(2003) Calling all 2003 babies

Hi Sarah,
Thanks for your concern on Royston. He had his urine test done last Sat and yesterday nurse called to inform he is clear of germs and bateria
Finally we are relieved now.

Hey Apricot,
That's good news!

Hi Meilan,
Like you, I stopped PD's visits after the jabs, unless I think its a serious problem. Yeah, alot of money saved but these days, GPs are getting expensive too.

Yeah, school concert's DVD is not cheap! I bought it when H was still with Kinderland because daddy could not attend the concert. Anyway, you should go borrow the DVD from JK's classmates and copy it. Surely some parents ordered it.
Hi k's mom
package arrived? great news! hope K has not outgrown it!
glad u got the card too. unlike u, i dont have the patience to sit down with her to write more than 3 lines, hence the short but sweet card haha

Coming up next, christmas card for sure!

hi meilan
wow, the 10 commandments, must be a grand do up. interesting idea to integrate the kids this way!

mushroom farm, i will be bringing my mom there so she could pick out the mushrooms and whip up delicious meals with them, heehee, mel n i luvvvvvvvv the fungi!

mel had a mini concert too, today in fact. was fun seeing her on stage, she was more of a busybody than a performer, kept gesturing her friends to come on stage. they did ba luo bo (pull the carrot). the older kids did hansel and gretal and 3 lil pigs. the props were all hand made by teachers n students.

hi apricot and sherlyn
yes yes, we are surely going to T3.
apricot, when can u take leave? weekday. keep me posted. we'll try to accomodate to the date u propose.

u must visit the botanic gardens web, there's plenty to do at the jacob bellas children's garden!
if it's at expo. then maybe not,
going to the east again at night, 2 round trips burn too much petrol, i must be earth friendly right? keke
Hi Meilan,
Don't be disheartened. Perhaps Jk hasn't found something he really likes yet?

For us, we are quite easy going with the enrichment classes. No pressure on B and C to learn something from the classes. Just hope they can enjoy themselves, that's all. If they don't like it, we'll just discontinue it when the term ends. Guess that's why they enjoy the classes.

How abt talking to JK and find out the reason behind the distinterest?
Hi K's mom,

Think it's just a phase that Bryan is going through. B has similar problems about monsters and stuff too. After viewing a movie similar to X-men, I have to assure B that those creatures will not come to Earth or Singapore. And after reading a book on witches and wizards, he kept asking if there were still any witches/wizards around. Just keep assuring Bryan that there are no such things.

Me motivating? Hmm, I'm looking forward to learn from Lilian how she motivates her kids and kindles (and substains) their learning interests too. Remember to share with me when you do find out ;)
Hi K'mom, just recently my boy also got this imagination of monsters, mandarin version 'got mo gui'. It's his way of interpreting the dark and will go anywhere in the house only with company or when room is lit. Told him there's no mo gui in the world and he said friend xxx said have. When he goes to the loo at night, does his business super fast and runs back to bed! Just have to let it pass.

Last year at 4 yrs old, he had what I call 'post-trauma depression' after watching the anniversary documentary of 911 on cna. At bedtime, he would cry and say he could see the people jumping out of the building when he closed his eyes. Guess the images were too vivid for him at that young age. Also said he very scared of Osama!? That lasted for more than a week and teachers were also concerned becoz he sobbed when napping in school too. No more such docu!
Hi Moshi, I'm keen on the botanic gardens trip ... but it's just 1/2 hr, so thinking if it's worth pulling B out of school and spending an hr travelling.

ML, so JK likes the T3 trip? We just went to the airport and hm, B doesn't quite fancy it. maybe coz there's no playground there... school dvds, ahem, u know the teachers well. I got mine that way :>

on the mushroom farm, they have tours only on weekends (if I'm not wrong), we were there before. It's just a 5-mins tour, and more interesting for adults. but yes, yummy mushrooms. We are hooked!

