1 or 2 bedder in Mt Alvernia?


i think 5k is before medisave ba.. ya, i heard about the charges at govt hospital. it's close to private hospital now. the good thing about KKH is if there is any emergency, they have all the equipments and specialist to attend to the patient. unlike mt a, it's not a specialised women's and child hospital so they will send patient to KKH if they can't handle the complications. that's what i heard lah..

ya, i think pray hard, real hard we have smooth delivery. that's the most important and cheapest option regardless which hospital we go.

yes, i bring my own comfy pyjamas, disposable panties, pad, bathing kit, even electric mini hot water boiler! hahahaa...

seriously i don't think the jab on the thigh help much. i was in pain with the thigh jab and laughing gas. hee.. think the only jab that numbs all is epidural. too bad it din work on me, i've got problematic spine i think.

ya...the charges are indeed private charges...I wanna to try giving birth in Mt A for my 2nd one and I have engaged a gynae too....

ohhh...actually all these minus the electric mini hot water boiler are within the KKH's package...so these are not incl in the Mt A's package? gosh...i better bring mine then.

Oh really...so u went thr the contraction pain thr'out the delivery till you gave birth to your 1st gal? wow...i wonder if i can take it or not...
actually the first set is included, thereafter is chargeable. But you won't see it on the bill itemised. they charge all these under a general line, dunno disposables or what..

actually i don't have a choice.. cos spine got problems.. it's amazing but yes we can pull thru the pain de. we are made to withstand childbirth, just like how our moms did. they don't have epidural back then too. :D all the best!
Ic...thanks for the valuable info...I will take note =D.

Actually I too got spine problem...I am not able to bend as normal ppl do nor do sit-up at all..and it was also amazing that the nurse able to locate the point to do the injection for the epi...cos all the while she kept telling me to bend as much as I could as she was trying to locate the exact point to inject....and she did it! gosh...hopefully I can withstand the pain this time round as our own mothers did but I have very low tolerance for pain...-.-....

Every now and then, during my 1st labour, I kept telling the nurse/midwife...'painful'...etc....kekeeee
anyone can share any pictures of the rooms in MAH? What is the difference between single bedded & deluxe room?
The difference between single bed and deluxe are:

- parquet floor
- normal cutlery
- no hifi set

- carpeted floor
- cutlery: chinaware
- hifi set in room
- view that faces MacRitchie Reservoir

All other things are the same. You can call MAH to arrange for a ward tour.
So it is really okie not to attend the antenal class ar? I just called TMR's Parentcraft for the course.. thou it's $200plus.. tot if can save.. better.

Kinda worry abt the delivery process, bf and taking care of bb (bathing/feeding etc).
Hi Joleen
Classes are good to attend but if you dont want to, that's fine. You'll still give birth okay.

Mt A's parentcraft was about 6 lessons I think. I found the ones about how to make formula milk, how to bathe (especially how to clean the umbilical cord before it drops) and how to breastfeed baby the most useful. Basically, I didn't have a CL, my mum helped out. It'd been a long time that she had dealt with a newborn and of course, being first timers, neither hubby nor I knew what to expect. Read a few books but all theory lor. So the classes were helpful for me.

If you have CL to help you, the baby part is more or less taken care off. The only thing is if you are planning to breastfeed, make sure that your CL is supportive of breastfeeding. The older CLs tend to prefer giving formula, and may not be able to help you if you have trouble latching.

If it's a question of costs, you can actually check the pricing of the classes runned by different hospitals. (They charge a bit higher if you're not going to give birth there but overall it may be lower than what TMC is charging).
In case anyone thinks I'm a complete dungu for not knowing how to make formula milk... I didn't know there were so many ways to make it wrongly
I tot just dump powder into the milk, how hard can it be right... wah, the nurse lectured for about 10 minutes on the right way and the wrong way to measure the powder...wah piang. Nowadays, cows milk is not cows milk anymore. Look at the ingredients that go into formula milk and you'll see all sorts of vegetable oils, vitamins etc etc...so you have to be careful not to make the milk too concentrated - may cause indigestion or too thin - baby will get hungry fast and will not be getting enough nutrients ... I miss my BFing days, so senang.
For b{<font color="ff6000">me</font>}, i would prefer staying in 2-bedder wif Mount A reason being i will have company and nto be alone when hb is not wif me! Also, they might be possibilities tat even staying in 2-bedder will still end up alone and thus, it's also a money saving way rather then staying in 1-bedder!
I choose 4 bedder. Initially i consider 1 bedder. But then, I was thinking why waste money if it's only 2 days stay.

I have no regret, cos i can ask my husband to go home to rest. And i have my own rest too. I also get to know few other mummies in my room. It felt better not to be alone during those times.

