(2012/01) Jan 2012

any mummies being feeling the pain in your fingers due to freqeuent washing (wash bb milk bottles, clothes)...any solution? or cream to recommend? cannot dun wash leh...


yes my bb kept me v v occupied as she dont really sleeps throughout the night. Last long weekend she woke up at 2am and started to play with the cot mobile and refused to sleep. And I cant leave her alone too...as she had learnt how to flip and I am rather scared she will flip and buried her nose on the sheets.

Nope I did not use up the full 4 months, need to reserve some days for JUST IN CASE emergencies...cos now we are trying out to let mil to handle bb mon-thurs. So got to stand by leave if she cant handle, then how....

Hahahaha...u know the joke is I dont even handwash my own clothes even though if its those delicate materials kind. Cos I hate to handwash...but now I have to handwash bb clothes lo......really cannot get used to it.
I am using Kiehl's frequent handwash lotion.
Hi Jingles...welcome back...I'm also back to work since last Thursday!
Suddenly feel so free now that I am back to work....so busy the last 3 mths with bb at home.
Now got time to read forum and post messages which i never did during the last 3 mths!

Wah you bb still wake up at nite...never sleep thru out? You still do nite feeds?
mrs gui

yes.....she will wake up really early and will start to play in the middle of the morning

alot of mommies told me cos her bedtime is really early which is 7pm. But no choice lei...if i dont let her sleep and try to make her sleep later, she will become v grouchy...and also she will just nod off. There is no way I can engage her to pull the hours longer.
jingles & mrs gui, long time no see!!

jingles & jkids, previously my boy was having isomil for his nite feeds mah b4 the price of isomil went up. noticed price for similac & isomil went up first. then enfalac oos at several places, so suspected that price for enfalac going up too, so went punggol ntuc & grab the remaining 12 tins. BUT the ntuc price for the old pkging is the same as the kim seng price for the new pkging leh. sigh! hopefully price don't go up anymore. heartpain sia. btw, when do u all intend to switch to enfapro (since enfalac can drink till 12mths)?

jingles, ur gal is fast! my boy still cant flip. he also still wakes up for nite feed. gonna be zombie when I start work. sigh.
Jingles, Mrs Gui: Welcome back!!! Long time no see..

Jingles: ur ger can flip at 3.5 mths. That's fast. My #1 flipped at 4mths 1wk. Dunno if my #2 might flip earlier cos he wriggles alot but neck not strong enough for flipping. Tried tummy exercise for him but he will fuss in less than 2 mins. Lol

My boy will go over to my mum's plc this coming wkend. Left 1 wk for me to pack my hse before gg back to work the following Mon. 4 mths of ML just passed like that. Time flies..felt as if given birth not long ago. Haa
Hi any premmies mum here? Need advise on growth issue. My son born on 36wk+ and he's 3mo tml but just changed to size s pampers only not long
moscato, same! my boy also wriggles alot when he sleeping, but he'll fuss when put him on his tummy when he's awake. wonder when then he'll learn to flip & crawl. I'm starting work next tue. sianz. time juz flies by. haven't really rested like tat.
haiz mommies...

at least both of you are still on maternity...for me...me and mrs gui had already started work. Currently now bb is with MIL....feeling rather lost without baby at home as I will only bring her back on friday night....yesterday I had a tough time drilling my mom hoping she can pull up her socks in learning how to cope with an infant. I know its kind of unfair as she has not look after infants before.....but well, guess I had pin too much hope on her, hoping we can bring bb back to our side and can see her everyday....

