(2012/01) Jan 2012

Jac, i tink got many mummies start porridge early for their bbs? I see alot start at 6-7mths old, 4mths old already start one oso have... Some even give those mashed up type, not the blended puree type of porridge. I prefer to take it slower. Today lunch i tried to give cereal as a meal but not successful so i just give milk. I ever read online a mummy say her fren's kid hospitalised afew times due to indigestion.
The boy eat watever the parents feed, but actually the digestion system not so develop yet. Many of my fren introduce 2 solid feed very early (around 9mths old already eat porridge for lunch n dinner, milk feed only left 3 times). Their bb is not those chubby type, i tink how they feed bb affect their size. My elder son start having 2 porridge meals only at around 12mths old. Until 8mths old den i enforce must have 1 solid meal per day. So he still taking alot of milk before tt, bb supposed to drink more milk than eat porridge before 12mths old, solid is supplementary. So yr ifc teacher is rite. Btw, no need introduce all types of veggie den can start meat....

Jac, but of cos progress too slow with food oso not good lah. I read will affect speech development? Maybe u can tell the ifc u WANT to let yr son have one solid meal there when he is 8mths old latest?

Hi catherine, how much are the classes? I believe its not cheap cos its at town area? I trying to find weekend classes at west but the only one i found is the enrichment classroom

Delphina, dun give yr bb too much solid at a go! Like u said yrself, wait indigestion! Bb dun really know how to reject food yet, u give, they eat. At tis age, around 60-90ml is enuff already. Max 120ml...
I'm keen to arrange a playdate for the bbs too! Anyone ere live at west area? Normally i bring my elder son to fidgets at turf city or swimming (play water) at pioneer sports complex.
We dun have car, drag 2 small kids around very troublesome leh
I have a used Capella stroller intention to sell , condition is 9/10 .
Brandnew selling at(290.00)willing to let go 200.00 with one free play pen wroth (150.00).. 
Those interested please SMS me at 91458645For viewing 
Hi Delphina,
Am trying to give my boy water every morning about 15 teaspoon and in the afternoon... That time my boy only poo once or twice per week, my mum ask me to do that and surprisingly he start to poo everyday and we never change to similac comfort
delphina, I'm feeding once per day during wkdays (dinner) & twice a day during wkends (brunch & dinner). each time abt 60-70ml, half or at most 3/4 of the pigeon green bowl, & milk after that if he's still hungry. I scared he eat too much la, abit bui bui liao. 1.5 bowls is really alot leh. how much milk r u giving? my boy still on 120-150ml, 7 times a day lo. sigh. that's y hoping he eat solid then can sleep thro the nite. but no such luck. sigh. my boy calls everyone "eh" now. hahah.
Christina, yeah. by 8mths if the IFC still don't start him on solids then I'll tell them to liao. I'm not so worried abt the speach delay or starting solids later than others. it's juz my boy seems to drink lesser (120ml every 3hrs) & sleep more (sometimes up to 5hrs) at IFC, then come home always eat alot & don't want sleep at nite. nite time still waking up every 3hrs. day & nite abit jumble up. hoping he naps lesser & eats more at IFC instead.
Jac: my boy still on 150 ml and never finish at one go. Always have to separate to 2 feeding by warming up the milk.. Think next time he go cc, sure cry like crazy since drink not enough...
Re: enrichment
Actually no hurry to start them on any enrichment... Like what Christina say, they may not know anything. So just sing them songs and play w them or read to them should be more than enough
some parents do flash card reading which I find is quite useful but being a lazy mummy, I also never did and my boy learns most things f his cc...heehee
Jac: I gave her milk on demand. On average per serving is abt 120ml-140ml (6 times a day) plus one puree meal. my baby will also wake up once at 4-5am for feed still. But my baby is sleeping for 12 hrs at night, so she will still wake up once-twice in that 12 hrs. For the milk, i think ur baby is drinking fine.. That means it is abt 700-800 a day, goo enuf!!! Maybe ur baby is bored at IFC.. Then go home very excited to see his parent.. Does the teacher play a lot with him at IfC?