I did induced and natural assited delivery. Cash for both me and baby only $600. I am so glad that i made this choice though.
dear all,

would someone please share your experience and 1-beded charges you had paid?

im new here and would like to find out if MT A is indeed better in service than TMC.

am comparing the 2..and doing research..hehe.
how come natural without Epi still so ex? u took 1 bedder is it?

you are so brave to go thru it without epi..heard is very painful right?
i think that $3k plus is inclusive of gynae's charge (which depends on how much ur gynae charge for the delivery).. i took 4bedded, emergency ceasar.. bill came up to $5k+ (incl of hosp, bb nursery n gynae's charge). total cash paid was $1400 like that..
im still undecided to take a single or double bedded ward. i'm sure my in-laws will get me to stay in a 2/4 bedded one but i feel 4 persons ward is too crowded. my mum advised me to go for a single ward one so that my visitors will not disturb the other patients. i'm supposed to do a booking by end of the week! =S
why dont you compromise with everyone if you want to make them happy and go with a double bedded. One BIG advantage to a 2bedded rom is that if you want to shoo away your visitors and trust me, no matter how sociable you are pre birth, you will want some rest and peace and quiet after... you have a ready convenient excuse ;)

You should use the 2-3 days in hospital as your first and perhaps only real rest period. At home, even during confinement month, and even with CL or mum or MIL or maid to help, you are the main person in charge of baby. Worse still, you may have to be the middle man between CL/Mum/MIL if they have different opinions. At hospital, everything is taken care of. So I would discourage too many visitors and really take the chance to rest while at hospital.
Sunny is completely RIGHT. REST is the most important thing after you gave birth. In fact, only in the hospital you are completely RESTED. After that..all the sleepless night began.
Trust me..it's not worth it to pay for 1 bedded.
Crystal, actually it depend on your budget. If you have excess cash and no budget issue..by all means..go for 1 bedder. It's nice too to have all the room by yourself. I want 1 bedded too initially..in fact has sign up one. Then on the day itself..i change to 4 bedded as i want to save money so that i can afford stay at home to look after my baby. So it depend on your priority.
Ah! finally someone says I'm completely RIGHT! With a 2 plus year old toddler constantly arguing with me, I needed that! LOL! Thanks Anmaria

Crystal, Anmaria is also correct. For Smile, she has to decide between pleasing herself, her inlaws and her mum, and I suppose her budget as well. Hence my suggestion to her. If it's solely your decision and you want your hubs to accompany you, then by all means go for the one bedder.

I actually asked for a one bedder cos I initially also wanted my hubs to stay with me. But it just so happened that the singles were all occupied so they put me in a 2 bedder. It all worked out quite nicely tho.

1) hubs couldn't stay with me but he stayed until quite late (Mt A staff v nice and didn't say anything about him staying way past visiting hours), then went home for the last 2 nights of untroubled sleep he's had since baby was born. I was quite zonked out as well and after feeding baby just went to sleep. It's good cos hubs gets a good night sleep rather than having to sleep on a narrow cot or sofa in the hospital room. There's not much that he can do at night anyway that the nurses cannot help you with. [And this gives you a good excuse (since he's well rested) to get him to take care of baby while you continue to rest after your discharge. [yes I am quite evil hahah]]

b)had a 2 neighbours during my 2 &amp;1/2 days stay. Was lucky I suppose. Both not too noisy or anything. But really, it's only 2 days, so whatever la. Why focus on noisy neighbours when you can spend the time holding and smiling at your new baby right.
thanks anmaria and sunny for the good advice.

infact these kind advices are not new to me..i heard it from my gf too..and of coz i have a budget constraint..im a first time mom and already freaked out by the horror stories of labour (fearing it now coz im in my 34 weeks aready)
hence want hubby stay with me

i see how lo, already booked single bedder...if that day no more single, will gladly accept a 2 bedder as god's plan
after all u are the one paying for the bill so no point pleasing others.. most impt is haf ample rest during the 2/3days in hospital.. hubby can acc u until 10 or 11pm if the nurses not v strict.. after all ur hubby oso nid to haf enuff rest for his work n oso to help out at hm.. anithing jus ask for the nurses help.. so far when i request for help frm the nurses, they are very kind n helpful.. serving u with smiles.. aniway if there is ani changes on the actual day, u still can ask the nurses if can upgrade/downgrade..

coz that time i was suppose to go natural hence choose 2bedded. but last min emergency csec.. worried for the bill so i asked to downgrade to 4 bedded..
1) Mt A wont put you into the 1 or 2 bedroom ward until after you FINISH labour. When you check in the hospital, and if you're in labour or being induced, you will go straight to the labour room. You will remain there until you give birth and only then will you get to see your bedroom. Your hubs is allowed to stay with you in the labour room for however long it takes for baby to come out (no bed for him tho, just an arm chair or the sofa in the lounge outside). We are only talking about post labour options in our posts above. So if you have budget issues, and dont mind sleeping alone AFTER labour, then go ahead with the double room, for all the reasons already given.

