(2003) Calling all 2003 babies

Anyone going to Sentosa this Sat? I am planning to bring Kai to the underwater world (Oceanarium), pink dolphin lagoon and then the musical fountain Song of the seas.

Anyone planning to go to the zoo, please let me know. Preferrably a Sat, I would like to bring Kai there again.

29 Mar, ACJC is having a fun fair, anyone keen to go? Kai and myself will be there as we have gotten $30-40 of tickets.

Hi chloe,

We have placed a reservation with Arise Kindergarten (the one opp. Courts in Bt Timah). But I'm still looking around.

Any good recommendation?
Serenade, it is not easy to find one in Singapore. Like you, I also do not have high expectations, just that the teachers must be patience and love the children and they must make learning fun for the children and that's one reason why I am still homeschooling even though Kai goes to school.

Was browsing through the science textbook and found that it does not have enough information for a child to learn the concept and I do worry if the school teacher does not teach how will the child knows. So homeschooling is still very important.

Okay, I am off to prepare dinner for my mum today and later to complete the craft for the fire station visit as we finally gotten the A4 paper carton boxes.
Chloe, how many days will you be there? Any chances of catching you there on Sat?

Better go off to prepare dinner and then homeschooling.
Hi Serenade!

If you can find a preschool that matches the one we have here, count us in! We heard good things about Maris Stella, but to compare with what we have here... Yep, like you said, I gotta lower my expectations of preschool too.

Anyhow, I think any school should be quite alright, if you're opting the same route as Pris does. I think a normal one (no need to pay exorbitant fees for the branded ones) should suffice, esp if you're doing homeschooling during the after school hours.

Unlike you, I don't have the option of a complete homeschool to fall back on.
HI Serenade!

Continuing from above...

That's why I start counting the merits of sending kids to a school.

Besides, it would be hypocrisy if I thought otherwise, given my profession. Maybe if and when the day comes that I become a SAHM for good, I'll be your campmate, defending the homeschool ideals!

Until that day, I shall continue to work with my school-going children every now and then at home, whenever time and mood permits.
Hi Pris, I have to say among the preschools RK went to, I liked St James the most. Admittedly the curriculum was not the best, but the teachers were really nice and caring, and the principal was very knowledgeable and personable. Pity I'm not the one going to school :). Plus it was really value for money at $500+ per term. I hear good things about Maris Stella too, and it's even cheaper I think.

Hi K's mom, do you mind me asking what you do? Sounds like you are a teacher. Your kids are lucky they'll have good guidance from you! Will certainly look into The Prince.
K's mum, you made a good choice to go to Maris Stella, my nephews used to go there but like I told you before the distance is too far for Kai. He is also missing the small group classes in Vancouver, it was like 4-5 children to a teacher.
Think there is a whole list of books not suitable for children. Will check whether I still have the email and maybe post it for all.

Are you planning to go back to teaching when you are back? I am thinking of quiting.
Adeline, I heard alot about St James too but my mum was worried that Kai taking the bus for a long distance. I am very happy with his present school as the teachers and principal are very patience and caring, Kai enjoys it and he chose it himself after bringing him to preschool shopping and we were sad that he could not go to our first choice. Nevertheless, God is good and faithful and he is having a great time in this preschool and most importantly, they have worship and simple lesson about God daily.
Hi Adeline!

I teach a foreign language when I'm not a SAHM. But that doesn't automatically make me a guru in early education. I'm very much like groping around in the seas of info on the Internet, thinking just how well I can make use of this little window that I have with my kids now (which I'm not doing very much either), before we return to Sg for good. And that's when my short SAHM stint will be over!

Hi Pris!
I have to. I need to serve out my bond, sigh! Only there after can I toy with the thoughts of being a SAHM permanently.

Thanks for the positive feedback on Maris Stella. That should rest my heart a little. I know I won't be able to find the same preschool as what my kids have now. In fact, I also can't guarantee that this present preschool will continue to do well. It really does depend very much on how the people run it.
Hi k's mom,
I'll be checking out St James and Maris Stella too. But it's unlikely I'll choose St James. The fee is pretty high at $690 a term. Maris Stella is more affordable. It's only $450 per term, excluding computer lessons.
Can I just check the fees for those of you whose kids are at church kindergartens? I'm now paying $610 per term. This includes computer lessons which are optional but excludes other misc fees like materials, field trips etc which add up significantly. And it does not even have a reputation like St James. And the sch bus is charging an exorbitant fee that I find unacceptable yet have no other means of transport unless I start using the car and make hubby take public transport which he will need to change 3 times.

