(2003) Calling all 2003 babies

Hi Star,
This date too rush..am looking for next week.. hehe.. and me cheapo lah, am looking around for Maybank card holder.. to enjoy 20% discount on weekday.. hehe

Hi Chole2003,
sorry for the late reply cos PC down, Yes,it was me at Berries last last sat. I was in the classroom cos Claudia juz woke up and wanted me to accompany her for a while. Then after 5mins i came out couldn't see u outside n i rushed off to SPA appt so hb came to pick her. Cla can remember chloe n told me that she likes to play with her n also her "mei mei". When Chloe joined Berries? Oct was very busy mth for us so i came makeup classes on fri. But now back to sat,but this weekend we will be going fri class again cos we r going for disney show on Sat. Will u sign up for next yr K1 too?
Hi worrymum,
Is ok yes, no lah, don't say the word cheapo..everyone love the word discount. When i bot there is no maybank discount
But now they came out this promotion so sometime buy later got better deal. Happy for u that sarah hv the card.
Hi Sarah

Glad to hear that u r back sin. Did H travel together with u ? How was the trip , did u enjoy ? Any photos to share ? X'mas is coming, any plan orgainising a party for the kids ?
Hi Sarah

Glad to hear that u r back sin. Did H travel together with u ? How was the trip, did u enjoy ? Any photos to share ? X'mas is coming, any plan orgainising a party for the kids ?
Hi Sarah,

Thanks for offering your card, but I thought if buy over the sistic counter, I could have a better choice of seats.
(Sorry if dont.. hahah.. cos first time buying sistic ticket lah
) Anyway, I may have got the 15% discount coupon from other thread.. hope I'm not too late.. Thanks again!
hi worry_mum... ha, I was also looking at Disney tickets on last Fri... cheapo too. hubby has 20% discount Maybank but looking at the tics, I wonder what we can see if we buy the cheapest ... well, that's the dilemma of a mummy who can't afford much.... B hardly asked to see these stuff n he's been asking for this ... hm, trying to see if can get free tixs, so I'm not buying yet... If u want to borrow, let me know. can meet at Lot 1 to buy for u... ya, I hear too tickets over counter will give better seats than over web.... oh, will be hubby meeting u coz his card.

Hi KY,
hahha.. Sure! Yippie and thanks. Will let you know again.. So which day are u looking at? Me too.. My B also hardly asked, but keep asking for this. As he has been a good boy late.. for the past few days.. hmm considering to "reward" him.
hi star,
oh i normally just drop chloe off and go shopping ha ha. chloe's very new to the class, so it'll be good that i introduce claudia to her again the next time. she'll continue into the k1 class, so will see you around
Hello K's mom,

There is no privacy invaded, just bed space invasion. haha. Anyway I usually sleep so late and dh usually sleep early so its really alright that they sleep with us on the same bed.

I am more worried that they are used to sleeping with us that they do not want to sleep on their own. I think i would like to hv my space bak haha.

You hv such a devoted hubby. Not that mine is not, but he definitely is not as devoted and involved.

Ya read abt B waking up due to the scary stories heard. Well, mine sure to wake up to sound of thunder.

You made it sound really nice to hv own room hehe. Its just the struggle on whether to waste the money in knocking out the build in wardrobe when it is still usable or to let the kids sleep in a room furthest away from us.

If wardrobe knocked down, their room will be connected to ours. That room furthest away from us opens to the living and dining area and kitchen, so i m quite afraid that if there are any problems like burglary, my kids will be expose to the danger first (good imagination right?)

*sigh* it certainly will be nice to be rich. No need to think, just move house lor hahaha.
Hi Sher!

With all due respect for you, my friend, you sure are filled with super power when it comes to imagination!
Aiyoh... why think of burglary?
I would have said, furthest room away coz mom and dad have had enough of you for the day already and we want peace and quiet!

yep, it certainly is a waste hacking down a perfectly functioning wardrobe! I wouldn't do that even if I were rich and had all the money in the world to spare too. Just won't do justice to those pieces of wood right? Boy, if only those planks could talk... ;)Now you wouldn't want to be convicted of "murder" right??? Haha...
Sherlyn, dun understand why u need to have the children's room connected to yours? Unless your house is so big that going thru' that door and coming in via yours is a long walk for them? Hacking the doorway + doing up a door would cost probably $1k. Not that unaffordable, just whether it's necessary. Just leave it alone and make the room more inducive to sleep in?

