(2003) Calling all 2003 babies

Serena, Dr Ang at Eye Centre. A senior consultant. My mum's eye specialist.

When you going on board your yacht again? Dh and I used to sail during our younger day. Maybe we can join you all if the yacht can take us.

Adeline, now weather unpredictable. When weather is sunny, we can do some activities in BG, shading barks of trees, looking at woodly and non woodly plants.

We love BG too, usually go there on Sat about 5-6pm whenever dh is free.

Hi ladies!
Don't forget to say hi to Lilian!

Hi Adeline!
Am wondering how long I would go part-time....
Gee... what were you doing before you threw in the letter?

Hi Serena!
Yep, am keeping my fingers crossed. But returning to Sg for now is certain.
Throw a party on the yacht and don't forget to invite us. I think we'd all love a boatride!
Bel is a lucky gal. I'm sure she must enjoy being out at sea with mom and dad.

Hi Sarah and moshi!
Haven't seen you ladies for a long time.
Hope your neck and shoulders aren't giving you too much trouble.

Hi Jo!
You must be working really hard now...
Saw your caption on MSN the other day about your boss in a bad mood.
How are you coping? Are the boys fine too?
Hi K's mom, I was a fund manager. Lot's of fun, but no time for life. Would you believe, for much of my career I never left the house when it was bright and never came back till it was dark. And then I'd fly off once a month for a week at a time, sometimes more. Having my son made me realize that there's a lot more to life than work. I LURVE the freedom now!!

Hi Pris, absolutely. We're there at the BG most days pre-dinner. Picnics are fabulous there. Yes let's catch up.
Thks Pris for the recom, I have brought belle to Total Eyecare. It was a terrible experience. She wouldn't co-operate. She don't want eye drop and refuse to step in the check up room. In the end, Doctor only manage to check the left eye. Right eye? come back 6months later, that's what I was told.

K's mom, throw a party on the boat? Hmm.. I don't mind if my hubby is willing to. Seriously, our boat is not that big. It comes with a really tiny toilet and kitchenette and 2 cabins. I think a cooking stove instead of kitchenette would be more appropriate. But we put in the a microwave and a small fridge. Everything is tiny, tiny. So, don't think a party would be possible. It's quite cramp. If you gals don't mind to visit our boat then I will ask my hubby. As for sailing, he just passed so hang in there!!
getting lost reading those numerous posts. Has been a long time since forum is so active.

KY : I think i m interested. However, now already 6 kids. Can the teacher's flat take more students? btw, i forgot how much is the fee for the 2 weekend there. 10am to wat time ah?

Serena, hope Bel's eyes not much of a problem. The other time, the national eye centre came knocking our door and give us free eye checks for the kids. We went and they are also suppose to hv those eye drops. Its a torturing process, so i can understand what u went through. We left half way thru the checks.

K's mom, when did u say u are coming bak ?
Hi Adeline,
We'll be delighted to drop by if B goes to either schools. But looks like it's not a possibilty now. I have taken St James off the list and all morning slots have been taken up in Maris Stella. Am hoping to place him for the morning session only.

Anyhow, I still hope to continue with the Friday routine even if B goes to school. Well, unless there are other changes on your side

Hi K's mom,
Will your kids be in the morning or afternoon session next year? The admin told me that they have only vacancies for the afternoon session.

Did you mention about whining some time ago? You can bet on C to whine too! If you ever find a "cure", please please share!

How about inviting the other boy to sleepover instead?
Hi Serenade,
No no, no change to plans. Our schedule is probably best described as flexi-firm since we're committed to hs'g for the time being and can work around events. :). At least that's the plan!!
Hi All,

This is Adeline. Am organizing my mail addresses and would like all forum-type etc activities to be under this name.

Serenade, there is also St Ann or St Claire kindergarten near Bukit Batok, that you may consider. Also there is Faith Kindergarten Near Commonwealth MRT and another at True P-B church near Queenstown MRT.
Hi Pris, Sherlyn

1st session would definitely be at Jln Bahar (NTU area) coz we are visiting the Dragon Kiln. For the 2nd session, it'll be either at Yishun where the workshop is or Punggol where we usually have our playgroup. The dates are more or less finalized unless there's a swop of session btw the mothers, in which case session#1 might be 30 Mar. The place should be big enough to accommodate all of us. For session#2, we'll probably only decide when the group next meet. The last time we met, B was sick and I wasn't able to get feedback on the location. Let me know if keen, ya?

I've posted details in the blog, but somehow can't post the photos. If want, take a look at my blog.

St Claire's closing down towards end of this year.

