(2001) calling all 2001 babies

My son did well for exams, now is R&R but I give a little homework everyday eg. 1/2 page Chinese writing 习字 or memorize partial times table. He said exam already finished why still have homework, my explanation is -unlike most of his friends who have tuition and enrichment, his is DIY. Would like to know your child's post exam / near holiday routine. Does your child play, play & play, watch TV day & night...... just checking market rate.

Hi Mummys, may I join in? I'm a SAHM with 2 kids in P1 and N2.

Would like to seek your opinion on MPM maths program? Is it good?
Hi RJ's mum,

Welcome! So sorry can't give you opinion on MPM Maths program becos my son attended Kumon Mahts program. How's ur elder one at P1, do well in the exam?

Hi Lim,

Great to hear that your son doing well. Wow.. he knows how to compare himself with others kids. Nows a days, children are very intelligent!!! School holidays haven't starts and my son really starts his R&R.. I've enrolled some enrichnment courses for him, so that he won't feel bore this coming school holidays.
About comparing to other children, I did this on purpose one Saturday morning - I was bringing my son to the library and shopping afterwards, on the way, there were so many children heading to tuition/enrichment (they all carried their tuition bags). I told him -" look everyone is going tuition and you are going shopping for toys, if you don't work hard by yourself, we will have to spend money on tuition (so cannot buy toys) and go tuition everyday (cannot play).
Hi mummies,

My son also did well in his exam except, as usual, some careless mistakes. Similar as Lim, I have also given him some work to do everyday. Otherwise everyday keep playing by the time school re-open I scare he might forget everything
My son did well. Well, could have been better if not for the loads of careless mistakes. I'm contented, though. He learns a lesson fr his carelessness and I think that's good enuf.

Hehe...I think we are quite similar. I also make sure my son does some work everyday except wkend to keep the engine running.

I used to think that enrichment classes are a luxury but nowadays it seems more and more essential. True?
Hi Mummies,
I am new to this thread. Could I join to ask for your comments on your children's P1 curriculum.

My boy is gg P1 next year and his sch will be having the STELLA programme for english subj. Could you share how do you know what your child is learning at schools and how to revise eng for tests and exams?

Thanks a lot!
My son has been on STELLAR, very good no need to buy and bring English textbook, teacher just give handouts/worksheets. End of term, get back a file of worksheets for revision.
Hi Biyan,
Thanks. But i'm curious what do they teach in the STELLAR programme. Do they still have grammar, vocab, compo, compre etc? Will be very useful for me if you could share more.

Any sample of handouts/worksheets/test or exam papers to share?

Thanks a lot!

any recommendation for school bags?

read about nivpak in another thread. Am also considering popular pop kids.

Any review on these 2 bags or other recommendations? thanks!
Hi 2sleepy,
My son has been using Pop Kids bag since Jan this year. On days when there were more books to carry, I was worried that it was too heavy for him but he told me it is not heavy at all. I've tried carrying it, and it does seem lighter on the shoulders than carried by hand or on the arm. So I think it is quite a good bag, and not too expensive.
hi 2sleeply,
my P1 girl used to carry one of the SPI bag, but find it uncomfy.. probably due to her petite size.. so end up using the normal harver sack which she feels more comfy..
guess gotto let yr child have a try before getting.
Hi Sleepy,
Think you have read the thread that we discuss about nivpak. I suggest you take a look if there is a roadshow near your area. Worth buying and not so boxy like the one at pop. Nivpak is like some haver sack but with back support. But pop kids bag is as light as nivpak cos i've personally tried both. pop kids bag is also cheaper and having sales abt $29.90 for pop members.Hope this helps.
Hi Mummies,
The popolar bkstore is having bkfest at suntec starting today. They have good sales on some non ergo bag as cheap as $15 - $20. You may want to take a look if you have not gotten any sch bag for your child.
Hi, I have bgt couple of school bags from Popular, but none last more than 5months. I have given up and bgt the ergo bag which although is expensive at $99 but son has been using it for a year and still no wear and tear.
hi spaniel
i'm glad u have shared your experience as i've not used any of d bags fr popular. I was tempted to buy 1 for spare since it's so cheap! hee hee...

I bgt nivpak @ $39.95 at sch roadshow for my son for his p1 next year. d sales person said it can last > 2 yrs! and its an ergo bag claimed to have gd back support.

Is your boy's pop kids bag the one with zipper?
would zipper jam from zipping & unzipping multiple times each day?
Hi 2sleepy,
Yes, the Pop Kids bag is with the zipper and it is still working fine. Perhaps I was fortunate to have chosen a good piece. In fact, most school bags have zippers. Anyway, you can test it out at Popular.
Hi to all mummies

I dread the sch holidays cos' the children very bored. My boy stays with ah gong & ah mah the whole day and just eat, sleep and watch TV

Does any of you dislike the hols too?
My boy is not bored, he love it, to sleep, eat, play and watch TV. But I try to spoil the fun by adding one small piece of "homework" everyday. For working mothers, how we wish to have one month all to ourself to eat, sleep and watch TV. Maybe we should just let the children enjoy while they can.
Hi Lim

Yes, you're right! Haha.. how nice it would be if mummies can also get to just eat, sleep & watch TV for one whole month!

