(2012/01) Jan 2012

xuan mom, it's my boy who needs to be carried/rocked to sleep. Heng I have my parents (& yaolan) to help me on some nites. so still ok unless he's really cranky. maybe u wanna get ur hb/ILs to help feed ebm at nite? else relle panda at work.

I'm going to the fair tmr. quite excited abt it. looking forward to shopping! hahha.

Heng my boy wearing pampers L size liao. shld still have stock ba. hahah.

pigeon quite standard. usually 20% off all items.
for those who went to the motherhood fair, did you see any GOON diapers on sale? What other items are recommended to grab and buy in bulk there? What are worth buying? baby just had her 6in1 & rotavirus vaccination on wed, so trying to stay her away from the crowd.. if got good sale, i may pop by tomorrow myself.. let me know, mummies, thanks!
Goon diapers are going $19 per pack (for all sizes) if I recalled correctly. Not v attractive.

My hb and I had a great time there! Bot an evenflo high chair for $99. It can transform to a chair and table, so this attracted us. Bot a playard for.. $100 sth sth.. cant recall. Need it when bb starts to crawl to 'contain her' when my mum cooks. Subscribed to the magazine, there's a promotion for the tricycle ($59)... I oso bot! It's gonna be in store room for quite awhile! Other small items juz cos we were 'trigger happy'

Don't dare to ask hb what was the damage done...He did all the payment cos I left my wallet behind
went the fair yest. pampers all sizes sold out. they told us to go back queue when the fair opens at 11am, say will sold out in 1/2 hr. really kua zhang. I bought some Heinz bb food too, 7 bottles for $10.
Wah googlez82, u brought do many things arh. I ask my hubby if we should get a playpen but he says no need, let the baby crawl around leh. He feels that my gal cannot sit still inside.
Bit dangerous hoh if leave her in the playmat?

Anyone don't have and not intending to buy a playpen?
googlez82, u got the play yard as in the plastic gate kind? how big is it ah? I'm also thinking of getting a play yard, but already have so many things at home liao. no space! was also tempted to subscribe to motherhood magazine to get the tricycle. but bb still got long way to go leh. no space to store the tricycle. sigh! think my next buy will be a feeding chair. wonder where to put it. hahah.

xuan mom, I've got a playpen, until now haven't use at all coz we usually let my boy play on the mattress on the floor & he also doesn't want to sleep in it, waste $$. think it's better to get those big big rubber mat & a play yard (those plastic gate kind) so that bb has more space to crawl/ walk in it. u can join her in it during playtime as well.

We brght the korea playmat for my gal during last fair. Yah my house very tiny, that's why I also thought we may not have space to put playpen in the house. But playmat she may crawl out leh. Saw the big plastic gate also but expensive right? Look bulky also when set up. But good thing is can dismenate and keep loh . Aiyah house small really hard to put things, coming up we need to put high chair in living room. Now my living room already occupied with a baby rocket, a playmat, a gym mat, toy box...

Btw rocker can sit till how old?
I also got myself 8 panels Haenim playard. intend to put 4 panels at MIL's and 4 panels at home. agree with googlez82, good to contain baby when MIL is cooking in the kitchen. Kitchen with steps and no safety gate is a hazard!

Googlez82: You are right, GOON diapers at $19 per pack all sizes is not attractive. The online offers are better with the GSS % discount.

thought of getting the playpen before I got the playard. But I heard a few of my friends say not worth it cuz baby grows out of it really fast esp when baby starts to crawl. Playard is better as it can contain your child till about 2 years old. but may need to get 6 panels playard.
Jac, wow the queue f pampers so jialut ah..alamak... The hein food cheap leg... 7 f $10

I never went to motherhood fair at expo although Huggies ultra is cheap... Scare too many ppl and remember the last time I went nothing much that is interesting... Went to vivo Abbott fair instead...claim my goody bag and bought 2 cans of 900g milk... Would have bought more if i never buy 5 cans f Kim sang cause all 900g milk at $5 discount... Even cheaper lor
. Anyway, there also lots of ppl so after eating and buying the milk I go straight home Liao...
good weekend everyone

Jac, i have the pigeon one. Hmm..didnt manage to suck the mucus out into the bottle..only near the nostril..so wiped out with tissue.
i dont dare to use the bulb type cos my mum said it's painful..and there is warning on the bulb type to use the pdt with care, if not will damage the nose membranes.