I am seriously considering not to enroll JC there. In fact I have declined the priority for sibling registration as I hunt around for other church kindergartens in the region. And I have to decide soon as the registration for most church kindergartens will start in Apr.

JK cannot understand why I won't be sending meimei there, keeps reminding me that his sch has SO many field trips. I keep feeling shortchanged though JK loves his sch. I hope I'm doing the right thing by exploring other options more thoroughly.

Serenade, why the sudden turnaround in sending B to school again? I thought you have just decided to homeschool for a while after trying one preschool last year.

ky, any plans to send Keith to sch this year or next?
K's mom, I agree with you about easy kids = those who eat well and sleep easy. My JC is like your K. I can't help but scream at her during meal times so I am thinking of sending her to half-day childcare where her lunch will be taken care of and will enroll her in mid-morning session at a church kindergarten next year where her lunch will still be taken care of
. I also waste a lot of time making her nap and sleep at bedtime now that she is still insecure abt the baby and wants to be like a baby <sigh!>.
Hi Meilan,

While I have no issue with homeschooling the kids, I'm getting exhausted from all the playdates and outings we made to meet other homeschoolers. Clearly, I'm not cut out for such intense socialisation ;) I don't intend to put B in school everyday. My plan is to take him out from school as and when we feel like doing something different. Which explains the need for a school that is affordable. So, instead of making trips to interact with others, I am opting for a more relaxed alternative for socialisation.

Btw, B is not going back to school just yet. Probably in July, which is what we planned when we withdrew him from school last year.
Thanks serenade. I guess I am really a little tired, cos even if i stay up late, i m not in the mood to do anything .. but luckily I still drop by to read the posts. I hope everything will slowly go back to normal. Dh's wrist will be a long battle .. after that still need physio.
Hi Serenade, I've just spoken to the principal of Arise over the phone this morning. She sounded really nice. Unfortunately, the travelling time for us is beyond what is allowable, and so I'm forced to drop any considerations of that. I've called up a couple few, all around CCK area. Have you tried Bkt Panjang Methodist? It's full btw but there's 1 vacancy that just came up; session is mid-day though. I think the Montessori school at Bukit Timah Plaza is not MMI but a new setup; think it's L(ondon)MI (that the right abbrv)? The teachers are very caring but they are rather expensive. There's Faith Montessori somewhere along Hiilview (before Jln Ramaja) ... I heard it's quite authentic, but somehow, I don't see B fitting into a Montessori environment.

Well, Serena (&amp; all others), why I'm looking for a school ... actually, I'm just shopping around just in case. I mentioned abt an incident sometime ago. That teacher's been terminated, and all the parents are looking at the school for answers. I just came out from an almost 2-hrs talk today, and I'm not quite sure if I've got my answers... there's so much they can do and it all depends on the teacher they'll recruit to replace her. We can just hope for the best for now... and yes, after I did my math recently, I did note that B costs quite a fair bit in terms of education, and so I was thinking of "downgrading" him. But after discussion with hubby, he doesn't want to change - "every school will have its own set of problem" and since B is very happy with the current school and we are seeing effort put in, I'm giving it another chance.

Meilan, I'm not putting K in any schools ... hopefully I can endure him being at home till he turns 4. It's similar to me choosing to care for my own kids rather than outsourcing... I guess I'll want to try to homeschool this one since I send in #1 quite early to school.

Hi Pris ... thanks for the list! btw, I did call up Hope too. They too are full.

Ky, I thot u r working part time at home? I also like to splurge on my kids, so luckily I m not working, else I think they will be pampered.

Anyway its the same thing here in my household. Dh sick, sleep whole day, me sick, still up and running. On looking good, I find you are pretty nice liao .. can still remember the look you hv when u wave us goodbye during the departure of the ducktour boat. Sometimes I think the maids bringing the kids to my boy's school looks better then me!
Thanks Pris. I do hope things get better for my dh soon .. anyway life is still as per normal .. and school start or school's out both have their own set of problems haha.
Thanks K's mom for telling me the food blog. The pictures are so superb (I love looking at nice pictures). Wonder if the author is trained in photography. Anyway, just glanced, no time to read yet, cos gog to wake up tmr early, so want to turn in now.

Happy Homebaker also take very good pictures. How I wish I can do that too.
Anyone can recommend me a specialist? I need to send my girl for an eye checkup. I prefer short waiting time. Cost doesn't matter as long as I don't have to wait 1hour for my turn.
Hi Chloe,

this weekend is a long one. I hope it doesn't rain too. We are going boating on Friday and will overnight in our boat.
Hi Serena, Dr Gerald Chuah. 67386868 at Total Eyecare Center at Camden Medical Centre, #06-01. He was head of the Eye Service at Alexandra Hospital. He's very thorough although I'm not sure if he's a child specialist. Hope this is useful.
Hi Serena,
Yeah, I'm looking fwd to my 5 days break from work!
Boating, how interesting. Invite us for a cruise sometime lah

Hi K's mom,
You call your SAHM stint short???!!!