How come everyone call us to have babies but when we need the support is never there?
jingles n mrs gui:
i thought 1st few days would be very busy with work coz your colleagues need to handover to you alot of tings? doubt i can come here often after i start work, hee.

i am confused. so its your mum or mil looking after your bb? people are selfish, wana play with bb but dun wan to help take care *feeling mad*. i think my mil is the only one who would tell us to look for a nanny instead of helping us. nearer the date, she would come up with more excuses, like scare she would drop bb on the floor.
i neber know she has hand and leg pain until we ask her to help, ha *Shake head*. until now i still cant find a nanny, so hard leh.
its my mil. so glad that she had offered to help lo. so now....how is the arrangement? ur mom helping u or nanny?

no la.....we got things to be handed over but alot of loop holes lo...but its common. Work seems secondary now, bb is more important.

whole thing in the mind is BB, BB, BB now...nothing but BB......
Hi linda, my bb born at 37weeks, was a small bb at 2.37kg, onsidered preterm. Rgds growth issue, you shd check with vyour pd whether bb is growng. If bb healthy n put on weight every week or mnth, it shouldnt matter he wearing s size diapers or m size. It also matters if he is breastfed or on formula.
Hi everyone,
Do u wake your bb up if he sleep through the night f night feed? My boy 2 mths plus, drink milk at 7.30pm and can endure until next morning before asking f milk... Should I wake him up in between f his feed?
Jkids, my mil comes up with exactly the same excuse as yours, worse, told me horror stories about how my bil used to choke on fishball under her care n she had to dig up until he is bloody n how she used to put him in washing machine while she cooks in the kitchen. She juz want to play with my boy but refuse to allow me to bring a maid to her house w my bb. We dun want to put our boy in infantcare coz he is fussy. End up im staying w my mum for near to 3 mths now and will be a sahm from jul til most prob next yr. Yet she will turn up at my house late night and only leave near midnight saying that she miss my bb. Faint!
mine also like tis lei, slip halfway in yaolan will semi flip then wiggle wiggle. Last time she is not like tis lei, will quietly sleep in the yaolan. Not sure why she is now like tis lei.

think better not la. Let bb sleep. Young infants should sleep more

wahhhh ur MIl so jialat ah.....duno how to auto. Still stay till midnight *horrors* tell ur hub to kick her out la. Not helping with situation and still creating so much inconvenience. Sad hor....after 9mths of carrying bb now we have to headache on logistic issue.
my mind's all abt is nanny where ...nanny where...nanny where. my mum said worse come to worse she wld help me. but i wun ask her for help coz her hands are pretty tied now, even 24 hrs for her oso not enuf. plus i have evil bro and sil, so i dun wana make things difficult for my mum. we will force our mil to help, haha, she is so free, can watch tv the whole day. *sigh* whenever i mention abt her, i juz get mad. and will still wait for that miracle nanny to appear.

maybe your bb now gains strenght, thats y can "wiggle"...

i dun wake bb up leh. in fact when he cries in themiddle of the nite...i will shake the sarong until he sleeps, ha. i dun think u need to do that. bb grows even when zzz. and u shd be happy if bb doesnt wake up

aiyo...your mil only wan to play wif bb
are there nice mil around still? :p maybe we are not their daughters...tats y they dun want to help. only my mum is an exception but she's too nice to my bro and sil so being take for granted.
Jingles: looks scary when they semi flip in yaolan hor. Lucky nowadays is netted sarong.

Brink: i dont wake bb up in the middle of the nite. I will try to pat himself back to sleep 1st if he didnt fuss. Sometimes my bb nap long hrs during the day, record was 5hrs between the feeds. Was in a dilemma whether to wake him or not. In the end i dont, cos he will be fussy during feed if sleepy. :p
hahaha force... :p
better be careful ah....if she cant cope and u force her to look after bb, bb is the one who is at the losing end. Will she vent her anger on bb or not? I can share with u, me...i have a nice MIL, she is the one who sticks out her neck to save me from postnatal depression and appears in superwoman suit to save me....if its not for her, I will have gone insane le.

yes but my mil still using the old fashion sarong material lo....so i tell her have to look out cos bb now wiggle wiggle and will slip sideways de.

better not. cos rebonding alot of chemicals de...may pass on to bb
Jingles: buy the netted ones for ur mil to use? Cooler too.