I've just completed renov, painting, shifting of things within 4 rooms within the week.... ha, hubby just commented there are 2 superwomen in the house last nite. He was out to work and by the time he came back, the house had transformed! I had to hack a doorway as the door that leads to a room is assessible via the kitchen, n eventually I need to have it more assessible from the bedrooms ... I'll show u more in the blog when I've got time. N btw, for such a mini-project, 90% of contractors wouldn't wanna do. I found 1 that's good and willing to help, thank goodness :> but I'm keeping the works to minimum, coz (1) it's very dusty (ie a lot of cleaning to do) and (2) whether it's necessary... oh, btw, I'm really happy with the newly-defined rooms :>

Hi Sherlyn,
I agree with K's mom. You sure had a good imagination!

Why hack the wardrobe when it still can be used? That sum of money can be used to decorate the kids' room. If you are afraid they waking up at night and not able to find their way to your room, put a night light along the walkway.

Haha, I would definitely go with the lowest cost option.
Hi Chloe2003

Cla will continue k1 class, with the same teacher. Hv u pay up to avoid the 7%GST charges. We r lucky to hv this teacher heard she was the pioneer since berries started with 4-5kids she is very experience and caring. i also drop her n go shop shop, maybe next time we can shopping together.heehee...will see u again this sat.
hi star,
yeap i've heard deng lao shi's very experienced
oh yes i have heard of the 7% savings, will do so before dec.

hi ky,
dh & i have been thinking of hacking down a partition for the longest time, yes mini project which most contractors refuse to do. can pm me your contact pls? tia.

hi sherlyn,
who's jin an's yamaha teacher? i've signed c up for jan's class. i was told her teacher has taught there for 15 yrs! wow!
K's mom, ky and sarah,

hehe, me really good in imagination. Maybe would have been a good script writer if I had studied harder.

I wouldnt want to hack the wardrobe too, thus the dilemma.

There is no need to hack any doorway, cos during the new house reno 6 yrs ago we hv hacked the wall to build the wardrobe, so that the wardrobe can extend into the next room. So after hacking the wardrobe, that will be the "doorway" from our room to the proposed kids room, thus it is already "connected". If dont hack wardrobe, then room is too small to be a condusive environment to sleep in.

Another reason for having them sleeping in the room next to ours is because the 3rd room is next to living and dining. So if the kids sleep there, we would not be able to stay up late watching TV. And due to my powerful imagination, I also reluctant to sleep with the kids alone there.

Can you imagine I need my mother's accompany if my dh go overseas? I would also be the one sleeping on the side of the bed furthest away from the door if we go on holidays. I need the "protection" hehe. Don't see me big big in size, I very "dan2 xiao3" one. Give me a few thousand, i also wouldnt sleep alone in a hotel room.

Anyway, the kids, when asked, wouldnt want to sleep away from us. *sigh* since privacy is not compromised and really don't wish to hack the wardrobe, maybe shd keep current status .........

ky, understand mini project contractors not willing to do, so will keep you in mind for the contractor's contact.

Dear friends, thanks for listening and helping me out.

JA's teacher is Mrs Lim, aka Amelia Sim i think. Not sure how long has she taught there, but I like the 7pm timing for now. Not sure if there will be any change in timing next yr.

