(2012/01) Jan 2012

hi brink and pamela, email sent. pls check. Yes, the therapist also told me abt the helment, but she said this is an extreme measure, usually exercises should be helpful enough, unless we are particularly concerned with the head shape. The helment has to be tailor made by Tan Tock Seng hospital, around $500. Baby needs to wear it 24hrs.. I dont want.

jac, email sent. ya, i also agree, whenever my son sleeps in yaolan, the head turns round, but once he gets back to his cot, turns flat again.
mousepad, received it. thanks very much! my boy sleeps on yaolan or on his tummy at home, so head shape got rounder. but in IFC he sleeps on the bouncer, then now the back abit flat lo. but no choice leh.
Flat side of head:
My baby also had that on her right side. Then we changed her sleeping position in the cot from 3rd month onwards so that her left side is facing out, and right side is facing the wall. Her head is rounder now. Our PD didn't say anything about it leh..

Cradle cap:
My baby had it on her eyebrows and a bit on the head. We used Johnson's baby oil about 30minutes before bath, and wipe it away. During bath we wipe eyebrow away with clear water too. The crust were quite persistent, but went away after about 2 weeks. Actually, if you search online, it was said that rubbing breastmilk on the crust consistently can make the crust go away..

Bumbo seat:
I just bought my yellow one from a fellow mummy for $40, with tray. 10 months old, in mint condition. I saw some selling for $30-35 without tray. I think with trays better, can put some toys on it for baby to occupy her attention. However if your baby has superpower thighs, may not be able to fit into the legroom of the bumbo seat. So the bumbo seat is good for babies with strong neck and can sit up to the period when she gets superpower thighs or when eager to crawl.
hi jingles...

u remembered! hee~ tks... im better... its more of i expect too much from my boy.. tts y i feel like shit all the time.. really must learn to accept that kids nowadays arent like last time.. can just leave on mattress n can play alone.. when sleepytime comes, will just sleep.. my boy needs constant adult entertainment.. will get bored very fast.. must keep doing new things... very tiring.. haizzzz... to console myself, he wont b a baby forever... eventually, he will be independent when he grows up later..
silsilly, same same! i juz keep telling myself he'll grow up one day & by then maybe when he starts to walk he won't even want me to carry & will keep wanting to break away from me instead.
glad to hear that u r coping better. Yes alot of old folks who never look after babies didnt understand also, they tot that looking after kids is easy. Just sleep, eat n shit lo...but kids nowadays are longer of that breed, most probably of the food we eat, they are much more active and always need constant entertainment.
Lower down your expectations, smile and enjoy the motherhood journey (easier said than done I know, cos I am also trying to do it now). In this way, you will feel less stress and enjoy the bonding opportunities more!
Hi mouse pad, thanks rec it. F those who commented on the removal of cradle cap... Thanks
I still have a question... If apply the oil on the head need to use soap to wash off? Usually I don't put any shampoo on his head, just a few drops of baby bath in the water f bathing only... Is it ok? While I was happy that my boy is drinking more milk , seems like his intake of milk is reducing again due to teething... Only wans to play and sleep don't wan to drink milk anymore ...problematic....haiz
Any of your child experiencing this?
Haiz... My supply seems to drop after returning to work. Hard to maintain supply, I think I need to increase pumping sessions . But I already pumping twice at work, don't think I can afford more sessions. Morning bfo work also got pump. Night time I tried to pump if my baby goes for her bed time. I dunno what to do now, I think I have to pump and let my baby latch more often while I'm at home. Anyone like me who takes leaves just to do more pumping sessions? I still got one and a half month to go bfo baby turns 6 months.
brink: after putting johnsons baby oil on the cradle crap no need to use soap to remove. Before bath, use baby oil on it and just use warm water to rub it off gently a few times. Then during bath, use the same bath water to rub a few more times. continue for 1-2 weeks should go off le. I also use the Avent body wash that requires no washing off so, no problem.
Tks ladies. I m going to try one more time. If still cry at my mil plc, i tell them to come n c bb at my plc on sat or sun instead. Its heartpain to c bb cry so much.
hi cayy, email sent. my boy's head looks more obvious from the back.. top view still acceptable to me. I think back view more impt, top view nobody can see
hi mousepad, received the brochure with thanks! Tried following it on the weekend, but my boy seems being "tortured" by the exercises. Kept crying. Hopefully things would be better once he gets used to it.
morning mummies...

finally i rebonded & cut short my hair..dropping a lot of hair and keep having headache. I think hair too long and didnt dry thoroughly before going to bed.

cradle cap: my bb used to have a lot..applied olive oil (Eversoft brand) and slowly rub it and it will come off. Did abt 2 times..then brought bb to shave head. Didnt recur again.

