(2001) calling all 2001 babies

Hi WahWah,

Thanks. There're so many assessment books out there. So, not sure which one is really relevant to P2 syllabus. Also, I realise that there's a "big jump" in terms of std from P1 to P2.

I agree with CJMum. I just got my son's P2 Chinese spelling list and almost fell out from my chair!!! Goodness, I dun believe it is for P2, from my pt of view, looks more like p3 or p4 standard!!!
Hi mummies,

School reopen is a headache for us. With all those continuous homework, spelling and test.... Argh...

I been wondering whether to send my son to attend English creative writing or put him on tuition. Any mummy can give me a suggestion?
In my opinion, personal tutor can follow thro' the school syllabus to keep the child on course, brush up on weaknesses. Parents can also do this job. A necessity if parents do not have time to guide the child. As for enrichment eg. Creative Writing, it is very difficult for us parents to fill. A luxury to have.
I was told creative writing will include grammar, vocabulary, composition and comprehension. That's why I thought of putting him there. Is it not true?
Hi CJ Mum,
try school papers instead. Though they are papers from top schs, its manageable for most pupils. I like them cos they are set by teachers, give me a rough idea what to expect for P2 papers.
My son is doing P3 eng assessment books, cos his sch has a tendency to set difficult eng papers, esp for CA2.

Hi Spanielpups,
Care to share what's ur ds chinese spelling like? My ds has sentences for chinese spelling, but words are not too difficult though.


They started having short sentences for spelling since term 4 last yr, so not too big jump for them. But my ds still complains when learning spelling.
My daughter's English spelling includes spelling and dictation. Her chinese spelling std is abt the same as WahWah's son.
My son's 听写 is also of similar standard. But this year both 听写 & Spelling have a surprise item added. Hate surprises, it used to be ok learning from a predetermined list but have to worry about the surprise.

To me the big challenge is composition writing for English and 造句 for Chinese。I am going thro' model essay books, get him to do some writing following example. This is to supplement his irregular non friction reading that is insufficient when it comes to creative writing. Any advise on better methods?

For Chinese, I brought a few comics written by local author/teacher, he love it when I read them to him. A China girl in his class taught them a 字谜 about 照
(一个日本人拿着一把刀伤口流了四滴血). So easy to remember the word (照)顾 in chapter 1 我长大了 I am going to look for 字谜 books.

So much to do yet so little time, only one hour in the evening to go thro homework, test spelling / 听写.
Hi! I'm new here. I have 2 girls in P4 & P5. I used to send them to Mrs. Pang of P&C Creative classroom for Creative writing. She's a great tutor. My girls loved her and enjoyed her class.
Unfortunately had to stop bcause of schedule.
She teaches out of her own home. She converted one of the rooms into a classroom.(its a double-storey terrace house). She lives about 5 min from Queenstown MRT.
hi Kris,
tks for the info. i've alrdy contacted her.
Hi any mummy has any kids currently studying in Canberra Primary School?

Many feedback that Canberra Primary School is rather stressful. I would like to have some feedback. Many thanks.
Hi Sunny,

My son is from Canberra Pri.Sch, this yr P2. I found that their maths and chinese subjects are the same as those normal school but for english subject is more on P3 standard and the length of their spelling words is quite long. For example, "Tigerish claws, invitation, illustrated by...
Think the spelling words standard is quite similar to other schools.

My P2 boy's spelling has words like exoskeleton, crustaceans, microscopic animals ....