Problem is, I'm scared he will spoil his eyesight just watching TV the whole day. Also kinda boring lor...
Hi Lim,
It healthy to have some play time, all kids needs R&R too. But agree with mummyto2 that it's good to limit the time for TV and not everyday unless it's documentary channel. Suggest you replaced it with reading
Hi Evon,

Welcome to this thread..

RE: Kids R&R
My son enjoys his R&R at my mom's pl. Whenever I asked him to do some P2 worksheets, he always gives lots of excuse....
Sigh.. Can't really stands him..
Hi Wahwah,

Thanks for your concern, he still cried when he don't see me...
but the teacher there told me that he need time to adapt the environment. Hopefully he can get use to it within a month.. so sad to see him this way..
hi mummyto2

i feel that ur kids should not feel boring during tis sch holiday. there r free stuff to enjoy even at this economy. hehe.. swim at east coast, walk the seletar bridge, free computer game at tampines Courts, Ikea play area..
Hi Evon,

You r welcome
Wow... salute to you 3 kids!!! but they r all grown up, easy to take care. It is not easy to handle 3 kids. Are you a SAHM?
Hi Evon

Welcome to the thread!

Unfortunately, ah gong and ah mah don't know how to bring my son to these places lor... as they are illiterate and are the stay at home type of folks. That's why my son is so bored...
Hi sorry to gate crash but need advise from mummies whose kids are already P1. If there is mummies whose kiddo in NYPS, would appreciate any feedback.

Pai seh to appear a bit kiasu as I see my gal quite laid back and lazy. Most important no sense of urgency. So I decided to gear her up only this very last min.

Plan now is
Wed 4-5.30 at My think Tank for Maths
Sat 1 - 2.30 at Jiang Education for Chinese
Now sourcing for weekday pm class for English or Creative writing.

Need advise if you have recommendation for centres in bukit timah, bukit batok or CCK. If you have tried the above 2 enrichment centre, would appreciate feedback too
Hi Mommies,

Could you share what are some good recom of chinese and eng dictionaries that I can get for my child attending P1 next yr?

Many thanks.
Hi wan wan,
My P1 son did not make use of Chinese Dictionary this year. He only used the English Dictionary we have at home for a couple of times.
Hi Wan wan,
For English Dictinoary, my son used "Oxford Mini School Dictionary" and for chinese dictionary "New Century Learner's Chinese Dictionary". Both can be found at the popular book shop.
Hi Fion,

Is it necessary to get an eng dictionary that has lots of pictures and chinese dictionary that has chinese strokes for better learning? My concern is when they move to upper pri, i have to change dictionaries as those with pictures may be too elementary for the child. Any views? Tks
Hi Wan wan,
They do have chinese strokes for "New Century Learner's Chinese Dictionary" but for Pri English dictionary I never come across that have pictures. Normally pic-dictionary is more for Nursery to K2 pupils. For my personal view, "Oxford Mini School Dictionary" quite good and simple for primary sch children.
Tks Fion.

My sis has given me an eng dictionary that her daughter had used for the past 6 yrs. I hope my son find it useful too. As for the chinese one, I will check it out.
Hi i'm looking for a chinese tutor for my pri 2 and k1 children. If possible can send to tutor's house. I'm staying in tampines 800+.Anyone has lobang? thx
Checking with FTWM whose child is being looked after by grand parents or maid at home with little or no tuition. How much assessment books workload are you giving each day for after school practice. I am giving 2 light items daily (eg. one English comprehension and half page Chinese writing or half unit Maths revision exercise and 4 pages of English MCQ grammar). According to my dad, my boy will play whole afternoon (he is not allowed to watch TV or play computer during weekday) and complete my homework last minute before I return at about 6.30 pm. Anyone care to share your homework strategy.
Hi Lim

I must say your son is oredi very very good. I'm also FTWM and my mum can't control my gal at all. Whole afternoon only watches tv and snack. As for homework, she'll only start doing when I'm home with a cane on hand. I'm at my wit's end!

Heard from my colleague she send her son to after school care, they'll take care of the homework part. I'm now toying with the idea...
Hi Mummies,

May I know how do you prepare your child for English exam since there's no textbooks? Pls advise. Thanks.
Hi cj mum,
my son has Eng text, but I do not refer to them for revision. We revise through doing assessment bks and sch papers, these practice papers will include grammar, vocab, re-arranging of sentences, cloze passages and comprehension which he will be tested on. I have to prepare him for oral and composition too. Of course, there will be spelling test.

I crack my head trying to make my son attempt his school homework in the afternoon and do "home" homework after that. I am very persistent, if he forgets or simply doesn't do I will spend some time making our evening miserable eg. scolding loud-loud like a mad woman and threaten to send him to after-school care or quit work and stay at home to guard him. Then, there are also times I try positive reinforcement, ie. if he complete his homework I let him watch TV during dinner in the evening. I just telephoned home to remind him to DO HOMEWORK. It is very difficult for grandfather to police the grandson.
