also suaku lah .. dh explain to me Iphone is a phone by apple, like Ipod, I-whatever.

Yes, there are non-monetary items, but i m thinking how if the sahm want to give monetary ones ..anyway its just for asking, cos my dh is not the type that celebrate anything or wants any gifts. Since the last time he scolded me for buying him a card for his bday (i m still working then!), i hv not given him anything. That card is still stored somewhere out there and I guess he will not get to see it.
Sherlyn, my dh is not into gadgets and since he has his macbook, ipod and external disks already, there is nothing to add on for the time being. If he do is to upgrade to a latest macbook. He is not into hphone so he is happy to go with none.

Wow, so much baking and challenge, think I am not into challenge anymore, I want a more laid back life, being under the weather.

KY, Kai has on alternate day, bread, 2 half-boiled eggs and milk or milk and cereals at 9.30am. It is rather heavy for him since he will still have lunch in school about 12-12.30pm and then again snacks with cake/waffle/bun at 3.15pm with milk.
Loacker, I have met the P. So I am waiting to start my PV. Probably, will call up the school again to find out when the HOD is ready to meet me to start my PV.

Hi Serena/Alcovelet/Serenade

I was re-reading the entries on teaching how to read and phonics ... wow. I'm not exactly clear on how to do it progressively, so I guess I'll not dwell too much into it. B, I'll say, is able to read simple books. He likes to interpret on his own when he's asked to read a sentence, and not sounding it out; I'm now doing a simple method to teach him to listen to sounds first.

Hi Sherlyn
Well, I bought hubby some gummy sugar strips that's meant for him ... coz he likes those, and I told B specifically it's meant for daddy ... that's monetary item to me *grin* ... I think anything that's simple can be fun and appreciated too... even FTWM have to think out of the box to be creatively appreciated, not just SAHM. anyway, there must be something that your hubby will appreciate, just have to think abt it.

Hi Pris,

Is 2 half-boiled eggs at a go too much for a kid? The max that we give at a go is 1 hard-boiled.

Just wondering what you mummies would consider being "Learn thru Play" in a preschool, esp at kindergarten level? How is that different from a preschool which is academic focus? The more I think about the matter, the more I do feel that the gap between both is not that great ... a "Learn thru Play" preschool will have to cover certain areas "academically" and academical focus can't just drill the kids on worksheet and have to incorporate certain level of fun into their teachings (or the kid would be just bored). right?

Hi Loacker
I stay in CCK and it's a school within CCK. We are the aunties that's cleaned up during the baking class :> ... anyone needs a simple pizza receipe to do with their kids? I can narrate it off immediately. It's really fun coz I get to interact with the kids more (like they even call me teacher and I get to show them how to knead the dough) and not like those who just follow around during excursions. The excursions are easier though it might be hot. I'm asking my hubby to go and do a camp coz I think it's something that we can't do that easily at this age (I would like to do but just that I need to bf at night *sob*) ... And I see mothers who come with different agendas; some are just here to clock the hours but some are really in here to help (to make sure the kids produce something edible and make sure the stuff are cleaned). A few of the 2003 have reached or reaching our halfway mark already so it's getting quite enjoyable for the few of us.