I also shocked when I see my bb can finish that much puree. Normally milk she will rjeect when full. But somehow for food, she still lean fwd to get another scoop even after 1 bowl. I juz hope she is alrite.. Hee i was happy that she finished what was prepared, but now become a bit worry of indigestion.

Christina: I didnt know bb cannot reject food.. But how come they reject bottle feed when full? When should I increase the feed to twice a day? So u gve them puree till which age? Sorry i am a bit blur 1st time mummy..

Jac: u interestd in what kind of trial class? Gym or what? Let's go together!!!
<font face="Comic Sans MS">morning ladies!</font>

<font color="aa00aa"><font face="Comic Sans MS">christina > </font></font><font face="Comic Sans MS">you r so right. when i cuddle #2 i miss the good old days when #1 was just as little.
playdate!!! me want too! count me in ya. weekdays i'm in the west.

<font color="aa00aa"><font face="Comic Sans MS">googlez82 > </font></font><font face="Comic Sans MS">woh!!! my kids eat lots of carrots and spinach!!! chamz!</font>

<font color="aa00aa"><font face="Comic Sans MS">jac > </font></font><font face="Comic Sans MS">dun worry about food intake. each bb is different. my #1 at 6 months only took 90ml every 3 hours and only 6 bottles a day lor. although petite, she grew up strong and healthy! at 1 yr old she dragged a bag of 10kg rice halfway across the hall herself!

i went for a trial at playdays at sunset way with #1. lots of fun but not so convenient i must say. here's wat we did. "We’ll sing and dance with twirling ribbons, play peek-a-boo games with puppets, prod and poke with our busy little fingers and toes, splash water and mix paint to create a kaleidoscope of colourful pictures!"</font>
morning mummies...

i have a Similac voucher to give away. Any mummy wants? I can mail it to you.

made potato puree for my boy yesterday. He rejected..hahaa...
Dekora: My baby is currently 7 months old. To be frank, im not too sure how much my baby can understand. but he gets super excited &amp; will pay full attention when teacher starts story telling &amp; songs.Responded v positively.

The julia gabriel class is 1.5 hr for each session &amp; it operates just like playgroup. There's story telling using puppets &amp; songs/music, handicraft session, play time &amp; snack time. Went to gymboree gym &amp; music trial class also. My son looks super sianz &amp; refuse to participate. I also tried to teach at home, but sometimes he just ignore me. Think the environment &amp; teacher makes a great difference.

Per term of 20 lessons, they charge $820? for trial class, it's about $43(1.5hr)? no harm trying out all the trial classes and see whether you &amp; your baby likes it. heard GUG is good at zoophonics. but only can start from 8 months onwards.
Moscato: my boy also reject if just potato but w carrots he ok...
Jac: regarding the milk intake, maybe change the teats. Just realize I been using teat no.2 f my boy who is 6 mths now... I change to no.4 today and he is able to finish his 180 ml milk today at one go
Hi all mummies,

(Newly joined;D)
Is anyone of you using Nestle NAN Pro2 for your baby? I've just gave my gal to drink for the frst time yesterday and was shocked when i saw the amount of bubbles forming in the milk bottle!!!

Can anyone advise if u do encounter this??? I'm so scared and worried that it will causes wind in her tummy. (btw im using avent bottle, used w BM n formula Similac &amp; NAN HA1, all ok no bubbles)
Jac, dun worry I believe things will get better in 1-3months time, when bb can sit very stable by himself. Now bb cant sit yet there is nowhere the teacher can put him when they busy so only can put rocker... They bored will fall asleep. When they can sit by themselves they can play with other bbs, got entertainment won't keep sleeping already. Btw, tot yr boy now only wake up once for milk at nite?