play yard/ playpen: no space for play yard. my #1 didnt like sit in the playpen to play so in the end we let her play on the playmat and use walker too. Can't remember she use rocker til how old but definitely before 1 year old. I kept the rocker when she started bending over while sitting on it.
my bb starts to recognise ppl. Brought him back home for the weekend. Cries when see my hb. Don't let him carry too. I can't rest at all plus my #1 sticky to me. :S
Jac I also have the pigeon one... Like what moscato say same same lor...
Play yard , I never have one f no. 1 since house do small where got space... I have playpen and f one yr old I stop letting my son sleep inside since he will climb to the age and be a superman hanging on top... Scare me to death when I saw it while bathing...w second one, bought another 2nd hand playpen to put at my mil place... At home bb sleep in the middle so have not open up the playpen yet...
moscato me bb also same, recognize ppl and place cry and cry when go my mother and mil house...haiz...
my aunt told me bb will recognise ppl if keep bringing him/her to look mirror. But books said they will enjoy looking into mirror..LOL.. anyway it's a stage that they will go thru.

jingles, u are also weekend mum right? Any problems with bb when bringing home on wkend?it's easier for me to stay over at my mum's plc but i also want bb to be familiar with my plc.
Jac I also have the pigeon one... Like what moscato say same same lor...
Play yard , I never have one f no. 1 since house do small where got space... I have playpen and f one yr old I stop letting my son sleep inside since he will climb to the age and be a superman hanging on top... Scare me to death when I saw it while bathing...w second one, bought another 2nd hand playpen to put at my mil place... At home bb sleep in the middle so have not open up the playpen yet...
moscato me bb also same, recognize ppl and place cry and cry when go my mother and mil house...haiz...
yes, i bring bb back home over the weekends. For me its ok cos we brought her back home and has this routine since she is about 2.5 months old. Guess now she knows how to differentiate where is her house and where is mil house.
hi mummies, I juz ordered some carters & osh gosh rompers from Carter's website (www.carters.com). shipping via comgateway. anyone interested to share shipping with me? have to confirm order fast thou as I've already placed my order liao. i've 10% disc code to share too. pls PM me for details.
Xuan mom: I bought my playard preloved at $150 for 8 panels. It was a very good deal. New ones - 4 panels playard - costs $208 at Cheng Choon store. I saw some preloved (4panels) playards going for $80-$100 but some are missing some activity balls or keys etc. must check before buying. Yes, i think playards take up space, that's why i think i gotta remove my coffee table from the living room already. The house is fast becoming overcrowded with kiddy stuff !! Just bought a BUMBO seat too, and my 4.5 month girl is enjoying sitting in it independently!

my little girl is also fast recognising people, and is really cute when giving her wide smile, can see all her gums!

jingles: I am using the electric powered cradle (yaolan). but I don't like to on the electricity cuz I feel it has currents and always "jolts" my baby awake. without the electricity and using manual bouncing, my baby can sleep for long.
jingles, never rcv ur PM leh. anyway, u can either order the clothes yrself & send to my comgateway US addr (i can email u the addr if u interested), or I order for u & u pay me the $$ lo. for the comgateway shipping, we can apportion the total cost based on the number of pcs lo. then when the items r here u can collect from my plc in punggol or we can even meet at punggol plaza la. $$ wise everything as charged, no profiting at all.
Hi Jac and Jiggles, there is a 20% discount code, "GIGGLE" or "VACATION' that you can use, though you have to spend minimum $40.

Another popular website would be www.oldnavy.com, where you can buy things from Gap as well.
pamela, aiyah. too late. I already ordered liao. but thanks for sharing!
i'm actually lookin for a specific carters rompers, but went "trigger happy" coz since need pay for shipping then might as well.... jialat. hahah.

any1 interested to get anything from US (other US websites also ok)? since I'm shipping something, wanna join in as it'll be cheaper than shipping by urself?
i find my boy's neck still not very strong yet..he still like to look "downwards" when in sitting position..but he can lift his head up when on tummy..any bb also like that?
i rem my #1 very steady at this age. maybe my boy's head bigger so heavier..or neck shorter?..hmmm...
moscato: my little girl also has a bit of a bobbing motion when sitting. but when leaning forwards, she would be lifting her head up to look at us. Also when on tummy, her head is so high up for so long.
haha... understand. i have also been buying a lot of baby clothes from carters and old navy. sometimes I will purchase them myself using vpost. If I do not have enough to buy, then will join the overseas spree to save on shipping. Super addictive!
thanks for reverting ....u know why..cos my electrical yaolan melted lei!!!! tonight gg down to kiddy palace to ask them....if its safe and cover under their warranty or not.