Hi Serenade,
B's going to get the best of both worlds, school + home school. Sounds great!

Marie Stella kindy quite far isn't it?

I'm contemplating to put little C in St James, but still have some reservations about the distance.

Hi KY,
Yeah, I'm sure you can homeschool Keith for a while. Did you ask him if he wants to attend school? My little C always say NO NO to school, such a contrast from big C who loves school tremendously since day 1.
Hi Sherlyn ... ya, though I work at home, the money is quite miserable. I go into negative nowadays ... really. time's tough lah.

chloe ... nope, never ask K. I think he'll enjoy school coz he gets really hyper when his playdates come in, and he likes to carry his kor-kor's schoolbag, but I know he enjoys life at home too ... I think school can always wait for him :>
Hi chloe,
If you are interested in St James, I believe the transfer can be made anytime. Apparently, there are still vaccancies in K1.

Is Maris Stella located further away from us? I thought both are in Holland. I'll be driving B to and from school, so distance is not really a big problem. But still hoping to keep driving time as short as possible. Arise Kindy is only abt 5-10 mins drive away.

Hi ky,
From my last meeting with her, the principal from Arise Kindy comes across as a caring and understanding educator. On the whole, I'm quite comfortable with the school. The only gripe I have is that the classrooms are located in the basement. Besides that, the school has no proper enclosed classrooms.

Hi Pris,
I did consider MMI too. But as what ky mentioned, don't think B will like it. The montessori style seems to focus more on learning at an individual pace. B will be doing that at home. I think he would rather mingle with the kids.
Hi Serenade

I've called up a couple of schools yesterday so I might be confused. Arise got no playground? They only have water-play that they started this year.... Perhaps it's another kindy coz I spoke to 2 principals that are quite warm over the phone.

You do understand that for curriculum wise, you can't be too fussy. I was pointed that out in the meeting yesterday abt the difference between one which teachers are given the freedom to prepare vs one that's established at a top level.

Basic Pottery course : mentioned this earlier. The dates are confirmed. It's n 13 Apr and 20 Apr (Sundays) at 10am. I'm quite pleased with the teachers and the end-result ... will take a photo of B's final product and post in blog soon. Anyone keen, do let me know. I've got a list of 6 pairs in my group going.

Hi Serenade,

Yeah both are at Holland. I'll probably not change school for Chloe, but I'm not keen to put Charlene through the same school, so have been thinking of St James as I like the big school compound &amp; the curriculum looks good.
Serenade, a friend of mine, her first child when to International School Kindergarten and now her 2nd is in the MMI at Bukit Timah Plaza. It was one of our consideration and like what you said, dh also mentioned the same thing to put Kai in a school where he can mingle with other children to play and learn.
Chloe, I am starting Kai on science for living things in the water so going to Sentosa to visit the underwater world. Thought might run into you.
Hi chloe and meilan!

You've really got to consider long and hard if you really wanna send no. 2 to another school. The logistics of getting both kids to school on time in the morning could be crazy, unless you're counting on schoolbus.

Hi Serenade!
At first glance I would have taken Arise Kindy by the sheer proximity to your place. But after hearing what you said about the classroom, I might reconsider.

Maris Stella is off Holland Road too. But if you're driving down from the west down Holland Road, you gotta do a U-turn, I suppose that U-turn would be somewhere pretty near the right turn into ST James. But St James is still a drive deeper into the "woods". Anyway, my point is they're about the same in terms of driving time.

So St James still has spots to offer for K1 this year. Then why is that all the K2 spots are taken up for next year? That's bewildering!

But if the driving time is one of your considerations, I would definitely encourage you to pick a place near your home. Our present school is a mere 5 min drive away. But I take about 45 min to pick them up in the afternoon. e.g. 13.50 leave home, drive for 5 min, security clearance check (american base) for another 5 min, arrive in school at 2pm.
Putting on shoes, coats, plus the endless bye-byes to friends, K will dawdle or she'll play hide and seek and not want to go home etc... in the end, we get home like about 2.45pm! Of course, there will not be indoor shoes/outdoor shoes or coats to struggle with in Sg.

These are my two little rascals. Others have it easier, from what I see in the school. But so far, I'm also the only mom picking up two kids from the same school at the same time!