Lush: actually i planned to do rebonding before going back to work. But think got to push back, becos think i'm starting to drop hair. For u, pump before u go for rebonding. Then discard the pump after the rebonding. Shld be quite safe already ba. I stop bf-ing.
i bot alot of netted ones de but the netted ones will make her face has rashes...duno why. So my mil prefer to put bb in those old kind of sarong.
But for me when i am caring for bb, i rather put her in net lo...i scared bb face down i duno...
moscato, my boy sleeps on the mattress at nite, so when he wriggles he'll crawl out of his mattress onto my bed (I put his mattress, those with holes supposingly breathable kind, on my bed. me & bb sleep on bed, hb sleeps on tilum on the floor. hahah.). the other nite he almost fell off the bed. Heng I heard his beanie pillow drop onto the floor then quickly grab him. think muz all sleep on tilum on the floor when he starts to flip/ crawl liao. he's doing quite well at IFC. initially not used to the place & teachers & bouncer, so keep on crying & didn't sleep much. but now getting better liao. actually quite glad we managed to get a place at IFC. personally think better than maid or mum/MIL lo. at least the teachers r trained & experienced. mum/MIL insists on using old mtds, e.g. use yaolan, give bb watch tv, MIL say not necessary to use bb detergent/ sterilizer coz she also never use in her days, etc etc. only prob is worry he fall sick easily lo. keeping fingers crossed!

my boy juz took his 2nd jab today. 8kg (97th percentile!!!) & 62cm @ 15 wks. PD says weight still ok coz his number of feeds is going down, showing signs of slowing down in his input. hope he doesn't become pui kia next time. hahah.
Thanks. My hair getting really messy n curl all over cos kp tying hair at home since givin birth. Really need to rebond before going back to work otherwise i will look like xiao cha bor. :p

Sigh think i better pump out b discard n hopefully bb will take the formula milk cos i have been on tbf all these while!

My hair drop is manageble still but bb is droppin a lot a lot of hair! So poor thing, her hair so patchy now so weird.
Hopefully she will grow back her hair?
My bb still not showing signs of flippin leh.
she is 13 weeks nw. I do tummy time already. But just once or twice, need to do more?
overthemoon> hes out at 36weeks6days at 2.75kg quite good weight. So didnt need NICU or special care, but all my babies on the big side. My #1 3.1kg at 37weeks exactly, #2 38weeks 3days 2.75kg too..#3 2.75kg at 36w6day..

Didnt check his weight yet. hes breastfed exclusively.Im tandem nursing though so maybe the more nutritious milk didnt get to him?

regarding colicky baby, i suspect baby has colick or reflux issue but he didnt vomit as much milk as last time now. All 3 kids were sticky to me and now #3 also sticky at my hand,really headache. the only time he will leave me is max 5-10mins at his vibrating bouncer.
Jac, mine is 6kg at week 13, also 62cm. Cant imagine how heavy he will be at week 15. Great to hear ur boy is coping well at ifc. So tempted to put my boy in ifc, but he hasnt been feeding well again, fuss throughout every feed again, scared he this pattern ifc trs dont know whether will have patience to feed him. Hahas
Lush, i let my boy do tummy time on matteress twice a day, but throughout the day i sometimes carry him upright n let him rest on my chest while i sit inclined on sofa juz like tummy time too coz he will be trying to lift his head. Now he is slowly managing to turn half. No strength to really flip fully yet.
Moscato & Jac,

My hair is dropping at astonishing rate...so worried I would become botak soon haha...

Lush, I heard if babies are dropping hair in patches, it's better to shave it all and let the new hair grow out..i guess it's better that the hair all grows at same speed also?
ritzc, my boy was already 5.6kg @ 7 wks. don't think ur boy will be as heavy as mine ba. i actually quite worried he's putting on so much weight leh. all IFCs r different so hard to say. u got to go down & see whether u like the place & teachers anot lo. I'm glad I found one that I can trust.