2) 'horror stories'. Can i suggest that you borrow this book "HypnoBirthing--The Mongan Method " from our national library or see whether you can get better birthing stories online like the ones in the link attached below.


You dont have to believe in hypnobirthing, just read the first few chapters in the book about how modern medicine and hollywood has actually helped to create the birthing "horror" stories. Before modern medicine, women gave birth naturally and quickly. There was some pain but no fear. Birth was regarded as a very natural process and the 'extreme fear' or 'horror' wasn't there. It's like how sometimes IF you have been told stories of how scary or nasty a person X is, when you meet X, all the stories come back to you and you react in fear even tho X has not done anything scary or nasty to you.
This is because you have already programmed/unconsciously psyched yourself to think negatively of X. Same thing with birthing. Dont listen anymore to horror stories. Instead try and focus on the 'peaceful' stories that you find in the above link or the book.

If you are Christian, then instead of hypnobirthing, maybe you can read "Supernatural Births" by Jackie Mize. Similar-ish concept.

Basically, you need to get rid of the idea that the birthing process is a "horror story".

I had epidural during my first birth and had an extreme reaction to it- my whole body went numb and I felt so helpless. The nurses had to "push" for me by actually putting their hands on my belly and pushing down. I couldn't feel a thing! This time round, I am trying to 'go natural'. Reading the hypnobirthing book and practicing the relaxation techniques there have helped me adjust my thinking quite a bit and I believe will also help me have a good birth experience. Hope this helps.
dear sunny, u mean the book actually promotes birthing without epi ah?

thanks for sharing..it does help to relive some of my panic mode in me..my fren even told me "labour is so painful that only your hair is not painful.." lol
the book promotes a drug free birth AS FAR AS POSSIBLE. To this end, it teaches relaxation and positive visualisation techniques in the later chapters. What is more important and emphasised in the earlier chapters is that the expectant parents have an INFORMED BIRTH so you know what options you have in each scenario. Don't you find that pp with whatever kind of horror stories are always v eager to 'share'? Whether its bad birth, bad maids, bad holidays or bad customer service. Whereas those who had good experiences including easy births are much quieter (prob cos they know that their stories are not so exciting). For the same reason, Hollywood shows always show a screaming cursing birthing mum cos that's so much more "watchable" and exciting. Who wants to watch a mum just relaxing and breathing? So we get so much info on the bad or extreme stuff but really what percentage of births are like that and what percentage of births are actually not??

For example, did you go for the orientation course at Mt A? Did you learn about the various drug options available other than having an epidural? like renting TENS machine for self medicated pain relief or use of laughing gas etc. Do you know what your choices are if for any reason you need to have a ceasarian? If you are interested in seeing positive birth experiences, there are lots of videos on YouTube of pp using the hypnobirthing/hypnobabies method. Just google 'Youtube' and 'hypno'. Some mums learn the techniques but still go for epi or gas cos they feel more assured that way. That's absolutely fine cos you have made an informed choice. There are also doulas in Sg who will teach hypnobirthing (eg fourtrimesters/Ginny Phang) and TMC also runs hypnobirthing courses. Mt A unfortunately does not at this point in time. Maybe they are worried that hypnosis is against their religion (like the argument over the benefits of yoga vs religious concerns).
My apologies to other members on this thread for going off topic. Crystal if you want to discuss further, do pm me. I'm also in my 34-35th week now

Maybe we'll be neighbours at Mt A
Hi sunny,

I think it's fine to share hypnobirthing. Anyway, you are sharing out of gd will, not everybody does that
Just birthed at Mount A last Sunday. Good experience all around. Best wishes to all mummies. Crystal, hope your birth was a good one

Moorspa, thank you.
admit May 26 2012 discharge May 29,2012 preemie due to nuchal cord, supposed to be due on June 2012 , baby have juandice and on photo t light for 2days.

2bed,st raphaels ward 3N4D, epidural c-section

total mothers/bby w all doc fee : $ 6,673.30
CPF : 5,180.69
Cash : 1,492.61

recomnded oby : Dr Phua Soo Mear - clinic at Hougang st 21 blk 211 (male senior specialist) great service, nice doc, cheap charges

I tot also maximum is 3500 for all total bill as the staff told me too.. But in the billing the mother and baby bill package is seprated, for mother bill total cpf deducted can be 3500 to 3950(if u dont use your 450 antenatel) so i got 3950 then the rest from babys bill cpf deduc the remaining...
i also get confused how they calculate but on my bill thats the breakdown of total bill fro both mom and baby and cpf deductions and cash need to pay.( we down 1200 so the top up is just a few hundreds) ....

Hope it helps