Hi Jan,
I think I did not really update abt what happen to R. It's very risky for me to update the full story cos it'll become sensitive issue later.
The summary is he contacted urine tract infection after 1mth old, he took 3 times of antibiotics for 2 mths and finally circumcised his private part. Am very very unhappy and sad that he is given antibiotics. I will update in full details when we have gathering next time.
Hi Apricot ... glad to hear everything's fine. read in the blog abt the UTI ... would like to hear wat happened. Antibiotics is needed in cases likes this .... K too took antibiotics before as there was a fear of UTI (which might damage the kidney) ...

I'm selling a pair of admission tickets, valid for single entry to either Wild Wild Wet or Escape Theme Park. Selling both at $12

(fyi, Wild Wild Wet UP : 12.90, Escape Theme Park Nov Promo : $ 7)

I've a coupon that entitles free child admission (max 2) with a max purchase of 2 adult tickets. Can include that as well.

Includes free normal postage.

Valid till 5 Dec 2007.

pls pm me if keen. tx.

btw, the family LOVES Wild Wild Wet ... must must must try the ULAR-LAH ride, B was laughing his way down.

Hi Apricot, oic. Why I asked is becos my gal has a congenital bladder condition and has recurring uti as a baby. She was on nitely antibiotics since birth and just stopped last year, to be exact Sept was 1 year anniversary. She is now on 4 monthly routine checkup for urine culture test and ultra sound scan. As you mentioned urine test, tot you may need a pediatric urologist for consultation. Great news, they are fine now! keep fingers and toes crossed.
hi Jan, sorry for asking u again... ur gal is 4 yrs old right? Did u successfully get any medical insurance for her? I'm thinking of re-embarking on this for my #2 coz 2 insurance companies did not want to take him up before ... he doesn't have a clearance report from his doc but an agent did tell me recently she can go try for me at various insurance companies if I wish.

Hi ky, yep she's year 2003. Tried last year but was declined by GEL. So was counting for at least a year free of anitbiotics and get an updated medical report to show improvement then try again. My GEL agent told me for kidney related health conditions, it's very difficult to get coverage. I may try AIA or NTUC income instead of GEL.
hi mommies

thanks dd is ok with her hives now but down with bad cough n runny nose. it's one after another ya...

k's mom, what if child answer back her job is to dilly dally!! my girl did! almost fainted.
it's always like:
(child playing with cuilding blocks)
mom: ning time to shower n go to sch!
mom: ning!
mom: shower!
ning: wait...
mom: ok now i set timer. 10min u need to go.

timer beeps child goes up... stop. look at something. tries to do something else like colouring? whatever...

now this leads me to the crux, how do u mommies find time to post??? argh!!!
maybe poor time management on my part?
but so tiring to have one 4yr old yakking non stop...
Thanks Sarah for the info. Too bad there is no book list, else can "order" through you.

Love to go, but must depend on driver, and also not easy to hv to rascal running ard the bookfair ground while mummy trying to find books. Anyway usually i dun buy alot of books, so mayb savings not significant to justify for a trip there. But i just love book fairs leh.
hi catherine
set timer? i should try it out too.
mel's perfect at dilly-dallying, think no one can beat her at that!

hi apricot
T3 tour starts from 12 nov if i rem it right;)

Bukit Batok Community Club's performance at Esplanade concert hall. Soundtracks from movie blockbuster such as Star Wars, Grease, Pirates of the Carribean etc.

Date: Sunday, 11 Nov
Cost: Free admission
Time: 3pm
hi Catherine

I would usually count to 3 and by 3 nothing was done. I wld take away her favourite thing and she wld know that she had to take my word seriously.

R has been grounded too. No playground till she behaves.

Hi Sarah,

I slept with the kids and woke ard 2 hrs later, so not tired just now. I just woke up now too .. so i think i will last a little longer here. Ya the sore throat is still here to stay. I started to get a little worried y the "sore throat" isnt gog away. See whether i shd refrain from eating spicy food.

Thanks so much for the concern. Will try my best to complete my tasks for today and sleep early.

Hi all

Being really very busy, dh is still in London. I have a birthday cake order to complete, so just drop in to say hi to all.