PD laid my boy on his tummy & say he actually got the strength to flip liao (coz he can lift his head very high & long), juz havent master the technique. but how to teach him to flip/ crawl leh. put him on his tummy then he fuss liao. sigh. but he loves learning how to stand & sit upright. but sitting & standing will take quite some time more leh.
Looks like our thread is becoming active again. Most mummies are starting to go back to work. How time flies. Last time we still bz discussing pregnancy, labour, confinement, and 1st mth.. Now our baby is more or less 3 mths old!!

Medory: my hair is also dropping like crazy. I think becoming mother has so much sacrifices to make. For bb hair, My baby had her hair shaved and after that her hair grow in patches. However, luckily we did that as we found her cradle cap which was previously covered by her thick hair.

Ritz: Have u asked Pd why ur baby fuss during feed? My baby had that and PD deduced that it was coz she doesnt like the fm taste. After we changed the fm, she is eating fine.

Jkids: hard to find miracle nanny.. U dun wanna consider ifc?
Good morn ladies! Hvnt been in here for a while. Almost went mad over the last two weeks wif gal sick, hibby sick, goong back to work, etc! Bringing my gal for second course of jab this afternn. Anyone gave ur bb paracetemol after jab regardless whether fever comes or not ah?

Do i gals also prevent ur bbs from 'watching' tv ah? Heehee read somewhere that it is recommended that bb below 2 urs shld hv 0 exposure to tv. Hear ok. Sigh noticed most caretakers, be it nannies, mums, ils will sit in front of tv and let bb watch too. More so when bb takes an interest in watcing so to them, it keeps bb from fussing...so y not.
Delphina, thanks, i will ask his pd next week when i bring him for his 5-in-1 jab.

Valteen, my parents' tv is always on and blasting volume. I cant change their lifestyle so my boy is often watching tv at their house. But back at my place on weekends i dont let him watch tv at all. Bb are attracted to either the lights or people in the tv so dun know how much he will absorb when watching, esp the dramatic late afternoon taiwanese drama n the violent channel 8 drama ( thank goodness the detective drama is over). I will carry my boy away when the svenes are violent.
according to my PD, she said give bb paracetemol before fever starts...so after jab, go home I will give bb one dose.

hmmm seems like all mommies no prob looking for IFC lei...any mommies here from SK or Punggol, need to know which IFC bb are using.
Btw, valteen, thought ur gal is at ifc in bishan? Ifc let bb watcg tv? There's a ifc near my own house in amk, that is my last resort if my wrist becomes worse, but i havnt ask for a tour inside there yet. It's the one at amk street 32. Is there any new ifc coming up in amk?
Sigh i didnt manage to bottle feed yday at all. Bb cried so loudly n simply refused to drink. I had to gv in to bf n she gulped down so fast like nobody's biz. I duno how when i go back to work next month
i have been trying for so long still failed. Hopefully the chemicals in rebonding hv been filtered by my body. >_<

Delphina, yalor so fast hor? That time we were only talking abt ms, how heavy our foetus was growing n how to deliver etc, now we are all going back to work already... Soon we will all be talking abt celebrating bb's 1st birthday haha!

Somehow i prefer chattin here than on FB. I duno who is who on FB and somehow it doesnt feel as cosy as here.. After all we have been sharing our journey for almost a yr!
actually she can cope one. its juz that she wants to enjoy life and freedom so come up wif all sorts of excuses. she oredi "siam" by not looking after my 1st 2, by not doing confinement for me. she doesnt need to bath for bb, doesnt need to cook dinner, juz settle own lunch and can watch tv wen bb sleeps, so i dun see how it can b difficult. since i still cant find a nanny at d moment, as a family member, she has to help since i am going back to work soon. it really boils down to whether she wants or not. haha, no lah, if she vents her anger on bb, she muz be a crazy woman, she's normal so far i observe. u so forunate to have a nice mil. but were u the one who said your mum and mil din want to help you look after bb last time?