In the past, I had problems even at the drop off. Even drop off took an hour because my younger one who didn't have a spot in the school refused to leave! So my whole morning was gone, even though I thought I could have some quiet moments with the second one at home, while the older one was in school.

Hi Chloe!
Why do I consider my SAHM-hood short?

1st year: I was basically homebound with a breastfeeding babe. B had no school to attend. It was a daily chaos if and when learning happened. Or did it?

2nd year: Only one kid got to attend school, the other was stuck to me all day. And she took forever to get ready to come to school with us every morning, to eat, to go to the playground and then she would nap at the most inconvenient times of the day that she wouldn't nap when her brother was back from school. Again, routine wise, it was catastrophic! Like Meilan said, eating and napping/sleeping were the major chores of the day. Mommy was never in any composure do anything fun or learn with them. I even felt burnt out when it came to reading to them!

Beginning of 3rd year: Now I feel a sense of liberation when they are both in school... but here we go again... They are older now and they have friends and social life and they start asking for playdates! A couple of playdates a week plus school every day... boy, I wonder why I feel so lifeless by 8pm! However, life returns once the kids are tucked to bed! :p

So Serenade, watch out for the additional playdates that your kids might ask even when they're in school. Of course, you don't always have to oblige. But sooner or later, you wouldn't want to appear impolite when the other parent keeps asking for a playdate for her child with yours.

Anyway, my point is I'm beginning to look at SAHM-hood positively now, but it will end soon... sigh! That's life, isn't it? So it's still that tiny window to me!

Hi Sherlyn, Adeline and Serena, the rest of the mommies!
Glad you ladies like the food blog I recommended. And don't forget to say hi to Lilian! ;)
Now I think I recommended this blog to some of you some time ago, but will do it again. COz I like to go there when I feel like I have a mountain of problems! This mom has 6 kids and she always manages to put a smile on my face when I feel like it's the end of the world.
Maybe I should really extend my blogroll! ;)

Happy reading!
I'm gonna hit the gym now while the kids are still in school...
Hi K's mom,
You know what, your SAHM-hood sounds loooong to me hee hee. Yeah, but I'm sure you will always back with many fond memories.

Yes, my kids will have to take school bus, cos Grandma doesnt believe in sending kids to school &amp; parents are too busy.

Hi Pris,
C's school brought her to underwater world last year. She came back with some worksheets &amp; stickers. Remember to ask for it.
Chloe,thanks. I will look out for it. I don't never paying for them too. We will be going to the pink dolphin too. My bro's gf helped us to get the tickets at a discount place through one of her friends so for the 3 attractions.
Hi all, you know what? I thought I'd have a look at my old cheque book to see exactly how much I paid for St James in 2007. It was $598 per term for Nursery 2, and I remember that K1 was even cheaper. I am quite stunned that they raised prices so much to $690/term from one year to the next. But having said that, the other so called good schools are over 2x more expensive. That dinky Montessori I moved him from was $1900 per term ... Maris Stella had told me $300+/term, and even at the $400+ it is today, it's still quite a steal.
Hi Adeline,

I was shocked by the drastic change in fees too. Seems like St James has become an "expensive" church kindy.

Hi Ky,

Arise kindy has a (small) playground and waterplay area too. Gym and music rooms are located on 2nd and 3rd floors. But I am still trying to get over the "windowless" idea. Can't imagine the kids being cooped up in a large room without a single window. Feels it's kind of unhealthy ...

Hi Chloe,

Can't be considered as homeschooling B once he goes to school
But I'll still continue with what we have been doing so far.

Like Charlene, C doesn't want to attend school too :p

Hi K's mom,

I was pretty happy with Arise kindy until I visited the place. The proximity is indeed attractive. But the basement and "windowless" features are something I'm trying to come to terms with.

Thanks for the directions on Maris Stella &amp; St James! St James is about 15-20 mins drive away from my place. I presume it'll take abt the same time to reach Maris Stella. Who knows, our kids, together with Jpooh's R, might be classmates next year.

Hello! It's Singapore we are talking about. B &amp; K won't have to put on endless layers of clothes anymore. Just slip on the uniform, shoes and viola, off they go!

And for playdates, my guess is that most of the kids will be escorted off for (endless) after-school activities. Would they have time for playdates? If possible, I would prefer B to have playmates from elsewhere, not just confined to his school/class.
Serenade, we can have playdates outside school. So far Kai's playdates are not from his kindergarten, either from church, homeschooling group or our friends' children.
Hi Serenade!

That's true! I didn't think about all those ECAs kids have in Sg. Maybe right here, kids are really bored after school, esp during the winter months and it's cold to stay outdoor.