Sherlyn, still have not recovered? Make sure you have enough rest.

May I know the T3 open house is till when?

I wanted to find out more about Genting Highland theme park, probably going there for a short break when we are back.
hmmmm... forum's pretty quiet these couple of days... What have you moms been up to?
My excuse is my addiction to Brothers and Sisters. Just finished the whole season 1. What's yours?

Hope you're feeling better now. Drink lots and lots of fluid!!! And boil some chicken soup, really helps the body recuperate faster.

hee... you're gonna hate me... Just booked the whole family on a flight to NYC to spend Christmas and New Year!!!
Feeling exhilarated now! Hee... am not gonna care that much that we're not spending the actual Christmas day here in Frankfurt. Anyway, we did it in our first year already...

Hi Catherine!
Hmmm... dilly dally... yep, my son does that too... But I don't give him a chance. Coz I will throw him his clothes to put on in the morning while I dress the younger one up. And if he can't keep up with me, he'll have to stay at home. And believe me, he doesn't like to stay at home. It's too boring for him.

Timer thingy worked with him in the past, but now he asks for even more time when the timer rings. Anyway, he seems to be able to tell a bit of time these days, so I always tell him when the big hand is on whatever, he's gotta stop whatever he does... It's good coz he looks at the clock and doesn't get a panic attack when the timer sets off.

Hi Serenade!
Got Brandon's card today! Bryan's thrilled. And you know what, he can only read Brandon's name! And the rest wasn't important. And he loved the cute flower... Hee... another occasion for card this month again, Thanksgiving. I know we don't celebrate like the Americans do, but his school here observes it... So, this is our project this week. Hope to make that trip down to the post office on Sat, otherwise, I'll have to wait till next Sat.
Gee... it's really true that these little guys have been talking in their class.
Just heard from another mom today that her son's been afraid of dark for the past couple of weeks and doesn't like to be alone, not even to take a leak on his own.

Well, what's done cannot be undone. esp in this case, we can't even exactly correct what they've been talking about in class coz we, the mommies, don't at all know.

So let's just hope the festive holidays coming up will wash away the fear somehow that we'll be looking forward to good nights' sleep by 2008! Sigh...
Hi K's mom, wow, NYC ... it'll be a fun fun FUN week for the family yah? Time Square is a must on 31 Dec MN, I hear... I was only in NYC with B for 1/2 day 2 yrs ago. We were at empire state, WTC ground zero before it started to rain... would have gone onto check out Statue of Liberty .... go for a cruise .... get good walking shoes coz u'll be doing a lot of walking!

Spending time together with the family would be enjoyable regardless of where u r :> Our routine has been seriously disrupted this week as we were having a short holiday followed by house renov ... and trying to come up with a hometeaching programme for both boys, and when I come in here, there's so many programmes to look into

On house renov, can I know for those with boys' bedroom, what colour do you usually paint and if you have 2 colours within, what's your colour scheme? I'm tempted to add more vibrant colours in this time, and have been spending late late nights looking at the wonderful kid's room decor on internet...

K's mom,
Oh my, the big apple!! And I was wondering why you were so quiet, hehe, when infact you were busy 'shopping' for air fares.

Feeling so excited for you too! Yeah, I heard Times Sq is as happening as Trafalgar Sq during Xmas and New Year. Another lots of walking city, good shopping, food...When are you leaving?

Btw, hows Xmas like in Frankfurt?
k's mum...wow, nice to spend holiday in NYC.

Been very busy. Hardly have anytime here. If you are on facebook, add me with my yahoo email.
anyone knows where i can get personalised calendars done? surfed a bit and found companies which ask for bulk, i only need a few. thinking about xmas presents for grandparents.

apricot, do kodak shops do any personalised gifts?
Hi Sarah, ky!

Yeah, yeah... you gals are getting me excited about the trip already!

Yep, my parents were up in the Empire State building last year, and after which there was a scare... errm, you know what I mean sort of scare.