cereal: tried to give bb cereal yesterday for the 1st time but he rejected. hence i ate it..LOL
Anyone experiencing hair drop and what u did? Somehow my hair started dropping last week.. Everywhere in the house isy hair... Hair is already short... DonnO what happen
didn't manage to start cereal yet. coz my boy having reflux problem after I changed his teats to M size. so now change back to S size again & monitoring see how. the IFC teacher commented that his digestive system still not very good so better not start solids yet.
Jac, how does the IFC teacher know ur boy's digestive system not v good? What are the signs? My gal just turned 5 months old. She is smacking her lips every time she sees us eat. My mum put a small piece of apple into her mouth and she knows how to suck. I'm thinking of starting her on fruits. But your comment about digestive system makes me worried. E.g. she burps quite loudly for a baby and she can still be burping half hour after milk... is that a sign?
googlez, my boy also very interested in our food. but the IFC teacher says he still vomits out milk sometimes so better don't start so soon. this morn he juz threw up abt half a bottle of milk. got to wash his mattress, pillows, etc. sigh. think I'll check with my PD again on coming thu (my boy having his 3rd jab) then decide whether to start solids anot this wkend. maybe u can try a small small amt & see how it goes?
Googlez82, my bb started brown rice cereal n apple puree since 4.5mths old. Abt 1 tablespoon per day. Reason i startd cos he drools n opens mouth when he sees us eat. So we tried one teaspoon first per day n found out he got this reflextive action of swallowing well. So u got to try. Now my bb 5.5mths old increased to one tablespoon of brown rice with apple puree. He simply adores this meal.
F mummies w 2 kids and the elder is going school, how do u prevent your little baby f virus f your elder or yourself... Elder son and daddy down w flu and cough and spread to didi... He just stopped medication f 2 weeks only
Hi brink, my elder daughter (2 years old) has been falling sick quite often since she started on childcare 3 months ago (flu, cough, fever etc). Tried to keep the 2 apart by sleeping in different houses. My daughter stays with my MIL till weekend, and even at my house, the 2 will sleep in different rooms. My hubby takes care of my daughter, while i take care of my son. So far so good. My younger son only fell sick with fever after his jabs.
Thanks Jac n overthemoon, I understand liao. Think I can start my gal on cereal n purée le.

Just wanna do a census, how much does it cost to send bb to IFC? For those having parents/pil taking care of bb, how much do u pay them monthly?
My mil getting emo.. Says we paying her too little. Fyi, my hb gives her $500 as household expenses n that time she told us to top up another $200 for bb will do. Now she's grumbling outside is charging $700..
hi pamela, my boy also cries when I do the 'bend his head' exercise. I think cos his muscles are stiff, so he doesnt feel comfy when I stretch it. Though I think it's not harmful following these exercises, but I think if you are really concerned, maybe can go for the therapy too, afterall the exercises I gave you are prescribed for my baby, not sure if your baby would need a different set of exercises. Anyway, we are going for our next therapy session again end Jun, will share any info then.
seems like many of us have the same problem with our babies's neck and head shape, must be a very common problem, so mummies dont get too over worried ya.
Jac: my son also still puking milk..a while after burping, sure a mouthful of milk will come out. sometimes an hr later, still can puke out a mouthful of milk. tried giving him cereal but he doesnt like..see how it goes.

googlez82: i give my mum below market rate. I give my dad $200..my mum $500 and she looks after overnite too. :p in the past for #1, i gave her $350 but i was staying there then so i looked after myself at nite & wkend.

IFC is about $600 per mth, minimum.
moscato, same lo. everytime will got few mouthful of milk come out when he burps one. will even vomit milk if he uses the bigger teats or if we "force" him to finish his milk. nowadays he doesn't seem to want to drink his milk. last time 5mins can finish 150ml. now 15-20mins & muz split into few feeds then can finish 120ml. weird lo. tot his stomach suppose to get bigger? sigh.

googlez, my first skool ifc is charging $670+ after subsidy. I used to give my mum $500, now giving $700 since staying at her hse. my mum doesn't exactly look after my boy since he goes IFC. also we share the cost of the tingkat dinner. but personally think give parents how much cannot like that compare to outside one lo, shld depend on the couple's financial ability. mabbe if u can afford then give ur MIL more $ lo, at least is still zi ji ren, $ still stay within the family. if cannot then explain to her ur financial situation lo. all parents love their own children & grandchildren one la. they will understand one la.
My baby is oing for his 6 in 1 today. Can anybody advise if I should give him fever meds after the jab or wait and see if he develops a fever before giving him the meds?
my PD said the milk intake wont be fantastic now...cos they are distracted..tend to play with teats..turn here & there while drinking...so it's normal...my bb also break his feeds into 2 times almost every feed.

my parents always asked me if we got enough to spend when i give them allowances each month..my mum also chin chye abt how much i give her..yi shi yi shi...but she also needs $$ for her medical expenses, etc since not working..

pigsinc: u can give 1 dose if u are worried. If not u can monitor 1st. What i did is monitor for bb's 1st jab..if develop fever, then for his subsequent ones i will give after the jab instead of wait & see. Not all babies will be down with fever after jabs.
Got anyone to recommend or interested to work part time (4 times a day ) at Punggol area, laundry trade ? Call 9127 6368 for details.
Mum is always the best. No everyone is willingly to look after grandson. While my in law only thought of getting a maid to look after the baby instead of putting at infant care and get sick so easily, my mum choose to quit her job to look after baby. I fact my mum just hit 50s.
Moscato, in law is never the same as own daughter. My mum told me that she will help me as much as she can so that I can have more rest and not so "xin ku". What i can say is that I don't see a much benefits in staying with my in laws. And sometimes i dont know why sometimes my mil is so busy telling me what housework she has done. So whenever I can, I will do housework on my own rather to let her do it to avoid any negative comments. Anyway I have been mopping floor and doing housework even during my last trimester and confinement.

