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  1. S

    (2012/01) Jan 2012

    Hi mummies, how are you all and babies? Can I ask about your 18mth old toddler's developmental milestones progress? I am worried as my dear son doesnt seem to react when I call his name or when I come home, welcome me or excited to see me. Should I be worried? He hasn't specifically call out to...
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    (2012/01) Jan 2012

    Yes, swanston. The foodchart is from nestle. Jean, u have to feed the same food over thre days to fully test if bb is allergic to it.
  3. S

    (2012/01) Jan 2012

    Brink, remember to introduce one food n test over three days. No allergic reaction, then ok. Change to another food untul u test most of it. First picture is showing the food that u can ntroduce bb after six mths. Secnd picture is food that shd be ntroduce after nine to 12mths. For a start, my...
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    (2012/01) Jan 2012

    Part two of foodchart
  5. S

    (2012/01) Jan 2012

    Brink, heres the food chart
  6. S

    (2012/01) Jan 2012

    Can try puree of sweet potato, brocoli, rice n fish cook in ikan bili boiled soup. No need to add salt. Brocoli got a raw taste. But when u cook food in soup stock n puree for bb, it taste better. I tried my bb puree before i feed him, if i can eat means he will want to eat. So far, my bb tried...
  7. S

    (2012/01) Jan 2012

    Thanks ladies, i hope he is growing well. Think cos i see him less chubby than before n He probably grew taller. He born.underweight though, though now has grown to normal weight ard 8.5kg for a 68cm tall bb. My bb 7mths using pigeon L size teats now for 7+mths babies. Teats too small, he gets...
  8. S

    (2012/01) Jan 2012

    Hi ladies, any of your babies gaining weight very slowly now? Bb eating two puree meals and four milk feeds of 180ml each time per day.
  9. S

    (2012/01) Jan 2012

    Hi mummies, where u bring ur six mth old bb to shave hair? I havent shave bb's hair since he was born n til now he got not much hair also.
  10. S

    (2012/01) Jan 2012

    Googlez82, my bb started brown rice cereal n apple puree since 4.5mths old. Abt 1 tablespoon per day. Reason i startd cos he drools n opens mouth when he sees us eat. So we tried one teaspoon first per day n found out he got this reflextive action of swallowing well. So u got to try. Now my bb...
  11. S

    (2012/01) Jan 2012

    Tks ladies. I m going to try one more time. If still cry at my mil plc, i tell them to come n c bb at my plc on sat or sun instead. Its heartpain to c bb cry so much.
  12. S

    (2012/01) Jan 2012

    Hi mummies, any solution to stop bb crying when i bring him over to my mil place. Bb recognise plc. My parents take care of him at their plc from.mon to fri, every nite bb goes home n sleep. He has no problems at home also. Well, my friends said they will outgrow it. But meantime, still need to...
  13. S

    See Kai Run Spree <monkie>

    Hi June, I have made payment for my shoes. Pls see transaction details below. To Account POSB Savings 093-49819-4 junetns Drugstore Amount S$8.22 Transaction Reference 7694143193 Will whatsapp you to arrange when to collect the shoes as well as my OshKosh/Carter's clothes on...
  14. S

    (2012/01) Jan 2012

    Moscato n jingles, yup theres an article abt grantparents become surrogate mothers as mothers have to work. I have just started work today but i started practisingferryimg bb back n fro my plc n my mums plc dailyfor two weeks. But previously i wasnt working so its ol. Now i started work, ome i...
  15. S

    See Kai Run Spree <monkie>

    Hi June, Nick: Simplelife08 Collection: Buangkok I would like to order this shoe: Item Name 1: Nick URL:;key=NICK Price: USD34 Size: 4 (9-12mths) Qty: 1 Color: blue If OOS: drop SGD Price = USD 34X 1.33 =45.22...
  16. S

    (2012/01) Jan 2012

    Hi linda, my bb born at 37weeks, was a small bb at 2.37kg, onsidered preterm. Rgds growth issue, you shd check with vyour pd whether bb is growng. If bb healthy n put on weight every week or mnth, it shouldnt matter he wearing s size diapers or m size. It also matters if he is breastfed or on...
  17. S

    (2012/01) Jan 2012

    N i have extra supply of bm stored up, so when bb is six months, he woukd have started on semi solids.
  18. S

    (2012/01) Jan 2012

    I bought mine at Jintong medical hall at tampines mart #01-06. I bought three tins at one go cos bb is on breastmilk for almost seven out of eight meals. N nightime cos i cant know what ime he wakes up so cant prepare to warm my ebm in time n thus gave fm. When i bought the tins, the owner told...
  19. S

    (2012/01) Jan 2012

    Jkids, my bb drinking enfalac one time at night. I bought his enflac at chinese medical hall for $42.80. You can try buying there.
  20. S

    (2012/01) Jan 2012

    Lush, actualy it is recommended bb be four mths old then start rice cereals. But becos my bb has been refusing milk or past few days, drinkng onky less than half of what he used o drink, that what my pd has suggested. Maybe bb is tired of milk taste, need some flavours. Haix, my bb usual...