Jan's class teacher taught for 15 yrs liao ? I thot she is a pretty young teacher. But I like that she is strict (heard that from Jan).
hi sherlyn,
oh what i mean is january's class. c's teacher is ms amy sim. well she better be good since she has taught for so many years :p
Hi chloe, wow my kids' teacher also said she has taught in yamaha for xx years, can't remember how many but more than 10 yrs. All can get long service award liao! What day is your lesson? I'm trying to change my timeslot for next term but difficult to get 2 vacancies for the same class.

sherlyn, are you getting the keyboard? Teacher has been asking. I don't intend to bcoz don't like the sound and price$$!
Hi worry mum, have you bought your Disney show tickets? I've got this 15% discount voucher from kids' school. Applicable for any show category. Sms me if you want it.
Hi chloe, the new class schedule applies for new students starting in Jan. I have to waitlist for the existing classes which are going into term 2. So if everyone who started in Oct wants to continue to term 2 and maintain same timeslot, no chance for the switch.
hi jan,
oh gosh, no wonder you say it's tough to get 2 vacancies in the same slot.

hi mommies,
thread is getting v quiet these days huh? hmmm where's the regulars??!!!
chloe, hehe sorry for the misunderstanding.

Jan, i was abt to ask u too. Just approach JA's teacher just now, enquiring if I shd get a keyboard now (cos yamaha staff say that usually by mth 8 or 9 then get keyboard also no problem). She say the earlier the better. Then i ask her if i can just get those casio ones like 200 - 300 range. She say better not, cos those keyboards hv smaller size keys, and the sitting position is different from the electone used in school so will confuse the child. Sounds logical, but the electone cost $3K leh .... so I dont think i will buy it. Somemore, the way my kids handle the electone .. its like buying them a $3K toy keyboard! I'll get more stress controlling how they shd use the electone.

However, the teacher says that we can always sell the electone 2nd hand if our kids are not interested in the lesson after some time.

Serenade and Jpooh, what keyboard you are using?
Hi Jan, it's not easy to change, unless u don't mind sitting out 1 term and re-join the group when they go into 2nd term, but it'll be when there's vacancies. Why do you want to change? I've wanted to change too, but after 1 term, I've given up on trying.

Sherlyn, interesting that Yamaha would urge u to get the Electone. The Yamaha person who briefed us during the trial lesson told us NOT to rush to buy the Electone in case the interest of the kids are not there ... and B's surviving very well on my old Kawai keyboard from 10 yrs ago, and I'll keep it that way for the entire 2 yrs. Would rather get a piano eventually if die die must get.

Sarah, is this a english BookFest? I recalled the world book fair (that's mainly chinese) was in June.

btw, just to pre-empt, there's an openhouse at a fren's place at CCK this weekend ... it's where this chinese teacher would be sharing on the books that she is bringing in... most likely pre-order ... for those who remember, this is the chinese teacher at Clementi that B used to go to, and the teacher has shared a lot of parenting tips and lobang with us. I thot it's a good lobang to share, but for details, do check out with her during the openhouse...


and mummies, I need advice ... I never know that being a mother needs to face a political world as well ... apparently, the supervisor at ds's school has been playing hard, and she is most likely to be his chinese teacher next yr. I personally feel that she's not doing a good job, and is playing politics.... how do I feedback to the mgt without pinpointing her faults directly, and oh gosh, I don't know if the mgt would be siding with her ... n I don't actually know what I'm looking for by talking to the mgt coz there' so many teachers available there ...

Hi Sheryln,

Same as Ky. B's music teacher has never mentioned about getting electrone. He's using a Panasonic Keyboard which I bought 5 years ago. I would prefer to invest in a real piano than the electrone. Anyway, the kids don't really need a piano or electrone at the beginner stage. They are not taught to play the piano. A decent keyboard will suffice for the moment.
hi mommies,
i just learnt that c's PAP teacher is going to be her k1 teacher (& subsequently k2 teacher). they want to implement follow through.

i think it's better for the child to experience different ways of teaching from different teachers isnt it? so am quite disappointed with the change.

hmmm....sherlyn/worry mom, is your child's pap like that too?

hi ky,
can you ask for a change of teacher/class? i think mgt will probably side with their teacher, unless it is a really bad case.
hi chloe
totally agree that our kids would benefit more if they are exposed to a variety of teaching styles. mel's english teacher speaks with a splattering of singlish, imagine the damage done, likely irreversible one if she stays on with her for 3 years.

i din't attend the parent teacher conference and havent got a chance to ask about teachers deployment for next yr.
For teachers, i would like a change, for classmates, i prefer for them to remain the same, friendships are not built overnight, 3 solid years of learning, playing n monkeying together sure helps in forging stronger bonds among the kids;)

but of course, from the teachers' point of view, it's hell cos' these kids, after being together for so long get bolder n bolder!