Delphina, bb know how to reject food. But when they still small, if u keep trying, bb normally will just open their mouth n eat. Even if bb willingly wan to eat, the amount oso dun too much. If not full enuff just give some milk. My elder son at 19mths old, n my fren's kids around 18-24mths old oso only eating about 1 bowl of solids (aga 150ml) each time. I only give my boy 2 solid feeds at 12mths old. Before tt frm 8-12mths old I only give 1 solid feed per day cos I wan to let him to drink more milk. But i did start to give 2 meals every few days interval when he 10mths old to get him used to eating at tt pattern. Cos frm 3mths old my elder boy already stop nite feeds so if daytime eat 2 solid meal his milk intake is pathetic. He was on purée until 10mths old like tt, his progress quite slow... If bb sleeping thru the nite already, once start 2 meals per day u will realise their weight will stuck there gain very slowly.
brink: ya, will mix with carrot the next attempt. thought want to intro 1 new food each time...who knows he rejected. my #1 never reject me last time..but when i asked her to finish yesterday's potato, she also rejected..lol
Swanston, my younger boy oso dunno y so strong. He is only drinking 5 times per day since 3mths old loh, average around 150ml only. Dunno y still so energetic when he drinks not much n still can overweight... Lolz~

Re: enrichment
My boy went for the weekend 1hr class at the enrichment classroom yesterday Liao. only starting is free play with toys he very happy, the rest of the lesson he was grumpy n cranky... Keep wanting my hubby carry him. Not keen to participate in the games n song singing too... Haiz~~~ the teacher says let him try another 2-3 lessons, his reaction should get better, some kids take longer to adjust...
Tt time we first time bring him to public pool, he cried for a whole hr before we could successfully put him in the water. The 2nd time, he couldn't wait to jump inside the water when we reach. I hope the next few lesson there will be an improvement!

Re: feeding solids
I keep trying to feed my younger son cereal/fruit puree, unsuccessful leh... He will starting crying n whining after 2-3mouth... He still won't close his mouth on the spoon...any advise? My elder son tt time not like tt, we start spoon feeding around 7.5mths he could eat ok leh... Duno when den he is able to eat 1 full solid meal at tis rate he is going
delphina, I also dunno which enrichment class is good. haven't done any research on it yet. i'm ok to join any trial classes to see/learn what they actually teach so i can do the same with my boy on my own. any more mummies interested to to go for trial classes together? any suggestion?

moscato, add some milk to the potato? my boy also rejected potato on the first try, but 2nd time ok leh.

brink, my boy still on S size teats. most of the time will finish all 120ml at one go. 150ml sometimes need split 2 feed, half hr apart. tried changing teat during 5+mths but he get choked then don't dare to drink even when hungry. I scared change teats. IFC teacher also din complain abt the S size teat so I juz leave it lo.

christina, my boy's waking up very frequently in the nite. not sure if due to teething (can see his 2 bottom front tooth come out liao) or hungry leh. at nite he'll drink the milk, but sometimes never finish all.
Hi Mummies,

Have you heard of "No Rinse Waterless Shampoo"? First time hear it so want to ask if anyone has any comments on it to be used during confinement since we can't wash our hair?

Jac: i already blend his milk with the potato leh..actually my mum fed him before..she said he ate a few mouthful then fussed..think he wants to sleep. but yesterday after 1 mouth, he doesnt want anymore..turn his head ahead from me.

oh..my boy is already using L teats.
his bottom left tooth also out liao..
moscato, yah think 5mths is M teats, 8mths is L teats liao. tried changing to M ard 5+mths 2 times but unsuccessful. think coz my boy too kan jiong, tend to suck very hard &amp; drink very fast (usually finish 120ml in <5mins on the S teat), then get choked. that time his IFC teacher wasn't very keen to change, brought the new teat there but they never use. in the end it was me who changed back to S size coz my boy dare not drink even when hungry &amp; was super cranky. so we stayed with S size lo. anyway teat size not impt la, drinking well can liao.
L teats is for 6 mths+..i changed to L teats before he turns 6 mths cos one of his M teats torn..dont want to buy a new M teat to use for a short while.