roger can PM me ur address please? i must order by when hur?
moscato: haha.. my 4.5mths girl sometimes quite greedy, will try to suck both fists at the same time! during tummy time, she will either mostly hold her head up high or sometimes will not move and just look at me and "talk" to me. think she's choosy or just plain lazy sometimes.. hehe..
how old is your boy?
jingles: whaaaaat? melted? can melt meh? the electrical circuit that bounces it dio sot issit? yes, better go back to KP! and dangerous too if it happened when your child is using it. update what KP say ok.
yes lo...tats why i wan check in here, any mommies using the electrical yaolan lei...
n if u all use, wat is the frequency like? every night....i only use over the weekend lei..like this also will melt..hmm
jean, replied via email.

jingles, PM-ed u le. what addr u want ah? my email addr/ house addr? confirm order by this fri can? think comgateway's holding period is 1 wk nia.
jingles, the kiddy palace staff told me the electrical yaolan motor can only on for 2hrs max at a time. then need let it rest for 2+hrs b4 using it again. i think u're not the first one. the 2nd hand manual yaolan i bought has burnt marks on it too. the seller sold me the set with a brand new spring. i suspect her motor & spring melted. dangerous sia.
really ah!!!!
errr......ur manual yaolan got burnt marks on where??? the motor or the frame??? wah lao scary lei

ermm i never receive the PM lei..i think today PM down.....

i need the US address lei for ordering of clothes...
jingles, i receive PM from jean leh. u email me [email protected] lah. then i reply u my comgateway US addr. faster this way. my yaolan got burnt marks on the hanger & the loop on the frame (where u hook the spring). i din get to see the motor leh. also din notice the burnt marks until i fix up the yaolan at home, so no chance to ask the seller. but shld be quite bad to get burnt marks on 2 ends of the spring part.
Jac, have emailed you back le. donno overspend or not.. argh..

jingles: I only use the yaolan during the weekends daytime only. but we bounce manually not electrically so no motor melting incidents yet. choi choi
Hi mummies, any solution to stop bb crying when i bring him over to my mil place. Bb recognise plc. My parents take care of him at their plc from.mon to fri, every nite bb goes home n sleep. He has no problems at home also. Well, my friends said they will outgrow it. But meantime, still need to go over to .mil plc, how? Bb cried nonstop when in the hse. Bring him out of the hse, he is okﹰ
Moscato: my boy at 4 mths the neck also not stable yet and only managed to turn on his own once...my first one second mth neck already steady and turn on his own already... But then again, every bb different

Really don't know what happen last night... Bb wake up at 3and 5am to start to talk to himself...after 3 am feed he still talk non stop..., so scare he wake his gor gor.. Then hubby say maybe he knows his brother go outing today, he is overexcited as he gets to go too... funny hubby...
morning mommies

hey i received ur address le....so i just fill in the US address when check out hur? still need to pay like UPS $6 isit? hmmm sorry hur cos this is the first time I do internal ordering within US.

I went to kiddy le...hmm they will help me to send the motor for repair lei..but with charge la. One thing i observed, they dun sell the smiling sunflower anymore...hmm duno if its safe to use bo...but now i am more wary liao think i will always off it when not in use as well as advise by jac, not use more than 2 hrs lo
Jean, brink: my son is coming 5 mths next Monday.

brink: bb overstimulated in the daytime? Your kids can sleep in the same room? I tried once while staying over at my mum's plc. end up i slept with #2 in living room. he in yaolan while i slept on the floor.

overthemoon: my #1 had the same prob before too..in the end "hid" in a room with her..
hmmm i think it will be tough how to prevent bb from crying cos now they start recogising ple le. Actually the way to prevent is to bring them to diff house when they are small. So when they go diff houses, they wont scared lo.
For now, i think only can wait and see, and try to slowly guide them in the new house, that means to put someone they know in the so call "new house". Best not to leave bb with ple he is not familiar with in a strange house.

hope it helps

jingles, not good to leave the yaolan rocking for too long also la. else the bb gets used to it then harder to wean her off next time. better to juz on abt half hr rock till she deep sleep then off it. yep juz fill in my US addr as the shipping addr when u check out. yah lo, got US land shipping of $6. most other websites got free shipping within US, e.g. amazon, old navy/gap, forever21, etc. but now carters & osh kosh got sales, so ok la. pay less for the clothes & more for the shipping lo. btw, i dropped u email on more details liao. do check & let me know.

mildstrawberry, i replied u via email liao.