i see this trend of older, more experienced teachers 'nannying' the nursery kids and the younger, supposedly more creative teachers in charge of graduating classes. mommies, is it also the same in your child's sch?
Hey moshi,
You've finally appeared online

C's current english teacher is v young and i dont think she has taught k1/2 before. Her English is not great, but she's ok at managing the class. Her current chinese teacher's leaving, so next year there's going to be an experienced chinese teacher who's going to teach all levels from nursery to K2 for one hr a day. I pity that teacher, i wonder if she will get confused with all the children that she's going to teach.

I'm in a dilemma now whether to change school next year. She adores her english teacher & classmates and looks forward to going to school every day. But i feel quite strongly that she will learn more if exposed to different teachers.
sounds like they are practising how some pri schools deploy teachers. one chinese teacher to teach across vaious levels. the 'follow-up' to the next level is also a common practice, esp in the case of P5 to P6, for obvious reasons.

how abt chloe's classmates? the same batch or are they reshuffling the kids?
mel's sch is likely to reshuffle the kids so i hope her best friends stay with her. i rem she was feeling a bit upset when a friend she talks abt quite a bit left the sch during the 2nd term. till now, she still remembers her;)

tomorrow is the last day of sch, i shall go find out the situation in her sch.

i dont think chloe would want to go to another sch, i guess sometimes we have to make do with the imperfect conditions. also, she's attending some enrichment classes right, that should expose her to a good variety of teaching styles?
Quite a headache right, if we feel that the kids' teacher is not good. For preschool, we still can consider changing school as an option, but what if it's primary school? I've a friend whose ds form teacher is terrible, to the point that I feel it's bullying and emotionally damaging to the child. However, she doesn't want to confront the teacher nor raise it to the principal as she was worried that the ds will suffer more during class.
Hi sherlyn, we are advised to get the keyboard from the first lesson go. But I never intend to get one, especially not the electone which is used for the class. The kids are 'practising' on a $50 keyboard at home which I bought last year.
If they really progress further to piano, then will reconsider the options.
Hi ky, wanted to change bcoz my slot is 8pm on Wed. We go direct from kids' school so after class, it's a rush to shower and going to bed late mid week.
hi moshi,
i'm not sure if the class is going to be split up (it was merged in the 2nd term). yeah i also have the feeling that she wouldnt want to change school cos she already have friends & familiar teacher in current school.

just like when i ask her if she likes jg or berries more, she will tell me she likes jg more because she has friends (oh yes she mentioned serenade's b).

hi jan,
you are right, if the teacher in primary school is lousy really got no choice!
Hi mummies, I'm back. Something happened before I board my plane and has affected my mood for the trip. Anyhow, thought Japan was really clean and it's a good place to bring up kids. Taipei, don't think want to stay there for good.

Jpooh, have you sent your jacket for dryclean before? How come the shop call me today and warn me that there's risk of crack?? Can I just go ahead? Or do you want me to just hand wash??

When I was in Japan, my girl was playing in a kid's corner with toys provided. Along came a Japanese mum and boy in tow. They sat in another corner. The boy looks like 4 to 5 years old. He came forward and snatch the toy from my girl. He said something in Japanese and went away with the toy. His mum watched on without any response. What would you do?

A) Ignore the kid and bring your crying child away.

B) Tell the Japanese boy firmly to share (assuming he's not Japanese).

C) Glared at the mum and make her feel guilty?

D) Tell your child "Life is never fair?"

Anyway, I took the A approach. Not sure if that was the correct way to teach my girl.
welcome back Serena: appreciate if you can tell me how's the weather in Tokyo now?? I will be leaving on 23 rd Friday, not sure if I should bring lots of thick winter clothes? where did you stay? did you go to hello kitty land? I am still in the midst of planning the itenary, so will be good if you can give me some advice, thanks.
Hi Serena, welcome back!! Aiyo, here I am trying to get hubby to go japan and here you are gone and back liao. Hope you enjoyed yourselves!