But we're still definitely gonna be doing it...
In fact, I think I might get Bryan to see the photos of the New Yorker icons first before the trip. You know, I always get the kick when he tells me things like... hey, I saw this and that on mommy's computer when we're standing in front of the real McCoy!

So my list goes on with Empire State building, Statue of Liberty and the cruise (yes, ky, I must do that), Times Square (don't think we'll be bringing the kids. That's when my parents will tuck them to bed at my uncle's place!), Bloomingdale's, Broadway, Wall Street, Central Park, Rockefeller Center, maybe a musical or play that's suitable for Bryan (see, we don't get that in a non English-speaking country), the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Guggenheim Museum, Magnolia Bakery for cupcakes (hee, ky, you should know about this one ;)),the 5th Ave... and the list goes on...

Of course, we're also thinking of going over to Princeton, NJ to visit my cousin.

O boy... this is sooo exciting.... My first time in US. Think I've been around in Europe too long already... But before we go off to NYC, we'll be making a short trip to Prague. Hee, gotta show our kids where Mommy and Daddy afforded their cheap, last-minute holiday in Easter almost 10 years ago! Sure hope they like Palacinky - the Czech pancake!

Hee, Sarah, yep, you're not wrong about the airfare shopping! Somebody take this laptop away from me... I'm spending way too much money at home! :p
Hi moshi!

That sounds like a great idea!

I'm not too sure if Shutterfly does calendar too.
But they do wonderful albums, as in a photo book, hardcover with pages of collages, pretty faces of your child plastered all over each page. And apparently, it's a very in thing among the Americans. It's even nicer than printing out photos and doing scrapbooking. You get a beautiful collage bound in a hardcover. That's what the PTC did for B's yearbook last year. It's such a wonderful memory keepsake!

I think the grandparents will be delighted to have one of those to show off their grandchildren!
hi moshi,
yes kodak does it. i made last year for the grandparents, but my dh loved it so we ended up with one as well. it was about $25, good gift indeed.

hi k's mom,
wow, ny! so shiok

its one of the to-go places on my long travel list ha ha.
Hi all .. Thanks all for asking. I am still having the itchy throat at night and the super dry throat in the morning when I woke up. Chicken soup .. but i thot cough take chicken = get more cough (ya thats old wives tale right?)

I do read here daily but not post and I agree that forum is so quiet these few days. Maybe alot of you went on holiday? or busy surfing for holiday ? Me ? mood swings, so no mood to post too. watching HK drama lor, what else, hehe.

I am also in facebook, i just registered last week and did not bother to explore yet.
hey guys .. I am thinking, when is the right time to move kids to their own room? My kids have been co sleeping with us for the past 4 plus yrs. I am now considering asking them to sleep on their own in another room.

I cant decide if they shd continue sleeping with us? or to sleep in their playroom (further away from our room) or the room next to our room.

I would love to hv them close to me. My room will be "connected" to the room next to me if i were to hack down my current wardrobe. Would be ideal but it involves hacking the cupboard and buying new one (not gog to spend $$ custom make liao). A pity to hack the cupboard leh, involve 2 full length mirror too.

Very "fan2". Would be very good if i m rich, no need to think. haha.
Hi Sher...

O boy! The children have been sleeping the same room for 4 years. They are really invading mom and dad's privacy, if you know what I mean there.

Actually, there are pros and cons to have them in the same room with you. When B starts waking up for the 8th time in the night, sometimes I'm also on the verge of surrendering to him and just get him to pull a mattress in. But I'm thankful that at those times, my dh will get up, no matter how tired he is and he'll put B back to bed.

B is never a good sleeper. He only started sleeping through at 2.5 years old. And now he's waking up at night with a record of a newborn coz of the scary stories he's been hearing in school from his friends.

We seized the opportunity of our move here to get B to sleep in his own room. We got him to shop for his own bed and we got him to help decorate his room. And in the end, he felt quite comfortable and proud of his own room that whoever visits him will surely get a tour of his room.

Maybe you could involve the kids in some sorts of mini-renovation. E.g. you might need to get beds now, right? Involve them in choosing their beds.