I'm wondering what some of these are.
ya ... i will wait for the teacher to teach my boy then will ask my boy to tell me what they are.

they are teaching harder and harder things to our kids. wait till our kids go to upper pri, more things we don't know about science and maths.
I really pity our kids. It's because the standard gotten more and more difficult that kids has to spend alot of time studying coz it's like beyond their standard and capabilities...
That's why some kids committed suicide!!!!!
School are trying to compete for good results and pushing our kids real hard. Is it necessary to have those spelling words...it doesn't seems to help in vocab? Imagine writing a composition with those spelling words? Doesn't really fit...dun you think?
I agree with spanielpups. Some schools are only concerned with their rankings and pushing the kids too hard. Sometimes, it's not that parents want to be kiasu, but with the kind of high standards that schools have, what to do??
Hi Mummies,

Realise that those school papers do not include the composition section. Any ideas where can I get it? Also, how do you prepare your child for the English composition exam?
Hi, I'm new here. Does your kid tends to argue with you. Having headache now as my boy tends to do that. Have any methods to stop him from doing that?
Hi Bernic~K

Welcome here. My son sometimes do argue with me when he don't agree with me in certain issues but i'm always try to reason out to him. Most of the time he'll listen. I don't think there's any method to stop them from doing it.

Hi CJ Mum

Perhaps you can try to get a copy of composition assessment book from popular bookshop, they might have it for lower primary.

Thanks. Will try to get a copy of assessment book this weekend. Really clueless on what had been taught in school.

School gave a list of subscription forms.

Did you subscribe to Young Scientist for your child? What about Reader Digest or National Geographic? Any review for magazines?

So many don't know which to subscribe...
Hi My child subscribes to Young Scientist. He likes it a lot and I have no problem getting him to read himself. I find kids will like it as the facts are presented in an interesting and lively comics.
My boy likes Young Scientist alot too

There's also a Chinese mag that everyone must subscribe to. But I don't see my boy reading that much.
Is it called "Hao Peng You"? My boy has to subscribe to it too. I find it's good if the kids do read. The school teacher will get them to do some exercises available in this mag.
Hi all,

I am looking for housewives/mothers who prepare meals for their family at least 5 times a week for a research study (focus group discussion). It will take place this Friday evening, 13th March from 7pm till about 8:30pm and there'll be $50 remuneration.

We are not selling anything. This is purely for research and the $50 will be paid by cash.

Please PM me for more details.

Anyone can recommend private tutor? Nd to hv 1 for my boy, in P2 for Maths especially. His foundation is weak, and with group tuition it is not working out. Do recommend if you know of any, we are at Pasir Ris.
hi everyone, this is my first time joining this section. :) got to ask for advise. I need recommendations to a very good chinese tutor for P2 higher Chinese. Prefer Lady teacher who can teach on weekday afternoons. Though my kid is in EDUPLUS Higher Chinese, I get a feeling that 1:1 teaching might be better... any feedback?
happysupermum & happysupermum,

For Young Scientists, which level did your kids subscribe to? Level 1 or 2? 2008 edition or the 2009 edition?
hi, any good recommendations for a very good chinese tutor for P2 higher Chinese. Prefer Lady teacher who can teach on weekday afternoons. Thanks!
Hi CJ Mum

Young Scientist is an ongoing subscription. 2008 edition means those issues published in 2008 and vice versa.

When you subscribe, you will get the magazines monthly.

Hope it clarifies
hi everyone, anyone has a kid in SJI junior or has feedback about the school? Is the P1 class in afternoon and how is the curriculum, culture and CCAs? any advise will be helpful as I am planning to put my kid there. thanks!
hihi, sorry so many questions but still need help to get a very good P2 Higher Chinese teacher who can teach on weekday afternoons. Prefer Lady teacher. any recommendations?
hi ladies: sorry to join so late. i also need a higher chinese tutor. same specs as babywuv. pls recommend. thanks. if can PM me, wld be grateful.
hi Olwen Lim, I still have not gotten any recommendation yet :-( I think I gotta start lessons very soon for my girl as I struggled trying to mark her assessments while preparing for SA1. so pai seh

anyone has recommendations?

hi babywuv: nice to meet u
do u stay at home to look after your kids? it's good tt u can teach them yourself. i rely on my mum to teach my oldest son maths & english cos she used to be a school teacher. but she can't speak chinese & my husband is too busy to coach him regularly.

i'm also open to eduplus, berries or tien hsia. how do u find eduplus?