I will tell my child that it's ok to let the other party have it and explain it's not nice to snatch. I'll speak to my child in front of the parents - they should be the embarrassed party! Anyway, the toys snatching scenario always happen at home between siblings with the 2003 gal being the aggressor.
Hi Sarah, tx for the link.

Chloe, tx for the suggestions. The matters are not simple as thot and it's not convenient for me to share further. Not suggesting that you change school, but if u do, prob considering doing in during K1. Friendships between children, I find, can be build very easily.

Jan, oic, so u are looking for weekend? I hear JMC has a few classes going on concurrently so the chances of you getting a change is higher. Not sure how yamaha's like but the cc told me I had to sit out a term if I want to join another more favourable timing, and the next available timing for me is a sun which I didn't wanna change to, so I didn't change.

Serena, I would choose (A) too, and I'd ask my kid how he feels abt the incident and explain to him the right and wrong of the matter.

Hi all

Been really very busy. And dh came back from London and was not well. Then Kai caught the flu bug from don't know school, neigbhours's kids or where. So taking care of the two boys.

How's everyone doing?

Will probably not be coming in for a while as we might start packing since we are returning back to Singapore and will not be returning back to Van. So where we were be next is still uncertain till end of December or next year then we will know.

Lots of posting to read, will do that when I have the time.

To all, enjoy the holiday with the children!
Hi ladies!

We're finally "chatting" again!

Hi Serena!
Hope your trip to Japan was loads of fun minus the little hiccup before you took off.

Hmmm... snatching. Gee, I'm still teaching my children not to snatch. And yes, it's iritating that there are even more bigger, tougher bullies out there.

At one highway pitstop when we were driving home on our road trip from Italy, I witnessed a pretty amazing incident.

An Italian kid, I think probably also 4-5 years, was reasoning with a Dutch kid that the latter should return him his toy. He couldn't care less that the Dutch boy didn't speak Italian, and he went on and on about... l'auto, amico mio...
Well, from my very little Italian, I gathered he was trying to say, "The car, my friend, was what I was playing with. How about this one for you?" And there he was offering another car to the Dutch boy. And trading took place thereafter.

Sometimes, I wish my child would stand up for himself/herself in such a situation and not just cry and wail. Instead, pick up another toy and reason and trade with the "snatcher".

Anyway, like you, I would have chosen A too. And tell my child: look, it hurts doesn't it when your toy is snatched from you. And it isn't fair and it's certainly not right. So you'll remmeber not to do this to anyone else. And then I shall coax him to with find content with other toys.

Hi ky!

I'm not too sure if bonding among young children form that quickly. My son always has a pretty rough patch working out with his new friends. After 2.5 months into school now, he's only closer to 1 out of the 3 new boys in his class. He likes to hang out with his two other boys who were in his class last year, still.

I know for sure that when we return to Sg, B will be very sad to leave his friends. And he'll think of them every day.
In fact, one of the boys from his class last year has joined a new school since the new school year. He still mentions about this friend, and how he misses him. And he was so thrilled when he could attend his boy's b'day party earlier this month.

So, Chloe, if you're really thinking of changing school, think about what you can have Chloe involved in keeping up with her friendship. It helps since Sg is a pretty small place. ANyway, like moshi2 pointed out, Chloe is certainly exposed to different styles of teaching with all the enrichment classes.

HI Pris!

Take care of yourself too. It's getting colder now... winter's coming, hopefully for real this year to Europe!

Hi all you mommies with kids in music lessons,

you are making us so envious here... can't bring my kids for music lesson here. sigh! that would mean sacrificing the little one's nap time for one, and also logistics will be a headache! In this aspect, I wish we could be back in Sg sooner...

Hi Chloe,
Are you attending the JG class with your hubby tomorrow? We are definitely going

I think Brandon is going to miss Chloe's bright and cheerful "Good Morning" every Saturday morning. Btw, does Chloe speak of her friends from the Chinese Edudrama class? Compared to the English Edudrama, Brandon seems to make fewer friends. In English Edudrama, he would tell me about the kids in his class. But for Chinese Edudrama, not a single word except for Chloe. And yes, he also said he wanted to continue with JG cos Chloe is there.