Serenade, what happened to Arise? How abt Gracefields?

Hi Serena, what make you bring B to an eye-doctor? A fren's girl keeps blinking her eyes. She too refuses eye-drops. Shall I link u 2 up?

Alcove, Pris, Ky, thks for asking about bel's eyes. I think it is not serious but because she protests, we have no choice but to postponed the checkup. Will be able to know more after review. I'm just being a bit kiasu!!
Hi Serena, you should give yourself a pat on the back for being a caring mummy! I keep hearing of kids who can't read because they they can't focus well etc. In the US, there is even something called vision therapy which is beyond poor eyesight but concerns weak muscles that don't allow for focusing. My friend's son (husband is a doctor) is wearing glasses from four - they were alerted because he kept blinking to "try and see clearly".
Hi Serenade!

We registered them for the morning session starting next year.
We were only offered afternoon session for K at St James next year, while B could get into the morning slot. But we thought it was crazy to send two kids at two different slots. Clearly Maris Stella was a better choice. Besides, after reading about the fees here, I think we'll be getting quite a neat deal!

You might want to consider the afternoon slot at Maris Stella for now. If your kids aren't early risers, starting at about noon is pretty good. School doesn't end late anyway, close to 3pm, right?

Whining? Yep, think I must have mentioned it. There's really nothing else she's good at for now! A "cure"? I certainly would be glad
to send her to a "healer"! It isn't a myth that girls whine more, is it?

Hi Serena!
No need to have much food lah... but that with the toilet is quite true.
Missed sending B for his 4-year-old-assessment. The polyclinic refused to do it when he was one month shy of his 4th b'day. Yeah... an eye test is rightfully due at this age.

Hi alcovelet!
Yeah... there's so much more life outside a job. Just spent my whole morning watching Randy Pausch on youtube. Watched it before? His last lecture in Carnegie Mellon U on "How to Really Achieve your Childhood Dreams".
Hey K's mom,
Thanks for asking.
Neck-shoulder ache taking a rest, lower back seeking attention. Haha...

Catching CSI Season 8 on tv, these days I just cant sit infront of computer for too long..prob due to poor posture, tend to lean on my left.

How's your back pain? Did you mention about bones degenerating? Abit too soon, isnt' it?
Hi Alcovelet,

Hi Serena,
Belle complains of poor vision? I thot of seeking opthamologist's advice for H too. She had a eye test with my optician, and cant read out the numbers. I have no idea if it is really so or simply she wasnt cooperative then. Yeah, I had second thoughts when I heard about the eye drop. Some adults cant even take it, not to mention kids.
KY, I will take a look at your blog. 30 Mar might be out for us as Kai will be going to a funfair on 29 Mar and then it is a Sunday right?
Hi Sarah, tks for the welcome :).

Hi Serena and all, crikey! Are you all saying it's the same eye drop that is used for adults before the eye exam? Then yikes. I can attest to it - it's very stinging. Serena, no wonder your daughter wouldn't cooperate! I wouldn't have too if I wasn't on the chair already and was committed to pay!!!
Hi K's mom, i can confirm that whining is not a) confined to girls at b) ages less than 3yo. I have one at home. At that point, my blood comes to a sudden boil up to my temples and my "anti-whining mechanism" kicks in ...

Will look up Randy Pausch. Sounds cool.
Hi Alcovelet!

Save you the trouble:

Meant to put up the link, but I forgot.
Randy Pausch is dying from pancreatic cancer. But he decided since he "can't change the cards (he's) dealt, (he will change) how he play the hand". His attitude towards life is so positive that it puts any healthy soul to shame.

Btw, what does your "anti-whining mechanism" include? Hollering? Screaming of sort?

Hi Sarah!
The orthopedist did try to make sense regarding the MRI report, i.e. explained in layman terms. He said I have a disc protrusion at c5/6 area, thus my neck movement is restrictive. The muscles around the neck and shoulders are always tensed up due to this problem.

So I got a prescription of massage and acupuncture from him at the moment.

CSI 8 is on now? Well, I'm waiting for the shows to restart after the writers' strike. New episodes akan datang!!! Yay!

Take care of yourself!
HI K's mom, i have this sharp, oh so nasty look in the eye and I speak in a staccato fashion. Like, "Stop that now!". In the the rhythm of a sharp Rat-tat-tat! Works. For like 5 seconds.
Still on kindergarten - can those with kids in church kindergartens share what is the teacher-student ratio? JK's kindy is about 1:20, a big jump from 2:18 in nursery last year. I found another kindergarten that is 2:25 for K1. And the teachers are all diploma-trained, yet fees are actually slightly cheaper than JK's.