My boy takes a long time to drink and fuss so i changed to a bigger teat for him...he has no patience..lol
@Sherry, I bot that during my confinement but eventually only use once. It oso feels very wet. Just that dunit to use water to rinse off. I was also concerned about using chemicals on my head, cos I was BF-ing.

@overthemoon, baby's weight gain will slowly taper off as they grow, esp once past the growth spurts. So long as your bb is within the healthy range or within 50 percentile? Your bb's intake sounds reasonable I thot.. (just my personal opinion tho)

@Moscato / Christina, try feedin when your babies r in a better mood, say not sleepy and not too hungry yet? Or when the favourite person (maybe the daddy?) is at home? Usually an hour or so after solid feeding, my mum will give milk liao. She says solids is not to really eat bao3..hmm..sometimes i oso dun understand her logic..
<font face="Comic Sans MS">hi ladies!</font>

<font color="aa00aa"><font face="Comic Sans MS">liling > </font></font><font face="Comic Sans MS">nan pro has lots of bubbles. it was the same 2 yrs back when i gave to my #1. my frens also feedback the same.</font>

<font color="aa00aa"><font face="Comic Sans MS">christina > </font></font><font face="Comic Sans MS">my #2 also bui bui one. she drinking less than her cousin who is 2.5 months older but they look about the same size now lor. and my niece is not those small size kind. i wonder if it got to do with me having gd during pregnancy...</font>

<font color="aa00aa"><font face="Comic Sans MS">jac > </font></font><font face="Comic Sans MS">i dun mind going to trials together. it will be fun. with #1 we have been to playdays, gymboree and my gym @ gwc. i like playdays coz get to play with paint but the location is not convenient at all.</font>

<font color="aa00aa"><font face="Comic Sans MS">sherry > </font></font><font face="Comic Sans MS">my sis used the powder kind tat you rub in and comb out after that. no complains from her.</font>

<font color="aa00aa"><font face="Comic Sans MS">overthemoon > </font></font><font face="Comic Sans MS">there will be times when bb weight get stucked for awhile. some times they weigh the same but looks like they have lost weight, tatz bcoz they are growing taller. pd always say as long as bb feeding well and happy, there is no need to be concern. i have frens whose kids fall out of the 3 percentile range but pd told them as long as the kid is feeding well, healthy and still growing it's ok. as for my #1, her growth rate went from 95 percentile to 75 percentile to 50 percentile... i dunno if she is still within the 50 percentile or she drop to 25 percentile liao. the last time she had hfmd she was underweight even.</font>
Thanks ladies, i hope he is growing well. Think cos i see him less chubby than before n He probably grew taller. He born.underweight though, though now has grown to normal weight ard 8.5kg for a 68cm tall bb. My bb 7mths using pigeon L size teats now for 7+mths babies. Teats too small, he gets frustrated but when i change him from m size to l size teat, he adjusted himself. But i using dr brown bottle.

Try use a long spoon to stir the fm instead of shaking, will help in creating less bubbles. But my bb son drinking enfalac. No bubbles issue.

Sherry, dont use dry shampoo. Heard from my sil that it make u drop even.more hair. I wash my hair every two to three days during confinement n blow dry hair after bathing.
@Moscato, thanks! yah hor..makes sense..lol..

@overthemoon, 8.5kg for 68cm at 7mth sounds ok to me? Some more you said he's born underweight..meaning he caught up alot.. Mine's a gal and she's 8kg and abit longer at 71cm..
mummies, I have the following to give away:

1) empty enfa tin to exchange for mamil gold
2) small tin of mamil gold stage 2
3) small tin of similac stage 2

collect at punggol field, weekdays after 8pm. PM me if interested. first come first served.
anyone find that potato &amp; broccoli has a fishy smell, even when mixed milk in? my boy totally rejected the broccoli &amp; potato. previously he took the potato when mixed with milk. how do u all introduce broccoli ah? my dad say don't feed greens yet. bbs wont like the fish smell.
Jac, My baby only tried brocolli yesterday. I didnt notice the fishy smell, only very typical 'vege' smell. but somehow I cannot make it a nice puree, unlike carrot etc.. I can still feel the florets texture and it is somehow 'foamy' after blending it. I mixed it with farley biscuits, then it becomes better and more appetizing.