lush , medory, jac:
my hair oso starting to drop, luckily this delivery i decided to cut my hair, so dropping rate not so bad. bb oso starting to drop hair like mummy.

ifc not near and i have no car, i may not be able to pick by 7pm plus bb will fall sick easily at ifc. so nanny is d still best option till bb becomes toodler. anyway, my agent juz called me about nannies he found...keeping my fingers crossed tat i can find a suitable one.

i only give bb when he has fever, like now due to jab
yah cant be help. we parents can opt not to watch but not the bbsitter.

haha, i am like u. but nothing much i can wen kids are at the caretaker's house. like u say, its their lifestyle. but sometimes i very angey that they watch adult show with adult themes and while i am taking dinner, the kids are oso watching. sometimes i wish the caretaker can oso think for d kids.
hi Lush.. try to get other ppl to do the bottle feeding for now bah.. my boy oso mus latch when he see me (unless super hungry) so I let my mil do the bottle training.. now I fear for myself if he still wanna latch when he has teeth.. ouch.. hahaha
valteen, I'm guilty of letting my boy watch tv. hahah. coz too tiring to entertain him for the whole day leh. so he watches tv when I do, esp during dinner time. but I don't on the tv for the whole day la &amp; also heng IFC got no tv, so he's not glued to the tv whole day, so shld be ok ba? but I got friends who strictly refrain their bb from watching tv.

ritzc, my boy got watch the channel 8 detective show leh. some of the scenes quite bloody. heng he still don't understand wats going on. hmm..

jingles, my boy is in My First Skool @ 183 edgefield (punggol). heard got 2 new IFCs opening in punggol - 1 at breeze/damai (moscato will know the details better?) &amp; another PCF one at coralinus.
were u on waiting list when u put your boy at 1st sckool? i oso broke house rules by letting my kids watch the unriddle 2. if i dun like them watch, it oso means i cannot watch that show.
Yah thanks, will do so today. The last round I forgot to ask dr. ended up asking nurse but she say better to give only when fever.

No lah...ifc no tv. I meant the days when bb home or if bbs are taken care of by other ppl. Thatz why ifc may have their advantages lor. My ifc sometimes will sing to the kiddos. Hahaha. Anyway, I really hope to get a place near my house soon. V V tiring to lug her and baggages here and there. My First Skool is opening anthr centre at amk near me. So I am crossing my fingers, toes and eyes. Hahahaha

Sometimes subconciously I turned my gal's face toward tv then after i realised I quickly turn back.

yah lor. to them, they find it so cute when bb turn their heads to tv that they will continue to reinfornce that.
Ur bb second jab already ah?
yup yup same same...i dont like FB too...tats why never join and i created the wassap previously...FB chat too messy le.

hey simi details on the IFC hur...i wan know lei...jac said u know?

yup....previously my mom said will try to take care...but then hor in end, ended up (to my horrors on my confinement period) she had never take care of infant before....so I was really shock! and though my mil said before she did not wan to look after but then she was the one who volunteer to look after baby now lo...so it was a whirlwind of events!
Hey wat agent hur? Got agent on looking for nannies? I tot only those for confinement lei...can share mar?
Aiyoh mummies, my gal also can get her eyes glued to the tv one lor..and i live with my in-laws, so i'm always reminding hb to tell his parents not to let bb watch tv..but somehow she still got chance to watch..very frustrating cos i had wanted my bb to be only exposed to bb programs haiz..

Any mummies bought the video series "Your Baby Can Read"? It's recommended to me by my ex-colleague, and she said it's very beneficial for her daughter

Just come back from gal's jab at KKH. I asked the neonatologist if ok to give paracetemol before fever sets in. She said there are many sch of thoughts. In the past, they said ok to give. But of late, I think research has shown some outcomes so now they only recommend taking it only when fever sets in. She did mention the reason, but my gal was sort of cranky in there, so I din really absorbed her words. I need to go google it to see if I can find the reason.