K's mom, I have a lot of reservations about depriving JC the chance to go to the same sch as JK but the more I think about it, the more I feel I have to make the hard decision, also in consideration for the future benefit of JY.
Hi Meilan, at St James, it was 2:16 for nursery in his class. My understanding is that the ratio is higher (more students) in K as the fees are lower.

Hi Pris, am interested in taking up that spot for the Yakult factory. Is it still available?
Ah!! Sarah, you're back. Moshi still having problem with her laptop?? You should bring H to the doc. Blur vision usually gets worse if left untreated.

K's mom, disc protu. isn't that call slip disc? Sound like the same problem as mine but in different part of our back. It's all those lifting that might have cause it. Remember when we had dinner the last time? I told you to change hands when your're carrying K. Why I'm so concerned? Because I've been thru it and I don't like my friends to go thru it!! It's a long term problem, even with surgery it does not mean a 100% recovery!! Anyway, don't want to sound like a nag.

Alcovet, crikey all right!! it's the same kind of eye drop. Does it sting? I'm not too sure. I got a little worried when I see Lilian's sons with those thick specs at such a young age. I can also feel her concern when she couldn't get her sons to rest their eyes. Good eye care habits start from young, that's the only way to fight Myopia!

On second thought, the Yakult factory is rather far for me. If possible, I would like to give up mine on the Yakult trip as well.
Hi Priscilla,
I think you missed out me. It's ok you miss me out. What happen now is my brother-in-law & sil are coming back from states in the last week of May and we want to be around to catch up with them
Hope you can find replacement for mine. Thanks!
Serena, yes, it's very stinging and of course it feels like it lasts forever when its your eyes!! After that, everything is glaring and hazy because the effect of the eye drops is to maintain dilation of the pupil so they can have a look at the back of the retina.

I am new here. Am keen in the Yakult Factory trip for my kids. May I have more details abt the trip pls?

My older one 2003 end Jul girl and younger child, dec 2005 boy.
Hi memoryscrap,

Welcome! Hope to see you more often here!

The Yakult Factory trip is scheduled as follows:

Date : 30 May (Fri)
Time : 10.00am to 11.30am
Meeting Venue : Yakult Factory

Please let me know if you are interested.
Hi K's mom, the Randy Pausch video is such a reminder to stay grounded and to live life fully. This man is an inspiration. Did you read Chasing Daylight? It was so lucid and removed, yet so painful because it was such a personal view of death. Possibly that's why we're so enamoured of our children.
Hi Serena,
I hope you get to chu1 hai3?
Collect what "chow"? You forgot I've moved, so now we don't pass by BP anymore.

Hi Mommies,
It rained cats & dogs most of the time while we were at sentosa last week

Luckily, we still managed to enjoy a bit of the pool & beach. The girls also enjoyed watching The Songs of the Sea.

Hi K's mom,
A gun??? Ha ha, we are in SG you know!
Hi K's mom,
Btw, that boy's dad looks really Ah Beng. We were a little worried actually :p

Hi Alcovelet,
I'm sure you enjoy the different pace of lifestyle now
How long do you intend to be SAHM?
Hi Jpooh, Gracefields near 10-mile is $750/term.

Meilan, I'm doing my preschools research *again*. Seems like church preschool ratio can be 1:20 to 1:24. I see 5-yr olds ok with such a ratio although 3 yrs ago, I would not think that way. I do not think #2 need to go thru' the same footstep as #1; I'm quite definite that my #2 wouldn't and although people are appalled with my current view of upbringing for #2, I do think mother (& father) knows best.

For Yakult Factory, the child has to be 3 and above.

Will not be able to come in to check, so once you get the replacement for the yakult factory visit, please drop me an email and I will update Yakult side.

Serenade, Sarah & Apricot, please do update me with the replacement through email. Thanks as I am busying working on Kai's science curriculum.
Hi Pris,

Got my replacement and updated you. Please liase with the mommy directly. Thank you.

Btw, we couldn't have made it for the trip cos Cheryl turns 3 only in June.
Hi Chloe, how does forever sound? SAHM hood is really fabulous! Of course I look like a dump (a kid I met recently commented that I always wear the same clothes!!), but it's quite nice to be shlumping around, for now, that is :).
Serenade, thanks for getting Delci.

Sarah & Apricot if both of you are not going. Please get the replacement and let me know. Meilan, kids should be at least 3 years old.

Will not be in here as my bro is reformatting the desktop harddisk. So I am left to work on my laptop.