But I decided not to continue it for now. Coz my bb keep farted though I only give a bit. So definitely gassy la. The good thing is it makes her bowel movement easy too.
Can try puree of sweet potato, brocoli, rice n fish cook in ikan bili boiled soup. No need to add salt. Brocoli got a raw taste. But when u cook food in soup stock n puree for bb, it taste better. I tried my bb puree before i feed him, if i can eat means he will want to eat. So far, my bb tried most foods on the chart, no rejection yet. But certain foods like yam, turnip, beetroot, pork i not giving yet. But brocoli cannot give too much, can cause wind. I.alternate spinach or other green vegs.
Hi mummies,

I have been a silent reader on this thread. Also had a Jan baby.

I've got some Abbott discount vouchers if anyone interested. Don't need them cos still breastfeeding.

1) 1 x $5 discount voucher for Similac Follow on (redeemable at Cold Storage, Giant , Shop n Save)
2) 1 x $5 discount voucher for any Abbott formula (redeemable at Cold Storage n Marketplace, expire 31 Aug 2012)
3) buy 5 tin 1 free voucher for any Abbott formula (redeemable at Cold Storage n Marketplace, expire 31 Aug 2012)

Interested please email me at [email protected]

Hi overthemoon, u have the food chart for babies... Can u share in this website or pm me. Thanks.
Just went cold storage today and gerber brand purée has promotion. Can stock up some f outings or short trip
some info on babies enrichment classes -> http://sg.******************/forum/best-enrichment-centres-for-baby-aged-6-months-to-18-months-2/

am interested to try out julia gabriel &amp; growing up gifted since quite highly recommended, esp the way they teach phonics. what the heck is phonics anyway?? don't recall learning such thing in sch during our time.

shall we go for GUG trial together? since it starts from 8mths, confirm most of us haven't try b4 one. anyone know if they do trial &amp; how much? if not I'll call to checkup if we r interested.
Brink, remember to introduce one food n test over three days. No allergic reaction, then ok. Change to another food untul u test most of it. First picture is showing the food that u can ntroduce bb after six mths. Secnd picture is food that shd be ntroduce after nine to 12mths. For a start, my bb started on nestle brown rice cereal n i mix a food each time into the brown rice cereal until i shift bb to porridge. Now my bb is feeding two times a day of porridge, brown rice puree with a veg, n fish
<font face="Comic Sans MS">morning ladies!</font>

<font color="aa00aa"><font face="Comic Sans MS">jac > </font></font><font face="Comic Sans MS">i know gug have trial classes during my #1 time but we din go. but i dunno how much they charge. i dun mind trying out. =)</font>

<font color="aa00aa"><font face="Comic Sans MS">overthemoon > </font></font><font face="Comic Sans MS">the food chart looks familiar. it's given by nestle? i dunno where i stuff it to le. oops.</font>
Just started my 6.5m girl on cerelac on saturday and I think she just loves it. After the initial learning to swallow stage, bb finished the whole bowl! I made 1.5 scoops of cerelac mixed with 10-15ml of her FM. I guess she must have been ready for semi solids for some time after watching daddy and mummy eat all the time.. monitoring her stools now to see whether cerelac is too "heaty". After that, think I might test instant baby food..

overthemoon: when you say introduce 1 food and test over 3 days. do you mean 1 food and feed over 3 days and gauge from there? or do you mean 1 food for day 1 and not feed that food for 2-3 days and gauge her reaction?

Overthemoon, thanks for sharing the food chart.

Jean, I feed 1 food over 3 days &amp; gauge from there. If no bad reaction over the 3 days means not allergic to the food.

Looking4miracle, u can start rice cereal anytime from 4-6mths. WHO recommends after 6mths thou. I started my boy on brown rice cereal at 5.5mths.