Make wall decor with them. This should be quite low cost. Help them set up little cozy corners in their room, e.g. bedtime story corner, stuff toys corner etc. And then at the end of the day, emphasise on how proud they should be of their own room. And knock on their door before entering their room is a pretty good idea and then ask for permission. That really gives them the ownership of their own place. Then when you are in there, say how comfortable you are in their room. And what lucky children they are to have spacious yet cozy room like this. Allow them to play in their room on a special morning, e.g. Sat morning when parents want to have late lie in.

I hope this all works well with your kids.
Anyhow, I'm still thankful that though B doesn't sleep well, I'm very blessed with K who sleeps really well and through since she's 9 months old and has been sleeping in her own room since.

The definite pro of moving the kids out of your room is that you and your dh will certainly sleep better.

Hee... I agree too on the last part about being rich. How nice it would be to spend money without thinking too much of it.
Hi Sarah!

Will be leaving on dec 23rd and coming back only on jan 9th, spending about 2.5 weeks there.

Christmas in Frankfurt is quite quiet. Actually Holidaying in Europe during year-end is pretty sad. Coz most, if not all, of the restaurants, sights, shops will be closed. So it's best to be with families and friends during the holiday season.

Also Frankfurt is a place where people work over the week and very dead over the weekend,throughout the whole year. Other than the Christmas market, there's really nothing spectacular. Certainly not as colourful as big cities in terms of lightings and street decors.

really am looking forward to spending Christmas and New Year in NYC. Hoping for alittle snowflakes to complete my fairy tale! Yep, a little will be fine and not a blizzard!

really gotta seize the opportunity to fly from here now, otherwise it would be almost one round the globe and twice the amount of the airfare from Sg, and also we won't know when we would have the next opportunity for the whole family to travel like this. besides, we're equipped with all the winter gear now and acclimatised, so what are we waiting for? Temp here and there is almost the same, usually.
Hi k's mom
i just read from the papers that there's a thanksgiving parade in manhantan featuring popular characters like the spongebob pants on the 22 nov, i think. hm... u are arrving on the 23rd?

Rockefeller Center was mentioned as a must-do. hey u have already churned out an impressive list of must-sees. just plain window shopping oohing n aahing at the dazzling displays sounds fun enough for me!

u are really making us here green with envy! the least u can do for us is to load us with awesome pictures! here's wishing u a blessed trip filled with all nice things and magical ;)
hi chloe
thanks, will visit the kodak shop, i should start selecting the pictures now ;)

hi moo
think i missed out replying abt books to read.
u mentioned zavier is reading peter n jane level 1? that;s great and keep him moving to level 2 and so on.
is he an avid fan of any particular author or series?
mel likes berenstain bears so we are always buying/borrowing those.
x'mas is coming, get some books on angels and snowmen to tie in with the festivity.
check with his teachers what theme the sch is working on next term and round up books pertaining to the theme.
Hi moshi2!

Unfortunately, we'll only be there on dec 23rd. Way past Thanksgiving already. But still hope to catch some pre-holiday glitter from this happening city.
Yep, Rockefeller Center is a must-go. Think there might be an ice-skating rink up then.
Also read that the Bronx Zoo has some special night programmes for the holiday season with lightings.

Am very very thrilled... and if you read anything else interesting between now and the time we leave, let me know! We've got about 17 days to explore the city.

Checked out the price for Mary Poppins. Tix are so ex... USD 230 odd...
Also, How the Grinch Stole Christmas is also selling out and remaining tix are so so ex!
The only thing that's priced reasonable is Mama Mia, and am thinking of getting my dh's colleague to get us tix from the box office now. Am not too sure how tix collection is like for overseas online order.
hey k's mom

B can send an email to papa bear, mamabear, even brother bear! just click on the post office.


we borrowed our first hardcover "berenstain go on vacation." from the library. i held on to the book so tightly and was so afraid i'll misplace it b4 check-out. the effort was all worth it, the illustrations of the beach vacation are fantastic!