By the way my gal got fever, cough and running nose again. So I'm staying at home to look after her today. So sianz.... Baby keep falling sick that why my mum says she would rather quit her job and look after baby for me.
xuan mom...you are absolutely correct.. Mil is never the same as mum...my mil always say wan to take care of my kids and when it is really time for her to take care...she so scare and tell me how ah..then when hubby need to go overseas and ask her to take care day and night, not even trying, she say she cannot cope...I am super pissed off with her lor...in fact, I was intending to go to work but see her pattern like that how to go to work w peace of mind...so I rather stay at home and forgo my income and be a SAHM to look after my own babies...
If my parents are not here, I would not have survived my first year as a SAHM for my first baby..
xuan mom...think it be best for your gal to stay home for the time being...think her immune system have not build up and if not recover fully and go back infant care again, she will fall sick easily again...i remembered doc always ask me to withdraw my son f childcare since he fall sick almost every week...tiring f both parents and children lor...
take care...
Actually I nv like the idea of staying with in laws but I thought maybe they can help out when I have kids. To be fair, my in law help to carry and play with babies but she not once change diaper. Many times when my baby poop she is so helpless asking for help instead of trying to change.

But my mum told me I cannot like tat, expecting mil to help in everything. Maybe I'm comparing my mum to my in law. My mum is a confident lady who can handle babies alone - everything from bathing, feeding, changing clothing, sponging, playing etc but my mil always looked worried whenever me and hubby leaves her with a sleeping baby while me & hubby goes airport for a cup of coffee. Thinking back I would rather not agree to stay with in law.
Luckily my hubby is "trained" to bath, feed, rock to sleep and change my girl. On top of that he still need to c my black face sometimes. Haha...
xuan mom, I rather my MIL not help change the diapers. the time she did it, my boy kana sai all the way to his shoulders & had LS after tat. everytime complain to hb then he'll defend his mum. sigh. Heng I staying with my parents. I also get very pissed coz my MIL always double standard. say one thing to me then do another thing for my sis-IL. but guess DIL will always be different from own daughter one lo. sigh. as the saying goes "son-IL is half a son, daughter-IL is other ppl's daughter"...
my mil still scare if we want to leave #1 at her plc to go for movie or kopi even though she is already 2 yrs+. So we never get to try. But then my kids not close with them..seldom go over to their plc and see them. :p cos my mum is the one taking care..
at least ur hb is trained..my hb is "pampered" by my parents while staying there...LOL
Jac: enjoy the time while staying with your parents..it's so much easier and more eyes to watch out for your bb. Now that i stay by myself, even though only #1 is with me, i'm already tired. can't imagine what will happen when #2 comes home. at least now i can sneak in some chores or quick shower since #1 is 2yrs+, can let her play by herself for a while. But accidents still happen at times. Last nite her wooden chair fell n dropped her big toe..now it's blue black...waiting for nail to drop off.
i was keeping dry laundry then. haizzz...heartache..
Xuan mom, my mom also like your mom, say the same things to me...and like your mom my mom is 万事通...as she is very experienced baby sitter and good cook.
Jac, complain to hubby no use lor especially complaining about his mum, he will turn a deaf ear or defend her lor. Let them see for themselves then they will say oh ya hor. Think every week I complain about my mil lor...my hubby do used to it Liao...enjoy your stay w your parents cause when u are staying alone w hubby and w no help and w children it is really not easy esp when u work too...
Moscato, so envy u no need to see your in law often... Mine is every week by hook or by crook have to go back. My first boy took 2 years to really settle down lot, so can u imagine every time we go see pd or gp they will ask us to withdrawn f cc.
brink, not that i don't want visit my-laws. Either my hb working or they themselves went out so not my fault..LOL..
but going back this sun for Father's Day dinner...hope my boy wont cry ah..will be his 1st time there since born.
all your mums so good..my mum was forced to pick up babysitting..initially say scare scare, in the end also do..haa..

I think living with in law is "Yi Meng xue wen". Just have to keep one eye close otherwise hubby also " xin ku" , like sandwitch, so I don't complain to my hubby, I complain to my mum. Haha...,所为, 相见容易,相处难,一山不能缠二虎

Hey by the way those bf mum, your baby poop poop is it always golden yellow? Mine once a while will have poop poop that is a bit more to yellow greenish side , not sure if it is the food I eat or because of too much foremilk.