You know, I have this "big" problem to deal with now. I have been saying NO to B for the umpteenth time that he can't have a sleepover at another friend's home. Where did he get this idea from? From the book "Franklin has a Sleepover", of course! However, this is something that I'd definitely let him do with his cousins over weekends or during school hols in Sg. Not with friends right now... just a tad too young. I wouldn't want to be up and out picking him up at midnight!

O yes... didn't think about the uniform part... some days I need to convince my daughter that it's too cold to put on a dress over here!
Guess going to school will be a much easier routine in Sg! Take heart, take heart! Things will get easier now for me, yay!

I wouldn't be surprised that some kids enjoy each other's company so much that they still wanna play with each other after school. B and his friend Ryan is one example. I guess during playdates they get to do things that they can't otherwise do in class.

Pretty sad not to have a window in the classroom, indeed!
One big draw for me in Maris Stella is the lack of aircon in the classroom. I like that alot. And in that very green area within Holland, one doesn't really need the aircon! However, I think my preference here is rather unusual, given the hot and humid weather in Sg. I didn't visit the school myself. But heard from my dh that the school has an aviary. I think that's where my children can be found during the break.
Hi Serenade, If I remember correctly, the K1 fee was in the region of $550/term. That's an increase of 25% ...

In any case, everyone, yes. I was just telling Serenade that I know this boy who has 3-4 enrichment classes, A DAY. Last December's school hols were miserable for RK - no playdates because all his friends had even more enrichment classes. Because of the hols, a lot of "holiday programmes" are conceived. I can see why it becomes addictive for the mummy though - you can free up time for yourself (except the ferrying) and still have your kid learn something.

Maybe you guys can drop by after school if you go to St James or Maris Stella. We live practically across the road. Then RK can have his socialization and I can have some adult conversation too ;-).
k"s mom, be glad it isn't your daughter asking for sleepovers! I have a friend whose husband is planning to buy a shot gun because his daughter is soo friendly with everyone. I think they're only half joking :).
Hi Adeline!

Right now... yeah, am thanking my lucky star! But
I'm sure she will! It's a matter of time! She's memorising all those nonsense requests from her brother.

Hmmm... getting a shotgun? Wouldn't that be Helen's husband? Their big C is one friendly lady! ;)

Gee, the Germans really should be thinking in such a way... You know all sorts of activities cease in the summer months! C'mon it's vacation time for BIG and small! Mommies in Sg really should try to wind down a bit during school hols back home. Really, it's not so much an ordeal to be out on your own with your dh, drag a couple of kids to the zoo, botanical gardens, science centre, or out to the beach to have a picnic! Believe me, it sounds scary, but hey! Just pick up your stuff and go! You can always come home whenever your kids start misbehaving at any slightest excuse, and do it a couple of times, they'll promise you excellent behaviour! Besides, there are enough days during school vacation until they finally get the idea! ;)

But I know most moms still work full time during sch hols. I'm one of those few lucky ones who can return to my temp SAHM position again. Can't blame them for the ECA classes!

Hi Chloe!
My SAHM-hood does sound long too to my children. Though I was working before I came here and B was about 27 months old then, he doesn't have any recollection that I worked! My maid was spending more time having fun with him with all the books and toys we had.

I think it's gonna be a hard time settling them in Sg: big move, new home and school, change of climate and getting used to both parents working. However, I did tell my boss that I would like to start slow, i.e. part-time first.

O boy! I'm gonna miss my life-style here... sob!
Hi Chloe's mom, Sherlyn wants a cruise too. Will ask if my hubby is willing to be the skipper!!Ha... but my girl learn alot on board. Btw, are you still heading to Bukit Panjang to pick Chloe from your mum's place everynight? One of the night when you're free, will sms you and you can drop by to collect the "chow" .

K's mom, hey don't fret maybe the company decides to send your dh to another country like Pris?
HiAdeline!, thanks for the eye specialist recomm. I have called them up. Btw do you have any other recomm that's not in town? Hate the parking and traffic.

Hi Pris, Yah sure. An outing will be good. We love the BG! One of these Fridays perhaps, which Serenade suggested?

K's Mom, from someone who's just coming into SAHM-hood to someone about to leave it - it's all about the change. I think I might get restless, so I might end up doing something in a couple of years. Nooo hurry though, and I want to do it only on a part time basis. My old lifestyle was too hectic!

Hi Serena, you're welcome! Total Eyecare used to have a Jurong East address - you want to call if it's still in exisence? Or they can recommend someone to you. They're really friendly. The doc is actually my friend's ex, and I know he just loves children.
